When Did the Media Stop Covering Vaccine Disasters?
How different would the world be if the pharmaceutical industry had not bought out the media?
I recently published an article which highlighted many instances where a dangerous vaccine was pushed on America and how eventually the mass media decided to air a report discussing the harms of those vaccines and the government’s willful disregard of all the evidence showing what was happening was a really bad idea. In turn, each of those reports ended the vaccination campaign.
Given that the COVID-19 vaccines were much more dangerous than any of those vaccines, and unlike the previous, were mandated upon America, it is hence extraordinary that the entire media (with the exception of a few hosts on Fox News) has never touched upon what is happening now—instead they typically attack anyone who points it out.
I would argue this shift is because the industry learned from each of those past vaccines disasters and realized that it was necessary to do each of the following:
•Have better sales pitches. For example, in the videos featured below from the Bush administration, it is clear the language that are using to sell their dangerous emergency vaccine was sculpted by professionals. However, it’s also clear that language was not good enough and was significantly refined by the time of Operation Warp Speed.
•Have complete immunity for the manufacturers (the COVID vaccines utilized the newly created Emergency Use Authorization regulations).
•Not permit any critical coverage of the vaccines in the press as that instantly turned the public against the vaccines, something which was accomplished by the Clinton administration legalizing direct to consumer pharmaceutical advertising in 1997 (which to this day is only legal in the USA and New Zealand). Before long, those advertisements comprised most of the advertising money for the news networks and something the pharmaceutical industry was all too eager to leverage so its dubious products would never again be scrutinized.
Since the COVID-19 vaccine disaster could have only happened due to our media’s complicity (and co-dependency) with Big Pharma, that article struck a nerve and was one of the most viewed pieces I have published. Once it came out, I received a few tips from readers I was unaware of that I felt necessitated making an extra installment in this series before we proceed to the final part.
The Anthrax Vaccine
Within the Department of Defense, a faction exists that is ideologically (and likely financially) invested in producing vaccines to defend against bio-terrorist attacks. This group was exposed after the anthrax distaster (discussed here), where they got the military to mandate a dangerous, experimental and unproven vaccine on our soldiers in order to preempt the possibility that Saddam would use anthrax on them during the 1991 Gulf War. Ultimately, Saddam never actually did this.
The unneeded vaccine ended up being extremely dangerous, but unfortunately the military nonetheless continued mandating it long after the war. To illustrate:
•Soon after the Gulf War, almost 36% of soldiers (approximately 250,000 of the 697,000 who served) came down with a chronic debilitating illness that eventually came to be known as “Gulf War Syndrome (GWS).
•Per the GAO, between 16-37% of pilots who received the vaccine (many long after the Gulf War) lost the ability to fly.
•85% of those who received it suffered an adverse reaction (which is much higher than what the manufacturer advertised).
If you listen to accounts from the injured soldiers, you will notice a remarkable number of parallels to what happened then and what’s happened now with COVID-19.

The most remarkable thing about this debacle was that the pharmaceutical industry had much less influence over the government and media then, which in turn led to a robust Congressional investigation and experimental vaccination of the military being outlawed. Unfortunately, this was ignored by our Secretary of Defense (and recent Raytheon board member) Lloyd Austin, and sadly, a similar wave of injuries has again swept through the military.
Note: one of my friends spent months trying to fight the Army’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. When his legal arguments overturned his mandate, a senior officer outside his command stepped in and overturned his exemption. My friend eventually gave up, got vaccinated and and suffered heart damage which ended his military career.
Ultimately, Austin’s mandates lead to a wave of resignations and a historic recruiting crisis. The military, in turn, is now trying to address this by “forgiving” the soldiers who refused to vaccinate, rather than its leadership being held accountable for violating the law.
Note: the entire anthrax debacle is covered here. I felt it was particularly important to discuss since many of the same players who were involved in it also helped orchestrate Operation Warp Speed (the COVID-19 vaccine development and deployment). In turn, my familiarity with the Anthrax disaster played a pivotal role in allowing me to predict how the COVID-19 disaster would play out.
In my eyes, the two vaccines which caused the most harm to humanity were the smallpox vaccine (discussed here) and the COVID-19 vaccines. Since the early smallpox vaccines were extremely dangerous (and frequently contaminated) a safer (but still dangerous) one was eventually made and was used until smallpox became extinct.
