The captions in the excerpted Pfizer document speak of "wells." This is a huge red flag.

Traditional Western Blots use gel electrophoresis in which samples are pipetted or otherwise droppered into actual physical cavities or pockets ("wells") in the agarose gel before the electric current is applied to the matrix to begin the separation of proteins by weight.

For "automated" Western Blots - the 'synthetic' kind where a computerized device uses a different sort of system for weight separation and antigen testing of the proteins, with the results displayed using a simulated set of lines that look like a traditional blot - the manufacturers' literature for those machines *does not* use the expression "well" to refer to the place where you pipette in the sample. Often it's "plate" or "microplate" or something else.

Using the expression "well" when, at best, a process that does not use "wells" was employed seems to be an attempt at being deliberately misleading.

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Thank you for catching this.

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Also, the captions to Figure S.2.6-42 on page 80 (internal pagination) of the same document speak of "gels" with "lanes."

That's not describing how a Automated Western Blot "Jess" machine works - no gels in that process. Gels with lanes sure sounds like a very traditional Western Blot. Yet on that page, too, the result bands are flat and synthetic looking.

Maybe there's an honest way to use a gel-based process while having a synthetic-looking output graphic, but the automated western blot machines from Bio Techne (Jess and similar) aren't it.

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When the automated synthetic Western Blot process was developed 10-odd years ago, the developers trademarked the name "Simple Western," which has apparently become an accepted term for this method (I guess like "Xerox" for photocopying). So that's another way of referring to a protein detection process that produces uncannily perfect results lines.

Best I can tell, most researchers are fairly scrupulous about specifying in their results writeups whether they used a traditional Western Blot or an automated process like Simple Western (or its descendents like the Jess machine). Also, most researchers name the detection antigen they use pretty specifically (by name of manufacturer, catalog number, etc.), but in this writeup they didn't. Very odd. They just said that they used "an antibody specific for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein" without naming the manufacturer or specific SKU.

Personally, having ruminated over this, my best guess is that they ran a real old fashioned Western Blot, got real but very "noisy" results, picked out the "signal" they were looking for, and used software to create a synthetic Western Blot style "lane view" based on that filtered data.

Only, the messiness that they discarded as "noise" when doing the above was an important signal in its own right, showing just how messy and unreliable the product was - just how much error-filled copying and protein generation was going on. By filtering out this "noise" and being coy about the fact that they did such a scrub, they (intentionally or not) misled the FDA in an important way.

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Spot on Doc. Great job--sadly nothing will come of this. No penalties no accountability. The mainstream media will ignore it just like its ignoring excess mortality and plunging birthrates. Its a great strategy because we are literally helpless. All we can do is keep our families away from this poison.

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Media, yes, but for those engaging in lawsuits, this is another arrow in their quiver and potentially for upcoming Congressional hearings, which can't be entirely ignored.

Despite data being falsified for the FDA, the FDA criminally did not act when multiple injuries and deaths began and criminally approved these genetic treatments for the pregnant and youth with even less fake or real data than intially.

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Yeah youre right about the lawsuits but win or lose the suits will never be covered and remain known only to people on substack.

The harms the government and Pharma have caused need to be common knowledge just like the harms of smoking and the lies people were told about cigarettes. That will never happen. Its too easy to cover things up with a compliant media.

And i have zero confidence that congress will get anything done. Accusations and yelling but no convictions IMO.

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Do you still have a Twitter account? Go tweet the shit out of this and prove yourself wrong ;) (ESPECIALLY the fact that ‘broken’ mRNA strands are out producing who the F knows what proteins in hundreds of millions of people!!! If they’re not making spike then what the F are they making?? Who is sequencing them to find out?)

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I am not so down on this. A lot spreads by word of mouth. Like you, I have no regard for most media.

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Private knowledge is now becoming common knowledge. Many peope are awakening, in spite of controlled media.

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With past vaccines one of the reasons some had bad reactions was because they have type 4 allergies to the metals in them. The mercury or aluminium. I’m hypersensitive to both. I also have a theory that this is also one of the main reasons some get mild illness from a respiratory virus and some get severe illness. Those with type 4 allergies to metals are obviously also allergic to those metals in the toxic load they have built up in their lifetime. When people get the flu or covid the immune system goes into detox to rid the body of the virus but it also tries to get rid of the patients toxic load by association. Once the metals in the toxic load of the patient start circulating the patient gets symptoms of metal allergy which are the same as flu like symptoms. Those hypersensitive to the metals in their toxic load get the worst virus symptoms. We become allergic to metals from repeat exposure. I became allergic to metals at 13 years old which is when I had my first bad reaction to the metals in a vaccine. The hepb vaccine. I’m also allergic to titanium due to multiple orthopaedic implant allergies. The implants had to be removed. Any teenager who develops mental illness should be tested for allergy to metals in vaccines as it’s a major cause. Although it’s not actually mental illness, it’s neurotoxicity from the vaccine which presents as mental illness symptoms

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Metal allergies are a huge problem. Here I cover Nickel from the syringe needle.


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I’d say you’re right. I got blood drawn in 2020 in hospital via needle and syringe. I then developed a bruise at the site but strangely a bruise also appeared on my chest. It was rather weird. I also tried acupuncture but reacted to the needles. For a few days after the acupuncture session I would get needle like pain spontaneously every now and then where the needles went in. Wouldn’t last long but it was multiple places so one would go off after another. Would only last a fraction of a second. I suspect a galvanic reaction may also be involved as I do have lots of microscopic fragments of metal peppered through my back as well.

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You might try the bioresonance treatment if available at your location; works for allergies as well as metal detox.

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This is intriguing. So how does one address the metal allergies?

