Feb 8Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

If you think about it there's no cure for most chronic diseases. There's just an assortment of pharmaceuticals masking symptoms, causing adverse effects, or doing absolutely nothing.

More money has been spent on conning the public via mainstream media news than bothering to do real research or "genuine" trials testing heterodox treatments if they're not profitable.

The majority of pharmaceuticals and medical equipment such as masks are manufactured in China where although wages have increased are nowhere as high as unionized wages would be in the US if scoundrel CEO'S were forced to manufacture drugs and medical equipment in America.

Every part of the medical industrial complex is obsessed with profits and not in finding cures so the ill would become "free" of relentless prescription drugs.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

Thank you for this. Just in time to make a submission about the WHO power grab in NZ before the 18th of Feb. I have begun to think of us all as Free Range Slaves. Free Range Slaves are great because they basically look after themselves but everything they do generates money. The trouble is there is still money that's outside of the system and not going to the Slavers so that poses a threat. Let's pare down the numbers and switch to Barn Raised Slaves so nothing escapes the system.

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Very impressive the amount of research and thinking that went into this article. I agree with everything you said but would like to give a slightly different take on the question of bioterrorism. I don't think it is a real threat. Rather it is a part of the ruse to strike fear into the public mind and justify the research and development of supposed vaccines and other countermeasures. I don't think "germ warfare" is a realistic threat because it faces the same limitations that caused poison gas warfare tactics to be abandoned after WW I. There is no way to control it or limit it to designated areas and populations. But the mere threat of it can be used to justify appropriating billions of dollars into efforts to find a preventive or counter measure. I also have my doubts about the technology to "create" a virus or other pathogen in a laboratory. I would like to hear someone explain how a virus can be manufactured in a lab when there is no evidence that a virus has ever been isolated or cultured. If this can't be explained in plain terms, then it is just another bit of hokum being promulgated by those who would like to control the rest of us.

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One critical issue about the WHO proposed power grab that hasn't received sufficient attention is their requirement for abortion services for all member nations. As a feminist and believer in the right of all women to make this decision, my mentioning this might seem incongruous. I know the religious right is fanatical against abortion. I'm prepared to suggest that we use this issue to help end our participation in the WHO proposals. Once Republicans, who support an end to abortion, understand this reality which is built into the treaty, that would likely end the U.S. support for this horrific measure.

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Mid western Dr, you rock! You are so right, and shame on Joe Rogan for giving that maniac Hotez air time.

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Feb 8Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Powerful piece and superbly presented. Thank you.

I am increasingly of the opinion that Humankind is in the death grip of some evil intelligence that transcends mere human cunning and manipulation. There appears to be a unitary evil intellect that has successfully established control over this planet and its inhabitants for its own malevolent purposes - purposes that are certainly anti-Humankind (indeed, anti-Life on this planet). Though we have our own multi-generational parasitic psychopaths oppressing us, it is apparent that they are being directed by more that simple greed, avarice or lust for power. The people in our Ruling Elite 0.001% are obviously fronting for something bigger and darker than they could ever hope to be (most of the fools in the public eye pushing the same death agendas are simply not that bright). Whether this "man behind the curtain" - the choreographer of misery - is a "spiritual" extra-dimensional being or a very real alien species is not clear. I am leaning toward the presence of some alien-to-this-planet beings that have been farming us for centuries. These are not omniscient nor omnipotent beings, IMO, or they would be in the open. Like all parasites, they must hide in the shadows of their host to thrive and survive.

The scales are beginning to fall from the eyes of collective Humankind,.

We shall see...

Thanks again for your voice, MwD.

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James Roguski is also extremely active in fighting this so-called pandemic treaty.

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It's absolute evidence-free rubbish that lab leak caused anything in Spring 2020.

The biggest problem with accepting and promoting the lab-leak theory is that it reifies the Big Lie that there ever was a "pandemic" caused by a "unique viral pathogen" in the spring of 2020. In so doing, the theory hides the crimes that were committed in the hospitals and nursing homes and provides cover for the criminals who designed and executed this top-down operation.

Not only does the "pandemic" narrative serve to conceal the fact that this was a mass murder spree set off by policies constructed, orchestrated, and mandated by identifiable individuals, but it also serves as a smokescreen for the entire "Covid Operation" that benefited the wealthy while steamrolling working people's lives. 

This statement below is 100% absolutely false and the catapulting of this lab leak nonsense must desist. Those in the "health freedom movement" who perpetuate this lie are doing a great service to the bio-security state and much worse an incredible disservice to the public at-large.

