One of the major challenges that I (like many) have faced in life is that I love helping other people, but I don’t have the time to do everything I want to be doing, so I’ve gradually had to become very strategic about how I allocate my time. Within the context of this Substack, I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that I no longer can individually help each person who reaches out to me and as such, I’ve tried to do the following:
•Determine what the maximum article output is that I can realistically sustain both the quality of and production pace over a longterm period (which has worked out to about two per week) as I’ve lost count of how many remarkable activists I knew who burned out long before their time by overexerting themselves.
•Gradually put projects into motion that I think will provided the greatest benefit to both the readers of this newsletter and society.
•Try to address most of the questions I expect people to ask in the articles I write and then have a monthly open thread where I can efficiently answer all the pressing questions that still remain over the course of a month.
This has basically worked, but like many other people in the movement (e.g., Pierre Kory) I nonetheless continually feel awful about the fact I’m not doing more with the platform I have and am always asking if I need to sacrifice more of my personal or professional commitments to advance what I’m doing here.
For instance, from the start, I put a lot of work to create the foundation for a healthy community to engage with (e.g., respectful and insightful dialog, no trolling, heartfelt story telling so people could see they were not alone, and the ability to access the collective knowledge of highly informed individuals who’ve been studying these same topics for decades). I did this because I’d always wanted something like that online, so I felt it would benefit the community to have it, that in time it could provide a lot of what I wanted to share with each person here (but don’t have time to), and it could give access to a unique pool of knowledge many (myself including) could learn a lot from.
To illustrate, while I understand the necessity of marketing, I have a deep aversion to it, and one of the things I’ve found so challenging in the health field is knowing whether something I see supportive evidence and testimonials for actually works, as on one hand, many do, but I’ve also seen countless examples where it didn’t, and then realized most of the “evidence” I saw for it had been artificially created (e.g., a lot of internet marketing revolves fabricating testimonials for supplements that do very little and people who are invested in therapies innevitably tend to overrate their efficacy).
Because of this (e.g., I have many longtime paying readers who’ve consistently provided quality commentary and hence are highly unlikely to be paid marketing accounts), I’ve felt the knowledge base of this community needs to be tapped (e.g., “what did you find worked for this condition” or “did you find this specific product worked”), so I’ve gradually tested the waters with putting out surveys and solicitations for comments that I believe could be helpful to the community.
For example, for a variety of reasons, Pierre Kory and I decided we needed to break open the COVID vaccine shedding issues, and hence collectively put hundreds of hours into doing so. One of the many reasons I did this was because I suspected many individuals were suffering inexplicable health issues that were due to shedding, and to evaluate that hypothesis, I put this survey in the recent article on the topic:
Note: these percentages have held relatively steadily as more answers came in, but if you could answer the poll as well that would be greatly appreciated!
Likewise, after the previous article on the dangers of antidepressants, I learned that almost all of the readers here were strongly interested in an article on benzodiazapines and anxiety, so I’ve been extensively working on one that will come out later this week.
Note: if you have any feelings on including polls in these articles, please let me know!
Our Decline in Health
I try to pair each open thread with a shorter topic so the article has value to both those who need an open thread to ask questions and those who do not need that. In this article, I want to touch on a broad topic—what’s happened to our health and how do we get it back?
Over the last century, there has been a tremendous advancement in medical science and many previously insurmountable conditions are now easily managed by the conventional medicine. At the same time, almost every mentor of mine has shared with me that they observed from the start of their careers to the end of it:
•The rates of chronic illnesses in the population increased.
•Many diseases appeared that had previously been almost unheard of.
•Many holistic treatments that patients had previously had dramatic responses to, they now only marginally responded to.
Note: part of my life’s work has been tracking down the lost and forgotten medical cures and then seeing which did and did not work. I believe the final point plays a big part in explaining why it’s so hard to determine which ones were legitimate, as while some are still phenomenal, I believe many of the others that don’t get results now weren’t hoaxes but rather simply are no longer appropriate for the current age we live in.
