When you study the history of medicine, you will frequently observe that the nature of disease completely changes depending on the era and these forgotten sides of medicine can be found within many different sources and medical systems.
Bravo for a truly well-written and compelling article. It’s refreshing to see a doctor on board using critical thinking and analysis. Living in the twilight zone with the medical community has been unsettling. I took my mother to her young, hip doctor several months ago and she was pushing the booster. My mother Is 80, has COPD and is in the final stages, and rarely leaves the house, so I made it clear she wouldn’t be getting any more jabs. I believe she had heart damage from her J&J and almost died but she actually had good care and made it through, although a myriad of pills seemingly keep her heart beating. Anyway, the doctor has come to see me as a troublemaker, when in fact, her own ignorance may carry a legal liability one day.
My uncle died within a day of the vax. His wife died in the hospital from Covid, or from the mistreatment of Covid. We’ll never know because she was allowed no visitors. Another relative died in her sleep. And I could go on. The list grows longer everyday.
Turbo-cancers are big now. A friend was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and was dead within two weeks, although I have Facebook pictures of her golfing, swimming, and traveling just last month.
So little is written about the emotional toll the SAD deaths take on individuals and humanity as a whole. Nearly everyone in my beautiful family was vaccinated—including my very pretty and intelligent daughter who just finished her masters in nursing. I can’t entertain the idea of anything happening to her. She now has an autoimmune disease and is sick often since her third vaccine.
I have changed as a person, especially as an unvaccinated person. It’s been a rough few years holding my ground, but now I feel like I go to bed at night hoping everybody I love wakes up. Let me share something with you: Many, many years ago, I had a vivid dream. I never remember my dreams but this one is still as clear as day: I dreamed that everyone around me was dying—shot by powerful people, but I had found a way to stay alive. I was running from my captors but I stopped and asked myself—do I really want to live without the people I love? What is there to live for? I woke up before I could answer the question.
That dream seems prophetic to me. Not very scientific, I know. But yet, here I am, proverbially running from my captors. The emotional toll these years are taking on my fellow humans is unknowable but deep.
I too pray for all the ones in my family who bought this—my only child, my only grandchild, sisters and most of their kids. My brother has not jabbed but his wife barely survived Covid or the mistreatment of in a hospital he was forbidden to even enter 50 miles away (he had Covid symptoms). It’s a scary moment in time but knowing I’m not alone thru the friends on substack and true information has helped. I received incredible nasty pushback from people I trusted last fall but I held firm snd much has passed. I believe some are catching on. Nobody talks about it to me. There is such a toll on humanity. But I have a strong faith now and a peace I cannot explain but from my God. Peace to you snd hopeful dreams.
Same for me Janet, I am the only one within multiple related families who is not jabbed. I tried to warn them after Dr. Bhaktis first video early 2021. Since then, Substack has been my source for support emotionally and intellictually. Dunno what I would do without it, but have made a few real connections from it, so I guess we are adapting. Best from ORegon
I think you have, one thing allowing all to speak. Thanks for that. I will support as I can but am a low budget gal! One thing that is quite awkward wrt forging connections between people is that to trade email, one of the parties has to display it publicly. The way I do this is to say my email is my whole name as shown (no spaces) , add @pm.me. So there you go, if you need. Thanks AMD
I have access to everyones emails who subscribed, so if theres ever a need I can use a temporary email account to email both people who want to exchange contact information.
thanks for letting me know, I have never made a SS page, until the evil Dr. Eric 'shill' Topal goes away...if he is no longer in a featured writers position at SS, I may consider it. But i try not to give his page any traffic so if you know about that, pls inform. I do wonder bout why the SS folks did that, and any reason I come up with isn't so great, like a blood sacrifice. Best
Great Reflect, you said it real well. Thank you, How do we, how can we, will we be able to continue in any real fashion? As people, as we know. In my little nighmare, I woke up with a bandaid on my arm (in the dream). I have never been so relieved when I realized it wasn't real, but I couldnt sleep near my now ex again, who is double jabbed. I worry I was somehow transfected. I have since found out this can be the case, so I do some protocols. But who ever thought the sci fi would become so real. best
That is so terribly sad. I am so sorry. A few weeks ago I was walking in the woods and I had a sense that this branch would fall. This might be my subliminal awareness of vibrations or animal perceptions in my adaptive unconscious, but it might've been something less explicable as the branch fell the next day. It was an oak tree, and the dessicated interior was segmented and dry and reddish. I then started intermittent fasting to clear the spike protein, and fell asleep, and dreamt of a piece of feces, just one (being clinical and polite), filled with that dessicated segmented dead oak tree like substance. Many of those who have died among my friends
and acquaintances had pre-existing conditions so it would be bias to singularly blame it on the vaccines, but I wonder. I am so sorry you are going through this. There is a great wave out there of damage and grief, unacknowledged.
You allow a forum for sharing experiences and also learning from each other. You are a part of this change. Substack has saved my mental and emotional life and perhaps my actual physical life plus the real science ROCKS!
Touching the surface is necessary: most people are still only ON the surface! Until they can see through the window-dressing that appears to BE the surface, they cannot see any deeper.
A very wise fellow, Dr. Peter M. Sandman, a risk communication consultant provides a very useful metaphor for what we are trying to do. (In fact, he pretty much created that field decades ago!) His "Risk Communication Seesaw" describes how to ... balance ... our driving NEED to get through to folks, with the requirement to AVOID driving them further into denial! The farther our WE go out on our ''our' end of the seesaw, the farther THEY will go on theirs. The hard thing for us to is to come CLOSER to the fulcrum of the seesaw, which requires THEM to moderate and come closer (to the truth).
(Of course, I'm driven nuts reading him because he, and his collaborator / MD wife Jody Lanard, are always measured in their positions and advice and are still not willing to go on the warpath against the poison-vaxx (as *I* wish they would... big audience, doncha know). Makes me want to SCREAM!)
I had a nightmare when I was seven or eight. I dreamt bad men where trying to inject me and my friends and we where fighting them off with everything we got. I dreamt I fought them off for a while, but a bad man threw the shot at me and the needle got deep in my arm and I fell down and I thought to myself: now I will die, this is what it feels like to die. I didn't want to take the covid vaccine, but I did. I think about that dream sometimes and I wonder if it was prophetic.
I think many people may have had prophetic dreams of what was to come. I’m so sorry you felt forced to get the shot against your will, especially in light of your dream. But I’m going to suggest something here: be proactive NOW. America’s Frontline Doctors have a protocol for vaxed people to follow. Do everything in your power to find the protocol and follow it to a T. And Dr. Zelenko, now passed, saved millions with his Covid protocol, including both me and my husband. He also has a protocol for the vax. Listen, it’s really important that each individual person research with every spare minute they have. You must become aware of the issues facing our planet, and the people who are causing them. You must stay one step ahead of the medical news and learn who you can trust and not trust. Become familiar with Dr. Robert Malone, who is on the side of humanity. Go to websites like Citizen Free Press, the Daily Caller, Gateway Pundit and Truth Social. Follow Robert F. Kennedy, Joe Malone, and all the people writing about the vax and other issues on Substack. There is quite a bit to unpack, but the more you know, the better the decisions you will make for you and your family. These people count on us being ignorant and blind. Get on top of what’s happening. Do not get anymore shots—please. Take care of yourself. We all have to be our own saviors right now. I literally believe your life depends on it.
You left out the FLCCC: Drs Kory, Marik (the MOST cited pulmonologist/intensivist on the planet, save only one 'lab bench' doc), Cadigiani, Urso, Thorpe, and many many more. They have several carefully researched and TESTED protocols AS THEY worked through the early years IN the Covid intensive care units. The have multiple protocols for whatever 'level' you are at, from unvaxxed-not-exposed up through seriously ill in an ICU.
