It's been a shock to me how little courage I see around me. There is almost nothing that people will make a stand for.
Also how few people seem to have any sense of self preservation.
I would have thought that evolution would have imprinted this into our spirit, but so many people blindly stumble into a death trap that is so obvious.
I was lucky to recieve training from a young age that made me have a very strong belief in myself and willingness to continue forward even if things became very difficult. Most people do not have that these days and I hope it is not a sign of the end of America's status as a superpower :'(
Yes, it is a sign. The globe is moving toward a multi polar world from the single polar world with USA on top.
The earth has been harmed by excessive extraction. Extracting more resources than can be replenished in a year.
Likewise, the pandemic has been a resource extraction of money. It has also decreased trust in medicine and institutions and even in the institution of science.
Here is an article on the move to a multi polar world from an economist which while focusing on money, credit, and debt, has many themes about morality needed for healthy societies.
Michael Hudson: The End of Western Civilization – Why It Lacks Resilience, and What Will Take Its Place
"The greatest challenge facing societies has always been how to conduct trade and credit without letting merchants and creditors make money by exploiting their customers and debtors. All antiquity recognized that the drive to acquire money is addictive and indeed tends to be exploitative and hence socially injurious. The moral values of most societies opposed selfishness, above all in the form of avarice and wealth addiction, which the Greeks called philarguria– love of money, silver-mania. Individuals and families indulging in conspicuous consumption tended to be ostracized, because it was recognized that wealth often was obtained at the expense of others, especially the weak.
The Greek concept of hubrisinvolved egotistic behavior causing injury to others. Avarice and greed were to be punished by the justice goddess Nemesis, who had many Near Eastern antecedents, such as Nanshe of Lagash in Sumer, protecting the weak against the powerful, the debtor against the creditor.
That protection is what rulers were expected to provide in serving the gods. That is why rulers were imbued with enough power to protect the population from being reduced to debt dependency and clientage. Chieftains, kings and temples were in charge of allocating credit and crop-land to enable smallholders to serve in the army and provide corvée labor. Rulers who behaved selfishly were liable to be unseated, or their subjects might run away, or support rebel leaders or foreign attackers promising to cancel debts and redistribute land more equitably.
The most basic function of Near Eastern kingship was to proclaim “economic order,” misharumand andurarumclean slate debt cancellations, echoed in Judaism’s Jubilee Year. There was no “democracy” in the sense of citizens electing their leaders and administrators, but “divine kingship” was obliged to achieve the implicit economic aim of democracy: “protecting the weak from the powerful.”"
At a young age I realized money does not make people happy and is typically a poison that consumes you, so I have always tried to leave within my means (my spending habits haven't really changed since becoming a doctor other than needing to fly out to places where I am needed), and most of what I make goes towards projects I feel will make a positive impact because that matters more to me than owning things.
We are not built on morality when we print money that funds wars and predatory practices and plunges the people into debt. There is nothing moral about this money system.
and when all our representatives in senate and congress own shares in war profiteering, er, defense contractor & manufacturing (& cyberintelligence) stocks...
What's so great about being a superpower? American exceptionalism behind this? We are the indispensable nation, as Madam Albright said after justifying the mass murder of over half a million children in Iraq (and later even writing a warning of fascism!)?
If you look at history, there has always been a dominant empire or superpower. Whatever country was the dominant superpower has typically done a lot of horrible stuff to the rest of the world. In the broad scheme of history, I believe that the United States is a relatively kind empire and I suspect that if another country were to replace us, such as China, they would treat the rest the world much more poorly.
Any nation or people who abandon God or His word and commands is doomed to utter failure! Why can’t we live without God? Because we were created in the image of God…..we are spiritual beings…we posses some of His attributes though deeply flawed by the fall into sin! Though we are touted as being basically good….the Bible says we are not good….but prone to sin and evil…..we need new hearts of flesh instead of hearts of stone! Some say, “God helps those who help themselves!”……but actually we are helpless to change our own hearts! That’s a job only God can do! Pride…the chief of all sin stands in our way! That’s why God calls us to humbly ourselves under His mighty hand and He will lift us up! Our problem..the worlds problem….is a sin problem…that only the Creator can fix! The only perfect Man…Christ Jesus…came into the world to solve the sin problem…by granting new hearts and new lives through His atonement work! “For He hath made Him (Jesus Christ) who knew no sin…to became sin for us…that we might become the righteousness of God in Him!” Romans 5:21. In other words..God treated though He had committed all the sin.. of all those who believe. And He treats those who though they had committed none! What a wonderful Savior! He is our answer!! The answer to all of life’s problems is “Christ in you!” the only lasting hope for the world!
Midwest Doc points out this loss of religion / loss of faith in God is a source of this problem in his essay. Who am I to say which source is the largest but for over 20 years I have pointed both to this and the fact that MSM is the mouthpiece of the evil being spewed. It appears only in the last two years has this mouthpiece reached apogee.
We can hope that Twitter falls and the others may too, like dominoes.
We (or the religion of science) have separated Soul from Mind. Whether you call that "religion" or "God" is your business. But there is a lot that Soul - however you perceive it - gives to Mind. Like Purpose, Meaning, Relationship to Others, Wonder and Awe.
A kind empire? I would think your reading of Orwell alone would rid you of that doublethink. There's hardly been anytime since its founding when this nation has not been implicated in war, from genocidal extermination of indigenous for continental expansion (Manifest Destiny in Newspeak) to post-WW2 Pax/Pox Americana's third world war upon neocolonial subjects who paid in blood for the American Dream, or rather nightmare. This long line of countless victims, and still counting, might disagree with you. With relative kindness like this, who needs absolute horror?
As for history, and not prehistory comprising the greater part of human evolution by far, class-based imperial civilizations have indeed been a constant, but so have contrary ways of life, like the peoples of this land who lived here for thousands of years prior to Columbus' invasion, which point to other possibilities of being human(e). It's been taken as gospel truth that the poor shall always be with us, too, even though there's no necessity to that either and the good news of Jesus was anything but a defense of class oppression as well as empire. Why apologize for the murderers, then or now (when the techno-totalitarian dystopia is rolling out here and China and across the world as the endgame of the madness of 'civilization').
