Another great article!

For several years I taught "History Ethics and Legal Perspectives of Anesthesia". It was a Master's Level class for Nurse Anesthesia Students enrolled in a Master's Course. My teaching credentials included Degrees in Law, Anesthesia and Nursing along with 20 plus years administering Anesthesia and I was working with more than one Law Firm as both an Anesthesia Expert and a Lawyer in Mal-Practice Cases, defending Physicians.

This article gives a good analysis of the problems with an approach to Medical Ethics based upon just knowing enough to pass a Medical Board Exam and obtain a License to Practice Medicine.

I can also vouch for the approach/problems in the way someone with a Masters In Public Health (MPH) views the CDC and believes Vaccines are necessary to stop a contagious disease and achieve herd immunity in the population.

Both the level of Medical Ethics taught and the opinions it seems are ingrained into MPH graduates are tottering on the edge of a "falsehood abyss" as can be seen from this Sub Stack article.

First a word about those who have a MPH Degree: I have a friend who has two Master's Degrees; one in theology and an MPH. Early on after C-19 Vaccines were available he asked me if I had been vaccinated and I replied that I had not. He asked why and I responded that I had experience in the Phase 1 Human Trials before Vaccines were approved by the CDC and the Covid Vaccines were still in Phase II trials and the benefits and risks associated with them, especially long term risks in humans, were not known.

He proceeded to tell me that his MPH Degree gave him the knowledge to tell me it was my duty to get vaccinated for Covid as soon as I could get to a vaccination center. I asked him why, expecting at least a quasi-scientific explanation. Instead I was told that the CDC were experts and we had a duty to do what they said!

I asked him how many classes in Pharmacology he was required to take to get his MPH? He just looked at me. (silence equaled "none"). I asked him how many days he had spent caring for patients, in isolation who were diagnosed and being treated in a hospital for a communicable disease in his MPH training? Again silence (none). I asked him how many class periods in his MPH schooling was devoted to communicable disease identification, process and treatment? You guessed it, none, just silence.

He knew that a doorknob that had germs on it was called a "fomite," a potential source of a bacteria, fungus or virus that could cause disease, but he had no education or background that would really give him any basis except his belief that the CDC was "the expert source" for when to get vaccinated. He had the theoretical knowledge the MPH Degree had given him, but he had no real knowledge, or had forgotten any he had learned, that gave a reasonable basis to take a vaccine that was still in Phase II testing and was for a disease with a 99.997% survival rate for those under 78 years of age unless they had some 4 or more medical morbidities. There was a excellent basis for anyone with knowledge in medically related fields to dismiss his opinion.

I especially appreciate the story of Dr. Rethy and the two teenage children she vaccinated for Covid.

Obviously her degree in medicine and her residency training would give her ample knowledge in pharmacology, disease process and care of a patient in isolation who had a communicable disease. Yet in spite of all this she committed at least 3 crimes, twice in the same day in the "treatment" of 14 and 16 year old siblings. There is no Medical or Legal excuse for that kind of behavior by a so called "professional."

The three crimes Dr. Rethy committed in her treatment of each sibling were laid out in the Sub Stack article; Battery, False imprisonment and Fraud. I also believe she committed a fourth crime, this one against the sibling's mother; removing the parental right of having the final say as to the treatment of her minor children. This is bad enough, however Dr. Rethy also committed an International Felony by not giving the mother the required risk benefit analysis so the mother could give "informed consent" or refuse her children to be vaccinated under the Nuremberg Code: which for an experimental, i.e. not approved by the CDC vaccine, only available under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) must legally include the following:

"This is an experimental drug, it is still in the phases of human testing prior to either being approved or not approved by the CDC. Since it is still in Phase II testing, which is the first long term testing phase I can not give you a risk benefit analysis because we do not know what long term effects or problems this or any other Covid-19 Vaccine might cause. A person could die as a result of taking this vaccine. No one can force you to take this vaccine, the choice is yours (or in the case of minor children, the choice is their parents.)"

