Kissinger's NSSM-200 published in 1974 is one of the key documents on how to use USAID help to reduce the global population and it calls for the reduction of the population of the below 13 countries:
India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Turkey, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil
"National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (NSSM200)"
I am so appalled as I keep learning how our own country has manipulated and controlled these other people. How arrogant and atrocious. It’s despicable.
The point in the 70s was not just to reduce the population. The problem was how to seize natural resources. Reduce the population first. And China was rather targeted as the cheap labor market for it's huge population. That's why all industries were de-localized from the West to China - use slave labor in China.
That makes a lot of sense, but I am not sure how you would prove that is true (a lot of times people believe conspiracies because they make sense but without any evidence to support them)
From experience, people read what is published without any hints about the context in which it was published. That's why they talk about conspiracy theory.
Anything I say since 1990 takes into account the context of the events because I was part of it and I heard a lot of "leaders" saying things that are not written but that confirmed what was going on. One simple example is late Prince Philip of Britain (WWF). He was very active in the environmental movement and helped shape Agenda 21 in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Today, you won't read anywhere that he was part of what happened in 2020 (Agenda 2030 which evolved from Agenda 21 ).
Well, apparently you have some inside info that says these PARTICULAR 13 countries, excluding China, were targeted for the exact same regimen by the DoD / CIA with malice of forethought to seize their natural resources. As I look over the list of 13 I have a hard time finding any of them with natural resources in any abundance of that much use and similarly cannot recall any specific examples of the USA seizing such from any of them. (Examples would be good for this geo-politically challenged old guy. )
What I seemed to experience in those years with the large Fortune 500 company I worked for was huge capital spending programs building manufacturing operations and sales operations in Brazil, Mexico, and China. The rest on your list saw minimal to NO investment by my company.
The Point: Yes American Companies invested, built, and sold product in those countries and returned some to America for sale. However, not working for the government, I am not aware of our government Stripping any of these countries of natural resources nor actively reducing their birth rates. Secondly, as to China: My company saw China as a MARKET primarily, as I believe many US Companies do. Billions of people to buy our manufactured products made there in China. Other companies certainly use China as a source of cheap labor, not necessarily slave labor as you allude. The Uigers(sp?) are likely a very tiny bit of China's output.
Perhaps you are saying the CIA instigated coups and wars in these 13 countries resulting in deaths, but their REAL MODUS OPERANDI was to reduce the population?
I was a political activist when it was declassified and during the 1992 Rio de Janeiro conference that started Agenda 21 that became Agenda 2030.. I published the analysis of NSSM-200 then with all the implications of what that meant for those countries. The concerned people called us conspiracy theorists at the time and today they're surprised.
Also, there are many unwritten events and never expect to find everything online. NB: What's written online shouldn't even be believed in - If you know your history and read WIKI, you'll be surprised how they fake the original facts.
If all is reported like Covid-19 scams, how can you ever believe in anything that is written.
Read the critics about Apple (contractors) using Chinese as slave labor. That's not me saying.
I want to stay away from the global predators' radar. We will win whether they like it or not. We have to use all strategies available to us. 0.01% of the planet cannot control 99.99% even using quackcines! The Natural Law cannot allow that to happen.
I think CONTROL is the functional word here... and WHY depopulation is the thing. It's not about food supply, or health of the planet, etc etc... It's about the Filthy Rich being terrified we're gonna one day (soon?) rise up against their lies and evil deeds, and UNSEAT them. And not sure it's possible to stay out of the radar... But cheers, anyway, I like your comments.
There's apparently a three-pronged approach being used - plague (with the"vaccines" acting as the "kill shot" and sterilizing females), war, and induced famine (the theft of grain from Ukraine, diverted to Russia from the countries for which it was intended, which are dependent for most of their food - Egypt gets 85% of its grain - from Ukraine. The countries dependent on grain from Ukraine tended to have low "vaccination" rates, probably because "vaccination" was shown to have an ulterior motive... so starvation would be an alternate route, and combined with resultant civil conflict could result in deep population reductions.
Dr. Michael Yeadon and you, A Midwestern Doctor, appear to be taking the lead in raising the alarm about the depopulationists. I know Dr. Yeadon reads many other writers on substack. I hope he reads your writing. The fundamental truth is that humans are morbidly fascinated with population reduction on the grounds of an alleged scarcity of resources, whether it is food, energy, or more broadly the environment. I find most disturbing that Sir David Attenborough, now 95 years old, gets to devote time in the nature programs he narrates to the need to reduce the human population. Not in those precise words, but there is no mistaking his central message. This after the depopulationists have been consistently wrong about our success in increasing capacity to feed our growing population.
Prince Philips started the population reductionist movement back in the 80s - at least that's when I knew who he was. By 1992 we got Agenda 21 in Rio de Janeiro. He repeated many times in public speeches (you can get recorded message online) that he wished to re-incarnate as a deadly virus in order to solve the overpopulation issue. My reaction to Kissinger's NSSM-200 report about natural resources control and depopulation was based on Prince Philip's inconvenient truths because I knew that he was saying publicly was the black nobility was preparing for the world behind closed doors. And that's what we have today...
According to "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert Kennedy, Jr., Bill Gates and Company sterilized 1,000,000 Kenyan women by telling them the vaccine was to prevent tetanus...