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By avoiding them basically. Even vitamin c injections can have aluminium in them. So avoid letting drs inject things into you. Dental work is also a big issue as everything that goes in the mouth is full of metals like titanium dioxide or aluminium. Many have to have dental work removed as systemic symptoms could be unbearable. They can also be a cause of obesity or of being underweight. Avoid all processed food and keep in mind metals are in many medications. I’ve had to have a couple of spinal implants removed before and the first one had a galvanic reaction with my amalgam fillings so I had to have those removed too. Sunscreen is full of titanium dioxide so rubbing it into your skin is a bad idea. Cosmetics for women are full of metals. Their are brands that are more natural. Toothpaste has titanium dioxide in it so if you are allergic like me then you have to find a more organic one. Most have titanium dioxide but not all.

A good thing to do is to eat lots of vegetables that have a detoxifying effect like onions and cabbage. It’s believed the high onion diet of onion farmers was the reason onion farmers and their families were spared from the flu.

The thing with nickel allergy though is that many vegetables have nickel in them. Going on a no nickel diet is what many have to do.

It’s actually been found that women allergic to nickel can develop endometriosis just from the nickel in their diet.

The presence of metals in the body will also cause osteoporosis.

So avoiding adding more metals to the body while working on lowering your toxic load at the same time is the thing to do. That’s basically what functional medicine drs do and they may use detoxification programs. Chelation therapy is used to get rid of the metals in the body quicker. As I’m very hypersensitive and still have metal fragments in me I cannot do chelation therapy as it’s too dangerous for me. But for most it’s fine. Functional medicine drs will also usually prescribe high quality vitamins and nutrients to speed up the detoxification process if they don’t use chelation.

It’s very hard to avoid toxins in this day and age and metals are everywhere even in the air we breathe. The immune system also has a much harder job breaking apart metal debris than other toxins. There are also common gene mutations which mean the liver can’t process metals as well.

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Consider learning about humic/fulvic. I get mine from Tennant Products, did the detox protocol and now do maintenance daily. Jerry Tennant MD, is a renowned ophthalmologist who cured himself of viruses in the brain, pancreatic bleeding disorder and spastic movements after top doctors said nothing they could do. He slept most of the time for almost seven years. During the brief lucid period he had daily, he started having the thought that if he knew how one cell worked he could get well. He started reading cellular biology books. He got well and published Healing Is Voltage.

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My problem is I still have metal fragments in me and I had an adverse event to bone cement in my 2019 surgery. The bone cement was used to plug the hole that had been drilled in my vertebrae which had started gushing blood. So the bone cement is in constant contact with the blood supply in my spine. It’s caused mast cell degranulation and if I attempt to detox it cause’s anaphylactic shock and feels like my liver is going to explode. I have to keep my vitamin c levels low as if they are in normal range it feels like my liver is about to explode and it causes neurotoxicity and other symptoms. Anything that speeds up my metabolism makes the symptoms worse too. I would have to get the bone cement removed before I can try to detoxify. Even just eating vegetables can cause me anaphylaxis and make my face swell due to the bone cement

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Is there any chance of getting this bone cement removed? Something else to plug the hole? That's a real bummer. I hope a way can be found.

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There is a procedure that can remove it but what would it be replaced with and how risky. I don’t think I could trust any NZ surgeons or drs ever again. They just don’t have the knowledge or expertise. And I’ve had enough of the denial and gaslighting that happens if something goes wrong in the nz health system. Id love to see a surgeon overseas about it but getting out of the country unvaccinated isn’t so easy and nor is travelling east. The microscopic fragments scattered through my back can’t be removed safely unfortunately as they are around the nerves in my back and are so tiny and numerous. But I can tolerate them on their own anyway. It’s the bone cement conundrum that is the big issue. I’ve already had 4 back surgeries and now have osteoporosis too so safety is a big concern

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Wow, I am sorry to hear this.

Thanks for taking time to share your story and knowledge.

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Wouldn't NanoZeolite help detox metals?

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Yes things like that do but they would make me worse. I’m too far gone. Detox should be tailored to the individual as it can cause permanent harm in people like me. How it is taken out of the body is important too for different metals

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I wish I could get the metal titanium/nickel out of my body because it's caused some problems over the years, but I had an aneurysm clipped. What have you found as some of the best detoxes?

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Maybe you could talk to someone at Tennant Institute or Senergy about the efficacy of humic/fulvic.

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Have you been tested for Hemochromatosis?

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No but I don’t have that. I’ve had multiple implant allergies that resolve upon removal. I’ve been diagnosed. I even react to the titanium dioxide in sunscreen and food and medications and dental fillings etc

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I’ve read other places it could be your immune system getting over taxed when making the spike protein. I’m not sure if it can ever be turned off, per Dr Peter McCullough (but I’m not sure if this is current information now, considering we’re learning as we go). I believe Dr McCullough it was that said it’s like you’re in stage four metastatic cancer when you’re body is producing this toxic spike protein and your immune system goes into overdrive, and since we know this spike protein and/or lipid nano particles breaches the blood brain barrier and it invades organs, auto-immune disorders can occur as well. (I’m not sure it was Dr McCullough who said this, but I think it may be.)

Others say that they contain graphene oxide, but again, Dr Ryan Cole seems to have recently disputed that. Karen Kingston, I believe, said they do have GO in them. I’m not sure about it. It’s hard to get reliable information.

Also, it’s a given they have heavy metal preservatives in them. I’m not sure anyone in the know that’s being honest disputes this.

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The Japanese also found visible pieces of metal in the vials of the moderna jab. I also find it very hard to believe that over 30 groups of specialists around the world would conspire to fabricate finding what they say is graphene microtechnology in the jabs. A group in New Zealand even handed a sample into the NZ police once chain of custody was satisfied. The videos from various researchers around the world are very compelling.

Matches have also been made to known graphene nanotech devices. Because graphene nanotech devices do actually exist. Whatever it is it’s certainly got my attention.

