One of the tragic consequences of COVID-19 vaccination I have come across is the rapid onset of (often fatal) dementia in elderly individuals. Because the elderly often lack the ability to advocate for themselves and are no longer considered a priority by our society, these deaths have been quite easy to sweep under the rug (it is not well known, but many of our elders needlessly died throughout the pandemic).
Once again, thank you for your writings. This one hits close to home. I’ve seen numerous cases of dementia getting much worse in the elderly after the mRNA shot. It’s so sad…families refuse to see the causation. In one case close to me, the 90yo man, who was brilliant and still at it one year ago, has gone downhill so fast, it’s shocking. My experiences with BP meds for a few months 20+yrs ago, and a short stint (no pun intended lol) on statins after a cardiac scare in early 2020 after what we think was very early case of covid, have opened my eyes to the issues with pharmaceuticals. The book “The Great Cholesterol Myth” played a big part in that eye opening. Getting off sugar and refined carbs, exercise and taking the supplements recommended has transformed me. Lost weight and normal BP now. That said, I’m pretty discouraged with our current medical establishment… I wish you were my Doctor.
I'm with you!! All of this has opened my eyes very wide. My bf's mother went from being a little batty to completely insane after the jabs. No redeeming twinkle in her eyes at all - just angry and accusatory and insane. Probably misfolding of prions, I suspect, after crossing the blood/brain barrier. Again, just guessing. They won't autopsy any of these because it will crash down upon their heads. My parents are in their 80's and still pretty with it. They take probiotics daily and I think that has something to do with it - that and continuity. When things are wrong with their guts, they seem a little different - I don't blame them; when things are wrong with my gut, I'm a little different :) We no longer trust the medical establishment. If the doctor is affiliated with a hospital for anything other than to help their patients, we don't use them. We certainly no longer use the rural health clinics where they are dictated to by the government to the nth degree!!
I am not a doctor. I am convinced the jabs are a health disaster. But in addition to the jabs and the initial health ambush, I think many of us who have lived through the various measures put in place as pseudo-prevention are at greater (or at least equal) because of the psychiatric instability.
My unjabbed husband is loosing "it" a little (61 y.o.) I think because of the work situation. I cannot believe he is the only one. The things that I think contribute are: mask on/off theatre when one does not believe they work (constant lying, bearing false witness against oneself); going into office buildings and finding only one or two other people (sometimes none) working when there should be 20-30 on the floor; being compelled by policy to test for sickness when one is healthy.
These three things alone, for two years, I think could drive a person with a certain temperament truly crazy. It's sad to see once professional and competent people driven to madness when you and they know at gut-depth they are not crazy.
The testing with the PCR tests is also dangerous - the preservative that they use for some of the sticks can be toxic. That may be a part, also. When that is combined with the lack of oxygen generated with mask wearing, that can't be good. If they drop oxygen intake, they are certainly affecting brain function.
That said, until people get it into their mind that they can be well and not go with the demands that don't belong on them, there is internal pressure that is tremendous. Even people being able to take off the face diapers is a challenge sometimes. I have an old friend who came to my parents home just today with one on - and said that she would take it off to eat. I explained that she was under psychological hostility from the ones in charge and that it was irrational to think that the virus would "take a break" for her to eat - and that if I farted and she could smell it that they were doing any good. After a couple of hours with the diaper on, she finally took it off - and hugged me goodbye. We shall see how long that lasts.
The nasal swabs that were shoved up the nose were INOCULATING THE BRAIN with whatever is the bioweapon.
The face diapers seem to be ferociously pushed and naysayers censored on social platforms still to this day. That tells me that masks are CRUCIAL to creating and maintaining the mass psychosis.
Dr. Kragie, I want to know more re. the PCR nasal swabs, and I'll head over to your substack, as I was forced to get a PCR test 3 times, just going into and out of Canada and I found it so nauseatingly invasive as a completely healthy person.
Mads, I hope you are exaggerating when you say you "stay freaked out most of the time". That is not good for you. Spending time in prayer is an excellent response but it is intended to bring you into His divine will and to gently coax you into right-ordered action (which can be tiny, subtle for most of us, momentary...) and be a channel of His peace, not worldly peace. If you need practical ways of achieving that peace, please ask.
I agree, but what it did was totally ground me to God's assurances. Understand that our bodies are temporarily here and that God provides what we need. It isn't always necessarily what we want, but definitely what we need. Ask God for peace...take deep breaths and understand this is all fleeting.
Re the psychiatric instability - not that I can prove this. My friend's 3x shotted bf almost killed her in a fit of rage - totally unprovoked - the guy just went nuts and psychotic. He claims he has no recollection. Going through the court system now and they will plea at the next court date. Hoping it goes to trial and discovery.
In the next part, we will look at what I believe causes Alzheimer's disease as the foundation for doing so has at last been laid out in this substack. The entire process is fascinating and provides many valuable insights for treating the disease (effective treatments for Alzheimer’s do in fact exist).
I had the statins pushed on me 20+ yrs ago, short stint with them, then ditched them due to constipation and no real reasons for using since heart health was good.
Interesting on the gut health tangent here: For the last 5 yrs I have had occasional problems with diarrhea / constipation(mostly D) and had treated it as just a nuisance issue, next day I was fine. When it got worse I went to a GI doc and took drugs that made it worse(constipation) and put me in the ER / hospital overnight. Eventually, I woke up: Probiotics. Now taking Kefir and holding my breath. . . In the meantime I had started up on Align and Activia yogurt. Hoping the Kefir may be a more final solution. . . besides taking the FLCCC vax injured protocol.
Dr Sabine Hazan showed that the spike protein (present in COVID and in the jabs) kills the important Bifidobacteria in the gut. I went through a rough patch after having COVID but was restored to health by eating yogurt containing bifido and by taking a probiotic containing the same.