After George W. Bush got elected, his administration became fixated on finishing what his father started in Iraq with the Gulf War, and immediately after 9/11 began trying to falsely link Hussein to the attack, before pivoting to the (false) claim Saddam had weapons of mass destruction he “might” unleash on the world.
This warmongering in turn gave the vaccine faction of the military a great idea—why not kill two birds with one by stone by promoting the rumor that Saddam Hussein was planning to release smallpox upon the United States (e.g., see this 2002 CBS report), thereby both giving another justification to invade Iraq and a justification to sell another emergency vaccine to America.
Note: after the USA took over Iraq, in 2003, it was conclusively determined that Saddam Hussein did not have access to smallpox, nor was he working to deploy it on the world. Unfortunately, like the bald-faced lie that he did 9/11, no one was ever held accountable for this.
To market the Smallpox vaccine, the military decided to use an earlier variant of the COVID-19 vaccine marketing campaign we saw by mandating it upon the military and then using that to create a social proof for the rest of the public to get it (alongside baiting people into wanting it because of a perceived scarcity). One of the more memorable sales pitches came from this CBS broadcast made 3 months after 9/11:
Note: please consider sharing the tweet of it on Twitter.
The most striking part of the promotion was this:
Marsha: I want to see the vaccination made available, I want to see the vaccine made available soon, and I want my children to get it.
Announcer: After September 11th, Marsha Jordan-Burk asked her pediatrician to vaccinate her children against Smallpox.
Pediatrician: Their sense of urgency is, they don’t want their children getting destroyed the way the World Trade Center was destroyed.
Announcer: But Dr. Barnett had to tell her and many other parents since that there is no vaccine. The reason is a lack of supply.
Note: three months later, CBS aired a segment announcing the good news they had magically solved the vaccine shortage and everyone in fact could be vaccinated. This campaign was still not successful, and three months later, CBS announced (along with NBC) that the government was only planning to vaccinate those with a higher need for vaccination due to the vaccine’s risks.
In turn, I’d argue it’s helpful to observe how Bush and his administration unsuccessfully marketed their product to the public (note the scripted sales language they use) and how for COVID that unsuccessful pitch was refined (e.g., instead use doctors to create the initial social proof to vaccinate, have more scarcity, and be much more forceful in pushing the vaccine).
Note: the media was willing to admit Bush’s proposal was very controversial, likely unnecessary, and would injure a certain number of Americans (e.g., see this segment which aired the day after the above broadcast). Ten days later (as discussed in this segment), the media jubilantly announced Bush’s 12/21/02 decision to receive the smallpox vaccine as a way of providing social proof to others to vaccinate.
However, before the vaccine made it to the public, many in the military suffered injuries from it (e.g., myocarditis and fatal heart attacks). Since the pharmaceutical industry had not yet bought out the mass media, the media was willing to present both sides of the story.
For instance in the clip below (which was aired 6 months before Bush’s sales pitch), after it presented the government’s position on the vaccine, the report stated “unfortunately the smallpox vaccine is highly toxic” and Fauci was shown directly admitting it might kill some of its recipients.
Note: since a Vioxx ad was aired immediately before this segment (as at the time the general public still believed Vioxx was safe and necessary), to provide additional historical context, I included it at the end. The Vioxx debacle (which has a remarkably number of parallels to the COVID-19 vaccine disaster) is discussed here.
Within a year of this report airing mainstream news sources in turn admitted the inflammation produced by smallpox vaccination made the link between the vaccination and heart disease “biologically plausible.” Likewise, numerous authoritative parties such as the American Heart Association urged caution with the vaccination program, something which to this day, it still refuses to do for the COVID-19 vaccines (which again illustrates how much the times have changed).
Note: At least one research grant was approved to study the link between endothelial damage and the smallpox vaccinations, but as far as I could tell their results were never published (which means it probably showed how dangerous the vaccine was to the heart).
In her book Slanted, Sharyl Attkisson (who witnessed the smallpox debacle first hand) provides one of the most poignant commentaries on how the times have changed.
Falsely casting vaccine safety reporting as “antivaccine” is a powerful narrative that has become more successful as online control and manipulation has grown stronger.
I had no idea how influential those forces were until I was assigned to cover the topic of vaccine safety at CBS News in the early 2000s.