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There is absolutely no evidence for GO in the jabs. The "compelling" videos show Brownian motion of small crystals enhanced by the illumination. There are not 30 groups of specialists around the world in agreement. Do you like the Cholesterol platelets, Salt cubes, and Sugar (the major ingredient in both Moderna and Pfizer) crystals that are obvious? The fact that Raman spectra were limited in spectral range with the excuse it would lengthen the experiment time, when those of us who know the technique could gather a fine spectrum in a matter of minutes? There are no "devices" in the jabs. See https://geoffpain.substack.com/p/relative-lethality-of-covid-19-vaccines

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I believe there’s something to it. I think to say there’s nothing to it at this stage of the game is premature. Not being aware of the existence of over 30 groups around the world studying this tells me that there’s a chance you have not investigated it thoroughly and have taken the word of your friend instead. If they were just crystals it seems strange that some would form in the configuration of known existing graphene nanotech devices. So I’m definitely not making up my mind yet

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What about the Sugar?

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You’re asking the wrong person but there is over 30 teams of drs and specialists around the world that would likely be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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There is absolutely No Evidence that Graphene, its Oxide or its Hydroxide is added to Moderna or Pfizer jabs. This ridiculous idea is a 5th Column tactic to divert attention from the main game. This discussion includes the science of crystals observed in evaporating jab residues. Until Karen Kingston comes clean that she knows Sugar is the main ingredient in the jabs, she has to be ignored. My friend who did his PhD in Graphene Oxide has studied all claims and debunked them.


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Because the lots varied, adjuvants could have varied. I think that is part of what Midwestern Doc is saying about Craig Paardekooper and colleagues Bad Batch analysis, the appearance of systemic trialing of dose or adjuvant or both. I looked at those presentations and data analyses closely and it is clear that is not the random error of bad manufacturing. That was intentional.

The magnetic arms and graphene stories came early out of Spain, Europe, South America then subsided. There were credible scientists and engineers looking into this. Just because a few lots show nothing we don't know about the varied experimentation that happened globally. I keep an open mind.

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I just skimmed your excellent article at https://geoffpain.substack.com/p/relative-lethality-of-covid-19-vaccines . Thank you for the confirmation.

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“ . . . the graphene detected in the vaxx was not graphene oxide (GO) but graphene hydroxide (GHO), . . . “ ?


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Sadly that is False. There is no evidence for GHO either.

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Oh, PEG is the other ingredient I read about. What’s your take on that, doc?

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No free PEG in the jabs, as made clear in the review you just mentioned. Some LNP constituents have "Pegylated" side chains.

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Ok, sorry to bring this up, but Dr Ana here says there’s a patent on the vax containing GO as a carrier. Can you give us your take on this? There’s so much conflicting information. She says Dr Cole, who I think the world of, didn’t use an electron microscope. https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/you-cant-find-what-you-are-not-looking

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It is true that Graphene derivatives are being Investigated for use in jabs, but it is not in the Covid19 jabs. Ana is part of the problem. Nice free review here https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590098621000208

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I undergo regular chelation for heavy metals due to past exposure. Lead, for example, is sequestered in the bones, but as people age, it comes out with bone loss. IMO all people should be tested for heavy metals as many recurring illnesses are actually symptoms from heavy metals. There is no safe level in the body. I took medications for years for an illness I did not have.

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I have a friend who was Lead poisoned when working in a Gold assay lab in Western Australia. His case was made into a documentary. Can't find it today.

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If you give me the title, I may be able to find it on the waybackmachine, assuming it was ever put online.

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I thought it was called Beethoven or had that in the title. The name of the victim is Andrew Hobday.

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This is it? There is also a book on Amazon.

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Thanks very much indeed. Unfortunately not about my friend.

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Thanks. I research it. If I find it, I'll post the link back here.

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How can someone get tested for metal allergies?

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There is a urine test to see if you have heavy metals, but not for allergies, which is the one my doctor used. You get a pill and a jab of chelators, then collect urine for several hours. I initially paid for it, but from my results the insurance reimbursed the cost and paid for chelation. The insurance companies consider the urine test the gold standard. Just ask your doctor for one. If you are having illnesses, they could be caused by a load of metal.

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There is the Melisa test by Melisa diagnostics or there is the LTT test done by orthopaedic analysis. Most labs should be able to do an LTT test but it’s whether they will agree to offer it or not

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Consult your doctor who can refer you to a specialist. It usually involves skin testing.

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It goes deeper than that. Please consult with Katherine Watt https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/ and Sasha Latypova (I see some mention). Pfizer and Moderna are (admittedly multibillion dollar) bit players. The Maddie de Garay case is merely "soft fraud"?

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To summarize Sasha's information:

The DOD is exterminating us.

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"It goes deeper than that. Please consult with Katherine Watt https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/ and Sasha Latypova (I see some mention). ..."

I agree with above after reading/listening to Sasha and Katherine. The Department of Defense (DOD) has run the operation ... the shots are not defined as licensable drugs or biologics but as "countermeasures" which are not subject to ANY regulatory oversight. As such "countermeasures" are not under the FDA, the FDA "approval" of the shots was mere theater which had the effect of hoodwinking the entire public into believing that the shots were approved as "safe and effective" when in reality they were NOT. When one starts to grasp what Sasha and Katherine are explaining, one starts to understand how fraudulently this Operation Warp Speed has been presented in ALL media to the American public and to the world.

Legal technicalities aside, I agree with those who say that ALL the main perpetrators of the death and destruction deserve the death penalty or life in prison (after a fair trial, of course).

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Let me add that from what i understand from Sasha's research or Katherine's reseach: Pfizer technically may not have "sold" any shots to the government under OWS ... rather, The DOD "owned" the mRNA vials of the shots from the time of manufacture to the time the mRNA was injected into people's arms by the crazy terms of OWS and other laws. I hope i am not misstating Sasha and Katherine's research.

In my heart -- which thankfully remains untouched by Pfizer -- I do feel Pfizer/Moderna/DOD/Collins/NIH/Fauci/NIAID and all of the media acted fraudulently and need punishment.

