Well, separate from my work at NIH with Fauci, in late nineties I worked with the emerging small nonprofit at Georgetown Univ: Sabin Vaccine Institute. It rapidly grew and I was ousted; Peter Hotez brought in along with GAVI monies. They were pulling together the dengue vaccine initiative. He went to Texas because of the vax trials going on there. I was frequently up close and personal with Hotez. Saw him in action and over time.
He really is a sociopath. Works directly for the Deep State Cabal.
Would you be open to writing a more detailed summary of your observations (I pinned your comment)? I did not mention this in the article, but Peter had his PhD training after residency at Rockefeller University and directed the Sabin institute (where he wrote a glowing review of Gates decades of vaccines program) right before he moved to Baylor.
Hotez was made director at Sabin, which kept its DC office when he moved to Baylor, setting up a second office there. Just needed a nonprofit to launder the $$ through.
I really can't detail any summary, it's just too many things, over too many years, and too many of his tweets on social media, that bring me to my assessment. If you want to examine another vaccine travesty, look at the tetravalent dengue chimera vaccines and how many kids they killed with those trials. Dr. Scott Halstead and col. Dr. Phillip Russell were whistleblowers on the ADE induced by it.
Have been following Phil Harper in his substack. Consider him an actual investigative journalist. You and he have a lot in common and probably could work together (an opinion).
I can’t even compose words to describe how this sort of revolting mess makes me feel.
After my entire adult life of believing that vaccine developers were actually sincerely trying to make the world a better place, these continuing revelations that they actually are not is just sickening. Is there even one single vaccine that has actually truly helped humankind without harming a bunch of people in the process? Just even one? I am starting to think there is not.
I have felt for decades that there truly isn’t a single ‘Big’ fill-in-the-blank Industry that has anyone’s best interest at heart - except their pocketbooks. As someone who has observed and fought against some of these industries (gmos, pesticides, unending wars of aggression for the MI complex, bio labs and gain-of-function ‘read bio weapon development’, factory farming, soil degradation, industrial pollution, etc) it wasn’t hard to see what they were attempting in early 2020. Zika, the swine flu and all the other hyped ‘demics’ were also clues in my mind. What really threw me though was how very well-planned and coordinated all this was - encompassing ngos, countries, governments, and the shadowy figures controlling all of it. So many pieces it’s pretty hard to comprehend much less piece it all together as these people are masters of planning and deception. It’s definitely a huge chunk to swallow. As for vaccines (and the allopathic model of medicine) - I believe they are based on a totally false premise (and Harma knows it) but it’s a money maker and does other things that those-who-shouldn’t-be-in-power want accomplished. The more ordinary, everyday people who can come to terms with this the better chance we have to opt out and build our own systems.
I don’t disagree. Back in the 1970s there was a movement to teach corporations their social responsibility since our constitution with the approval of our citizen, gives corporations the ability to exist, and it should be in the interest of the citizens. A key motivator was a Jesuit priest from Loyola university in Chicago. When he passed early in his life, the social movement also died, and today there is no recognition that corporations only exist, because we as citizens allow them to exist.
Corporations protect owners and operators from any individual personal responsibility for criminal actions and should be abolished. And while you're at it get rid of patent law also - 95% of the first industrial revolution occurred without resort to patent law. The government should not be protecting businesses from competition at all - let alone for 20 years. That should be the business's responsibility.
Control of corporations and corporate greed used to be a thing for democrats. The sturm and drang when the SCOTUS declared basically the corporations were people too filled hours of the progressive radio I listened to at the time. Blah blah all the time about corporations. Of course Dems were always in bed with them--but it’s so much worse now. Red pilled October 2021. Not really GOP either. But punished Dems in November totally. Kind of distrust both now.
When asked by Steve Kirsch if there is any vaccine that is safer than the rest, Dr Andrew Wakefield said with a smile, “well not really, but if I had to allow just one for my kid it would be the Chicken Pox shot”.
I think he's correct in this regard. Most of the issues with the chicken pox one relate to complications later in life that arise from not having had a chickenpox infection in childhood (shingles, increases risk for a few cancers).
The only truly safe vaccine is saline only, maybe with some glucose in it for example. And all for the princely sum of, ooh, I don't know $15.
Doesn't tempt you? Look, I'll do a deal with the government and sell you it for $10 unit price, if they bulk buy a million doses, cash upfront of course. Can't say fairer that that, can I?
Mind you, for some additional industrial waste, I will only add on $2.50 special offer!
Mmm.......rummage round in kitchen....salt cellar, check, sugar bowl, check, cold water tap, check. 5 cents??? I pass on the industrial waste as that is in the water already.
What about rabies? I had a run-in with a bat this summer and had a quick decision to make. I decided to get that course of vaccines (free in Canada). Other than a rapid onset of minor arthritis in one of my knuckles that hasn't quite gone away yet, no significant effects noted (yet).
Rabies vaccine is dangerous, but, it can be taken after a rabies exposure bc the virus is slow progressing. There is a huge difference between taking a harmful substance to prevent a small potential risk in the future (most vaccines) verses taking one to treat an already existing risk. In the case of the latter, it's much more justifiable.
