Every once in a while you see a meme that requires an article to be written on it. I recently came across this one while working on an article attempting to explain why vaccines cause sudden death.
Key animal tests and biodistribution tests were not done as there is no agreed standard for them as yet for gene editing or gene replacement therapies - which mRNA injections are:
All of which are being ignored for covid vaccines.
Section 1.1 states:
"1.1 Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) In the pre-approval clinical experience with a new medicinal product or its new usages, particularly as the therapeutic dose(s) may not be established: all noxious and unintended responses to a medicinal product related to any dose should be considered adverse drug reactions (my highlighting) . The phrase responses to a medicinal product means that a causal relationship between a medicinal product and an adverse event is at least a reasonable possibility, i.e., the relationship cannot be ruled out (my highlighting). Regarding marketed medicinal products: a response to a drug which is noxious and unintended and which occurs at doses normally used in man for prophylaxis, diagnosis, or therapy of diseases or for modification of physiological function (see the ICH Guideline for Clinical Safety Data Management: Definitions and Standards for Expedited Reporting).”
So in other words - with experimental medicines err on the side of caution and assume the problem was caused by the drug unless or until proven otherwise.
MHRA and other regulators are not doing this but the complete opposite.
Then there is this, the ICH have been trying to agree trials standards (since mid-2021) for gene therapies:
So no agreed requirement on what biodistribution studies are required for gene therapies, which the Pfizer and other mRNA jabs and treatments are, so that is why in the EMA’s public assessment report it states “not required” or something similar.
Thank you. I am going to pin this comment. I didn't go into most of this in the article because there wasn't space to but this tells an important part of the story.
Apparently they rewrote this for the official C19 script… ppl are STILL being gaslighted by medical staff (I’m not calling them professionals anymore) when they are highlighting the fact that this new symptom/s started after something foreign was injected in to me. “Nope! Couldn’t be that! You have anxiety!” Infuriating.
Sep 4, 2022·edited Sep 4, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor
I remember reading a book by Dr Coleman, where he went on vacation and forgot his aspirin, which he took for a certain condition. He bought it there and the day after did not feel well. His wife pointed at the foreign aspirin, but at fist he dismissed it, then read the package and sure enough, there it was, something he had an allergic reaction to. His advice, if you take a new med, always be aware of your body to detect if the med goes well with you.
That what was stated on teh Pfizer website I saw in early 2020 with a natty little video they had on how mRNA jabs work - they cut the cell's DNA, removes the "faulty" piece, what is injected into you then adds itself to where the cut is then rejoins the DNA into a strand again.
Sounds like gene replacement or gene editing to me.
Well you're misunderstanding the details, but that's okay. Most people don't have a background in genetics and cell biology.
I try to help explain the technology, to help generate resistance to it. But it's probably more useful to talk to people about the corrupt politics and greed of the gene jabbers.
The important thing is to not let them impose a future of forced gene jabs on us and our children.
Hi doctor, based on your knowledge, what is the total number of lipid nanoparticles there could be inside each shot of the Pfizer/Moderna MRNA shots that is 0.3ml per vial if I remember correctly? Could there be trillions or only billions? What percentage of cells in the body could have been altered after 2 doses of the jab, could it be more than 50% total cells in the body? Are there really any organs and tissues left in the body that are consider less affected and penetrated by the nanoparticles, which the majority of cells there are still unaltered? According to your understanding, how many lipid nanoparticles can a single somatic cell uptake at once, if the diameter of the LNP is 50~100nm?
This is an important question and afaict, "we don't know".
A quick search of a different modRNA transient transfection product shows they got 20% transfection in a saturated in-vitro medium. 50% of all our cells transfected is unlikely even if every cell were exposed to modRNA.
Now if what I understand is true:
A pfizer (etc) transfected cell which produces spike protein is killed by our immune system.
A percentage of transfection in the double digits would kill everyone who got it.
If one of the hypotheses for these massive clots is true (dead blood vessel lining cells transfected and killed), we'd be looking at maybe 100 grams out of 80kg, so *on the order of* 0.125% of human body transfected.
That's the only tentative estimate I have and it's not worth much, except to put 50%+ in question.
Thank you for the reply and the information. I heard that the LNP were originally invented to help drugs across the blood brain barrier, so the people who made the jabs definitely did not expect them to only stay inside the injection site. Also they can literally carry anything inside not just MRNA or spike proteins. I also read that the nanoparticles mainly circulates over blood flow and bodily fluid to spread in the body, so could avascular tissues and organs be safer from the nanoparticles? Like skin epidermis and eye lens capsule, would they be the least impacted place after injection?
Are we able to measure the number of the lipid nanoparticles in each shot based on its volume and weight, if we can get a vax vial from Pfizer/Moderna?
The only data we have for the lnp distribution is the Japanese study, but it still doesn't show the percentage of cells that are transfected in those organs and tissues. Also I don't think they have disclosed the full genetic code for the mrna either
Yes, and I also read somewhere that Pfizer was directly questioned on the total amount of transfected cells expressing spike. The response was words to the effect of, 'We don't know, we set the titre based on estimates and prevalence of adverse events'.
But "TRUST THE SCIENCE!" What science? "We don't know what your effective dose will be" isn't science.
I'm beginning to be very thankful I was born in a time when very few vaccines were given to kids. Also the time when this horrid corruption in agencies was far less entrenched and honour and honesty were still admired.
It has been incredible to bear witness to the decline in health that has steadily occurred throughout my lifetime, given that I predicted it would happen but it was still hard to believe it had.
yes, it's sad for all of us, but for you especially, seeing it all firsthand.
My wife may be vaxx injured, we'll never know for sure. She got the first Moderna shot (I tried to talk her out of it, but peer pressure won out. She called me a lone voice in the wilderness, but not in a mean way, just because I was the only voice she was hearing that was against the jabs). A coworker had a horrible reaction to the second jab, so my wife did not take the 2nd jab. 6 weeks after my wife got the first jab, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Would that have happened anyway? We'll never know. That was all a lead in to this:
My wife's breast surgeon said when she started her practice she would see maybe one young woman (20's to early 30's) a year with breast cancer. Now she's seeing several a month. So in 25 years she's seen the decline in health too.
I'm sorry to hear of your wife's breast cancer. I hope you will consider natural treatments, if only in conjunction with "standard". Dr. Nasha Winters has had much success in this area. drnasha.com Mistletoe and IV Glutathione.
Thank you Susan. I did a lot of research into alternatives, but she wanted to go with "standard" treatment. Her surgeon removed the tumor last July, they recommended chemo which she did every 3 weeks from mid-September thru January, followed by 14 days of radiation. We also worked with an "integrative" oncologist, but his thing was mainly offering therapies that could be used in conjunction with chemo and radiation. So she did high dose IV Vit C once or twice a week during chemo. Thanks for the link to Dr Nasha. I had read about mistletoe therapy, but didn't push it, partly because I didn't know of a resource (I had read that FDA had banned it in US--our "regulatory" agencies looking out for our health!). Trying to find research on anything except chemo drugs was difficult and that research I considered pretty much worthless because a) it was done by the people pushing the poison, and b) the control group did nothing. We wouldn't have done nothing! If she hadn't done chemo, she would have done alternative treatments, and there's no research I know of that compares treatment with poison to treatment with alternative, non-toxic therapeutics. Thanks again for your condolences and especially for the link to dr. winters.
If you're still reading replies, let me ask you a question: What do you think is the cause of the decline in health that has steadily occurred throughout your lifetime?
I discussed part of it in my post on early clinical observations of the smallpox vaccine, but that topic is going to be a long term project on here because while I understand it, it's not something I can soundbite.
right. I guess I was wondering whether you considered vaccines pretty much the whole reason for the health decline, or whether it's a combination of things: vaccines, poisons in food and water, EMF's, lifestyle changes (more sitting, less exercise), overuse of antibiotics, etc.
Vaccines have most likely had the largest impact, but a few other major things have as well (heavy metals, chemical pollution, EMFs, demineralized soil, technology disrupting the natural rhythms of the human body). They all share the common pathway of disrupting fluid circulation in the body which is one of the primary things that determines vitality. I have spent more time than I can possibly describe looking into this and observing the decline over the last century. There are a lot more important details, but that would be the one paragraph soundbite.
I would LOVE to explore each and every one of these contributing factors, particularly with regards to food intake. But that’s always such a contentious issue...
At 80 I am afraid that my generation has grown up in what will prove to be the most magical time and place. We had few vaccines and we were free-range kids. Honor and honesty in individuals and government were the norm for much of our lives. And, to our shame, we have been the beneficiaries of the greatest intergenerational theft in history, exploding private and governmental debt which our children and grandchildren will have to pay.
People who grew up in the 1990s feel the same way, but I have not heard those same remarks since then. Hopefully people will come to understand there are important things in life besides just more technology and material things you can buy.
I was born in the late eighties. When I talk to people around my age, a lot of them express gratitude, that they grew up, before social media had a large impact on life. I share this sentiment. Jonathan Haidt said that there was a big difference in the US between people born in 1995 and after.
Old timer, I hear you. Many "dissident conservatives" think the US's heyday was (pick a year) but 1950s, 60s seem to be favorites. By many measures: productivity, prestige, economic and political power, etc. those were the peaks. A lot has deteriorated since and yes, there are objective measures for much of that rot (e.g. crime, out of wedlock births, and so forth.) Even our life expectancy is dropping. I'm a late Boomer (60) and I've seen much of the decadence in my lifetime alone. I can only imagine what the prior generation has witnessed.
I have some additional remarks that may find useful for the article:
1) The Pfizer-contract was accidentally leaked by Albania and Brazil (you can find out more about it by reading about Ehden Biber, the Israeli now living in Britain who wrote about it.
"Further, to the extent applicable, Purchaser acknowledges that the Product shall not be serialized"
People in quality control remarked that this was a major red flag, since it made the tracing of hot lots nearly impossible, since it is not clear, how big the lot sizes of the toxic lots are and a lot of adverse events could be due to a large lot number.