Thank you so much. I will look into those websites and I had not heard of Citizen Free Press, the Daily Caller, Gateway Pundit, Truth Social, Robert F. Kennedy or Joe Malone before. I read Steve Kirsch's substack now and I have followed a blogger in my country, who recommended zinc, vit D, magnesium, vit C and intermittent fasting and I have been taking that and doing that.
I totally believe that nightmare was trying to protect you, even though it was decades later that it became relevant. We are the 5th generation of humans that have been vaxxed and many against their will. Please ask if you need help with resources for things you can take, offhand, NAC and VIT D...how are you feeling?
Thank you. I have read about taking vit. D, C, zinc, magnesium, and that I do. I've also read about intermittent fasting and I'm doing that also. I took a lot of NAC the first 6 month after my shot, almost every day. I refused the second shot. I feel fine. My vision have gone from perfect to needing glasses. I have pain in my legs that I don't know what it is but if it doesn't get any worse I'm Ok with it. My ears have started ringing, but I only notice it when it's quiet. These are all new health issues. I just wonder if there is more to come.
Check on the FLCCC website; they have migrated their focus from early days prevention, to currents days long-haulers and vax-injured. Just because you are NOT "badly" injured does not mean you are NOT injured. Make sure you're following their 'repair' protocols -- you want to stave off any possible WORSENING or new effects!
Wow, good and beyond Emma, your doing alot. 2 tinctures to research for you are Skullcap (re tinnitus) and also Willow bark (and Witch Hazel food grade tincture, not topical) re clots/veinous health. I have a very sedentary job now and don't move as much as I used to. Always check for interactions, of course. Is there an herb shop in your town or do you gather? I am a brewer so I am always searching alley fruits...best j
This is another amazing article. Many of your readers will appreciate the discussion of various syndromes. The metabolic one is of special interest to me as I have a "diabetes gene" and always diet to stay in a reasonable (but not amazing) condition. My distant relative has Raynaud's syndrome that followed her vaccination.
A rabid vaccine advocate David Fisman from Toronto posted this ironic tweet, meant to lampoon antivaxxers: he reports falling off a bicycle shortly after vaccination and he thinks it is totally unrelated.
Assuming Fisman is not lying about his bike fall (which he seems to have actually experienced, based on his subsequent comments): I have been riding bicycles for years and I NEVER fell due to a pothole. Why? Because I am in a state of ordinary neurological health, I see potholes and I avoid them appropriately.
Most likely D Fisman experienced some kind of a blackout, syncope or what have you and fell off a bike DUE TO HIS VACCINATION.
He is the author of the study that "proved" that unvaccinated people are a menace to the society.
With the HPV vaccines, they found there was a large increase in fatal accidents in the young women that received them due to the neurological issues such as POTS it caused.
Interesting! Do you think that Fisman plausibly had some sort of an issue that made him fall off his bike 2 days after getting a vax? That could be that sort of a borderline case you alluded to.
It's quite possible, but I have no way to know, and hence goes back to the issue I described above of having two completely opposing narratives (was due to chance, was due to vaccine) that I could follow depending on how I fill in the blanks.
TBH I’m really reluctant to counter the idea that Fisman lost it due to a shot induced blackout (glad he didn’t lose it lose it), but Bret Weinstein (i.e. control sample member) also had a pothole incident in recent weeks. Perhaps Fisman is also learning to ride a motorcycle and hit the wrong brake?
Re: HPV, was looking at that in the context of it coming up on kid’s schedule, and saw VAERS has a drop in reports from HPV4 to HPV9. Was there some dosage change or something? Response to fatal incidents that prompted a change? Either way my take is my boy, lacking a cervix to get cervical cancer in, likely does not need this shot…
Well I was looking at annual rates, and HPV4 was phased out for HPV9. Rates dropped in HPV9, but yes could have been fewer applied too. Antenna sort of popped up at your mention of fatalities, but I definitely ought to dig out a VAERS number per shots delivered to compare.
Because It's not for cancer. 8 strains out of 30? Add in boys, sounds more like STD'S. NOW my Granddaughter who was not sexually active nearly Died, was left with RA/Fibromyalgia. Her pediatrician was pushing the shots hard, how much kick back was he getting? The only thing she and her brother have in common have beyond gender, they both were Preeclampsia preemies. Gates used India as his testing grounds, only the very poor and ill informed are used. Same for Polio in Africa, question is who got the 98 Mil doses of HIV JUICED Polio doses, which country saw the HIV INCREASE. RFK JR has a lot of info on both.
Are you willing to eat his Parasite carrying bugs? 80% of your immune system is in your gut. And you'd be ingesting those parasites.
News this morning was you best get your Flu shot early. No thanks, they make me sick.
I don't know if it was type 2 or type 1, but Dr. Paul Marik completely cured his diabetes with intermittent fasting. He says it is the only way to stimulate autophagy, beyond spermidine and reservatrol, which is impaired by the spike protein. I did read from Dr. Been that coffee does stimulate autophagy too, which means to me that there is still some justice left in the world lol
I’ve lost 35 pounds since January using intermittent fasting and walking. I’ve also cut out lots of empty carbs. I put myself at risk of a heart attack most mornings (lol). I only eat between 11:00 am and 5:00 or 6:00 pm on week days. I’m considering adding a 24 hour fast occasionally, too. I didn’t think I could do it, but was I got going, it was pretty easy.
Water and coffee help me make it to lunch every day.
I have intermittent fasted for years. I’m just not hungry in the morning on my ketoish diet. I walk hard and hike in the woods (thank God I have woods nearby) and do interval work on a recumbent bike at the gym so I eat after 11. My weight stays stable. I don’t eat junk food or junky keto processed food. Right now I am closing my evening meal window earlier. I’m 74 in 2 weeks. Unjabbed. Yup coffee is a morning must. I’m Swedish heritage . Strong coffee. Good on you Granny for taking charge. I feel barring unforeseen events I should have many years left. Hopefully my money will last as long. (Forces around us beg to differ 👿😱) stay strong 👍🏻💪🏻
Lots of people reverse their type 2 diabetes with keto and carnivore diets. Type 1 diabetics can reduce their insulin levels too. These types of diets naturally lead to fewer meals and no snacks.
Many are successful if they can overcome their food addiction and throw out old ideas about a "healthy diet". I'm in numerous communities healing diabetes, autoimmune disease, bipolar, etc. I can give you information on these doctors and programs if you are interested.
I cured someone who was sick with diabetes (for over 20 years), and blind (his retinas detached). I told him to quit taking Rx poison, get off ALL grains and artificial foods. He ate fresh fruit and veg, drank a lot of water, sprinkled Himalayan salt on everything, took high dose vitamin C, and even ate red meat. In three weeks, he lost 26 pounds, and all his injuries and wounds healed. He had surgery to re-attach his retinas.
How about all those deaths we hear of car accidents? how about all those airplane pilots having "black out episodes"? You are right to be suspicious ... from what I see, the experimental gene therapy is targeting whatever weakness we already have (whether we are fully aware of it or not).
In my small town a woman drove her car thru the entrance of a bank here and ended fully in the lobby. First reports of a medical incident. 🤔 but not much more info even after avid searching around. Not even a name.
This piece is exceptionally brilliant, a veritable tour de force! You quite accurately portray modern medicine as being stuck in the equivalent of the phlogiston era of physical chemistry, before the discovery of oxygen. Could current medical paradigms actually be so faulty? So in need of a sweeping scientific revolution? So capable of producing a professional tunnel-view in so many of the most talented of our young medically-trained? What is well illustrated by your many examples is that an established paradigm can be exceedingly difficult to change, or even question, until "anomalous data" reaches criticality. For modern medicine it seems this will be even more difficult to arrive at, for "all the money" is supporting the faulty paradigms.