This was found last year for both of my parents, both in their 80's. Since getting their guts in better shape, they seem to have less problems in general. Mom began with 2 and they got her going so fast that she dropped it to 1 a day. I occasionally take them and they seem to really help. I think that as we age, our gut health becomes just as important as anything else, maybe more so - same for children with Autism. Good luck.
I used the Align product and it DID help . . . actually, simply eating Activia yogurt helped also. Whenever I had a problem with D, I HAD taken one or both of these and it appeared to help but never lasted, possibly because I only took it for a few days to "right" the ship. Kefir is available in grocery store, expensive but tastes pretty good, so my wife started making her own and I 'm hoping this solution will be more long term:
I have noticed many people get more insane/angry or make strange life decisions after taking the thing. 5 or 6 instances I can think of in the past month.
One other thing - when my bp was a little high (tend to get "white coat anxiety,) they wanted to put me on statins. I just said no after reading up on them - thanks to all of this going on.
Surprisingly few doctors are aware of white coat hypertension. Additionally, the risk calculator they use for a heart attack (that is used to justify taking a statin and includes your blood pressure in the calculation) was made out of thin air and completely failed when it was compared to the results of a large patient population at Kaiser. It still is used though and most doctors don't know this.
My last doctor saved me from going on bp medication. I had a high reading at the surgery (white coat fever) so he told me to buy a heart monitor and use at home. Amazing difference in the readings.
I wish that also. The Nautropaths around here charge a very large fee and take no insurance. At $350.00 a pop, it’s out of the question, as we’re stretched far now. Had great allopathic drs all my life who were entirely alternative. Through death and or retirement, they are no more when I need them. 1,500 for a concierge is out of bounds too. Then the supplements, etc. Supplement myself as best I can, using homeopathics, herbals, energies, etc I’ve learned about thru life!
That is why it is very important to give people the tools to take care of themselves and why the medical field has tried so hard to make people dependent on medical professionals for their health and wellness.
The naturopaths around where I live charge a couple thousand dollars for a preliminary interview. And before they'll accept you as a patient you have to sign a contract that says if you don't get better under their care it's your own fault! Anyone who falls prey to their psychopathy is a total idiot. I'm done with doctors of any and all kinds. I have no fear of death nor of dying, and I'll be delighted to do so, whenever the Goddess sees fit for me to leave this sick, cruel, hideous, ugly realm.
I live in El Cerrito, California. It's just north of Berkeley. The naturopaths I'm referring to have an office in Kensington, which is a small town in the hills just north of Berkeley, California. Kensington is in a different county, (Contra Costa) but its ideology is very similar to that of Berkeley's (Alameda.)
Your life - our life - is not about how "healthy" we are. It's about our spiritual awareness. We can be physically sick yet spiritually pure, holy, and powerful.
Fear of what? Death? Or evil? Those are two utterly different things. There's nothing to fear in death. The process of dying might indeed be frightful for those who have a fear of death, and / or of what death might entail, by which I mean what comes after the death of the physical body.
I've been very close to death more than once, and I can assure you there's absolutely nothing to fear in either the process of dying nor in death itself. My heart has stopped; I've felt my consciousness / spirit leave my body, and several other variations on this theme have happened to me during my life. I'm 66 years old, and I've had all sorts of cardiac and vascular events which have given me the opportunity to visit these largely unknown realms of existence, in which one nearly dies, but not quite, alas.
It couldn't be another angle in their multifaceted attempt to kill us off? Make it impossible for any one of normal means to do anything but go into the chute, and on into the slaughter house? After all, medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US.
I think we are all mentally tired right now. That's what they are counting on, unfortunately. They don't have to worry. They even have someone to wipe their butts - ask Biden.
My memory went from brilliant to crap soon after taking the 2nd Astra Covid vaccine. I investigated the U.K.'s Yellow Card database of drug side effects (like the US VAERS) and found that around 800 other patents had reported the same.
I'm pretty good with IT such that at the age of 68, most far younger people I know ask for my help on IT issues and yet I found the Yellow Card database difficult to navigate and report into and my report took my the best part of 20 minutes. This is importantly because if it's that difficult for me to navigate, most people wanting to report side effects will most likely give up, and yet there were 800 of us at an early stage of the Astra vaccines that managed to report this issue.
I asked my friends including many medical professionals if they'd ever reported anything on the Yellow Card scheme. Only one, a pharmacist had ever heard of it.
I even went to my GP because I was concerned about it. I didn't tell her I'd reported it on the Yellow Card and neither did she advise that I did or volunteer to do this for me.
Interestingly, in January 23 I had a massive bad reaction to an antibiotic, Clarityhromycin such that I had to attend A&E with a suspected heart attack. The GP wasn't interested in reporting this on the Yellow Card either.
My long winded point here is that maybe only 1 in 100 or even 1 in 1,000 side effects are ever reported and therefore if we multiply that 800 reports of memory loss due to the Astra vaccine, that could actually represent 800,000 at an early stage of the vaccination campaign.
Hi, I’m 81 also was in IT, started when it was called EDP in 1970. I realised early in 2020 that there might be a problem withe the narrative. I was fortunate enough to have a SE facing back garden where I could sun myself regularly. I came across the small book by Drs Grimes and Anderson title Vitamin D Deficiency and Covid-19: Its Central Role in a World Pandemic. I now take 4000iu vitamin D daily with K2.
5G is making people sick. The morons that took the jabs have made this worse. They got a disease and spread it. It gets stronger, not weaker as it should.See Dr. Gert vander Bosche(sp?)