It's still not as bad as what other empires have done. The US has a large segment of the population that advocates for the human rights of others including their subjects. Most empires do not have this. It's fine if we disagree on this point, I just feel I have an obligation to try and present things as truthfully and objectively as I can here.
are you aware of the possibility that Ike intentionally starved german soldiers and that it was these poor fellows who have been passed off as starving jews? I think you're still believing too much of what you've been told.
OK, name a culture other than the USA with equal power today which can attest to a better record, please. Of course, that is rhetorical because we all know there is no other.
-- Which nation saved the world, virtually, and ended WWII?
-- Which nation has millions of individual folks and religious congregations going out to 3rd world countries with healthcare assistance, Doctors without Borders, water systems for Africa, Voice of the Martyrs, many Lutheran and Catholic and other groups directly helping spending vacations and thousands to travel to countries to help them.
-- Which nation for over 250 years has served as the BEST example of human rights and democracy, until . . . recently, for the ENTIRE world.
Yeah, we have the CIA and other agencies and politicians running wars in the last 50 years causing death of other nations' citizens as collateral but it never was intentional except in certain outlier cases-- ie Lt Callee(sp?) in Vietnam.
Regardless, name a better more overall, on the average, well intentioned, rich and powerful, Super Power, and "decent" humanitarian nation? Name ONE.
Khadafi's Libya. And we killed him while disgusting turds like Hilary Clinton mocked him. The american people have always had a huge number of great people, but they've never had the power. It's always been the psychopaths except when we had Jefferson. If not for the trail of tears I could add Andrew Jackson.
I have spent most of my life complaining about the awful things the United States has done around the world and I feel I have an above average knowledge of our body count. At the same time though, I've tried to also have a very broad view of empires throughout history and what they have done and we do not hold a candle to what the Roman Empire, The Ottoman Empire or China has done. I also think the British Empire was much worse than the American one, but that one is more debatable. Natural selection will always favor the most cut throat country to become the global super power or empire, and until there is a large scale change in human consiousness, the only real restraint we have on massive blood shed in the world is mutually assured destruction by nuclear weapons...and all this really stops is large scale conflicts not small ones or crimes against humanity on smaller selective groups nuclear powers are not willing to go to war to defend.
You're still giving the u.s. a pass even though you wrote in the article we're commenting on here that the u.s. has pulled off the worst mass murder in history with the poison jabs.
What proof do you have that the atom bomb works? You're believing known liars if you believe it works. They have shown us devices on 911 which can do the sort of damage that atom bombs are said to do but on a much smaller area.
Have you seen the pictures of buds on trees in Hiroshima in the spring of 1946?
It seems to work extremely well for certain types of chronic infections, but most of the other things that have been attributed to it I have never seen it actually produce results for. A lot of what I thought it would theoretically do for things besides infectious diseases ozone seems to be better at doing. I have not spent a lot of time with chlorine dioxide, and it is possible if I did I would have a different perspective on it.
There isn't a good way for me to soundbite that. I know this site tried to put a lot of it together, but I never read through it because it had a paid model.
I'm surprisedat how much thee vaccinated and masked fear the unvaccinated unmasked. They just prove they don't work. We gotta protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated. Huh? Leadership.
say goodbye to the vaccinated and thank them for playing. Give them the home version of the game of life. Even if there are ways to help them, they wouldn't want that because first they'd need to admit that they'd given themselves a problem. Even as they take their dying breaths they won't admit that it was a mistake.
This song, unfortunately written by a man who a couple years later went 'round the bend w/ pessimism and drugs, has encouraged me over the last few years--it is "Stand" by Sly and the Family Stone--I guess it's the very first clause, "Stand, in the end, you'll still be you," that sets the tone and outweighs a couple later lines which come close to being hippie happy talk.
I had the pleasure of hearing them perform that LIVE n Cincinnati n the 70's. 🎼. I was among a handful of white teens in 12,000+ blacks & we all loved the concert! I didn't think about the color difference until a few years later. Naive? Maybe I was, since Sly had been known to not show up for gigs. But I'm glad I went & I cherish the memory! Thx for posting that classic tune. ✌🏽
Jul 13, 2022·edited Jul 13, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor
Over thirty years ago, my father in law was given urea fertiliser to try in a single paddock, he was so impressed he covered the entire farm in urea. The grass grew an odd yellow green and he lost six dairy cows to bloat, which had never happened before (or since) and was significant in a herd of 120 cows. Next time the fertiliser man came calling, Paddy told him to "bugger off".
We now farm on his largely organic pasture, my other half has a great natural instinct, honed by his father and combined with an ability to understand science + data, I discovered permaculture, agro-ecology and regenerative agriculture in an attempt to understand why what we were doing was working despite the official science and our peers saying it should not. That discovery has lead us to more deeply incorporate trees, meadow flowers, and permaculture systems.
Had Paddy continued the use of urea fertiliser we would be paying around $140,000nzd per annum for it (in todays numbers), so his choice saved the family farm... however the environmental policies being implemented around the world, including where we are, don't really benefit us either, (so suggests to me they are written to eliminate small + medium farms, rather than protect the environment).
Despite being able to show a working farm full of biodiversity, bird + insect life, and still producing at levels similar to our neighbours, we are told over and over it cannot work and we are fools ... while this has prompted further research to deepen our knowledge, refine our understanding, it is disheartening, how can people ignore the proof right in front of them, how can it not prompt a challenge to preconceptions? But the monsanto marketing methods employed by agritech against farmers + policy makers alike, echo of covid marketing. That these methods work so well against farmers who are more connected to the natural world, experience more time alone and engage in practical work is an indication of how powerful these methods are.
Thank you for your insightful writing, it is beautifully written, illuminating and thought provoking.
I have spent some time communicating with teachers and students at some of the lead agricultural schools am I general impression was that the same corruption you see in the medical schools that leads to a very pharmaceutical focus practice of medicine being taught has happened in the agricultural schools where they are all basically just taught to use lots of stuff Monsanto and other companies sells the farmers (as they also fund the colleges etc). I obviously do not know this subject in as much detail, but I have seen so many identical versions of what I see in medicine in the agricultural field, I assume it's relatively similar.
Few quick questions:
1) Have you looked into remineralizing the soil (ie. with glacial dust)?
2) Have you looked into restoring the microbiome of the soil?
3) Have you looked into any of the biodynamic approaches?
Beyond permaculture, those are the three things I always hear produce really positive results.
Thank you for your recommendations and your thoughtful reply.
