I vaccinated some mice once. After pathogen challenge they survived and got better... almost. They slowly started to look worse, like an autoimmune condition, and some went blind. They were all clear of the pathogen. I was told the study wasn't designed to look for those results we couldn't accurately report anything about it so it was just dropped. This is what happens when research institutes get funding from biotech companies (that are all looking to get bought by bigger pharma companies).

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This is a really important thing most people don't know.

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Can't you people leave the innocent animals alone FFS?

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well that is what they did not right? they used the population as test mice!

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Nov 23, 2023
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There is something truly heinous about the folks who on one side are hardcore animal rights activists yet are also strong supporters of the medical establishment. If they had any idea ...

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Or the hard core animal right activists that sits at dinner with the blood of an animal dribbling down their chins that suffered the worst existence possible on this planet. I am a proud member of PETA and I learned 40 years ago that the medical industries shiniest products were people that could live a long time very sick. I am unfortunately one of its victims. You can think critically only when you are ready to accept your terminal hypocrisy.

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There are valid ethical concerns, but as with any complex issue, the morally righteous "feel good" argument may be overly simplistic; it may be unrealistic and simply not work in the real world. Here's a related example with animal welfare: I work at an animal shelter. We are "no kill," so I get to work with the luckier pets. Sadly that does not change the fact that millions of dogs, cats and other animals are euthanized every year in North America alone, many because there is no "home" for them, that resources are limited, and that hard choices must be made. Turning them loose to starve or suffer illness is, in my opinion at least, more cruel than a merciful death.

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My undergrad degree is in Microbiology with a minor in Chemistry. The immunology lab was a horror for me; I fainted when passing by test tubes of blood and could not bring myself to do any work with those poor little animals.

I went into something much more "sterile" for my grad degree (Computer Science), though never found CS very interesting.

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The amount of unnecessary funding and research that goes on with animals is evil .

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cui bono.

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All of our systems have become corrupted. It starts with government and then creeps into science, food, medicine, academia, media and more.

This is how we fix it:


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"One in a million" not just used to push vaccines. It's a standard Bernaysian PR phrase. My aunt was a PR secretary for Kennecott Copper and used it all the time. Oddly, she denied having any idea who Edward Bernays was. What are the odds anything would be one in a million, even within rounding error? (Factor of 10/9; not "many orders of magnitude". That means 1 in 900,000 to 1 in 1,111,111.)

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I never knew that but it makes a lot of sense! Pinning your comment.

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So in the US we've got a bit more than 300 million people. One in a million, that would be 300 people. Back in the days of yore, when the New Yorker was worth reading, Shirley Jackson wrote an iconic horror story on this very subject: "The Lottery."

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That's probably her most famous story. We read it in undergrad English lit. Her short fiction is so-so. I've not read all her work, but her final novel "We Have Always Lived in the Castle" is a pretty good chiller.

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I have always wondered what the medical possibilities are of “one in a million”. Either a product has the ability to do serious damage or it doesn’t. What are the genetic, manufacturing or application methods (not aspirating as an example) chances of producing a one in a million effect? I would say far less likely than one in a million. Probably closer to one in a thousand.

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You mean "far more likely." Here's an interesting what-if exercise.

My home state (FL) population is 2021 was (approx.) 21.8 million. From studies I've done of excess deaths, in 2021 excess deaths were about 26% higher than they "should have been" compared to 2019. That equates to (reaches for calculator...) 54,262 excess deaths. Just for argument, let's blame all the surplus deaths on the mRNA jabs that didn't exist in 2019. That means that, at most, they were killing 54262/21800000 = 2,489 per million. Of course, since not everybody took the jab, the fataility rate would be somewhat higher, perhaps by 1/3.

Of course, it's highly unlikely that all those excess deaths are mRNA's fault, no matter how dangerous the "vaccine" is. But this is just spitballing...

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so . . . do I get 2.5 / 100? 25 / 1000, 250 per 100,000.

