Thank you AMD for your deeply thoughtful analysis and reporting on the Maui fires. As always, you present a balanced and multifaceted perspective, supporting and credible documentation and videos, plus some good solutions that could be implemented if only people would do the right thing without concern for their own gain.

On a related note, Idaho is the #3 state with the most land owned/controlled by the federal government — 61.9% (32.8 million of 52.9 million acres) as of August 2022 (https://stacker.com/idaho/idaho-3-state-most-land-owned-federal-government).

Much of this federally controlled land is forested and many fires occur each year. Although the locals (and many of the boots-on-the-ground government fire service employees) know how to manage these lands, federal policy and law often prevent good solutions.

One governor candidate in 2022 had a plan to return control of our public lands to Idahoans. Unfortunately, and for many reasons that I won’t mention here, this candidate was not elected.

We must continue to educate ourselves and think hard about the people we elect — and encourage good people to run. Knee-jerk reactions and shallow thinking are the enemies of our future.

Thank you, AMD, for helping to educate us so we can make better decisions.

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Thanks for your comment, I pinned it!

One of the central dilemmas human society has faced ever since it started getting larger is if a centralized organization control or a local group being responsible for making decisions yields the optimal results–as both to some extent are needed.

In war for example, one of the reasons why the Nazis were initially able to overwhelm Europe was because their command structure allowed leaders in the field to make decisions without first getting them approved by headquarters, thereby allowing them to react much faster and tactically overwhelm their opponents (until we started mirroring their tactics).

Likewise, one of the cardinal rules in management I believe also came from Deming (which many nonetheless ignore) is to regularly solicit workers for advice on how to improve the functioning of the industry rather than just making decisions centrally. Similarly, much of what's happened in Maui illustrates how a centralized response from far away has yielded abysmal results.

I think the example you are citing with Idaho is another great example; the Federal response is too detached from where the fires are, so it has an endless amount of red tape and bearacracy that is preventing the optimal solutions people in Idaho can clearly see from being utilized.

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Thank you so much -- my very first pin! I'm honored.

Agree 100% with your analysis about putting as much (good) decision making as close to the people being affected as possible.

Recently I encouraged the Forest Service people to speak up and offer suggestions to their bosses that could improve our local forest fire management. Speaking up and offering their thoughts was a new, but not unwelcome, idea for them. Sometimes it just takes encouragement to help people speak up.

I spoke today with a gal I've seen a few times, but not conversed with at length before (we're new arrivals in a small town). She was wearing a t-shirt that started a great conversation and so was I. We exchanged contact info and agreed that one of the most egregious and (unfortunately) successful techniques the CovidEra "management" used was isolating people so they could not talk with one another. We vowed to not let that happen (to us, at least) ever again.

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W. Edwards Deming was a brilliant man.

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Anything Dowd says, I listen to. However one concern. It appears it was was NOT the hurricane that caused the winds. Rather, per meteorologist Cliff Mass, it was a high amplitude atmospheric wave forced by strong winds interacting with the mountains of northwest Maui...An atmosphere wave that produced powerful, dry downslope winds on the western slopes of West Maui mountains." See his site at https://cliffmass.blogspot.com/2023/08/the-real-cause-of-maui-wildfire-disaster.html for the full explication.

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In the video, they talk about ripples in the atmosphere, like cymatics in the clouds. The application of sound (or microwave) to drive the wind.

More and more I'm thinking these aren't natural fires. And now starting to question the burning of Australia in 2019 - as if they were softening us up for the next phase of "intervention."

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Yes, a lot of discussion about this, e.g. Dane Wiggington, GeoengineeringWatch. Cliff Mass just says it was a natural, albeit rare meteorological situation. Perhaps it was natural, aided and abetted by geoengineering, viz., HAARP.

But ultimately, what matters is that they are trying to turn this into a dystopic Orwellian smart city, whether it was 100% natural, 100% man-made or something in between (my guess)

I totally cleaned up the article now, if you re-read it.

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Strewth! Methods are far less important here than the bottom line.


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Hey Big E - I'm very close to a former state senator (R) from Idaho, she served the Forestry, the eco-people, and the Logging industries for decades, walking a razor's edge between them. My birthmother volunteered for Sagle & Bonner County Fire Departments. I was aware that fires were a huge issue there (I got to tour the station) - and I was aware that there is a lot of forestry, but did not know it was all federal property, and that so much of Idaho was federal. Mostly just sayin' "hey, hello Idaho."

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"Hawaii has a curious political situation—from the top down it has one of the worst state governments in the USA, but from the bottom up, it has one of the best grassroots movements in the country."


I would dare to say that those things are intrinsically linked. The people who live under the worst governments understand that they can't rely on said governments to save them.

