Great post. From a historical perspective, such incredibly reckless (at a minimum) developments do not end well and could result in mass death or disablement.

I know one young and previously vaccinated person who clearly has some immunity problem, very often seriously sick with non-covid illnesses (and covid too) , hospitailzed etc, plus long covid, that do not spread to the rest of his unvaccinated family, despite the rest of the family not being more than of average health.

How likely is it, in your opinion, that the post-vaccine problems such as immune deficiency, will actually significantly affect our demographics?

(I hope that the answer and the end result will be that these concerns will not materialize)

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I personally know of a few cases of severe immune deficiency following vaccination, numerous cases of cancer following vaccination (which suggests the occurrence of immune deficiency) and more commonly, the onset of shingles after vaccination (which also suggests immune suppression). I do believe a certain portion of individuals who are vaccinated develop chronic immune suppression of varying degrees, but I have absolutely no way to estimate how common it will be, and we will likely need 3 to 5 years from the time of vaccination to determine the effects. Normally when you look at these type of phenomena, the dire predictions tend to regress to the mean, so that would be my initial guess here, but at the same time the covid vaccines have consistently managed to exceed my worst-case prediction. I have always felt the primary issue with the vaccines will be the long-term effects they create, which is why I was so shocked by the individual's I ran into who immediately died. I apologize for the non-answer to your question, but I really have no basis to claim I could know the answer to it.

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I’m no longer in practice and don’t have extensive contact with practicing MD’s any more so I don’t have access to a personal larger database to monitor. But just among 2nd degree of separation relatives and friends the reports of cancers and vascular disease in the vaxxed is beginning to be alarming. I have also started a list of vaxx injured or dead as it is beginning to get too long to remember all.

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May 24, 2022·edited May 24, 2022Author

That is essentially identical to what I did here (you'd probably find it worth reading)


This took hundreds of hours to compile, so I have a been a bit delinquent with updating verified cases in it recently.

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May 24, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Doctor, as a retired NP and unvaccinated due to the deep dives I did before the vaccine rollout, I have to say I have been shocked to see the effects of vaccine injury and death in just our small circle of friends our age. We are in our 60s and we know three people who died within 6-10 months of their two jab series, one from lymphoma, another from radical, rapid progression of his previously diagnosed lymphoma, and the last one from acute lymphoblastic leukemia. We’ve gone all these years not knowing anyone personally who died of cancer but for my father at 82. Now we know three people in their 60s who die within less than a year of their jabs? Something is so very wrong, doc. Thank goodness for people like you. Many thanks.

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Yes, and I thank you for it. How do you balance spreading this knowledge without alienating everyone you know who has taken these injectable biologics? I am at a loss and indeed, have been “ghosted” by three different former friends. I am ever thankful for the ones who’ve stuck with me and for my unvaccinated friends who get it.

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Yes, something is very wrong. I know a lot of vaccinated people and I am very worried.

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I read that when you published it. Thanks. Btw, since I replied to your article a few hours ago I just found out that my previously healthy neighbor down the street, fully brainwashed and vaxxed Biden liberal, was diagnosed with AML on 3/18 and is in the hospital undergoing chemo. Montaignier's predictions are coming true.

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I think I mentioned this somewhere else here, but most of my family died in the holocaust, so it's depressing to see these types of things repeat throughout history.

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So sorry to read the history of your family in the holocaust. God saw fit that you should live for this time, and I am grateful. Your information is very helpful. Thank you.

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I work with vascular surgeons and I will say I’ve never seen so many common iliac aneurysms in my 14yrs in my role. 44yr old recently with a ruptured aneurysm. It’s unheard of

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May 24, 2022·edited May 24, 2022Author

In my log of adverse events I had directly come across, I tried to document all strokes I encountered. The majority were ischemic, but a few were hemorrhagic, so I find this commentary very helpful (I do not work with vascular surgeons or have any friends in that specialty, so you have a much better perspective to assess changes in incidences of those types of events).

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Mark Crispen Miller in "News from the Underground" in Substack lists weekly "unexpected deaths" in the world, which in the past were usually overdose or suicide but could now be attributed to the shots, something never even considered in otherwise healthy people.