Will it include why vaccination rates for, and deaths from, covid have been so relatively low in sub-Saharan Africa? Vaccination has been focused on the West and Westernized countries, rather than the poorer parts of the world. Will it also include a discussion on whether a lower population would be a bad thing in principle?
How do you explain the invasion of Europe by migrants between 2011 and 2015.. I guess more than 5million migrants crossed Greece and the Mediterranean sea into Europe.
The answer: NATO bombed Libya in 2011 and killed its president and unleashed a wave of migrants into Europe from Northern Africa.
NATO used proxies in the Middle East to destroy Iraq, Syria, Yemen & Afghanistan and unleashed refugees into Europe.
Sanctions against Latin American countries who do not respect the empire's edicts and regime change in Bolivia, Brazil unleashed refugees into North America.
It has always been like that for decades and is not a new phenomenon.
Those who want to control natural resources destabilize host countries first in order to steal their resources. And those policies are responsible for migrations around the globe.
"NATO bombed Libya in 2011 and killed its president and unleashed a wave of migrants into Europe from Northern Africa."
WHICH wave Kaddhafi had been SUCCESSFULLY stopping in Africa. What was NATO's purpose in opening that particular spigot? What resources did NATO "steal" from Libya? Were they buying them as part of the deal with Kaddhafi to keep migrants down there?
Certainly, 100% NOT suggesting NATO -- or Europe or the U.S. -- were acting honorably, but I'm also not so sure it was to "control and steal natural resources." Why destabilize and create immigration problems for the countries that were ALREADY buying the resources?
The fact that the US considers that it has a "manifest destiny" to overturn the governments of any and all governments of Central and South America over and over again if they do not give up their resources to American corporations. We have now invaded and/or financed coups in some of those countries three times. There is not a single country to our south we have not immiserated and destroyed. Thus, there is a constant stream of refugees trying to get away from the situations in their countries we have created. Clear enough?
I said this somewhere else, but while I really disagree with what the US has done in other countries, every empire in history has behaved this way, and by a lot of metrics the USA has been much kinder than other empires, so I'm a fan of making the US better as opposed to trying to tear it down and replace it (China would be much worse if they took our spot).
Of course. The biggest improvement would be for the US to actually acknowledge the sovereignty of other countries and their right to choose their own governments.
Which is impossible practically. The problem is very simple but the equations are never made public in order to prevent the masses from understanding what they're up to.
The fundamental issue is the world reserve currency status. It went from Portugal to the Spanish to the French and to the British until 1945.
The USD took over from the UK and after decoupling the USD from gold in 1971, it became clear that there was going to be resistance from other countries. The US decided to use the military power to impose the USD to the planet since it's being printed out of thin air.
That decision in 1971 is the results of all the endless wars you see going on around the world. If you want more details, read Super Imperialism by Prof Hudson. It was first published in 1971 and he consulted with the DOD back then about the implications of the removal of the gold standard from the USD.
I agree, but the US has been doing this since the 19th c., and revved it up considerably under Eisenhower and later. There was even a huge kerfuffle about US imperialism during the early 20th c. during which the whole country nearly came to blows about whether the US should consider itself "exceptional" in that regard. It is clear what they decided.
"The US decided to use the military power to impose the USD to the planet since it's being printed out of thin air."
This was a point of contention that I had with a few on this post who stuck with the petrodollar talking point. Which I maintain means jack shit w/o the military.
Hello! This is a bit of a non sequitur but I wanted to tell you that I really appreciate your substack I often lurk there and you were one of the people who inspired me to write on here.
I can easily connect the dots because I already knew the pieces of the puzzle. Frances just pulled all the dots together in one article.
I have already mentioned in many posts that the Infallible Leader who controls the world should be Ceaușescued for violating his own church's teachings. I don't know if the Templars have a law about punishing their own heretics or not.
I would really suggest you read the article I linked to you. It will give you a different perspective on the US itself.
I don't think it is about knocking down. I think it might be more about seeing clearly.
Another (Naomi Wolf) has suggested that leaving the Southern US border open can possibly be a way of getting recruits for armed forces to Canada and possibly the US as well.
If you've heard about the Iran-Contra Affair that exploded in 1995,
Collin Powell (Reagan's Security Adviser) and Col. Oliver North were illegally selling weapons to Iran (under US sanctions) to finance the Contras in Nicaragua. By sustaining artificial civil wars in Latin America, I don't know where they expected the displaced population to go - if not to North America.
So, the US government is behind legal and illegal migrations from the South. Morales was toppled in Bolivia just because he was not compliant with Pompeo's diktats.
One of my friends actually by very odd circumstances randomly got access to a private investment magazine before Reagan was elected prior to his election where Reagan stated to private donors he wanted to support his campaign that he was going to finance the contras in Nicaragua so he could make them lot of money selling weapons to both sides and buying super cheap agricultural land was freed up by the civil war killing the previous occupants. At the time he thought it was complete BS and then nearly had a heart attack when he watched it all happen after Reagan was elected.
In many occasions, I've predicted accurately future events just by reverse engineering the media's narratives. After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the behavior of the Clinton's administration proved to me clearly that something fundamental had changed in international relations. Based on media campaigns against Islam for years, I concluded that Muslim countries were going to be destroyed if they didn't protect themselves. I talked to my class mates who were Muslims and they called me conspiracy theorist.
A couple of years later Gen. Wesley Clark revealed the plan to destroy 7 Muslim countries in 5 years! We all know today what happened to Sudan, Somalia, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen. Iran protected itself and survived!!