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I can call myself the Queen of Sheba, and even put it on my driver's license, that does not make it so. Calling it 'whatever', a 'countermeasure' in this instance, does not make it so. They twice changed the definition of vaccine to accommodate this product. The product is still classified long prior to this as gene therapy, and one that never worked either. But let's say it is a countermeasure. For what exactly? The synthetic product developed by Cheney's chief of bioweapon development, Anthony Fauci, and the people he contracted the work out to, like the ones in NC, Ecohealth, and Wuhan? That product cannot cause a pandemic, it does not have the genetic stability and infectiousness to go global. Every single Wuhan variant was named before the pandemic, and I now think they were formulated then too.

You can give people an infection thru other routes. But the 'countermeasure', the actual bioweapon, the injection, can cause its recipients to shed or exude virions and whole spike that are infectious to both the vaxxed and unvaxxed alike. The DARPA 'self-spreading vaccine'. Now the jab exists only to cause more variants and more excuses to keep the jabbing going. They still want one in every arm. They want to exterminate mankind.

As Reiner Fuellmich said "once you understand the 'pandemic' existed to inject the bioweapon, and not to create a vaccine for a pandemic, you will understand" (or something to the same effect). Omicron does not descend from any prior Wuhan variant, it is off the same rootstock.

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Vaccines are poisons if anything other than saline are indeed the weapon.

Omicron is moronic the anagram of omicron. Omicron descends from the imagination of man and is amusing if nothing else.


The Wuhan issue was only a psyop. Shout 'BOO!' and the lemmings run over the cliff of doom/jabbers arms.

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Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt have burst open the gates of 2023 with one of the most mind blowing COVID stories to date. Their bravery, technical skills, and dedication each are a tour de force. Their work connects just about all the dots, and comprehensively explains the lack of response to all the complaints and the standing down of our usual supports and services to people who were harmed and to the hearing of dissent.

Thus, it was with a sick feeling, and I think the lawyers aren't yet fully realizing it yet, is that the FDA, CDC, White House, big pharma, were just theater directors, set designers, actors. The script was funded and written by DOD and deeper permanent state entities with worldwide participation throughout other European NATO countries as journalist George Webb has been documenting for years.

See @realgeorgewebb and on his Substack


Webb covers bioweapons and geopolitics. The COVID drama appears now to have been organized and war gamed from the start and engineered through the contracting mechanisms themselves and legal loopholes and modifications over the years so that no one can be held accountable for fraud. Courts take years but we may have to go back to legislators for action.

There is some hope this week with the deal made by the Freedom Caucus of the House to hold a second Church committee investigating the weaponizing of federal government entities against the American people. I would suggest following Rep. Thomas Massie and the Freedom Caucus members on Twitter: @RepThomasMassie



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I sent this article to a friend who works in biotech, this is what he said:

"One of our instruments is an automated western blotting instrument. The data doesn’t come out in traditional form, it comes out as an electropherogram. And then we have software convert the signal peaks from the electropherogram into an artificial representation of a traditional blot. Pfizer has 20 of those instruments."

He linked this particular instrument as an example: https://www.bio-techne.com/pdf-download-arena-document/brochure/pl6-0002

Not to defend Pfizer, but simply the computer generated nature of the Western blots cannot be used to prove fraud.

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This is presently the best argument refuting it. Short answer is "I don't know," and I am a bit surprised none of the people I spoke to were aware of this.

Major questions are:

a) Why are they using different blotting methods (traditional verses this)?

b) Does your friend know what model the 20 machines Pfizer uses are?

c) How would we evaluate if print outs from the machine they used would be have the symmetry we found from looking further at the image which suggested it was hand made?

d) The other issue I somewhat touched upon is that there's an extra hump Jikkyleaks spotted which indicates the protein there that should not be, and that the various western blots appear to differ...all of which suggests there are QC issues and the digital ones may not have been representative of what was there.

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Someone pointed out the issue of automated western blocks to Jilkyleaks on Twitter ("Congratulations, you have just discovered automated western blots. Reported initially in 2011." Link: https://twitter.com/parolin_ricardo/status/1612756884942999552?s=20&t=wnYrvRARwNPnG1LXV7YM8g)

Jikkyleaks' reply shows he isn't convinced. ("Sure. I've also discovered when automated Westerns can be photoshopped and copypasta'd! The more automated Westerns that are genuine that are posted, the more the Pfizer ones look synthetic.")

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Disappointed your contacts couldn’t identify this as a Jess blot. I’m a big pharma scientist who got fired over the mandates and I recognized it right away. I repost your stuff in our Telegram chat all the time but this one needed more oversight by actual scientists

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Thank you for the courage to stand up and speak out! We need millions of your cohorts to have the same courage to stop this criminality. A national walk out is in order!

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Here's what he has to say:

"a) these instruments are much faster and eliminate most sources of human error (less hands-on steps) yielding better more reproducible data. If you can afford one, you want one.

b) most likely Jess [the instrument previously linked, though there are other similar systems by the same company. Here is a video from the manufacturer explaining that machine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKndRHBMMN0&ab_channel=ProteinSimple. If it's not explicitly mentioned in the relevant papers you would have to contact the authors].

c) You could compare the data to any data from general citations in the literature that use these instruments. There’s a publication database on the manufacturer website that should be publicly accessible. [https://www.bio-techne.com/resources/instrument-citations?instrument-platform=simple%20western]

d) I personally haven’t reviewed that data, but even without evaluating it in depth I can say it’s still an immunoassay. The results are only as good as your antibody. If the antibody is non-specific to any degree (most are) there are going to imperfections on the western. It’s also not clear to me whether this is actual QC data from a finalized product or whether it’s proof of concept work. This is a massive difference and it’s unlikely they’d use this instrument for QC because it doesn’t detect purity but rather just presence of protein. For purity they’d be doing HPLC or cIEF [capillary isoelectric focusing] in their QC."

Regarding the people you spoke to, automated Western blot instruments are not yet industry standard, so it's not surprising that they haven't worked with them/heard of them. It's cool if your lab has one but not cool enough to be the talk of the department where everyone's heard of it, I guess.