Yes, there is plenty of fraud. But at the base of this is how difficult it is to get rid of an old idea of what causes certain diseases. Most doctors still claim that heart disease is caused by high cholesterol. And they don't want to give up the idea that Alzheimer's is caused by amyloid plaques. In modern society, the root cause of this is money. Too many people are making too much money selling expensive cures which are essentially snake oil. But as Thomas Kuhn explains in the Structure of Scientific Evolutions, no matter what it can take a long time for new ideas, new paradigms to replace the old ones. Belief systems are hard to change even when they don't make sense and there are better explanations.
I think it was Brigham Buhler on Joe Rogan #1873 who said that scientific advances come one death at a time. In other words, the old guard needs to die before their sacred narratives will fully die and new ideas are allowed. We can all think of examples in science ...
Agree. Even after presenting people with facts, data, etc. they won't believe it until it comes from someone they deem credible. This is why the current narrative persists despite data to prove the narrative is based on lies.
Thank you so much for writing about this. My dear friend in her mid-fifties is another victim of post-vax Alzheimer’s. About a month or two after her second shot everything suddenly went off the rails. The speed with which it is destroying her is horrifying. Another friend is also having severe neurological (possibly Parkinson’s) symptoms after vaccination. And I know four older (70+) who are also experiencing alarmingly rapid decline after being vaccinated. Each shot makes it worse, as does the virus. My father in law is now showing signs after three shots and then acquiring Covid. My one dear friend already passed away last summer. I have never seen anything like the psychosis he experienced, and I am a clinical social worker. This is such all such a nightmare. I really do not understand how more people don’t see what is happening.
I am sorry this happened to you. I am discussing this because the rapid dementia after vaccination makes it a lot easier to understand what causes the disease.
Thank you. Yes, I so appreciate how you tie so many threads together. I wish the field of medicine would do much, much more of this. I have been reading whatever I can find on Alzheimer’s and prion disease, though it is a lot to learn to have even an elementary understanding of the basics. Your descriptions of these things have been incredibly helpful and so thoughtful. I appreciate all you are doing. I really do hope that this fiasco will at least lead to increased clarity of understanding on some of these diseases in the long run.
Look around...any new 5G towers? Any Chem trails? Could be it, unfortunately. Biden signed to allow them to sprayand the 5Gs were erected quietly while everyone was home...many places by schools.
They see it - but ignore it after they were duped. Not only do people not like being told that they are wrong (to get the pricks), they do not like that their death might be closer than it was because of that faulty decision.
You'd think so, right? I'm currently married 33 years - I've learned that there are 2 sides to everything, even when you think a person might be at fault for everything. Listening is not a skill people seem to develop well.
Most people only believe what they are told on the 6 o'clock news. I'm flat out finding anyone my age like me who didn't have any jabs (we are all old lawn bowlers}. Most have had at least 2 jabs
I am in the same boat. Watched my perfectly healthy uncle (a brilliant Phd.) after the second shot develop out of the blue dementia that was so rapid he was soon unable to drive anymore and didn't know where he lived. Another family member after the shots now has advanced alzheimer's. Again out of the blue and progressed rapidly. Previously healthy. It's a slow trainwreck.
I haven’t even read your article yet, but just your statement that lots of what our elderly folks experience nowadays is a consequence of what has been done to them/us makes me roil. Not that you say it, but that my gut tells me it is true.
For many years I have been angry whenever I hear people (family, drs, patients themselves) dismiss ails and new limitations as simply the consequences of aging. Hogwash.
Now, of course not every 80 year old is as spry or lumber as every 2 year old.
However, this dismissing of difficult symptoms like fatigue or memory loss or pains and such as “just age” really makes me mad. Because inevitably this is the excuse for not addressing the problem or doing anything to make it better.
My husband (not old) was experiencing profound fatigue due to a prescribed med. his family Dr asked about it (thankfully) but then said, yeah, we can give that to older folks but the young folks like you get too tired on that one. 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️ As if it doesn’t matter if the older folks get tired or not. 😡
My cousin's husband is a doctor. She and her siblings and their spouses were all jabbed up at his urging. Her sister's husband, age 73 and fit, just had extensive surgery to remove multiple tumors that came out of the blue. Her brother, age 75 and fit, is suddenly having serious heart issues. She said, "Guess it's just old age." SMH. I haven't discussed the reality with any of them because they worship the doctor in the family and it would be a waste of breath.
A lot of work was invested into building that religious faith. At the time of their generation, a lot of the initial pharmaceuticals we still use now came out and it created a faith/believe that scientific drugs would cure/end all disease. Later generations have a hard time appreciating the effect of the conditioning that happened at this time.
Her doctor husband visited us in 2018 on his way back from a conference. He was all excited about “all the new vaccines on the horizon.” He said he believes the solution to U.S. healthcare is Medicare for All because vaccines would be free, so everyone would get them and the population would be healthier. My husband quickly changed the subject before I turned it into an argument. :)
😂 I have a difficult time not calling out rudeness and idiocy these days, too. Just Saturday had a guy aboutmy age (50's) jump his whole family in line to go into a football stadium. He jumped me and my husband! Instead of just being astounded and subtle, I told him that he just made a *ick move. He didn't acknowledge me our make eye contacteven though I told him this loudly more than twice and finally ended up calling him a *ick. His 30-something kid looks at me and says, "don't call my dad that!" I told him "why? Because it is the truth? What he did just disrespected everyone else who paid for tickets and waited in line and you see what he did. Prove he's not" Idiot couldn't say a thing. We tolerate too much, IMO, and look where that's gotten us.
I'm currently reading the excellent book, "Turtles all the Way Down". It delves into the entire story about vaccines. I think it's a must read for everyone, and especially parents, or would be parents. The discussion about vaccines should accelerate.