We should ALL be learning the lesson that Lahaina suffered so much to teach.

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If true then why do the locals keep voting in the same corrupt and/or incompetent fools?

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Good question about why people vote the way they do. Without paper ballots, hand counting, same-day voting and voter ID I’m not convinced that we don’t have a “selection” rather than an “election”.

I believe more people are grasping the reality of the weakness of our current voting system.

Could this be why some areas are rife with a one party system?

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Well said! We have a uniparty and the illusion of our votes mattering. I have always voted, but I have learned so much about the globalists and their NWO government in the past couple of years, that I now know our votes do not matter one bit. Our uniparty government puts whoever the World Economic Forum bankrolls. From at least George H. W. Bush, we have not had a president in the US who wasn't chosen by the globalists they serve. Trump is one of them and plays the antiestablishment candidate. Every Governor on the Southern Border was also bankrolled by the NWO via their Young Leaders program. Every president in every Western Country right now, is a WEF Young Leader. Angela Merkel, Jacinda Arnden, Justin Trudeau, and the list goes on and on. We are seeing an international coup, which our supposed elected leaders are facilitating. The military aged men flooding in through the Southern Border are UN and CCP troops that eventually will be policing us, dressed in US military uniforms. The flooding of military aged males is also happening in every Western nation in the world. We are all so screwed.

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I'm supporting RFK Jr anyway, because, even if he doesn't get elected, he and his supporters can greatly help to inform the public of reality.

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If only..... Rfk jr will likely get my vote (if I vote) no illusions.

but he must know No Virus No Contagion! yet keeps the lie going. There can be no safe vaccines as he puts it. The only safe shot is the one not injected. www.VirusTruth.NET I print mini flyers called Lucky from this site to get the truth out. Politicians will not do it for us.

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He is a zionist and on the strings of isreal, look at him visiting Schneersons grave and wearing smallhat.


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Nobody's perfect! As I've become closer to a one-issue voter - at least he is in the right direction and covers a lot of good policy.

Israel is a loaded gun, I daren't comment. But likewise - he may have been "when in Israel, do as the Israelis do," and put on the yarmulke out of respect in order to get his work done.

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No, Trump was NOT chosen by globalists. What a comment to make for a man being tried for 4 criminal suits with hundreds of years of jail time. If any globalists picked Trump, they wouldn't have let him be criminally charged. I am so TIRED of people purposefully saying stupid things.

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Everything I said was true. You can call me stupid, but I'm not the one supporting a traitor because he says what I want to hear. I'd encourage you to look at what actually happened during his administration. All politicians have a private and a public persona. His public persona is why you support him. People are not their public personas.

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How do you know hos private persona?

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Spot on Sarah 💪🏼👍🏼. In addition the WEF is very cozy with Xi and the CCP. The CCP and Chairman Xi along with the WEF heavily influence the WHO and the UN. Also toss into the mix the law defying antics of the intelligence agencies around the globe It’s no wonder it feels like an endless battle for truth, freedom, and critical thinking.

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Saw a meme about Israel - paper ballots, pencils, all parties present, counted on the day. Sounds like Australia. At least I believe we really elected the arseholes who are yhitting on us.

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Are you saying you believe one party (presumably the Democrats) control some areas because those not part of teh wacky left see how it's more selection than election and so they've just given up and stopped voting?

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I wish people would stop this left/right dichotomy as both Parties do the same damage to all of us. They both are representative of the oligarchy--not us. While there are different issues and the Parties seem to divide them up for exploitation, there are real issues that affect our lives in real ways. Minimum wage that doesn't change and keeps people impoverished. Health care for all that is not simply a drug pushing program that both Parties promote in many ways. The propaganda model spoken of in this article is used by both Parties. I have listened to people on both sides of the aisle trash each other while spouting the propaganda lies of their Party of choice. Isn't it time to start looking at the bread and butter issues that affect us all and cease carrying on about people's personal life choices which affect no one but the person making the choice about their own life and that of their children which is their right.

As for voting there have been many eras when young people did not vote as they felt disenfranchised but when hopeful jumped back in. Government has always been about the power elite and needs to be put into perspective when looking at how it is done. Preventing people from voting is more a concern than the propaganda narrative that voting is fraudulent which is never proved no matter how many cases are brought.

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As the writer of a substack, perhaps you need to do a deep dive into the US Constitution and use that as a basis for change in the problems in America.

For example, identify where in the Constitution, including amendments, the Federal Government is given the power to control Health Care, hint, it is not in there so it is not a power the federal government is given, but a power they usurped! Likewise, where in the constitution and amendments does the Federal government have the right to set minimum wages? It ain't in there!