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There is one problem, though. Looking at the JESS youtube video, you see that their plots retain the skewed distribution of the bars intensity. (stop at https://youtu.be/VKndRHBMMN0?t=241) The Pfizer bars are almost perfectly symmetrical as far as I can tell from the graphs in Amidwesterndoctor's article.

Blots have to be asymmetrical, because the proteins are stopped in their movement. I guess one can even calculate back from the asymmetry how fast the flow was.

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Digging deeper, it seems that the JESS machine creates simulated plots that look like the Pfizer plots from their array data. So, if real, the Pfizer plots are still not "western blots", they are a simulation based on array data.

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Pfizer used the expression "wells" when captioning the "Western Blot" diagrams in their submission. Big problem.

The Bio-Techne devices don't use agarose gels with sample "wells", they use "plates" or "microplates" to receive the samples for analysis.

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Wouldn't it be prudent to validate machine blot assessments against traditional methods in such a critically important study and problem affecting global health? Especially since the ability to fake a result using something that looked like a machine blot, real or not, is a new potential. Another opportunity for soft fraud? It still seems like a failure to be rigorous at many levels. This likely is another moment where pharma machine realized it could capitalize on esoteric understanding of technology and its variations, and just print results, claiming they had the fancy machine result?

I am most certainly not a biological scientist but in my field we certainly replicate and validate results to confirm assessments or constructs. These few pieces of machine blot paper feel like the problem of 8 mice. Reconfirm, larger samples, validate.

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And wouldn't you want the same blot proofs from a variety of lots? Showing consistency? Whether faked or not, wouldn't those have shown some variation that would have been helpful to understand such as nuances in manufacturing?

Sasha says there were prototypes before the rollout which were mass produced versions of the prototypes. But surely each lot of prototype would have had these validation blots performed by lot? I am stunned that just an n of 1 or 2 assessments might have been used to "confirm" the integrity of the product, the mRNA code. If that happened, so reckless.

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😕 I hate to admit to this potential. Ya gotta look at it though. Thanks.

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The kicker for me isn't the fact that it's computer generated, it's that the data is repeated.

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Yeah it’s a JESS blot. I use these all the time in the lab. Way easier than Westerns but they’re newish and expensive so something you only might see in companies and not necessarily academia

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Also it’s possible to use gels that are uniformly cooled. The smile arcs seen in typical western blots are produced by uneven heating.

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Did he see the video? I don’t think automated western would give copy-paste results.

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I would like to get excited that this is smoking gun evidence of fraud that will lead to some consequences for the corporations and regulators involved, but lately I've given a lot of thought to what Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova have pointed out.

Specifically that these mRNA injections were merely 'large scale manufacturing demonstrations' according to the exceptional contracts they were produced under. They were produced under laws designed for emergency biowarfare countermeasures. Those laws attempt to exempt the products from normal clinical trial or regulatory considerations. The law has been carefully rigged for this situation for decades.

The FDA and CDC approval process were just theater for the public much like the 'full approval' was just a show to allow the military mandates since the full approval product didn't materialize.

I believe Pfizer argued openly in court that the trials they conducted could not have been fraud since the government was aware of what they were doing and participated in it. I think they will claim they were under no obligation to conduct a proper clinical trial for what was merely a manufacturing demonstration for the DoD of a biowarfare countermeasure exempt from normal drug laws.

I hope the drug companies and the bureaucrats and legislators that are complicit don't get away with this but they seemed to have stacked the deck in their favor.

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"I think they will claim they were under no obligation to conduct a proper clinical trial for what was merely a manufacturing demonstration for the DoD of a biowarfare countermeasure exempt from normal drug laws."

This. You got it. In 2025, when the lawsuits start, this will be the defense, with a good chance of winning.

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I've also been following Katherine and Sasha. I could be mistaken but I believe you've got this all wrong. It was the US legislative and executive branch that are behind this. The DoD doesn't write laws, executive orders or regulations. Let me state this in simple terms so it's in writing in at least one place - the US government tried to murder 95% of humanity. And not in a good, fast and painless way. Yes, there are others working with them, but they were the instrument.

I think it's this fact that is causing our side to now be the enemies in that we're spreading easily debunked theories. I spend little time following COVID-19 anymore and it's because of comment sections like this. This "the jabs are unsafe and ineffective" or "State AGs are preparing to charge Fauci and Barik" are not just distractions from what people ought to be looking into, and spreading where they can, but risk steering the world into the weeds. I suggest people start doing the work of reading the difficult material and stop it with the emotional reasoning.

This was carried out by the military on order of the government. Fraud has nothing to do with Other Transaction law. They can do anything they want including things so horrific you could never imagine them yet get away with all of it under "national security." Accept it's all lost. You're not getting any justice. The God in you're founding documents is Satan. Stop ignoring reality because of you're emotional fragility (none of this is directed specifically at you zuFpM5*M, other than the first paragraph - I'm feed up with our side).

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I don't assign ultimate responsibility for this as it is extremely difficult to track down. Who specifically drafted these subtle legal changes such as moving countermeasures into public health law? I don't know. It certainly wasn't an actual legislator because they have staff and think tanks draft everything. In many cases, I doubt they even understand half of what they sign-- they just understand who wants them to sign it and who that person represents.

I very much agree that expecting a normal judicial process to rectify something of this magnitude is unlikely. However, it is very important to understand how legal and institutional changes were prepared to allow this situation. That many of the same people were involved from the 2001 Dark Winter exercise that eerily predicted the anthrax letters all the way through Event 201 in 2019 helps us understand who are the actors that got us to where we are now.

As more people come around to doubting gov and 'experts' and media, we should be able to show them how deep the rot goes. It would be terrible if public outrage led merely to the shuffling of a few insignificant figures like Fauci while the actual actors behind the scenes that carefully prepared this sort of atrocity over decades are allowed to escape.

The project to reduce humanity is still very much active and aggressive as the recent Lancet article that urges doctors to put humans on a par with animals in the context of medical care shows. That concept, One Health is about to be enshrined in WHO regulations.