A depressing read, but thorough & most helpful! I'm thinking of lending either one of those books to my in-laws so they can get a better idea of why we refuse to give our newborn any shots. They are skeptical, but intellectually honest, and respected our research regarding the covid shots.
 The too big to fail observation that the author made is incredibly perceptive and I believe explains much of the ills of our society. Propping up the biggest banks, not taking on the big tech monopolies, and yes allowing the paradigms of big Pharma and big medicine to prevail when they have clearly failed are among the examples.
I was a patient of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez the brilliant cancer researcher and doctor. I was cured of incurable advanced metastatic cancer through his program of diet, enzymes and detox as were hundreds if not thousands of others. And despite his brilliance, his track record, his adherence to the scientific method, the many books he wrote he was smeared and slandered over and over again by the medical establishment to the detriment of the millions of people who may have benefited from his protocol. 
I got to know him quite well over the 20 years I was as patient and it was clear after his work was brutally and dishonestly slandered he personally never recovered which probably contributed to his premature passing a few years ago.
A candidate who runs on a platform that promotes the fearless takedown of the numerous too big to fail institutions in this country would I believe be able to garner significant support from the left, right and center.  
I have read a few of his books. His diet is one of the best treatments that exists for pancreatic cancer (which is otherwise incurable). The other diet I have found that works is the Budwig diet. If you are ever open to writing a detail comment about your experiences with him I would be interested in reading it. Thank you so much for sharing this.
That is incredible that you were cured and able to benefit from Dr. González ' knowledge in that hostile environment. My father died of cancer, and only in his last months did I come upon The Truth About Cancer and heard of Dr. González. By the time I was trying to scrabble together an alternate treatment, my father could almost no longer swallow, and I just didn't figure out how to move fast at that point, if that could have helped. It's these tragedies, like the attacks on González, or the death of a family member in a climate of willful medical ignorance of potential help, that are keeping a lot of us (I think) unable to do anything but look for a better way.
What I have found tragically over the years is that of the many people I knew who had cancer or knew someone close to them with cancer almost none of them would believe me enough to even consider seeing Dr. Gonzalez. They were afraid of doing something against the advice of trusted family or their doctors. And doctors just like today in most cases were afraid to open their minds to treatment that was inconsistent with the medical pharmaceutical models that guided their practice and ideology.
Have 2 nieces in S.A. one lung cancer stage 4, sister had both ovarian and breast cancer. Both went on a S.A. diet. Lung cancer cured 3.5 month and sister 4 months. I was d diagnosed 1 year ago LLC-B. Have followed same diet for a year but so far no success... Different cancer reacts different but keep going.
Dr. Gonzalez treated his patients with individualized diets based upon their metabolic type. His widow offers a Gonzalez metabolic type test that will tell you the optimal diet to get and stay healthy. I would highly recommend you look into it.
I was sent it by email; website does not work. You can search the web. I use search engine 'Brave', as Google may well block it. Search for Tine van der Maas and maybe Power to the People Tine etc You Tube or plenty articles. I saw there is an email on You Tube or send me your email to and I'll send you the cancer diet i have, 2 double A4 pages. Regards, Guido.
Blaming the plagues for Alzheimer’s is like blaming the ashes for the fire. It never made sense to me but thanks to your writings, I am starting to know why it’s still incurable. I am also hopeful.
Thank you for your elegant and concise writings. You can “paint” the forest and the tree at the same time.
Thank you. That is a really good way to put it I never thought of, and I told a few friends who agreed so I will probably use that line. I think you can't really paint one without the other but people normally only do one so I always do both.
What about the doctor who was given some 200 brains of patients that died with Alzheimer and found 185 or so to be high in Mercury. He requested the dental records that confirmed patients had plenty filings, handed in his findings and was taken off the job.
This wouldn't surprise me. I had a friend whose dentist removed all her old fillings and there was a time when they thought she was getting very early alz. She had to get treatment to get the mercury out of her system. And a relative, after not great dental work, went downhill rather quickly.
Once again, thank you for your writings. This one hits close to home. I’ve seen numerous cases of dementia getting much worse in the elderly after the mRNA shot. It’s so sad…families refuse to see the causation. In one case close to me, the 90yo man, who was brilliant and still at it one year ago, has gone downhill so fast, it’s shocking. My experiences with BP meds for a few months 20+yrs ago, and a short stint (no pun intended lol) on statins after a cardiac scare in early 2020 after what we think was very early case of covid, have opened my eyes to the issues with pharmaceuticals. The book “The Great Cholesterol Myth” played a big part in that eye opening. Getting off sugar and refined carbs, exercise and taking the supplements recommended has transformed me. Lost weight and normal BP now. That said, I’m pretty discouraged with our current medical establishment… I wish you were my Doctor.
I'm with you!! All of this has opened my eyes very wide. My bf's mother went from being a little batty to completely insane after the jabs. No redeeming twinkle in her eyes at all - just angry and accusatory and insane. Probably misfolding of prions, I suspect, after crossing the blood/brain barrier. Again, just guessing. They won't autopsy any of these because it will crash down upon their heads. My parents are in their 80's and still pretty with it. They take probiotics daily and I think that has something to do with it - that and continuity. When things are wrong with their guts, they seem a little different - I don't blame them; when things are wrong with my gut, I'm a little different :) We no longer trust the medical establishment. If the doctor is affiliated with a hospital for anything other than to help their patients, we don't use them. We certainly no longer use the rural health clinics where they are dictated to by the government to the nth degree!!
I have also seen a lot of psychiatric instability follow these vaccinations.
I am not a doctor. I am convinced the jabs are a health disaster. But in addition to the jabs and the initial health ambush, I think many of us who have lived through the various measures put in place as pseudo-prevention are at greater (or at least equal) because of the psychiatric instability.