I am curious about you. I wonder what you do for a living. Is that something you'd be willing to say? Email me? I want to go back in time and understand all the history... I never learned a damn thing in school.
If you call me Dr. Red Pill you're right. I've worn so many hats in the past that I can't tell you who I am.
I've studied virtually every discipline taught out there and I came to the conclusion that the education system was useless or less than useless. I then started from scratch studying the true history since ~5000 BC. So, the global mafia cannot fool me with Chemistry, Computer Science, Biology, Bio-Chemistry, nano technology, the True history of this planet, spirituality (not religion) etc...
I am my own medical doctor with no connection with Rockfeller's medical system!!
If you want to understand history, the first step is to take the below free course offered by Ron Paul's institute - I discovered that online recently and I consider it History 101. It's going to spur your curiosity and you're going to look at events differently. My advise to you is that if you have TV, destroy it first and think for yourself. I did that in 1991 and I don't regret it.
"Forbidden Knowledge History Of The Khazar Empire Lecture" By Jack Otto
Guess when the congress hearing about that case happened?
I think Reagan was flown to the Capitol Hill to be questioned when he was 93! He answered all questions by saying "I don't recall" and that was it. You commit crimes for 8 years and get away with it scot-free. That's called democracy.
Wow, seriously? Someone needs to sit down and read a few books. The US has more or less constantly interfered in Haiti for more than a century, installing and de-installing one dictator after another. We even decide things like how much Haitian workers will be paid to work in the sweatshops American corporations run there. Hillary Clinton famously got garment workers' pay in Haiti reduced from 64 cents an hour to 32 cents an hour at the request of American clothing manufacturers. Yet she's a "feminist" and a "liberal." There is not a single country on the face of the earth, including our own allies, we haven't overturned the government of--Italy, Canada, Australia. Every single election the world over is influenced by US dollars and CIA interference and propaganda. Why do you think Pompeo laughed and said the US "would never let that happen" when asked about Jeremy Corbyn becoming prime minister of the UK? A person can only say what you just said about Haiti and Haitians from a position of extreme ignorance. Haitians are the only people in the world who have fought a war with a colonial slave power and won. They would do just fine if left alone, like most of the countries of the world.
I learned a lot about Haiti from the writings of Greg Palast (he essentially agrees with what you are saying). They were one of the only slave colonies that freed themselves and have been messed with ever since. That said, as Palast is also very left leaning, some of his later points on Haiti I don't agree with (pertaining to the Clintons and vaccines).
They assassinated another African president last year who refused C-19 quackcines. The Big Pharma is run by the military that developed the virus in the place.
A two-minute Google will tell you about US interference in Liberia, which goes back to the 19th c. And besides, do we have an inpouring of Liberian refugees? You are flailing.
Colin Powell went to Haiti in the 90s and asked Cedras to step down or being destroyed.
The US navy was flooding Haiti with leaflets before Powell's visit. He was then working at the Pentagon.
Cedras left and Powell installed Aristide as president.
Guess what happened next? It's the same Powell who later toppled Aristide when he was Secretary of State under G. Bush and Aristice fled to South Africa.
Just last year, the CIA hired a hit man to kill the president of Haiti who opposed Schizer's quackcines!!
If you don't have a solid background in geopolitics, truth will always be elusive to you. If you don't understand who governs the planet, you'll tend to believe in the mass formation psychosis of the media.
I can tell you that it's not an easy task to unmask the forces that operate in the world. You have to be a dedicated truth researcher, have a solid background in history and geopolitics in order to sort out truth from fakes.
Just let me just drop a hint to you.
Do you know that since the end of Apartheid in South Africa, BlackRock controls virtually all mines in that country?
Do you think that it happened without corruption?
Do you think that Bull Gates is pushing quackcines in South Africa without corrupting the system?
As I said before those who refuse to be corrupted are killed as in Haiti and Tanzania last year.
The next question is: Does corruption exist only in the Global South?
Who corrupted the FDA, CDC, etc.. to experiment a known poison on Americans?
Wow. Let's make an analogy. Suppose you are CL sitting in an African country that has a much lower case and death rate from COVID compared to the US. You look at the US and laugh, saying "so those people in the US are unable to make decisions on their own"? Are they so stupid that they just do whatever they are told about COVID and the vaccines?" See how idiotic that is? People do what they are propagandized to do and what they are forced to do, both in the US and in Haiti. When a US installed dictator is in power in Haiti (or anywhere else), the people don't have the power to make decisions. When the US military is in control in Haiti, as has happened over decades of time, are the Haitians "just unable to make decisions on their own"? WTF? You think the Haitians are just "allowing" these things to happen? How is a tiny island nation supposed to "refuse" what the most powerful nuclear powered nation on earth is making sure happens with its CIA and its military and its globalist corporations?
Bill Clinton is just an example. Can you list a single president that hasn't been destroying the Greater South countries in order to steal their resources?
What did the US do in Haiti for 34 years of occupation?
Show me a single positive that was left behind after those years of exploitation.
"The history of Haiti is marked by the heavy-handed intervention of the U.S. This includes the 19-year occupation of the country by U.S. Marines in the early 20th century and the U.S.-backed coup in 2004 that overthrew Jean Bertrand Aristide, Haiti’s first democratically elected president. Haiti has been occupied by U.S.-backed U.N. soldiers for more than a decade.