People need to wake up and quickly.

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Thank you for your well thought out response. I may come across as a hard ass or something but it's really my writing and trying to keep things short and to the point.

I watched the video that they put out just yesterday. It was truly excellent and I don't say that lightly. I have some problems with it though. I dont have perfect knowledge. We're trying to solve a mystery. But I have big problems with blaming this on the Bank of International Settlements or the Federal Reserve. Even if there was a plausible theory, which I'm pretty certain there isn't, for the Fed at least, we still have no evidence. Most people, including 99.9% of people who run investment funds and hedge funds and work in the industry, have no idea what they're doing and I have several pieces of incontrovertible proof, (1) look at these idiots returns, (2) they make big bucks but are still working for a paycheck, (3) look at the valuations of these companies (S&P index companues), most of whom are irredeemable dogs, (4) look at the idiotic ideas they have such as "borrow as much money as you can to buy back stock" - idiot investors and idiot management want that because the share price is supported, but that debt is real, the share price is just a valuation, it's not "real." I could go on but in short money and investment accentuates the worst in humanity. It's just like every human endeavor, just worse.

And I'd bet every last dime I ever have that Edward Dowd is full of it. He bullshits like someone who learned the markets by reading. My point is I have no trouble seeing someone or even several people who you'd think should know, telling Katherine or whoever, that these people are behind this. All we know for certain is that the BlackRock CEO wrote an open letter in Sept. 2019 stating that the world's financial system was on the verge of a Weimar level inflation event and that's when Trump set this into hyperdrive.

Which leads me to how this theory that opaque market participants are behind this. Maybe they are, but people who've been part of the system and escaped report that the Luciferian system has separate agencies or functions. The physical (the war machine - America), the finances (City of London - which is not London, England) and the spiritual (the Catholic church). But this is only their worldly power. It's not even close to the top of the Satanic cabal. It's sort of run by 5 women called the Mothers of Darkness. The "Queen" communes with Satan himself for 3 hours each evening where he dictates instructions. This is a big topic so maybe I'll come back to it later.

All of the people pointing fingers. At Fauci. At the FDA or CDC or even the DoD. This is a distraction. Let's do a thought experiment where I'm the most famous person in the world and I hire a hitman to murder my wife. It all goes south, we get caught, the NSA and FBI were using Vault 7 technology to record everything. Even when we were in the bush with our cellphones off they still recorded us. Now the hitman is in trial first and the case goes like "the hitman slept in a Holiday Inn 1/4 mile away from the murder scene and in the morning he ate 3/4 of a bagel and had 1 1/2 cups of coffee, black." This is the level of discusion of the case in court, in the media and among the citizens. This is kind of like what's going on in anti-narrative Covid land.

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I'll do this in parts so I don't lose things. If it takes too long to write or has too many characters the comment won't be accepted.

I need to start with the fundamentals. What you believe means nothing to what I'm going to say. It's what others believe that matters. If you're an atheist, try to treat it as a thought experiment or maybe if you can find no other way, a psychological study. Evil is real. The spirit world is real. Not only that but it is the more "real" reality. You may experience this for only a brief moment in life but when you do you know the physical universe we live in is comparatively insubstantial. Physics bares this out. The physical universe an electromagnetic universe. It's all light. Electric fields and magnetic fields are made up of photons. If I knock on wood, q, which is charge, from electrons on the surface of my hand collide with the same on the wood. It's all photons, which is light.

The God of the King James bible is real and so is the devil. The first sin was pride. That's fundamental to understanding any human. If I was to say a Covid pro vaxxer can't accept that he was wrong because he is too emotionally fragile, which itself may be caused by several factors, that may be absolutely true but the fundamental condition is one of pride. So we see here that causal reality has layers or levels. Something can have several causal explanations on different levels of reality at the same time. Or sometimes contradictory facts can be true at the same time (with this one I don't see real, basic scientific facts following this. Maybe with multiple, complex, interacting chaotic systems like climate or human behavior but that's not real science. Too many unknowable unknowns).

So we have multiple causal explanations for most things, each causal explanation is on a different level of reality and the simple fundamental ones are primary, just like understanding any subject. When anyone tries to learn something new they always want to jump over the fundamentals to get to the complicated stuff as soon as possible because they think that's where they need to get to do sometime amazing. But the complex stuff is just a more nuanced understanding of the fundamentals.

One more thing. There are only two religions or spiritual explanations/perspectives. There's God's way. We have no choice except to submit to him and the only reason we wouldn't want to is pride, because we are all fallen. If we could get over this, which we cannot, we'd see it a glorious truth.

Then there's Satan's way. We could say it's just pridefulness but we can get more insight by looking more closely. "You shall be as gods." There it is. So simple but it's the thread that runs through everything Satanic, which is most everything in this world.

That's the motivating belief that drives every other religion and pretty much all science and human endeavor. And that's how you test on a basic level. Is this person, organization, profession or being entertaining the fantasy that they can perfect themselves?

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Okay, so now to the Covid nonsense. Trump really is being targeted by the FBI and DOJ but that most likely is because idiots on a lower level have their own uninformed beliefs. That doesn't mean the "deep state" is real as generally defined. Trump is higher level, obviously, he was President of the United States. So Trump's motivations and actions are closer to the fundamental and therefore easier to understand, easier to prove and more explicit.

This was a super easy one. I'm not saying figuring out what those near the top of the cabal are doing is easy. I just find it exhausting that most anti-narrative folks think Trump, Tulsi and DeSantis are good guys when they are obviously players.

Next comes conscious justification. That's easy. Everybody think's they're innocent, hard done by, that they had righteous intentions, are smarter than anyone else and only ever wrong because of bad info. Everyone else is only ever right by dumb luck and are constantly screwing everyone over because they have broken character. Or they're just losers like soldiers who have torn brains from bomb shock waves (remember that one. No wonder the left got TDS).

I'll pick this up another day.

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Fraud vitiates all contracts.