2) Regarding the cationic nano-particles, I found a presentation by German cell-biologist Vanessa Schmidt-Krueger, who talked about the experiences with cationic lipids in mice
3) I have seen two videos of researchers in Germany analyzing the vaccines and both groups found impurites.
The first group analyzed only Astra-Zeneca and found, that all 4 vials from different batches were heavily polluted by foreign protein (the worst batch had 66% impurities)
The other was a German vaccinologist talking about analyzing different batches from different manufacturers. He said that all vaccines were really dirty. I can only remember that he found some heavy metals in the Pfizer vials (antimon),. If you are interested I can look for these videos, but they are in German and do not have transcripts.
I found this on Geert Vanden Bossche VSS Scientific Updates During Pandemic Times #35
A group of independent German scientists found toxic components—mostly metallic—in all the COVID vaccine samples they analyzed, “without exception” using modern medical and physical measuring techniques. The Working Group for COVID Vaccine Analysis says that some of the toxic elements found inside the AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Moderna vaccine vials were not listed in the ingredient lists from the manufacturers.
Sasha Latypova and Team Enigma talk about the things scientists found in vials pulled from all over the world. Most had heavy metals in them. It's an interesting video.
Cat, they are tracked via lot numbers. But as Midwestern Doctor points out, we don't know how many vials were released from each lot. That's a confounding factor when trying to assess the overall toxicity of each lot.
For example, my first shot came from Pfizer Lot ER8732. I thought initially that I didn't have any particularly negative adverse reactions to that shot. However, I became extremely sick within a few hours of receiving my second shot, which came from Pfizer Lot EW0169.
It was only much later, after being severely sickened and having lasting injuries from the second shot, that I realized I had in fact experienced adverse reactions to the first shot, but I hadn't realized this because the adverse reactions hadn't begun till a week after I got it.
In the website howbadismybatch dot com, the first lot number (ER8732) doesn't appear to generate many adverse reactions, but the second one (EW0169) does. It's approximately halfway in between those which generated no, or nearly no adverse reactions and those lots which generated the very highest number.
Does that mean Lot EW0169 was only moderately toxic? Not necessarily! It might just as easily mean there were many fewer vials from that lot which were released, compared to those lots which generated the very highest numbers of adverse reactions. I'm guessing the latter is true, because of the severity of how sick I became and because I have significant permanent injuries from it. But there's probably no way we'll ever know.
cat: Since I wrote that comment, I went back to the website which reports on this (howbadismybatch.com.) and studied it thoroughly. (I spent over three very intense, outraged hours doing so.)
I hadn't looked at howbadismybatch.com for about a year when I wrote that comment (above), and in the intervening year, a tremendous amount of data have become available. The website's creator, Craig Paardekooper, has microscopically analyzed all of the available data over this extended period of time, in numerous, exquisitely detailed and powerful ways.
With the considerable quantity of more recent data that's become available over the past year, it's now evident that both my first and second covid poison injections came from "hot lots" - those which generated high numbers of significant (very serious) adverse reactions. A year ago, when I first looked at it, there hadn't been sufficient data collected (or made public) to show this.
But the main point I made still holds true. Some lots have much higher numbers of significant adverse reactions associated with them. We really can't know whether they were much more toxic than the lots which generated extremely significant but not the highest numbers of adverse reactions, because we don't know how many doses of each lot were injected.
I'm so sorry that you've had to go through this. I would be quite angry myself. I hope that you've recovered from where you were last year or at least, that there have been some improvements in your health with your symptoms lessening, which would be an encouraging sign that further improvements are possible/probable. I'm sure you're taking care of yourself and keeping up with what's being learned. Take care of your gut too--the microbiome especially.
Right? I thought that was a "no-brainer" myself so I was surprised to see multitudes of people lining up for the jabs and continue to do so even after it was evident that people were having serious adverse reactions.
I don't remember as I read so many posts every day. I spent 2 1/2 hours today listening to Ed Dowd and Judy Mikovits and Paul Alexander and read more posts from Jessica Rose and Steve Kirsch, as well as you. I'll never take another jab. Would you take one for rabies if bitten by a rabid animal?
I am honestly not sure. The only other treatment I have ever found for rabies was ultraviolet blood irradiation, and I would want to try that first and see if I could verify it was working before getting a rabies series because the rabies vaccine does have significant side effects-however those side effects are nothing compared to dying from rabies.
Amazing how many ppl (I suspect most glued to their tv’s for brainwashing) will actively refute what their eyes, ears and heart (pun intended) tell them. I’ve given up trying to talk sense to many folks. It’s a waste of energy. It’s tough to get to this position (esp with friends, family and even offspring) but required for self preservation.
"Vaccine susceptibility being dependent upon pre-existing health status of the recipient".
I've analysed a lot of photo's of people that have died from the jab, and many look very healthy. It appears to me that those with exceptional immune systems can mount a strong reaction to the jab - strong enough to kill them. Super healthy elite athletes dropping dead is an example of this.
I do believe some people have a higher susceptibility to vaccine injuries, but that susceptibility becomes less relevant with more deadly vaccines. In general the toxicity process is cumulative, so the susceptibility increases with the number of vaccines taken.
I have personal experience with friends who were vaccinated at the hospital where they work and both with the second shot “I thought I was going to die” that shot was last time I checked one of the top killers. Most of my friends not vaccinated in hospitals report very little symptoms. Obviously small sample but we are same age and the ones that were extremely sick are in better shape then some of the others. It feels like Russian roulette.
Another confounding factor in the attempt to learn which lots were toxic, or to learn how just how toxic they were / are is how the vials are stored. Initially, the CDC insisted the vials needed to be stored at ultra-cold temperatures until shortly before being administered. They dropped this requirement quickly, soon after the beginning of the vax-campaign, because the initial numbers of "adverse events" was so high that had it continued at that level, the public would have not gone along with the campaign. The reason for this is that the mRNA is known to degrade (i.e. lose potency) if not kept at ultra-cold temperatures. After seeing the high rate of "adverse reactions" generated by the first doses, the CDC WANTED the mRNA in the vials to degrade, and they stopped talking about storing the vials at ultra-cold temperatures.
Hospitals were able to store the vials at the ultra-cold temps, but other outlets were not and did not. The mRNA in the shots which had not been kept ultra-cold had probably degraded either significantly or perhaps completely. This might partly explain why those who got shot up in hospital settings tended to get sicker than those who got jabbed in other settings.
Unfortunately I got two shots from Richmond, California Kaiser hospital, which means whatever potency the vials originally had, they still had when they were injected into my body. They both turned out to be hot lots. I can't help but wonder if those lots had been stored at normal temperatures, (even at normal refrigerator temperatures,) if they'd have been responsible for as many permanent injuries, severe sickness, and deaths as they were. Maybe Craig Paardekooper could add this confounding factor into his many analyses of the data.
How many "vaccines" did the "super healthy elite athletes" get?
I wish I'd done better in nucleic acids and genetics so I could more effectively critically analyze those aspects. However, the manufacturing quality control deficits seem inexplicable.
There is such a strong blind faith in vaccines that the manufactures have been able to get away with these oversights for decades. Giving them immunity from lawsuits only further incenitvized the behavior.
This is a bit offtopic: My father once worked for a company, that paid very well, but had a high turnover in part due to people having stress-related illnesses due to the work-environment. (My father had a burnout after working there for a few years and now has a job that pays less, but is a lot stressful)
Anyway, the experience of my father was, that whenever one of his colleagues had a stress-related illness, it went to an organ-system, that already was weakened in the colleague.
For instance he had a female colleague, who already had very bad eyesight (glass-strength of 8 dioptrin), who woke up one morning and could not see anything with her left eye.
(One of my college-friends had a very stressful life (he had a little company on the side with a few employees, was a full-time-student and had a very time-demanding private life). He also had bad eyesight and developed a blood-clot behind one of his eyes. His doctor told him to not read anything for 3 months (not even accidentally), which forced him to move in with his parents, and spend 3 months sleeping 12 hours a day and listening to podcasts. My mom, my sister and me thought that this was the way of his body to force him to get a much-needed pause.)
From what I read about different ingredients of the covid shots, they seem to be extremely inflammatory. I therefore think it is possible, that the whole body gets inflamed, but the already weakened body-parts cannot cope with the inflammation as well as the fitter body-parts. (The distribution of the LNPs probably plays a role as well.)
“Pre-existing health status” may not refer to obvious ill health like obesity though. Some people may look healthy but have auto immune conditions - and there are all sort of viruses we can carry around for ever that may not be obvious but may be reactivated and interact negatively with the vaccine. Like herpes, Epstein Barr, CMV, or chicken pox for instance. I also found out I have an unusual genetic mutation called Factor V Leiden that makes my blood more likely to clot. Most people are completely unaware they have this mutation - until they or someone they are closely related to has a blood clot. Then you can insist on having genetic tests for it but it is not a well known issue even among doctors. I would guess that having a gene that makes your blood more likely to clot would increase the likelihood of getting a clot from the vaccine but since I doubt that anybody is doing genetic testing on the people who die from a blood clot + vaccine we will never know. There are many more weird genetic things that contribute to blood clotting which turns out to be a surprisingly complicated process. There are many ways the vaccine could throw this off I would think.
I also have Leiden V--the further north in Europe you go, the more common it becomes. I have a fantasy that our Viking ancestors got an advantage from hyper-blood clotting so they wouldn't bleed out when they were gored by a mastodon, LOL. Yes, I found out I had it when I suddenly got multiple blood clots in both lungs and nearly died one December in my 40s. I take anti-clotting meds---thankfully I have insurance through my former job so that I don't have to take rat poison. But even though I have this genetic condition, my doctor has not stopped frantically pushing me to get the vax series, even still now that it has no efficacy whatsoever against Omicron. She is obsessed. She completely dismisses any notion that the vax would be more dangerous to Leiden V patients.
