Jul 17, 2023·edited Jul 17, 2023Pinned

Funny, I’ve said long ago, use the prison population for drug trials. I had a very close friend participate in a weight loss drug trial. Against my advice to steer clear of them. Yet, she was desperate. I was the only one she confided in and when it killed her, from a lighting fast onset leukemia in one weeks time, I tried to explain to her Mom what happened. Whoa, boy did I get beat up.

I stepped back, as it was of no use to try to get her Mom to understand. My friends Mom thinks Big Harma and allopathic sick care are Gods. Shes triple vaxed with multiple cancers.

So, I decided to do some research on my own, now this was 10 years ago and we didn’t have the resources we have today.

I contacted the trial clinic and hit brick wall after brick wall, only to be finally told they have no records for my friend! I explained I had the medication with her name on it with her trial id. After that nobody would take my calls. Dead end!

So, what do they do when trials go wrong you ask, they erase you!

Much like all those children who died in the covid trials, they no longer exist, literally!

In today’s world anyone participating in any drug or vax trial needs their heads examined. You are nothing more than a lab rat to be discarded like yesterday’s trash. There is absolutely NO drug on the market today that has CURED a damn thing! And any parent entering their child in these trials needs to be jailed for child abuse and possible murder.

As Nancy Reagan would say, “Just say NO to drugs”! Very sage advice today.

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

When I first heard about the gaslighting of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine participants, I was shocked. I recall a ER nurse from UC San Diego who volunteered and was so badly injured that she could not work. She was gaslighted by the drug company. Sadly, I now realize that gaslighting is the norm.

I thought that the purpose of the trials was to demonstrate the efficacy and safety of a drug but the real purpose is to engineer a trial that leads to approval and ignore the damage along the way.

There is corruption at every level of the medical field.

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I thought about this recently. I came to the conclusion, that after the completion of any medical experiments, participants in trials should be invited to share contact information and join a group of fellow experimentees, to be able to share their experience. This should be mandatory.

If this was to be mandated by law, it would of course be a huge blow to Big Pharma, since everyone is suffering individually in silence, in case of an experiment gone wrong. Not so much if everyone can meet up, support each other, and eventually cause a ruckus, sue the pharma pill-pushers, etc.

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Until I was 55 or so and my knees went south, I ran between 5 and 6 miles daily, six days a week. My heart rate is 50-55 bpm. All cardiac lab tests are normal. Echocardiogram normal. Stress test normal. Ejection fraction 70%. Troponin and C-Reactive Protein normal. Carotid ultrasound normal. Yet mysteriously after my Covid booster I developed Premature Ventricular Contractions severe enough to cause syncope (twice) and to warrant placement of a loop recorder. So after 70 years of superb heart health, suddenly I am a weak old man. It certainly is not due to the inflammatory spike protein.

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Those criminals are the reason I only use naturopathic medicine. I would rather go out on my terms not Big Pharma’s poison

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The revolving door at the FDA works well and Merck hired away the female physician in charge of vaccine approvals to be head of the Merck vaccine division at a salary of $1 million per year! Surely it wasn’t a reward for getting Gardasil approved I’m sure!

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice and I am dead. Being rational and in good conscience, after reading this how could I ever trust any big pharma product in good faith?

It must become my greatest objective for the remainder of my existence on this wretched rock that I avoid all big pharma drugs which are virtually poisons the body very much hates.

I am really amazed at the level of blind trust people put into a medical system that is designed to murder them for profit. I have no forgiveness or sympathy for the fools among us. They often have the gall to blame others for their medical problems...which we saw first hand during the fake covid pandemic.

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I really appreciated your introduction connecting how the relationship with the government is abusive on many levels.

I made the decision 3 years ago to walk away from any relationship that is abusive. It's been an interesting journey to say the least.

Your comment on how people grow in their expectations of you, has been interesting as Ive moved and I clearly have a 'I will not be used or abused by you' attitude and how quickly abusive people notice this and move on to someone else.

I also noticed this when I was looking for a primary care doctor. I wanted one that wouldn't even ask me about vaccines. I was refused treatment by all the doctors in my area.

People kept saying, why don't you just not mention it and when they ask say, no thank you.

My response was 'because if people don't respect my boundaries on the first request, this means they will only continue to push my boundaries until they break me down. It also means they don't prioritize my needs over theirs, which puts me at risk'

I've since cancelled my insurance as I have no trust - I am walking away. I don't want to give anyone the opportunity to gaslight and manipulate me again.

I don't know why as I am a strong person, but I am easily manipulated. Perhaps because I am such an honest and authentic person, I just can't believe anyone would lie.

I find myself completely exhausted by the process of untangling the gaslighting pretzels in my mind.

Watching how the vaccine injured are being gaslighted and knowing how much effort I put into my own journey to finally come to the point where I can stand up for myself and demand I am treated as an intelligent, mature woman instead of a delusional emotional mess makes my heart bleed for these people, especially if this is the first time they have encountered gaslighting and abuse organized by the government.