After giving this basic analysis which is necessary for the obtaining of "informed consent" the parent or the patient, if a legal adult, must sign and date a consent form that includes the same basic

language as in the above paragraph plus a statement to the effect of consenting to receive the vaccine. Then the Physician must also sign and date the form. It can not be signed by an office nurse or secretary and the consent must be obtained, under the Nuremberg Code, by the Health Care Provider who holds a license as Physician, Physician's Assistant or Advanced Practice Nurse, i.e. Nurse Practitioner. Failure to do this, according to the Nuremberg Code is a very specific crime; "Crimes Against Humanity."

So when we add in the Nuremberg code which happens to be part of U.S. Law we have not just 6 crimes, but 9 total Crimes committed by the good Dr. Rethy. There were at least three total victims mentioned in the Sub Stack; a mother and 2 minor children.

Now, some may claim Dr. Rethy was ignorant of the Nuremberg Code, however, in this country, every Law Student knows that "ignorance of the law is no excuse" as do many other people.

Then I need to point out that Mal-Practice is a Civil Offense where if convicted, Dr. Rethy's Mal-Practice Insurance Company would have to pay money damages. As was so correctly pointed out in the Sub Stack article, these actions of Dr. Rethy's was not Mal-Practice, but were Crimes.

Now since Criminal Law is different than Civil Law and since the penalty for being convicted of Crimes is loss of freedom, instead of a monetary loss, or if the crimes are severe enough, the loss the criminal faces is loss of life, that brings up another issue.

Mal-Practice insurance does not cover crimes. Mal-Practice Attorneys are not Criminal Attorneys, and are, frankly, incompetent to defend a Doctor who is being tried for crimes. That doctor will have to pay for his/her own Defense Attorney out of their own pocket. The Mal-Practice Insurance Company does not pay for Criminal Defense Attorneys. Remember, I am a Lawyer who worked with Mal-Practice Firms defending Physicians for several years.

Now, sadly, Dr. Rethy is not the only Physician in this country who is in this same position, there are hundreds, maybe thousands more in the same position.

I helped defend Physicians for years. We had a very excellent record at being successful defending Physicians. So for my two cents worth, the fault for Physicians not understanding what they face lies right in the lap of the Medical Schools and continuing Medical Education.

There is a hole in the preparation of Medical Students that includes a complete ethics foundation which would have, in my opinion, avoided this problem many Physicians can find themselves facing.

The solution, revise the way Medical Students are taught.

I believe that in the next few years, not only will there be a lot of Physicians who could be in Criminal legal trouble, but if the Medical Profession does not revise the way Physicians are taught and trained, it may be never that the Medical Profession regains the lost Professional Status that the response to Covid-19 has cost them.

We will all be better off if the Medical Profession learns what they need to know and understand now.

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One of the scariest things of the last 3 years is seeing people that I previously thought were critical thinkers mindlessly parrot the lasting talking points from tv that to any logical thinking person makes no sense (e.g. "the unvaccinated are responsible for the covid infections of the vaccinated")

I have thought long about why I did not get vaccinated/trust the whole covid narrative after the vaccines came out and have come to the following conclusions:

-I had already lost trust in the mainstream-media and politicians long before

-I have an exceptionally good memory (I frequently get comments on that from family/friends and especially colleagues), so I could remember the changes to the story

-I do not go to church, but I believe in God and am a spiritual person. It is my observation that religious people did not succumb to the story to the same extent as nonreligious

-I am a logically thinking person (I studied Mathematics in college. It is my observation both from Germany and the US that so-called "nerds" were skeptical a lot sooner, because the numbers just did not add up. There was a person in Germany (Marcel Barz) who became famous in alternative media, who at first believed the narrative, but then became a skeptic, when he tried to prove that there was a pandemic to his skeptical friend, but the official numbers just did not indicate a pandemic, since Germany had BELOW AVERAGE mortality in 2020)

-My specialty in college was "Modelling and Scientific Computing", so I was deeply skeptical of the modelling of the case-counts, since I knew, that one could basically produce ANY result by tweaking a few parameters. I especially got suspicious, since the case-modellings did not improve over time, which would have gotten me into a lot of trouble if I had done the same work in my job.