Finally, you apparently do not understand the fact that there have been no cases of voter fraud, relative to the 2020 election, that have been adjudicated, (i.e. facts presented, sides argued, and a jury determination made). Every election fraud case from 2020 has been dismissed on a procedural matter. What the final, adjudicated outcome of the 2020 elections will be is to be learned in the future, it has not been adjudicated in the past.

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Hello. Regarding the voter fraud, there is a ton of evidence that I have seen, and if you haven't been able to access it, this article explains it quite well, Look at the statistical impossibilities. https://thefederalist.com/2020/11/23/5-more-ways-joe-biden-magically-outperformed-election-norms/ The federalist keeps taking this article down and editing it, so it must have been too honest, but it still contains a lot of the numbers.

Also, they admitted to a secret cabal of powerful people working together to put Biden in the White House, via Time magazine.


Trump and Biden are both on the same side, so I'm not saying that it matters, but some of the cheating was even caught on film in AZ. The election workers sent everyone home and then 4 of them ran through the same 50 ballots again and again for 4hrs.

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Voter fraud for 2020: https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud/search

Just search the data base. It includes convictions. I found this in less than 30 seconds online. There are plenty of news articles as well.

There is, however, a difference between voter fraud, committed by individuals, and election fraud. It is the typical argument that this, that or the other thing didn't affect the election. While it may be that any ONE thing like voter fraud did not affect the 2020 election, all of the actions from censorship of news, lying by media, Zuck bucks, ballot stuffing, and more may well have changed the election. Citizens have a right to question the outcome and authorities have a responsibility to address their concerns.

EDIT: There there is citizen journalism: https://open.ink/konnech

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Do both parties contain corrupt sell-outs? Absolutely however that doesn't mean the 2 are the same. We use teh Left/Right dichotomy because it's what we have. Yes there is a spectrum where people may hold some views more towards the Right and others more to teh Left but when it comes time to vote especially at teh Federal level it's still Left vs Right.

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Pretty true. Divide and Conquer works. Altho I see many people split their votes betw Parties. This is often more common for local elections where the Party affiliation is not as important. I have also seen people do this for Federal elections, probably not as often

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Preventing people from voting is the current propaganda narrative.

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Not sure I understand what you are saying. You don't think GOP gerrymandering isnt about creating unfair districts? Or tossing people off the voting roles is they are thought to be Dem voters or people of color? Or the shutting down of voting polls to create untenably long waiting lines in the southern hot States and then passing 'laws' banning people from providing water in that super hot heat? The list of intentional interference with people's right to vote is very long. And there is Mitch McConnell saying, more than once in public, the only way for the GOP to win is to prevent Democrats from voting! And you think this is a propaganda narrative? Sorry but you are operating out of a prejudiced belief system that has nothing to do with verifiable facts.

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I agree. RFK is far from perfect so dont want to see people idolizing him but he seems much more honest and transparent. His stance on war is good as well as his position about vaccine/drug safety and no mandates. He clearly is the most environmentally focused candidate we have ever had with a decades long history demonstrating his work in this area. He was primarily instrumental in beginning the Clean the Hudson Movement years ago which became a vibrant and ongoing Movement. In NYS we just got the governor to sign a bill preventing dumping of radioactive wasted into the Hudson. His work on mercury toxicity in vaccines and the environment has been monumental. His position on Israel is ignorant and reactionary but it is no different than what Trump and Biden support so room for getting him to learn and change. He is also much more cognizant of the lives of working and poor people and supports wage increases. So he has a great deal to offer the country with his prime focus of ending the hostile divide, something Obama was not able to achieve but we need see happen.

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"propaganda narrative that voting is fraudulent which is never proved no matter how many cases are brought". If cases are dismissed without hearing evidence then how could anything be proven. Cheating happens of course but is difficult to detect. Phantom voters do exist - registered voters who rarely vote can appear when needed. Numbers of voters living in a single family home. Reportedly Fake ballots can appear from those voters particularly associated with drop boxes and lax signature validation. Few other nations even allow mail-in votes and they were once rare in the US. Vote tabulation can create holes in the system particularly from proprietary software supposedly audited by independent private companies that may be corrupted. Some collection admin stations actually had SQL database tools that can alter the tabulations.

Without an independent non-partisan audit, we will never know. As you note courts are reluctant to hear cases because they don't want to be seen as partisan.

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That’s why paper and permanent ink work best in any voting system. It requires no electricity, no computers, and with proper voter ID and registration and in person voting it will be the least hindered by nefarious digital means. If a population can tally or count without any electronic or digital device needed then it can run an accurate election. Having a team of citizens monitoring the whole process right up to the final count and recount will guarantee that.

