One thing that I have noticed as a regular citizen is that we have all been trained to almost completely ignore any warnings or information on the inserts about adverse reactions of any medication or injection. I suspect it’s because of the endless commercials for prescription medications that show happy, smiling, healthy people with upbeat music doing fun things while a kind sounding voice discretely says that “death may occur”. I don’t think our minds are able to grasp such a shocking message while fun music and happy people are dancing around the tv screen. It’s a true PSY-OP every time someone turns on their tv.

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If it were just a matter of making money, they could release safe placebos.

In my opinion, they seek not only to rob us, they want to hurt and kill us. That includes our own government.

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Hey they gotta defend those SSRIs or there won't be anymore mass shooters to help just justify disarmament of Americans. Can't have that right??

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I know quite a few people who take SSRIs. I tried a few when I was treated for ptsd while getting care in the VA system. Always quit each of them after a short while because they made me feel weird. All the psychiatrists recommended them. I just knew these drugs were not for me.

Now, thanks to you, I have a deeper understanding of why. It's all about money.

And it didn't work out very well for me with the jab. I've learned the hard way.

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I am 70 and I won't take a pharma drug for these very reasons. There has never been a doubt in my mind all mass shootings have been due to SSRIs and most iatrogenic illness is pharma related. I am so glad I did not vaccinate my baby. My 2 dogs were rescues, both vaccine injured. Zoetis makes the vaccine, and they make Apoquel, for the autoimmune condition that follows their toxins. They should be put in jail.

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Jan 9Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Well said. There is a basic concept that runs through all these drugs that have high side effects and are ignored. It’s called risk benefit ratio good example is Vioxx. The manufacturer knows that financial penalties are the only ultimate cost! A young physician working for Merck kept telling top management that they had to take the drug off the market and they did not listen! Inturn she resign, because she will not be party to the harm that was being created! The longer Vioxx was on the market, the profitability from the drug would pay for future fines! It is no accident that Alex Azar was appointed to run HHS! Bush was instrumental in having the US government run a $30 million research study called WIF. Woman’s health initiative.! It was designed to discredit estrogen and promote Lilly’s osteoporosis drug, which is a targeted chemo drug! Richard Durbin has expressed to me, his sincere defense of the FDA and their values in regards to the injections, and the way they are being managed! Speaks volumes about why we continue to go down this road of RNA injections, which re-programs the blueprint of life without any regard to the negative impact on humans who are now seen as lab rats!

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I already know a lot of this from Mad in America" by Robert Whitaker, but reading it still makes me physically sick. When a teenager in the 80's, my sister had a traumatic event which led to her being put on SSRI's, and they changed her almost overnight. She spent the next decade and a half most institutionalized and on more and more similar drugs, until a state hospital gave her too much of one and killed her. At the time I knew the answer was to get her off them, but there was *nobody* in the medical profession who wasn't drinking the Kool-Aid.

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023

I was in a treatment center recently where the attending physician put every single person on cymbalta. Including me. I took it for three days b/c I was essentially blackmailed into it. Most ppl believe their medical team wants to help them when in fact this man is running a pill mill. Desperate people come in for treatment and end up leaving addicted to prescriptions. Most were started on 4-6 meds. I was very vocal about this during my stay and encouraged a few to "pocket their meds". I asked for printouts of the crap they "prescribed" me and shared with others. Therapists asked me why I would ask for this information? Why wouldn't everyone? When I left an experienced nurse said, "look at you leaving on no meds! Congratulations!" If I hadn't read this SS and others I may have ended up not questioning that man and his staff. Thank you!

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Wow, this is such thorough research, so much to digest. You're the second person I know that has put together the possible Nazi/Bush correlation. Thank you for sharing the 2004 Guardian article as well.

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My understanding is that after receiving a literal FLOOD of direct evidence that Thalidomide was causing babies to be born without limbs, the FDA continued fighting (viciously) for 10 years MORE in defense of the "safety" of their "approved" drug. Nothing they do from here surprises me.

The only thing that would surprise me, is if the FDA stopped fighting their endless war to ban any and all substances and treatments that ARE truly "safe and effective." If something has the FDA's "approval" you can bet it's going to maim you and severely shorten your life. The FDA doesn't "approve" of the public having access to anything else.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Thank you for writing this article. I can never get over the corrupt lengths to which people will go for money and power.

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I had a kid from out of town in my pharmacy (late 90’s). He had run out of Paxil and was in agony. Abdominal cramps, sweating, nausea— looking at him I thought he was in opioid withdrawal. He begged me to call his doctor to authorize a refill. I called, it took forever to get to doc, who promptly reamed me out for thinking that Paxil had a withdrawal syndrome. I had just read about such a syndrome, told him he was in error, and even if I was wrong, what harm would it do to take care of his patient? He finally allowed me to fill 10 Paxil and I thanked him. I gave one to the kid while I filled it. Twenty minutes later he was in tears, thanking me for my (unpaid) time and effort because his discomfort was relieved. I immediately started researching how to discontinue SSRI’s safely.

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Thank you for this. Wow. I've long been suspicious of SSRIs because I always had the sense that the brain and mind (and other nonmaterial anatomy) are not fully understood by our "scientists" (ever since covid, with counted exceptions, I'm giving them all quotation marks), and it therefore struck me as naive in the extreme that emotional issues, by their nature complex and unique to the individual, could be fixed with a pill, or any combination thereof. Add in addictiveness, and to that big profits to be had by prescribing these things, and to that the usual behind-the-scenes legislative and regulatory chicanery and there's a recipe for disaster. Again, my thanks to you for explaining and documenting this.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Excellent expose'.

Another damning indictment involves the premature removal of L-tryptophan as a dietary supplement (suspected cause of EMS) just two years after Prozac got approved.

The FDA kept tryptophan off the market until 4 years after Eli Lilly's patent on Prozac expired -- even though it had been proven 15 years earlier that a single manufacturer in Japan, Showa Denko, was entirely responsible for the EMS outbreak.

They knew the true cause of EMS for 15 full years before allowing tryptophan back on the market. Without tryptophan supplements to compete against, sales of Prozac skyrocketed.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I was trusting of the FDA and other government agencies until I hurt my back around 2019. I thought I was going to need surgery but my wife got me the book, Crooked: Outwitting the Back Pain Industry and Getting on the Road to Recovery by Cathryn Ramin. She described how bad the FDA was when it came to approving medical treatments (opioids, medical devices, etc.) but, thinking back, I don’t think she charged their wrong doing enough. Luckily, I recovered by taking it easy and following the advice from another book by Stuart McGill which included no drugs. Reagan said “trust but verify.” That’s wrong just like his signature on the 1986 Vaccine Act. It should just be “never trust our government” or the media or the medical journals or the medical boards or ...

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023

thanks to your articles I started looking into dog jabs and now my dog will be jab free for the remainder of her life. If you ever come to Georgia she will thank you in person

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