Rabies is a horrible way to die and the only other thing I've ever found that can help is ultraviolet blood irradiation, but that data is quite limited.
Mark, that is an interesting question. In the US it is possible to search for rabies report; I did this for Minnesota, here. Finding NO occurrences of any rabies in THIS county or those directly adjacent I chose NOT to have our cats vaccinated for their yearly regimen-- as we have been doing. Additionally, what is revealing is that I could find that no other rabies carrier other than skunks resulted in rabies in Minn.
After all, if rabies virtually does not "exist" in this area, why take the risk.
Another thing: If I was bit by a wild creature(ie bat) I would also take extreme measures to sterilize the area, whatever it takes, no matter what I eventually chose for vaccination. I figure you DID that.
There's nothing like actual experience to make you think harder about stuff. I was seriously bitten by a neighbor's dog a few months ago. When you're suddenly confronted with the fact that rabies is, at least purportedly, universally fatal, it can find you questioning your priorities. My neighbor assured me their dog had been vaccinated. Even despite my feelings about the rabies vaccine for my own cat, this reassured me. And I'm still alive :)
I used to think that vaccines were of some use, but not for the 'flu as I heard about people getting the 'flu anyway, so what was the point.
It was only in 2020 that I researched it all properly including virology. In 2 months by June that year I realized we had all been scammed by the medical profession etc.
I then understood that the current virology theory was fundamentally flawed. So every time I see reference to a viral disease know that the current understanding of it is wrong.
And that vaccines in any event will not help as they are merely poisons if anything and cannot do anything.
So regarding rabies what we do not know in your case is what would have happened if you had not had the vaxxes. One would need minimum of two people, both bitten with similar immune system status to begin even to assess the situation empirically. One would be vaxxed , the other not.
It could be the vaxxes actually caused the arthritis. The problem with free vaxxes is that they are tempting and you have paid for vaxxes via taxxes (!). This is the problem with supposed free health care. It isn't, it is only free at the point of need.
Big pharma like this as they get a contract via government health departments to guarantee a steady revenue stream.
As pretty-red, old guy says, I would clean the area thoroughly to avoid bacterial infection. I would consider boosting vitamin D and C if necessary although it is the C that acts as anti-oxidant against any neuro-toxins.
If I would get bitten, I´d drink some MMS or CDS, and treat the wound with it. If no MMS or CDS would be at hand, I would use hydrogenperoxide (about 0.3% for drinking); it is quite similar, though a bit more agressive.
I´d give dogs and cats MMS or just a few drops of sodium chlorite in their drinking bowl.
Andrew Wakefiled slated MMR back in the late 1990s.
I don't know what it was but I just believed him.
I bust a gut to get my son the separate vaccines during the early 2000s, it cost over £1,000 which was a lot of money at the time but it was worth every penny.
Ever since the Covid operation hit, I am scared all the time wondering what these monsters are going to do next. Bill Gates openly stated that the next virus would be worse. I have to believe the psychopath since he was smirking when he said it and his profit motive as well as Power motive.
I feel the same way! Start reading Turtles ALL the way Down..
It really sheds light on all of things.
It makes me sick the more I read and learn.
I was one of those nerdy Moms that always made notes on the calendar when they became ill. Fever, ear infections etc, when they went to the Dr. For a checkup. I’m so thankful I do this habit because it has aloud me to connect a lot of dots.
Haha, funny your comment about nerdy mom and the calendar. I am the same, and also allowed me to connect some dots recently.
I just wish I had been willing a long time ago to give a hearing to the folks talking about risks of vacksines. I wish we had never given them to our kiddo. 😓
Indeed, the profound sense of disillusionment and cognitive dissonance is quite unsettling to say the least, but ultimately salutary. As the saying goes, the truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.
Even Jonas Salk was not quite the hero most people think he was. That honor really belongs to Dr. Klenner, who literally cured polio with "Klenner sized doses" of....wait for it...Vitamin C in the 1950s.
Not one, not a damned one. I used to think vaccines were of some use but not for the 'flu as I noted people were ill anyway. In 2020 at the age of 60 I woke up after researching thoroughly. 2 months solid research and I completely turned round as I realized the awful scam.
And it is far, far worse than just that, for that was only the tip of the iceberg.
I highly recommend everybody Read the book “Turtles All The Way Down” once you have read this book, you will understand the authors who are in the know, had to remain anonymous…
@Dan -the book " What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong" is also eye-opening. It's downloadable for free as an epub file.
I am in the middle of reading it. Have yet to get to that "point" but basically get what you are saying. Others have been vilified who have authored similar whistle blowers.