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I agree with you on this. I think it's changed over the years, as there have been periods of time where Republicans were by and large the most corrupt and pushing the agendas of corporate elites against ordinary people, whereas these days the Democrats are doing this the most, at least regarding the pharmaceutical industry. Many of the checks and balances in health care were eroded under Republican administrations, for example reducing funding for public health authorities and making it easier for them to become the puppets of big Pharma. To take another example, the Democrats used to stand for regulation of the banking sector to stop banks from putting people's savings at risk through risky behaviour, but this changed under Clinton, who relaxed these regulations, which helped to pave the way for the GFC in 2008. Then the Democrats really got into bed with Big Pharma and Big Tech under the Obama administration, as RFK Jr has shown.

The bigger picture is that right vs wrong is more important than left vs right, and really visionary leaders like RFK Jr can take what is good and useful from both sides of the fence and make policies that will benefit everyday people. This is why he is so popular with voters who would normally not give any time or respect to a Democrat.

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I was born and raised in Hawaii, my family came here in 1863. I can tell you, while I am a fan of neither party, the dems have dominated because they have successfully demonized republicans as the ones responsible for any ills that Hawaii suffers...the party of ha-oles. Hence for better or worse majority strictly votes the party line. This tragic fire is the direct result of abjectly incompetent state and local fools which have utterly failed to do their jobs. Local people, though voting largely for dems, are not unaware & will not tolerate people/policies that bring harm and tragedy to their ohana (family, community).

Biden is showing up today and will be largely, if not completely, rejected...no one wants him here save the other political hacks like Gov Green and the bumbling Mayor Bissen of Maui.

There are still at least a thousand missing or unaccounted for...after almost two weeks. The creeps will not even answer questions about how many children are missing and presumed dead.

This is disgraceful and will be in evidence come the 2024 elections.

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I was just having a conversation with a friend who lived over in The Islands, Big Island to be exact, for a year, mid 2000’s. He is an older gentlemen (in his mid 70’s). He and his lady friend moved there as it was her dream to live there when she retired. He thought he could create a nice life for himself and the two of them. He was gone after a year, for a number of reasons, mostly financial. But in that one year, he had figured out the two tier system, of Ha-oles vs. Native Hawaiians, and then throw in all the Asians (Japanese) that have settled there, and how that melting pot of people all is not as it seems Paradise. The politics, local Hawaiian culture that it once was a ‘monarchy’, the money that has poured into The Islands, all factors I to the mix.

That Hawaii was one of the worst States in the USA during the Scamdemic, tells a lot. That they required vaxxes of all people going in and out, went on serous lockdowns, and most Hawaiians caved and got the vaxx, also speaks volumes of their agenda.

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I went to high school with a majority of Hawaiians (in Japan actually) and was called haole daily. It’s racist but these kids didn’t care and ironically they liked me but let me know I could never really be one of them unless I married in and even then, not really. It can be a violent distinction to this day for in Hawaii as I had many haole friends who grew up there and were occasionally beat up. Being accepted there is very difficult.

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A somewhat distant family member was in the military in HI, and was assaulted by some Hawaiians. His leg bones were shattered. This happened in the 90's.

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Like everywhere else, voting systems in Hawaii are fraudulent. CPT Seth Keshel has the proof that Hawaii voted for Trump in 2020. The results are all fake, and the people who are paid the most by the corrupt elitists and billionaires become elected officials here. The peoples’ votes do not count.

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Why do any of us?

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In Australia, voting in elections is compulsory, with a fine as penalty for not voting.

So people are trained to vote…and of course we should vote and participate in our society.

But…this system isn’t working… We have two major parties and some minor parties. The Liberal and Labor parties dominate, but these parties appear to have been taken over by cuckoos, and seem to be serving the best interests of globalists rather than the people.

Elections are a farce, it doesn’t matter who we vote for, after elections the people are ignored, and censored.

It’s a very bad situation, and has come into high relief with the grossly disproportionate and ill-targeted Covid response, which was used to fleece the people of billions of dollars, putting us into even greater debt, and under more control, under the guise of medical tyranny.

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We would do better with a voting system that reflects the will of the people and allows smaller parties representation based on the number of votes they receive - i.e. proportional representation. Our voting system is better than that used in the US, but it still entrenches two party power.

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I'm not sure about our voting system at all now...

Something is seriously amiss, and it really came to the fore in 2020 when we discovered 'emergency powers' trashed our freedom, when restrictions and masks were imposed for an 'emergency' they refused to define...

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I would postulate that the overreach had nothing to do with election.

What baffles me, is that the authoritarians got elected BACK IN - VIC and WA (and maybe others). So people LIKE to be told what to do.