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Well, on an episode of the podcast site, a podcast covered and interview of a recent doctoral thesis and preprint publication regarding the lab origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus which estimated the odds that the virus was zoonotic and not lab created as 1 in 100,000,000. If I remember correctly, the episode also included Kevin Mackarnan as well. The episode is probably at least from a year ago.

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At least 100 million isn't quite such an iconic number.

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It is to us geologists.

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A bit coy, and I give; what is the overriding significance to geologists of 100 million? (Within the 10/9 rounding error?) I take it not just a figure of speech as "one in a million" is to public relations people?

I never said "billions and billions." - Carl Sagan

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Nov 23, 2023
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beam forming. That's the key. this is the technology which lets them aim the vast majority of the energy to a small target while having themseleves held to the "norm" of having an average power intensity over a certain volume.

Profiting from this technology they can target who they want with 10000 to 1000000 times more energy / unit volume.

anything that isn't true they will specify to death.

anything which they don't want us to believe exists....

they will never mention it.

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Nov 24, 2023
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when they tell us the truth, we don't hear it. when they lie to us, we believe it.

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It is not about 1 million. This is just a symbol, an incredible big number beyond imagination for all the cases of dyscalculia, the many people being proud of being "not good in math". As Inflation goes on, now 100.000 is already such a "big number". E.g. president of the European Commission on "100.000 death Ukrainian officers" (having been defense minister before, she should have known the difference between soldier and officer). Or German foreign minister when talking about "countries 100.000 km away".

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Hey, I'm not good at math. Have trouble with partial differentials, tensors, and magnetism. And it's gone downhill since college. (Add integrals to the above.) All this despite Professor Case trying to recruit me into shifting my major to mathematics.

Lotta Ukrainian officers. (Does Private count? Or do they suffer extreme rank inflation?) I wasn't aware of all these countries at twice the altitude of geosynchronous orbit. Are they cloaked? :)

I presume you're German since you use their numbering system.

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I vividly remember my physician father's dismay when the pharmaceutical companies were allowed to start advertising. He said we may as well let the tobacco companies back on TV for all the good it would do.

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tobacco was not nearly as bad as the pharmafia.

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Good point, after all nicotine tends to block the spike protein from ACE2 receptors.

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Pharma will kill you a lot quicker, and they have way way way more money. They can buy way more people.

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"There was whiskey and bad cocaine/poison get you just the same/and if that don't, that don't, get you soon,/the women will, down at the Spanish Moon."

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and sneakier.

You can feel tobacco harm. But it might take years to go blind from Seroquel or Lyrica.

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My father, who was also a physician, made a similar comment when doctors began to advertise their services. He not only thought that it was extremely unprofessional but in very poor taste.

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It's where Pharma got their playbook.

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Why has the medical profession collaborated with vaccination mandates?

The medical profession should have said, ‘no, we can’t do this, we can’t vaccinate people under coercion, under mandates’. But it appears they didn’t say this, practitioners have injected people they know were being coerced and mandated to submit to the medical intervention to keep their jobs, and participate in society.

But this means there is not valid voluntary informed consent. And when this is properly realised, this means the practitioner will not have medical indemnity, because they are the ones who stuck the needles and contents in arms without authentic voluntary informed consent.

I have raised this matter with Jesse M Ehrenfeld, the President of the American Medical Association, but have not received a response. See my email via this link: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/11/informed-consent-and-covid-19-vaccination-mandates-4.pdf

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A friend's 40 yr old son, a doc in oregon, otherwise quite aware, participated in the covax scam. He got his medical education in Israel, where he (according to his mother) learned a different hippocratic oath. Rather than the phrase we have all heard: "first of all do no harm", they had substituted "you have to do some harm to do good". Now that we have heard about israel's connection with pfizer to the point of forcing their entire population to be guinea pigs for pfizer in return for "free" covax jabs, that altered oath makes sense (sort of). Does anyone know what oath young american docs are taking?

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That is very interesting; thank you for sharing.

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I'm sorry, this is not "very interesting". This is lunatism.