The Haitian government has been further destabilized by U.S. political interference. After Jean Bertrand Aristide was re-elected President in 2000 (by 90 percent of the vote), the U.S. imposed a development assistance embargo on Haiti, holding up over $200,000,000 in aid. The U.S. government financed Haitian organizations that were working to undermine and overthrow the Haitian government. On February 29, 2004, Aristide was forcibly removed and sent to exile in Africa on a U.S. government plane. The U.S. replaced the constitutional government with an unelected prime minister flown in from Florida.
The U.S. undermined Haiti’s democracy by providing political and financial support to unlawful parliamentary elections in Haiti held in April and June 2009. The 2009 elections illegally excluded several political parties, including Haiti’s largest political party, Fanmi Lavalas. The impact was equivalent to holding a U.S. election without either the Republican or Democrat party participating.
Illegitimate elections in 2010, contaminated by a corrupt electoral council, illegal exclusion of political parties, ballot-stuffing, and an arbitrary revision of the results set Haiti on its way to its current political crisis. A month before the 2010 elections, 45 members of the U.S. Congress warned Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that supporting flawed elections “will come back to haunt the international community” by generating unrest and threatening the implementation of earthquake reconstruction projects.
The U.S. government ignored these warnings and provided the majority of the funding for those elections, directly contributing to the current crisis."
I think the political/social fabric of a nation is in a sense a form of ecology. If you treat your farmland with RoundUp and the like, you have disrupted its ability to grow healthy crops for a long time...bound up nutrients, made the soil sterile...if you interfere with a country's leadership/elections, it degrades trust and the social fabric in a way that is hard to restore. With what we have done in Haiti, the responsibility for the poverty and social chaos there is in large part ours, not the lack of their ability to govern.
Okay, Linda, I'm blushing now. I read many of your replies to the Good Doctor's post, and often felt like I was skimming through the pages of Braiding Sweetgrass. I love the way you think and express your thoughts. From the lens of someone who did a BS in Forest Ecology, I could feel the earth smiling up through your words...
I'm guessing you support the AGW/climate changers who think "climate" only began in 1976? CL has pointed FARTHER back than the 1960s. You (and others) keep trying to make out that all the Haitian problems BEGAN with the U.S.; and BEFORE the U.S. showed up and. yes, made total hash of what was LEFT of the country it was paradise on earth and all the islanders lived in harmony. (I give the U.S. no pass: "Hans, are WE the baddies?" Yes, we often are...)
But it was not paradise; you might notice that the African (i.e., not American!) blacks MURDERED EVERY WHITE (mostly French) on the island who was not able to escape. But sure, let's ONLY focus on post-1960... makes it easier to demonize only ONE group of "First Worlders" and excuse anything other groups do?
Plant monocultures actually destroy the earth and are nutritionally very poor. Rice production itself produces more methane than cows produce. Most of what we have been told about nutrition and agriculture is false and bad for both people and the environment. Subsistence farming on an individual level is the sustainable path. Rather than the WEF move to a large number of huge cities, we should be moving back to a more rural existence or small city states. Those are also more amenable to a mutually supportive society as the author suggests.
I know you don't have time to read this, but put it on your list--the recent book The Dawn of Everything, about recent archaeological discoveries about prehistoric city state societies, some of which lasted for up to 1000 years, and which seem to have been quite equitable and communally supportive without being top-down authoritarian.
Agree with Copernicus totally. If we practice regenerative agriculture, we build up the soil and store more carbon. Restoring prairie stores yet more carbon because of its deep roots (more than trees), and hoofed grazing animals can then manage it. If all food is local then we save carbon-producing supply costs. Any methane produced by ruminants is more than made up for by the carbon they store. Always get a kick out of those who think getting rid of cows will save the environment, when the number of cows has gone down continuously even while CO2 is going up. People give you blank stares when you ask them why the millions and millions of buffalo on the plains in the 19th century did not raise greenhouse gases (or the millions of ruminants on the Serengeti for that matter). Ruminants are nature's way of building soil. No petroleum-based fertilizers required.
Yes, this is what I've been reading about, for a couple of years. I asked because there was one guy on FB who said it was a scam... Sigh. Always something, eh? But I've been following Alan Savory and the Regeneration International folks for a while now. I wanted to just validate that I'm on the right trail. ^_^ It just seems so LOGICAL and Naturally intelligent!! But it's good to get backup from those who KNOW. I go with my intuition, and then I ask others questions. Cheers!
Absolutely! Good for people, good for animals, good for the environment.
Fertilizer shortage? Not so much of a problem when not growing row crops and when the only fertilizer needed are the manure of the cows eating the forage and droppings of the chickens that come behind the cows.
Yes, I am sure I am over simplifying a bit. But based on what I have learned from the regenerative farm where we buy our meat, I have to believe they are not nearly as distressed by the current rise in fertilizer prices as are the grain-based operations.
I'm glad you said that, because I want to believe. ;) I DO think the "old ways" of agriculture are better, or BEST. There's just little sense, in my view, of spraying the Earth with petroleum products designed to KILL... It's kind of antithetical, in my view! A very ignorant approach that I see in MOST of industrialized countries, in medicine and in many areas of life... KILL the thing that bothers you! Everything is a "battle." When really, maybe, everything is a path to learning how to LIVE in harmony, and how to sort of discourage the invaders, like bugs eating the crops... Knowing very little about farming of ANY sort, it makes much more sense to me to plant things with your food crop that deters the bugs... Garlic, for instance. I just hear these things, and think about them, but I might have to become a serious gardener soon... Cheers, m'dear. And thanks.