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I've had friends who claim that any mail which comes with "householder" or "resident" or unaddressed , that there is no legal obligation to open it. This includes voting materials. I do not, however, know anyone who has gone to court over their voting fine.

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Most do out of ignorance, denial or a combination of the 2. Most people are too busy trying to get by to be to concerned with what their government is doing and that is by design. On the Left some keep voting the same corrupt and or incompetent fools because they simply don't know anything about anyone of the candidates and so they guess or vote party lines. It's the few who actually care. Even within teh Left they vote like they do not because they are educated about who they are voting for but because for them it's anyone but a Republican.

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I don't.

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Yet your public officials are almost certainly corrupt and incompetent anyway........

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1) If in my small town they are they're doing a damn good job of hiding it.

2) We'll never have people in positions of high level federal leadership roles that aren't in some way questionable or have some skeletons because it's impossible for the average non-wealthy person to get even close without having to sell their soul for campaign funds. It's why I don't care what Trump has done in the business world only what he says he's going to do and did do while in office. It's about minimizing it because we'll never fully get rid of it.

I was a Ron Paul supporter when he ran for president and I could see then the corruption was railroading him. Had they been the same with Trump they would have prevented Trump from winning but in that one they were caught off guard by their own arrogance.

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Electronic Voting is not voting- The machine programs how the votes are counted.

we have selections not elections.

Need to demand return to handcounted paper ballots but good luck getting them back once given up- just like all your freedoms to exist and move like a human being without being tracked traced and scanned.


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Voting methods...therein lies the potential problem. One will never know the true wishes of the voter since it appears such outcomes can be easily manipulated.

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I would like to see a groundswell native Hawaiian Lives Matter. In sum, use the Saul Alinsky gambit against the Deep State. Can you imagine what would happen if hundreds or thousands of aboriginal Hawaiian natives were marching?

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That same sentence caught my eye SC.

Then a bit lower down:

"Presently, a “Democrat” political machine controls the state government, where residents will overwhelming vote in favor of the Democrat candidate...", and the stats for the State House/Senate and for Biden.

The next couple of paragraphs lightly explore the local community versus 'State level'. But...the fact remains that folks were voting as a majority...Blue.

If the local base is questioning, why is the State Congress so heavily blue and 64% of the folks voted Biden? Riddle me that.

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I believe that the voting system is completely corrupted. Here in California we had enough votes twice to recall Governor Newsom and he’s still in office!

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Yes California is in the clutches of evil. Prayer will help.

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I could hazard an answer to that. The State Congress is probably controlled by large urban areas, as voting on the Federal level, while the activists are working on a grassroot, local level. The big money in Hawaii probably has mostly gone to Federal & state elections, not island- limited. Also, as a former Democrat, the number of fools who voted Dem because they still think the Dems protect the "little guy" & Repubs only protect inherited or entrepreneurial wealth is still high. They think the Dems defend George Bailey (It's A Wonderful Life) & Repubs only care abt Mr. Potter.

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Great comment. It points at one of the major underlying problems in America generally, and specifically in Hawaii. Everybody thinks someone else is responsible for our problems, and the dems have historically both encouraged that attitude, and also profited politically from those narratives. I visited the big island of Hawaii from my home state of Vermont a few months ago, and the similarities between our two states, the two most Democrat dominated states in the US, were striking. Both economies are highly dependent on a strange mix of tourism and agriculture. Both have populations that are a mix of natives and transplants that are culturally distinct. I observed a lot of very similar attitudes among the municipal and state workers we interacted with at various parks, and I see it here in Vermont too. Lots of people whose job it is(at least according to them) to regulate the behavior of others, comparatively few whose job it is to actually maintain, repair, or create. And everybody's aspiration is to move further up that chain because that's where the money is. There's not much $ left at the end of the day to actually "trim the power lines" so to speak. And those are the lowest paying jobs too. As the infrastructure (both cultural and physical) responds to that perverse incentive structure by decaying, the response is to call for "accountability" and "oversight" when what was actually missing was maintenance,and the workers to accomplish it. Too many people in those institutions view it as their job to "provide oversight" already- to stop others from doing anything contrary to guidelines. As more and more resources are poured into that response to the decaying of our society, fewer resources are available to do the actual work.