The oath is right here:


There are thousands new doctors in Israel every year. Idea that there is a secret oath that nobody knows about, and we just learn about it from "A friend's 40 yr. old son, a doc in Oregon (according to his mother) " is so ridiculous., it would not be accepted by The Babylon Bee as a parody.

Dear Doctor,

As rule of thumb, whatever people write about Jews, Israel, Khazarians, Bibi and so on is insanity. Unless you are willing to invest your time in investigating such stuff, stay away from this. Moreover, just having such lunatics commenting on your posts doesn't help your mission. You are not writing for clicks.

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jacob99 - i realize by your comments and your name that you are probably jewish. So was my dear husband, my mother-and-father-in-laws, by dear sister-in-law and her son, my nephew. However much i may love them, this does not mean that i think israel or israeli policies, or the people in charge there are necessarily doing good things. I think many american jews have this feeling that unless they support whatever apartheid and destruction the israeli govt enforces, they are not being true to their people. It is hard to get beyond that thinking if one is one or two generations away from the only holocaust that is called "the holocaust". We (at least most of us) are all human, each with a divine birthright, whether we call ourselves jewish, muslim, christian, hindu or buddhist.

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I'm not really interested discussing online Israel 's apartheid. I'm coming to this site to learn about "The Forgotten Side of Medicine". I suggest that we don't hijack this substack site. You re welcomed to start your own substack "The Forgotten Side of Israel's apartheid and the only holocaust that is called "the holocaust"".

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Nov 25, 2023
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le berger: very interesting - i never thought of that angle . . . i guess because the 1950s narrative after WWII was so strongly imprinted on my childhood miind. My husband, born in 1948 in NYC, told me he used to see images as a child just like you mentioned on TV in the wee hours (of the morning i think) in a program called "world at war" sponsored by you-know-who. I did not ever see those, but was of course brought up on the standard US propaganda at the time. So yeah, why weren't the US bigwigs' german industries blown up - very good point. Thanks.

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Jews make people crazy. Here is another famous example: "The Jerusalem syndrome is an acute psychotic state observed in tourists and pilgrims who visit Jerusalem. The main symptom of this disorder is identification with a character from the Bible and exhibiting behavior which seems to be typical for this character. "

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jacob. Would a list of the people who have found you annoying fit on one substack?

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thanks for that link! I see your point.

This in the Maimonides prayer - "Distance from the infirm all quack doctors and the entire army of close advisors and the cunning crafts as they are a cruel people who from arrogance and haughtiness will thwart any good intention."

I wonder what that is all about. At this point it looks like an insulation from alternative practitioners. I'm not trying to make a point here, just curious.

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Don't know much, but it seems not a new subject: https://www.jstor.org/stable/44157070

The recent developments within medicine are indicative of the inherent and lasting tension between the cognitive and expressive dimensions. Not surprisingly, then, related terms of debate are also apparent in medieval rabbinic discussions of medical practice. However, the rabbinic and medical traditions resolved the tension in very different ways. This paper explores a conceptual link between the modern dynamics of the cognitive and the sociorelational dimensions, and a complementary rabbinic controversy starting in the thirteenth century, originally between Maimonides and Nahmanides, both physicians.

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Essentially Benjamin Netanyahu sold the Israeli public's health and health database to Pfizer for early access to the "clot shot". So what was the result. Based on Steve Kirsch's and others data compilations and surveys, it appears that the jabs kill 1.0-1.2 per 1000 jabs. Applying this to the Israeli population of 9 million plus and 3 jabs per person, the jabs have killed 27,000 to 32,000 Israelis and at least triple those numbers of seriously injured. Mkses the toll exacted by Humas and the IDF's helicopter gunships shooting everything that moved, including Israeli civilians on October 7, look puny by comparison. However, the overwhelming approval of the Israeli public of the the ethnic cleansing and oil and gas resource appropriation of Gaza should save his political career from any blowback for the jab deaths. There are also unconfirmed rumors reported to be circulating in Israel that the current ruling class in Israel which is dominantly of Khazarian Jewish ethnicity was given saline shots as opposed to rest of the population (Hassidic, Ashkenazi, and Talmudic Jews) which got the Pfizer jab. Could be viewed as fitting the oath from the viewpoint of the currently politically dominant Khazarian Jewish political class and their WEF orientation. The history of the 8th to 13th century Khazarian Empire, thus, maybe a subtext to current internal Israeli politics and medical policies. I think I'll remove my tin foil hat now so I can sleep comfortably.