I only found out I had it when my son developed a DVT and 2 pulmonary embolisms at 26, when they said he had factor V Leiden I got tested and found out I had it too. I had thrombophlebitis with my second pregnancy and superficial veins clots in my foot with the first. No one ever mentioned anything about blood clotting gene mutations to me so I had no idea. Like your doctor, the doctors in the UK assured me that the Astra Zeneca vaccine was safe for people with Factor V Leiden - this was before people started dying from thrombocytopenia - and even though I did not really trust them I wanted to be able to travel to the US to see my grandchildren so I got the injection. Luckily I did not get blood clots and I take nattokinase every day and keep my fingers crossed.
My son in the US has been on blood thinners ever since his DVT and pulmonary embolisms. He was dreadfully ill when he had the second Pfizer shot and a few weeks later he had another blood clot and a possibly slightly enlarged heart - that then supposedly was not enlarged and the doctors were mistaken (!) - so they said. How he got another clot while being closely monitored on warfarin is strange - but all his doctors still push the vaccine. He will not get the boosters - oh he was also very sick when he actually got Covid - which was after the two Pfizer vaccines of course.
Our arguments are interesting, because she always falls back on emotional arguments--she was extremely traumatized by the deaths of her COVID patients. Essentially her argument always is, "if you had only seen what I saw." My response always is, "well, let's think about this for a minute. In our county the death rate from COVID was .0045%. We have 92 deaths, and dozens of primary care doctors; therefore, the number of deaths per primary care doctor must have been exceedingly small. Unless you are an outlier, you can't have seen many deaths from COVID." This makes her really mad--LOL. So no, it is not money that is motivating her; it is emotion and lack of logic, because the vax really does nothing to reduce death and never has, but she can't allow herself to think that.
What about the MTHFR gene variations in individuals? People that have certain of these variations cannot clear vaccine adjuncts and other vaccine contents from their bodies quickly enough to prevent major inflammations that occur from having these relative poisons in their bodies for longer periods of time. A high percentage of autistic children have been identified with the MTHFR variations. Who knows how many other possible genetic sequences interact with these "miracle" vaccines and "medicines" in possibly thousands of harmful ways? We are not the mental giants that we think we are. We are mere toddlers playing with dangerous toys. Further, I suspect that the reason that the once highly celebrated human genome project has gone underground is that ordinary people were starting to connect too many dots, starting with the MTHFR revelations.
One of the major problems with pharmacology is that we follow an average best size fits all approach when different people have entirely different responses to drugs and should not get the same doses.
I checked this out for myself because I get big time histamine overreactions. We are talking nausea from other people's perfume from when they walked past five minutes ago. I don't have MTHFR variations but a deletion in GSTT1. This I share in common with most Asians. A couple of years ago there was an article saying Melbourne was the allergy capital of the world and of all ethnicities Asians were the most likely to develop allergies. The kicker is *only if they were born in Melbourne*. You know what they like to do in Australia they don't do in Asia? Give you a clue, it happens in the hospital the day they are born and if you don't do it you're a scum bag.
I agree. I once saw a documentary about pilots, who suffered permanent neurological damage due to organophophates in the cabin air. (These compounds are in the turbine oil and get sucked into the cabin, because the air for the cabin is taken air coming out of the turbine). It turned out, that all the disabled pilots belonged to the 5% of the population, that had genes that made it extremely difficult to clear these toxins.
I completely agree as it directly applies to something that has long puzzled (and troubled me TBH) me; why do so many vax recipients appear completely fine?
The mRNA shots are bad news with poor efficiency and a terrible safety profile and I would never take one myself. That being said, the overwhelming majority of people I know that have taken them have had no apparent ill effects whatsoever. Of course there are some that had sudden flare ups of mysterious ailments (my sister with kidney disease as an example), but these are the exceptions rather than the rule.
Yet there are so many on our side spouting off about "children of men" scenarios or decrying that thirty year old now have the cardiovascular systems of seventy year olds. We are seeing disturbing increases in excess deaths and birth drops, but as a percentage of the overall population these numbers remain relatively small. There's no evidence I've seen that the population has been poisoned across the board, and those that claim so without evidence really aren't much different from the covid hysterics IMO.
Hot lots though fits the available evidence perfectly (perhaps coupled with unique genetic or metabolic susceptibility in a population subset). It's something that needs far more investigation from the cooler heads on the vaccine skeptic side.
We appreciate your efforts! I have a flavour for how difficult it is as a layman to fight this fight. It must be exponentially more difficult for a health professional. As a manufacturing engineer that has been involved in many expensive, (but not always 100% successful) product launches, I was immediately alerted by the bold/ impossible “safe and effective” claims, and so took the “wait and see approach”. I’m so glad that you and other professionals are helping navigate and articulate the clown show we’re living through.
The most challenging part is being really worried you'll misuse your position of authority and end up doing something that hurts others. I am profoundly grateful all of this did not happen while I was in training because I would have repeatedly been put in the spot of having to lie to my patients about the vaccine safety in order to graduate.
Early on, the big deal was keeping the vials below freezing. Then, poof, in a day, never heard about it again. Made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Big red flag.
I had the theory that the goal of the insane freezing requirements was to move vaccination from the family doctor to anonymous vaccination centers, where the doctors only interacted with the vaccinee for about two minutes and were not privy to the side effects afterwards. IMO all the doctors working in those vaccination centers should face some sort of legal repercussion, because you cannot adequately inform a patient about an EXPERIMENTAL product, if the whole process only takes 2 minutes.
So many red flags with the Covid-19 "vaccines" that it's starting to look like a May Day parade in the old Soviet Union, or a similar event in modern China.
Some bacteria and molds, yes. Some evidence allegedly indicates arsenic be an essential trace mineral in birds (chickens) and in mammals, but the biological function is said to not be known. John Wood Campbell suggested it clear acne, but I know nothing of that.
I am NIAID whistleblower who reported that Fauci tried to force me to make bioweapons with the CCP and PLA in Wuhan China - back in 2011. Senator Grassley informed along with several others. He decided to watch Fauci and identify his partners in this treason. Contact me for more info: lkragie@biomedworks.com and see biomedworks.substack.com
No, but my first substack in Nov 2020 bemoaned the ruin of my profession. There I mention that NIH Dir Collins and Fauci gave me their highest award for Team Response to the H1N1 Pandemic then fired me and threatened me when I refused to go along with the CCP collaboration. I was blacklisted in DC/fed govt but I think Grassley kept me alive in the background. I have also been a med officer at FDA (in the 90's) and was fired when I reported about sudden deaths kids given drugs for ADHD. I told Grassley about that one too. He held a Senate Hearing and forced them to label it. I am now being more public about my experiences because I think the current environment is safer for whistleblowers.
Thank you for writing this amazing piece as well as all your other ones. I’ve worked in HC for 25yrs and have been incredibly naive by the behind the curtain happenings. When they started mandating flu shots I was not happy. I’m healthy, I’d never had the flu and WTH would I inject something for which an illness my body isn’t susceptible to. I found a lovely MD that would charge me for the “shot” and squirt it in the garbage. He was healthy and in his 50’s when I met him. Do you get the flu shot? No I don’t. Exactly. With my job I do not have direct pt contact so it is obscene. Looking back on my medical history I’ve most likely been harmed by previous injections. They are now listed as TBI’s. I’m so sad for the industry I truly loved being a part of that can no longer be trusted. Don’t get me wrong I’ve never loved the experiences I’ve had with personally with 10min MD appts - which I avoid. But being a part of it, helping others and the fascinating human body was my motivation. Now it’s all been tainted, as have many industries.
There was no evidence for the Flu shots. Hospitals pushed them through bc obamacare made hospital reinbursement through medicare be tied to having most of their workers get annual flu shots. That was what made it possible to phase in the COVID-19 mandates for everyone. A lot of these things are planned out over very long term periods.
Interesting. I remember the flu shot or wear a mask all day long mandates for hospital workers, but didn't know it was tied to fed money. I should have know. Everything is follow the money in our world.
After the magnitude of the problem dawned on me, I tried to warn my colleagues in medicine and discovered that very few were receptive to anything questioning their faith in this modern day scientific “miracle.”
What should be done with such people, AMD?
As society unfurls.
John O'Looney, UK Funeral Home whistleblower is concerned that they will become the victims of violence, as people cannot get to Bill Gates in his bunker.
We do the best we can to wake them up and if they can't wake up, the consequences for being asleep are on them and I accept that I did the best that I could.
Until there are adequate repercussions for their dereliction of duty….they’ll be no change! Right now… they believe… their untouchable! But sooner or later the landscape changes and they will no longer be safe…eternally speaking…their fate is already sealed.. unless they have a total change of heart and mind….they’ll never escape judgment! Payday will come!!!
It's not really fair is it. Although yes Dr. Head in the Sand was complicit. He was acting as the brainwashed 10th degree maester. Following orders of his presumed betters.
Where as the 30,31,32 and 33 degree maesters who likely knew the full details of the plan had the cosy and charismatic role of twisting truth and concealing concerns. To keep their inferiors in line and guessing.
In 2003 I became disabled from an mmr booster for work in autistic classroom. For years I believed it was depression because doctor said. Numerous autoimmune issues all at once.
Medical students and health care workers are required to get many vaccinations. This includes MMR boosters if they have low titers for Measles Mumps or Rubella.
💌thanks. It was the most rewarding job I’ve ever had. Didn’t pay much so I had to have a part time job on the side ( taking disabled kids out for a few hours a week to socialize them and give their parents a moment to themselves)
so sorry to hear of your reaction to the "booster". The reading I've done over the last two years (many thanks to AMD and others like her for their in depth research and writing) has convinced me that all vaccines have far more "side effects", many of which are serious or deadly, than we've been led to believe.
Thanks very much. Last few years I have been blessed with an integrative medicine doctor who actually helps me heal. I had to slowly get off 8 prescriptions ( everything but my thyroid medicine) from the insurance dictated doctors..they treated me terribly after I became non compliant.
Diet changes are crucial, non gmo as much as possible and gluten free here.
that's great to hear! Good for you for pursuing healing and creating good health as opposed to just trying to mitigate symptoms (which is what so much of "modern" medicine seems to be about these days). It's great that you found an integrative medicine doctor. They are out there, but in the minority, maybe a small minority.