-I want to get to the bottom of things and therefore try to inform myself

-and the last and I think one of the most important things: I do not crave social approval. It is my observation that a large segment of the population can be made to express the most ridiculous things, if they think, that this is the only "socially approved" talking points These people spend a large amount of their time reading the most important newspaper/watch the most important news-segment not in order to get informed but in order to know what the current socially approved attitude is. This is IMO especially prevalent with college-educated people, since a lot of them have a high status they want to preserve in any case. A youtuber I used to watch regularly used to call these people "cold-blooded-animals", not because they were heartless, but because they need validation from other people instead of getting it out of themselves like "warm-blooded-animals"

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when covid first started my local dr was a woman who seemed fairly easy to get along with.When i had to have a consult for unrelated stuff,she asked me if i had been vacinated.When i said no she asked why not,as they had saved a lot of lives(huh).At that time the vax had been out maybe 8 weeks.I said well i dont want it thanks,and i guess i should find another dr.She said no,i will still consult with you even though you should get vaxed as i think its very important.I said doc,you dont get it,i dont want to consult with anyone stupid enough to advise their patients to inject an experimental drug into themselves,with only 8 weeks of history to know what the implications may be.Drs are just people like anyone else,some very bright,some not so,the one being sued here falls into the not so

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IMO one of the biggest red flags regarding a doctor is when he/she either lies to you or pressures you into a medical treatment. My mother used to live in the same multi-family-home as my grand mother for the last years of my grandmother. In the town they both were living in they had two doctors: One who had a bit of an alternative streak (although he tried to convince me to get the covid shot when I was there) and another one who did not have that streak. For reasons I do not know my grandmother ended up with the second as her doctor. One day he came to the apartment of my grandmother (the whole story to me sounded very odd). My mother by chance was with my grandmother. The doctor said he had a flu-shot for my grandmother. My grandmothers said she did not want the flu-shot to which the doctor replied, that he "was not sure, whether my grandmother could refuse it". IMO this sentence alone would prompt me to change my doctor.

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I learn so much from reading your posts, Thank you and keep up the good work.

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

As long as modern medicine is allied with the pharmaceutical industry, medical ethics is an impossibility except for those few who step outside of the paradigm. Big Pharma is so unethical and it permeates the medical journals, medical education, the thought leaders, and the construction of medical "standards of care" that one can not live comfortably within the mainstream paradigm and be ethical any more than one can now work within the mainstream paradigm of journalism and report on the truth. Many have called me "brave" for advising my patients to "wait for better science" before submitting to the COVID shot, but doing so for me was a no-brainer. If I didn't work in behalf of my patients health, I felt I had no business calling myself "doctor". I was rewarded for my ethical principles by being relieved of my license by the local Board of Medicine. I have long ago migrated to the world of alternative medicine, where I am able to practice under health freedom by using exclusively homeopathy, energy work, nutrition, environmental and functional medicine. I'll never go back until medicine disaffiliates with big Pharma. I'm not holding my breath.

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If I were Ms. McNeil, the fact that I was told to wait outside while my minor children were being examined would have been a Texas-sized red flag.

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Fraud & lack of informed consent are definitely elements of a medical malpractice action. And if it can be proved that the doctor was willful, malicious, fraudulent, one can get punitive damages. The fact that mom was not allowed to accompany the kids to their appts & that she was not informed that the jabs had been given @ all (much less w/out consent) means that doctor & staff KNEW they were doing something willful, malicious & fraudulent because the jab was not, in fact, “mandatory” to attend school. I wonder why they didn’t consider that the kids would tell but by then the deed was done & can never be reversed. Anyway, the Children’s Defense lawyers know what they’re doing