My unjabbed husband is loosing "it" a little (61 y.o.) I think because of the work situation. I cannot believe he is the only one. The things that I think contribute are: mask on/off theatre when one does not believe they work (constant lying, bearing false witness against oneself); going into office buildings and finding only one or two other people (sometimes none) working when there should be 20-30 on the floor; being compelled by policy to test for sickness when one is healthy.
These three things alone, for two years, I think could drive a person with a certain temperament truly crazy. It's sad to see once professional and competent people driven to madness when you and they know at gut-depth they are not crazy.
The testing with the PCR tests is also dangerous - the preservative that they use for some of the sticks can be toxic. That may be a part, also. When that is combined with the lack of oxygen generated with mask wearing, that can't be good. If they drop oxygen intake, they are certainly affecting brain function.
That said, until people get it into their mind that they can be well and not go with the demands that don't belong on them, there is internal pressure that is tremendous. Even people being able to take off the face diapers is a challenge sometimes. I have an old friend who came to my parents home just today with one on - and said that she would take it off to eat. I explained that she was under psychological hostility from the ones in charge and that it was irrational to think that the virus would "take a break" for her to eat - and that if I farted and she could smell it that they were doing any good. After a couple of hours with the diaper on, she finally took it off - and hugged me goodbye. We shall see how long that lasts.
The nasal swabs that were shoved up the nose were INOCULATING THE BRAIN with whatever is the bioweapon.
The face diapers seem to be ferociously pushed and naysayers censored on social platforms still to this day. That tells me that masks are CRUCIAL to creating and maintaining the mass psychosis.
- Laura Kragie MD
Dr. Kragie, I want to know more re. the PCR nasal swabs, and I'll head over to your substack, as I was forced to get a PCR test 3 times, just going into and out of Canada and I found it so nauseatingly invasive as a completely healthy person.
Mads, I hope you are exaggerating when you say you "stay freaked out most of the time". That is not good for you. Spending time in prayer is an excellent response but it is intended to bring you into His divine will and to gently coax you into right-ordered action (which can be tiny, subtle for most of us, momentary...) and be a channel of His peace, not worldly peace. If you need practical ways of achieving that peace, please ask.
I agree, but what it did was totally ground me to God's assurances. Understand that our bodies are temporarily here and that God provides what we need. It isn't always necessarily what we want, but definitely what we need. Ask God for peace...take deep breaths and understand this is all fleeting.
Even initially for most people who get the pricks, there seems to be a period of anger and irrationality for some reason. Very concerning and sad.
Re the psychiatric instability - not that I can prove this. My friend's 3x shotted bf almost killed her in a fit of rage - totally unprovoked - the guy just went nuts and psychotic. He claims he has no recollection. Going through the court system now and they will plea at the next court date. Hoping it goes to trial and discovery.
Wow. Bizarre. No history of drug use?
Not that my friend is aware of.
Guess at discovery they can bring up the jabs. Glad your friend is okay.
Read this and listen to this: Explains a lot about the personality changes:
Lots of information to absorb, but all makes sense.
Hello, Have you posted Part 2, please? thx
In the next part, we will look at what I believe causes Alzheimer's disease as the foundation for doing so has at last been laid out in this substack. The entire process is fascinating and provides many valuable insights for treating the disease (effective treatments for Alzheimer’s do in fact exist).
I am still working on it. Life has been busier than expected!
I had the statins pushed on me 20+ yrs ago, short stint with them, then ditched them due to constipation and no real reasons for using since heart health was good.
Interesting on the gut health tangent here: For the last 5 yrs I have had occasional problems with diarrhea / constipation(mostly D) and had treated it as just a nuisance issue, next day I was fine. When it got worse I went to a GI doc and took drugs that made it worse(constipation) and put me in the ER / hospital overnight. Eventually, I woke up: Probiotics. Now taking Kefir and holding my breath. . . In the meantime I had started up on Align and Activia yogurt. Hoping the Kefir may be a more final solution. . . besides taking the FLCCC vax injured protocol.
One doctor has done a remarkable job showing how COVID-19 (and I believe the vaccine) pathologically alters the gut flora.
It is a bioweapon - then there is the point of the jabs being the most toxic part of the "virus."
Dr Sabine Hazan showed that the spike protein (present in COVID and in the jabs) kills the important Bifidobacteria in the gut. I went through a rough patch after having COVID but was restored to health by eating yogurt containing bifido and by taking a probiotic containing the same.
Take a probiotic
This was found last year for both of my parents, both in their 80's. Since getting their guts in better shape, they seem to have less problems in general. Mom began with 2 and they got her going so fast that she dropped it to 1 a day. I occasionally take them and they seem to really help. I think that as we age, our gut health becomes just as important as anything else, maybe more so - same for children with Autism. Good luck.
Thanks for that link! This is much more affordable than the one I have been buying from the store.
yep, did so.
I used the Align product and it DID help . . . actually, simply eating Activia yogurt helped also. Whenever I had a problem with D, I HAD taken one or both of these and it appeared to help but never lasted, possibly because I only took it for a few days to "right" the ship. Kefir is available in grocery store, expensive but tastes pretty good, so my wife started making her own and I 'm hoping this solution will be more long term:
Have you looked into Dr Davis’s videos this past year and his talks on L. Reuteri yogurt?
He has videos as well as many others have done podcasts regarding this biotic yogurt.
We will be making some soon and also checking his new book out from the library “Super Gut”
"Have you looked into Dr Davis’s videos this past year and his talks on L. Reuteri yogurt?"
I have noticed many people get more insane/angry or make strange life decisions after taking the thing. 5 or 6 instances I can think of in the past month.
