Apr 21·edited Apr 21Pinned

In all the polls, the majority of respondents (who could respond) noticed a difference. Since the poll results may not show to readers, in a week or two I'll put them all into a graph everyone can view.

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Direct hit, sir. I kept my own son from taking all but the very first Hep B shot( I was pressured into it, but afterward always refused) and was blessed with a strong, brilliant,and thoughtful child who grew into adulthood.

In his early 20s , he wanted to finish his education at state University,and pressed by his girlfriend, became up-to-date on his vaccines in s very short period.

There followed depression. Then a diagnosis for ADHD , from which he never previously shown signs.

Mid 2022 he and his new wide ( same multi year gf) get covid shots.

Less than a year later, at 26...he's decided he's Trans and he's a girl. She agrees, because she thinks she's non binary.

They both live with me now and I can daily see the personality changes that weren't part of his psychology at age 22.

All this I'd claimed to his dad a couple months ago.

I had hopes that a couple years might see him heal.

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I was listening to a naturapath in Australia who was visited by a gay girl and her partner. During conversation she told the naturopath that prior to having her second HPV (Gardisil) vaccine, she had been attracted to boys. Then after the vaccination she changed to being attracted to girls. This was the first I'd heard of something so obvious and immediate.

I have read many times about the link between autism and gender dysphoria. I would definitely link it all back to vaccines.

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Extremely interesting article gave me much food for thought... Doctors that were injecting CV-19 into the shoulder...claiming that it would not affect the rest of the body. should have lost their licenses! The purpose of the bloodstream is to nourish the entire body, the organs, the glands, the skin and the brain. Injecting CV-19 vax matter, such as, now we know DNA by the billions, graphene oxide and more into the bloodstream. would impact the entire body negatively. The glands and organs would be damaged; and this would throw the body and brain out of balance. The original childhood vaxes contained many substances, which created body and brain damage; for example, aluminum, mercury, fluoride, formaldehyde, animal viruses, etc. These elements would affect the pineal gland, the pituitary gland, the lymphatic system, etc. This has created the massive amount of health problems.since the 1950s. The pineal gland is the seat of consciousness and awareness. When it is destroyed, people lose their perception of right and wrong; and their intuition.

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Apr 20Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I would say that my mother (b.1936) and grandmother (b.1915) seemed to be more competent in a wider number of situations than women my age (b.1957) and definitely younger women (b. late 1970s and younger). Men and women both seem to have a smaller range of interests than older people. Like young people now having trouble working with others professionally. Overly sensitive socially too!

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I wrote an article along similar lines (though not as eloquent and well documented) about two years ago: https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/trans-messaging-is-too-sophisticated

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I’ll chime in. I had 5 bindres of research and medical texts lost by movers.

I had 26 documented suspected adverse events from.”the jab”

As an example, My Brother-InLaw/Best Friend had long Covid. I urged politely for him to talk to Pierre Kory, M.D. instead, lthey took the advice of their family doctor and had two shots.

He now has significant cognitive, memory loss, fatigue,…can no longer have a glass of wine. His brain is virtually destroyed.

Very Best Friend (extremely perfect physical health) Left Ventricular heart.

Another Best Friend…Sudden onset of aggressive cancer.

I have seen psychological changes, sometimes mild to moderately severe,in friends. (Not included in the 26) That could be related to a number of issues; however I do believe t an issue should be investigated and research done. We all know that will never happen. Ed

Edit - Psychologically A Very Good Friend became extremely ugly and mean. So bad, I blocked his number and deleted contact. I know he had two shots…don’t know about third. Totally out of his typical behavior and character.

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Apr 20Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

This article hit me hard. Not for the current vax shots, but for shots taken in my childhood, and affecting me in so many ways mentioned in this article. And members of my family, and my children. I'm on the spectrum, but also was affected by massive numbers of middle-ear infections as a kid, and had tubes put in. My brother had asthma, another brother and myself deal with areas affecting proper emotional and intimacy. (I'm sure tied also with autism). I had a brother born before me who died suddenly of SIDS, and would have likely had the DPT shot that you mentioned being attributed to it.

The outcomes have heavily rippled outwards in relationships, employment, associations, healthcare, etc.

However, I think that one item that should be considered as well, as I've done a bit of genealogy and found areas of suicidal tendencies in not only direct ancestors (since civil war days), but in other extended relatives downward from some of these early people, to where I see parallels and similar failures/issues/conflicts. I believe that these vaccines may also accelerate latent biological and mental "failures" that are genetically linked.

I want to be VERY careful with what this suggests, because we have some rising efforts (internationally) to legalize assisted suicide, and stronger efforts to force suicide upon those with diminished mental capacity and showing autistic traits. Canada is rushing headlong into this area, as are other nations. The US is starting to pick up on some of these healthcare "options" as well.

Thank you midwestern doctor for your extensive (and necessary) writeup. I hope it will gain greater traction and widespread attribution. There are many parents who feel a guilt already for the outcomes of their children, while trying to adhere (for the right purposes) to what they feel is a good course of treatment (if not mandated for school attendance). I don't want to absolve bad behavior, but perhaps there is some degree of impulsiveness that is found therein. Your point about profound effects on justice and judicial reforms cannot be understated. I hope, however, that the pendulum doesn't swing too far, so that it won't be used as an excuse/justification for bad behavior "that can't be helped". We still have personal accountability for our own actions. But it bears having more self-reflection about the judgements we levy upon other people for the idiosyncracies that they may display. In my own job, my manager told our team of some openings elsewhere under a poor manager, and it was a bit disturbing to hear so many teammates suggest I go for one of them. I am meticulous in my work (I care a lot), but it bothers others that I don't let things go. (not perfection, but a higher standard than what I see in my work environment - yes it's government) Perhaps I feel a greater responsibility on behalf of the tax payers (self accountability that extends towards others as well, to which they resent). I definitely have difficulty reading the room.