The medical establishment is seen to be a Confederacy of Dunces, almost it seems at no egregious fault of its own but just in the nature of things, the eternal conflict between what science and medicine is perceived to be, vs. what it can be demonstrated to be by those having some "immunity from the herd".
Thank you. Although medicine has many many short comings, one thing I want to note is that the practice of medicine is difficult and the body is really complicated. Although our medical system has a lot of short comings, it has also made a huge amount of progress in understanding how the body works and deal with many challenging conditions that were extremely problematic throughout history.
I could hardly disagree! I was lucky to have chosen chemistry, where only minor revolutions have occurred (recently),, and nothing too important is pending. A good science to give one a handle on many other areas of professional endeavor. All my admiration for those who chose the deeply difficult pathways...!
Dear Midwestern Doctor. Thank you so much for these illuminating articles. Your effort to share your knowledge is deeply appreciated, and I hope you will write us many more. I will (one day) print them all out and give to my kids when they learn to read.
This covid lunacy has been such an eye opener, and I now see medicine and pharmacology as corrupt and unethical industries that have become a religion. I wonder what we can do to overhaul it?
While I still have nightmares about not finishing my med school, I'm right now immensely proud of actively excluding myself from that industry. There were many reasons to quit and choose a different career, but in essence, by year 6, I realized that something just doesn't sit right with how we've been taught, and that I'll quite sure kill someone one day, and that I would not be able to live with it.
What do you have against electrons? Their old name was phlogistons. Oxygen is just a sink for them. And yes, I learned this at the University of Illinois, which to its shame now requires covid jabs. (They don't reply to my objections to that, nor to their campaign to murder Russians.)
I'm curious to know if either (or both) of you have seen this article which claims 1 in every 246 vaccinated people in UK died within 60 days of receiving jab. It looks like credible data - in addition to being shocking Thanks
About a year ago, I was driving through an intersection and a cyclist fell over right in front of me. Luckily, it was a 40km zone and the light had just turned green so I was going very slowly and was able to avoid hitting him. He looked like a very fit man in his 40s. He said he was fine, refused a lift home (also didn't want to go to the hospital down the street, which is the reason for the speed zone) and blamed his bike (which looked fine to me). As I drove off, I realized something shocking: He NEVER tried to brace his fall. That means he must've, however briefly passed out, which led to him toppling over.
I live in a country with a high vaccination rate, so my guess is that was the cause. It's terribly sad, because this man obviously made every effort to live a healthy lifestyle.
I want to thank you both, a Midwestern doctor and Igor, for all you do. These substack communities keep me sane when all around me is one big clown world, populated by NPCs.
I was an MRI technologist until last year. Before my termination I felt that we were possibly experiencing an increase in patients with vertigo symptoms. I did not have access to billing records to confirm or allay my suspicions. This could have been a personal bias or even a result of Covid infections, rather than the 'vaccines'.
Fantastic article. Timely for me personally, as I just finished reading "Moth in the Iron Lung" last night. I chuckled out loud when you mentioned the use of fancy-sounding Latin terms for medical conditions. As a plucky high school Latin student, I once called my dermatologist's bluff with this... He examined me and informed my mother that I had "perioral dermatitis." I chimed in that we already knew I had a rash around my mouth - that was why we were there. Heh.
I’m an esthetician and frequently send my clients to the derm. It kills me when they come back and tell me the doc told them they have dermatitis. I’m like “ yeah we know your skin is inflamed that’s why I sent you!”
Hi! I'm an ex-esthetician, I had a nice chuckle from this one! I just wonder if they have other means of treatment besides fongicide or cortisol creams !LOL!
Inflamed skin is likely a symptom of something wrong inside (gut, blood) or outside (mold, detergent). A competent functional medicine doctor or ND or TCM doctor is much more helpful than a dermatologist.
Ugh. At this point I think dermatologists are only good for mole checks/removals. Mine completely ignored my autoimmune condition Allergic Contact Dermatitis--much more serious than just a skin rash aka dermatitis. Ends up I was having serious autoimmune skin reactions to all sorts of metals (gold, chromium, nickel) and a couple preservatives (MCI, MI). An MD trained in allergy detection and testing was able to get to the bottom of all my skin dermatitis issues. Today I'm fine because of determined and careful removal of all allergen contact from my environment and continuous vigilance.
No they do not. Very surprising. Based on my online research, administering and interpreting the T.R.U.E. patch test do not seem to be done by many/most dermatologists.
I can relate because I suffered from terribly painful, ugly rashes and reactions for a couple of years and no amount of elimination of products found the culprit, so my dermatologist actually finally did a patch test (after 1 1/2-2 years of failed elimination tests) and discovered I too, am highly allergic to MI (methylisothializinone) and MCI. I discovered that it was in many of my natural cleaners and health and beauty products at home since it’s a preservative used in a LOT of natural products as a paraben alternative,
from hand soap (Mrs Meyers!!) to dish detergent to cleaning wipes to my shampoo, and several makeup products....no wonder the elimination of single products didn't work--it was in about 10-15 products I was using, so eliminating just one at a time didn't work! Anyway, I avoid it like the plague now. My co-worker was also highly allergic to it (which she discovered when she told me about a painful rash she couldn't get rid of and I told her my experience). We discovered that even all the liquid hand soap at work had MI as an ingredient, so we both had to carry our own soap into the restrooms at work until that problem was solved when we started working from home a few years ago.
Woke up an hour ago, read this whole thing. Still no comments so I might as well provide feedback. Overall very good starting article for this new series. I think the situation is slightly worse than described here because the CDC seems to be hiding many deaths from its database, which is currently undergoing a suspicious and lengthy "upgrade;" hmm where have we heard that before. I agree it's astonishing watching the media try to normalize this whole SADS thing. The linguistic programming of it is really interesting, SAD for everything, everywhere. What you will of course never hear is the one underlying factor that could be the potential link between all of them. Also imagine this headline: "SADS not impacting overwhelming majority of unvaxxed people, pandemic of the vaxxinated is here!" One can dream. But what one can't dream about, is the reality of the articles which mention a "vaxx" for the SADS. It's worth point out, only after the SADS thing started coming out, did I think that SIDS could be, in fact, vaxx-provoked. Hopefully you'll cover that as mentioned.
"When you study the history of medicine, you will frequently observe that the nature of disease..."
The list of syndromes listed above is impressive in all its medical and technical details. It came to my mind that, if we refer to medical history only on the basis of the descriptions of a rich multitude of syndromes evolving through time, we might be missing the forest for the trees. There is a history of medicine that shows that modern medicine did not have the freedom to evolve solely for the benefit of people's health. Before studying the syndromes affecting the people, shouldn't we study first the "original syndrome" that, before affecting the people, has affected medicine itself, namely the "Rockefeller syndrome"?
Just wanted to highlight the terror and torture of solitary isolation, the IsoLa imposed upon the world couple years back.
Literally torture that destroys neural circuitry, solitary confinement has proven to be the most cruel and effective (tm) technique to induce learned Helplessness that could be arranged.
Constant light, isolation, segregation and removal of prior sanity and society render the subject essentially void, devoid of will and soul.
Then you can get the subject to comply with any demented imposition , for lack of ability to resist.
Take your clothes off , bend over, whatever the jail keepers require to keep you in compliance from one jail to go to the next back in jail.
Awesome way to fire up some thinking minds. When an obvious cause - effect is not present instead of ignoring it we should try to better understand the factors at play and keep an eye out on any potential root causes that might be responsible for those other identifed factors.