I would have to agree with your observations on agricultural schools from our interactions, in teaching one methodology by default it creates a shallowness of thinking and a close minded view of the world.
We are focused on the microbiome but through plant biodiversity and ruminant animals methodology. Our soil is very high in clay, which my other half describes as the 'small intestine of the soil' but it can form a pan if low in organic matter. So our focus is establishing deeply rooted and fibrous rooted meadow plants, and trees - at the moment our soil is like a four cylinder engine, once we start to break roots through into the clay subsoil- deepening the topsoil and drawing those microbes, fungi and soil life deeper down it will be more like a jet engine, we expect this will take us about 10 years. We use a grazing method described by Gabe Brown as thatching, where the meadows grow high and are trampled down by the ruminant animals creating a living compost which builds soil organic matter and a wonderful habitat for microbes etc. and allows the meadows to self seed. (In agricultural school they say to keep the grass low and ends fresh ).
I stumbled on the 'Jena Experiment' and the '4p1000' fairly early on (after a drought here), it seemed to us, if you create enough biodiversity you can avoid the need for imputs etc ...but I do think in many cases people can jump start using things like glacial dust - so I am going to try and find some glacial dust and trial it on a paddock.
Steve Solomon would agree about the minerals. His book with Erica Reinhemier, 'The intelligent gardener' teaches a method for soil mineral analysis and treatment with 'complete organic fertiliser' mixtures derived from agricultural wastes and mineral powders. Solomon writes about how his family's teeth were declining despite organic gardening and fixing that through attention to the imbalances present in the soil. Website concerning their work
Someone gave me an unused package from a supplement company in the 90's. In it was a cassette, which I listened to. (most of the supplements were minerals, and lots of laxatives)
The cassette - sadly I've forgotten company and practitioner name - was by a veterinarian. He talked about what it is like to treat patients who cannot speak, and how you first looked at mineral profiles to determine what was going on. He gave examples of common mineral disorders in animals, and then started comparing them to humans. He then spoke of the soil depletion (back then! the cassette was likely from the 80's) and how vital minerals are to human health.
I only listened to the cassette once, but never forgot the overall message. It was confirmed for me, when I read Bruce Lipton, who proclaims, "It's the environment, stupid!" when looking at any failure to thrive. )
FYI there are also people like Joel Salatin (E USA), Richard Perkins (Sweden), Martin Crawford (UK) doing excellent work on regen. farming, also on agroforestry.
How inspiring! So sorry he lost those dairy cows that were proof of what doesn't work.
We loved the documentary film produced by Woody Harrellson called "KISS THE GROUND." I'm thinking u might love it, as well. It addresses exactly the topics u illuminate.
Fun Fact: my husband is a limo driver & drove Woody Harrellson in Sarasota; he felt he was authentic, personable & kind. He dressed very casual, unpretentious. Learning later about his love for healing the soil, that all made sense. 🪴
so what's the problem if your techniques work as well? Why do you care what idiots say when they tell you what you know works doesn't work? You must have great products that you could probably sell at retail prices and therefore earn more money than the doofuses around you who are destroying their farms and setting themselves to be foreclosed on in the not distant future.
Come on rest of world......see, it can be done....VIVA, LA FRANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
European Union Club
#Macron’s Covid Passport has been defeated to massive celebrations as populist right and left parties worked together to free citizens from government control.
The extreme right and the extreme left united. #France
When the progressives unite on the basis of being progressive rather than the false left/right split that is continually broadcast to keep us at each others throats, very positive changes will happen for everyone. That is one reason why I am very focused here on providing a message that promotes that.
I have a lot of responsibilities I juggle in my life, so I try to only put energy into things which I feel have the potential to yield a productive result. I used to argue a lot (which I mostly did to learn how people were programmed to argue) but I don't think that's a good use of time for making anything impactful occur so I try to avoid unecessary confrontations.
Great news! Thanks for sharing! I knew overwhelmingly that EU population did not want the passports, but EU leadership was still trying to push them - vive la France!
Viva, l'Italia!!!!!!!!!!!! Another Mr. Global Puppet Leaves The Stage: Italy's Prime Minister Mario Draghi, "Most Powerful Person In Europe," "Greatest Central Banker of Modern Times," RESIGNS Amidst Mass Protests
Jul 13, 2022·edited Jul 13, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor
I respect your work very much. And i can see there's an immense amount of work put into this article.
Now for the critic part.
Your introduction threw me off. This talk of consciousness of society is pie in the sky, to my ears.
It's at best a religious idea at worst just 19th century spiritism.
Connecting the theory of evolution with "consciousness" and "the consciousness of society" to me makes no sense.
You state these things as if they are unambiguous truths when they are at best extremely complex theories at worst senseless New Age talk.
One of the big issues of psychology is the extreme difficulty this field has in proving any of its theories, hence the replication crisis. One of the reasons to me seems to stem from the field being based in 19th century spiritism through its pioneers such as Freud and especially Jung and before them Franz Mesmer. This results in extreme difficulty producing anything true because its based on false ideas, or at least unverifiable ideas.
To me it mirrors the problem of our current society. The ideas it's based upon are false. We say we're a democracy but we're not. We say it's the ultimate form of rule when it's not and in fact have always been viewed as the worst. We say hedonism is the measure of life quality when its not. We've based our economy on infinite growth, which is just impossible.
Therefore i do think that "the consciousness of society" is a thing that can never lead to any true thing.
We can't arrive at truth if we lay the road with bricks of hot air.
The structure is wrong, the hierarchical structure. We need a "hub and spoke" structure where every individual is sovereign and we collaborate with other sovereigns. The idea of "business" needs to be replaced with collaboratives. The idea of competition is destructive and everything is based on competition and number accumulation. We are like ants heading right into a Venus fly trap.
one should run one's business the same way that Bill Clinton said one should be gay in the military. Don't ask don't tell. The gov't doesn't need to know you're running a business, they'd only do lots of stupid annoying things to you if they did. If you did it this way, you'd have a limit on how big your business could grow, a natural check on your greed.
Exactly! Why do businesses do the bidding of government? They should charge government for collecting taxes for them or not do it at all. This is how people get suckered into their enslavement. We could call businesses with a new mindset "Collaboratives" and change their narratives too.
What kind of a statement is that "too utopian"? Why too utopian? That just sounds like bias. I'm not saying it would be perfect but anything would be better than this malignancy. Maybe you like having rulers over you. Maybe you don't want to have your say without bowing?