One other thing - when my bp was a little high (tend to get "white coat anxiety,) they wanted to put me on statins. I just said no after reading up on them - thanks to all of this going on.
Surprisingly few doctors are aware of white coat hypertension. Additionally, the risk calculator they use for a heart attack (that is used to justify taking a statin and includes your blood pressure in the calculation) was made out of thin air and completely failed when it was compared to the results of a large patient population at Kaiser. It still is used though and most doctors don't know this.
I read somewhere that the danger level for cholesterol is set too low? Doctors in Australia like the level to be no higher than 5.5 mmol per litre.
My last doctor saved me from going on bp medication. I had a high reading at the surgery (white coat fever) so he told me to buy a heart monitor and use at home. Amazing difference in the readings.
Yes, my doctor told me to keep a log for awhile at home and he'd see. I NEVER had a high reading at home.
I wish that also. The Nautropaths around here charge a very large fee and take no insurance. At $350.00 a pop, it’s out of the question, as we’re stretched far now. Had great allopathic drs all my life who were entirely alternative. Through death and or retirement, they are no more when I need them. 1,500 for a concierge is out of bounds too. Then the supplements, etc. Supplement myself as best I can, using homeopathics, herbals, energies, etc I’ve learned about thru life!
That is why it is very important to give people the tools to take care of themselves and why the medical field has tried so hard to make people dependent on medical professionals for their health and wellness.
unfortunately they haven't had to try too hard for most people. Just wait for the sick to enter the medical maw.
The naturopaths around where I live charge a couple thousand dollars for a preliminary interview. And before they'll accept you as a patient you have to sign a contract that says if you don't get better under their care it's your own fault! Anyone who falls prey to their psychopathy is a total idiot. I'm done with doctors of any and all kinds. I have no fear of death nor of dying, and I'll be delighted to do so, whenever the Goddess sees fit for me to leave this sick, cruel, hideous, ugly realm.
That is much more than I have heard of them charging. What city are you located in?
I live in El Cerrito, California. It's just north of Berkeley. The naturopaths I'm referring to have an office in Kensington, which is a small town in the hills just north of Berkeley, California. Kensington is in a different county, (Contra Costa) but its ideology is very similar to that of Berkeley's (Alameda.)
I’m so busy trying to keep myself healthy.I’ve forgot to live my life
Your life - our life - is not about how "healthy" we are. It's about our spiritual awareness. We can be physically sick yet spiritually pure, holy, and powerful.
Yes! Know exactly what you’re saying! It’s all consuming. But what choice?
😮That’s pure robbery! It’s unbelievable. I agree with your statements. Well said.
Read The Healing Factor 1956 o1957 and book what really makes you ill by David Parker dawn lester
Wow, you should read up what the Bible has to say about death and dying...could change your perspective.
If you have no fear of death, please keep fighting to dishonor the bandits and monsters who are shredding this realm!!
That's what I'm doing, Rebecca.
Thank you! I have fear but I’m fighting as best I know how as well. 😵💫
Fear of what? Death? Or evil? Those are two utterly different things. There's nothing to fear in death. The process of dying might indeed be frightful for those who have a fear of death, and / or of what death might entail, by which I mean what comes after the death of the physical body.
I've been very close to death more than once, and I can assure you there's absolutely nothing to fear in either the process of dying nor in death itself. My heart has stopped; I've felt my consciousness / spirit leave my body, and several other variations on this theme have happened to me during my life. I'm 66 years old, and I've had all sorts of cardiac and vascular events which have given me the opportunity to visit these largely unknown realms of existence, in which one nearly dies, but not quite, alas.
Finally a fearless soul with common sense 😃
I’m assuming you’ve shopped around....
Yes, I have.
It couldn't be another angle in their multifaceted attempt to kill us off? Make it impossible for any one of normal means to do anything but go into the chute, and on into the slaughter house? After all, medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US.
www dot doctoryouself dot com
I forgot to say I’m a retired & tired nurse
I think we are all mentally tired right now. That's what they are counting on, unfortunately. They don't have to worry. They even have someone to wipe their butts - ask Biden.
My memory went from brilliant to crap soon after taking the 2nd Astra Covid vaccine. I investigated the U.K.'s Yellow Card database of drug side effects (like the US VAERS) and found that around 800 other patents had reported the same.
I'm pretty good with IT such that at the age of 68, most far younger people I know ask for my help on IT issues and yet I found the Yellow Card database difficult to navigate and report into and my report took my the best part of 20 minutes. This is importantly because if it's that difficult for me to navigate, most people wanting to report side effects will most likely give up, and yet there were 800 of us at an early stage of the Astra vaccines that managed to report this issue.
I asked my friends including many medical professionals if they'd ever reported anything on the Yellow Card scheme. Only one, a pharmacist had ever heard of it.
I even went to my GP because I was concerned about it. I didn't tell her I'd reported it on the Yellow Card and neither did she advise that I did or volunteer to do this for me.
Interestingly, in January 23 I had a massive bad reaction to an antibiotic, Clarityhromycin such that I had to attend A&E with a suspected heart attack. The GP wasn't interested in reporting this on the Yellow Card either.
My long winded point here is that maybe only 1 in 100 or even 1 in 1,000 side effects are ever reported and therefore if we multiply that 800 reports of memory loss due to the Astra vaccine, that could actually represent 800,000 at an early stage of the vaccination campaign.
Hi, I’m 81 also was in IT, started when it was called EDP in 1970. I realised early in 2020 that there might be a problem withe the narrative. I was fortunate enough to have a SE facing back garden where I could sun myself regularly. I came across the small book by Drs Grimes and Anderson title Vitamin D Deficiency and Covid-19: Its Central Role in a World Pandemic. I now take 4000iu vitamin D daily with K2.