CFS/M.E is similar to both GWS and Fibromyalgia, but isn't the same. It is also similar to long covid and post vaccine long haul syndrome. These conditions/syndromes all interest me immensely. They're giant puzzles. What is the root cause?
Personally I still think its mitochondrial damage eg whether from chronic stress, toxins, iatrogenic complications or specific infections. But no doubt we will find out in time.
I think systemic inflammation drives mitochondrial activity. It prompts them to accelerate to maintain energy under stress. That leads to mitochondrial exhaustion and often also increases in oxidative stress from poor ATP synthesis.
So to minimize systemic inflammation and the damage from oxidative stress we can.
*Eat a gut health friendly diet.
*Pacing/limiting exercise.
*Developing good mental hygiene habits.
*Sleeping regularly
*Eliminate or minimize environmental toxins and other stressors.
*Suppliment our diet with herbs and spices, which are very nutrient dense pound for pound, have a lot of antioxidants, phytochemicals and many offer antiinflammatory benefits. Eg turmeric, ginger, fennel seeds, rosemary.
Each of these make me feel I’ve completed a chapter in a great textbook. And then I look for the problem set at the end and become momentarily disoriented. I can confirm in my case at least that disorientation is not shot related. Minor edit: “Shot Adverse Death Syndrome” ;)
A therapy I have found extremely useful, after briefly living in a mold damaged home and rapidly developing multiple chemical sensitivity, is called the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS). You basically spend an hour a day doing positive visualization while consciously addressing/reprogramming your primitive brain (Limbic system).
All of my (extremely debilitating) symptoms vanished within three weeks. For longer term issues people use the technique for 6 months - up to 2 years to heal.
It's practically free (besides first buying the program that teaches you the technique) so no use for pharma. Coincidentally, people are now using it to heal long covid, along with many of the other syndromes you named in this post.
I've been a huge daydreamer my entire life and that definitely wasn't it. It sounds simple because it is simple, but there is a method to it that is rooted in neuroscience.
The developer is not a doctor, her background is as a therapist. And yes she developed the program to initially heal herself. It worked for her so she shared it with others.
For those that watch the therapy materials, it does indeed include much research on neuroscience, as was developed by doctors and scientists over the last 40 years. She didn't come up with it out of thin air.
There are endorsements from quite a few doctors listed on the website, anyone is free to look up their credentials and inquire with them about the therapy. I fully encourage everyone to thoroughly research any therapy, drug or otherwise, before use.
I have seen this and the similar "lightning project" being ripped apart by CFS/M.E communities as they believe these interventions are pseudoscience and harmful.
However I have also seen quite a few testimonies like your own supporting it.
Both arguments are strong. Both have reasonable scientific basis. Eg neuroplasticity + Psychoneuroimmunology = change of biochemical habits.
It's not really free, I think I paid $300 a year ago to watch the course online (which I think has about 30 hours of content but I can't recall), compared to medical treatments it's nearly free in my estimation. I was suddenly very ill at the time and it helped me immensely.
I don't know of any strong arguments that could convince me that doing positive visualization for an hour a day is harmful. The visualization isn't even about the disease or syndrome itself, you are simply imagining doing something that would make you happy, along with recounting happy past memories. As an edit - you aren't advised to stop whatever your current medical treatment is either.
The placebo effect works better than a lot of drugs and it's literally only the effect of having a positive outlook.
Agree 100% with what you are saying but for example CFS/M.E makes you essentially allergic to exercise/physival activity. PEM post exhaustional malaise is a worsening of symptoms after activity. Typically lasting a week or two.
I think the argument is that these mental exercises trick people into thinking they can do more than they can resulting in PEM and worsening of the condition.
However, I follow something called the Silva method. Which is a bit dated by today's standards but also works on relaxation and positive thinking/self hypnosis.
Another edit: A lot of people simply visualize sitting somewhere beautiful and drinking a cup of tea. It's really anything that makes you feel happy. It's all about baby steps for people who are seriously ill.
I have faith in my healing, which is the major foundation I have leaned on through various illness in my life. I believe that is a key thing a lot of people are missing.
I know about the Silva method and have used it a little. The fact is there is more and more research showing active meditation, visualization, and heart-brain coherence does indeed improve our immune system and brain function. We can up regulate healthier genes when we produce oxytocin and endorphins, just like we down regulate healthy genes when we are in stress and producing lots of cortisol.
Dr. Joe Dispenza has been doing great research over the last two years with the University of California San Diego in showing the effects of meditation on the immune system and brain health. Some people might not take him seriously, but he is working with highly credentialed scientists and their data is impressive.
I guess it's better than using Latin, but these are just fancy words that mean nothing. Neuroplasticity means that the brain changes, but I challenge you to make your brain not change. Not really, you'd be dead.
Psychoneurorimmunology = nonsense. If you want to daydream, go ahead, but please don't fancy words to call it any type of therapy.
If my daydreams came true, I'd be the healthiest, richest, strongest, smartest, handsomest, man on earth.
Comic summary, but I don't think it's entirely accurate.
Now I agree regarding paying to learn to daydream. That is silly. But it is rather apparent biochemical changes occur based on your thoughts alone.
Eg you can make yourself aroused by thinking about something sexually stimulating. You can salivate and produce saliva based on just thinking about eating something like imagining biting into the skin of a lemon. You can make your pulse rate increase by imaging fear and causing an adrenal response. So definitely there is something occuring between mind and body.
And neuroplasticity is just the molecular formation of neurons or the devlopment of a habit. Not dissimilar to going to the gym and getting stronger by using physical stimulus.
More regularly thinking about positive experiences and thus your brain more easily and more strongly falls back on this as an established habit.
I don't see how that's a difficult concept to grasp.
I sometimes use visualization exercises to change things within people's nervous system, but I only find it works if you are paying attention to exactly how the neurology is changing and calibrate your approach to what is presently occurring (which is an approach most people don't do).
Bravo for a truly well-written and compelling article. It’s refreshing to see a doctor on board using critical thinking and analysis. Living in the twilight zone with the medical community has been unsettling. I took my mother to her young, hip doctor several months ago and she was pushing the booster. My mother Is 80, has COPD and is in the final stages, and rarely leaves the house, so I made it clear she wouldn’t be getting any more jabs. I believe she had heart damage from her J&J and almost died but she actually had good care and made it through, although a myriad of pills seemingly keep her heart beating. Anyway, the doctor has come to see me as a troublemaker, when in fact, her own ignorance may carry a legal liability one day.
My uncle died within a day of the vax. His wife died in the hospital from Covid, or from the mistreatment of Covid. We’ll never know because she was allowed no visitors. Another relative died in her sleep. And I could go on. The list grows longer everyday.
Turbo-cancers are big now. A friend was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and was dead within two weeks, although I have Facebook pictures of her golfing, swimming, and traveling just last month.
So little is written about the emotional toll the SAD deaths take on individuals and humanity as a whole. Nearly everyone in my beautiful family was vaccinated—including my very pretty and intelligent daughter who just finished her masters in nursing. I can’t entertain the idea of anything happening to her. She now has an autoimmune disease and is sick often since her third vaccine.
I have changed as a person, especially as an unvaccinated person. It’s been a rough few years holding my ground, but now I feel like I go to bed at night hoping everybody I love wakes up. Let me share something with you: Many, many years ago, I had a vivid dream. I never remember my dreams but this one is still as clear as day: I dreamed that everyone around me was dying—shot by powerful people, but I had found a way to stay alive. I was running from my captors but I stopped and asked myself—do I really want to live without the people I love? What is there to live for? I woke up before I could answer the question.