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Thank you. I am not surprised at the non-reply, because I also do not have the answer.

Note that Covid is also immune suppressive, and if vaccinated people get endless covids, that might be very bad for them, if they get 3-4 doses and then several covids on top.

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If you understand the concept of original antigenic sin and the fact we were using a single antigen vaccine against a rapidly mutating section of the virus, this was a given at the start of the vaccine campaign. That rather than antibody dependent was the primary reason I advocated against the vaccine campaign before the significant toxicity became known.

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Thanks. I wrote several articles on the topic of OAS and it is a huge concern for me -- OAS causes endless repeat covids, which are immune suppressive, which could cause chronic Covid

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Agree. I think it’s going to be cumulative damage. Our best bet likely avoid vaccines and keep up the nasal irrigation, supplement stack, healthy diet, exercise protocol and healing sunlight to try and avoid or minimize damage from virus.

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For your statements of fact and critical analyses of them, I thank you.

Your observations regarding obscurantism and outright deception help provide context to a societal dynamic that has puzzled me for some years. There seems to be some sort of "don't ask, don't tell" dynamic regarding vaccine injury within the social contract, or so it appears to me.

Approximately a decade ago, I noticed something I considered rather odd. Mainstream expressions of opinion about the so-called "anti-vax movement" became increasingly devoid of information, becoming little more than exersizes in sneering dismissal.

Being supportive of vaccination writ large, but agnostic in relation to any given detail, I decided to explore the claims of what I thought a rather extreme fringe "movement." I was genuinely surprised at what I found, which was a rather wide range of opinion within a broad spectrum.

Within that continuum are viewpoints ranging from parents who wonder if administering innoculations in highly concentrated clusters might be inferior to spreading them out over a longer period of time with fewer combinations, to "vaccines are all pure poison!" The public narrative made no concession to such diversity of inquiry and opinion.

In a manner you might find touchingly naive, Doctor, I thought that this imbalance could be obviated with recognition of facts and a wee bit of compassion. After all, I reasoned, those who are injured and killed by adverse reactions to vaccines have sacrificed themselves for the good of us all and deserve to have their sacrifices recognized. I had thought that we all owe a debt of gratitude to these unfortunates, small in number as they are.

When I mentioned my exploration, discovery and conclusion to others, the responses were quite interesting. Universally, recognition of the injured and dead was vehemently opposed.

Ordinary individuals considered such recognition misplaced. The most telling example of this was expressed by an old soldier who thought that recognition was a form of "false valor" because few give fully informed consent to innoculation. I thought this a sensible viewpoint, and hearing it clarified a number of things for me.

What was most telling, however, was the reaction of the erudite. I was truly stunned by it. The wall of dissembling erected by their verbose deflections was impressive and disheatening. Time after time, I was confronted with extraordinary feats of rhetorical legerdemain. It was immediately apparent that such dishonesty was manipulative in nature and relied on a smug elitism that would brook no moderation whatsoever.

You have suggested that this is a form of gaslighting, Doc, and I have to agree. I find the varying motives self-serving, in the main. in it's simplest form, it seems to be some sort of a "whistling past the graveyard." Within the more complex and persistent "arguments" lies a combination of hubris and self-aggrandizement.

I truly appreciate the perspective that you bring to this subject. It seemed to me that the sort of reactions I encountered could not have arisen spontaneously. It became clearer with the advent of horrifyingly nonsensical and seemingly counterfactual hysteria in the official response to Covid.

A series of intersecting patterns have emerged, clarified by a few brave and knowledgeable souls such as yourself. You are providing a benefit to humanity in ways that will not be fully appreciated for a very long time. When providing a dominant narrative is considered preferable to maintenance of core values such as honesty and compassion, application of a corrective becomes necessary.

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One of your best articles. Nails it down tightly.

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Thank you Carrie. I can be nothing other than dismayed at the necessity to do so.

You have grasped the zetgeist perfectly; be silent lest you spoil a narrative so desperately needed.

But, we must ask ourselves, needed by whom, precisely?

For those inured to the tedium of "forcing" an admission of the a priori assumptions inherent in that effort to silence the voices of those injured, a pattern emerges. Under the guise of defending against destructive ignorance, it is assumed that most, but not all, are incapable of making "good" decisions. Present company is always excluded, rhetorically.