Yesterday, I had to meet with the state fire Marshall to go over the permitting process for an upcoming project to convert a small garage into an efficiency apartment. There were three state employees there to remind me to install smoke alarms and make sure the bedroom window is big enough to jump out of. As if I didn't know that. I had to stop what I was doing, drive half an hour in the middle of the day, to meet three guys, to tell me nothing new. How easy do you think it is to find three guys who will actually DO that work? As one of those guys, I can tell you- it's tough to get it done affordably when so much money and time is hoovered up by the administrative state. And every election in Vermont, you have politicians vowing to "build affordable housing", when what they really mean is, "hiring more overseers and funding more studies"

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AMD, here is some alternate research to compliment yours, this is a land grab at best and something far more sinister at worst:


The Maui fires were no accident. Before the smoke even cleared in Lahania public officials (Josh Green) were already talking about stealing the land. They are going to transform the area into one of America's first 15 minute prison cities where your freedom and money will be heavily restricted and will be doled out in fragments based on your social credit, carbon footprint & vaccine status. This researcher explains - quite well - how all of this fits together:

Lahaina Hawaii Destroyed to Turn It Into A 15 Minute Prison City - The Vanguard Sacrificial WEF Lamb https://bitchute.com/video/w4kGxmgH6LIJ [22mins]

Here is a 15 minute prison city in China, this is what the WEF is planning for the entire world: https://bitchute.com/video/bwcnOTGI4nd7 [2.48mins]

Think You Won't Comply? I Think You Will: Australian Senator Antic On 15 Minute City Nightmare: https://bitchute.com/video/CxsyAqM4oTod [1.32mins]

EU MP Christine Anderson: Digial IDs Will Be Mandatory--Will Imprison You In Your 15 Minute City: https://bitchute.com/video/q3UcxGYDhyGc [1min]

Boris Johnson Explaining the Future Hell the Elites have Planned For You https://bitchute.com/video/QAxI56FTNqAg [1.23min]

This is what they've meant all along with their crocadile tear incantation 6uild 6ack 6etter: Enslaving the population, crushing mankind's spirit, and lording over us as if we were cattle and they—gods: https://bitchute.com/video/5XkkXCvnKM6Z [1.53mins] ●https://bitchute.com/video/lW5xHt4RySSb [2.20mins]

In order to build back, you must first destroy. And they are destroying.


Thank you for your tireless research, sir!

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Been thinking a lot too about the destruction of some of America's gem cities, like San Francisco. I am wondering if all those policies that have turned it so unlivable are not incompetence and idiotic political correctness, but rather the age old pattern of destroying a town or neighborhood in order to buy up the real estate after most everybody flees. When only a ruin remains, to be snapped up for pennies on the dollar. Happened with farms, too. Targeted destruction... been going on for a long time...

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That's exactly right. They are destroying these cities so they can buy them up for pennies on the dollar. Most will be impoverished or killed and those left alive will be imprisoned in tiny areas while the wealthy have the run of the place.

All of this - the catastrophic lockdowns and deadly injections included - are geared toward maximizing pain and death, while destroying economic, social, physical, and mental productive capital on a vast scale. All designed to lead directly to global dependence-based enslavement where you will eat ze bugs and own nothing and be happy about it - or else.

In other words, their goal is to demolish our ability to support ourselves, transforming us into abject slaves reliant on their "generosity" for our survival.

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What ever happened to Detroit? When I left the US, it was going down fast, and 2008 Global Financial Crisis crushed it, until it was a desert. There was talk of grassroots rebuilding, but - no economy (bye-bye auto industry) to support it.

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Yes! Feudalism.

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Correct. Run out the citizens, bankrupt the businesses (through crime or disaster) then "investors" snap up the land for pennies on the dollar. I remember hearing about all the unused office space in NYC due to everyone working from home, then the homeless everywhere, this real estate was bought mostly by Blackrock entities for cheap. Remember the summer of love "mostly peaceful" protests, that devastated many black communities and black owned businesses?

The Cali wildfires and Canadian wildfires have proven quite helpful to the WEF plans, too. Burn people's stuff to the ground, offer them "help" as they get moved into the (15 min) city, then confiscate their land and designate it as "federal/state land" that the citizens can not access. There are Agenda 21/30/50 maps floating around the internet of how the US is all planned out with reserved land and corridors for "protect biodiversity". It's all about "climate change" and "sustainability", tho, so, no worries. 😕

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Im printing mini flyers called LuckyDay from www.VirusTruth.NET

its how Im fighting back expose the biggest lie. person to person

I put on cars or tape to gas pumps and hand directly to masked people or anyone really.

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I looked at your LuckyDay, and - honestly, even as a proponent for medical freedom, it looks wild, conspiratorial, easy to dismiss. Who is your audience? I don't think they'll get it.

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Since we're discussing cities, here's a "new to me" thing: China's "Ghost cities" or "ghost towns." Having nothing to do with the supernatural, these are entire cities built for prospective businesses and residents but remain unoccupied. This apparently is due to the dramaticly different way that China plans and finances such construction, for anticipated demand that hasn't materialized.

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I've watched some of those really nice high-rise appartment buildings being demolished, after they were let stand and get overgrown with plants and trees. The average Chinese person can't afford to live in those places.