Again, THANK YOU for a very thorough writeup! I'm too young to take the survey, though I take care of folks above the age of 80. One is in cognitive decline now, and the other has other health issues, and I'm not sure how much I could survey them - they're fairly computer phobic.

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There is so much in this article that I can relate to. I was diagnosed with autism at age 4, but my mother didn't tell me about that diagnosis until I was 32. I had lots of health problems as a child which I suspect were caused by vaccines. I am in my early 50s, and as I have gotten older, the autism symptoms have gradually faded away. I am now at the point where I can take care of myself and have a job. Could this be because I haven't had a vaccine in nearly 2 decades? I often think about that.

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Apr 20Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Deliberate causation of Autism is routine using non-human Primates hit with 0.000000004 gram per kilogram bodyweight Endotoxin late in pregnancy.


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Thank you so much Midwestern Doctor... for this very enlightening article. It is key to understanding a great deal of what has happened in our society.

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Judy Hoy writes about the effects of pesticides in her 2017 book, Changing Faces. She has over 50 years of direct observation as an animal rescue caretaker. One obvious sign across numerous species is changes in head development, jaw development and bite dynamics. Highly recommended.

From my amazon review:

"Judy has been observing wildlife in Montana for over 50 years, meticulously documenting what she sees. Rain so polluted with toxins that the tips of her goat’s ears were eaten away; bears that lost their fur and went bald over most of their body; deer with no or malformed testicles; animals and birds with severe, life-threatening overbite due to malformed head growth; birth defects and failure to thrive after birth; animals that drop dead from lung hemorrhage; catastrophic drops in insect populations needed by birds, and in the berries needed by bears and birds; loss of critical minerals from plants due to Roundup; loss of environmental diversity and species die-off; and much more. It is truly horrifying."

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Surely the Department of Defense has records that would be very useful as almost all military dependents were vaccinated on a schedule. These kids are called "military brats" and they have a large presence on social media groups like facebook, primarily because they have no "home towns." They graduated from high schools on bases in England or Japan or Germany and they have found their old friends online in these groups. These kids moved every 3 or so years and they all had what were called "shot records," small yellow cards that were kept up to date. Continuing to the present day, certain shots are required when changing station, particularly if you are headed to certain countries where you might need additional immunization--for example, every 6 months for cholera. I hesitate to publicly go into detail about those I am related to, and you didn't have to get as many shots back in the 50s and 60s, but I feel the shots definitely caused side effects.

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Fantastic article. I think the dissolution of humanity has been picking up steam for the last 70 years as big pharma has evolved as a marketing machine and more and more poison drugs have become quite common. We are simply being poisoned to death by big pharma's drugs. The alterations to any specific body are incalculable. However, we are seeing the results in real time as much as they are desperately trying to keep them hidden and apart from the truth.

Drugs are marketed as safe and effective and the answer to all our ills. There is virtually no proof of any of this...that drug use can make you healthier and living longer in a state of good health. Patients have grown to blindly trust doctors through indoctrination, intimidation and brute force. We really do not know what these drugs substances contain. The FDA is of no help and can never be trusted.

It's not just vaccines and mRNA poisons, it's almost every drug. I have made a pact with myself to avoid all big pharma drugs as much as possible, even OTC. I am a 50 year anti-vaxxer and take no drug prescriptions in my 74th year. I trust nothing about the modern stone age medical mafia.

Employing a witch doctor and voodoo magic make more sense.

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The author is self-described as a Midwestern (American) doctor, and the USA-centrism of it shows in pieces like this. And I'm saying this as an avid subscriber and deeply appreciative reader.

To address the topics raised in the article from a different angle, I think the most relevant ongoing cultural aspect that ties into this is the current "fad" known as "passport bros," which is shorthand for the practice of American men obtaining a passport in order to find better romantic partnerships (aka wives) with women in other countries. Critics will say that this is because the overseas women are "servile" or in an inferior power balance or are "desperately poor" and other things along this vein, which I think are true only in a tiny majority of cases.

What I've seen w/r/t the "passport bros" phenomenon can be more accurately described as a search for women who aren't "crazy," shorthand for all of the things described so excellently in this article, aka brain-damaged (primarily as a result of being vaccinated) and all the unfortunate side effects that come from that.

Indeed, if you look at the most popular destinations for "passport bros" to find partners, it is exactly in those areas of the world with much lower vaccination rates AND far less pharmaceutical product consumption.

As someone who lives in Eastern Europe, I can tell you that a whole host of "normal" things in America are virtually non-existent here, including: practically no one has allergies here, children rarely get ear infections, there are very few instances of "sexual identity disorders," criminal acts that could be described as pathological in nature are rarer than hen's teeth, almost no hypersexuality or extreme "casualness" about sexual relationships ("hookup apps" like Tindr and Grindr aren't illegal here, but virtually no one uses them), very low rates of autism, etc etc.

In other words, you don't need to compare pre-1950s American men to men of today. You can compare 2024 men of Eastern Europe to 2024 American/Canadian/Western Europe men and get similar results. I don't know the exact details of vaccine uptake here, but I do know that being unvaccinated 100% is common (the Orthodox Church is largely anti-vaccine and many groups such as gypsies have cultural aversions to them) and that even vaccinated people here get a lot fewer shots compared to something like the CDC/NHS schedule, plus there is no legal immunity for vaccine manufacturers.

Note: When I say Eastern Europe, I am not talking about Russia. Russia is much more similar to the West/USA in its outlook and structure.

Something to think about! Thanks, and please keep up your outstanding work.

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Apr 20Liked by A Midwestern Doctor