That dream seems prophetic to me. Not very scientific, I know. But yet, here I am, proverbially running from my captors. The emotional toll these years are taking on my fellow humans is unknowable but deep.
Great Response! : )
I too pray for all the ones in my family who bought this—my only child, my only grandchild, sisters and most of their kids. My brother has not jabbed but his wife barely survived Covid or the mistreatment of in a hospital he was forbidden to even enter 50 miles away (he had Covid symptoms). It’s a scary moment in time but knowing I’m not alone thru the friends on substack and true information has helped. I received incredible nasty pushback from people I trusted last fall but I held firm snd much has passed. I believe some are catching on. Nobody talks about it to me. There is such a toll on humanity. But I have a strong faith now and a peace I cannot explain but from my God. Peace to you snd hopeful dreams.
One of my hopes is to create a nice and supportive community here :)
Same for me Janet, I am the only one within multiple related families who is not jabbed. I tried to warn them after Dr. Bhaktis first video early 2021. Since then, Substack has been my source for support emotionally and intellictually. Dunno what I would do without it, but have made a few real connections from it, so I guess we are adapting. Best from ORegon
One of my hopes is to create a nice and supportive community here :)
I think you have, one thing allowing all to speak. Thanks for that. I will support as I can but am a low budget gal! One thing that is quite awkward wrt forging connections between people is that to trade email, one of the parties has to display it publicly. The way I do this is to say my email is my whole name as shown (no spaces) , add @pm.me. So there you go, if you need. Thanks AMD
I have access to everyones emails who subscribed, so if theres ever a need I can use a temporary email account to email both people who want to exchange contact information.
thanks for letting me know, I have never made a SS page, until the evil Dr. Eric 'shill' Topal goes away...if he is no longer in a featured writers position at SS, I may consider it. But i try not to give his page any traffic so if you know about that, pls inform. I do wonder bout why the SS folks did that, and any reason I come up with isn't so great, like a blood sacrifice. Best
Great Reflect, you said it real well. Thank you, How do we, how can we, will we be able to continue in any real fashion? As people, as we know. In my little nighmare, I woke up with a bandaid on my arm (in the dream). I have never been so relieved when I realized it wasn't real, but I couldnt sleep near my now ex again, who is double jabbed. I worry I was somehow transfected. I have since found out this can be the case, so I do some protocols. But who ever thought the sci fi would become so real. best
That is so terribly sad. I am so sorry. A few weeks ago I was walking in the woods and I had a sense that this branch would fall. This might be my subliminal awareness of vibrations or animal perceptions in my adaptive unconscious, but it might've been something less explicable as the branch fell the next day. It was an oak tree, and the dessicated interior was segmented and dry and reddish. I then started intermittent fasting to clear the spike protein, and fell asleep, and dreamt of a piece of feces, just one (being clinical and polite), filled with that dessicated segmented dead oak tree like substance. Many of those who have died among my friends
and acquaintances had pre-existing conditions so it would be bias to singularly blame it on the vaccines, but I wonder. I am so sorry you are going through this. There is a great wave out there of damage and grief, unacknowledged.
It is immensely difficult to unpack these situations and I feel what I am doing only touches the surface.
You allow a forum for sharing experiences and also learning from each other. You are a part of this change. Substack has saved my mental and emotional life and perhaps my actual physical life plus the real science ROCKS!
One of my hopes is to create a nice and supportive community here :)
Touching the surface is necessary: most people are still only ON the surface! Until they can see through the window-dressing that appears to BE the surface, they cannot see any deeper.
A very wise fellow, Dr. Peter M. Sandman, a risk communication consultant provides a very useful metaphor for what we are trying to do. (In fact, he pretty much created that field decades ago!) His "Risk Communication Seesaw" describes how to ... balance ... our driving NEED to get through to folks, with the requirement to AVOID driving them further into denial! The farther our WE go out on our ''our' end of the seesaw, the farther THEY will go on theirs. The hard thing for us to is to come CLOSER to the fulcrum of the seesaw, which requires THEM to moderate and come closer (to the truth).
I picked three at random:
Advice for President Bartlet: Riding the Seesaw
Riding the many pandemic seesaws
Empathic Communication in High-Stress Situations
And here's his 'index' to all his corona/covid posts:
(Of course, I'm driven nuts reading him because he, and his collaborator / MD wife Jody Lanard, are always measured in their positions and advice and are still not willing to go on the warpath against the poison-vaxx (as *I* wish they would... big audience, doncha know). Makes me want to SCREAM!)
I had a nightmare when I was seven or eight. I dreamt bad men where trying to inject me and my friends and we where fighting them off with everything we got. I dreamt I fought them off for a while, but a bad man threw the shot at me and the needle got deep in my arm and I fell down and I thought to myself: now I will die, this is what it feels like to die. I didn't want to take the covid vaccine, but I did. I think about that dream sometimes and I wonder if it was prophetic.
I think many people may have had prophetic dreams of what was to come. I’m so sorry you felt forced to get the shot against your will, especially in light of your dream. But I’m going to suggest something here: be proactive NOW. America’s Frontline Doctors have a protocol for vaxed people to follow. Do everything in your power to find the protocol and follow it to a T. And Dr. Zelenko, now passed, saved millions with his Covid protocol, including both me and my husband. He also has a protocol for the vax. Listen, it’s really important that each individual person research with every spare minute they have. You must become aware of the issues facing our planet, and the people who are causing them. You must stay one step ahead of the medical news and learn who you can trust and not trust. Become familiar with Dr. Robert Malone, who is on the side of humanity. Go to websites like Citizen Free Press, the Daily Caller, Gateway Pundit and Truth Social. Follow Robert F. Kennedy, Joe Malone, and all the people writing about the vax and other issues on Substack. There is quite a bit to unpack, but the more you know, the better the decisions you will make for you and your family. These people count on us being ignorant and blind. Get on top of what’s happening. Do not get anymore shots—please. Take care of yourself. We all have to be our own saviors right now. I literally believe your life depends on it.
You left out the FLCCC: Drs Kory, Marik (the MOST cited pulmonologist/intensivist on the planet, save only one 'lab bench' doc), Cadigiani, Urso, Thorpe, and many many more. They have several carefully researched and TESTED protocols AS THEY worked through the early years IN the Covid intensive care units. The have multiple protocols for whatever 'level' you are at, from unvaxxed-not-exposed up through seriously ill in an ICU.
Nope, I mentioned them in the second line of my reply.
Thank you so much. I will look into those websites and I had not heard of Citizen Free Press, the Daily Caller, Gateway Pundit, Truth Social, Robert F. Kennedy or Joe Malone before. I read Steve Kirsch's substack now and I have followed a blogger in my country, who recommended zinc, vit D, magnesium, vit C and intermittent fasting and I have been taking that and doing that.
I totally believe that nightmare was trying to protect you, even though it was decades later that it became relevant. We are the 5th generation of humans that have been vaxxed and many against their will. Please ask if you need help with resources for things you can take, offhand, NAC and VIT D...how are you feeling?
Thank you. I have read about taking vit. D, C, zinc, magnesium, and that I do. I've also read about intermittent fasting and I'm doing that also. I took a lot of NAC the first 6 month after my shot, almost every day. I refused the second shot. I feel fine. My vision have gone from perfect to needing glasses. I have pain in my legs that I don't know what it is but if it doesn't get any worse I'm Ok with it. My ears have started ringing, but I only notice it when it's quiet. These are all new health issues. I just wonder if there is more to come.
Check on the FLCCC website; they have migrated their focus from early days prevention, to currents days long-haulers and vax-injured. Just because you are NOT "badly" injured does not mean you are NOT injured. Make sure you're following their 'repair' protocols -- you want to stave off any possible WORSENING or new effects!