When we are abused by the government we suffer a different type of trauma, it's called betrayal bond trauma. It's actually far more harmful than domestic abuse as we have normalized abuse at home. No one expects a medical doctor, let alone the entire medical system from top to bottom to intentionally cause them harm, then attempt to cover it up. The shock of this is traumatic enough. Dealing with the life changing injuries without any acknowledgement or compassion is beyond inhumane and only compounds the trauma.

My only hope with all of this is that trauma helps open the pineal gland and your consciousness. This gives victims greater clarity to hold those responsible accountable.

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my sister used to work at NIH Bethesda She adores Fauci and Collins

She has been fully shotted, and is indeed in a clinical trial.

I asked her is she shared all of the maladies she has developed over the past two years. She has had shingles, fungal infections, destroyed her cornea, has sebhoreic (sp whatev) arthritis and she is just always sick. I think she has had covid several times.

She said, "no they just take your blood, that is it"

Great huh?

whadda dummy

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

The FDA needs held accountable for their fraudulent, corrupt actions and every single person involved with the ineffective health service and ineptitude attitudes needs fired, with those at the top indicted for their fraud.

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Hey doc - it would be much appreciated if you could pin my comment so that your readership who are Ohio residents will be sure to see it.

ATTENTION OHIO RESIDENTS - please email the following to roegner@ohiosenate.gov and johnson@ohiosenate.gov

Dear Senators Roegner and Johnson,

It has been brought to my attention that you were presented many weeks ago with over 400 pages of solid evidence as to the harms of the Covid shots. 

I understand that you are both on Ohio’s Health Committee.  Has this issue been brought up during the health committee meetings? If not, then why not? This issue affects every single Ohioan, both young and old.

I understand that the top physicians and scientists who are speaking out about these harms are willing to testify to Ohio’s Senate. Their testimony is convincing other state legislatures all around the country to put new laws into effect banning or restricting the use of this new and unproven mRNA technology.

You are elected officials. You took oaths to protect the citizens of the State of Ohio.

Please take this issue very seriously. "Excess Mortality" data from 2021 through the present day in highly vaccinated countries around the world is solid proof that Covid-19 vaccine-induced death IS INDEED HAPPENING! 

I ask that you give this issue your HIGHEST PRIORITY and ATTENTION. 

The lives of all Ohioans depend on it.

(Be sure to include your city in Ohio)

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

When someone is injured in a trial, it is worse than a drug side effect because there is no experience with the drug.

Drugs interact with the biochemistry of the body and can travel to many different organs and have different effects depending on the patient. Both the patient and the doctor are at a loss to understand what happened and how to respond to this novel situation.

Should there be laws that mandated drug companies had to treat patients from trials and document all the side effects as an essential part of the trial? And the drug companies were liable for long term care if needed.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

This post answered a few of my questions regarding my husband’s two-year struggle following two shots in July and August 2021. Before being admitted to hospital a microscopist analyzed his blood. His red blood cells were very misshapen, he had about a third of the RBCs he should have had, and so on. ER doctors could find nothing amiss. A bit anemic. After a near-fatal aspiration of fluids, 110 days in hospital on heavy-duty antibiotics for virulent strep mitis bacteremia, hemorrhagic strokes and brain bleeds, delirium, tremors, inability to eat anything, and finally two valve replacements for infective endocarditis, several of his doctors asked me “how did he get so sick?” You know the rest. Thankfully, he has a very strong constitution. I appreciate the insights from this post.

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

With the trial data being proven as ‘doctored with’ and corrupted data analysis, wouldn’t this destroy their claim of immunity? These companies need sued to the point of bankruptcy!!

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

"fauxcebo". Thanks Doc for adding to the lexicon. While reading your article I had to look up the definition of "placebo" because, y'know, these definitions have tended to morph recently. But the definition still stands. I remember reading posts 3 years ago from those who had been part of the trials, had an adverse effect, got booted from the trial, and worried if they could get another jab from another manufacturer. Because they were, as you explained, victims of narcissistic abuse.

There is a huge uptick in pharma commercials for all sorts of stuff, even made-up stuff. The Pharma Industry is definitely emboldened now. Downright brazen with their power. Even for pets - just the other day, the Seresto flea collar, which has been linked to tens of thousands of pet injuries and death in recent years, just got the (second) OK from the EPA! They will just add more warnings, and make a more robust adverse effects reporting system. Dogs can't tell you they feel unwell, this whole thing is so sinister.

But with MSM as the main pharma sales representatives, what hope do we have? Seems blind faith in the TV has doomed us to medicate ourselves to the end of Humanity. So sad, tragic, scary, horrific.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I’m grateful I saw Vaxxed II in 2018. It opened my eyes to the Gardasil game, and motivated me to start doing independent research. By the time COVID rolled around, I recognized the 24/7 “Terrifying News” cycle as a giant commercial for a yet-to-be-invented savior vaccine. Even before COVID shots hit the market, I heard people talking about the horrible punishments that should be given to those of us who wouldn’t take them. Disgusting cultlike behavior!

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