In turn, quite a few of my mentors asked the same question I did to their mentors, and shared that my “grand-mentors” likewise observed this same decline throughout the course of their careers. From this, I’ve been able to trace a continuous observation of that progressive decline being directly reported since the late 1800s (and about 50 years earlier if I am make some inferences I believe are reasonable, and earlier still if I include what many of the doctors of that era reported about the early mercury preparations).
This discovery thus raises an obvious question: what has caused that decline in humanity’s health? I’ve put a lot of thought into this and believe that while the widespread use of a few of the early drugs (e.g., mercury) was incredibly problematic, by far the biggest shift occurred after the widespread adoption of the disastrous smallpox vaccine (roughly 150 years ago).
Since that time, numerous additional insults have been added into our environment and each one has created a significant (and sustained) spike in chronic illness that the current generation has become acclimated into accepting as the “new normal” until it is no longer questioned, while the doctors who bore witness to the catastrophic explosion in chronic illness become forgotten, and the cycle repeats.
For example, a good case can be made that the vaccines manufacturers being given complete legal immunity in 1986 for their products (which incentivized a glut of not necessarily safe vaccines flooding the market) was directly responsible for the unprecedented spike in chronic illness which began shortly after.1,2
Likewise, many physicians in practice have observed their patients became much sicker once the COVID vaccines came out, and a big part of why I write here is so that this decline in health does not again become normalized and forgotten.
In turn, RFK Jr.’s consistent message has been that the epidemic of chronic disease facing our children is the greatest threat our country faces, and that for our country to remain viable something must be done about it. This is an extremely important message because once (non-corrupt) politicians on either side of the aisle hear it, they inevitably discover they are in complete agreement with what RFK Jr. actually stands for (rather that the slanders the mass media has tried to paint onto him).
Note: since there are so many potential contributors, I have put a lot of thought into exactly what is causing this epidemic of chronic illnesses (e.g., while I believe vaccines are the most probably culprit, as I show here, a surprisingly good case can also be made it’s due to excessive prenatal ultrasounds). In turn, I’ve identified numerous factors which seem to be the most probable culprits (listed here)—all of which are reflective of a sad truth—for all the benefits modern technology has brought us, much of it is also immensely damaging to human vitality.
Shifting Winds
I view most processes in our reality as a result of competing forces reaching a point of balance, and one where periodically, one force will become too excessive, at which point things distort and eventually a stronger counter force will appear to bring things back into equilibrium.
Within this paradigm, two unusual political shifts have recently happened.
First, societies typically follow a cyclical process where the pendulum swings in both directions, and we’ve recently been in a downward decline which has paralleled the inevitable proliferation of corruption seen in those periods.
This creeping corruption has extended into healthcare, and as the decades have gone by, we’ve had more and more toxic pharmaceuticals pushed onto the market while the regulators have more and more fought to protect big business rather than the public (e.g., previously I covered the FDA’s truly egregious conduct with the SSRI antidepressants and the HPV vaccine because they were two of the base case precedents for the FDA’s horrifying and otherwise inconceivable handling of the COVID vaccines).
Note: as I showed here (and RFK showed in his book), I believe the corruption of America’s scientific apparatus (e.g., the H.H.S.) was largely due to Anthony Fauci.
In turn, I gradually became acclimated to the tragic reality greater and greater health catastrophes would innevitably happen, and in that light, I viewed COVID as a blessing in disguise. This is because what happened was so much more extreme than what the public had been acclimated to, it was able to shake America (and the world) out of its stupor and provoke a strong counterforce in the opposite direction that would wind back much of this creeping corruption (whereas had it happened ten years later, so much more would have been normalized that the pushback we saw against the COVID policies likely would not have materialized).
Second, we live in an era characterized by rapidly accelerating change. As such, every few years, the world significantly changes, things that were long viewed as unthinkable suddenly become possible, and most importantly, the pace of these changes keeps on increasing.
Note: since it’s so hard to know what to believe, I place a heavier weight on things which correctly predict the future. I was first introduced to this concept of accelerating change decades ago by a spiritual teacher (who viewed it as a cosmic process known in hinduism as the Kali Yuga), and then subsequently by many other teachers who shared that perspective. In my eyes, the greatest accelerant to this process has been the internet as it’s made the longstanding system of societal control (monopolizing the airwaves and using them to all blast the same propagandist narrative throughout the society) no longer be viable since the independent media can rapidly debunk and outcompete those lies, and as such, the mass media has entered a downward spiral where it has to make exceedingly audacious lies to maintain its authority (which in turn further erodes its credibility).