My response has evolved into an accusation. I charge these intellectual insolvents with abdication of their responsibility to protect the weakest among us. Ignoring safety signals in favor of promulgating a self-seeking comfortable narrtive constitutes a form of murderous intent. It is one thing to allow injury and death to pass unremarked, another thing entirely to promulgate untruth and actively suppress.

I liken such perfidy to the attitude that would condemn the developmentally disaabled to death for a behavior that is accepted as criminally heinous when committed by those capable of comprehending the gravity of their actions.

To a certain degree, strict utilitarianism is the proper approach to public health. The power to impose death by decree within that conceptual framework, however, must be strictly limited and balanced by fierce opposition.

The way this applies to medicine is in the role played by physicians. The power of a physician in the singular role of wielding power over the welfare of the masses, must be balanced by opposition from the physicians who are devoted to treating individuals. The individualized practitioner must be the counterpoint, the balance-weight.

When individual practioners adopt the strict utilitarianism of the officials, there are none left to protect and treat the vulnerable. We all become as cattle led to the slaughter. This principle is one of the threads woven through the tapestry of the Nuremberg trials.

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MwD... Excellent coverage. The criminality (there is simply no other way to spin this) of these people defies all reason. What kind of people sell their souls for power, fleeting fame and fiat currency when they know (yes, they KNOW) that they are maiming and killing innocent people?

...Evil that is really incomprehensible.

I am certain you are correct in recognizing the dys-regulation of the ANS as an important part of this disease (natural and vaxxx-induced). This is why "anxiety" is the #2 co-morbidity in severe COIVD cased (behind, obesity - BMI>40) and things like diabetes, cancer, and autoimmune disease. This is where CBD (from cannabis) can help as it does work with the endocannabinoid system to return homeostasis - balance - to the ANS and HPA axes). I think that this should be part of any treatment protocol for long haulers and the vaxxx-injured (legal in all 50 states for now and relatively inexpensive compared to prescription pharmaceuticals).

Thanks for your efforts to educate us all!

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I suspect it is very likely that Endocannabinoids will end up been utilized for the Neuro inflammation created by these vaccines. You are probably aware of this, but Judy Mikovits has championed this approach for other vaccine injuries.

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Endocannabinoids sponsored by Dr. Judy Mikovitz. https://cytogenmd.com/

@amidwesterndoctor - you can be one an affiliate of her healing products.

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I also often emphasize the anxiety connection to COVID to medical students and residents.

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Yes! Very important!

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May 24, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

URGENT! Please vote! Health Canada doing a twitter poll asking true or false that vaccines prevent serious illness! https://twitter.com/GovCanHealth/status/1529114746951180295

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check out the poll's results, and HC's pouty '2+2 IS 5, I don't care what you say' reply- which got heavily ratio'd . Glorious. More people know the truth than I thought. https://twitter.com/GovCanHealth/status/1529114746951180295

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Here is the sad fact when you are dealing with an iatrogenic disease process; you either get gaslighting from medical professionals, or you get charlatan Integrative docs operating outside the system who more often that not cannot help but can give you false hope and grift desperate dollars from your dying and disabled self. When you are injured by the medical community there is no help. You are on your own.

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May 24, 2022·edited May 24, 2022Author

Some can, most can't. Treating iatrogenic diseases has been a major focus of mine and while I have found a few integrative docs who can address the issue, most are very disappointing and cannot. Typically speaking, iatrogenic injuries are much more difficult to address than most other types of diseases, which speaks to how under-appreciated the toxicity of many pharmaceuticals is.

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Have you had or heard of anyone having experience with hyperbaric chamber treatment for chronic disease/long covid/C19V injuries? I read a comment on a recent Drbeen video that says this person is having great results using this treatment.

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Ozone is probably better and cheaper.

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We tried ozone insufflation. Didn’t see much there.

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1) That form often does not work. 2) This was in reference to the other persons issue. I don't know what happened to you so I have no basis to know if Ozone is even applicable to your circumstances. For COVID Vaccine injuries, some people find IV ozone is very helpful and I have not heard the same regarding HBO.