Back in 1976, my husband was a young college student. His mom threatened to not do his laundry on the weekend if he didn't go get the Swine flu jab. He did and got "the sickest I've ever been in my life. I thought I was really dying". I'd listened to his story many times, over the years, but honestly (unbeknownst to him) I didn't never believed it was the shot that made him that sick. It couldn't have been, vaccines don't make you sick! 😔 Sad to say, I was thoroughly brainwashed. After my own deep dive into "vaccines" of all kinds, prompted by the Operation Warp Speed product and the billions of dollars that were given to scandalous companies (Pfizer, J&J, AZ) and to a company (MODeRNA) that had never even brought any successful pharmaceuticals to market, my eyes were opened and my stomach sickened. I have since apologized to my husband many times over for doubting him. I'm not a big fan of needles so I never got anything that wasn't just practically forced on me. He never got any flu shots due to his '76 experience but was pretty ok with whatever else was recommended, like the tetanus boosters that were pushed by his employer. We've each done our own independent research and like thousands/millions of others, we've been awakened to the entire scam that is known as big pharma. Once you collect the dots and then start connecting them, it's something no resonable person can deny.
Good catch, Baldo. My dad's cardiologist recommended that he get the flu vax annually. Well, when he did, he had the flu TWICE, and pretty bad, too. Probably for the same reason that the fools getting jabbed with the 'rona shot keep getting COVID!! "Salute" from the deep-blue-pilled "sinister" (left) coast of Duh-Merica!
Thank you for that. "Duh-Merica", I have not heard that before, I note with great appreciation!
If I haven't said when I was 15 a long time ago I had BCG shot out of something that looked like a phaser from Star Trek. I was very ill that year with allegedly German measles. The exact timings I have not yet discovered if records exist, but given what I now know the vaccine is the obvious culprit.
Thank you! As usual, when ever a nutrient helps solve a medical issue, for some reason more study is always required and they rely on drugs and etc. Vitamin D has been assailed this way for many decades. Didn't know IV Vitamin C works. Also good for other health issues.
@Tami Berman - the last line is a huge problem with this article, the source being obviously pro-vaccine.
"Until then (referring to more research) may the BLIND FAITH in the tetanus shot may help us!"
Wow! It seems like BLIND FAITH is why we're dealing with what we are now. I remember the global "health" experts reiterating the same idea. "We HOPE these vaccines will..." and then later.
"Well, we THOUGHT the cv would work against.... blah, blah, blah..
•The tetanus vaccine (which provides immunity to the tetanus bacteria’s toxoid rather than the bacteria itself) and the diphtheria vaccine (which does the same thing), are the best examples of this approach.
•For tetanus, this approach, at least in theory, makes sense. The bacteria lives everywhere and is not transmitted from person to person (rather it is transmitted by having tetanus inoculate a deep wound). The only sensible target for a vaccine is thus to prevent the bacteria’s toxoid from causing a fatal complication, and someone becoming immune to the toxin will not influence the bacterial population around us.
Several things have happened to me over the past decade that have completely turned my life upside down.
By far the worst part of it is the fact thatevery single thing I ever thought actually isn't true, for example most parents want the best for their kids yet I have found out that in my family this is not true.
The destablising effect of this is insane but it did prepare me for Covid and the jabs debacle.
But this paper is very recent, published in Nature. Gives the background science on the vaccines and it tries to put a positive spin on the whole field. A good place to start to unravel the threads.
Had. RIP.The way that man was persecuted. Medical and legal knowledge. Brilliant and compassionate. He definitely left a legacy. About the same time he passed legislation went after religious exemptions...2015 2016. Now require a doctor to sign off on them.
Your main question has been already answered. The Covid-19-itself net impact on the number of yearly deaths can be only CLOSE TO ZERO. It is possible to calculate the real number in two different ways. The first way is difficult to readers but the second one, mentioned in Discussion, very easy (=it is enough to show that the average number of chronic conditions is not increased in the group of official Covid-19 victims, against the comparative group, when this number should be strongly increased). ...Unfortunately some of medicals are ignorants and if they do not understand the proof then pretent it does not exist. Another problem is the censorship, so it has to be moved to Switzerland, where the results were no reason to ban the essay.
I think this should also be pinned. Here are highlights from Senator Ron Johnson's Congressional Round Table on the Covid vaccines. After the 10 min video, you can see the full 3 hours also.
Rachel paid twice because of her father's intractable beliefs. One, the vaccine injury itself and Two, many vaccine injured children, no matter the diagnosis improve with alternative therapies by practitioners who have been enlightened over decades of treating vaccine injuries. Dr. Peter Hotez could not go down that road, even if Rachel's health and well-being might improve.
Hotez would be the figurehead for "sociopaths are us" or as most of know the medical industrial pharma complex. Stanley Plotkin for sure and by all rights Paul Offit, but even he doesn't have Hotez's demeanor and eyes. Plenty of women in that group too.
For sure; the Canadian Asian health Ministress, horse toothed Hitlerian New Zealand PM, Frau Fatty in Germany, my ex wife (sorry, threw that accidentally, where was I?)...
I've seen a Paul Offit comment or two to that effect. Hotez has more skin in the game. He's desperately trying to convince himself and his wife (who I suspect deep down knows it was the vaccinations) that Rachel's autism and vaccinations are causal.
Parents whose children have illnesses/conditions (or who have died) that could potentially be linked to vaccines but who refuse to even consider that possibility tend to be the most rabid pro-vaxxers.