I credit God hearing my prayers for years , finally got help. I also credit Hod for moving me unexpectedly to central Florida from upstate New York , months before lockdown happened. Just being in the sun helps my psoriasis and seasonal affective disorder ( disability made me fight to keep benefits after that improved. Ignoring all my other autoimmune issues.)
Florida, yes! You are fortunate to be there. I would not have wanted to be in NY or CA or MA or the other blue states. It's beyond ironic to me that the most "liberal" states turned out to be the most tyrannical when it came to covid response. It's scary!
"I particularly took notice of the fact that tests to evaluate key issues that had already been identified with the mRNA vaccines (cancer, autoimmunity, infertility, ineffective protection against variants) had not been conducted"
This is astonishing!! They KNEW that there were issues with mRNA "vaccines" regarding cancer, autoimmunity, and infertility, but they did ZERO testing on the covid "vaccines" on these issues prior to the rollout?! Wow. The recipients of these experimental injections were screwed from the get go. Pfizer knew it, Moderna knew it, the FDA knew it, but they turned a blind eye.
The reason that bothered me so much was because the teams I worked with (that were testing therapeutics that were relatively safe) were held to a much much harsher standard whereas Pfizer got a free pass.
right. It's beyond crazy to me that they KNEW these mRNA injections had potentially negative effects on cancer, autoimmunity, and infertility, and they chose to NOT test for any of this. Dr. Ryan Cole and others noticed a big uptick in cancers soon after the rollout of the experimental injections. These people are not human, they're monsters.
It all comes down to the business practice that there is no evidence of harm if there are also no tests. That seems to be the protocol that medicine uses now. If you think there will be harm, don't test for it. With the CDC and FDA bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical companies, the government agencies turn a blind eye to the problem.
I suspect the malicious intent go far higher. See Deagel.com; at rense.com or archive.org . Just surprised at Mary's suggestion, shots at hospitals may be more hazardous than those for proles at places like CVS; like someone disdain safety of hospital staff.
I have been privvy to some fairly dark closed door conversations, but on here I have tried to stick to things I can clearly verify because once you go outside that, it becomes very easy to go down rabbit holes that are later proven to be false.
I received one vaccine dose last spring, which unfortunately came from one of the Janssen hot lots based on the records at howbadismybatch.com. It almost killed me because it gave me debilitating tinnitus in both ears that was like having cicadas, frogs, and crickets going full bore in my head at the same time. Western doctors offered me nothing except outright denial that it was caused by the vaccine (despite the fact that it started a few hours after the vaccine and my head was quiet all my life before that) or medicines that actually made it worse. With the help of alternative medicine, it took me over a year to recover to the point of the tinnitus not running my life. My ears still ring all the time, but I have gotten more used to it with time. It has not been an easy road. It is good to know though that there are still a few Western doctors such as yourself that are honest and not beholden to the pharmaceutical companies or medical agencies.
I too have tinnitus. The only time it gets beyond a dull roar is when I take any kind of western medicine. And it’s interesting because I cannot tolerate western meds and avoid them unless I absolutely need them. My body has always been extremely sensitive to pharmaceuticals. It’s probably saved my life. I didn’t get the vax because of it. At 60 years old now, whenever I see a doctor, they cannot believe I am on no drugs. They are just shocked. It’s not the norm. But my body is functioning pretty well and I don’t need anything. I’ve refused their attempts to prescribe for me and haven’t had a vaccine since I was a kid. No flu shots, no nothing! I have lived in this body for 6 decades and I am very good at taking care of myself. No one is better informed about me than me.
Your story is very interesting and one that I am steadily moving toward. Until the covid vaccine, I had no reason to distrust Western medical associations and pharmaceutical companies. Now, I find that there is little reason to trust any of them. It is clear that they have been corrupt for decades. Not all of them of course (Midwestern Doctor for example), but enough to make me carefully question what I sign up for.
When I went to the doctor a few days after the tinnitus started, he put me on an anti-anxiety medicine. The tinnitus got worse after that, but I didn't draw the connection right away because it took about a week for the medicine to begin to accumulate in me. It started giving me a headache every afternoon, so I started to take a tension headache medicine that I'd never taken before. About two weeks in, the tinnitus was so bad, that I had quit sleeping and eating and was so depressed that I finally went to urgent care. The doctor there was totally dismissive and only diagnosed me with a headache and made me take a covid test (it was two weeks after the vaccine). It was one of the lowest points in the ordeal because it was clear that it was going to be up to me figure things out. Western doctors were going to be of no use.
Well, as luck would have it, I forgot to take the anti-anxiety medicine before I went to urgent care that morning, so I was a few hours late taking it. The usual progression of the tinnitus (always loudest a few hours after I got up and then lasting the rest of the day) was also delayed a few hours. It turns out that the anxiety and tension headache medicines were both worsening the tinnitus, so immediately stopped taking them. So, western medicine had the trifecta -- vaccine caused the tinnitus and both medicines to try to handle it, made it worse.
Stopping those medicines took it from a 10/10 down to an 8/10 after a week or so. It's taken the last year to get it down to a 4/10, mostly through anti-inflammatory supplements.
I wish you the best as you continue to lead a healthy lifestyle while avoiding Western medicine as much as possible. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Hi Kat Bro. I'm sorry to hear that you also had tinnitus after the vaccine. If you don't mind me asking, how bad was yours and how long did it last? I know four other people who also developed new or worsening tinnitus after getting the vaccine, though thankfully not as bad as what I went through. Theirs all came from the mRNA vaccines, mine was from Janssen.
For what it's worth, I wish that people would spend more time assessing neurological side effects of the vaccines. There is so much emphasis on myocarditis and things like that, but tinnitus and other neurological symptoms can be just as devastating if not more so.
I had it for about two weeks after first shot of Pfizer. It’s been a year and I still get bouts of dizziness. My body has not been the same since. Have you tried taking an antiviral daily?
I'm sorry that you're still feeling the effects of the vaccine. Doesn't it make you so mad that the medical authorities refuse to acknowledge that people like you and I (and so many others) exist.
What do you mean by a daily antiviral?
I got zero useful help from Western doctors. I finally started acupuncture last summer and getting advice from TCM and a chiropractor who is pretty good with supplements. Supplements that reduce inflammation or that have an effect on the brain have helped me the most.
I wanted to be put on prednisone after the vaccine because I was 100% certain that I was suffering from a severe inflammatory response, but all the doctors I asked refused to prescribe it "because there was no protocol." My suspicion is that they were more fearful for their jobs than anything else because they was incredible pressure on doctors to repeat the mantra "the vaccines are safe and effective." I saw a study this spring that looked at covid vaccine-induced tinnitus. Guess what they recommended to treat the tinnitus -- prednisone. But what do I know? It made me dislike and distrust Western doctors all the more after that.
They sure are dragging their feet on “helping” the injured and yes! It’s infuriating! My story is different as I have a flare up of Epstein Barr (after getting c19 infected late June) so antivirals have been helping. Got some IVM from India as per NP recommendation. Just never know how I’m going to feel day to day… not fun. I’m glad your getting relief.
Ah yes, good old Epstein-Barr. The virus that keeps on giving. I'm glad that the antivirals have been helping get the flare up under control. I hope that things will settle down again so that you can get back to your prior baseline.
For what it's worth, I got covid for the first time in July this year. It was a brutal illness for me. It is the sickest that I have ever been. I had so many neurological symptoms to go along with various more traditional cold and flu like symptoms. I took over two weeks of sick leave and was very sick for a month (I can work from home, which helped me get back to work sooner). I have never been tested for Epstein-Barr (or the other viruses that typically lurk quietly within us), but have wondered if it was one cause for my bad experience with the actual covid virus.
Key animal tests and biodistribution tests were not done as there is no agreed standard for them as yet for gene editing or gene replacement therapies - which mRNA injections are:
On here is listed those organisations who agree to follow the guidelines on drug trails:
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are on the list.
There also a lot of in-depth documents on how to run trials:
All of which are being ignored for covid vaccines.
Section 1.1 states:
"1.1 Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) In the pre-approval clinical experience with a new medicinal product or its new usages, particularly as the therapeutic dose(s) may not be established: all noxious and unintended responses to a medicinal product related to any dose should be considered adverse drug reactions (my highlighting) . The phrase responses to a medicinal product means that a causal relationship between a medicinal product and an adverse event is at least a reasonable possibility, i.e., the relationship cannot be ruled out (my highlighting). Regarding marketed medicinal products: a response to a drug which is noxious and unintended and which occurs at doses normally used in man for prophylaxis, diagnosis, or therapy of diseases or for modification of physiological function (see the ICH Guideline for Clinical Safety Data Management: Definitions and Standards for Expedited Reporting).”
So in other words - with experimental medicines err on the side of caution and assume the problem was caused by the drug unless or until proven otherwise.
MHRA and other regulators are not doing this but the complete opposite.
Then there is this, the ICH have been trying to agree trials standards (since mid-2021) for gene therapies:
Which is part of following on from this in 2018:
And 2015:
So no agreed requirement on what biodistribution studies are required for gene therapies, which the Pfizer and other mRNA jabs and treatments are, so that is why in the EMA’s public assessment report it states “not required” or something similar.
Notice also that the MHRA is not on the list of participants.
Because the EMA is and under CHMP if they say “all’s good, approve it” then the MHRA just says “OK will do” and rubberstamps it.
Admitted to in a FOI to me.
And just to give you all the EMA PARs used to issue the EUAs in the EU and UK here are the other 3:
Thank you. I am going to pin this comment. I didn't go into most of this in the article because there wasn't space to but this tells an important part of the story.
Thanks and feel free to use anything I've posted on substack (from a UK perspective) or on this group page (you don't need to be a member to read):
It's been a conjob from late Dec 2020 if not before.
Apparently they rewrote this for the official C19 script… ppl are STILL being gaslighted by medical staff (I’m not calling them professionals anymore) when they are highlighting the fact that this new symptom/s started after something foreign was injected in to me. “Nope! Couldn’t be that! You have anxiety!” Infuriating.