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I have an air purifier with ozone, banned in California, mostly used it when there's fire smoke. I haven't been able to find any good information about it, I know what California says. Obviously too much is not good.

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I LOVE HBOT! My son did HBOT for his Vax injury at Sara’s Garden in Wauseon Ohio. And we are now the proud owners of a home soft chamber HBOT.

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Do you have a link to this treatment method and where one acquires a chamber?

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And I bought my HBOT and o2 concentrate set up from Diane at Healing Dives who was also injured by a pharmaceutical product. https://www.healingdives.com/about-me/

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I wish I knew who you were and where in Ohio you practice. We have seen most Integrative doctors around Ohio and have been very disappointed in basically all of them.

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Any chance you could send me a list of who you have seen and what your iatrogenic injury was?

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Thanks, just sent. My emails often end up in the spam folders.

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Me too! I'd be willing to travel for eval and treatment.

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We’re working through Michigan docs now. Still not impressed. 😂😂😂😂

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I'm in MI too. Spent $$$ with integrative doc here with minimal results.

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Out of curiosity, did you ever see David Brownstein, and if so how was he?

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We spent about $10K with our last Michigan one. My husband’s entire yearly bonus when he was in an ANS crash and we were desperate. Absolutely a waste of money. He was a moron who just wanted my already neurologically injured husband on statins. I WENT OFF.

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May 24, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

👏👏👏👏👏🙏 Exceptional piece.

Please keep us updated on the work you and your team are doing. There may be ways to improve the trial size issue and/or others maybe able to run synchronised trials under your teams guidence in other countries. Whether coalition of clinicians or even utilising citizen science. There are many around the world in a position to help, who wish to stay under the radar, but still work the problem. There is and will continue to be a lot of injured people, I personally think any possible depopulation agenda groups, actually underestimated the human bodies capacity and want to survive. Eventually, it may be on target as they predict, but I think there was supposed to be a lot more mortality initially, to help push through larger draconian measures.

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Thank you so much for your support.

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Regarding the sequence of events, the next one is the reformulation. There will be a general, vague, acknowledgement of previous problems, but then assurances that this new formula is addresses those things.

Any adverse event or lack of efficacy in the previous formula can no longer be applied to the new one, and the sequence will start all over again.

Psychiatry is a master at this. They've made it impossible for a patient to ever say "the drugs don't work". The doctor will point out the patient can't know this because there is always a new drug formula, or a new drug combination, or simply a different dosage level that hasn't been tried.

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May 24, 2022·edited May 24, 2022Author

You are most likely correct. Even though these things are long, I try to be concise and avoid excessive tangents (which is how I categorized the theory you are raising) in relation to this story. The psychiatry playbook is very frustrating.

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Charles Rixey’s work indicates that the spike protein was engineered with the HIV inserts in order to provide insiders with a C19 antidote in the form of “fusion inhibitors,” a drug class that I am not familiar with. One of the commenters on Rixey’s recent article, referred to by Igor in his recent Substack article, suggested that the plan may be to start selling these drugs next.

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One of my colleagues found a back door that was engineered onto the original spike protein and would appear to be a deliberately patented treatment for it, however the back door stopped working as well in the later variants. The back door in question is completely different from what you were describing, but as I am under an NDA I cannot discuss it beyond noting that he therapy we found that mimicked the drug has helped a few people I knew were very ill with Covid.

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I just discovered your Substack (though I've seen your comments on other Substacks). Great work, much needed. Thank you!

FLCCC just came out with a new protocol for treating vaccine injured. They will be refining it over time. I hope these links will help:

* I-RECOVER: Post-Vaccine Treatment (main page): https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-recover-post-vaccine-treatment/

* I-RECOVER POST-VACCINE TREATMENT PROTOCOL (PDF 2-pages): https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/FLCCC_Alliance-I-RECOVER-Protocol-PostVaccine-v1-25May2022.pdf

* I-RECOVER detailed (PDF 19 pages): An Approach to the Management of Post-Vaccine Syndrome: https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/An-Approach-to-Vac-Injured-FINAL-May24-1.pdf

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Oh, that's interesting to see how much they're willing to branch out on this now for address these injuries. I have made a lot of progress on this.

