This is actually a GLORIOUS day for the anti-vaccine movement. What was once the problem of a few unlucky parents is now everyone’s problem. CDC just decreed the end of vaccines as a reasonable scientific concept and respectable public health policy.

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I agree, I just was trying to say that with more sensitivity.

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People Rate Ivermectin Higher than COVID-19 Vaccines

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Compared to FLCCC recommendations (up to 600 micrograms/kg for 5 days), possibly underdosing, shorter duration, and only considers mild to moderate for a specific age group.

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In cases like these "more sensitivity" will not help!

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That’s the most positive take I could imagine. Seems true. But also very unfortunate for all the children who have been and will be harmed by mRNA technology. I wish we could instantly make it all stop. What a mess.

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One would think, and it should, and it may. But just as the job mandates proved, 75-90% of parents will cave and shoot up their kids just to keep them going to school. It's going to be a long, long, time of death and destruction among children and adults before anything is done. Probably a century actually.

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if enough parents stand up, this will be done in a short time. They should not cave in but stand for their children's health. It only will take a portion of them to quit school and start on their own, hire a teacher, homeschool, and keep their children safe and educated properly.

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The public school system cannot afford to lose a significant number of students due to how their funding works. It is quite likely if the public schools become in jeopardy from lack of attendance that the mandates will be dialed back.

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Yes, a glorious day indeed - except for the by-kill of countless children before the ponderous body politic rouses itself to do something.

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I just finished “The Real Anthony Fauci - The movie” and it earns a big thumbs up from this reviewer. If this film could go viral, it might make a bigger impact than Robert Kennedy, Jr’s book of the same title.

I wrote a review, summarizing some of the scenes that particularly resonated with me and added a few quotes from the producer and writer as well as some early reviews written by viewers. BTW, a lot of Substack “All Stars” were interviewed in the documentary.


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Thanks I will link that.

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Thank you very much. Maybe for Part 3 they'll interview you!

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I'm a 👻

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Oh yeah. They'd have to do one of those interviews where they put you in shadows and change your voice.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Me too. I thought I had an accurate sense of the magnitude of the corruption in the federal agencies, pharmaceutical companies, etc. based on what I'm seeing as this covid business unfolds. I'm frankly shocked at how seriously I underestimated it having watched that movie...

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I guess that was the point of the movie 🧡

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It's a pretty tangled web to unravel.

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I enjoyed your review of the movie and I too thought it was well done. I wish they had spent more time on the Tess Lawry and Andrew Hill part and how Ivermectin was suppressed. And a little less time on the AIDS rabbit hole. It should have been shown as background about Fauci’s MO but got a little bogged down and detracted from the current storyline. Pierre Korey should also have had more time to describe the corruption recently going on in medicine and academia

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Laura, go to the Comments Section of my Substack review. I dropped in a pretty lengthy excerpt from the book about Tess Lawrie calling out that ivermectin flipper. I think that was one of the more compelling sections of the book as it shows that "they" "got to" that man.

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The CDC has lost all credibility, and they couldn’t care less. This whole mess is absolutely sickening.

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It's very sad but it's good it's being brought out of the shadows.

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"The first of these three was that man must stop working for the sake for money."

I discovered Steiner later in life. Like many new path things in my life, it was due to my Vaxx Injured son. For roughly five years now, I have focused on creating a life for my Son with Autism, and I have not made money other than now covering for some expenses. My wife keeps the cash flow going by continuing in her career that allows us to continue our life. There are so many single family Autism families that don't have this ability, so it has become a "Family Mission" for our son and others.

Money is so complex of a topic, in everything, including vaccines.

It blows my mind that the "Medical Establishment" has at the very least, looked the other way - for money. I see the theories on "world bad actors" and such, but sadly, I think most of this is opportunistic people at the top, and people in the middle of Medicine who don't have the courage to lose their status (beach house, fancy car, respect from colleagues...).

I have said it before, and there is only one way out of this. Just say "No".

We have no idea what mRNA is going to do in 5 years. Is it still looking for cancer cells in our system? I don't have to worry about it, but trust me, I am worried. This path of taking care of the "Vaxx Injured" is hard. There is only so much the body can take from Vaccines, and there is only so much that Society can take from the Vaxx Injured.

I am headed to Maine for the weekend to clear my head. I thank Midwestern Doctor for this awesome information. Truly a "Beacon of Hope".

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Thank you. A key point Steiner made over and over is that there are a lot of karmic consequences with how interact with money most people never recognize.

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Which Steiner books do you most recommend? So many, and very dense. But it’s also so curious/tragic how many of the Waldorf schools here in Cali mandated jabs and forced masks on students. Clearly they did not read their Steiner.

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I do not feel confident enough in my knowledge of him to advise one in particular, but there is a really interesting one which is a collection of everything he ever said on vaccines.

It was depressing for me to see how many groups which were founded by individuals very against vaccines (particularly forced ones) mandated it on those they had juridiction over. It was not just the Waldorf schools.

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I was on a panel, or sorts, that was trying to measure/understand how the around the world Camphills handled the pandemic. The leader is a good guy, but the variables were just too many to come up any reliable data. It dropped from my universe, and that is not a comment on him.