"That research is extremely dangerous and regularly leads to disastrous lab leaks which sicken and sometimes kill those exposed to the pathogens. While COVID-19 was the most consequential lab leak, many more preceded it, and prior to the pandemic (where everything got censored), the lab leak issue was widely discussed within the scientific community."

The lab-leak theory reinforces the idea that "the virus" is a grave problem that needs to be solved rather than a fear-based control mechanism. It bolsters the notion that a "deadly" man-made, "novel" virus caused an "unprecedented medical emergency" for which a raft of invasive policies—including the worldwide suspension of basic civil liberties—would become justified.

A further but related result of focusing on the "lab-leak" conjecture is that it shores up the "deadly novel virus suddenly appeared" narrative, which provides the rationale for the biosecurity complex to siphon trillions from taxpayers through the aptly named "pandemic preparedness" industry.

Another consequence of accepting the lab-leak supposition is to distract attention from how the perception of a pandemic/mass panic was conjured with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models, and the meaningless PCR tests that fraudulently manufactured cases and spuriously attributed deaths from other causes to Covid.

This entire issue needs to be confronted head-on in the health freedom movement. Some apparent health freedom advocates who have captured the attention of huge audiences are, wittingly or not, doing the bidding of the bio-security state. By maintaining and heightening the fear factor of the gain-of-function bogeyman, these influencers are creating fertile ground for future psychological "terror" campaigns.

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MDR, i recommend the new book by RFK called Wuhan Cover-Up. He discusses the historical context of the US bioweapons-vaccine-complex and how we got here.

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Feb 8Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Dear AMD,

Thank you for this in depth overview of what has happened with gain-of-function research. The amount of corruption is overwhelming. GoF must be stopped. I know you said that they don’t intend to do that, but, I believe it is an existential issue and must be stopped. After all, Roe vs Wade was overturned, which I thought could never happen.

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Combine this dear Doctor with Peter McCulloughs stack this morning outlining how much money has been invested in the Mnra platform and stuff in development, and you have to despair.

You are so right on the mark with this.

Totally. Bullseye. We in this country have guttecd anti trust laws, and the first order of business should be to reconstitute it, break up the news and pharma and tech companies, and then pass a law that no NGO or foundations can operate within the confines of the US.

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This is a beyond superb analysis and summary of the situation. Thank you so very much.

I note the link you included to the book "Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons" by Kris Newby. That book came into my hands soon after it was published in 2019. It made me aware of GOF research, a very disturbing history, and it made me very wary of whatever the government was saying about this newfangled thing called covid. This book wasn't the only factor in my thinking about covid and the covid jabs, when they rolled in, but it was among the most important. For me I'd say it was a football-field sized fire-engine-red flag. And throughout the jabs roll out, I noticed very much how this major work and its author seemed to have disappeared into the obfuscating mists. Hmmm, it does come up again now in a Google search.

A note on the dynamics here. I have a professional background in two separate fields, both of which have some of the dynamics you mention here: people moving up the ladder not for the quality of their research / productions (some of which are truly vomitous), but for their ability to hook & reel in government and foundation financing. Indeed there is an astonishing amount of naiveté out there among those making the financial decisions, and they oftentimes have incentives that do not necessarily align with best outcomes for the stated purpose, and there are the bad actors who know how to work it.

And speaking of financial decisions, there is one area where citizens do have at least some influence, and that is on their elected officials, from the local to the state and to the national levels. There is more on this front that can be done, but it takes time, appropriate focus, and dogged, dogged, dogged persistence.

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O migosh, Doc! After reading this, it is clear that we have little to no chance of surviving what the "powers that be" are doing to us. How can we overcome them, unless each of us—each and every one of us—cries "BULLSHIT" and refuses to comply. So, I swear, that is what I will do.

And, the article from The Telegraph, based on how much more CO2 is created by home gardening, was the best illustration of "Begging the Question" I have ever seen. It presupposes as fact that the reader "knows" carbon dioxide is bad for the earth and humanity, and builds its argument on that errant assumption. In fact, isn't it true that the most productive periods in history, when populations grew with plenty of food grown, have been times when CO2 was shown to be at very high levels? Plants (which I've heard are prevalent on farms) love CO2!

Global warming? ... ok, don't get me started. Thanks for another outstanding article.

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This all sounds like the Book of Revelation. 😕

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All the no-conscience vermin involved in this abominable bio-weapon research do not deserve to even exist. Producing anthrax, ebola, measles, smallpox and other diseases to destroy humanity? What kind of low life are they? What hole did they crawl out of? The same goes for those who created the WMD: All Vaccines

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I think the medical industrial complex (including all related complexes - media, politics, military, "liberal" NGOs, Think Tanks, Big Tech, intelligence services etc.) should never be trusted again - this is the only valid conclusion one can draw from the last years.

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