Let 's cut to the chase. I suggest we set up possible protocols for Nuremberg II, here, that would include the suggested execution of sociopath/p path vax propagandists/journalists. However this would lapse automatically if they publicly red pill themselves (thus Offitt automatically saved his life). Let's see what Hotez would do.
However actual death dealers like Fauci, Bourla, the four governors, etc. are a different matter.
Personally I think he is quite potty. Anagram of his full name is 'ah er jeez potty'.
'azote hyper jet' is another. azote is another name for nitrogen which I didn't know until just now. Nitrogen cannot take the place of air in supporting life.
Thanks for your support. Yes, I think these videos are a must see. There are 3 Levels to all living things - Vegetable / Animal / Individual which is Spiritual. When we are couch potatoes watching drivel on TV, we are at the Vegetable Level. Most of the general public is at the Animal Level (they will stick to the Herd and the Cabal knows this, so they can be easily manipulated). The third Level is the highest Level. All Great Thinkers who have benefited us like Shakespeare, Einstein, Euler, Abraham Lincoln, Socrates, Martin Luther King, William Tyndale who translated the Old and New Testament, Galileo ... are examples at this third Level. They are expressing themselves as a stream of White Light (no frequency of Light is missing). They have White Light in the Crown Chakra. They speak from the Soul and give us the Truth of Moral Courage. They are Mavericks in the best sense who were willing to Stand Alone.
Wow, he is even worse than I thought! I thought first that he "merely" had vested interests in his own vaccine project, Corbevax, but it looks even deeper than that.
Thanks for writing this. I think your assessment of Hotez is fascinating. Spending most of my adult life within the academic science community, I started to normalize its cult-like tendencies in my mind, but COVID was really a wake-up call. I had always had a bit of imposter syndrome as an academic scientist and realized, when everyone around me fell in line, that I had never bought into the expert worship, group-think mentality that surrounded me. I used to joke about the superficial “fashion trends” that seemed to drive NIH funding priorities (vaccinate for everything would be one of those), and lamented the increasing tendency of my peers to value technological innovation over basic science discovery. On top of that, there is such a focus on “influence” in merit file review -how many talks are you asked to give, how many books and reviews are you invited to write, are you on the editorial board of a journal or president of a scientific society—it is hard to succeed in academic science without tooting your own horn and convincing others that your work is of the utmost importance. You are competing with your colleagues for a limited pool of funding so your work has to be the most important, the most novel, the most cutting edge. Too many people drink their own kool-aid and narcissism is inadvertently encouraged. I think that leads to people like Hotez and Fauci rising to the top of the cesspool.
Midwest Doc,
Well, separate from my work at NIH with Fauci, in late nineties I worked with the emerging small nonprofit at Georgetown Univ: Sabin Vaccine Institute. It rapidly grew and I was ousted; Peter Hotez brought in along with GAVI monies. They were pulling together the dengue vaccine initiative. He went to Texas because of the vax trials going on there. I was frequently up close and personal with Hotez. Saw him in action and over time.
He really is a sociopath. Works directly for the Deep State Cabal.
Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.substack.com
Would you be open to writing a more detailed summary of your observations (I pinned your comment)? I did not mention this in the article, but Peter had his PhD training after residency at Rockefeller University and directed the Sabin institute (where he wrote a glowing review of Gates decades of vaccines program) right before he moved to Baylor.
Midwest Doc,
Hotez was made director at Sabin, which kept its DC office when he moved to Baylor, setting up a second office there. Just needed a nonprofit to launder the $$ through.
I really can't detail any summary, it's just too many things, over too many years, and too many of his tweets on social media, that bring me to my assessment. If you want to examine another vaccine travesty, look at the tetravalent dengue chimera vaccines and how many kids they killed with those trials. Dr. Scott Halstead and col. Dr. Phillip Russell were whistleblowers on the ADE induced by it.
Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.substack.com
A lot of that looks like non-profit money laundering, but I'm not sure how to prove it either. I will look into that
Have been following Phil Harper in his substack. Consider him an actual investigative journalist. You and he have a lot in common and probably could work together (an opinion).
Too many paywalls.
Phil Harper is very sharp.
I can’t even compose words to describe how this sort of revolting mess makes me feel.
After my entire adult life of believing that vaccine developers were actually sincerely trying to make the world a better place, these continuing revelations that they actually are not is just sickening. Is there even one single vaccine that has actually truly helped humankind without harming a bunch of people in the process? Just even one? I am starting to think there is not.
I have felt for decades that there truly isn’t a single ‘Big’ fill-in-the-blank Industry that has anyone’s best interest at heart - except their pocketbooks. As someone who has observed and fought against some of these industries (gmos, pesticides, unending wars of aggression for the MI complex, bio labs and gain-of-function ‘read bio weapon development’, factory farming, soil degradation, industrial pollution, etc) it wasn’t hard to see what they were attempting in early 2020. Zika, the swine flu and all the other hyped ‘demics’ were also clues in my mind. What really threw me though was how very well-planned and coordinated all this was - encompassing ngos, countries, governments, and the shadowy figures controlling all of it. So many pieces it’s pretty hard to comprehend much less piece it all together as these people are masters of planning and deception. It’s definitely a huge chunk to swallow. As for vaccines (and the allopathic model of medicine) - I believe they are based on a totally false premise (and Harma knows it) but it’s a money maker and does other things that those-who-shouldn’t-be-in-power want accomplished. The more ordinary, everyday people who can come to terms with this the better chance we have to opt out and build our own systems.
