I enjoy your articles focusing only on health issues; the veer to politics was a turn-off as I was disappointed in how you can support this ticket of doom. RFK Jr may be an excellent source for vaccine information & harm, but he’s a solid Democrat with liberal & progressive views that will only continue to harm our nation. He would be outstanding as Director of CDC or NIH, but that’s his only redeeming value. His book about Fauci was excellent, but not his political views. Just my humble opinion.

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Judging from the comments, you have apparently alienated a vocal portion of your right wing base. I applaud you for the honesty and bravery.

I for one really appreciated your analysis of her speech. And your desire to see these issues raised to a national level. We need to unite to see that happen.

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RFK Jr Picks Soros Advocate Nicole Shanahan as His VP Running Mate


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Just Another Trojan Horse Candidate


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So, a far-left President Nicole Shanahan (in the worst case), who made her money by marrying a billionaire, would use AI to solve our problems? This choice by Kennedy shows he is not a serious candidate. No matter how much I like and respect RFK Jr. on health issues, he could not be trusted on numerous other issues that matter, such as the 2nd Amendment. The best case scenario is that he is in it to be a Biden spoiler.

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AI is just manipulated code. As a retired software engineer, I can confidently say you will never know that its results have been manipulated. The only thing I can see it being good for is learning how to spot things in large datasets (like reading scans for medical problems like cancer), but even that will not be immune from being manipulated. E.g., Do you think that Google or Microsoft AI will ever "find" mRNA in heart muscle or other places we were assured it could not go?

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These comments are indicative of how polarized America is. So much aggression, defensiveness, anger and othering. So much knowing and so little questioning. So much certainty in the midst of great uncertainty.

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The problem with Kennedy is although we won't have tyranny driven by vaxtards we'll have tyranny driven by envirotards instead.

No thanks.

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Neither Kennedy nor Shanahan is showing much "compassion" for the health and well-being of the children of Gaza. In fact, Kennedy has been a sophomoric bigot showcasing one of the most ridiculous and repugnant Zionist cretins on the planet, "Rabbi" Schmuely. Kennedy showed promise at first, but his stance on Israel has shown him to be a completely ignorant dishonest actor, and vitiates the entire rest of his "platform." No thanks. I am really disappointed you are this credulous.

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It's a joke to say that Kennedy is against wars. He applauds the genocide that is happening in gaza right now. He is a supporter of the apartheid racist state of Israel, which is led by zionists. He's afraid he will lose the money that he may receive from the zionist/Israel lobby. Anyone who supports the genocide will never get my vote no matter who it is. And all of the doctors who are against the vaccines have not spoken out about this genocide but they speak out about everything else. I guess they're afraid they're going to lose some of their sub stack money.

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Main factors, by their importance (in my opinion):

1. Vaccines

2. Chemicals in food, air and water

3. Lack of excercise and sleep

4. Low quality food, lacking in nutrients and vitamins

5. Stress

There's are no pathogens in this list. 'Germs' do not cause disease. No vaccine has saved ever, anyone. Not just one life. They all have been detrimental to health, with zero benefits.

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I cannot support RFK Jr. because of his ongoing support for the genocide of the people of Gaza. And his running mate is a billionaire Silicon Valley operative.

We deserve much better.

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One of the most powerful points RFK, Jr. made in "The Real Anthony Fauci" is that "public health" rapidly deteriorated in the 50 years Anthony Fauci worked for the NIAID. Chronic diseases of every variety have become ... far more "chronic."

IMO the reform that would most improve the health of the public is to abolish all of these counter-productive public health agencies. We need real doctors, like AMD, who can practice medicine as they think it should be practiced - without worries about being attacked by the captured Science and Medicine Establishments.

It is a good thing RFK, Jr.'s running mate is going to make this one of the central themes of her coming campaign speeches.

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I really like him although he does not have what it will take to take down the swamp nor the knowledge to do so that Trump has and has learned in the last term. In my humble opinion, she is part of the swamp and holds key relationships with the people who stifel our freedom of speech. I would never vote for that

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Midwest Doc,

Why are you supporting Kennedy? He wanted to put ME into a concentration camp back in 2020 because I fought against all covid mandates, especially the lockdowns. He campaigned aggressively for the Green New Deal scam. He has participated in election fraud for decades! He is a TRAITOR. He should be tried, convicted and sent to Gitmo.

Do not be duped and gaslighted by this man.

Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.substack.com

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The Schmuley Zionist,

RFK, Jr., picked a techno/fascist for his running mate.


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This time I want smart people in the White House. I will not be voting for the 2 old guys. I would have voted for DeSantis if he was the nominee but instead I will vote for Kennedy. It doesn't matter how much money you have if you are not healthy. Kennedy and Shanahan will work on so many ways to make our people healthier. Happy to see a candidate who is talking about the dangers of EMF and so many other environmental things that are hurting us. Also with Biden or Trump, the covid vaccines will not end, they are both for them and will take money from Big Pharma to promote them.

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