Personally, I am a no-vaxx guy until I see 5 years of REAL data. Since that will never happen in the current climate, I am a no-vaxx guy.

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You might check out ‘internet archive’ which is literally archive.org. I believe they have many of his books. Here’s a link https://archive.org/search.php?query=Rudolf%20Steiner&and%5B%5D=mediatype%3A%22texts%22&and%5B%5D=languageSorter%3A%22English%22

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022

Thank you Mike Sweeney & Dustin- re It blows my mind that the "Medical Establishment" has at the very least, looked the other way - for money', I would add, they have been allowed to look away for so very long, 75+ years perhaps since the formation of the agencies. (1946 for the CDC).

I am at a place where I feel even the buildings themselves need to be gutted or torn down. We would be better, way better off with NONE of these agencies at this point, that is obvious to me at least. Best from OR

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I completely get what you feel that way. The only problem with that perspective is that typically, it takes so much work to build up institutions that once they are scrapped there is often no replacement for the necessary function they serve.

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Even the AMA and its state association minions? I blame them right up there with the others.

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I agree. While these organizations may have served a purpose back in the day, they are now limited to money making (and laundering) operations that no longer have the best interests of their members or the public in general at heart. Their current mission is disguised as “continuing education”, another way to part providers and their money, which is then used to finance elites who care nothing about humanity.

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Those CRIMINALS just added THIS to the "vaccine" "schedule": ALC-0315 and ALC-0159

Intended for research purposes. Not suitable for human or veterinary diagnostic or therapeutic use


This is a GENOCIDE

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“it is my sincere hope those in positions of power will stop choosing to make money over doing the right thing”

^ Don’t hold your breath, Doc. These folks are operating in their own little alternate reality where morality and ethics are gone. It brings me no pleasure to note this—but we have to be real. They don’t care.

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One can still hope! This was more directed at the middle level people rather than the sociopaths at the top.

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Hope is good…so long as it doesn’t blind folks to the truth.

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Great article. A mere formality indeed. How insulting is it to read that JAMA article from Lee et al about ethical considerations for the cv genetic injections. Truly, it is difficult to stomach. Another thing I'll mention, is the article talking about compensation to the Tarsell family for their tragedy, is similar to many I've read over the years in corporate media print publications that mention deaths or harms from injections. Read it carefully & you'll see how certain paragraphs are meant to reinforce the notion of injections being necessary for public health. Details of harms only get a few lines, begrudgingly it seems, the rest is simply propaganda. This shouldn't surprise people, because the major news corporations have owners who are heavily invested in the injection paradigm & who have set up their own research institutes & foundations pouring money into the field.

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I am so glad someone read the article and caught the irony of why I cited it!

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Excellent historical perspective that explains this obviously inane action. But here’s another big problem for us physicians:

What about the rest of medicine?

Cancer care recs?

Surgical recs re: ortho procedures, hernia repairs, robotic surgery?

There are countless examples of fraud in the above topics that take only a little digging to find.

Very hard for intellectually honest physicians (like myself) to stay in the game. Such a sad state for what I believe to be a once noble calling / profession

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This midwestern doctor (not THE Midwestern Doctor) agrees with you wholeheartedly. Our profession has been destroyed from within (due to greed and lack of ethics of so many of our colleagues) and from without (government and insurance company meddling, greed and lack of ethics). I’m actually happy that I am close to the end of my career, although I could have easily worked another 10 years if I thought it was worth it. But my contract expires soon, then I’ll go back to my former line of work to rebuild what’s left of my retirement plan (thanks, Brandon).

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Thank you for this comment! I had no idea I was THE Midwestern Doctor now. I tried to choose a username that was as unasuming as possible because I was not expecting to write on here besides the initial smallpox article I drafted.

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I for one am glad that you have. It makes me feel better, at least to some degree, that there are others out there who still remember how science actually works, and that our mission is to FIRST do no harm. So many these days seems to be, first make a high 6 figure income, then hurry home to achieve the all important “work-life” balance.

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Your comment made me giggle because I deliberately chose to use a rather than the or nothing before my user name.

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1. Stop working for money.

I wish.

That's not what we mean to say.

Stop doing demeaning slavery work or unethical Harma to Womanity.

What are the other two?


Get right with God , etc.


Give folks a way to express creativity instead of mass terror narrative.


Use cash . Dance. Bring back music

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The other two are much more interesting but beyond the scope of this article.

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4. Stay away from all government "services" and distance your life away from the government.

5. Laugh, laugh, laugh (I like Grasshopper's #3 above)

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

"Unfortunately, our bureaucracy has bypassed that process by allowing committees (whose members are appointed rather than being elected democratically) to craft “guidelines” (as this is the limit of their authority), and then have the rest of the government (and media) treat those guidelines as law."


The bureaucracies, esp. health ones, are Military now.

This is why I posited in one of your posts when you said we, US, had never had a coup, that yes, we did have a coup.

Right after WW2.

And our leader, duly elected, soon after, was assassinated as in all coups, and our "democratically elected" leaders co-signed it.