As the days go by, I see more and more examples of this shift and things I never expected to see happen occur all around me. For example, after a hearing went viral on Twitter, I listened to it and noticed something surprising in the comments.

I found this quite striking as just eight years ago, I would have expected most of the comments to have been in support of Bernie Sanders and his “experts” (e.g., Paul Offit) and I cannot overstate how profound of a shift this is.
Note: my initial skepticism of Bernie Sanders came from the fact over the years I would hear reports from desperate mothers of vaccine injured children who said that whenever they broached the subject with Bernie (as Bernie had branded himself as listening to and advocating for the forgotten members of society), Bernie would dismiss them and refuse to listen.
Make America Healthy Again (MAHA)
When RFK Jr. announced Nicole Shanahan as his VP, I was left with a very good impression and immediately made the (controversial at the time) decision to endorse her. A key reason for that was because in that speech, she coined the phrase “Make America Healthy Again” and I felt that was an excellent way to merge many existing streams into an effective political force.
Since that time, MAHA has taken off and (in line with the era we live in) made a variety of things in medicine become possible that I never expected to see in my lifetime (e.g., widespread skepticism of vaccines or the health freedom coalition being invited into the Federal Government). Most importantly, while I never expected RFK Jr. to win when I endorsed him at the start of his campaign, due to the unique factors at work, I felt it was quite likely he could attract enough of the vote to force Trump to give a major health concession in return for RFK’s endorsement which would likely dovetail with elevating the health freedom (Tea Party) wing of the Republican party.
Because of this, RFK Jr. is now likely to become the next Secretary of Health and Human Services, something until recently I never imagined could be possible, and has a political mandate to enact many of the policies I’ve spent most of my life fighting for.
Note: RFK Jr. has also proposed many other critical policies which have never been able to be publicly debated due to the backlash industries they threaten will inflict on any politician who broaches them.
Significant opposition to RFK Jr.’s nomination has thus arisen as it is an existential threat the parasitic industries which have sacrificed America’s health to enrich themselves. In turn, as I showed here, we’ve watched many familiar dirty tricks be used against RFK Jr. such as:
•The primary left-wing dark money group which is used to wire untraceable funds for political lobbying (and has many ties to vaccination zealots like Bill Gates) had its surrogate publicly announced in the mass media they were mobilizing to stop RFK’s nomination (likely to attract “donations”), raised well over a million dollars, after which a variety of public relations campaigns surfaced to block RFK’s nomination.
•These included the New York Times writing a series of hit pieces on RFK Jr. (many of which were deliberately misleading) that catastrophized the threat he poses to vaccine program,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 falsely claiming 17,000 doctors had signed a letter against RFK’s nomination which then received widespread coverage throughout the mainstream media, and having television guests provide PR sculpted testimonies to discredit RFK Jr.
Note: members of the pharmaceutical funded organization that harassed, cancelled, and delicensed healthcare workers who spoke out against the COVID cartel were ported over to the mass media to speak out against RFK Jr.
•In parallel to the Left-wing lobbyists attacking RFK for “taking away our medical choices” a Right-wing lobbying firm run by Mike Pence (which also is a dark money group that hides its donors but has many links to the pharmaceutical industry) has implemented its own costly campaign against RFK Jr. In this case, they’re instead accused RFK Jr. of the opposite and attacked him for being “too pro-choice” (despite Trump being one of the most pro-life presidents in history) and thus an unacceptable nominee for any Senator opposed to abortion.
•In addition to Bernie Sanders, other Democratic Senators who have taken significant amounts of money from the medical industry have also espoused the classic industry talking points against RFK Jr. Fortunately, our earlier attempts to illustrate these conflicts of interest were successful, and now almost everyone is seeing through this and pointing out that Warren and Sanders are the two of the biggest recipients of pharmaceutical money whenever they repeat vaccine sales lines to attack RFK Jr.
In short, it seems a lot of money is available due to stop RFK due to the business interests he threatens and every available tactic to stop him seems to be being taken.