Every large business follows the same playbook.
I don’t disagree. Back in the 1970s there was a movement to teach corporations their social responsibility since our constitution with the approval of our citizen, gives corporations the ability to exist, and it should be in the interest of the citizens. A key motivator was a Jesuit priest from Loyola university in Chicago. When he passed early in his life, the social movement also died, and today there is no recognition that corporations only exist, because we as citizens allow them to exist.
Corporations protect owners and operators from any individual personal responsibility for criminal actions and should be abolished. And while you're at it get rid of patent law also - 95% of the first industrial revolution occurred without resort to patent law. The government should not be protecting businesses from competition at all - let alone for 20 years. That should be the business's responsibility.
Control of corporations and corporate greed used to be a thing for democrats. The sturm and drang when the SCOTUS declared basically the corporations were people too filled hours of the progressive radio I listened to at the time. Blah blah all the time about corporations. Of course Dems were always in bed with them--but it’s so much worse now. Red pilled October 2021. Not really GOP either. But punished Dems in November totally. Kind of distrust both now.
Not one.
When asked by Steve Kirsch if there is any vaccine that is safer than the rest, Dr Andrew Wakefield said with a smile, “well not really, but if I had to allow just one for my kid it would be the Chicken Pox shot”.
Read this. There is no safety data for any childhood vaccine. None. Read first chapter and your jaw will drop when you see what they compare vaccines to. Hint.. not a true placebo. https://www.amazon.com/Turtles-All-Way-Down-Vaccine/dp/9655981045
I think he's correct in this regard. Most of the issues with the chicken pox one relate to complications later in life that arise from not having had a chickenpox infection in childhood (shingles, increases risk for a few cancers).
you don't think the MMR given later in childhood is OK? Particularly rubella is so harmful to unborn.
The only truly safe vaccine is saline only, maybe with some glucose in it for example. And all for the princely sum of, ooh, I don't know $15.
Doesn't tempt you? Look, I'll do a deal with the government and sell you it for $10 unit price, if they bulk buy a million doses, cash upfront of course. Can't say fairer that that, can I?
Mind you, for some additional industrial waste, I will only add on $2.50 special offer!
Mmm.......rummage round in kitchen....salt cellar, check, sugar bowl, check, cold water tap, check. 5 cents??? I pass on the industrial waste as that is in the water already.
and, it IS likely to create some positive PLACEBO effect!
Please. The glucose is not necessary or desirable.
Otherwise great comment :)
Bloody street smack is safer than the shit that is the Covid jabs.
What about rabies? I had a run-in with a bat this summer and had a quick decision to make. I decided to get that course of vaccines (free in Canada). Other than a rapid onset of minor arthritis in one of my knuckles that hasn't quite gone away yet, no significant effects noted (yet).
Rabies vaccine is dangerous, but, it can be taken after a rabies exposure bc the virus is slow progressing. There is a huge difference between taking a harmful substance to prevent a small potential risk in the future (most vaccines) verses taking one to treat an already existing risk. In the case of the latter, it's much more justifiable.
Rabies is a horrible way to die and the only other thing I've ever found that can help is ultraviolet blood irradiation, but that data is quite limited.
Mark, that is an interesting question. In the US it is possible to search for rabies report; I did this for Minnesota, here. Finding NO occurrences of any rabies in THIS county or those directly adjacent I chose NOT to have our cats vaccinated for their yearly regimen-- as we have been doing. Additionally, what is revealing is that I could find that no other rabies carrier other than skunks resulted in rabies in Minn.
After all, if rabies virtually does not "exist" in this area, why take the risk.
Another thing: If I was bit by a wild creature(ie bat) I would also take extreme measures to sterilize the area, whatever it takes, no matter what I eventually chose for vaccination. I figure you DID that.
There's nothing like actual experience to make you think harder about stuff. I was seriously bitten by a neighbor's dog a few months ago. When you're suddenly confronted with the fact that rabies is, at least purportedly, universally fatal, it can find you questioning your priorities. My neighbor assured me their dog had been vaccinated. Even despite my feelings about the rabies vaccine for my own cat, this reassured me. And I'm still alive :)
I used to think that vaccines were of some use, but not for the 'flu as I heard about people getting the 'flu anyway, so what was the point.
It was only in 2020 that I researched it all properly including virology. In 2 months by June that year I realized we had all been scammed by the medical profession etc.
I then understood that the current virology theory was fundamentally flawed. So every time I see reference to a viral disease know that the current understanding of it is wrong.
And that vaccines in any event will not help as they are merely poisons if anything and cannot do anything.
So regarding rabies what we do not know in your case is what would have happened if you had not had the vaxxes. One would need minimum of two people, both bitten with similar immune system status to begin even to assess the situation empirically. One would be vaxxed , the other not.