It sounds like a utopia. Something too good to be true. Don't thinks it's feasible, nothing to do with me wanting to bow. And btw yes i do think a society needs a ruler.
what if you took "consciousness of society" to mean group think or the general tendency of the group to think a certain way about a particular subject? We know that that happens, so it seems your problem is with the language rather than the concept, no?
It really dont seem to me that the concept of "group think" is what is referred to by "the consciousness of society".
Also i dont think group think is a well defined or proven concept either. So i dont know if it happens. If you could define it then that would be helpful, and you might convince me of it being more than a way to slander a group with a different viewpoint.
I understand how you feel and I likely share many of the same frustrations you do with the new age field.
The best answer I can provide to your objection is that this term is the best way I have found to encapsulate the fact people will react very differently to the same stimulus and some people just always get what is going on while many others do not. Some people live life being awake and many others live life asleep. My goal regardless of the terminology you use is to help people become awake.
So if i understand you correctly "the consciousness of society" is measured by how many people don't fall for propaganda?
So "evolution of consciousness" is not in fact meant as the actual theory of evolution but as a growth in the capability to understand mass media and mass communication, so as to not be led astray by nefarious usage of these techniques.
If so, what you're saying is that, more people understand how mass media works today than they did in the past therefore we are on the right path.
That is one facet of it. It's a complex term so I have to leave it undefined for people to be able to fill in the meaning they can extract from it.
Some people just have the ability to be very perceptive and can see the truth in front of them regardless of the specific situation they are in. Recognizing the dishonesty of the media is one manifestation of this ability. There a lot of other ones as well such as being able to recognize necessary revisions to long held scientific paradigms or discern the correct treatment for an unsolvable illness.
This goes hand in hand with ones ability to resist harmful external influences distorting their mind and behaviors.
I think "consciousness of society" is spot on, in a very literal way. And it applies at many levels (family, village, religion, nation, race). Only humans having consciousness and the rest of the universe being dead is a symptom of our times, the way we look at the world, and not a fact.
What if we spoke about "mainstream culture" which is largely unquestioned, having evolved over time? The main part of people and institutions go along with it, unquestioning, assuming others "experts" know what they are doing. Culture includes multiple layers, including worldview and myth, at deepest, artefacts and behaviours outermost, with values, beliefs, feelings layered in between. Just one model. Then we have subculture and counter cultural people, movements and institutions. Etc etc
Brilliant essay! I've been continually amazed at the people in my life. The majority went along blindly with the insanity and propaganda that was forced on us the last two and a half years. So sad! I knew from day one something was seriously wrong. God help humanity!
I appreciate this particular post so much. It holds great meaning/ value but also comfort, possibly even hope. I didn’t realize just how hopeless I was feeling until the positive surged up while reading and I was able to retranslate my own perspectives. and I will reread it several more times. Thank you for all that you do.
Wonderful writing AMD as always! I personally believe the underlying etiology of this global tyranny must be realized by the masses. I will say it out loud and no bones about it …... NWO will be thrusted on each and everyone of us world wide if people don’t wake up. Covid was just the tip of the iceberg.
Second - I am a radio host, writer, content editor and member of the editorial board of a local paper that is re-booting after Covid.
Third - I’m interested in interviewing you for the paper. My radio show (Prose, Poetry & Purpose) focuses on writers seeking to inspire positive social change, one reader & one listener at a time. I’m considering dong a written version of the show as a column for the local paper.
Fourth - I’m a 25-year Informed Consent Advocate and have greatly appreciated your insights. Thank you for taking the risk and speaking up.
If you’re interested, please reach out via my contact page in my website: You can scroll through 7 years of interviews on the home page, as well.
That is because I don't mail them out to readers until I've finished the edits (normally I get suggestions for minor corrections after I post), whereas the app tells people the second I put it up.
In the interim, print the essay to pdf format, open it in the free acrobat reader and have the nice little adobe machine voice read it back to you. (how I make my first pass through many a TLDR essays)
Your essays have become my 'go to' source of reason and explanation. I feel like the first 50 years of my life I have learned nothing and these last 2 1/2 years I am playing catch up. Thank you for helping many understand what is happening.
Very perceptive and wide ranging post, thank you for writing it. I've been saying for a while that the West is having a collective nervous breakdown. Problem is, we do not know how to fix ourselves. I agree that having no 'anchor' is the deeper problem but returning to that old time religion doesn't work for many of us. We're in an existential, physical and spiritual crisis. As a society, we may be done. The upside is that as writers, we will never run out of things to write about in our lifetime. Cold comfort.
Remember our “Anchor” is Christ….He is our hope and comfort! “Because evil shall abound…. the love of many shall wax cold!” God help us not to grow cold!😰
Fantastic essay. Thank you.
It's been a shock to me how little courage I see around me. There is almost nothing that people will make a stand for.
Also how few people seem to have any sense of self preservation.
I would have thought that evolution would have imprinted this into our spirit, but so many people blindly stumble into a death trap that is so obvious.
The loss of self belief is shocking.
I was lucky to recieve training from a young age that made me have a very strong belief in myself and willingness to continue forward even if things became very difficult. Most people do not have that these days and I hope it is not a sign of the end of America's status as a superpower :'(
Yes, it is a sign. The globe is moving toward a multi polar world from the single polar world with USA on top.
The earth has been harmed by excessive extraction. Extracting more resources than can be replenished in a year.
Likewise, the pandemic has been a resource extraction of money. It has also decreased trust in medicine and institutions and even in the institution of science.
Here is an article on the move to a multi polar world from an economist which while focusing on money, credit, and debt, has many themes about morality needed for healthy societies.
Michael Hudson: The End of Western Civilization – Why It Lacks Resilience, and What Will Take Its Place
"The greatest challenge facing societies has always been how to conduct trade and credit without letting merchants and creditors make money by exploiting their customers and debtors. All antiquity recognized that the drive to acquire money is addictive and indeed tends to be exploitative and hence socially injurious. The moral values of most societies opposed selfishness, above all in the form of avarice and wealth addiction, which the Greeks called philarguria– love of money, silver-mania. Individuals and families indulging in conspicuous consumption tended to be ostracized, because it was recognized that wealth often was obtained at the expense of others, especially the weak.