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I hope you can work with FLCCC and share your techniques! Drs. Kory and Marik, Nurse Kristina, and the rest of the FLCCC crew are true humanitarians and scientists.

By the way, I'm reading all your substack articles, starting with the first one.


Have ANY "vaccines" proven safe and effective over time? If so, which one(s).


I used to be religious about getting flu, pneumonia, shingles, tetanus and other shots my doctors recommended; but after learning about "safe and effective" Covid and smallpox shots -- I AM SO DONE!

Fortunately, I disobeyed my Oregon doctor's recommendations about Covid shots, escaped to Idaho, and have found a doctor who -- through trained allopathically -- is a true scientist and humanitarian who believes in the partnership between doctor and patient. I did get Covid twice (the bad one that had no name in Jan 2020 and the less bad one in Feb 2022).

Thank you, AMD, for bringing light into this very dark tunnel. You are saving more lives with your Substack writing than any single doc could in medical practice (however, your patients are very lucky to have you!).

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I've looked at this for a long time, and in most cases the harm from a vaccine outweighs it's likelihood to benefit the recipient. I think that the best question can be raised around the pneumococcal vaccination, because it does work, and the infections are prevents can occasionally be quite serious for children, but since it "works" it created a selective pressure for the pneumococcal species to mutate to strains not covered by the vaccine (this is what happens when you have the occasional vaccines that do work).

To my knowledge, the only vaccine that has been proven to save lives when given as a mass immunization program is the MMR vaccine in sub-Saharan Africa due to the fact that it strengthens the immune system and makes the recipients less likely to die from a wide range of infectious diseases that are present there.

There are a variety of vaccines that are quite helpful if they are used as a therapeutic for an existing disease rather than a vaccination to prevent a disease you do not yet have. For example, the tuberculosis vaccination can be used to treat certain cancers and fibromyalgia, and the rabies vaccination (which has significant side effects) can be given after being bitten by a rabid animal and save the recipients life because rabies spreads very slowly through the body and vaccine immunization kicks into a and the rabies vaccination (which has significant side effects) can be given after being bitten by a rabid animal and save the recipients life because rabies spreads very slowly through the body and vaccine immunization kicks into a fact before the virus is fatal effect before the virus is fatal. There's also a holistic therapy known as low-dose immunotherapy, which is often quite helpful for a variety of complex conditions and is essentially a form of immunization.

Lastly, I'm honestly not sure how you would classify it in regards to your question, but a lot of work has been invested in developing vaccinations that can be used as birth control. On the surface, this is questionable and immoral, but if your goal was to specifically prevent getting pregnant and you personally wanted an injectable that would create that effect, arguably the hCG vaccines are effective.

I wrote about that here: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/the-complete-history-of-depopulation?s=w

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Thank you for this!

What about tetanus shots?

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May 31, 2022·edited May 31, 2022Author

It's impossible to get the tetanus vaccine without it being packaged with the diphtheria and pertussis vaccinations. The combine vaccine is problematic and causes a lot of issues. If you make the intellectual exercise to assume you could get a sole tetanus vaccination without diptheria and pertussis (I have actually had 2 members of my immediate family who at different times specifically requested this after they were seen in the emergency room for an abrasion stating they would refuse the vaccine if the other ones were there, were told they would be given a vaccination only with tetanus and not the other diptheria/pertussis, and when we reviewed her medical records, they were given the combine vaccine), the issue is that tetanus is now extremely rare, so it is very unlikely you could ever benefit from the vaccination. The best discussion I've seen on this entire topic was done by Suzanne Humphries (find her videos on https://odysee.com) I do not know the dangers associated with the tetanus vaccination by itself, as all the data I have ever reviewed looked at the combine vaccination.

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The fact that those patients were told they needed tetanus shots for abrasions also exposes how the medical industry issues overbroad recommendations. Wouldn't abrasions necessarily by definition be exposed to oxygen and therefore not in danger of tetanus infection?

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Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply. When I volunteered at a Humane Society, I was required to have a tetanus shot, but that was a while back. Sounds like the best offense is a good defense - stay in good shape and stay away from shots.