It could be the vaxxes actually caused the arthritis. The problem with free vaxxes is that they are tempting and you have paid for vaxxes via taxxes (!). This is the problem with supposed free health care. It isn't, it is only free at the point of need.
Big pharma like this as they get a contract via government health departments to guarantee a steady revenue stream.
As pretty-red, old guy says, I would clean the area thoroughly to avoid bacterial infection. I would consider boosting vitamin D and C if necessary although it is the C that acts as anti-oxidant against any neuro-toxins.
If I would get bitten, I´d drink some MMS or CDS, and treat the wound with it. If no MMS or CDS would be at hand, I would use hydrogenperoxide (about 0.3% for drinking); it is quite similar, though a bit more agressive.
I´d give dogs and cats MMS or just a few drops of sodium chlorite in their drinking bowl.
SARS-Cov-3 incoming from Mark BC
But you can’t get that one alone. It comes with the MMR so there is no safe one on the market.
I've heard you can request a separate vaccine. Haven't tried it as I don't get any vaccines anyway, but that's what I was told.
Andrew Wakefiled slated MMR back in the late 1990s.
I don't know what it was but I just believed him.
I bust a gut to get my son the separate vaccines during the early 2000s, it cost over £1,000 which was a lot of money at the time but it was worth every penny.
Ever since the Covid operation hit, I am scared all the time wondering what these monsters are going to do next. Bill Gates openly stated that the next virus would be worse. I have to believe the psychopath since he was smirking when he said it and his profit motive as well as Power motive.
If we don’t stop the mRNA push, it will be worse!
He is laughing here with Melinda. Ok, its my meme, but true anyway. Roughly halfway down in post.
I feel the same way! Start reading Turtles ALL the way Down..
It really sheds light on all of things.
It makes me sick the more I read and learn.
I was one of those nerdy Moms that always made notes on the calendar when they became ill. Fever, ear infections etc, when they went to the Dr. For a checkup. I’m so thankful I do this habit because it has aloud me to connect a lot of dots.
So much we have to learn.
Part of what makes this enjoyable for me is that there will always be more and more to learn.
Haha, funny your comment about nerdy mom and the calendar. I am the same, and also allowed me to connect some dots recently.
I just wish I had been willing a long time ago to give a hearing to the folks talking about risks of vacksines. I wish we had never given them to our kiddo. 😓
Indeed, the profound sense of disillusionment and cognitive dissonance is quite unsettling to say the least, but ultimately salutary. As the saying goes, the truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.
Even Jonas Salk was not quite the hero most people think he was. That honor really belongs to Dr. Klenner, who literally cured polio with "Klenner sized doses" of....wait for it...Vitamin C in the 1950s.
Not one, not a damned one. I used to think vaccines were of some use but not for the 'flu as I noted people were ill anyway. In 2020 at the age of 60 I woke up after researching thoroughly. 2 months solid research and I completely turned round as I realized the awful scam.
And it is far, far worse than just that, for that was only the tip of the iceberg.
I highly recommend everybody Read the book “Turtles All The Way Down” once you have read this book, you will understand the authors who are in the know, had to remain anonymous…
@Dan -the book " What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong" is also eye-opening. It's downloadable for free as an epub file.
I am in the middle of reading it. Have yet to get to that "point" but basically get what you are saying. Others have been vilified who have authored similar whistle blowers.
yep, at 71, I also turned around after similar research and reading.
I had previously take ALL the vaccines ever offered, even took the 1st two Wuhan Virus jabs. No more.
Back in 1976, my husband was a young college student. His mom threatened to not do his laundry on the weekend if he didn't go get the Swine flu jab. He did and got "the sickest I've ever been in my life. I thought I was really dying". I'd listened to his story many times, over the years, but honestly (unbeknownst to him) I didn't never believed it was the shot that made him that sick. It couldn't have been, vaccines don't make you sick! 😔 Sad to say, I was thoroughly brainwashed. After my own deep dive into "vaccines" of all kinds, prompted by the Operation Warp Speed product and the billions of dollars that were given to scandalous companies (Pfizer, J&J, AZ) and to a company (MODeRNA) that had never even brought any successful pharmaceuticals to market, my eyes were opened and my stomach sickened. I have since apologized to my husband many times over for doubting him. I'm not a big fan of needles so I never got anything that wasn't just practically forced on me. He never got any flu shots due to his '76 experience but was pretty ok with whatever else was recommended, like the tetanus boosters that were pushed by his employer. We've each done our own independent research and like thousands/millions of others, we've been awakened to the entire scam that is known as big pharma. Once you collect the dots and then start connecting them, it's something no resonable person can deny.
Good catch, Baldo. My dad's cardiologist recommended that he get the flu vax annually. Well, when he did, he had the flu TWICE, and pretty bad, too. Probably for the same reason that the fools getting jabbed with the 'rona shot keep getting COVID!! "Salute" from the deep-blue-pilled "sinister" (left) coast of Duh-Merica!
I have lost count of how many people I've seen get the flu shortly after an influenza vaccine.