First, the network asked me to investigate vaccine injuries among military troops. There was long-standing controversy over illnesses caused by anthrax vaccine, and questions about plans to start inoculating troops and then the general public with smallpox vaccine after the Islamic extremist terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Smallpox vaccination in the United States had been suspended in 1972 because the disease was deemed eradicated. But after 9/11, there were new fears that terrorists would weaponize the virus in an attack on the United States. I covered the restart of the smallpox vaccine program, which was ultimately shelved due to deaths among some of the early recipients.“Back then, many national news reporters were covering vaccine and prescription drug safety issues. We got the expected pushback from the pharmaceutical industry, but it didn’t intimidate us. None of us was labeled a “conspiracy theorist” or “antivaccine” for reporting factually on these important topics of interest to so many Americans. My own reporting received national recognition from independent journalism groups such as the Emmys and Investigative Reporters and Editors, and my work was cited favorably by a Johns Hopkins University neurologist in The New England Journal of Medicine.
But as the pharmaceutical industry began to feel the squeeze from widespread national news coverage, it sent its lobbyists to flex their muscles on Capitol Hill. Hearings on prescription drug and vaccine issues were successfully slanted or blocked. The industry also found it could sway news divisions with its billions of advertising dollars. The result is what I now consider to be one of the most pervasive and successful false narratives of our time: the idea that there are no vaccine safety issues, that all vaccines are to be accepted unquestioningly by all members of the public, that all links between vaccine injuries and autism have been debunked, and that “all scientists or journalists who report on vaccine safety are “antivaccine, tinfoil-hat conspiracy theorists.” There is a meaningful difference between the positions that “vaccines do not cause most autism cases” and “vaccines have “never caused a case of autism.”
For those who are interested, a few of the other interesting segments from this time include:
1. A CBS production (that Attkinson helped produce) which included:
•Stating that plans to vaccinate America’s healthcare workers (the second stage of the sales campaign) was going much slower than expected.
•A public official characterizing the vaccine as toxic (something which would never happen now).
•Mentioning that vaccine had injured 86 and killed 3.
•A senator mentioning that the vaccine which had been projected to cost 7 dollars a dose instead was costing between 79 to over 200 a dose.
•A discussion of how this was good preparation for a SARS pandemic which would be expected to terrorize and then shut down the nation.
2. A 2003 production which noted that CDC sponsored Institute of Medicine Committee had recommended against giving the vaccine to the general public due to its unexpected toxicity and the fact that the current adverse event reporting system could not track and hence detect those red flags.
Note: in early 2003, the government also proposed some limited financial compensation for smallpox vaccine injuries—something it has still not done for the COVID-19 vaccines.
3. A lengthy 2003 presentation from the CDC about the dangers of the smallpox vaccine.
4. A 2003 presentation from the CDC’s director about their extensive work to protect America from smallpox through vaccination which neglected to mention that:
•Smallpox spreads slowly and hence is unlikely to rapidly spread through an area it is deployed in (which is why it was possible to eliminate it through improved public sanitation and limited quarantines).
•Saddam Hussein (who had long since been deposed) did not have access to smallpox (only the USA and Russia have it).
Note: a year later, the smallpox vaccine campaign was essentially dead (e.g., very few Americans elected to get it), officials distanced themselves from it (e.g., declaring it a waste of money) and the CDC director pivoted to claiming the CDC had never had a smallpox vaccine program.
5. A CBS production from Attkinson which discussed a reporter who was also killed by the vaccine (due to a fatal blood clot) and the governments plans to back off on the vaccine.
Based on what happened, I am relatively certain that the smallpox vaccine campaign (and earlier vaccine publicity disasters discussed in the previous article) taught the government and the public relations industry that if significant adverse reactions were to be expected from a vaccine, it did not work to tell the public the benefits greatly outweighed the risks. Instead, the only viable strategy was to endlessly repeat the mantra that the vaccine was “safe and effective,” vehemently deny the existence of its risks and aggressively gaslight the inevitable injuries which followed.
In turn, I strongly suspect that had Bush’s smallpox campaign been enacted now, the critical news coverage which stopped it from being forced upon America would have never transpired. After all, can you name any instance where the parties who previously criticized the smallpox vaccine have said anything similar about the even more devastating COVID-19 vaccine?
Talk Shows Discussing Vaccines
In the previous article, I posted a remarkable 1985 clip from one of the most popular talk show in America with one of my heroes, Dr. Robert Mendlesohn.
After publishing the article, I was sent the full transcript of that segment. For multiple reasons, I think the dialog they had then is extraordinary and thus needed to be shared (and in turn, I’ve included some brief commentary).