Remember that History Channel show, Life After People? It was about what will happen to all these cities after humanity is gone.

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That was an interesting show, Life after People.

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Put a pebble in your right shoe for a couple of weeks, then move it to your left shoe for a couple of weeks, then remove it from both shoes for a couple of weeks. This might make your gait less recognizable by machine.

Some thoughts: https://drp314.substack.com/p/the-securing-of-power

More thoughts: https://drp314.substack.com/p/whitmer-kidnapping-plot

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putting a tack in your shoe and hitting it with a toe is an effective strategy for fooling a polygraph.

i'm living proof

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That's quite an insightful idea, thanks David!

I'll check those articles out, thank you for sharing them.

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The idea is from world war 2. Young, fit men acting as spies or saboteurs operating in enemy territory would look suspicious as people would, naturally wonder why they were not in the army. A pebble in the shoe gives the impression that maybe you are a recovering wounded soldier. Every little bit helps.

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That's fascinating. The Art of War comes to mind

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Your video of a 15 minute city in China was fascinating and chilling. They are really designed to be prisons. Back in the 1950's if you lived in a city in the U.S. you usually had everything close by; local grocery stores, schools, markets, etc., but they were not prisons.

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fight like a girl. print mini flyers from this site and put on cars or tape to gas pumps or slip into convid test kits and diaper boxes. get creative

the art of war is creative. www.VirusTruth.NET

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awesome links. Thank you!

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The argument making the rounds about a siren driving causalities uphill is bunk and second guessing like technical bureaucrats typically excel at; e.g., the conditioned response would be that siren launches a stampede into the flames and a lockup occurs resulting in human toll exceeding the current. Projection, calculation, assessment, judgment…and nowhere in the mix is there a rational, desperate human being.

A siren would alarm anyone who heard it, and responses would vary between ignore and respond. Can’t help “ignore”, a person has at least been given a classic heads up without specificity, and it may not be interpreted as other than a drill. So be it, nature takes its toll as always.

For those alarmed, the response is “who knows?!”. But, a reasonable expectation would be dialing into tv stations, radio stations, picking up phone to neighbor/friend, going outside to look, grabbing a go bag and running out the door…

Once outside, a person has a chance to observe a live situation from a “who knows” vantage point. Self defense and instinctive behavior typically takes over, and people act as people do historically in mass casualty events. There is no right way to corral an entire population in such an event. However, at a minimum, one must sound the alarm and let them have their fighting chance at survival.

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They would have turned on the radio & checked their phones. Emergency instructions would have been up to the minute. They weren’t. They lagged. There also wouldn’t have been confusion or nonchalance about warning sirens at a different time and day and duration than the regular drills that sound off every month, same day, same time, same duration.

This must be investigated and addressed. Hell to pay.

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Hawaii has overlapping warning systems for tsunamis, hurricanes, wildfires and biological attacks. The sirens also had loudspeakers according to a couple of videos I watched. This, in addition to cell calls, cell texts, television and radio warning systems.

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The official story is just an excuse, and a pretty pathetic one. The official protocol was to sound the sirens for any event and the people would check cell phones or radios for more information.

This was either a massive screwup or (more likely, considering all the other things that happened) a direct order.

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Lahaina Incineration is Deadly Weather Warfare – Dane Wigington

According to Wigington, they used climate engineering to create a “wind tunnel effect right over Lahaina” with wind speeds up to 100 miles per hour to superheat the fire.


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Dane said long ago, about the fires in CA, that a lot of what they spray in the sky, that falls to the ground, is highly flammable. This doesn’t help matters. He also mentioned the chemicals that can actually cause winds to kick up back then too. He has info somewhere on his site about a landowner in Hawaii who had noticed the spraying, this was all info I read on his website all almost 10 years ago now, who had the soil tested and it came up with the same chemicals Dane found were in the patents that he dug up for solar radiation management. I later found one for cloud seeding too and printed it because I knew people wouldn’t believe me. Nobody cared to read it back then and far too many are still asleep.

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Yes. Aluminum and Barium nanoparticles, making the fires more ferocious.

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Dane Wigington's history in the climate / weather sphere:


Jim Lee's take on Maui might be very similar to his and Ed Dowd's as well. I am much more likely to believe Jim Lee on this one!


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here's a shorter video on the Dane Wigington's The Dimming. Every body please watch at least these the link above or this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf78rEAJvhY&t=3752s.