It sounds good, but would it really be possible, given the current population? Would there be enough land to support the whole population on the diet you favor? And not just food production but all the other necessities. And there really is a need for the other species to have living space, too. Have you worked out how that could be done in practice?
And think of the nations that are far more crowded than those in North America, such as the UK, which is crammed full like an American can't imagine.
I think we can. If we turned our attention away from destructive methods like population control, and toward constructive methods like making the deserts into fertile farmland, other methods of increasing food production, even small efforts like community gardens, turning half our useless lawns into a garden, raising chickens, having actual edible pear trees rather than bradford pears, and other endeavors, I think we would never have to worry about food shortages. In third world countries, a lot of the starvation is due to violence and corruption, so minimizing those things would help the food supply. Just a few thoughts on making this workable.
I believe if managed properly by the household an acre house comes very close to producing all the food a family of 4 needs. The earth is 36 billion acres although some of the land is not the best.
I'm not convinced we don't have enough food. I think the problem is more like ACCESS to food. I also wonder about the wisdom of turning deserts into farmland, if that's even viable... Deserts seem to have their own function. We need to learn how to work WITH Nature, and stop trying to DOMINATE it. There is wisdom in the Earth, and just because some of us don't understand it, it doesn't mean it should be ignored. Patriarchy needs to stop... Not everything is a "battle." Cooperation and harmony are inherently healthy, and inherently feminine (in the spiritual sense, not in the sexuality sense!). If we care for the Earth, the Earth will care for us. If we think there are too many people on the planet, there are kinder, gentler ways to work on that besides genocide... This shouldn't be a difficult concept!
Are you certain that our troubles of today are caused by over-population? Because I'm not so sure. I suspect that equity, cooperation, and an end to vast personal wealth might just end up being more of a playing field leveler. Toss in education, equality for women and control of their own bodies, ie, birth control, and a serious undoing of the power of giant corporations, and I think we'd be in MUCH better shape.
Depends on what thrive and health actually means. We do have the ability to grow nourishing foods in a sustainable fashion via vertical farms completely solar powered using artificial lamps and constantly recycled waste water. The creation of these farms is a result of technology and capital resources. Watching a harvest by people and machines on golf-cart devices is remarkable. Re-imagining farming is happening now. Technology can improve even current field farming practices. Wheat and rice are good for some areas but other crops can flourish in created environments.
We can do a lot better in animal and insect based foods. We can restore barren lands via those animals. Although I did see a NatGeo article lamenting the loss of grasshopper population by excessive capture in some places. But farmers are discovering they can create new farms to repopulate a popular food in some cultures.
Not a huge fan of relying on new technology, because that means some corporation is profiting, and soon you don't know what is true and what isn't, because corporations push bullshit. Lots of "green" technology is based on lies and actually isn't environmentally friendly at all. Farming doesn't need to be reimagined--it needs to regress.
Agreed. And even if the corporations were small, and decent (ha, ha), the Earth doesn't seem like the place for absolute technology. The "old ways" of the Earth seem to suit it best, seems to me. Not saying we have to go back to the Stone Age, but INDUSTRIAL just seems off on the wrong path... Maybe there's some semantics to pick apart...
Don't let your self get caught up in that. I invest in a few of those that promise to improve farm yields. Their products allow wiser use of resources - water, fertilizer and pesticides, all necessary to bring crops to market given finite land. Don't know if any are touted as green, per se, but instrumented fields gets a better crop.
A robot squirting a drop of pesticide in exactly the right place does much less harm than spraying a field. But we can hope we get a lot better at that work. Without some pesticides we would lose too much useful crop. I don't like it either but lack a better answer.
Well, since the word "re-imagined" has been used since long before communism existed, I pronounce you ridiculous. You know perfectly well what it means, and it is already plain English.
You knocked the head of the snake!
Kissinger's NSSM-200 published in 1974 is one of the key documents on how to use USAID help to reduce the global population and it calls for the reduction of the population of the below 13 countries:
India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Turkey, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil
"National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (NSSM200)"
I am so appalled as I keep learning how our own country has manipulated and controlled these other people. How arrogant and atrocious. It’s despicable.
interesting also that China did NOT make the list! Was Kissinger involved when tricky Dick welcomed China into trading with US?
In the early 70s, China (communist) had no relationships with the US. That's why they didn't make it to the list.
Targeted countries were going to be depopulated using help.
early 1972 Nixon developed one. . .
"Kissinger's NSSM-200 published in 1974 . . ." did not include China.
The Point: Kissinger may have opted them "out". . . China had their OWN depopulation program going pretty well already. Only two children per family.
Good to know.
The point in the 70s was not just to reduce the population. The problem was how to seize natural resources. Reduce the population first. And China was rather targeted as the cheap labor market for it's huge population. That's why all industries were de-localized from the West to China - use slave labor in China.
That makes a lot of sense, but I am not sure how you would prove that is true (a lot of times people believe conspiracies because they make sense but without any evidence to support them)
From experience, people read what is published without any hints about the context in which it was published. That's why they talk about conspiracy theory.
Anything I say since 1990 takes into account the context of the events because I was part of it and I heard a lot of "leaders" saying things that are not written but that confirmed what was going on. One simple example is late Prince Philip of Britain (WWF). He was very active in the environmental movement and helped shape Agenda 21 in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Today, you won't read anywhere that he was part of what happened in 2020 (Agenda 2030 which evolved from Agenda 21 ).