The Greek concept of hubrisinvolved egotistic behavior causing injury to others. Avarice and greed were to be punished by the justice goddess Nemesis, who had many Near Eastern antecedents, such as Nanshe of Lagash in Sumer, protecting the weak against the powerful, the debtor against the creditor.
That protection is what rulers were expected to provide in serving the gods. That is why rulers were imbued with enough power to protect the population from being reduced to debt dependency and clientage. Chieftains, kings and temples were in charge of allocating credit and crop-land to enable smallholders to serve in the army and provide corvée labor. Rulers who behaved selfishly were liable to be unseated, or their subjects might run away, or support rebel leaders or foreign attackers promising to cancel debts and redistribute land more equitably.
The most basic function of Near Eastern kingship was to proclaim “economic order,” misharumand andurarumclean slate debt cancellations, echoed in Judaism’s Jubilee Year. There was no “democracy” in the sense of citizens electing their leaders and administrators, but “divine kingship” was obliged to achieve the implicit economic aim of democracy: “protecting the weak from the powerful.”"
At a young age I realized money does not make people happy and is typically a poison that consumes you, so I have always tried to leave within my means (my spending habits haven't really changed since becoming a doctor other than needing to fly out to places where I am needed), and most of what I make goes towards projects I feel will make a positive impact because that matters more to me than owning things.
We are not built on morality when we print money that funds wars and predatory practices and plunges the people into debt. There is nothing moral about this money system.
and when all our representatives in senate and congress own shares in war profiteering, er, defense contractor & manufacturing (& cyberintelligence) stocks...
That's an insightful article and he does accurately identify major problems plaguing the western economic system.
But, he lost me at the end with his unwarranted praise for the Chinese system. They are much worse than the West in a lot of ways.
What's so great about being a superpower? American exceptionalism behind this? We are the indispensable nation, as Madam Albright said after justifying the mass murder of over half a million children in Iraq (and later even writing a warning of fascism!)?
If you look at history, there has always been a dominant empire or superpower. Whatever country was the dominant superpower has typically done a lot of horrible stuff to the rest of the world. In the broad scheme of history, I believe that the United States is a relatively kind empire and I suspect that if another country were to replace us, such as China, they would treat the rest the world much more poorly.
Any nation or people who abandon God or His word and commands is doomed to utter failure! Why can’t we live without God? Because we were created in the image of God…..we are spiritual beings…we posses some of His attributes though deeply flawed by the fall into sin! Though we are touted as being basically good….the Bible says we are not good….but prone to sin and evil…..we need new hearts of flesh instead of hearts of stone! Some say, “God helps those who help themselves!”……but actually we are helpless to change our own hearts! That’s a job only God can do! Pride…the chief of all sin stands in our way! That’s why God calls us to humbly ourselves under His mighty hand and He will lift us up! Our problem..the worlds problem….is a sin problem…that only the Creator can fix! The only perfect Man…Christ Jesus…came into the world to solve the sin problem…by granting new hearts and new lives through His atonement work! “For He hath made Him (Jesus Christ) who knew no sin…to became sin for us…that we might become the righteousness of God in Him!” Romans 5:21. In other words..God treated though He had committed all the sin.. of all those who believe. And He treats those who though they had committed none! What a wonderful Savior! He is our answer!! The answer to all of life’s problems is “Christ in you!” the only lasting hope for the world!
if that's what it takes for you to do the right thing, then it's fine.
Well said Lorraine! Love from Minnesota.
Midwest Doc points out this loss of religion / loss of faith in God is a source of this problem in his essay. Who am I to say which source is the largest but for over 20 years I have pointed both to this and the fact that MSM is the mouthpiece of the evil being spewed. It appears only in the last two years has this mouthpiece reached apogee.
We can hope that Twitter falls and the others may too, like dominoes.
The original Greek for "psyche" is "soul."
We (or the religion of science) have separated Soul from Mind. Whether you call that "religion" or "God" is your business. But there is a lot that Soul - however you perceive it - gives to Mind. Like Purpose, Meaning, Relationship to Others, Wonder and Awe.
A kind empire? I would think your reading of Orwell alone would rid you of that doublethink. There's hardly been anytime since its founding when this nation has not been implicated in war, from genocidal extermination of indigenous for continental expansion (Manifest Destiny in Newspeak) to post-WW2 Pax/Pox Americana's third world war upon neocolonial subjects who paid in blood for the American Dream, or rather nightmare. This long line of countless victims, and still counting, might disagree with you. With relative kindness like this, who needs absolute horror?
As for history, and not prehistory comprising the greater part of human evolution by far, class-based imperial civilizations have indeed been a constant, but so have contrary ways of life, like the peoples of this land who lived here for thousands of years prior to Columbus' invasion, which point to other possibilities of being human(e). It's been taken as gospel truth that the poor shall always be with us, too, even though there's no necessity to that either and the good news of Jesus was anything but a defense of class oppression as well as empire. Why apologize for the murderers, then or now (when the techno-totalitarian dystopia is rolling out here and China and across the world as the endgame of the madness of 'civilization').
It's still not as bad as what other empires have done. The US has a large segment of the population that advocates for the human rights of others including their subjects. Most empires do not have this. It's fine if we disagree on this point, I just feel I have an obligation to try and present things as truthfully and objectively as I can here.
are you aware of the possibility that Ike intentionally starved german soldiers and that it was these poor fellows who have been passed off as starving jews? I think you're still believing too much of what you've been told.
OK, name a culture other than the USA with equal power today which can attest to a better record, please. Of course, that is rhetorical because we all know there is no other.
-- Which nation saved the world, virtually, and ended WWII?
-- Which nation has millions of individual folks and religious congregations going out to 3rd world countries with healthcare assistance, Doctors without Borders, water systems for Africa, Voice of the Martyrs, many Lutheran and Catholic and other groups directly helping spending vacations and thousands to travel to countries to help them.
-- Which nation for over 250 years has served as the BEST example of human rights and democracy, until . . . recently, for the ENTIRE world.
Yeah, we have the CIA and other agencies and politicians running wars in the last 50 years causing death of other nations' citizens as collateral but it never was intentional except in certain outlier cases-- ie Lt Callee(sp?) in Vietnam.
Regardless, name a better more overall, on the average, well intentioned, rich and powerful, Super Power, and "decent" humanitarian nation? Name ONE.