[note: the top line between these two pages was lost when the document was scanned]
The previous point is important; Morris noted that to promote the vaccine narrative, the media had publicized a pertussis outbreak, but conveniently omitted mentioning those who got pertussis had been vaccinated. This is a very common lie that is used to push vaccines on the public (e.g., there have been more recent pertussis outbreaks in the vaccinated), and one that we saw throughout COVID-19 as the faulty vaccines failed to prevent infections, yet this was instead argued to justify vaccinating and then boosting everyone.
The previous passages notes that DPT was so dangerous, manufacturers avoided having their name on their vaccine so it could not be traced to them when an inevitable injury occurred and that this only changed once a law forced them to. While this is extraordinary, it is in line with the later discovery that Wyeth chose to spread their lots throughout the country so “hot-lots” would not cause a geographical cluster of deaths and thus be harder to detect.
One of the major problems with modern medicine is that because so much money is allotted to healthcare, the industry is incentivized to produce lucrative products and to use bribes (discussed here) to maintain its monopoly. This leads to unsafe and ineffective products (e.g., the DPT vaccine) being mass produced under the justification those risks are a necessary trade off for their “benefits,” which in turn necessitates sidelining any cheap and effective product which breaks that paradigm (e.g., generic antibiotics or vitamin C for pertussis).
There are three important points in the above passage:
•A common PR catchphrase used to push vaccines is that adverse reactions are “one in a million.” While this is not accurate, because it is persuasive, it has used been to market vaccine after vaccine for decades (e.g., in one of the above clips Fauci used that line to market Bush’s smallpox vaccine).
•Had the media not exposed the DPT vaccine in the early 1980s, I am relatively sure we would still be using the previous (more toxic formulation) because it is significantly cheaper (and thus more profitable) to produce.
Note: this is why we still give it to Africa, even though it has been clearly proven to kill far more children than it “saves.”
The tiny actual benefit from the swine flu vaccine is comparable to that from the COVID-19 vaccine—which illustrates why mathematically deceptive terms (e.g., 95% effective, injuries are one in a million) always need to be used to push the shots.
Not providing a member of the public with the risk of a vaccine before administering it to them is another common tactic that has been used by the vaccine industry for decades, which makes sense since knowing the dangers of a shot would cause many to not vaccinate.
•DES was a synthetic hormone administered between the mid 1940s to the early 1970s to allegedly reduce the risk of miscarriage. It caused fatal cancers in the mothers, cancers, infertility and birth defects in their children, and irregular menstruation and infertility in their grand-children (DES complications is often a test questions on medical board exams). This in turn has led to many calling the COVID vaccines the new DES.
Note: tentative evidence of increased cancer risks have also been found in the DES grandchildren, but there has not yet been enough time to definitively determine how DES affected the third generation.
•There is some relatively unknown evidence (e.g., Chinese pathology studies where ultrasound was performed immediately prior to abortion) that pre-natal ultrasounds, especially at the high intensity now used in clinical practice clearly damages cells (which in turn may cause significant pathology).
•Medical paternalism believes that since the doctor is more informed than a patient about healthcare, the patient should do what the doctor feels is in the patient’s best interest, which amongst other things is used to justify concealing evidence that a proposed treatment may have risks. This is understandably controversial and practiced much less now, but it is still common practice (e.g., consider how doctors pushed the COVID-19 vaccines on the public).
•One of the important discoveries Andrew Moulden MD made was that both natural infections (particularly rubella) along with many vaccine could cause autism (and many other forms of brain damage) because they both shared a common mechanism of injury—which unfortunately was much more common to result from vaccination (particularly the COVID-19 vaccines—which is why I have focused on that mechanism here).
Here Mendelsohn says:
What nobody knows is that Jonas Salk has pointed out in the last ten years in this country two thirds of all the cases of polio have been vaccine induced.
Four decades later, the majority of polio cases come from the vaccine, but nonetheless, the polio vaccine is still mandated across the world, including within the United States where polio long ago went extinct.
There has been a dramatic rise in the incidence of autoimmune diseases over the last few decades which parallels the rise in vaccinations (particularly with the COVID-19 vaccines). What far fewer people know is that (as the above transcript shows) this link was well known decades ago, but buried by the media. For those curious, vaccines and autoimmunity are reviewed in much more detail here.
A lot of people who have been fighting for the choice to not vaccinate their children are hence quite surprised to learn this has been a battle for decades (in fact it has been a point of contention ever since the disastrous smallpox vaccines).