I remember reading a book by Dr Coleman, where he went on vacation and forgot his aspirin, which he took for a certain condition. He bought it there and the day after did not feel well. His wife pointed at the foreign aspirin, but at fist he dismissed it, then read the package and sure enough, there it was, something he had an allergic reaction to. His advice, if you take a new med, always be aware of your body to detect if the med goes well with you.
"Gene transfection products" is accurate. There is scant evidence for gene replacement.
That what was stated on teh Pfizer website I saw in early 2020 with a natty little video they had on how mRNA jabs work - they cut the cell's DNA, removes the "faulty" piece, what is injected into you then adds itself to where the cut is then rejoins the DNA into a strand again.
Sounds like gene replacement or gene editing to me.
I invite you to check-up to see if that belief of yours is really correct.
Watched a video recently hosted by his royal know-it-all William Henry Gates III and he stated outright this was how it works.
He wouldn't be wrong would he? Or maybe since early 2020 there's been a lot of re-writing history going on?
Well you're misunderstanding the details, but that's okay. Most people don't have a background in genetics and cell biology.
I try to help explain the technology, to help generate resistance to it. But it's probably more useful to talk to people about the corrupt politics and greed of the gene jabbers.
The important thing is to not let them impose a future of forced gene jabs on us and our children.
Agree - we are fighting for the future, heart and soul of humanity at the moment.
Hi doctor, based on your knowledge, what is the total number of lipid nanoparticles there could be inside each shot of the Pfizer/Moderna MRNA shots that is 0.3ml per vial if I remember correctly? Could there be trillions or only billions? What percentage of cells in the body could have been altered after 2 doses of the jab, could it be more than 50% total cells in the body? Are there really any organs and tissues left in the body that are consider less affected and penetrated by the nanoparticles, which the majority of cells there are still unaltered? According to your understanding, how many lipid nanoparticles can a single somatic cell uptake at once, if the diameter of the LNP is 50~100nm?
This is an important question and afaict, "we don't know".
A quick search of a different modRNA transient transfection product shows they got 20% transfection in a saturated in-vitro medium. 50% of all our cells transfected is unlikely even if every cell were exposed to modRNA.
Now if what I understand is true:
A pfizer (etc) transfected cell which produces spike protein is killed by our immune system.
A percentage of transfection in the double digits would kill everyone who got it.
If one of the hypotheses for these massive clots is true (dead blood vessel lining cells transfected and killed), we'd be looking at maybe 100 grams out of 80kg, so *on the order of* 0.125% of human body transfected.
That's the only tentative estimate I have and it's not worth much, except to put 50%+ in question.
Thank you for the reply and the information. I heard that the LNP were originally invented to help drugs across the blood brain barrier, so the people who made the jabs definitely did not expect them to only stay inside the injection site. Also they can literally carry anything inside not just MRNA or spike proteins. I also read that the nanoparticles mainly circulates over blood flow and bodily fluid to spread in the body, so could avascular tissues and organs be safer from the nanoparticles? Like skin epidermis and eye lens capsule, would they be the least impacted place after injection?
Are we able to measure the number of the lipid nanoparticles in each shot based on its volume and weight, if we can get a vax vial from Pfizer/Moderna?
Good questions and we should also get:
1) biodistribution studies - where does what go
2) in-vivo transfection studies - what's the distribution of amount of cell-transfection among gene-jab patients (victims).
As far as I can tell, the Pharma Pfraudsters never provided this information to receive their EUA or subsequent approval.
The only data we have for the lnp distribution is the Japanese study, but it still doesn't show the percentage of cells that are transfected in those organs and tissues. Also I don't think they have disclosed the full genetic code for the mrna either
Yes, and I also read somewhere that Pfizer was directly questioned on the total amount of transfected cells expressing spike. The response was words to the effect of, 'We don't know, we set the titre based on estimates and prevalence of adverse events'.
But "TRUST THE SCIENCE!" What science? "We don't know what your effective dose will be" isn't science.
I'm beginning to be very thankful I was born in a time when very few vaccines were given to kids. Also the time when this horrid corruption in agencies was far less entrenched and honour and honesty were still admired.
It has been incredible to bear witness to the decline in health that has steadily occurred throughout my lifetime, given that I predicted it would happen but it was still hard to believe it had.
yes, it's sad for all of us, but for you especially, seeing it all firsthand.
My wife may be vaxx injured, we'll never know for sure. She got the first Moderna shot (I tried to talk her out of it, but peer pressure won out. She called me a lone voice in the wilderness, but not in a mean way, just because I was the only voice she was hearing that was against the jabs). A coworker had a horrible reaction to the second jab, so my wife did not take the 2nd jab. 6 weeks after my wife got the first jab, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Would that have happened anyway? We'll never know. That was all a lead in to this:
My wife's breast surgeon said when she started her practice she would see maybe one young woman (20's to early 30's) a year with breast cancer. Now she's seeing several a month. So in 25 years she's seen the decline in health too.
I'm sorry to hear of your wife's breast cancer. I hope you will consider natural treatments, if only in conjunction with "standard". Dr. Nasha Winters has had much success in this area. drnasha.com Mistletoe and IV Glutathione.
Thank you Susan. I did a lot of research into alternatives, but she wanted to go with "standard" treatment. Her surgeon removed the tumor last July, they recommended chemo which she did every 3 weeks from mid-September thru January, followed by 14 days of radiation. We also worked with an "integrative" oncologist, but his thing was mainly offering therapies that could be used in conjunction with chemo and radiation. So she did high dose IV Vit C once or twice a week during chemo. Thanks for the link to Dr Nasha. I had read about mistletoe therapy, but didn't push it, partly because I didn't know of a resource (I had read that FDA had banned it in US--our "regulatory" agencies looking out for our health!). Trying to find research on anything except chemo drugs was difficult and that research I considered pretty much worthless because a) it was done by the people pushing the poison, and b) the control group did nothing. We wouldn't have done nothing! If she hadn't done chemo, she would have done alternative treatments, and there's no research I know of that compares treatment with poison to treatment with alternative, non-toxic therapeutics. Thanks again for your condolences and especially for the link to dr. winters.
Wow! I wish you good luck! Crazy world, huh?
If you're still reading replies, let me ask you a question: What do you think is the cause of the decline in health that has steadily occurred throughout your lifetime?
I discussed part of it in my post on early clinical observations of the smallpox vaccine, but that topic is going to be a long term project on here because while I understand it, it's not something I can soundbite.
right. I guess I was wondering whether you considered vaccines pretty much the whole reason for the health decline, or whether it's a combination of things: vaccines, poisons in food and water, EMF's, lifestyle changes (more sitting, less exercise), overuse of antibiotics, etc.
Vaccines have most likely had the largest impact, but a few other major things have as well (heavy metals, chemical pollution, EMFs, demineralized soil, technology disrupting the natural rhythms of the human body). They all share the common pathway of disrupting fluid circulation in the body which is one of the primary things that determines vitality. I have spent more time than I can possibly describe looking into this and observing the decline over the last century. There are a lot more important details, but that would be the one paragraph soundbite.
I would LOVE to explore each and every one of these contributing factors, particularly with regards to food intake. But that’s always such a contentious issue...
thank you.
At 80 I am afraid that my generation has grown up in what will prove to be the most magical time and place. We had few vaccines and we were free-range kids. Honor and honesty in individuals and government were the norm for much of our lives. And, to our shame, we have been the beneficiaries of the greatest intergenerational theft in history, exploding private and governmental debt which our children and grandchildren will have to pay.
People who grew up in the 1990s feel the same way, but I have not heard those same remarks since then. Hopefully people will come to understand there are important things in life besides just more technology and material things you can buy.
I was born in the late eighties. When I talk to people around my age, a lot of them express gratitude, that they grew up, before social media had a large impact on life. I share this sentiment. Jonathan Haidt said that there was a big difference in the US between people born in 1995 and after.
Old timer, I hear you. Many "dissident conservatives" think the US's heyday was (pick a year) but 1950s, 60s seem to be favorites. By many measures: productivity, prestige, economic and political power, etc. those were the peaks. A lot has deteriorated since and yes, there are objective measures for much of that rot (e.g. crime, out of wedlock births, and so forth.) Even our life expectancy is dropping. I'm a late Boomer (60) and I've seen much of the decadence in my lifetime alone. I can only imagine what the prior generation has witnessed.
same here!
I have some additional remarks that may find useful for the article:
1) The Pfizer-contract was accidentally leaked by Albania and Brazil (you can find out more about it by reading about Ehden Biber, the Israeli now living in Britain who wrote about it.
The Albanian contract can be found here:
At the end of page 19 it is written that
"Further, to the extent applicable, Purchaser acknowledges that the Product shall not be serialized"
People in quality control remarked that this was a major red flag, since it made the tracing of hot lots nearly impossible, since it is not clear, how big the lot sizes of the toxic lots are and a lot of adverse events could be due to a large lot number.
2) Regarding the cationic nano-particles, I found a presentation by German cell-biologist Vanessa Schmidt-Krueger, who talked about the experiences with cationic lipids in mice
3) I have seen two videos of researchers in Germany analyzing the vaccines and both groups found impurites.
The first group analyzed only Astra-Zeneca and found, that all 4 vials from different batches were heavily polluted by foreign protein (the worst batch had 66% impurities)
The other was a German vaccinologist talking about analyzing different batches from different manufacturers. He said that all vaccines were really dirty. I can only remember that he found some heavy metals in the Pfizer vials (antimon),. If you are interested I can look for these videos, but they are in German and do not have transcripts.
Oh thank you. I will need to add these in.
I found this on Geert Vanden Bossche VSS Scientific Updates During Pandemic Times #35
A group of independent German scientists found toxic components—mostly metallic—in all the COVID vaccine samples they analyzed, “without exception” using modern medical and physical measuring techniques. The Working Group for COVID Vaccine Analysis says that some of the toxic elements found inside the AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Moderna vaccine vials were not listed in the ingredient lists from the manufacturers.