Well, apparently you have some inside info that says these PARTICULAR 13 countries, excluding China, were targeted for the exact same regimen by the DoD / CIA with malice of forethought to seize their natural resources. As I look over the list of 13 I have a hard time finding any of them with natural resources in any abundance of that much use and similarly cannot recall any specific examples of the USA seizing such from any of them. (Examples would be good for this geo-politically challenged old guy. )
What I seemed to experience in those years with the large Fortune 500 company I worked for was huge capital spending programs building manufacturing operations and sales operations in Brazil, Mexico, and China. The rest on your list saw minimal to NO investment by my company.
The Point: Yes American Companies invested, built, and sold product in those countries and returned some to America for sale. However, not working for the government, I am not aware of our government Stripping any of these countries of natural resources nor actively reducing their birth rates. Secondly, as to China: My company saw China as a MARKET primarily, as I believe many US Companies do. Billions of people to buy our manufactured products made there in China. Other companies certainly use China as a source of cheap labor, not necessarily slave labor as you allude. The Uigers(sp?) are likely a very tiny bit of China's output.
Perhaps you are saying the CIA instigated coups and wars in these 13 countries resulting in deaths, but their REAL MODUS OPERANDI was to reduce the population?
Read the 134 page document (NSSM-200) itself.
The title itself says what's all about!
I was a political activist when it was declassified and during the 1992 Rio de Janeiro conference that started Agenda 21 that became Agenda 2030.. I published the analysis of NSSM-200 then with all the implications of what that meant for those countries. The concerned people called us conspiracy theorists at the time and today they're surprised.
Also, there are many unwritten events and never expect to find everything online. NB: What's written online shouldn't even be believed in - If you know your history and read WIKI, you'll be surprised how they fake the original facts.
If all is reported like Covid-19 scams, how can you ever believe in anything that is written.
Read the critics about Apple (contractors) using Chinese as slave labor. That's not me saying.
Brilliant article. Malthus is alive and well and living in every single clot shot.
Kill Gates had already sterilized millions across Africa using quackcines before 2019.
He also disabled ~500,000 poor Indians using them as guinea pigs illegally. There is a pending court case in India against him.
C-19 kill shots were designed to KILL as per the plandemic blueprint:
Can I ask why you are not writing yourself. You seem to have much info to share.
I want to stay away from the global predators' radar. We will win whether they like it or not. We have to use all strategies available to us. 0.01% of the planet cannot control 99.99% even using quackcines! The Natural Law cannot allow that to happen.
I think CONTROL is the functional word here... and WHY depopulation is the thing. It's not about food supply, or health of the planet, etc etc... It's about the Filthy Rich being terrified we're gonna one day (soon?) rise up against their lies and evil deeds, and UNSEAT them. And not sure it's possible to stay out of the radar... But cheers, anyway, I like your comments.
Hey!!!! ❤️
Hey back!! ^_^
I understand.
And weighing in this way might have more of an affect.
And I do hope you are right!
Although my diminished spirits have more to do with something else. As ridiculous as that might seem.
Getting my ire up seems to help me!!!!!!!
The Millennium Report ends abruptly Sep 2021 - any idea why?
Thanks for excellent writing on subjects requiring courage and diligence.
Outstanding article ツ
The Arrogant elites have never had any problem forcing their own agenda on poor folks
What these elites miss is a simple concept...karma...
Comes around goes around
We all live in the same oceans atmospheres and on the same land
Tis a small planet
As you mentioned, some things won't wash away
We all thirst...
speaking of Karma. . . Fauci gets the Wuhan Virus. . . again.
There's apparently a three-pronged approach being used - plague (with the"vaccines" acting as the "kill shot" and sterilizing females), war, and induced famine (the theft of grain from Ukraine, diverted to Russia from the countries for which it was intended, which are dependent for most of their food - Egypt gets 85% of its grain - from Ukraine. The countries dependent on grain from Ukraine tended to have low "vaccination" rates, probably because "vaccination" was shown to have an ulterior motive... so starvation would be an alternate route, and combined with resultant civil conflict could result in deep population reductions.
Scary times we live in
Dr. Michael Yeadon and you, A Midwestern Doctor, appear to be taking the lead in raising the alarm about the depopulationists. I know Dr. Yeadon reads many other writers on substack. I hope he reads your writing. The fundamental truth is that humans are morbidly fascinated with population reduction on the grounds of an alleged scarcity of resources, whether it is food, energy, or more broadly the environment. I find most disturbing that Sir David Attenborough, now 95 years old, gets to devote time in the nature programs he narrates to the need to reduce the human population. Not in those precise words, but there is no mistaking his central message. This after the depopulationists have been consistently wrong about our success in increasing capacity to feed our growing population.
Prince Philips started the population reductionist movement back in the 80s - at least that's when I knew who he was. By 1992 we got Agenda 21 in Rio de Janeiro. He repeated many times in public speeches (you can get recorded message online) that he wished to re-incarnate as a deadly virus in order to solve the overpopulation issue. My reaction to Kissinger's NSSM-200 report about natural resources control and depopulation was based on Prince Philip's inconvenient truths because I knew that he was saying publicly was the black nobility was preparing for the world behind closed doors. And that's what we have today...
I am reading & made a short post
Obviously we all hope none of this is coordinated but I believe it obviously is.