Fortunately, as the above example with Sanders shows, these attacks have not been anywhere near as successful as they were in the past, and again and again we’ve been able to organically discredit them to millions on 𝕏 (which again is a rather profound shift I’ve never seen in my lifetime that was made possible by the gross overreach we witnessed throughout COVID).
Note: as I show in this article, for over a century, industry (e.g., food producers) have fought tooth and nail to prevent laws from being enacted (or enforced) that required them to produce safer (but more costly) products, even when those higher quality products actually made them more money, and sadly, those tactics (e.g., buying out the executive branch) have successfully handicapped most attempts to safeguard America’s health. In turn, many of the tactics deployed against RFK are remarkably similar to what was done over a century ago to Harvey Wiley, a beloved public servant (and the first head of the FDA) after he threatened industry profits by trying to ensure we would have non-adulterated food and drugs.
Making America Healthy Again
Because the slew of unexpected events that have occurred in recent years, a window has emerged to fix many of the longstanding health issues that have faced our country and reverse the precipitous decline the continually escalating corruption has trapped us within.
Since I’ve been waiting for something like what we are seeing now for most of my life (but never imagined it would actually come to pass) I’ve felt a deep responsibility to do all that I can to help facilitate these pivotal changes. Because of this, I spent the holidays traveling to visit some of the leaders in our movement to get their advice on how I could best be of service. In turn, all of them told me two things:
1. It is absolutely critical we do all that we can to support RFK Jr. being appointed Secretary of Health and Human Services.
2. We cannot solely rely on RFK Jr. to fix things, as much of what he wants to do will only be possible if the public support already exists for it. This, in turn, is a position which is remarkably similar to what Wiley (who spent his entire career fighting for America to have a clean food supply) concluded over a hundred years ago, as lobbyists and eerily familiar media blitzes back then were able to crush every attempt made to protect America’s health unless the public was actively protesting for the changes to be enacted.
3. When asked, they all agreed with my belief that rather than just attack the existing paradigm (e.g., pharmaceutical toxicity or widespread regulatory corruption), it is critical we put forward viable and affordable alternatives to the current healthcare model that the American people of their own initiative will want to use. To permanently change things and shift the equilibrium, we need a longterm viable counterforce to the industry’s greed.
Because of this, it is critical for each of us to make our voices heard and contact our senators by phone and email, the information for which can be found here:
Additionally, if any of these individuals are your senator, it is particularly important to contact them by phone or email (which each of their names is linked to).
•Susan Collins (ME)—(202) 224-2523
•Lisa Murkowski (AK)—(202) 224-6665
•Mitch McConnell (KY)—(202) 224-2541
•Thom Tillis (NC)—(202) 224-6342
•Bill Cassidy (LA)—(202) 224-5824
•Cory Booker (NJ)—(202) 224-3224
•Catherine Cortez Masto (NV)—(202) 224-3542
In this publication, I have made a point to avoid endorsing political candidates or asking you to engage in political activity on my behalf. The only exception I’ve ever made for that were on RFK’s behalf at a few times where I felt our voice was critical and would make a real impact (e.g., when RFK launched his candidacy and right before the election). I believe the point we are at now is arguably the most important junction in the decades long battle we have found to stop the mass-poisoning of America (if not the world), so if you can contact your senator prior to the January 29 (Wednesday) hearing, you have my deepest gratitude. This publication has a real voice (currently over 173,000 readers), and can serve as one of the crucial tipping points that will make the political class to realize how deep the support for RFK Jr. is and what will happen to their future prospects if they do not support him.
Note: due to an odd series of events, I spent a few hours with RFK Jr. before the election. From that interaction, it became very clear to me that he had an unusual depth to his personality, and that he had a sincere conviction on many of the issues he advocated for that cut to his core—which I found quite noteworthy as it is exceedingly rare for me to encounter politicians with that degree of commitment. Because of this, I feel the odds are quite high RFK Jr. will go to great lengths to enact the MAHA agenda regardless of the opposition he faces (e.g., undercover journalists just released a recording of an H.H.S. official carelessly admitting how they planned to sabotage everything RFK Jr. would do).