Khadafi's Libya. And we killed him while disgusting turds like Hilary Clinton mocked him. The american people have always had a huge number of great people, but they've never had the power. It's always been the psychopaths except when we had Jefferson. If not for the trail of tears I could add Andrew Jackson.
Perhaps you are speaking tongue in cheek but Jesus literally said "The poor will always be with you" (Matthew's gospel 26:11).
By the objective measure against human history (which admittedly is filled with awful examples) the US has been by far been the kindest empire.
If China treats the rest of the world worse than we have I will take that as proof that the Rothschilds and Rockefellers own and control China.
You might be right, and at the same time each super power sees itself this way.
I have spent most of my life complaining about the awful things the United States has done around the world and I feel I have an above average knowledge of our body count. At the same time though, I've tried to also have a very broad view of empires throughout history and what they have done and we do not hold a candle to what the Roman Empire, The Ottoman Empire or China has done. I also think the British Empire was much worse than the American one, but that one is more debatable. Natural selection will always favor the most cut throat country to become the global super power or empire, and until there is a large scale change in human consiousness, the only real restraint we have on massive blood shed in the world is mutually assured destruction by nuclear weapons...and all this really stops is large scale conflicts not small ones or crimes against humanity on smaller selective groups nuclear powers are not willing to go to war to defend.
You're still giving the u.s. a pass even though you wrote in the article we're commenting on here that the u.s. has pulled off the worst mass murder in history with the poison jabs.
What proof do you have that the atom bomb works? You're believing known liars if you believe it works. They have shown us devices on 911 which can do the sort of damage that atom bombs are said to do but on a much smaller area.
Have you seen the pictures of buds on trees in Hiroshima in the spring of 1946?
I agree about the British Empire and I am British.
Have you looked at Chlorine Dioxide as a substance that can cure disease and maintain health?
It seems to work extremely well for certain types of chronic infections, but most of the other things that have been attributed to it I have never seen it actually produce results for. A lot of what I thought it would theoretically do for things besides infectious diseases ozone seems to be better at doing. I have not spent a lot of time with chlorine dioxide, and it is possible if I did I would have a different perspective on it.
Please suggest a source on details of Ozone and, if possible, an ozone generator you feel is a good value Doc. Thanks!
There isn't a good way for me to soundbite that. I know this site tried to put a lot of it together, but I never read through it because it had a paid model.
! . . .
Vaginal insufflation
Rectal insufflation
Penile insufflation
Ozonated saline infusion
MAHT- Major Autohemtherapy
AHT – Minor Autohemotherapy
Direct Injection
and available to doctors or professionals only it appears.
NOT "home-simple" device.
Got it.
I'm surprisedat how much thee vaccinated and masked fear the unvaccinated unmasked. They just prove they don't work. We gotta protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated. Huh? Leadership.
say goodbye to the vaccinated and thank them for playing. Give them the home version of the game of life. Even if there are ways to help them, they wouldn't want that because first they'd need to admit that they'd given themselves a problem. Even as they take their dying breaths they won't admit that it was a mistake.
This song, unfortunately written by a man who a couple years later went 'round the bend w/ pessimism and drugs, has encouraged me over the last few years--it is "Stand" by Sly and the Family Stone--I guess it's the very first clause, "Stand, in the end, you'll still be you," that sets the tone and outweighs a couple later lines which come close to being hippie happy talk.
I had the pleasure of hearing them perform that LIVE n Cincinnati n the 70's. 🎼. I was among a handful of white teens in 12,000+ blacks & we all loved the concert! I didn't think about the color difference until a few years later. Naive? Maybe I was, since Sly had been known to not show up for gigs. But I'm glad I went & I cherish the memory! Thx for posting that classic tune. ✌🏽
Skyline! (that's all I'm sayin')
okay, one more: Grater's! (okay, now I'll quit. Sorry, homesick expat, here)
Your articles are always quite provocative and thoughtful. There is much in here for me to digest personally for growth.
I doubt that your loyal readers worry that you've strayed from your usual content. Keep going!
Thanks, Doc.
Over thirty years ago, my father in law was given urea fertiliser to try in a single paddock, he was so impressed he covered the entire farm in urea. The grass grew an odd yellow green and he lost six dairy cows to bloat, which had never happened before (or since) and was significant in a herd of 120 cows. Next time the fertiliser man came calling, Paddy told him to "bugger off".
We now farm on his largely organic pasture, my other half has a great natural instinct, honed by his father and combined with an ability to understand science + data, I discovered permaculture, agro-ecology and regenerative agriculture in an attempt to understand why what we were doing was working despite the official science and our peers saying it should not. That discovery has lead us to more deeply incorporate trees, meadow flowers, and permaculture systems.
Had Paddy continued the use of urea fertiliser we would be paying around $140,000nzd per annum for it (in todays numbers), so his choice saved the family farm... however the environmental policies being implemented around the world, including where we are, don't really benefit us either, (so suggests to me they are written to eliminate small + medium farms, rather than protect the environment).
Despite being able to show a working farm full of biodiversity, bird + insect life, and still producing at levels similar to our neighbours, we are told over and over it cannot work and we are fools ... while this has prompted further research to deepen our knowledge, refine our understanding, it is disheartening, how can people ignore the proof right in front of them, how can it not prompt a challenge to preconceptions? But the monsanto marketing methods employed by agritech against farmers + policy makers alike, echo of covid marketing. That these methods work so well against farmers who are more connected to the natural world, experience more time alone and engage in practical work is an indication of how powerful these methods are.
Thank you for your insightful writing, it is beautifully written, illuminating and thought provoking.
I have spent some time communicating with teachers and students at some of the lead agricultural schools am I general impression was that the same corruption you see in the medical schools that leads to a very pharmaceutical focus practice of medicine being taught has happened in the agricultural schools where they are all basically just taught to use lots of stuff Monsanto and other companies sells the farmers (as they also fund the colleges etc). I obviously do not know this subject in as much detail, but I have seen so many identical versions of what I see in medicine in the agricultural field, I assume it's relatively similar.
Few quick questions:
1) Have you looked into remineralizing the soil (ie. with glacial dust)?
2) Have you looked into restoring the microbiome of the soil?
3) Have you looked into any of the biodynamic approaches?
Beyond permaculture, those are the three things I always hear produce really positive results.
Thank you for your recommendations and your thoughtful reply.
