"Once Biden won the election, Hotez made a remarkable pivot"


And he wasn't the only one.


In fact, I would go so far as to say that if Donald Trump won in 2020, there would have been no jab mandates, because the left would have reflexively recoiled against them.

Put another way, we only got the mandates because Biden won. And Pharma HAD to know that going in -- which is probably why they delayed announcement that the shot was ready until AFTER the election.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

As a medical professional myself (PharmD), once the pandemic hit, I had to wrestle with this question, "where has the innovation in medicine gone?" During the pandemic, looking at the literature, you realize, "why are we making decisions off of baseless and poorly done studies (i.e., vaccine studies stating 95% success rate)?" I saw this with other colleagues that would normally scrutinize other medical data... but for the pandemic medical data, whatever the science says, went.

So during the pandemic, while locked away, and why asking the very important question, "WHY" and not judging any answer that came to mind, but thoroughly exploring them, I came to see the world in a brand new light.

I came to realize that:

1. There is politics in science and there has been for a while. I was educated with political science and I needed to come to terms with that. This political science was called "Scientism"

2. This politics goes back way before anyone practicing medicine today lived. We need to understand the origins of the Flexner report (back in the early 1900s), the Rockerfellers and how THEY shaped the modern medicine we practice.

3. When we follow this trail, we see the power behind grants and how THAT determines what WE practice on our patients. Ex: Statins first use in Cholesterol or Opioids in Pain populations.

As a pharmacist and seeing how pharma shaped medicine by being behind the sidelines and educating doctors to prescribe certain ways, I came to terms with WHY medicine is the way it is.

PS: I wrote this substack to show how our modern world is a result of that political science, known as scientism, which shapes everything we do today: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-religious-tenants-of-scientism

The good news is that I discovered OTHER ways to practice true medicine. I discovered the work of Dr. Mercola, Dr. Thomas Cowan, and many, many others that produced real results -- unlike funded results which need to have certain effects occur. This and many others instances show that while modern medicine today as we know it can no longer offer new and innovative treatments (that are in the patient's best interest), there is an exciting opportunity for new practitioners who do care about the patients best interest to thrive and flourish.

As I go on in my medical career, I look to grow deeper and more versed in this promising, innovative field of medicine and hoping others (practitioners and patients) join in doing the same.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Big pharma owns the grant system and grifters like Hotez. They want just enough innovation for repeat business. Customers, not cures. Hotez has other talents, though. Like using his pulpit to push jabs that have killed millions, putting him into the mass murderer category along with Little Mengele et al. The ultimate divine irony? He has a vaccine injured child.

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The reason there isn't innovaation is that very poor explanatory theories continue being promoted for decades, because they sell medical services and drugs and surgeries. Stents to keep clogged blood vessels open even though they don't improve survival...statins that are harmful but sold on the completely bogus cholesterol theory of heart attacks, needless and harmful colonoscopies etc etc etc etc

The entire system is now one where they try to sell people medical services until they die. People who promote the same tired wrong theories prevail because the system is a fascist corporate system favoring the huge drug companies uber alles.

I'm a health researcher and I see this literally every day.

Thank you for your wonderful work.

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Medical research has been fake for the last 50-70 years. Witness the war on cancer started in the early 1970's. $100's of billions wasted and with not much progress. Then again, there is no way the medical mafia wants to cure cancer because that would kill the golden and very costly radiation/chemo goose that supports a good chunk of the $4.5 trillion medical machine that grinds patients to bits.

You cannot have too much innovation since that would help patients to escape the clutches of the medical monsters. They give you just enough hope to keep you coming back for more torture.

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Always love the "white coat" interviews even with ads pushing meds, supplements, exercise gimmicks, socks, hair dye, tires, lipstick etc. but the best ads have a "white coat" interview and wearing a stethoscope around the neck. Those are the most legit! Sold!

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

While the unfavorable economics of innovation seem to require that those with financial interests nip any ideas that either threaten the profits of the system or fail to add to them, the problem goes far deeper. Speaking as a physician myself, I have come to find the entire paradigm of "create drug, treat disease" to be deeply flawed. There is no understanding of root causes of disease, and no understanding of the body's homeostatic mechanisms, and how they can be amplified to create a self-healing experience. All we have is biochemical analyses and drugs that modify the internal biochemical milieu of the body. Needless to say, there is no room here for spiritually based illnesses. Yes, they exist, and our sick medical system is perhaps the best example of this kind of illness.