Here is a link to rainwater analysis showing it is loaded with heavy metals. https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/the-danger-in-the-air-rainwater-analysis?utm_source=%2Finbox&utm_medium=reader2

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Vic, there is no doubt in my mind about “The Dimming” . It all started in the summer of 2020, for me that is., NY state. We keep a very natural garden, plants, flowers just did not produce or give off buds etc for pollination. Any seed produced , all organic and heirloom harvested from these plants did not produce for the next two years, thru 2022. We are hearing this summer that ‘everyone’s” tomato plants produce a small flower and then just drop off and die. It is real. So they are not just attacking us they are attacking the pollinators, birds, bee’s, moths all of them.

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I’ve been watching it all since 2014 in NJ.

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Vic I wonder if you can watch this and still think DW is anything more than a limited hangout. The information about his weather engineering associates who are now dead is pretty unnerving. I fell for DW's slick presentation and authoritative sincere voice, and was pretty embarrassed that I touted his stuff after watching this. Why does he not link anyone else's work? He presents himself as a lone crusader. This is not accurate, but suits the purposes of whoever doesn't want you to look further or deeper.


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I will certainly look at the video link, haven't yet, but I actually didn't know about DW until recently but I did believe in the Chem trails for a long time. I don't know if you looked at the second link I had which shows all kinds of metals in rain water that have no reason being there. I have learned from completely other sources that there are nano-particles in jet fuel, so I really have based much on DW other than he has a nice summary in The Dimming with lots of sources other than himself, so I am not sure why you would say he doesn't link to other people's work. That said, I thought one huge error in The Dimming was failure to mention what happened to the skies when the airplanes got grounded during 911. That was kind of my early trigger. Also the HAARP stuff is very damning, particularly the frequency ranges used in it. The second link should get back to Ana's work on nano-particles which proves a lot of this area going back decades with no DW involvement. Has very interesting frequency dependent info which ties directly into HAARP. I truly appreciate your passion and interest in this critical area. I don't totally agree with your comment but I totally agree that we have to be careful. See my comment below on Robert Malone's statement. Again, great work. and I will watch the video based on your recommendation.

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thank you for considering this. Ana's work is great, also love CAF. Sounds like you are on top of this stuff!

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One of the best boots-on-the-ground disaster relief and reporting resources has been provided by Eric West, a 13-year resident of Lahaina:

> MauiLFG.org | "Maui: Let's Fill the Gap"

See the main link above for disaster relief resources.

See Erick's YouTube channel for daily updates from Lahaina residents:

> https://www.youtube.com/@hawaiirealestateorg/videos

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Eric West’s reporting has been fantastic.

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Agree 100% ~ Plus he's working day and night to support his neighbors on every level, including legally. From everything I can tell, he is a true citizen hero.

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Sometimes we tend to focus on one thing and don’t see other things that happen elsewhere. Please take a look at this list, do you think this can all be a coincidence?

A huge part of my job is to detect anomalies and patterns, I detect both here.

Fires on islands, across the world, not all mentioned in the mainstream media. Notice that non of these started on the same day. There is enough time in between for “someone” to travel to and from all these locations...

July 18 (Tuesday), Rhodes, Greece

July 23, (Sunday), Corfu, Greece

July 24 (Monday), Sicily, Italy

July 25 (Tuesday), Evia, Greece

August 8 (Tuesday), Maui, Hawaii

August 16 (Tuesday), Tenerife, Spain

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Nothing suspicious about that.

I wonder if perhaps they have ever heard of the emergency management cycle.

Super complex, has four whole steps in the process.


*Be ready



Because there seems to be a collective failure to do anything before, during or even afterwards correctly all around the world at the moment

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"Note: People on the ground have told me that The Red Cross has also been helpful. Unfortunately, since it is a larger organization, a significant amount of the money donated to them goes towards administrative costs rather than directly helping people in need."

Odd how economies of scale work in the opposite direction with "non-profits".

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I wouldn't give a dime to the Red Cross. Far too much corruption and proof of involvement of nefarious things (Haiti children, etc) from the many disasters they've been sent in on. I remeber seeing a video during the pandemic of stacks and stacks of "supply bins" marked "Property of Red Cross", only the bins were stuffed full of plastic wrapped bricks of cash money. The majority of their revenue ($2.1BILLION) comes from the sale of biomedical services, ie- the sale of donated blood and plasma.

The majority of expenses of Red Cross goes to salaries and pensions, the top 14 executives make $400k -$750k each. Goodwill runs similarly. Get their product donated for them to re-sell and compensate the execs quite well, all under the guise of "helping the less fortunate".


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Many charity and non profit organizations are like that. Be careful where you give your support.

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MD, have you read Lee Fang's Substack article about the corruption of the regulators on Maui?

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Just added it in!

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It just seems to me that too many things went wrong in Lahaina for it to be considered simply incompetence.

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Just like 9/11 where they blamed everything on incompetence,

but then all of the incompetents were rewarded with promotions.

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