Thank you for that. "Duh-Merica", I have not heard that before, I note with great appreciation!
If I haven't said when I was 15 a long time ago I had BCG shot out of something that looked like a phaser from Star Trek. I was very ill that year with allegedly German measles. The exact timings I have not yet discovered if records exist, but given what I now know the vaccine is the obvious culprit.
It took me all summer to get over the effects.
How about the Tetnus vaccine?
Here is a great article by Tetyana Obukhanych, Phd. https://hisunim.org.il/wp-content/uploads/documents/scientific_literature/tetyana_tetanus_how_do_we_know_that_it_works.pdf.
Thank you! As usual, when ever a nutrient helps solve a medical issue, for some reason more study is always required and they rely on drugs and etc. Vitamin D has been assailed this way for many decades. Didn't know IV Vitamin C works. Also good for other health issues.
A quick look and excellent would be my initial observation, so thank you very much.
@Tami Berman - the last line is a huge problem with this article, the source being obviously pro-vaccine.
"Until then (referring to more research) may the BLIND FAITH in the tetanus shot may help us!"
Wow! It seems like BLIND FAITH is why we're dealing with what we are now. I remember the global "health" experts reiterating the same idea. "We HOPE these vaccines will..." and then later.
"Well, we THOUGHT the cv would work against.... blah, blah, blah..
Please read this substack re the tetanus vaccine. https://drkevinstillwagon.substack.com/p/the-silent-killers-a0c
amazing yet another removal of the bricks in the vaccine wall. Great article, thanks Tami!
Midwestern Doc wrote about this already:
•The tetanus vaccine (which provides immunity to the tetanus bacteria’s toxoid rather than the bacteria itself) and the diphtheria vaccine (which does the same thing), are the best examples of this approach.
•For tetanus, this approach, at least in theory, makes sense. The bacteria lives everywhere and is not transmitted from person to person (rather it is transmitted by having tetanus inoculate a deep wound). The only sensible target for a vaccine is thus to prevent the bacteria’s toxoid from causing a fatal complication, and someone becoming immune to the toxin will not influence the bacterial population around us.
Here's a great look at the tetanus vaccine. https://drkevinstillwagon.substack.com/p/the-silent-killers-a0c
yes, but it misses the link to IV Vit C therapy in Tami's paper from Tatyana above.
Several things have happened to me over the past decade that have completely turned my life upside down.
By far the worst part of it is the fact thatevery single thing I ever thought actually isn't true, for example most parents want the best for their kids yet I have found out that in my family this is not true.
The destablising effect of this is insane but it did prepare me for Covid and the jabs debacle.
Hi there, could you please share where I could find some information on the tetravalent dengue chimera vaccines and the damage they caused.
Many thanks
The info is heavily censored, of course. I think the Philipines are suing Pharma and that should give lots of negative effects data. https://www.science.org/content/article/dengue-vaccine-fiasco-leads-criminal-charges-researcher-philippines
But this paper is very recent, published in Nature. Gives the background science on the vaccines and it tries to put a positive spin on the whole field. A good place to start to unravel the threads.
Laura Kragie MD
Mothers in Elk Grove Village Illinois had the benefit of Dr. Eisenstein who did not believe in vaccinations. Am I correct?
Had. RIP.The way that man was persecuted. Medical and legal knowledge. Brilliant and compassionate. He definitely left a legacy. About the same time he passed legislation went after religious exemptions...2015 2016. Now require a doctor to sign off on them.
Wow. Was he by any chance related to the philosopher and author Charles Eisenstein?
Your main question has been already answered. The Covid-19-itself net impact on the number of yearly deaths can be only CLOSE TO ZERO. It is possible to calculate the real number in two different ways. The first way is difficult to readers but the second one, mentioned in Discussion, very easy (=it is enough to show that the average number of chronic conditions is not increased in the group of official Covid-19 victims, against the comparative group, when this number should be strongly increased). ...Unfortunately some of medicals are ignorants and if they do not understand the proof then pretent it does not exist. Another problem is the censorship, so it has to be moved to Switzerland, where the results were no reason to ban the essay.
maybe should send this to Ed Doud?!
Wow, interesting.
I think this should also be pinned. Here are highlights from Senator Ron Johnson's Congressional Round Table on the Covid vaccines. After the 10 min video, you can see the full 3 hours also.
"He really is a sociopath." You can see it in his eyes. That is clear even if you don't know who he is.
I just see someone who is a true believer and lacks the mental acuity to puzzle things out. Compliant inept imbecile.
Rachel paid twice because of her father's intractable beliefs. One, the vaccine injury itself and Two, many vaccine injured children, no matter the diagnosis improve with alternative therapies by practitioners who have been enlightened over decades of treating vaccine injuries. Dr. Peter Hotez could not go down that road, even if Rachel's health and well-being might improve.
That is my perspective too.
Hotez would be the figurehead for "sociopaths are us" or as most of know the medical industrial pharma complex. Stanley Plotkin for sure and by all rights Paul Offit, but even he doesn't have Hotez's demeanor and eyes. Plenty of women in that group too.