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"Covid" hasn't killed a single person, because viruses do not exist. Exosomes do.

The death toll from the lethal injections is up to 1.2 million by now, in the US alone.

As the symptoms have been/are real, chances are they have been caused by a combination of the muzzles, the "tests," the lethal injections, chemtrails, the cryptic disinfectants, and goodness knows what else. Either way, they indicated poisoning and they matched the symptoms for radiation illness.

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Indeed, Ray. And look at my comment above... !!!!

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I'm in total shock reading this article. My 90-year old mother began suffering from polymyalgia rheumatica maybe a few months after her vaccine. We assumed it was because of her age and didn't imagine it was because of the vaccine. (She had 2 doses.) Of course the doctor gave her 15 mg prednisone (she is now down to 5 mg prednisone. She also started suffering from pain along her left leg and waist and the spine specialist, rheumotologist and pain specialist said it is "spinal stenosis" which occurs to everyone who gets old but which she didn't have before. She is about to have an epidural next week to relieve the pain in her leg and waist (more cortisone). We would love to see a doctor like you who isn't sold to the narrative and might actually help her. We would travel large distances to do so. My mother was relatively healthy before this, having a history of heart disease which was completely under control for two decades, and functioning normally in every way - mobile, active, entertaining, etc.

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I did not fill in the details, but this is almost exactly what happened to my friend. Her report is contained within the log of adverse reactions to vaccination I encountered, and she noted her rheumatologist stated he had multiple other patients with the exact same experience.

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Well, our rheumatologist and all the other experts did not suggest one word that the vaccine might be at fault, which makes us feel we can no longer trust them. Since you are the only one we know who is willing to speak up about vaccine injuries and is willing to treat them, can we see you? Ohio is a few hours away from us, definitely doable to see a doctor who is honest and savvy of the situation confronting us.

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The person I knew who had a rheumatologist that was receptive to this issue was in a very wealthy and holistically minded area, so there's like a different medical culture where you are. I must apologize, but I am not able to see anyone on the sub stack as a patient, because that opens me up to a lot of liability.

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If you can give us some direction that will be appreciated. How to find the kind of doctor who will treat us for vaccine injuries? What to look for? What to ask him to know if he is authentic/capable? What is his specialty? Does he have to be a MD, or something else - integrative, holistic? We are really stymied because we have gone the official medical route and now see how worthless it is but we know nothing about the alternatives.

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Where do you live?

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Great analysis! I am still wondering who wanted global vaccination saturation. Someone above fraudci and the world politicians. But who and why. Depopulation or just massive gene therapy experiments to develop super treatments for the 0.02% after all the lab rats suffering from the trials. World population now the rabbits in the cosmetics testing. We all suffer for their pleasure and vanity.

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There are so many possibilities, and ultimately have no way to know. That said if you have time I would suggest reading these two recent articles:



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Dr - thank you for all you do!!! You are a credit to the medical profession which - I’m sorry to say - is sorely lacking in your caliber of investigation & analysis anymore. Also - were you aware of that deagle.com prediction- about a year ago - of the U.S. population projected to be down to about 75 million by 2025? It created a firestorm & they took it down, but it broke about the time the vaxes were introduced.

Coincidence? Crackpot/in error prediction?

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Yes, but I have absolutely no way to assess the validity of Deagle, and predictions like that often go viral and the alternative conservative news sphere, most of which have later prove themselves to be false, so I have no opinions on that report.

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Outstanding articles. Thankful for your perseverance in posting these papers. I know you know and now your Substack readers know. I would add that the cancer racket has been a depopulation tool as well. One bad pathology finding and magically your immune system is now allowed to be hit by chemo and radiation and surgery . Cancer diagnosis opens the door to all sorts of medical malfeasance.

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I have a lot of issues with the cancer industry, I have studied this issue for decades, but it is such a challenging topic, it is going to be a while before I go into it (I'm trying to focus on quality over quantity, and properly writing an article on the cancer topic is an enormous amount of work). I am starting to see signs that the Covid vaccines will cause a cancer epidemic, and my hope is to be in a place where I can appropriately discuss that topic by the time that epidemic arrives.