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It is only a fraud to the public, not between the contracting parties. Most of politics and law are that sort of fraud.

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We are no longer a nation of laws.

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Help me understand how scared I should be:

My initial shots, pre booster, were from the worst most terrible lots, the dreaded EW0 batches. I received them in May and June of 2021. My 3rd and last shot I had in Dec 2021. That shot barely even registered on HBIMB. My question is, am I safe if I haven't died yet from the "hot lot shots" I got 18 months ago? I'm in total despair I'm so frightened.

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Hopefully. Most of the people who have the bad reactions or sudden deaths start having the issues crop up relatively shortly after the vaccination.

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I spend every waking second I am not at work sending my friends and loved ones who keep getting the shots screenshots from your substack and McCullough, Olsenn, Kingston, Cole, etc. My one friend just keeps saying he won't read them and says he "knows" deaths from covid went down after the shots came out. My sister is the same but I understand why she is because she almost died from a cardiac arrest and brainstem dissection after "mild" covid and was gaslit by doctors and by friends and family about how sick she was. This is a horrible nightmare I wish God would fix it. I told Him I would give up my food stamps and my Healthcare I would give up having a place to sleep I would volunteer to be homeless forever if only He would fix it and make everything like it was

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If possible, follow all the recommendations at the FLCCC. Eating as clean as possible, intermittent fasting, SLEEP, minimal stress. Meditation and prayer for your mental state. Keep talking to God and pray for yourself-that’s important. Our bodies are miraculous. I do believe that given the right nourishment (spiritually and physically), we can heal. But you need to focus on yourself-you can’t save anyone else. ❤️

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Remember that ADMINISTRATION mattered too. If you got lucky enough to get it at a location that was not freezing the vials in between injections then it’s likely your mRNA was degraded. Assuming you went back to the same location for all shots if this poor administration practices continued you may have dodged a bullet.

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Hang in there Cait 👍🏼🙏🤗

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Consider taking a d-dimer test to determine whether your cardiovascular system has been injured. The information may free your mind or help set you on a course for treatment. Good luck.

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I had on done after shedding symptoms ( bleeding in menopause). My dr made fun of me for saying it was research online but I asked until he agreed (& then I complained to his “ group “ for making fun of my concerns) it did give some peace of mind. Sorry for going off topic as I’m not jabbed. Fear is a terrible thing! Keep taking supplements Cait & stay positive. People do care !

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My d-dimer has been elevated ever since my "moderate" Cov infection of Jan 2022. And I am unjabbed.

I take an aspirin daily, as well as some of the protocols. My cardiologist says an aspirin is "not recommended as it might cause a bleed" (standard advice) but with elevated d-dimer my risk is clots moreso than a bleed.

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hum. Take some of that ole horse paste they hate to mention, and add some HCQ to it. Grab some Black Seed Oil and start taking. Adequate D3 with K 1 and 2, zinc if you need it. Then maybe some dandelion tea and pine needle tea. And if you REALLY want a full protocol a low dose of nicotine. And read up on Dr. Patterson and InCellux and the inflammatory markers...

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He already did. He sent omicron and told us to stop the bioweapon shots. We told Him to pound sand. It's up to us to stop the death and destruction in this bioweapons war. Until we stop the shots, there will be NO reason to look for treatments for those people who took the shots.

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Cait , hang in there. 💌🙏.

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Fixing 'it' cannot happen if things go back to how they were because things were corrupt before 2020 and harming people (just not as many).

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Dear Cait

God will make things better than before. The problem is things were not good before which is why the Covid scam had to come to expose all the lies and deceit which have gone on for far too long.

Fear is part of the problem as this degrades your immune system much more quickly and as it is written what you fear will come upon you.

Whether this will help I don't know, but do not be afraid.


As regards physical health others have mentioned things I see. I have said the basics if one needs supplements are vitamins C and D, the first and last letters of CoviD.

The angels are with you.

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I have two relatives (one middle-aged sibling and one teen-aged in-law) who developed “turbo cancers” months after their jabs. It will take years for such outcomes to emerge, which sadly provides cover for the manufacturers. For those who took the jabs: I’ve read that ivermectin and pine needle tea can mitigate long term risks, so there’s a lot you can do to take back your health.

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Please don't despair. It's a scary world right now for every one but we must search out hope. Have you thought about following the protocol for long covid/vax injured that groups like flccc have? Could be an insurance of sorts? While the numbers are horrific for a "vaccine" that wasn't even needed, the numbers are still small and the vast majority will die from something else. It's hard but we have to work to not let our past decisions steal our life in the present, thus ruining even our future. May you find Peace in this journey.

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Hopefully you got inert "MUSH" as Ryan Cole says.


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I know for a fact that I didn't. I understand that people think saying that and "maybe you got saline " is supposed to make me feel better but it actually makes it so much worse as I absolutely know without a shadow of a doubt that I didn't get anything inert nor did I get saline.

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There is a genuine chance that you got a very diluted shot. We aren’t saying this just to make you feel better, it’s is possible. Dr. Sasha Latypova covered this very clearly on McCulloughs Substack about 1-2 months ago. Please check it out if you haven’t already. She talked about the flaws in the manufacturing process and variability of the batches and even the individual vials. Because of this, some people got very concentrated shots (as the batches and lots sat, the solution separated-did not stay uniform), transportation from the lab to the clinic, temperature and handling issues also come into play. So my understanding is that even in “hot lots” there is variability and it is possible that your particular and unique shot, had degraded or diluted mrna. If you are being consumed by fear, trying a detox might help. I see you have incredible faith, that will genuinely help, too. Keep spreading the word and try to stay as positive as you can (I know how hard that is). You seem like a wonderful, loving person who has a mission here. Hang onto that! Day at a time. When that is overwhelming, take it a minute at a time. That’s what I do. I learned that from many of my clients and caregivers of stroke survivors. The world is a scary place when we perceive our health/longevity is in jeopardy but we can’t forget how much control we actually do have. Best to focus on the things we can effect/affect (lol, I’m not sure which word to use in this context- maybe both work!). Best of luck out there. You have a community here!