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and who, really, is behind hamas?

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The Khazarian Mafia are NOT JEWISH. The Talmud was written by the Khazarians not the Jews.

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I believe that both Blinken and Nuland have ties to Ukraine which if true proves your point. Both have the blood of 400,000 Ukrainians on their hands. How many more need to die to satisfy their blood lust? And remember that they have been involved in setting our foreign policy going back to the Bush the lesser’s administration.

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Yes, they are both Khazarians, if this is what you mean. At least they are not Jews according to Letsrock.. I don't think Blinken worked in any Bush admin. Bush had own Khazarians.

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I'm confused. Are Khazarians Italian? Are you saying that we, Khazarians invented Talmud and Mafia? BTW, we are Italians. " The study argued that the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Near East or the Caucasus, but instead assimilated within Europe, primarily of Italian and Old French origins" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_studies_on_Jews

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Khazaria used to be what is now Ukraine. KM are from Turkic tribes. Wikipedia is a joke. Go do your research somewhere else. Yes, you are confused.

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BTW, when was Talmud written? When and by whom was New Testament written? By Khazarians? Was Jesus also Khazarian?

"Go do your research somewhere else" Any suggestions? What's the source of your research? Here is Yale source: I guess, there is a global Khazarian conspiracy. Can't trust Yale. They are captured by Khazarians.


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BTW, as a Khazarian, I know many other Khazarians in US and in Israel. Maybe they got saline shots, but I know many of them ended up vaccine injured.

BTW, Steve Kirsch is also Khazarian.

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"There are also unconfirmed rumors reported to be circulating in Israel that the current ruling class in Israel which is dominantly of Khazarian Jewish ethnicity was given saline shots as opposed to rest of the population" I'm glad that anti-Khazarians are such deep original thinkers. We Khazarians now can sleep comfortably.

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The phrase "do no harm" actually appears nowhere in the Hippocratic Oath - it's a common misconception. The original Hippocratic Oath also hasn't been used in hundreds of years (go read it to see why that's a good idea), but all medical students say some sort of modern derivation at their white coat ceremony.

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There was an article in the Epoch Times a while back about medical educational institutions writing their own oaths. So," First do no harm", is not necessarily included in "the" oath. Rather scary ....

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That has been happening for decades.

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yantra, in Australia, consider this:

New guidance for clinicians on obtaining valid informed consent | Australian Medical Association: https://www.ama.com.au/gpnn/issue-20-number-37/articles/new-guidance-clinicians-obtaining-valid-informed-consent

That webpage links to a fact sheet for clinicians on informed consent in health care that states:


For there to be valid informed consent, the person consenting must:

■ Have the legal capacity to consent

■ Give their consent voluntarily

■ Give their consent to the specific treatment, procedure or other intervention being discussed

■ Have enough information about their condition, treatment options, the benefits and risks relevant to them, and alternative options for them to make an informed decision to consent. This includes the opportunity to ask questions and discuss concerns.


This obviously isn’t happening with mandated vaccination!

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I did some research about the Hippocratic Oath, which has more than one version and often isn't even required of medical school graduates anymore. Here are some links:

Hippocratic Medicine: What Is It? What Issues Are Defined by the Oath?

by Dr. Peter McCullough | Nov 13, 2023: https://www.americaoutloud.news/hippocratic-medicine-what-is-it-what-issues-are-defined-by-the-oath/

Since When Did the Hippocratic Oath Become Optional?

by Dean Bowen: https://www.americaoutloud.news/since-when-did-the-hippocratic-oath-become-optional/

Hippocratic Oath Text:




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It doesn't matter what oaths you take. What matters is the carrot and the stick. Hypocrisy is near universal in Homo sapiens!