Wow, good and beyond Emma, your doing alot. 2 tinctures to research for you are Skullcap (re tinnitus) and also Willow bark (and Witch Hazel food grade tincture, not topical) re clots/veinous health. I have a very sedentary job now and don't move as much as I used to. Always check for interactions, of course. Is there an herb shop in your town or do you gather? I am a brewer so I am always searching alley fruits...best j
Thank you so much, I will research them. I do not gather and I don't think we have a herb shop, but I could buy this stuff online. Thank you.
This is another amazing article. Many of your readers will appreciate the discussion of various syndromes. The metabolic one is of special interest to me as I have a "diabetes gene" and always diet to stay in a reasonable (but not amazing) condition. My distant relative has Raynaud's syndrome that followed her vaccination.
A rabid vaccine advocate David Fisman from Toronto posted this ironic tweet, meant to lampoon antivaxxers: he reports falling off a bicycle shortly after vaccination and he thinks it is totally unrelated.
Assuming Fisman is not lying about his bike fall (which he seems to have actually experienced, based on his subsequent comments): I have been riding bicycles for years and I NEVER fell due to a pothole. Why? Because I am in a state of ordinary neurological health, I see potholes and I avoid them appropriately.
Most likely D Fisman experienced some kind of a blackout, syncope or what have you and fell off a bike DUE TO HIS VACCINATION.
He is the author of the study that "proved" that unvaccinated people are a menace to the society.
I am soooo sorry for his bike fall!!!
With the HPV vaccines, they found there was a large increase in fatal accidents in the young women that received them due to the neurological issues such as POTS it caused.
Interesting! Do you think that Fisman plausibly had some sort of an issue that made him fall off his bike 2 days after getting a vax? That could be that sort of a borderline case you alluded to.
It's quite possible, but I have no way to know, and hence goes back to the issue I described above of having two completely opposing narratives (was due to chance, was due to vaccine) that I could follow depending on how I fill in the blanks.
TBH I’m really reluctant to counter the idea that Fisman lost it due to a shot induced blackout (glad he didn’t lose it lose it), but Bret Weinstein (i.e. control sample member) also had a pothole incident in recent weeks. Perhaps Fisman is also learning to ride a motorcycle and hit the wrong brake?
Re: HPV, was looking at that in the context of it coming up on kid’s schedule, and saw VAERS has a drop in reports from HPV4 to HPV9. Was there some dosage change or something? Response to fatal incidents that prompted a change? Either way my take is my boy, lacking a cervix to get cervical cancer in, likely does not need this shot…
I would check how long each one was on the market and how many doses were given of each.
Well I was looking at annual rates, and HPV4 was phased out for HPV9. Rates dropped in HPV9, but yes could have been fewer applied too. Antenna sort of popped up at your mention of fatalities, but I definitely ought to dig out a VAERS number per shots delivered to compare.
Because It's not for cancer. 8 strains out of 30? Add in boys, sounds more like STD'S. NOW my Granddaughter who was not sexually active nearly Died, was left with RA/Fibromyalgia. Her pediatrician was pushing the shots hard, how much kick back was he getting? The only thing she and her brother have in common have beyond gender, they both were Preeclampsia preemies. Gates used India as his testing grounds, only the very poor and ill informed are used. Same for Polio in Africa, question is who got the 98 Mil doses of HIV JUICED Polio doses, which country saw the HIV INCREASE. RFK JR has a lot of info on both.
Are you willing to eat his Parasite carrying bugs? 80% of your immune system is in your gut. And you'd be ingesting those parasites.
News this morning was you best get your Flu shot early. No thanks, they make me sick.
We screwed up https://headlineusa.com/cdc-admits-it-screwed-the-pandemic-pooch-promises-a-reset/?utm_source=HUSAemail&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=HUSAemail
"Novavax seeks FDA approval for COVID booster - ABC News" https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/novavax-asks-fda-emergency-authorization-covid-19-booster/story?id=88451532
links in comments https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/cdc-admits-they-were-wrong-about/comments
from Jessica's post
Uninformed Consent - Official Full Documentary Release - Watch Now! https://librti.com/uninformed-consent#dpr
While Bowen's disease is a nuisance, it rarely (probably never) kills.
I don't know if it was type 2 or type 1, but Dr. Paul Marik completely cured his diabetes with intermittent fasting. He says it is the only way to stimulate autophagy, beyond spermidine and reservatrol, which is impaired by the spike protein. I did read from Dr. Been that coffee does stimulate autophagy too, which means to me that there is still some justice left in the world lol
I’ve lost 35 pounds since January using intermittent fasting and walking. I’ve also cut out lots of empty carbs. I put myself at risk of a heart attack most mornings (lol). I only eat between 11:00 am and 5:00 or 6:00 pm on week days. I’m considering adding a 24 hour fast occasionally, too. I didn’t think I could do it, but was I got going, it was pretty easy.
Water and coffee help me make it to lunch every day.
I have intermittent fasted for years. I’m just not hungry in the morning on my ketoish diet. I walk hard and hike in the woods (thank God I have woods nearby) and do interval work on a recumbent bike at the gym so I eat after 11. My weight stays stable. I don’t eat junk food or junky keto processed food. Right now I am closing my evening meal window earlier. I’m 74 in 2 weeks. Unjabbed. Yup coffee is a morning must. I’m Swedish heritage . Strong coffee. Good on you Granny for taking charge. I feel barring unforeseen events I should have many years left. Hopefully my money will last as long. (Forces around us beg to differ 👿😱) stay strong 👍🏻💪🏻
You, too! Thanks for the encouragement.
Lots of people reverse their type 2 diabetes with keto and carnivore diets. Type 1 diabetics can reduce their insulin levels too. These types of diets naturally lead to fewer meals and no snacks.
These often help, and I 100% support them (I also love to fast for long-term periods), but they do not always suffice to treat diabetes.
Many are successful if they can overcome their food addiction and throw out old ideas about a "healthy diet". I'm in numerous communities healing diabetes, autoimmune disease, bipolar, etc. I can give you information on these doctors and programs if you are interested.
Dear Cynthia Ford,
I cured someone who was sick with diabetes (for over 20 years), and blind (his retinas detached). I told him to quit taking Rx poison, get off ALL grains and artificial foods. He ate fresh fruit and veg, drank a lot of water, sprinkled Himalayan salt on everything, took high dose vitamin C, and even ate red meat. In three weeks, he lost 26 pounds, and all his injuries and wounds healed. He had surgery to re-attach his retinas.
Seemed pretty easy.
How about all those deaths we hear of car accidents? how about all those airplane pilots having "black out episodes"? You are right to be suspicious ... from what I see, the experimental gene therapy is targeting whatever weakness we already have (whether we are fully aware of it or not).
Many black out episodes of military pilots were documented after the athrax vaccines.
would there be a common spice in the recipe?... airlines and military are well aware (but hiding) that it's due to the c0v injection... :-(
In my small town a woman drove her car thru the entrance of a bank here and ended fully in the lobby. First reports of a medical incident. 🤔 but not much more info even after avid searching around. Not even a name.
Can you provide any type of documentation (ie. a local news report) this happened?
"This is another amazing article."
This piece is exceptionally brilliant, a veritable tour de force! You quite accurately portray modern medicine as being stuck in the equivalent of the phlogiston era of physical chemistry, before the discovery of oxygen. Could current medical paradigms actually be so faulty? So in need of a sweeping scientific revolution? So capable of producing a professional tunnel-view in so many of the most talented of our young medically-trained? What is well illustrated by your many examples is that an established paradigm can be exceedingly difficult to change, or even question, until "anomalous data" reaches criticality. For modern medicine it seems this will be even more difficult to arrive at, for "all the money" is supporting the faulty paradigms.