I would have to agree with your observations on agricultural schools from our interactions, in teaching one methodology by default it creates a shallowness of thinking and a close minded view of the world.
We are focused on the microbiome but through plant biodiversity and ruminant animals methodology. Our soil is very high in clay, which my other half describes as the 'small intestine of the soil' but it can form a pan if low in organic matter. So our focus is establishing deeply rooted and fibrous rooted meadow plants, and trees - at the moment our soil is like a four cylinder engine, once we start to break roots through into the clay subsoil- deepening the topsoil and drawing those microbes, fungi and soil life deeper down it will be more like a jet engine, we expect this will take us about 10 years. We use a grazing method described by Gabe Brown as thatching, where the meadows grow high and are trampled down by the ruminant animals creating a living compost which builds soil organic matter and a wonderful habitat for microbes etc. and allows the meadows to self seed. (In agricultural school they say to keep the grass low and ends fresh ).
I stumbled on the 'Jena Experiment' and the '4p1000' fairly early on (after a drought here), it seemed to us, if you create enough biodiversity you can avoid the need for imputs etc ...but I do think in many cases people can jump start using things like glacial dust - so I am going to try and find some glacial dust and trial it on a paddock.
Thank you again for your wonderful article.
Thank you for your wonderful comment.
A few quick things on the mineralization thing (I believed demineralized soil is one of the primary causes of poor health in the population)
Then this website has a lot on it:
Steve Solomon would agree about the minerals. His book with Erica Reinhemier, 'The intelligent gardener' teaches a method for soil mineral analysis and treatment with 'complete organic fertiliser' mixtures derived from agricultural wastes and mineral powders. Solomon writes about how his family's teeth were declining despite organic gardening and fixing that through attention to the imbalances present in the soil. Website concerning their work
Apologies, I misspelled Erica -- 'Reinheimer' was what I was aiming to write above.
Someone gave me an unused package from a supplement company in the 90's. In it was a cassette, which I listened to. (most of the supplements were minerals, and lots of laxatives)
The cassette - sadly I've forgotten company and practitioner name - was by a veterinarian. He talked about what it is like to treat patients who cannot speak, and how you first looked at mineral profiles to determine what was going on. He gave examples of common mineral disorders in animals, and then started comparing them to humans. He then spoke of the soil depletion (back then! the cassette was likely from the 80's) and how vital minerals are to human health.
I only listened to the cassette once, but never forgot the overall message. It was confirmed for me, when I read Bruce Lipton, who proclaims, "It's the environment, stupid!" when looking at any failure to thrive. )
FYI there are also people like Joel Salatin (E USA), Richard Perkins (Sweden), Martin Crawford (UK) doing excellent work on regen. farming, also on agroforestry.
I use Volcanic Basalt Rock in my (small) garden. The brand is "Cascade Minerals".
How inspiring! So sorry he lost those dairy cows that were proof of what doesn't work.
We loved the documentary film produced by Woody Harrellson called "KISS THE GROUND." I'm thinking u might love it, as well. It addresses exactly the topics u illuminate.
Fun Fact: my husband is a limo driver & drove Woody Harrellson in Sarasota; he felt he was authentic, personable & kind. He dressed very casual, unpretentious. Learning later about his love for healing the soil, that all made sense. 🪴
so what's the problem if your techniques work as well? Why do you care what idiots say when they tell you what you know works doesn't work? You must have great products that you could probably sell at retail prices and therefore earn more money than the doofuses around you who are destroying their farms and setting themselves to be foreclosed on in the not distant future.
Thank you MWD for this deep and thoughtful article.
I really appreciate you taking the time, effort and contemplation to produce such a piece.
I have read almost all of your sub stack articles. This was up there with your best.
Come on rest of world......see, it can be done....VIVA, LA FRANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
European Union Club
#Macron’s Covid Passport has been defeated to massive celebrations as populist right and left parties worked together to free citizens from government control.
The extreme right and the extreme left united. #France
When the progressives unite on the basis of being progressive rather than the false left/right split that is continually broadcast to keep us at each others throats, very positive changes will happen for everyone. That is one reason why I am very focused here on providing a message that promotes that.
...and you do a great job and are of my very favourite substacks.....thank you!!!
I have a lot of responsibilities I juggle in my life, so I try to only put energy into things which I feel have the potential to yield a productive result. I used to argue a lot (which I mostly did to learn how people were programmed to argue) but I don't think that's a good use of time for making anything impactful occur so I try to avoid unecessary confrontations.
sometimes an argument is worth it for the fun in spinning the bottle to see where sparks fly.
Great news! Thanks for sharing! I knew overwhelmingly that EU population did not want the passports, but EU leadership was still trying to push them - vive la France!
Viva, l'Italia!!!!!!!!!!!! Another Mr. Global Puppet Leaves The Stage: Italy's Prime Minister Mario Draghi, "Most Powerful Person In Europe," "Greatest Central Banker of Modern Times," RESIGNS Amidst Mass Protests
More wonderful news!
I respect your work very much. And i can see there's an immense amount of work put into this article.
Now for the critic part.
Your introduction threw me off. This talk of consciousness of society is pie in the sky, to my ears.
It's at best a religious idea at worst just 19th century spiritism.
Connecting the theory of evolution with "consciousness" and "the consciousness of society" to me makes no sense.
You state these things as if they are unambiguous truths when they are at best extremely complex theories at worst senseless New Age talk.
One of the big issues of psychology is the extreme difficulty this field has in proving any of its theories, hence the replication crisis. One of the reasons to me seems to stem from the field being based in 19th century spiritism through its pioneers such as Freud and especially Jung and before them Franz Mesmer. This results in extreme difficulty producing anything true because its based on false ideas, or at least unverifiable ideas.
To me it mirrors the problem of our current society. The ideas it's based upon are false. We say we're a democracy but we're not. We say it's the ultimate form of rule when it's not and in fact have always been viewed as the worst. We say hedonism is the measure of life quality when its not. We've based our economy on infinite growth, which is just impossible.
Therefore i do think that "the consciousness of society" is a thing that can never lead to any true thing.
We can't arrive at truth if we lay the road with bricks of hot air.