It appears to be a through analysis of the contents of the Covid 19"vaccines", But I am still half way through reading it. Shocking if true.
Sasha Latypova and Team Enigma talk about the things scientists found in vials pulled from all over the world. Most had heavy metals in them. It's an interesting video.
Perhaps this is what you are referencing: https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/alarming-new-report-from-working
I'm confused. If S/Ns weren't required, then how were the adverse effects tracked and reported?
Cat, they are tracked via lot numbers. But as Midwestern Doctor points out, we don't know how many vials were released from each lot. That's a confounding factor when trying to assess the overall toxicity of each lot.
For example, my first shot came from Pfizer Lot ER8732. I thought initially that I didn't have any particularly negative adverse reactions to that shot. However, I became extremely sick within a few hours of receiving my second shot, which came from Pfizer Lot EW0169.
It was only much later, after being severely sickened and having lasting injuries from the second shot, that I realized I had in fact experienced adverse reactions to the first shot, but I hadn't realized this because the adverse reactions hadn't begun till a week after I got it.
In the website howbadismybatch dot com, the first lot number (ER8732) doesn't appear to generate many adverse reactions, but the second one (EW0169) does. It's approximately halfway in between those which generated no, or nearly no adverse reactions and those lots which generated the very highest number.
Does that mean Lot EW0169 was only moderately toxic? Not necessarily! It might just as easily mean there were many fewer vials from that lot which were released, compared to those lots which generated the very highest numbers of adverse reactions. I'm guessing the latter is true, because of the severity of how sick I became and because I have significant permanent injuries from it. But there's probably no way we'll ever know.
Thanks for clarifying Truthbird. I'm so sorry that you had adverse reactions from the shots and are still suffering.
cat: Since I wrote that comment, I went back to the website which reports on this (howbadismybatch.com.) and studied it thoroughly. (I spent over three very intense, outraged hours doing so.)
I hadn't looked at howbadismybatch.com for about a year when I wrote that comment (above), and in the intervening year, a tremendous amount of data have become available. The website's creator, Craig Paardekooper, has microscopically analyzed all of the available data over this extended period of time, in numerous, exquisitely detailed and powerful ways.
With the considerable quantity of more recent data that's become available over the past year, it's now evident that both my first and second covid poison injections came from "hot lots" - those which generated high numbers of significant (very serious) adverse reactions. A year ago, when I first looked at it, there hadn't been sufficient data collected (or made public) to show this.
But the main point I made still holds true. Some lots have much higher numbers of significant adverse reactions associated with them. We really can't know whether they were much more toxic than the lots which generated extremely significant but not the highest numbers of adverse reactions, because we don't know how many doses of each lot were injected.
Craig (and his team) is my hero
I'm so sorry that you've had to go through this. I would be quite angry myself. I hope that you've recovered from where you were last year or at least, that there have been some improvements in your health with your symptoms lessening, which would be an encouraging sign that further improvements are possible/probable. I'm sure you're taking care of yourself and keeping up with what's being learned. Take care of your gut too--the microbiome especially.
Imo the contract says you can have batches with batchnumbers, but no serialnumbers for each vial.
I wondered that too. Maybe a typo?
There are done at the level of lots (which we do not have the totals for) but not individual vaccines.
Ok. Now I understand. Thanks Doc.
When a billionaire sociopath , whose passion is depopulation, urges a jab in every arm, do not listen. Run for the hills as fast as you can.
Right? I thought that was a "no-brainer" myself so I was surprised to see multitudes of people lining up for the jabs and continue to do so even after it was evident that people were having serious adverse reactions.
Were you ever able to read my vaccine zombie post (apologies if you did already)
I don't remember as I read so many posts every day. I spent 2 1/2 hours today listening to Ed Dowd and Judy Mikovits and Paul Alexander and read more posts from Jessica Rose and Steve Kirsch, as well as you. I'll never take another jab. Would you take one for rabies if bitten by a rabid animal?
I am honestly not sure. The only other treatment I have ever found for rabies was ultraviolet blood irradiation, and I would want to try that first and see if I could verify it was working before getting a rabies series because the rabies vaccine does have significant side effects-however those side effects are nothing compared to dying from rabies.
If the bite wasn't too big I might try pouring iodine in it and take massive doses of vitamin C.
Amazing how many ppl (I suspect most glued to their tv’s for brainwashing) will actively refute what their eyes, ears and heart (pun intended) tell them. I’ve given up trying to talk sense to many folks. It’s a waste of energy. It’s tough to get to this position (esp with friends, family and even offspring) but required for self preservation.
Coming to terms with that was one of the early challenges I faced in life.
Yes MM, the jabs are not armless even if Kill Gates wears friendly woolly jerseys.
Thanks AMD!
I disagree with:
"Vaccine susceptibility being dependent upon pre-existing health status of the recipient".
I've analysed a lot of photo's of people that have died from the jab, and many look very healthy. It appears to me that those with exceptional immune systems can mount a strong reaction to the jab - strong enough to kill them. Super healthy elite athletes dropping dead is an example of this.
I do believe some people have a higher susceptibility to vaccine injuries, but that susceptibility becomes less relevant with more deadly vaccines. In general the toxicity process is cumulative, so the susceptibility increases with the number of vaccines taken.
I have personal experience with friends who were vaccinated at the hospital where they work and both with the second shot “I thought I was going to die” that shot was last time I checked one of the top killers. Most of my friends not vaccinated in hospitals report very little symptoms. Obviously small sample but we are same age and the ones that were extremely sick are in better shape then some of the others. It feels like Russian roulette.
Another confounding factor in the attempt to learn which lots were toxic, or to learn how just how toxic they were / are is how the vials are stored. Initially, the CDC insisted the vials needed to be stored at ultra-cold temperatures until shortly before being administered. They dropped this requirement quickly, soon after the beginning of the vax-campaign, because the initial numbers of "adverse events" was so high that had it continued at that level, the public would have not gone along with the campaign. The reason for this is that the mRNA is known to degrade (i.e. lose potency) if not kept at ultra-cold temperatures. After seeing the high rate of "adverse reactions" generated by the first doses, the CDC WANTED the mRNA in the vials to degrade, and they stopped talking about storing the vials at ultra-cold temperatures.
Hospitals were able to store the vials at the ultra-cold temps, but other outlets were not and did not. The mRNA in the shots which had not been kept ultra-cold had probably degraded either significantly or perhaps completely. This might partly explain why those who got shot up in hospital settings tended to get sicker than those who got jabbed in other settings.
Unfortunately I got two shots from Richmond, California Kaiser hospital, which means whatever potency the vials originally had, they still had when they were injected into my body. They both turned out to be hot lots. I can't help but wonder if those lots had been stored at normal temperatures, (even at normal refrigerator temperatures,) if they'd have been responsible for as many permanent injuries, severe sickness, and deaths as they were. Maybe Craig Paardekooper could add this confounding factor into his many analyses of the data.
That makes a lot of sense.
How many "vaccines" did the "super healthy elite athletes" get?
I wish I'd done better in nucleic acids and genetics so I could more effectively critically analyze those aspects. However, the manufacturing quality control deficits seem inexplicable.
There is such a strong blind faith in vaccines that the manufactures have been able to get away with these oversights for decades. Giving them immunity from lawsuits only further incenitvized the behavior.
This is a bit offtopic: My father once worked for a company, that paid very well, but had a high turnover in part due to people having stress-related illnesses due to the work-environment. (My father had a burnout after working there for a few years and now has a job that pays less, but is a lot stressful)
Anyway, the experience of my father was, that whenever one of his colleagues had a stress-related illness, it went to an organ-system, that already was weakened in the colleague.
For instance he had a female colleague, who already had very bad eyesight (glass-strength of 8 dioptrin), who woke up one morning and could not see anything with her left eye.
(One of my college-friends had a very stressful life (he had a little company on the side with a few employees, was a full-time-student and had a very time-demanding private life). He also had bad eyesight and developed a blood-clot behind one of his eyes. His doctor told him to not read anything for 3 months (not even accidentally), which forced him to move in with his parents, and spend 3 months sleeping 12 hours a day and listening to podcasts. My mom, my sister and me thought that this was the way of his body to force him to get a much-needed pause.)
From what I read about different ingredients of the covid shots, they seem to be extremely inflammatory. I therefore think it is possible, that the whole body gets inflamed, but the already weakened body-parts cannot cope with the inflammation as well as the fitter body-parts. (The distribution of the LNPs probably plays a role as well.)
Correction: my father's job now is a lot less stressful
I like your logic Carolin.
There is a tipping point and it is hard to get back to pre-tipped.
“Pre-existing health status” may not refer to obvious ill health like obesity though. Some people may look healthy but have auto immune conditions - and there are all sort of viruses we can carry around for ever that may not be obvious but may be reactivated and interact negatively with the vaccine. Like herpes, Epstein Barr, CMV, or chicken pox for instance. I also found out I have an unusual genetic mutation called Factor V Leiden that makes my blood more likely to clot. Most people are completely unaware they have this mutation - until they or someone they are closely related to has a blood clot. Then you can insist on having genetic tests for it but it is not a well known issue even among doctors. I would guess that having a gene that makes your blood more likely to clot would increase the likelihood of getting a clot from the vaccine but since I doubt that anybody is doing genetic testing on the people who die from a blood clot + vaccine we will never know. There are many more weird genetic things that contribute to blood clotting which turns out to be a surprisingly complicated process. There are many ways the vaccine could throw this off I would think.
I also have Leiden V--the further north in Europe you go, the more common it becomes. I have a fantasy that our Viking ancestors got an advantage from hyper-blood clotting so they wouldn't bleed out when they were gored by a mastodon, LOL. Yes, I found out I had it when I suddenly got multiple blood clots in both lungs and nearly died one December in my 40s. I take anti-clotting meds---thankfully I have insurance through my former job so that I don't have to take rat poison. But even though I have this genetic condition, my doctor has not stopped frantically pushing me to get the vax series, even still now that it has no efficacy whatsoever against Omicron. She is obsessed. She completely dismisses any notion that the vax would be more dangerous to Leiden V patients.