The medical establishment is seen to be a Confederacy of Dunces, almost it seems at no egregious fault of its own but just in the nature of things, the eternal conflict between what science and medicine is perceived to be, vs. what it can be demonstrated to be by those having some "immunity from the herd".
Confederacy of Dunces: https://peterwebster.substack.com/p/planned
Thank you. Although medicine has many many short comings, one thing I want to note is that the practice of medicine is difficult and the body is really complicated. Although our medical system has a lot of short comings, it has also made a huge amount of progress in understanding how the body works and deal with many challenging conditions that were extremely problematic throughout history.
I could hardly disagree! I was lucky to have chosen chemistry, where only minor revolutions have occurred (recently),, and nothing too important is pending. A good science to give one a handle on many other areas of professional endeavor. All my admiration for those who chose the deeply difficult pathways...!
Dear Midwestern Doctor. Thank you so much for these illuminating articles. Your effort to share your knowledge is deeply appreciated, and I hope you will write us many more. I will (one day) print them all out and give to my kids when they learn to read.
This covid lunacy has been such an eye opener, and I now see medicine and pharmacology as corrupt and unethical industries that have become a religion. I wonder what we can do to overhaul it?
While I still have nightmares about not finishing my med school, I'm right now immensely proud of actively excluding myself from that industry. There were many reasons to quit and choose a different career, but in essence, by year 6, I realized that something just doesn't sit right with how we've been taught, and that I'll quite sure kill someone one day, and that I would not be able to live with it.
Got me. I'm hopeful things will change in a positive direction and I am trying to do my part to help make that happen.
What do you have against electrons? Their old name was phlogistons. Oxygen is just a sink for them. And yes, I learned this at the University of Illinois, which to its shame now requires covid jabs. (They don't reply to my objections to that, nor to their campaign to murder Russians.)
I'm curious to know if either (or both) of you have seen this article which claims 1 in every 246 vaccinated people in UK died within 60 days of receiving jab. It looks like credible data - in addition to being shocking Thanks
About a year ago, I was driving through an intersection and a cyclist fell over right in front of me. Luckily, it was a 40km zone and the light had just turned green so I was going very slowly and was able to avoid hitting him. He looked like a very fit man in his 40s. He said he was fine, refused a lift home (also didn't want to go to the hospital down the street, which is the reason for the speed zone) and blamed his bike (which looked fine to me). As I drove off, I realized something shocking: He NEVER tried to brace his fall. That means he must've, however briefly passed out, which led to him toppling over.
I live in a country with a high vaccination rate, so my guess is that was the cause. It's terribly sad, because this man obviously made every effort to live a healthy lifestyle.
I want to thank you both, a Midwestern doctor and Igor, for all you do. These substack communities keep me sane when all around me is one big clown world, populated by NPCs.
I was an MRI technologist until last year. Before my termination I felt that we were possibly experiencing an increase in patients with vertigo symptoms. I did not have access to billing records to confirm or allay my suspicions. This could have been a personal bias or even a result of Covid infections, rather than the 'vaccines'.
Fantastic article. Timely for me personally, as I just finished reading "Moth in the Iron Lung" last night. I chuckled out loud when you mentioned the use of fancy-sounding Latin terms for medical conditions. As a plucky high school Latin student, I once called my dermatologist's bluff with this... He examined me and informed my mother that I had "perioral dermatitis." I chimed in that we already knew I had a rash around my mouth - that was why we were there. Heh.
The dermatitis thing is so frustrating. A lot of it is built around creating the illusion of knowledge when there is none.
I’m an esthetician and frequently send my clients to the derm. It kills me when they come back and tell me the doc told them they have dermatitis. I’m like “ yeah we know your skin is inflamed that’s why I sent you!”
It's essentially a way to appear knowledgeable without having knowledge.
Hi! I'm an ex-esthetician, I had a nice chuckle from this one! I just wonder if they have other means of treatment besides fongicide or cortisol creams !LOL!
Inflamed skin is likely a symptom of something wrong inside (gut, blood) or outside (mold, detergent). A competent functional medicine doctor or ND or TCM doctor is much more helpful than a dermatologist.
Yep, see my comment above. Could be autoimmune Allergic Contact Dermatitis. Much more serious than a simple skin rash...
Ugh. At this point I think dermatologists are only good for mole checks/removals. Mine completely ignored my autoimmune condition Allergic Contact Dermatitis--much more serious than just a skin rash aka dermatitis. Ends up I was having serious autoimmune skin reactions to all sorts of metals (gold, chromium, nickel) and a couple preservatives (MCI, MI). An MD trained in allergy detection and testing was able to get to the bottom of all my skin dermatitis issues. Today I'm fine because of determined and careful removal of all allergen contact from my environment and continuous vigilance.
The dermatologists I trained under did check for metal allergies, so I just assumed that was standard.
No they do not. Very surprising. Based on my online research, administering and interpreting the T.R.U.E. patch test do not seem to be done by many/most dermatologists.
I can relate because I suffered from terribly painful, ugly rashes and reactions for a couple of years and no amount of elimination of products found the culprit, so my dermatologist actually finally did a patch test (after 1 1/2-2 years of failed elimination tests) and discovered I too, am highly allergic to MI (methylisothializinone) and MCI. I discovered that it was in many of my natural cleaners and health and beauty products at home since it’s a preservative used in a LOT of natural products as a paraben alternative,
from hand soap (Mrs Meyers!!) to dish detergent to cleaning wipes to my shampoo, and several makeup products....no wonder the elimination of single products didn't work--it was in about 10-15 products I was using, so eliminating just one at a time didn't work! Anyway, I avoid it like the plague now. My co-worker was also highly allergic to it (which she discovered when she told me about a painful rash she couldn't get rid of and I told her my experience). We discovered that even all the liquid hand soap at work had MI as an ingredient, so we both had to carry our own soap into the restrooms at work until that problem was solved when we started working from home a few years ago.
Woke up an hour ago, read this whole thing. Still no comments so I might as well provide feedback. Overall very good starting article for this new series. I think the situation is slightly worse than described here because the CDC seems to be hiding many deaths from its database, which is currently undergoing a suspicious and lengthy "upgrade;" hmm where have we heard that before. I agree it's astonishing watching the media try to normalize this whole SADS thing. The linguistic programming of it is really interesting, SAD for everything, everywhere. What you will of course never hear is the one underlying factor that could be the potential link between all of them. Also imagine this headline: "SADS not impacting overwhelming majority of unvaxxed people, pandemic of the vaxxinated is here!" One can dream. But what one can't dream about, is the reality of the articles which mention a "vaxx" for the SADS. It's worth point out, only after the SADS thing started coming out, did I think that SIDS could be, in fact, vaxx-provoked. Hopefully you'll cover that as mentioned.
Yup; part 2. Thank you for you feedback! :)
"When you study the history of medicine, you will frequently observe that the nature of disease..."
The list of syndromes listed above is impressive in all its medical and technical details. It came to my mind that, if we refer to medical history only on the basis of the descriptions of a rich multitude of syndromes evolving through time, we might be missing the forest for the trees. There is a history of medicine that shows that modern medicine did not have the freedom to evolve solely for the benefit of people's health. Before studying the syndromes affecting the people, shouldn't we study first the "original syndrome" that, before affecting the people, has affected medicine itself, namely the "Rockefeller syndrome"?
I have been trying to hint at a lot of that.
Just wanted to highlight the terror and torture of solitary isolation, the IsoLa imposed upon the world couple years back.
Literally torture that destroys neural circuitry, solitary confinement has proven to be the most cruel and effective (tm) technique to induce learned Helplessness that could be arranged.