There is no COVID. It's a made up in a computer lie.
5G is making people sick. The morons that took the jabs have made this worse. They got a disease and spread it. It gets stronger, not weaker as it should.See Dr. Gert vander Bosche(sp?)
The short answer of why we can't cure Alzheimer's: fraud.
Fraud on every level. Criminal fraud.
Just like CANCER.....
This covid me-too freakout is just the cancer-treatment industry on steroids.
Yes, there is plenty of fraud. But at the base of this is how difficult it is to get rid of an old idea of what causes certain diseases. Most doctors still claim that heart disease is caused by high cholesterol. And they don't want to give up the idea that Alzheimer's is caused by amyloid plaques. In modern society, the root cause of this is money. Too many people are making too much money selling expensive cures which are essentially snake oil. But as Thomas Kuhn explains in the Structure of Scientific Evolutions, no matter what it can take a long time for new ideas, new paradigms to replace the old ones. Belief systems are hard to change even when they don't make sense and there are better explanations.
I think it was Brigham Buhler on Joe Rogan #1873 who said that scientific advances come one death at a time. In other words, the old guard needs to die before their sacred narratives will fully die and new ideas are allowed. We can all think of examples in science ...
Unfortunately then, many people will lose out. Because, they won't give up their old belief
systems. Some won't even believe it, if they see it in writing.
Agree. Even after presenting people with facts, data, etc. they won't believe it until it comes from someone they deem credible. This is why the current narrative persists despite data to prove the narrative is based on lies.
Like the sheeple?
And the rich old sociopaths have the gall to call this 'science'!!! I guess Fauci was right when he said he said 'I am science'.
Well said, Mimi
Thank you so much for writing about this. My dear friend in her mid-fifties is another victim of post-vax Alzheimer’s. About a month or two after her second shot everything suddenly went off the rails. The speed with which it is destroying her is horrifying. Another friend is also having severe neurological (possibly Parkinson’s) symptoms after vaccination. And I know four older (70+) who are also experiencing alarmingly rapid decline after being vaccinated. Each shot makes it worse, as does the virus. My father in law is now showing signs after three shots and then acquiring Covid. My one dear friend already passed away last summer. I have never seen anything like the psychosis he experienced, and I am a clinical social worker. This is such all such a nightmare. I really do not understand how more people don’t see what is happening.
I am sorry this happened to you. I am discussing this because the rapid dementia after vaccination makes it a lot easier to understand what causes the disease.
Thank you. Yes, I so appreciate how you tie so many threads together. I wish the field of medicine would do much, much more of this. I have been reading whatever I can find on Alzheimer’s and prion disease, though it is a lot to learn to have even an elementary understanding of the basics. Your descriptions of these things have been incredibly helpful and so thoughtful. I appreciate all you are doing. I really do hope that this fiasco will at least lead to increased clarity of understanding on some of these diseases in the long run.
Please also remember to take care of gut health. That plays a big part in everyone's overall health, including the mind.
Look around...any new 5G towers? Any Chem trails? Could be it, unfortunately. Biden signed to allow them to sprayand the 5Gs were erected quietly while everyone was home...many places by schools.
They see it - but ignore it after they were duped. Not only do people not like being told that they are wrong (to get the pricks), they do not like that their death might be closer than it was because of that faulty decision.
We have to evolve beyond that tendancy.
You'd think so, right? I'm currently married 33 years - I've learned that there are 2 sides to everything, even when you think a person might be at fault for everything. Listening is not a skill people seem to develop well.
Most people only believe what they are told on the 6 o'clock news. I'm flat out finding anyone my age like me who didn't have any jabs (we are all old lawn bowlers}. Most have had at least 2 jabs
I am in the same boat. Watched my perfectly healthy uncle (a brilliant Phd.) after the second shot develop out of the blue dementia that was so rapid he was soon unable to drive anymore and didn't know where he lived. Another family member after the shots now has advanced alzheimer's. Again out of the blue and progressed rapidly. Previously healthy. It's a slow trainwreck.
heartbreaking - and CRIMINAL
Look up Prions disease it’s a fatal disease from vaccine + boosters it mimics Parkinson’s .it acts like mad cow disease
I haven’t even read your article yet, but just your statement that lots of what our elderly folks experience nowadays is a consequence of what has been done to them/us makes me roil. Not that you say it, but that my gut tells me it is true.
For many years I have been angry whenever I hear people (family, drs, patients themselves) dismiss ails and new limitations as simply the consequences of aging. Hogwash.
Now, of course not every 80 year old is as spry or lumber as every 2 year old.
However, this dismissing of difficult symptoms like fatigue or memory loss or pains and such as “just age” really makes me mad. Because inevitably this is the excuse for not addressing the problem or doing anything to make it better.
My husband (not old) was experiencing profound fatigue due to a prescribed med. his family Dr asked about it (thankfully) but then said, yeah, we can give that to older folks but the young folks like you get too tired on that one. 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️ As if it doesn’t matter if the older folks get tired or not. 😡
Okay, back to your article.
My cousin's husband is a doctor. She and her siblings and their spouses were all jabbed up at his urging. Her sister's husband, age 73 and fit, just had extensive surgery to remove multiple tumors that came out of the blue. Her brother, age 75 and fit, is suddenly having serious heart issues. She said, "Guess it's just old age." SMH. I haven't discussed the reality with any of them because they worship the doctor in the family and it would be a waste of breath.
A lot of work was invested into building that religious faith. At the time of their generation, a lot of the initial pharmaceuticals we still use now came out and it created a faith/believe that scientific drugs would cure/end all disease. Later generations have a hard time appreciating the effect of the conditioning that happened at this time.