I don’t know the end game.
So grateful for your courage dr yeadon. I found you early covid and you boosted my confidence in healthy skepticism!
Boris Johnson's Father Wants to Reduce Britain’s Population to Around "10 or 15 million" by 2025. (2012)
"The Elites are Planning to Kill Billions of People" -- Prime Minister of Malaysia (2015)
“The Peace of the Graveyard” - Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad
According to "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert Kennedy, Jr., Bill Gates and Company sterilized 1,000,000 Kenyan women by telling them the vaccine was to prevent tetanus...
yeah thats in pt.2
Will it include why vaccination rates for, and deaths from, covid have been so relatively low in sub-Saharan Africa? Vaccination has been focused on the West and Westernized countries, rather than the poorer parts of the world. Will it also include a discussion on whether a lower population would be a bad thing in principle?
Why would he include a discussion on the pros or cons of population control?
Because he seems opposed to it in principle.
Secret or forced population control is immoral. No discussion required.
Where did I say it wasn't?
How do you explain the currently open southern border and the massive influx of young fertile adults?
How do you explain the invasion of Europe by migrants between 2011 and 2015.. I guess more than 5million migrants crossed Greece and the Mediterranean sea into Europe.
The answer: NATO bombed Libya in 2011 and killed its president and unleashed a wave of migrants into Europe from Northern Africa.
NATO used proxies in the Middle East to destroy Iraq, Syria, Yemen & Afghanistan and unleashed refugees into Europe.
Sanctions against Latin American countries who do not respect the empire's edicts and regime change in Bolivia, Brazil unleashed refugees into North America.
It has always been like that for decades and is not a new phenomenon.
Those who want to control natural resources destabilize host countries first in order to steal their resources. And those policies are responsible for migrations around the globe.
‘We Lied, Cheated and Stole’ - Mike Pompeo
Spot on.
"NATO bombed Libya in 2011 and killed its president and unleashed a wave of migrants into Europe from Northern Africa."
WHICH wave Kaddhafi had been SUCCESSFULLY stopping in Africa. What was NATO's purpose in opening that particular spigot? What resources did NATO "steal" from Libya? Were they buying them as part of the deal with Kaddhafi to keep migrants down there?
Certainly, 100% NOT suggesting NATO -- or Europe or the U.S. -- were acting honorably, but I'm also not so sure it was to "control and steal natural resources." Why destabilize and create immigration problems for the countries that were ALREADY buying the resources?
Read the article “Obama adopts UN policy - Responsibility to Protect - to justify Libya intervention “.
He also later admitted this was a huge mistake:
The fact that the US considers that it has a "manifest destiny" to overturn the governments of any and all governments of Central and South America over and over again if they do not give up their resources to American corporations. We have now invaded and/or financed coups in some of those countries three times. There is not a single country to our south we have not immiserated and destroyed. Thus, there is a constant stream of refugees trying to get away from the situations in their countries we have created. Clear enough?
I said this somewhere else, but while I really disagree with what the US has done in other countries, every empire in history has behaved this way, and by a lot of metrics the USA has been much kinder than other empires, so I'm a fan of making the US better as opposed to trying to tear it down and replace it (China would be much worse if they took our spot).
Of course. The biggest improvement would be for the US to actually acknowledge the sovereignty of other countries and their right to choose their own governments.
Which is impossible practically. The problem is very simple but the equations are never made public in order to prevent the masses from understanding what they're up to.
The fundamental issue is the world reserve currency status. It went from Portugal to the Spanish to the French and to the British until 1945.
The USD took over from the UK and after decoupling the USD from gold in 1971, it became clear that there was going to be resistance from other countries. The US decided to use the military power to impose the USD to the planet since it's being printed out of thin air.
That decision in 1971 is the results of all the endless wars you see going on around the world. If you want more details, read Super Imperialism by Prof Hudson. It was first published in 1971 and he consulted with the DOD back then about the implications of the removal of the gold standard from the USD.
I agree, but the US has been doing this since the 19th c., and revved it up considerably under Eisenhower and later. There was even a huge kerfuffle about US imperialism during the early 20th c. during which the whole country nearly came to blows about whether the US should consider itself "exceptional" in that regard. It is clear what they decided.
"The US decided to use the military power to impose the USD to the planet since it's being printed out of thin air."
This was a point of contention that I had with a few on this post who stuck with the petrodollar talking point. Which I maintain means jack shit w/o the military.
I agree with your premise here.
Hello! This is a bit of a non sequitur but I wanted to tell you that I really appreciate your substack I often lurk there and you were one of the people who inspired me to write on here.
Did you read this piece? It's an interesting and disturbing perspective.
I can easily connect the dots because I already knew the pieces of the puzzle. Frances just pulled all the dots together in one article.
I have already mentioned in many posts that the Infallible Leader who controls the world should be Ceaușescued for violating his own church's teachings. I don't know if the Templars have a law about punishing their own heretics or not.
I would really suggest you read the article I linked to you. It will give you a different perspective on the US itself.
I don't think it is about knocking down. I think it might be more about seeing clearly.
Another (Naomi Wolf) has suggested that leaving the Southern US border open can possibly be a way of getting recruits for armed forces to Canada and possibly the US as well.
If you've heard about the Iran-Contra Affair that exploded in 1995,
Collin Powell (Reagan's Security Adviser) and Col. Oliver North were illegally selling weapons to Iran (under US sanctions) to finance the Contras in Nicaragua. By sustaining artificial civil wars in Latin America, I don't know where they expected the displaced population to go - if not to North America.