This section again highlights how many of the issues we face today have in fact existed for decades.
When aspirin was withdrawn for use in children in the US and UK in the 1980s, a decrease of more than 90% in rates of Reye syndrome was seen.
While Reye syndrome (which often caused fatal brain swelling or chronic brain damage) is now largely forgotten, I feel this dialog is important because it again illustrates how far medicine will go to defend a clearly harmful drug and then deny it ever did in the first place (very few are aware of the pressure that was used to keep selling aspirin to children).
One of the things I find most remarkable about the Donahue show is how closely the sentiments Phil Donahue allowed to be discussed there mirror what many Americans are feeling today but have no mainstream outlet to express them. This in essence encapsulates why I believe the legacy media is dying as we are now in an era where people deeply crave real news and not the tabloid journalism the mass media provides.
Sadly, to quote Wikipedia:
The talk show field became increasingly saturated as the 1990s progressed. Many of these shows took an increasingly tabloid bent. Donahue shied away from this trend, continuing to take a "high-road" approach. These factors led to a marked decline in ratings. The show's ratings also began to plummet after Donahue expressed his feelings regarding the first Gulf War.
After this, stations gradually began dropping his talk show, and in 1996, after 29 years of operation, Donahue ended it. However, owing to his talent and popularity, six years later, MSNBC hired him to host a show which soon become the most popular one on the network. Unfortunately, after Donahue chose to criticize the impending Iraq War, MSNBC decided to fire him:
Note: events like this (and those covered in Why We Fight) suggest the military-industrial-complex had bought out the media prior to the pharmaceutical industry also doing the same with its advertising dollars.
Not too long ago, Fox News made the unprecedented decision to fire the most popular news host in the nation, a decision that cost the network much of its viewership (and thus a lot of money), which hence made many wonder what could have possibly motivated the network to do this. Immediately before this mysterious decision, Tucker made the decision to be the one news host to directly call out the mainstream media for selling out the American people to their advertisers by pushing the vaccine and refusing to cover the wave of injuries it was causing.
Note: Tucker’s firing was discussed further here.
Many argue that the reason why the Constitution provides such strong protections to the press is because it is needed to ensure the government does not abuse its citizens (hence why the press is commonly referred to as the Fourth Estate).
In this series, I have tried to outline the disastrous medical consequences of the mainstream media no longer serving as the Fourth Estate. However, while the mainstream media has been throughly corrupted by corporate advertising dollars, the independent media has not. So as each year goes by, more and more of the mass media’s viewership is shifting to the independent online media—which no one can control (e.g., in my case, due to Substack’s business model, the only parties I am accountable are myself, my trusted colleagues and the readers here).
I feel this shift is best illustrated by Tucker moving to Twitter after his firing and rather than disappearing (as many had predicted) he became by far the most viewed news anchor in history. Since it is almost impossible to get rid of the internet (it is intertwined with too many aspects of the society now), I feel this trend cannot be stopped—rather it can only be accelerated by each of us choosing to boycott the mainstream media and instead support independent journalism.
I sincerely thank each of you for helping to bring about this critical shift. In the final part of this series, I will discuss how this forgotten history created the peculiar situation we see with VAERS today.
Finally, I wanted to thank each of you for your support of this Newsletter—we’ve now passed 62,000 subscribers and I’m starting to periodically meet people who share that they read it (so a few of my Midwestern readers have met me without realizing it).
I have been trying to get information like this out to patients for years but over and over doing so was like trying to climb an impossibly high mountain and I never imagined I would have the opportunity to do so. Much of that has been due to each of you sharing this publication with people who you believe could benefit from it, and to thank each of you who has, I’ve set it up so that Substack will automatically provide complimentary subscriptions to you for referring this newsletter to your friends.
I vaccinated some mice once. After pathogen challenge they survived and got better... almost. They slowly started to look worse, like an autoimmune condition, and some went blind. They were all clear of the pathogen. I was told the study wasn't designed to look for those results we couldn't accurately report anything about it so it was just dropped. This is what happens when research institutes get funding from biotech companies (that are all looking to get bought by bigger pharma companies).
"One in a million" not just used to push vaccines. It's a standard Bernaysian PR phrase. My aunt was a PR secretary for Kennecott Copper and used it all the time. Oddly, she denied having any idea who Edward Bernays was. What are the odds anything would be one in a million, even within rounding error? (Factor of 10/9; not "many orders of magnitude". That means 1 in 900,000 to 1 in 1,111,111.)