Vaccine also can cause antiphosopholipid syndrome which similarly triggers blood clotting.
I only found out I had it when my son developed a DVT and 2 pulmonary embolisms at 26, when they said he had factor V Leiden I got tested and found out I had it too. I had thrombophlebitis with my second pregnancy and superficial veins clots in my foot with the first. No one ever mentioned anything about blood clotting gene mutations to me so I had no idea. Like your doctor, the doctors in the UK assured me that the Astra Zeneca vaccine was safe for people with Factor V Leiden - this was before people started dying from thrombocytopenia - and even though I did not really trust them I wanted to be able to travel to the US to see my grandchildren so I got the injection. Luckily I did not get blood clots and I take nattokinase every day and keep my fingers crossed.
My son in the US has been on blood thinners ever since his DVT and pulmonary embolisms. He was dreadfully ill when he had the second Pfizer shot and a few weeks later he had another blood clot and a possibly slightly enlarged heart - that then supposedly was not enlarged and the doctors were mistaken (!) - so they said. How he got another clot while being closely monitored on warfarin is strange - but all his doctors still push the vaccine. He will not get the boosters - oh he was also very sick when he actually got Covid - which was after the two Pfizer vaccines of course.
This is shocking and infuriating.
$$$$$$$$$$…….must be her issue! What else could it be….unless she’s a zombie of some kind!
Our arguments are interesting, because she always falls back on emotional arguments--she was extremely traumatized by the deaths of her COVID patients. Essentially her argument always is, "if you had only seen what I saw." My response always is, "well, let's think about this for a minute. In our county the death rate from COVID was .0045%. We have 92 deaths, and dozens of primary care doctors; therefore, the number of deaths per primary care doctor must have been exceedingly small. Unless you are an outlier, you can't have seen many deaths from COVID." This makes her really mad--LOL. So no, it is not money that is motivating her; it is emotion and lack of logic, because the vax really does nothing to reduce death and never has, but she can't allow herself to think that.
What about the MTHFR gene variations in individuals? People that have certain of these variations cannot clear vaccine adjuncts and other vaccine contents from their bodies quickly enough to prevent major inflammations that occur from having these relative poisons in their bodies for longer periods of time. A high percentage of autistic children have been identified with the MTHFR variations. Who knows how many other possible genetic sequences interact with these "miracle" vaccines and "medicines" in possibly thousands of harmful ways? We are not the mental giants that we think we are. We are mere toddlers playing with dangerous toys. Further, I suspect that the reason that the once highly celebrated human genome project has gone underground is that ordinary people were starting to connect too many dots, starting with the MTHFR revelations.
One of the major problems with pharmacology is that we follow an average best size fits all approach when different people have entirely different responses to drugs and should not get the same doses.
I checked this out for myself because I get big time histamine overreactions. We are talking nausea from other people's perfume from when they walked past five minutes ago. I don't have MTHFR variations but a deletion in GSTT1. This I share in common with most Asians. A couple of years ago there was an article saying Melbourne was the allergy capital of the world and of all ethnicities Asians were the most likely to develop allergies. The kicker is *only if they were born in Melbourne*. You know what they like to do in Australia they don't do in Asia? Give you a clue, it happens in the hospital the day they are born and if you don't do it you're a scum bag.
I agree. I once saw a documentary about pilots, who suffered permanent neurological damage due to organophophates in the cabin air. (These compounds are in the turbine oil and get sucked into the cabin, because the air for the cabin is taken air coming out of the turbine). It turned out, that all the disabled pilots belonged to the 5% of the population, that had genes that made it extremely difficult to clear these toxins.
This is fascinating. Could you send me it?
This is a pretty good article about this topic from a journal for doctors.
Another very thoughtful article.
I had been hoping to find a good article on this hot lot phenomena.
Thank you for taking the time to write this.
Thank you. I hope this will benefit people who want to look into this subject.
I completely agree as it directly applies to something that has long puzzled (and troubled me TBH) me; why do so many vax recipients appear completely fine?
The mRNA shots are bad news with poor efficiency and a terrible safety profile and I would never take one myself. That being said, the overwhelming majority of people I know that have taken them have had no apparent ill effects whatsoever. Of course there are some that had sudden flare ups of mysterious ailments (my sister with kidney disease as an example), but these are the exceptions rather than the rule.
Yet there are so many on our side spouting off about "children of men" scenarios or decrying that thirty year old now have the cardiovascular systems of seventy year olds. We are seeing disturbing increases in excess deaths and birth drops, but as a percentage of the overall population these numbers remain relatively small. There's no evidence I've seen that the population has been poisoned across the board, and those that claim so without evidence really aren't much different from the covid hysterics IMO.
Hot lots though fits the available evidence perfectly (perhaps coupled with unique genetic or metabolic susceptibility in a population subset). It's something that needs far more investigation from the cooler heads on the vaccine skeptic side.
As usual, this stack has information you won't find anywhere else. Thank you.
Thank you. I have limited time to write these, so if the information can be found somewhere else, I'd rather someone else wrote it.
You do such a great job,
invaluable and very much appreciated!🤗
Thank you so much for caring enough to speak out.
We appreciate your efforts! I have a flavour for how difficult it is as a layman to fight this fight. It must be exponentially more difficult for a health professional. As a manufacturing engineer that has been involved in many expensive, (but not always 100% successful) product launches, I was immediately alerted by the bold/ impossible “safe and effective” claims, and so took the “wait and see approach”. I’m so glad that you and other professionals are helping navigate and articulate the clown show we’re living through.
The most challenging part is being really worried you'll misuse your position of authority and end up doing something that hurts others. I am profoundly grateful all of this did not happen while I was in training because I would have repeatedly been put in the spot of having to lie to my patients about the vaccine safety in order to graduate.
Early on, the big deal was keeping the vials below freezing. Then, poof, in a day, never heard about it again. Made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Big red flag.
I had the theory that the goal of the insane freezing requirements was to move vaccination from the family doctor to anonymous vaccination centers, where the doctors only interacted with the vaccinee for about two minutes and were not privy to the side effects afterwards. IMO all the doctors working in those vaccination centers should face some sort of legal repercussion, because you cannot adequately inform a patient about an EXPERIMENTAL product, if the whole process only takes 2 minutes.
Degraded modRNA -> less adverse events, but same profit.
So many red flags with the Covid-19 "vaccines" that it's starting to look like a May Day parade in the old Soviet Union, or a similar event in modern China.
And people are still taking them! It’s astounding.
Arsenic is cheaper. And has better quality control, but no regimental subsidy or promotion.
One of the fascinating things I discovered years ago is that small amounts of arsenic are needed for a few physiologic functions.
Some bacteria and molds, yes. Some evidence allegedly indicates arsenic be an essential trace mineral in birds (chickens) and in mammals, but the biological function is said to not be known. John Wood Campbell suggested it clear acne, but I know nothing of that.
I am NIAID whistleblower who reported that Fauci tried to force me to make bioweapons with the CCP and PLA in Wuhan China - back in 2011. Senator Grassley informed along with several others. He decided to watch Fauci and identify his partners in this treason. Contact me for more info: lkragie@biomedworks.com and see biomedworks.substack.com
Do you have a specific post summarizing this you can link to?
No, but my first substack in Nov 2020 bemoaned the ruin of my profession. There I mention that NIH Dir Collins and Fauci gave me their highest award for Team Response to the H1N1 Pandemic then fired me and threatened me when I refused to go along with the CCP collaboration. I was blacklisted in DC/fed govt but I think Grassley kept me alive in the background. I have also been a med officer at FDA (in the 90's) and was fired when I reported about sudden deaths kids given drugs for ADHD. I told Grassley about that one too. He held a Senate Hearing and forced them to label it. I am now being more public about my experiences because I think the current environment is safer for whistleblowers.
btw... if you wrote this a decade ago... you would be 'disappeared'. Just know that what you wrote is likely all very true.
Thank you for writing this amazing piece as well as all your other ones. I’ve worked in HC for 25yrs and have been incredibly naive by the behind the curtain happenings. When they started mandating flu shots I was not happy. I’m healthy, I’d never had the flu and WTH would I inject something for which an illness my body isn’t susceptible to. I found a lovely MD that would charge me for the “shot” and squirt it in the garbage. He was healthy and in his 50’s when I met him. Do you get the flu shot? No I don’t. Exactly. With my job I do not have direct pt contact so it is obscene. Looking back on my medical history I’ve most likely been harmed by previous injections. They are now listed as TBI’s. I’m so sad for the industry I truly loved being a part of that can no longer be trusted. Don’t get me wrong I’ve never loved the experiences I’ve had with personally with 10min MD appts - which I avoid. But being a part of it, helping others and the fascinating human body was my motivation. Now it’s all been tainted, as have many industries.
There was no evidence for the Flu shots. Hospitals pushed them through bc obamacare made hospital reinbursement through medicare be tied to having most of their workers get annual flu shots. That was what made it possible to phase in the COVID-19 mandates for everyone. A lot of these things are planned out over very long term periods.
Interesting. I remember the flu shot or wear a mask all day long mandates for hospital workers, but didn't know it was tied to fed money. I should have know. Everything is follow the money in our world.
After the magnitude of the problem dawned on me, I tried to warn my colleagues in medicine and discovered that very few were receptive to anything questioning their faith in this modern day scientific “miracle.”
What should be done with such people, AMD?
As society unfurls.
John O'Looney, UK Funeral Home whistleblower is concerned that they will become the victims of violence, as people cannot get to Bill Gates in his bunker.
But they can get to Dr. Head in the Sand.
We do the best we can to wake them up and if they can't wake up, the consequences for being asleep are on them and I accept that I did the best that I could.
Do you think some of them know that the drugs are toxic and choose to just keep going?
Do you ever feel like you work with Murderers, Doctor?
Some of these doctors must know by now.
We all know. We are just regular people. And we know.
You know.
What to do be done with such people?
Do what I can to open their eyes and then be at peace with them suffering the consequences for keeping their eyes closed because I'd done all I could.