Her doctor husband visited us in 2018 on his way back from a conference. He was all excited about “all the new vaccines on the horizon.” He said he believes the solution to U.S. healthcare is Medicare for All because vaccines would be free, so everyone would get them and the population would be healthier. My husband quickly changed the subject before I turned it into an argument. :)
😂 I have a difficult time not calling out rudeness and idiocy these days, too. Just Saturday had a guy aboutmy age (50's) jump his whole family in line to go into a football stadium. He jumped me and my husband! Instead of just being astounded and subtle, I told him that he just made a *ick move. He didn't acknowledge me our make eye contacteven though I told him this loudly more than twice and finally ended up calling him a *ick. His 30-something kid looks at me and says, "don't call my dad that!" I told him "why? Because it is the truth? What he did just disrespected everyone else who paid for tickets and waited in line and you see what he did. Prove he's not" Idiot couldn't say a thing. We tolerate too much, IMO, and look where that's gotten us.
Quite a few medications do that...
I'm currently reading the excellent book, "Turtles all the Way Down". It delves into the entire story about vaccines. I think it's a must read for everyone, and especially parents, or would be parents. The discussion about vaccines should accelerate.
Dissolving Illusions as well!
A depressing read, but thorough & most helpful! I'm thinking of lending either one of those books to my in-laws so they can get a better idea of why we refuse to give our newborn any shots. They are skeptical, but intellectually honest, and respected our research regarding the covid shots.
This major study showed a 69 percent reduction in develop Alzheimer’s disease.
Obviously it was squelched by Big Pharma and shut down. No money to be made on out of patent drug.
 The too big to fail observation that the author made is incredibly perceptive and I believe explains much of the ills of our society. Propping up the biggest banks, not taking on the big tech monopolies, and yes allowing the paradigms of big Pharma and big medicine to prevail when they have clearly failed are among the examples.
I was a patient of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez the brilliant cancer researcher and doctor. I was cured of incurable advanced metastatic cancer through his program of diet, enzymes and detox as were hundreds if not thousands of others. And despite his brilliance, his track record, his adherence to the scientific method, the many books he wrote he was smeared and slandered over and over again by the medical establishment to the detriment of the millions of people who may have benefited from his protocol. 
I got to know him quite well over the 20 years I was as patient and it was clear after his work was brutally and dishonestly slandered he personally never recovered which probably contributed to his premature passing a few years ago.
A candidate who runs on a platform that promotes the fearless takedown of the numerous too big to fail institutions in this country would I believe be able to garner significant support from the left, right and center.  
I have read a few of his books. His diet is one of the best treatments that exists for pancreatic cancer (which is otherwise incurable). The other diet I have found that works is the Budwig diet. If you are ever open to writing a detail comment about your experiences with him I would be interested in reading it. Thank you so much for sharing this.
I would be happy to! Thank you thank you!
That is incredible that you were cured and able to benefit from Dr. González ' knowledge in that hostile environment. My father died of cancer, and only in his last months did I come upon The Truth About Cancer and heard of Dr. González. By the time I was trying to scrabble together an alternate treatment, my father could almost no longer swallow, and I just didn't figure out how to move fast at that point, if that could have helped. It's these tragedies, like the attacks on González, or the death of a family member in a climate of willful medical ignorance of potential help, that are keeping a lot of us (I think) unable to do anything but look for a better way.
I’m sorry to hear about your dad.
What I have found tragically over the years is that of the many people I knew who had cancer or knew someone close to them with cancer almost none of them would believe me enough to even consider seeing Dr. Gonzalez. They were afraid of doing something against the advice of trusted family or their doctors. And doctors just like today in most cases were afraid to open their minds to treatment that was inconsistent with the medical pharmaceutical models that guided their practice and ideology.
And many if not most of course then passed away.
Have 2 nieces in S.A. one lung cancer stage 4, sister had both ovarian and breast cancer. Both went on a S.A. diet. Lung cancer cured 3.5 month and sister 4 months. I was d diagnosed 1 year ago LLC-B. Have followed same diet for a year but so far no success... Different cancer reacts different but keep going.
Dr. Gonzalez treated his patients with individualized diets based upon their metabolic type. His widow offers a Gonzalez metabolic type test that will tell you the optimal diet to get and stay healthy. I would highly recommend you look into it.
What is an SA diet? I am interested in following up on this? Where can I find info for my partner with cancer?
I was given it by email. If you send me your email address to i will send it; 2 double sided A4. Regards, Guido
What is the S. A. diet, haven't heard of this one. Dr Hoffman ( may answer your issue on his radio program
I was sent it by email; website does not work. You can search the web. I use search engine 'Brave', as Google may well block it. Search for Tine van der Maas and maybe Power to the People Tine etc You Tube or plenty articles. I saw there is an email on You Tube or send me your email to and I'll send you the cancer diet i have, 2 double A4 pages. Regards, Guido.
I just did a search on Google of
Tine van der Maas
with no quotations and found many references including Power to the People
Blaming the plagues for Alzheimer’s is like blaming the ashes for the fire. It never made sense to me but thanks to your writings, I am starting to know why it’s still incurable. I am also hopeful.
Thank you for your elegant and concise writings. You can “paint” the forest and the tree at the same time.
Thank you. That is a really good way to put it I never thought of, and I told a few friends who agreed so I will probably use that line. I think you can't really paint one without the other but people normally only do one so I always do both.
What about the doctor who was given some 200 brains of patients that died with Alzheimer and found 185 or so to be high in Mercury. He requested the dental records that confirmed patients had plenty filings, handed in his findings and was taken off the job.
This wouldn't surprise me. I had a friend whose dentist removed all her old fillings and there was a time when they thought she was getting very early alz. She had to get treatment to get the mercury out of her system. And a relative, after not great dental work, went downhill rather quickly.