For sure; the Canadian Asian health Ministress, horse toothed Hitlerian New Zealand PM, Frau Fatty in Germany, my ex wife (sorry, threw that accidentally, where was I?)...
Michael, I did see that Paul Offit has shown some remorse recently, and regrets his actions promoting the vax.
I've seen a Paul Offit comment or two to that effect. Hotez has more skin in the game. He's desperately trying to convince himself and his wife (who I suspect deep down knows it was the vaccinations) that Rachel's autism and vaccinations are causal.
Parents whose children have illnesses/conditions (or who have died) that could potentially be linked to vaccines but who refuse to even consider that possibility tend to be the most rabid pro-vaxxers.
Could you please share this with me for me to add it to the article?
Midwest Doc, I don't have the source, just remember seeing it. Likely was on social media, maybe twitter.
How about this link? https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/12/omicron-dr-paul-offit-is-skeptical-of-boosters-for-all.html
I’ve heard him backpedaling too. CYA, in my opinion.
Much too little, much too late. Damage done by Paul Offit.
this may give some insight. . . ?
Yes!! That's it. Thank you.
Offit is quite reasonable there and I agree with a lot of what he said!
He seems more like a useful idiot than a sociopath to me. Fauci, on the other hand, does strike me as more of a true sociopath.
Perhaps we should give Peter a choice--pick one, sociopath or useful idiot.
Indeed. Neither is flattering, but one is far worse than the other.
Fauci ,let's never forget, is contributory to MURDER!
Let 's cut to the chase. I suggest we set up possible protocols for Nuremberg II, here, that would include the suggested execution of sociopath/p path vax propagandists/journalists. However this would lapse automatically if they publicly red pill themselves (thus Offitt automatically saved his life). Let's see what Hotez would do.
However actual death dealers like Fauci, Bourla, the four governors, etc. are a different matter.
In any successful RICO case, you have to have people rat out the other people for amnesty.
No amnesty for anyone pushing these jabs. They have MURDERED people!
No amnesty, and NO QUARTER!
Personally I think he is quite potty. Anagram of his full name is 'ah er jeez potty'.
'azote hyper jet' is another. azote is another name for nitrogen which I didn't know until just now. Nitrogen cannot take the place of air in supporting life.
Explains things I feel.
Indeed, there is no light at all behind his dead eyes.....
Wow. Thanks. Excellent.
Eye witness testimony evidence is good.
Video of the murder weapon in hand is best.
Crystal ball seems to indicate a Cat 5 hurricane COV19 trials will spill the beans on bad actors.
I think Dr. Kory is trying to be politically correct. Yes, I agree with you.
Please see "5 Psychological Experiments that Explain the Modern World." The regular doctor "cognitive dissonance" I think is here explained, but Hotez is different - https://off-guardian.org/2022/09/03/5-psychological-experiments-that-explain-the-modern-world/
I did not know #4 or #5!
That was great-- #4 & #5-- never had seen before. Excellent.
partially explain social collusion against the Jews in Pre-war Germany.
Thanks for your support. Yes, I think these videos are a must see. There are 3 Levels to all living things - Vegetable / Animal / Individual which is Spiritual. When we are couch potatoes watching drivel on TV, we are at the Vegetable Level. Most of the general public is at the Animal Level (they will stick to the Herd and the Cabal knows this, so they can be easily manipulated). The third Level is the highest Level. All Great Thinkers who have benefited us like Shakespeare, Einstein, Euler, Abraham Lincoln, Socrates, Martin Luther King, William Tyndale who translated the Old and New Testament, Galileo ... are examples at this third Level. They are expressing themselves as a stream of White Light (no frequency of Light is missing). They have White Light in the Crown Chakra. They speak from the Soul and give us the Truth of Moral Courage. They are Mavericks in the best sense who were willing to Stand Alone.
Wow, he is even worse than I thought! I thought first that he "merely" had vested interests in his own vaccine project, Corbevax, but it looks even deeper than that.
Yes, covid vaccines increase death rate https://zenodo.org/record/7463825
Thanks for writing this. I think your assessment of Hotez is fascinating. Spending most of my adult life within the academic science community, I started to normalize its cult-like tendencies in my mind, but COVID was really a wake-up call. I had always had a bit of imposter syndrome as an academic scientist and realized, when everyone around me fell in line, that I had never bought into the expert worship, group-think mentality that surrounded me. I used to joke about the superficial “fashion trends” that seemed to drive NIH funding priorities (vaccinate for everything would be one of those), and lamented the increasing tendency of my peers to value technological innovation over basic science discovery. On top of that, there is such a focus on “influence” in merit file review -how many talks are you asked to give, how many books and reviews are you invited to write, are you on the editorial board of a journal or president of a scientific society—it is hard to succeed in academic science without tooting your own horn and convincing others that your work is of the utmost importance. You are competing with your colleagues for a limited pool of funding so your work has to be the most important, the most novel, the most cutting edge. Too many people drink their own kool-aid and narcissism is inadvertently encouraged. I think that leads to people like Hotez and Fauci rising to the top of the cesspool.
I really appreciate this comment. I haven't done this before but I will pin it and have 2 pinned ones.