It is correct that bureaucracy has superseded democracy, but this leaves out that the bureaucracy is still being controlled and managed by our real State.

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A really good point Robert Malone made a while back who is that the Supreme Court justices that Trump appointed or some of the top specialist in the country for breaking up the administrative state that repeatedly overreached what they had the legislative authority to do.

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"Note: I suspect Moderna was not listed because they were yet a major player at the time these donations occurred. Additionally, Pfizer and AstraZeneca were major donors in 2020 but not 2021, which I suspect was to avoid PR issues."


Moderna worked with DARPA on the injections.


edit: Sasha lays out how BARDA bypasses the FDA here:


This is the magic of having lots of agencies. It creates a shell game, very much like the fake two party paradigm hides the Real State which both private political parties work for.

"Public private partnerships" is just code for Deputized Military and Fascism.

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All these public private partnerships are quite incestuous...

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

By design.

So one just have to think...who is driving the agenda across all of them and giving each a plausible deniability?

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I know I shouldn't say this, but one person I talked to who I feel is moderately knowledgeable 10 years ago told me they overheard that at approximately this time the DNA of the human species would change. For this reason I've always been quite curious if that was the goal of this whole program. That was also why I was immediately skeptical of the claim the vaccines would not affect the DNA.

I wrote about that skepticism in this recent guest post. It probably has a few things you will want to mention:


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Your instincts are correct here, me thinks. Will read.

Explored a bit here, and there is a nice audio file from "Housatonic" a researcher, who dates this back to the rise of the internet.


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The Real State's grimy paws are never far behind.

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It's amazing they publicly brag about their partnerships. I need to add that link in thank you.

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I didn't mean to be "aggressive" here, btw.

You and Spartacus are the gateways to the science and the medicine respectively I'm so grateful for both of you.

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Completely understand. I just don't want to pick fights with anyone on here; I'd rather focus on the people who I feel are clearly evil.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

CDC/FDA are just "trusting the plan".

The injections need to go on to keep the long term testing of gene editing alive.


"Critics have long questioned why the National Institutes of Health (NIH) would fund experiments by University of North Carolina of Chapel Hill (UNC) professor Ralph Baric to develop a technique for hiding evidence of human tampering in laboratory-created super viruses.

Aided by some $220.5 million in National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) funding, Baric developed a so-called “Seamless Ligation” technique, which he boasted could perfectly conceal all evidence of human tampering in laboratory-created viruses. Baric nicknamed his invention the “no-see’m” method."



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I think the government should stay with its own business. The government has no business with people's health or religion. IMO a government is there to provide things, ,like roads, connections etc, to check who comes in the country and to have some kind of safeguarding, police etc. but not to judge where you go or who you speak to. And it certainly should not judge which health care you get. That is between you and a medical provider! Not just over-reach, but WAY over the border!

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

“In democratic republics, it should not be possible for unelected groups to forcefully dictate the lives of citizens without those policies being legalized by the legislative process.”--boom, mix drop. Shows over, you don’t have to leave but ya can’t stay here.

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The way corporations are owned and controlled nowadays reminds me a lot of how hackers exploit proxy servers or VPNs.

Jumping from one to another and another. So when they attack a site tracing it back is like untangling a web of encrypted fishing line. It's basically impossible and you can't truly tell who is doing what or where it's coming from.

There are now all these shell companies, or fronts, tax havens, companies that own shares in other companies and so on. It's all a great big tangled mess. Then there is lobbying and spin doctors too.

Try find who has the controlling shares in what now and who is pulling all the strings? I bet you can't.

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There's a criminal cabal that controls both sides of the government (parties) worldwide banking. The WEF, UN, WHO are front boys to them. Some people refer to this billionaire club as the Mega Group, or Globalists Elites, maybe call them Khazarian Mafia. Bottom line, they are international criminals. They fund both sides of wars, profit from them too. JD Rockefeller was a member so are the Rothschilds.

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I have heard rumors of this. Trouble is finding absolute proof. You could question whether or not those names are even at the top or if they are just fronts of sorts for a more hidden group too. Multiple layers. The inner circle are nameless. Those names are on the fringes of that inner circle. Then moving out to the big name billionaires and royal families. And out to other rich listers. Or whether it is simpler than that and it is exactly as you say.

All I can say, is if I was super rich and wanted to exploit such a system of corporations. I would hire hackers and teach them about banking, business and law then use that same skill set they innately have to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

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I agree, it's probably a multi level system. But the only way they hold any control at all is if the population acquiesce to the various organs of their control. We hold all the cards.

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blackrock and vanguard

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That's a great point!

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Just curious how many people will it take to stop getting ANY vaccines before pharmaceutical financial panic sets in?

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None, as long as government contracts exist. The government buys the shots, big harma gets paid even if no one ever takes the poison sludge. Government waste at its best.

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This is an important point

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We all must say NO all at once.

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Oct 25, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Biontech co-founder Dr. Ugur Sahin being interviewed by german reporter, admits he hasn't gotten the gene-jab. Gets very agitated when asked 'why?'.

yt-dlp https://rumble.com/v1p49oh-man-who-invented-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-admits-he-hasnt-been-jabbed.html

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At least he was honest!

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