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Thanks for that info. "You have to do some harm to do good".

(What kind of "good" necessarily comes from harm??)

Hippocratic oath is long gone from American medical schools (for over 40 years) but a small minority of doctors still value it.

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I have heard that the hippocratic oath is no longer used in Med schools. Yikes!

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I can personally assure you that it still is.

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Yes but what does it say? And how many versions are there?

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It ain’t the original one, for sure: except for some Catholic medical schools it no longer has the prohibition against abortion or assisted suicide.

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That's crazy as is the KM ruled Israeli govt. It is my understanding that not all US medical graduates are required to take the oath at all anymore.

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Re: “Note: one of my friends spent months trying to fight the Army’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. When his legal arguments overturned his mandate, a senior officer outside his command stepped in and overturned his exemption.”

Firstly, re my comment above, there shouldn’t be vaccine mandates because people should give their voluntary informed consent to this medical intervention, or decline it if they so wish. How have vaccine mandates ever come into play? The medical profession should have refused to collaborate with this gross violation of medical ethics.

It also follows that vaccine ‘exemptions’ should not exist - how can there be exemptions to NOT have a medical intervention when people should be giving VOLUNTARY informed consent to vaccination, or declining it if they so wish?

This really is an appalling mess that has been going on for years with children’s vaccination, and others, such as the military, and medical practitioners themselves.

Why hasn’t this been effectively called out previously? The medical ‘profession’ appears to be clueless about voluntary informed consent for vaccination.

And now here we are with the Covid debacle, where everyone has been pressured, coerced, manipulated and even mandated to have Covid vaccinations, there is NO VALID CONSENT.

This really is an unmitigated disaster. What will happen when the penny finally drops, including realising that practitioners don’t have medical indemnity if they have not obtained voluntary informed consent for vaccination? Certainly this is the case in Australia, and I would presume in other jurisdictions, although many people do not realise this, particularly practitioners…

For information, see my recent substack post including my email challenging vaccination ‘exemptions’ in Australia: Doctor Mark Hobart suspended for issuing Covid-19 vaccination exemptions...but vaccination exemptions should not exist! https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/doctor-mark-hobart-suspended-for

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My belief is that it was very gradually escalated so that it would be possible to do things like what we saw with COVID-19.

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Are there any doctors and other medical practitioners challenging this?!

I’m astonished at the laissez faire attitude on this most serious medical ethical principle - voluntary informed consent for medical interventions!

In Australia I have pleaded for medical colleges and professional associations to uphold voluntary informed consent for Covid-19 vaccination - they just ignored me. See for example one of my emails sent in June 2021, before mandates were imposed: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2021/06/coercive-covid-19-injections-in-australia-medical-board-of-australia-ahpra-racgp-racp-ama.pdf

I’ve sent many emails, and finally received a letter in September 2021 from AHPRA, the regulator of health practitioners in Australia, confirming that: “Practitioners have an obligation to obtain informed consent for treatment, including vaccination. Informed consent is a person’s voluntary decision about health care that is made with knowledge and understanding of the benefits and risks involved.” https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/response-from-ahpra-re-informed-consent.pdf

And yet subsequent to that letter from AHPRA, there was widespread imposition of Covid-19 vaccination mandates across Australia, for people to keep their jobs and to participate in civil society.

This happened with the collaboration of the medical ‘profession’ - it’s bewildering to me!!! What has happened to the medical profession that it has participated in MANDATED medical interventions?!

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I am an Australian doctor and agree with what you say.

There is total collaboration between the medical Colleges, the AMA, and public health departments.

I suspect, as evidenced by medical journal advertisements, that as per the above article, it is money that determines policy.

Fortunately the AMPS, has been founded as an alternative platform for concerned doctors and nurses.