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Have you had any reactions or ill effects?

If not after 18 months, you most likely got lucky.

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I took the initial pair of Pfizer in Apr/May 2021 and none since. I felt nothing from the first shot except a sore arm. The second one gave me fever and shivering for maybe a half day. Subsequently I got a mild case of Covid in May 2022 for a couple days. Presently I've occasional twitches in one eye, apparent worsening of tinnitus that I don't think about most of the time, and recently some weird scaly areas on my skin.

Do I have anything to worry about at this stage of the game?

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Hard to say.

1,291 (acknowledged) side effects, different dose sizes, different formulations, as well as human error producing and administering doses.

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Here is my two cents with family examples I hope might be helpful:

Small events and signals are something to be vigilant for. One family member had a stamina reduction post 2 Pfizer shots, his first was a Paardekooper Bad Lot EN6205, after a previous year executive physical passed with high marks. He is now in care of an FLCCC cohort doc for evaluation and monitoring through telehealth. That gives us all peace of mind and some ideas for prevention and improvement.

Another elderly family member promptly got eye problems, after 2 Moderna shots. His second shot was a doozy and I had to manage his panic, distraught state, and discomfort on the phone over days as I lived out of town at the time; he was able to access valium and vicodin for that time. It turns out that shot was hot lot 011L20A. Over the next few months he had skin rashes on trunk and shins, terribly itchy and scabby. His eye problems presented as subtle vision impairment given he was an avid reader and when I took him for ophthalmology evaluation, he had bleeds in both retinas/macula and needed prompt treatment with anti-VEGF shots into the eyeball. Thank goodness that was early intervention, but we also thought through some systemic interventions that would potentially be supportive as well. Pulsed ivermectin, daily Pepcid and low dose colchicine, low dose metformin, baby aspirin, melatonin at night, Ivermectin cream as Soolantra and topical antihistamines seemed to make the skin problems go away in a few months. Again, finding doctors who get it and act promptly is essential. FLCCC has an excellent guide on minding post vaccine problems:


So one strategy is not wake up every morning with anxiety but to pay attention to changes and have those evaluated. In some ways, that really isn't different from getting older, stuff starts to happen and we can't procrastinate. As I do with my husband as we are now in our 60's and stuff has already happened in the past, we routinely let each other know when something is off so we can have each other's back. A headache, stomach issues, tiredness, dizziness, looking flushed, seeming out of sorts or cranky, letting the other know if we started a new medication. Best of luck of to you. We didn't get the shots so I can't imagine what that must feel like to worry about possible future landmines.

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Pfizer alone identified 1,291 side effects in trials, in court order.

It's a good idea to read this even if you don't understand what it means.

What is an autoimmune disease? It is something to study even roughly on the net.

It will help you when something goes wrong with yourself.

Looking at the actual cases of side effects, it seems that (1) anaphylaxis for several days after vaccination, (2) thrombosis-related diseases for half a year or more after vaccination, and (3) autoimmune diseases during the same period. .

As for (3), if there is any abnormality, I think that a doctor who understands SideEffect can provide symptomatic treatment with steroids (including pulse).

(2) is life-threatening, so be careful if you have already been vaccinated.

{1} As others have said on this site, d-dimer Test

I don't think amyloid thrombosis can be detected,

Detect fibrinolytic component of fibrin.

Could it be because fibrin also adheres around the amyloid thrombus?

Reference value <1.0 μg/mL

If the value is higher than that, contrast-enhanced CT, ultrasound, etc. are required.

{2} Troponin Test, an index of myocardial and other muscle destruction

It is often 10 to 100 times higher if inoculated by DR. Peter McCullough



TrT (simple) ≤ 0.1ng/ml

The reference value seems to differ depending on the analysis method.

All of them are nearby clinics in Japan, ¥5000≒$40, without insurance.

In a large hospital it would take 1-2 hours, but in a small clinic it would take 2-5 days because it is outsourced.

{3} As others have said, Ivermectin reduces side effects.

(A) Prevents attachment of Spike protein to ACE2 on human cells.

(B) It has an anti-inflammatory effect in general.

(C) Ivermectin prevents intracellular proliferation in addition to (A) + (B), because vaccinated individuals are more likely to be infected with Sarscov2 than non-vaccinated individuals.

{4} In Japan, in addition to that, there is a paper that nattokinase is also effective for thrombolysis by inoculation, but I slightly doubt it because it is an unintelligent university paper, but there is no harm in drinking it. It is cheap with a supplement.

I wish you luck.

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On the topic of hot lots. My dad was injured but survived with ongoing health issues. When Craig was still on Facebook (pre how bad is my batch days) I worked with him some. I have identified multiple cards where people with injuries received not one BUT TWO hot lots….a month apart…at the same location. Let that sink in. My dad got the 1st and 3rd most dangerous lots according to Craig’s work. Again 9500 lots what are the chances of getting 1st and 3rd…a month apart..at the same location. I sought out injured people and started requesting cards. I never saw a card where both lots were not on the top 100 list. (Small sample size of less than a dozen cards of people willing to send them to a complete stranger). I let the investigation go because I simply don’t have the resources. I would be happy to share if you are interested in taking this investigation up. I have contact information on the people who sent me the cards. I fluctuate between bad manufacturing (assuming one location got all their lots from the same facility) and intentional dosing differences as an explanation. I have a BA in math. No way these happened randomly.

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What state was this in? For some reason ‘hot lots’ have been found concentrated in certain states...

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California. I found two cards (again small sample size random people injured on Facebook) which both had my dads lots from other states (with different corresponding lots that are ALSO on the top 100) One of these injured was from New York and one from Ohio. Again to recap. Two other cards each share one of my dads hot lots. BOTH of their cards have a second lot ALSO on the top 100 (I think they were both in the top 20) that they got a month apart..at the same location as the first shot…in three different states.

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