The structure is wrong, the hierarchical structure. We need a "hub and spoke" structure where every individual is sovereign and we collaborate with other sovereigns. The idea of "business" needs to be replaced with collaboratives. The idea of competition is destructive and everything is based on competition and number accumulation. We are like ants heading right into a Venus fly trap.
one should run one's business the same way that Bill Clinton said one should be gay in the military. Don't ask don't tell. The gov't doesn't need to know you're running a business, they'd only do lots of stupid annoying things to you if they did. If you did it this way, you'd have a limit on how big your business could grow, a natural check on your greed.
Exactly! Why do businesses do the bidding of government? They should charge government for collecting taxes for them or not do it at all. This is how people get suckered into their enslavement. We could call businesses with a new mindset "Collaboratives" and change their narratives too.
Sounds a bit too utopian for my taste.
What kind of a statement is that "too utopian"? Why too utopian? That just sounds like bias. I'm not saying it would be perfect but anything would be better than this malignancy. Maybe you like having rulers over you. Maybe you don't want to have your say without bowing?
Bias, probably.
It sounds like a utopia. Something too good to be true. Don't thinks it's feasible, nothing to do with me wanting to bow. And btw yes i do think a society needs a ruler.
Yes well closed minds will take themselves out of the gene pool soon.
yes, the ruler is helpful in that one sees who one needs to ignore and work around.
what if you took "consciousness of society" to mean group think or the general tendency of the group to think a certain way about a particular subject? We know that that happens, so it seems your problem is with the language rather than the concept, no?
It really dont seem to me that the concept of "group think" is what is referred to by "the consciousness of society".
Also i dont think group think is a well defined or proven concept either. So i dont know if it happens. If you could define it then that would be helpful, and you might convince me of it being more than a way to slander a group with a different viewpoint.
I understand how you feel and I likely share many of the same frustrations you do with the new age field.
The best answer I can provide to your objection is that this term is the best way I have found to encapsulate the fact people will react very differently to the same stimulus and some people just always get what is going on while many others do not. Some people live life being awake and many others live life asleep. My goal regardless of the terminology you use is to help people become awake.
Regardless of whether i understand your terminology correctly, thanks for taking the time to answer and thanks for your writings.
So if i understand you correctly "the consciousness of society" is measured by how many people don't fall for propaganda?
So "evolution of consciousness" is not in fact meant as the actual theory of evolution but as a growth in the capability to understand mass media and mass communication, so as to not be led astray by nefarious usage of these techniques.
If so, what you're saying is that, more people understand how mass media works today than they did in the past therefore we are on the right path.
Am i getting it right?
That is one facet of it. It's a complex term so I have to leave it undefined for people to be able to fill in the meaning they can extract from it.
Some people just have the ability to be very perceptive and can see the truth in front of them regardless of the specific situation they are in. Recognizing the dishonesty of the media is one manifestation of this ability. There a lot of other ones as well such as being able to recognize necessary revisions to long held scientific paradigms or discern the correct treatment for an unsolvable illness.
This goes hand in hand with ones ability to resist harmful external influences distorting their mind and behaviors.
I think "consciousness of society" is spot on, in a very literal way. And it applies at many levels (family, village, religion, nation, race). Only humans having consciousness and the rest of the universe being dead is a symptom of our times, the way we look at the world, and not a fact.
What if we spoke about "mainstream culture" which is largely unquestioned, having evolved over time? The main part of people and institutions go along with it, unquestioning, assuming others "experts" know what they are doing. Culture includes multiple layers, including worldview and myth, at deepest, artefacts and behaviours outermost, with values, beliefs, feelings layered in between. Just one model. Then we have subculture and counter cultural people, movements and institutions. Etc etc
Brilliant essay! I've been continually amazed at the people in my life. The majority went along blindly with the insanity and propaganda that was forced on us the last two and a half years. So sad! I knew from day one something was seriously wrong. God help humanity!
I appreciate this particular post so much. It holds great meaning/ value but also comfort, possibly even hope. I didn’t realize just how hopeless I was feeling until the positive surged up while reading and I was able to retranslate my own perspectives. and I will reread it several more times. Thank you for all that you do.
Wonderful writing AMD as always! I personally believe the underlying etiology of this global tyranny must be realized by the masses. I will say it out loud and no bones about it …... NWO will be thrusted on each and everyone of us world wide if people don’t wake up. Covid was just the tip of the iceberg.
Brilliant, thank you.
First - typo in subtitle (eliminate 2nd “has”).
Second - I am a radio host, writer, content editor and member of the editorial board of a local paper that is re-booting after Covid.
Third - I’m interested in interviewing you for the paper. My radio show (Prose, Poetry & Purpose) focuses on writers seeking to inspire positive social change, one reader & one listener at a time. I’m considering dong a written version of the show as a column for the local paper.
Fourth - I’m a 25-year Informed Consent Advocate and have greatly appreciated your insights. Thank you for taking the risk and speaking up.
If you’re interested, please reach out via my contact page in my website: You can scroll through 7 years of interviews on the home page, as well.
I hope to hear from you.
Thank you for your kind words; fixed the typo.
There are some technical issues I am trying to work out on my end for doing voice interviews. Whenever they are addressed I will try to do them.
What an incredible article.
Thank you. I enjoy your pieces and share.
Love your thoughtful work. Can you possibly try using the podcast feature of Substack? Would love to "read" this on my walks.
Thank you. We've been looking into it. There are a variety of challenges that arise with doing that which is why we have not done it yet.
Side note - this was available via the app last night yet just appeared in my email inbox now. Odd.
That is because I don't mail them out to readers until I've finished the edits (normally I get suggestions for minor corrections after I post), whereas the app tells people the second I put it up.
In the interim, print the essay to pdf format, open it in the free acrobat reader and have the nice little adobe machine voice read it back to you. (how I make my first pass through many a TLDR essays)
Your essays have become my 'go to' source of reason and explanation. I feel like the first 50 years of my life I have learned nothing and these last 2 1/2 years I am playing catch up. Thank you for helping many understand what is happening.
Very perceptive and wide ranging post, thank you for writing it. I've been saying for a while that the West is having a collective nervous breakdown. Problem is, we do not know how to fix ourselves. I agree that having no 'anchor' is the deeper problem but returning to that old time religion doesn't work for many of us. We're in an existential, physical and spiritual crisis. As a society, we may be done. The upside is that as writers, we will never run out of things to write about in our lifetime. Cold comfort.
Remember our “Anchor” is Christ….He is our hope and comfort! “Because evil shall abound…. the love of many shall wax cold!” God help us not to grow cold!😰