Until there are adequate repercussions for their dereliction of duty….they’ll be no change! Right now… they believe… their untouchable! But sooner or later the landscape changes and they will no longer be safe…eternally speaking…their fate is already sealed.. unless they have a total change of heart and mind….they’ll never escape judgment! Payday will come!!!
I sense that the repercussions are going to be extra-judicial.
Well said.
It's not really fair is it. Although yes Dr. Head in the Sand was complicit. He was acting as the brainwashed 10th degree maester. Following orders of his presumed betters.
Where as the 30,31,32 and 33 degree maesters who likely knew the full details of the plan had the cosy and charismatic role of twisting truth and concealing concerns. To keep their inferiors in line and guessing.
Important article. Thank you
Thanks for good works.
In 2003 I became disabled from an mmr booster for work in autistic classroom. For years I believed it was depression because doctor said. Numerous autoimmune issues all at once.
Medical students and health care workers are required to get many vaccinations. This includes MMR boosters if they have low titers for Measles Mumps or Rubella.
That may be one of the ironic vaccine injuries stories I have ever heard. Sorry that happened to you.
💌thanks. It was the most rewarding job I’ve ever had. Didn’t pay much so I had to have a part time job on the side ( taking disabled kids out for a few hours a week to socialize them and give their parents a moment to themselves)
so sorry to hear of your reaction to the "booster". The reading I've done over the last two years (many thanks to AMD and others like her for their in depth research and writing) has convinced me that all vaccines have far more "side effects", many of which are serious or deadly, than we've been led to believe.
Thanks very much. Last few years I have been blessed with an integrative medicine doctor who actually helps me heal. I had to slowly get off 8 prescriptions ( everything but my thyroid medicine) from the insurance dictated doctors..they treated me terribly after I became non compliant.
Diet changes are crucial, non gmo as much as possible and gluten free here.
that's great to hear! Good for you for pursuing healing and creating good health as opposed to just trying to mitigate symptoms (which is what so much of "modern" medicine seems to be about these days). It's great that you found an integrative medicine doctor. They are out there, but in the minority, maybe a small minority.
I credit God hearing my prayers for years , finally got help. I also credit Hod for moving me unexpectedly to central Florida from upstate New York , months before lockdown happened. Just being in the sun helps my psoriasis and seasonal affective disorder ( disability made me fight to keep benefits after that improved. Ignoring all my other autoimmune issues.)
*not Hod, God.
Florida, yes! You are fortunate to be there. I would not have wanted to be in NY or CA or MA or the other blue states. It's beyond ironic to me that the most "liberal" states turned out to be the most tyrannical when it came to covid response. It's scary!
Good for you Rosalind!!
It's like throwing dirty monkey wrenches into sacred code. And it always will be.
"I particularly took notice of the fact that tests to evaluate key issues that had already been identified with the mRNA vaccines (cancer, autoimmunity, infertility, ineffective protection against variants) had not been conducted"
This is astonishing!! They KNEW that there were issues with mRNA "vaccines" regarding cancer, autoimmunity, and infertility, but they did ZERO testing on the covid "vaccines" on these issues prior to the rollout?! Wow. The recipients of these experimental injections were screwed from the get go. Pfizer knew it, Moderna knew it, the FDA knew it, but they turned a blind eye.
The reason that bothered me so much was because the teams I worked with (that were testing therapeutics that were relatively safe) were held to a much much harsher standard whereas Pfizer got a free pass.
right. It's beyond crazy to me that they KNEW these mRNA injections had potentially negative effects on cancer, autoimmunity, and infertility, and they chose to NOT test for any of this. Dr. Ryan Cole and others noticed a big uptick in cancers soon after the rollout of the experimental injections. These people are not human, they're monsters.
It all comes down to the business practice that there is no evidence of harm if there are also no tests. That seems to be the protocol that medicine uses now. If you think there will be harm, don't test for it. With the CDC and FDA bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical companies, the government agencies turn a blind eye to the problem.
Sounds just like election fraud.
Money talks. Those with the most money get heard the most.
I suspect the malicious intent go far higher. See Deagel.com; at rense.com or archive.org . Just surprised at Mary's suggestion, shots at hospitals may be more hazardous than those for proles at places like CVS; like someone disdain safety of hospital staff.
I have been privvy to some fairly dark closed door conversations, but on here I have tried to stick to things I can clearly verify because once you go outside that, it becomes very easy to go down rabbit holes that are later proven to be false.
I received one vaccine dose last spring, which unfortunately came from one of the Janssen hot lots based on the records at howbadismybatch.com. It almost killed me because it gave me debilitating tinnitus in both ears that was like having cicadas, frogs, and crickets going full bore in my head at the same time. Western doctors offered me nothing except outright denial that it was caused by the vaccine (despite the fact that it started a few hours after the vaccine and my head was quiet all my life before that) or medicines that actually made it worse. With the help of alternative medicine, it took me over a year to recover to the point of the tinnitus not running my life. My ears still ring all the time, but I have gotten more used to it with time. It has not been an easy road. It is good to know though that there are still a few Western doctors such as yourself that are honest and not beholden to the pharmaceutical companies or medical agencies.
Tinnittis is an extremely common vaccine side effect.
I too have tinnitus. The only time it gets beyond a dull roar is when I take any kind of western medicine. And it’s interesting because I cannot tolerate western meds and avoid them unless I absolutely need them. My body has always been extremely sensitive to pharmaceuticals. It’s probably saved my life. I didn’t get the vax because of it. At 60 years old now, whenever I see a doctor, they cannot believe I am on no drugs. They are just shocked. It’s not the norm. But my body is functioning pretty well and I don’t need anything. I’ve refused their attempts to prescribe for me and haven’t had a vaccine since I was a kid. No flu shots, no nothing! I have lived in this body for 6 decades and I am very good at taking care of myself. No one is better informed about me than me.
Your story is very interesting and one that I am steadily moving toward. Until the covid vaccine, I had no reason to distrust Western medical associations and pharmaceutical companies. Now, I find that there is little reason to trust any of them. It is clear that they have been corrupt for decades. Not all of them of course (Midwestern Doctor for example), but enough to make me carefully question what I sign up for.
When I went to the doctor a few days after the tinnitus started, he put me on an anti-anxiety medicine. The tinnitus got worse after that, but I didn't draw the connection right away because it took about a week for the medicine to begin to accumulate in me. It started giving me a headache every afternoon, so I started to take a tension headache medicine that I'd never taken before. About two weeks in, the tinnitus was so bad, that I had quit sleeping and eating and was so depressed that I finally went to urgent care. The doctor there was totally dismissive and only diagnosed me with a headache and made me take a covid test (it was two weeks after the vaccine). It was one of the lowest points in the ordeal because it was clear that it was going to be up to me figure things out. Western doctors were going to be of no use.
Well, as luck would have it, I forgot to take the anti-anxiety medicine before I went to urgent care that morning, so I was a few hours late taking it. The usual progression of the tinnitus (always loudest a few hours after I got up and then lasting the rest of the day) was also delayed a few hours. It turns out that the anxiety and tension headache medicines were both worsening the tinnitus, so immediately stopped taking them. So, western medicine had the trifecta -- vaccine caused the tinnitus and both medicines to try to handle it, made it worse.
Stopping those medicines took it from a 10/10 down to an 8/10 after a week or so. It's taken the last year to get it down to a 4/10, mostly through anti-inflammatory supplements.
I wish you the best as you continue to lead a healthy lifestyle while avoiding Western medicine as much as possible. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Good for you!!! Are you a red head by chance?
I had tinnitus too after mine. I’m sorry.
Hi Kat Bro. I'm sorry to hear that you also had tinnitus after the vaccine. If you don't mind me asking, how bad was yours and how long did it last? I know four other people who also developed new or worsening tinnitus after getting the vaccine, though thankfully not as bad as what I went through. Theirs all came from the mRNA vaccines, mine was from Janssen.
For what it's worth, I wish that people would spend more time assessing neurological side effects of the vaccines. There is so much emphasis on myocarditis and things like that, but tinnitus and other neurological symptoms can be just as devastating if not more so.
I had it for about two weeks after first shot of Pfizer. It’s been a year and I still get bouts of dizziness. My body has not been the same since. Have you tried taking an antiviral daily?
I'm sorry that you're still feeling the effects of the vaccine. Doesn't it make you so mad that the medical authorities refuse to acknowledge that people like you and I (and so many others) exist.
What do you mean by a daily antiviral?
I got zero useful help from Western doctors. I finally started acupuncture last summer and getting advice from TCM and a chiropractor who is pretty good with supplements. Supplements that reduce inflammation or that have an effect on the brain have helped me the most.
I wanted to be put on prednisone after the vaccine because I was 100% certain that I was suffering from a severe inflammatory response, but all the doctors I asked refused to prescribe it "because there was no protocol." My suspicion is that they were more fearful for their jobs than anything else because they was incredible pressure on doctors to repeat the mantra "the vaccines are safe and effective." I saw a study this spring that looked at covid vaccine-induced tinnitus. Guess what they recommended to treat the tinnitus -- prednisone. But what do I know? It made me dislike and distrust Western doctors all the more after that.
They sure are dragging their feet on “helping” the injured and yes! It’s infuriating! My story is different as I have a flare up of Epstein Barr (after getting c19 infected late June) so antivirals have been helping. Got some IVM from India as per NP recommendation. Just never know how I’m going to feel day to day… not fun. I’m glad your getting relief.
Ah yes, good old Epstein-Barr. The virus that keeps on giving. I'm glad that the antivirals have been helping get the flare up under control. I hope that things will settle down again so that you can get back to your prior baseline.
For what it's worth, I got covid for the first time in July this year. It was a brutal illness for me. It is the sickest that I have ever been. I had so many neurological symptoms to go along with various more traditional cold and flu like symptoms. I took over two weeks of sick leave and was very sick for a month (I can work from home, which helped me get back to work sooner). I have never been tested for Epstein-Barr (or the other viruses that typically lurk quietly within us), but have wondered if it was one cause for my bad experience with the actual covid virus.