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I have noticed for the past few years (and even before that, but less often or obviously) the near glamorization of cancer. Cancer patients are warriors, and their loved ones name themselves "team >insert patient's name<" or ">insert patient's name< strong." Medical facilities that "treat" the patients are given the status of "life-saving" institutions, and the people who work there are "saviors" and seen as unselfish and beneficent. It used to be less often, but now EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND on both college-level and professional sports pre-game or half-time shows, cancer patients - relatives of the athletes or coaches, usually - are celebrated and/or remembered (if they have already passed).

How many are receiving poisonous treatment even though their diagnosis was a false positive? (And how many of those will get cancer for real in the future, without realizing the prior treatment didn't actually save their life and give them more precious years with their family, but really cut their life short?)

How many were harmed by the "screening" process: scans with harmful dyes and radiation, biopsies and exploratory surgery?

And how many were ever offered any alternative therapies that were less dangerous?

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Have you tried N-AcetylCysteine for vaccine injured patients? It seemed to work for some of my patients. Zeb Zalenko talks about his approach and I think he's had some decent results with high doses of vit. D, some zinc ionophores with Zinc, Vit C as well. I agree, it is very hard to get to the truth with such active suppression of literature and thoughtful discussion.

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your substack is terrific. i am a physician and found the same reluctance of my colleagues to admit any vaccine related injury. My wife after receiving her second Pfizer vaccine, developed Takotsubo cardiomyopathy 5 weeks after , was treated as run of the mill takotsubo , and asked to leave the hospital after 5 days, MRI one day after discharge showed reversal of wall motion abnormalities, but with evidence of myocardial edema. She simultaneously with her drop in ejection fraction, had a prolonged QT interval. One week after discharge she suffered a cardiac arrest. I resuscitated her successfully and she had AICD placed. At no time did any physician even suggest the possibility that this might be myocarditis. She had multiple hospitalizations for heart failure with no clear etiology found and this despite the fact that her EF had returned to normal. I repeatedly had to ask for a right heart cath to assess her further for the possibility of HFpEF . There appeared to be a conscious effort to avoid discussing the vaccine as a potential cause. AFter some neurologic injury was noted i wrote to the NIH regarding their work with immunoglobulins and the primary investigator never returned by inquiries. Continue writing , you are right over the target

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I don't mean to overwhelm your post, and it's a good post, as usual... Cheers! But... this is kind of earth-shattering, and I know you'd want to see it. It's right up the same, and your, alley.

Because WOW, you wanna see some serious corruption (very likely) ??? This will blow all the toy boats right outta the bathtub!! And hopefully END this entire evil fraud...


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Thank you. Just went through it. He's likely correct, but since it's unsubstanciated at this point in time, I'm avoiding publicizing it and sticking to aspects of this fraud which can be directly rather than speculatively proven (as there is more than enough in that category to exceed my writing capacity).

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Why the hesitancy? Nobody knows who you are. ^_^

But I understand. I just thought you'd want to see it. xo

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Limited time to write these, and I'm trying to be very particular with maintaining quality control on what I write. If I start making false claims that are disproven then it weakens the credibility I'm trying to build for areas where they necessarily have to have the audience slightly take what I'm saying on faith.

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I understand that. I really do. But, nobody is making "false claims." The video I posted is a discussion of what someone (who is a respected individual and an expert in the field) found, seriously concerning discrepancies and odd findings... Nobody is "claiming" they know for sure that there is anything illegal going on, simply that it is HIGHLY unusual. I posted it because you seem to be interested in medical issues. This is a MEDICAL ISSUE. I will not post anything like this on your page again, and I apologize for the discomfort you are clearly feeling.

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May 24, 2022·edited May 24, 2022Author

Did I say anything that suggested I was uncomfortable? I felt I was just giving an honest and direct explanation for why I appreciated the article but I didn't feel that I could post it myself.

*edit, meant to say video not article

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My mom is 82 and has a vaccine injury. None of the Drs in the hospitals will listen. All say they never heard of any vaccine injuries. Can you recommend a Dr in Florida. We will travel anywhere at this point.

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Reviewing the study and all the links, I find this to be a seminal and compelling analysis. Truly excellent work which I greatly appreciate.

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Thank you very much for your kind words!

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