Making America Healthy Again
At this point, my belief is that we have to operate on the assumption a limited window exists where the longstanding beuracratic obstinance towards supporting America’s health can be overturned. Because of this, my belief is that we need to use the next 4 years (and the public’s sudden loss of trust in the medical establishment) to permanently change the health landscape so that many of the predatory practices which have sustained the industry will no longer be viable, regardless of who is in charge. To that end, my goals have been to:
•Provide information on easily accessible medical therapies (e.g., DMSO) which safely and effectively treat chronic debilitating illnesses millions of Americans struggle with and are told “nothing can be done for.”
Note: I tried to time the DMSO series so that the wave it created would peak right before the election, but I never expected anything comparable to the scale of what happened, and I took this as a sign we’d reached the time where the public was ready to begin seriously looking at The Forgotten Sides of Medicine (e.g., because the majority of the country now grasps effective COVID treatments were suppressed to profit off of the pandemic).
•Provide a lot of the context behind many of the tried and true medical scams we are continuously subjected to (e.g., annual flu shots or vaccines “creating herd immunity”) as I feel the culture is now in a place where it wants to understand these mythologies rather than simply trusting what the experts and mass media tell us to believe about them. In that vein, it has been incredible for me to see how many things that long were “conspiracy theories” (e.g., SSRIs causing mass shootings) in less than three years have become generally recognized across the internet—all of which illustrates we at last are a time where things like this can shift.
•Push for the adoption of specific forgotten therapies that are highly effective at treating hospital patients (e.g., ultraviolet blood irradiation). This is because the hospital setting is the easiest place to rapidly show the significant benefit these therapies provide (e.g., by preventing deaths or dramatically lowering hospitalization costs), and hence opens the door to them then being adopted by the general medical profession.
•Try to illustrate what the root causes of illness are (e.g., poor zeta potential or a persistent cell danger response), with a focus given to concrete concepts individuals can understand and rapidly change, rather than vague ones that are challenging to shift.
•Push for (relatively straightforward) data to be made available and research to be done by Federal Government which would permanently undermine many of false precepts sustaining the medical industry (e.g., that vaccines are safe, that there is no suppressed cure for cancer, that not much can be done to reduce hospital deaths from sepsis).
•Create community pathways for community-based (independent) research that can allow safe (and likely effective) therapies to enter the marketplace regardless of how much the medical industry fights to defend its monopoly.
Making Ourselves Healthy
While medical care is frequently necessary (especially for emergencies) I believe the most damaging thing the medical profession did to the country was condition the public to believe they “needed a doctor to be healthy.” This is because:
•It creates an insatiable demand for medical services (as outputs will never be able to address all the health needs someone has)—something demonstrated by the fact every year healthcare costs keep skyrocketing (e.g., it’s now 17.6% of America’s GDP) yet the quality of our care keeps getting worse.
•Many conditions can only be treated by someone taking charge of their own health.
•When individuals are unhealthy (or struggling under medical debt) it is much easier to control them. In turn, I have long suspected this is a primary motivation for the mass sickness throughout our society, given that much of it is so costly to the government and so could easily be fixed (e.g., by changing the farming subsidies so the production of unhealthy junk food is no longer economically incentivized).
As such, my goal (and that of many others in this field) has been to provide the information that can empower individuals to take care of their health. In turn, I believe that mindset is particularly important now as the shift in healthcare we want to have (e.g., taking away the pharmaceutical industry’s power and allowing the Forgotten Sides of Medicine to flourish) will be dependent upon an informed public which not only intellectually gets what’s really going on, but has had the visceral experience of it (e.g., by being severely injured by a “safe” pharmaceutical or having an incurable illness be cured with an “unproven” remedy).
In the final part of this article (which primarily exists an as open forum for you to ask any lingering questions from the last month), I will list some of what I consider to be the simplest things you can do to tangibly improve your health in the next year.
I feel this is important since so many approaches exist for cultivating health, it’s often almost overwhelming to know which of them to do (particularly since many of them are unscrupulously marketed to the public). Fortunately, quite a few things exist which:
Tangibly improve your health.
Are either free or fairly affordable.
Are easy to do and do not consume your life.
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