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The basic issue is that Big Pharma has great influence in how the eduction of our physicians are accomplished. They influence medical courses that enhance the sales of RX drugs. They discourage education on topics such as nutrition and less than 1 in 5 colleges of medicine offer a course and the course is bias and examines the supposed negative impact of nutrients on the drug treatment protocol. Especielly true in cancer treatment. In Illinois, nutrition is taught in the Department of Agra, but not in medicine. For over 50 years, the mantra has been taught that more than 1,000 iu's of vitamin D taken daily is POISONOUS! False. Few if any died of Covid if their Vitamin D blood level was above 50ng's and they had no co-morbidities. This was ignored. NAC boosts the liver's ability to detoxify the body of toxins, and is ignored. Tylenol antidote is NAC and they still don't connect the dots in medicine. There is a push to make NAC a Rx drug. Why? The list is long and researchers such as Susie Cohen has documented the negative impact of Rx drugs on the essential nutrients required for good health. The book is Drug Muggers! Statins deplete Co Q 10 and most American physicians do not prescribe Co Q 10 to compensate. The list is long and and physicans have not been properly educated! Thanks to the bias education on drugs from Big Pharma during the educational years of the physician and afterwards with CE that is bias. . My thoughts for the day.

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

MDR, several things jump out to me. Where there is no laws of God in a nation, (moral laws of the Creator summed up by the notion of Jesus--love your neighbor as yourself) authorities in the face of the medical establishment is no longer bound except by this ancient hyppocratic oath and then the laws of self-advancement of power for the love of money and the fear of men. All of these evils done out a spirit of fear will return onto the heads of medical providers! The medical establishment has surely created the class of doctors like Dr Rethy, and turned them into predators and psychopaths. They will get their rewards guaranteed.

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Outstanding analysis!

Docs and hospitals flushed themselves down the toilet, so I have no sympathy for the ethical pains and (I hope) legal liability for damages of multitudes in the covid-related medical professions. But Midwestern Doctor is repairing some of the damage to the profession and its patients. Thank you.

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A great article, and so true. I received a call from the VA last week threatening to drop my local VA clinic if I didn’t have a visit. I agreed; it had been 4 years. The nurse tried to get me to do labs in advance of the appt, but I told her I didn’t need them, I am healthy. She persisted and I resisted. At the appt a couple of days ago, the doctor briefly greeted me and then asked to see my labs. I told him I didn’t have any and I didn’t plan to get any as I felt fine. He didn’t like that answer and told me he couldn’t do his job without labs. I asked him if I was just an engine that needed samples. He really didn’t like that. He told me he couldn’t be my doctor anymore without labs. Hahaha. He hadn’t been my doctor for 4 years anyway. He walked out and so I left happily knowing I wouldn’t be told I need statins or some other BS drug. The back story is every previous lab review we had done several years ago and up until COVID shut down VA clinics out of ridiculous fear, this doctor wanted to put me on something. I wouldn’t ever do it. My experience is at least in the VA, there are no doctors, just drug dealers. They probably make money off the scripts, although I can’t confirm that. They definitely ask no questions about anything relative to good health and fitness. This doc asked me exactly zero questions other than do you have your labs. We are in a sad state with doctors. The irony is that they do so little that they will be replaced by machines. Any well programmed machine could have reviewed my labs and told me to take this or that. Resist unless you are dying. Then maybe continue to resist.

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There is a fifth principle: Medicine is a team sport, and the patient is the team captain.

I am 75 and have more doctors than I know what to do with. My primary care provider and I discuss all procedures, tests and medications before anything is done. He is aware that I did med school in Germany, in German, nearly 40 years ago, never practiced and have forgotten most of the specifics I learned. I've told him that he gets the last word always; I trust his judgment ahead of mine. I have a palliative care NP who sees me about every other month (hospice light) and I call her to request specific medicines, most recently zofran and prednisone.

My new urologist and I discussed the necessary regular monitoring for bladder cancer. With my history he's opposed to anything more than annual cystoscopes, matching my opinion. My cardiologist and I have more a social relationship than a medical one; my pulmonologitst accepts that I'm going to die shortly so we keep things light. My neurologist is mostly a friend.

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Meanwhile, my MD told me that it wasn't necessary for me to get the Covid vaccine.

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Another outstanding article. I always know I will be more enlightened after reading your post. I’m beginning to wonder about doctors’ ethics, as to whether they still exist at all or do they just follow whatever rule reaps a reward💰. We must all consider our relationship with the doctors we choose and if it’s in our interest to continue.

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Absolute insanity all around us AMD , thank you for your writings . 🤗

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