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Gareth, the medical Colleges, the AMA, and public health departments are an ethical desert, how have they been taken over like this?

The rot goes back to 2015/2016, when conscientious objection for children’s vaccination was erased by the No Jab, No Pay/No Play laws.

The medical profession should have challenged this then, challenged pressure, coercion and manipulation being used to make parents comply with the ever-increasing children’s vaccination schedule, trashing voluntary informed consent for vaccination. But they didn’t - they apparently went along with it wholeheartedly.

There has to be retrospective critical analysis of this shambles, it is a disaster for the medical profession and the Australian people.

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Agree wholeheartedly.

Again the control of the colleges, regulatory bodies, universities and journals by Big Pharma has led to an indoctrinated rather than educated profession.

I also despair for the future of medicine.

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A Midwestern Doctor, it’s interesting that you have not pinned or even liked my comment questioning ‘Why has the medical profession collaborated with vaccination mandates?’

You’ve pinned and liked other comments, but on this subject, mandated medical interventions, which is at the heart of medical ethics, you haven’t highlighted it as an important issue.

This is what I’ve experienced over my 15 years investigating vaccination policy and practice, this lack of regard for voluntary informed consent for vaccination.

And now here we are, with millions/billions of people around the world injected with Covid-19 vaccine products, which should never have been pressed upon mass populations at little or no risk of disease.

No-one has been properly informed about these medical products, everyone has been pressured, coerced and manipulated to submit to the vaccinations. Many people have been mandated to submit to the injections or otherwise lose their jobs and participation in society.

The medical ‘profession’ collaborated with this crime against humanity - where is the outcry?!

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And bc most people are asleep. It truly is an "appalling mess."

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You can't wake people up who are pretending to be asleep!!

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Bodily autonomy is perhaps the CORE individual right.

Without out, our body belongs not to us but the state. In effect, slaves.

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It continues to astound me how so many people I know chanted, "my body my choice" concerning abortion, but not these medical interventions! They bought hook line &sinker that it was for "their community"

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My sister-in-law in Washington State is one of those people. When I asked her how she could be pro-choice on abortion but ok with vaccine mandates, she said we should just talk about other things. I told her she was a hypocrite and said "no thanks". I heard she had a minor stroke a few weeks ago, most likely after her 5th or 6th booster. Too bad.

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I just noticed this in my personal life - almost all the people in my life I actually got in arguments about this are the ones suffering severe adverse events, e.g., Stage 4 cancer and a debilitating stroke.

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Exactly Jeremy!

With the imposition of vaccination mandates, the state has commandeered people’s bodies, apparently for the benefit of the vaccine industry, and also the most audacious move to control people’s bodies at the whim of the state.

With this in place, anything might be injected into people’s bodies without their consent. I’m in a constant state of shock and awe that this has occurred in supposedly free countries.

Consider an example of what happened in Australia, see this article published in September 2021: The Victorian Premier says the state is heading for a 'vaccine economy', here's what that might look like - ABC News


Quoting from the article:

"There is going to be a vaccinated economy, and you get to participate in that if you are vaccinated," Mr Andrews said.

"We're going to move to a situation where, to protect the health system, we are going to lock out people who are not vaccinated and can be," Mr Andrews said.

End of quote.

This was the Victorian premier, Daniel Andrews, telling people they would be cancelled out of society if they refused to be vaccinated.


How could this man wield such power?! But he did…

The people who should have been most vociferous in speaking out should have been the practitioners recruited to administer the vaccinations, as they must be aware of their obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for vaccination - but they just went along with it!!!

And now here we are in Australia, with reportedly 69 million vaccine doses administered across a population of 26 million, including children being injected against a disease of little or no threat to them.

Absolutely shocking…

But most shocking of all is that practitioners collaborated with this.


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Public health tyranny - the state has stolen medicine from the profession, and sadly, the same profession has submitted to this with no dissent - apart from a few noble and brave practitioners. The Nazis made public health a tool of oppression, and we are doing the same.