We need to get off the diagnose/pharmaceutical bandwagon, renounce it as failed, and start building a new medical system based on disease prevention -- real disease prevention -- not the faux-prevention, aka disease creation known as vaccination. Diet, exercise, detoxification, avoidance of toxic exposures, creation of healthy family, personal and community relations, and cultivation of a healthy spiritual state, with total minimization of pharmaceutical is a good starting place. We already have many healing modalities, including functional medicine, homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, energy medicine, bodywork, herbalism and many many other safe and honest treatments which do not depend on diving for dollars which is what modern research has become. Research is still worshiping Mammon. It must go back to worshiping Veritas.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I'm so glad this guy was outed and this article is great. i thought the buzz was dying down about him. Oooo.... how the 12 person "study" in France, where all were cured by HCQ, was quickly shot down for being anecdotal. I just happened to luck out seeing it. My other heroes were the family members who dressed up and sneaked into hospitals to give HORSEPASTE to their loved ones. I hope you are correct that the pendulum will swing to good, ethical medicine. And just like i Hope Ashli's murderer is brought to justice, I hope Fauci and others swing. I laugh when I tell people about helpful things and have to write down to ask their PCP because I'm not a medical doctor. Now let's see what all these parasite protocols are about!! At least the people are not making money off these claims. Keep up the great work doc and thanks for pointing us to people in the know.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

A successful swindler in the realm of academic science must be an expert at detecting the "politically correct grift" and then know how to exploit it.

This is an important skill as multinational corporations including the pharmaceutical industry are always looking for ways to expand their profits. Currently, they're pushing "impact investments" mostly falling under the rubric of sustainability.

Here like in biomedicine, investment companies hunt down research scientists from prestigious universities who will publish numerous papers supporting whatever theories are needed to advance the sustainability agenda, hence ensuring profitable investments.

Of course, the "trusted" research scientists are well-funded so they can comfortably conduct the required research.

In the case, of Hotez he found his grift in hookworms. 😁

No doubt, those worms are a pesky problem, especially among immiserated populations where septic tanks are kaput causing raw sewage to leak throughout the soil. Those who walk barefoot into this mess usually contract hookworm.

Interestingly enough, more than "one in three people sampled in a poor area of Alabama tested positive for traces of hookworm, a parasite that was thought to have been eradicated from the US decades ago."

It should be stressed, that in this impoverished area local populations needed a modernized sewage system and not Hotez's ineffectual vaccine.

Nonetheless, clever Hotez is aware of how receptive big pharma is to "new" vaccines, especially if they have the potential for high profit and low risk, like the one's peddled to Third World countries and funded by a "medical IMF" scam. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/sep/05/hookworm-lowndes-county-alabama-water-waste-treatment-poverty needed modernized infr

In fact, all lucrative philanthropic predatory operations deploy pseudo/science to explain a benevolent sounding solution to a "manufactured crisis" ensuring profits while simultaneously exacerbating the initial problem, thus securing an endless flow of cash.

Sort of like injecting more and more boosters which dimishes natural immunity resulting in a slew of ancillary chronic illnesses.

It's the "keep on coming back for more" business model, or better known as Rockefeller's allopathic snake oil medicine.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

the same awful system fuels the cancer association, diabetic association and all the rest. They get millions in donations, but people forget that these associations will end when a cure is found. So they only find treatments (usually keeping the illness at a point where you are alive but don't get better) and promote meds that don't help. The honest people seem to get out of high posts, as I just discussed with dad, same in politics, science and all. We are still in the Modern Times where the little man gets smashed by the few rich and mighty ones who could not care less if a few hunderd thousand people die.

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"Science should be producing major revolutions, as was the case in the early 20th century when physics revolutions were coming practically annually. Think Einstein, Planck, Bohr, etc. That kind of progress has all but vanished, and I argue that a significant culprit is the very system supposedly designed to foster revolutions — the granting system."

I wouldn't argue with that, but I would point out that the early physicists were picking the low hanging fruit. The periodic table is one example. Once you had a theoretical framework for the periodicity of matter, it was just a question of filling in the blanks. Likewise, once you had the basics of electricity under your belt (Maxwell) it was relatively easy to draw inferences and construct experiments to test them.

Laboratories back then were fairly simple, and much funding came from private sources who had an intellectual interest, besides the obvious financial benefits to be gained. Contrast that with today where you need massive accelerators like CERN, or huge underground arrays (proton decay) or very expensive orbiting telescopes to test your theories. If your work has military applications you'll get funding, otherwise it's beyond the reach of most foundations, never mind private individuals, to finance such work, especially when you can't guarantee a financial return on that investment.

For example, who really cares if magnetic monopoles exist unless you can tell me how to make money off them? So the grift is real, but so is the hesitancy to throw money down a rathole, especially when you're aware that most proposals are exactly as you stated: grifts.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Maybe he's the poster boy The Peter Principle....

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Good God. His “outsides” completely match his insides.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Having a career in research is like playing that old PC game mine sweeper. The mines are the topics you're not allowed to research. Accidentally step on the controversial "mine" with your research....... and your career is over.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

When the states had to balance their budgets (while the federal government did NOT), they started cutting funding to universities. This occurred over decades while Universities greatly expanded administrative bureaucrats not responsible for teaching or research but for DEI/DIE duties.

University officials started to rely on the federal research $$ to fund their institutions while students relied on federal loans to afford college. At this point it is all one giant mess of the federal government in particular simultaneously responsible for higher costs while reducing novel academic research as so exquisitely outlined in this article (with no checks and balances to reduce costs for students).

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 10, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

This is so true and so sad. Our company - www.DemeRx.com - has been trying to bring Iboga to FDA approval for opioid addiction. It works and can save 100,000 people a year. But psychedelics are unorthodox and has been very difficult to get funding. Unnecessary deaths. All around.

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