Constant light, isolation, segregation and removal of prior sanity and society render the subject essentially void, devoid of will and soul.
Then you can get the subject to comply with any demented imposition , for lack of ability to resist.
Take your clothes off , bend over, whatever the jail keepers require to keep you in compliance from one jail to go to the next back in jail.
YesSir. Thanks you master Sir.
Thank you
Awesome way to fire up some thinking minds. When an obvious cause - effect is not present instead of ignoring it we should try to better understand the factors at play and keep an eye out on any potential root causes that might be responsible for those other identifed factors.
CFS/M.E is similar to both GWS and Fibromyalgia, but isn't the same. It is also similar to long covid and post vaccine long haul syndrome. These conditions/syndromes all interest me immensely. They're giant puzzles. What is the root cause?
Personally I still think its mitochondrial damage eg whether from chronic stress, toxins, iatrogenic complications or specific infections. But no doubt we will find out in time.
There are a few different big ones, and weakening the mitochondria is one of the common effects they result in.
How can we prevent or reverse mitochondrial damage?
But we could possibly slow down the process.
I think systemic inflammation drives mitochondrial activity. It prompts them to accelerate to maintain energy under stress. That leads to mitochondrial exhaustion and often also increases in oxidative stress from poor ATP synthesis.
So to minimize systemic inflammation and the damage from oxidative stress we can.
*Eat a gut health friendly diet.
*Pacing/limiting exercise.
*Developing good mental hygiene habits.
*Sleeping regularly
*Eliminate or minimize environmental toxins and other stressors.
*Suppliment our diet with herbs and spices, which are very nutrient dense pound for pound, have a lot of antioxidants, phytochemicals and many offer antiinflammatory benefits. Eg turmeric, ginger, fennel seeds, rosemary.
I think there is way more than can be done than just that!
Thats good to hear Doc. Because I basically just described my daily habits of living with CFS/ME. It's all I can think of or know of.
I don't think we know how to yet.
Each of these make me feel I’ve completed a chapter in a great textbook. And then I look for the problem set at the end and become momentarily disoriented. I can confirm in my case at least that disorientation is not shot related. Minor edit: “Shot Adverse Death Syndrome” ;)
Thank you.
A therapy I have found extremely useful, after briefly living in a mold damaged home and rapidly developing multiple chemical sensitivity, is called the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS). You basically spend an hour a day doing positive visualization while consciously addressing/reprogramming your primitive brain (Limbic system).
All of my (extremely debilitating) symptoms vanished within three weeks. For longer term issues people use the technique for 6 months - up to 2 years to heal.
It's practically free (besides first buying the program that teaches you the technique) so no use for pharma. Coincidentally, people are now using it to heal long covid, along with many of the other syndromes you named in this post.
One of my chronically ill patients with a very similar history was looking into doing that. I should revisit that with him.
First research it better🚩
I would never pay money to learn how to do daydreaming.
I've been a huge daydreamer my entire life and that definitely wasn't it. It sounds simple because it is simple, but there is a method to it that is rooted in neuroscience.
Rooted in neuroscience? Have you studies on this? Also the founder of that program is not a doctor but it's based on her own experience.. 🚩
The developer is not a doctor, her background is as a therapist. And yes she developed the program to initially heal herself. It worked for her so she shared it with others.
For those that watch the therapy materials, it does indeed include much research on neuroscience, as was developed by doctors and scientists over the last 40 years. She didn't come up with it out of thin air.
There are endorsements from quite a few doctors listed on the website, anyone is free to look up their credentials and inquire with them about the therapy. I fully encourage everyone to thoroughly research any therapy, drug or otherwise, before use.
I did research it and well
chacun son goût!
Curious though,
What are you told to visualize ?
Are there videos you know of that I don't need to purchase to see how program really works?
Neuroplasticity is nothing knew.. learning is just that.
But this program by that lady is new and not all it's cracked up to be.. at least for many.. sure some
can get helped by this or even by placebo , but if it was truly a breakthrough it would be known over all those decades.
I have seen this and the similar "lightning project" being ripped apart by CFS/M.E communities as they believe these interventions are pseudoscience and harmful.
However I have also seen quite a few testimonies like your own supporting it.
Both arguments are strong. Both have reasonable scientific basis. Eg neuroplasticity + Psychoneuroimmunology = change of biochemical habits.
If it's free and harmless, I don't see any reason not to try it and see what happens.
It's not really free, I think I paid $300 a year ago to watch the course online (which I think has about 30 hours of content but I can't recall), compared to medical treatments it's nearly free in my estimation. I was suddenly very ill at the time and it helped me immensely.
Oh got it.
I don't know of any strong arguments that could convince me that doing positive visualization for an hour a day is harmful. The visualization isn't even about the disease or syndrome itself, you are simply imagining doing something that would make you happy, along with recounting happy past memories. As an edit - you aren't advised to stop whatever your current medical treatment is either.
The placebo effect works better than a lot of drugs and it's literally only the effect of having a positive outlook.
Agree 100% with what you are saying but for example CFS/M.E makes you essentially allergic to exercise/physival activity. PEM post exhaustional malaise is a worsening of symptoms after activity. Typically lasting a week or two.
I think the argument is that these mental exercises trick people into thinking they can do more than they can resulting in PEM and worsening of the condition.
However, I follow something called the Silva method. Which is a bit dated by today's standards but also works on relaxation and positive thinking/self hypnosis.
Another edit: A lot of people simply visualize sitting somewhere beautiful and drinking a cup of tea. It's really anything that makes you feel happy. It's all about baby steps for people who are seriously ill.
I have faith in my healing, which is the major foundation I have leaned on through various illness in my life. I believe that is a key thing a lot of people are missing.
I know about the Silva method and have used it a little. The fact is there is more and more research showing active meditation, visualization, and heart-brain coherence does indeed improve our immune system and brain function. We can up regulate healthier genes when we produce oxytocin and endorphins, just like we down regulate healthy genes when we are in stress and producing lots of cortisol.
Dr. Joe Dispenza has been doing great research over the last two years with the University of California San Diego in showing the effects of meditation on the immune system and brain health. Some people might not take him seriously, but he is working with highly credentialed scientists and their data is impressive.
I took the Silva course in the early '80s, still use it today.
I guess it's better than using Latin, but these are just fancy words that mean nothing. Neuroplasticity means that the brain changes, but I challenge you to make your brain not change. Not really, you'd be dead.
Psychoneurorimmunology = nonsense. If you want to daydream, go ahead, but please don't fancy words to call it any type of therapy.
If my daydreams came true, I'd be the healthiest, richest, strongest, smartest, handsomest, man on earth.
Sometimes visualization exercises really help people. The issue is that the approach does not produce consistent results.
Comic summary, but I don't think it's entirely accurate.
Now I agree regarding paying to learn to daydream. That is silly. But it is rather apparent biochemical changes occur based on your thoughts alone.
Eg you can make yourself aroused by thinking about something sexually stimulating. You can salivate and produce saliva based on just thinking about eating something like imagining biting into the skin of a lemon. You can make your pulse rate increase by imaging fear and causing an adrenal response. So definitely there is something occuring between mind and body.
And neuroplasticity is just the molecular formation of neurons or the devlopment of a habit. Not dissimilar to going to the gym and getting stronger by using physical stimulus.
More regularly thinking about positive experiences and thus your brain more easily and more strongly falls back on this as an established habit.
I don't see how that's a difficult concept to grasp.
I sometimes use visualization exercises to change things within people's nervous system, but I only find it works if you are paying attention to exactly how the neurology is changing and calibrate your approach to what is presently occurring (which is an approach most people don't do).