I'm 72. A moderate old school conservative. Never a firebrand; when at college and my mates were all joining revolutionary groups such as the International Socialists and the International Marxist Group (all associations of losers, with Jeremy Corbyn the prime example of what my generation turned out), I had none of it. That said, if it means going to the barricades I will. My parents generation risked and laid down their lives for the very freedoms that are now being dismantled at an extraordinary rate BY OUR LEADERS.

Sod that! We must all, at all time, speak the truth and say NO, WE WILL NOT ACCEPT WHAT YOU ARE DOING,

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Excellent Jeremy! As you say “Sod that! We must all, at all time, speak the truth and say NO, WE WILL NOT ACCEPT WHAT YOU ARE DOING”.

As for ‘our’ effing ‘leaders’, what a shower of rotten traitors, apparently working in the best interests of the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, globalists, banks etc.

Covid is the biggest scam in history, the perpetrators must be on trial.

Sick people have been killed via neglect and ill treatment, with innumerable others being injected, muzzled, tested and surveilled under coercion. Freedom has been stolen along with probably trillions of dollars, it’s mind boggling what has gone on. IT’S ILLEGAL!

And the doctors and their associates complicit in it all…

There are very notable exceptions though. Doctors who are actively speaking out in the UK include Jonathan Engler, Liz Evans, Clare Craig, and Ros Jones…check out the HART Group and the UK Medical Freedom Alliance.

Orthopaedic surgeon Ahmad Malik has been doing extraordinary work with his podcasts with a broad range of people, challenging the narrative from all angles, see his website: https://docmalik.com He’s now been suspended from the hospitals he works at for ‘wrong speak’. When did this start happening, that doctors could be suspended for their social and political views. It seems it’s now illegal to have alternative opinions.

When did they announce the tyranny? Way past time millions of people woke up and started demanding to know what the hell is going on…

In Australia there’s literally a handful of doctors who pushed back, and were suspended for questioning the status quo, e.g. Mark Hobart, Robert Brennan, William Bay and some others. Mark Hobart was suspended for issuing vaccine exemptions…when vaccine ‘exemptions’ shouldn’t even exist, because people are supposed to be giving their informed consent to vaccination, or declining it if they so wish. See my substack article about Mark Hobart’s case: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/doctor-mark-hobart-suspended-for

The newish AMPS group in Australia has been challenging the situation, while the traditional colleges RACGP and RACP and others and the Australian Medical Association have been atrocious, wholeheartedly supporting the vaccination mandates. They are beneath contempt…


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This was only tried when > 90% of doctors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants & other providers were employed by large organizations (that were in turn dependent on funding from government health insurance schemes--Medicare & Medicaid & revenue from drug company to perform studies. As an employee, ultimately you are being paid to do the work your boss tells you to do, & if you are unwilling to do it, then they find someone else to do the dirty work.

I believe the erosion of medical ethics began in 1973 when Roe V Wade was decided. Every physician practicing @ that time took the original version of the Hippocratic oath that forbade induced abortion. The moral position of the profession should have been to thumb their nose @ the SCOTUS and tell them, fine, either you judges & lawyers learn how to perform abortions or establish a profession or trade of abortionist. Any physician who performs an abortion will be drummed out of the profession (loss of license, hospital privileges, medical society membership, etc.)

You say that’s crazy talk, but how different is that from what physicians were threatened with & actually suffered for disobeying the illegal vaccine mandates, restrictions on prescribing cheap, safe, & effective medicine for COVID & mandated to prescribe toxic & ineffective remdisivir.

We would have been better served & prepared for what has come to pass.

I am ashamed of what my profession has become and ashamed of what damage I had unwittingly done in the past.

This is all besides the recently revealed truth that the vaccine mandate is actually a DOD or military operation implemented on the sly due to small incremental changes buried in Pandemic regs of HHS authorizations over the years to decades.

It strikes me that these are actually illegal, as the US military is not authorized to operate within the US, IIRC. (Hence the use of the National Guard & not the military to quell riots).

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Roger re “I believe the erosion of medical ethics began in 1973 when Roe V Wade was decided. Every physician practicing @ that time took the original version of the Hippocratic oath that forbade induced abortion.”

This is sobering to think about… Abortion has been so normalised now. And it’s not easy to find information on numbers. A lot to think consider on this controversial subject…

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Thank you Elizabeth!

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"The medical ‘profession’ appears to be clueless about voluntary informed consent for vaccination."

Believe me, the "professionals" are, as a rule, beyond clueless about most things they claim to understand. I believe that about the only thing most of them are good at is being opinionated.

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Typically with those types of things, executives just don't reply to them because they have no good way to reply to it.

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When getting shot at, duck and run for cover.

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Under the EUA and the contracts that Pfizer and Moderna signed with the DOD, anyone who has anything to do with the CoVid-19 jabs and follows the recommended protocols is granted immunity - that's from the manufacturer to the distributer (which was the DOD) to the pharmacy to pharmacists to prescribing doctors to administrating nurse, etc. In the contracts the jabs are termed "preliminary countermeasures". Sasha Ladapova has covered this on her substack when she analyzed the contracts. I interpret the term "preliminary countermeasures" to mean that the DOD considered the jabs countermeasures to an intentional lab-created bioweapon. However, then recent discovery by Kevin MacKernan (now confirmed by multiple labs) that there are "plasmid DNA contaminants" in the jabs that were not disclosed to the regulatory agencies, that he plasmid DNA contains the 484 base pair SV40 promoter sequence, and that the level of contaminants appear to correlate with the level of jab injuries provides one avenue for potential piercing of the immunity veil for the jab injured who file lawsuits seeking compensation for their injuries.

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IMO if you need prior immunity, it means you are a crook, know you are a crook, and intend to do harm.

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Kenneth, “The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) authorizes the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (Secretary) to issue a PREP Act declaration. The declaration provides immunity from liability (except for willful misconduct)…” What constitutes willful misconduct? Consider for example a practitioner administering a Covid-19 injection - is it willful misconduct if the practitioner injects a person who has not given voluntary informed consent for the intervention? This can occur in the case of an individual who has been mandated to have the vaccination to maintain their livelihood. If an individual presents before a practitioner under a vaccination mandate, i.e. under duress, shouldn’t the practitioner refuse to inject them if they are not voluntarily wanting the injection? Isn’t it willful misconduct if a practitioner injects someone they know is under duress to submit to the vaccination, someone who has not given voluntary informed consent? Reference: Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act: https://aspr.hhs.gov/legal/PREPact/Pages/default.aspx

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Good point, but what prosecutor is going to prosecute such a case?

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Kenneth, we’re discovering well and truly that ‘our’ governments and institutions are thoroughly corrupted.

So we have to fight back, and seek accountability. We have to take responsibility and do our part, can’t rely on others to save us.

I’m pursuing those accountable for voluntary informed consent, and I have letters confirming that voluntary informed consent must be upheld, as mentioned in other comments.

It’s finding the specific individuals responsible and holding them to account, just have to be patient and persevere.

In regard to the big picture, I recommend this book: Gates of Hell - Why Bill Gates is the Most Dangerous Man in the World, by Daniel Jupp.

Bill Gates and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation…it’s staggering the devastation this man and his foundation are wreaking upon the world.

Talk about an abuse of money and power!

Part of the larger story about monopolies, how these have been allowed to take over and control the world.

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And according to the information Katherine Watts has shown the HHS director can nullify informed consent which he has.

I don’t care how many administrations have futzed with the constitution it’s still the law of the land and they can’t make it legal to commit crimes. It’s why our rights are called inalienable.

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I do not see how “the HHS director can nullify informed consent”.

This comes down to the practitioner with the needle - if they insert the needle and contents without voluntary informed consent they have violated medical ethics, and should be at risk legally too. Without voluntary informed consent it’s my understanding it’s battery.

It’s incredible to me that the medical ‘profession’ has gone along with this assault. Ethical leadership is non-existent.

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