So, the US government is behind legal and illegal migrations from the South. Morales was toppled in Bolivia just because he was not compliant with Pompeo's diktats.
One of my friends actually by very odd circumstances randomly got access to a private investment magazine before Reagan was elected prior to his election where Reagan stated to private donors he wanted to support his campaign that he was going to finance the contras in Nicaragua so he could make them lot of money selling weapons to both sides and buying super cheap agricultural land was freed up by the civil war killing the previous occupants. At the time he thought it was complete BS and then nearly had a heart attack when he watched it all happen after Reagan was elected.
In many occasions, I've predicted accurately future events just by reverse engineering the media's narratives. After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the behavior of the Clinton's administration proved to me clearly that something fundamental had changed in international relations. Based on media campaigns against Islam for years, I concluded that Muslim countries were going to be destroyed if they didn't protect themselves. I talked to my class mates who were Muslims and they called me conspiracy theorist.
A couple of years later Gen. Wesley Clark revealed the plan to destroy 7 Muslim countries in 5 years! We all know today what happened to Sudan, Somalia, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen. Iran protected itself and survived!!
I am curious about you. I wonder what you do for a living. Is that something you'd be willing to say? Email me? I want to go back in time and understand all the history... I never learned a damn thing in school.
If you call me Dr. Red Pill you're right. I've worn so many hats in the past that I can't tell you who I am.
I've studied virtually every discipline taught out there and I came to the conclusion that the education system was useless or less than useless. I then started from scratch studying the true history since ~5000 BC. So, the global mafia cannot fool me with Chemistry, Computer Science, Biology, Bio-Chemistry, nano technology, the True history of this planet, spirituality (not religion) etc...
I am my own medical doctor with no connection with Rockfeller's medical system!!
If you want to understand history, the first step is to take the below free course offered by Ron Paul's institute - I discovered that online recently and I consider it History 101. It's going to spur your curiosity and you're going to look at events differently. My advise to you is that if you have TV, destroy it first and think for yourself. I did that in 1991 and I don't regret it.
"Forbidden Knowledge History Of The Khazar Empire Lecture" By Jack Otto
Guess when the congress hearing about that case happened?
I think Reagan was flown to the Capitol Hill to be questioned when he was 93! He answered all questions by saying "I don't recall" and that was it. You commit crimes for 8 years and get away with it scot-free. That's called democracy.
Wow, seriously? Someone needs to sit down and read a few books. The US has more or less constantly interfered in Haiti for more than a century, installing and de-installing one dictator after another. We even decide things like how much Haitian workers will be paid to work in the sweatshops American corporations run there. Hillary Clinton famously got garment workers' pay in Haiti reduced from 64 cents an hour to 32 cents an hour at the request of American clothing manufacturers. Yet she's a "feminist" and a "liberal." There is not a single country on the face of the earth, including our own allies, we haven't overturned the government of--Italy, Canada, Australia. Every single election the world over is influenced by US dollars and CIA interference and propaganda. Why do you think Pompeo laughed and said the US "would never let that happen" when asked about Jeremy Corbyn becoming prime minister of the UK? A person can only say what you just said about Haiti and Haitians from a position of extreme ignorance. Haitians are the only people in the world who have fought a war with a colonial slave power and won. They would do just fine if left alone, like most of the countries of the world.
I learned a lot about Haiti from the writings of Greg Palast (he essentially agrees with what you are saying). They were one of the only slave colonies that freed themselves and have been messed with ever since. That said, as Palast is also very left leaning, some of his later points on Haiti I don't agree with (pertaining to the Clintons and vaccines).
They assassinated another African president last year who refused C-19 quackcines. The Big Pharma is run by the military that developed the virus in the place.
100% agree about Palast.
A two-minute Google will tell you about US interference in Liberia, which goes back to the 19th c. And besides, do we have an inpouring of Liberian refugees? You are flailing.
Colin Powell went to Haiti in the 90s and asked Cedras to step down or being destroyed.
The US navy was flooding Haiti with leaflets before Powell's visit. He was then working at the Pentagon.
Cedras left and Powell installed Aristide as president.
Guess what happened next? It's the same Powell who later toppled Aristide when he was Secretary of State under G. Bush and Aristice fled to South Africa.
Just last year, the CIA hired a hit man to kill the president of Haiti who opposed Schizer's quackcines!!
How can an unstable country ever build anything.
And who corrupts them?
If you don't have a solid background in geopolitics, truth will always be elusive to you. If you don't understand who governs the planet, you'll tend to believe in the mass formation psychosis of the media.
I can tell you that it's not an easy task to unmask the forces that operate in the world. You have to be a dedicated truth researcher, have a solid background in history and geopolitics in order to sort out truth from fakes.
Just let me just drop a hint to you.
Do you know that since the end of Apartheid in South Africa, BlackRock controls virtually all mines in that country?
Do you think that it happened without corruption?
Do you think that Bull Gates is pushing quackcines in South Africa without corrupting the system?
As I said before those who refuse to be corrupted are killed as in Haiti and Tanzania last year.
The next question is: Does corruption exist only in the Global South?
Who corrupted the FDA, CDC, etc.. to experiment a known poison on Americans?
Wow. Let's make an analogy. Suppose you are CL sitting in an African country that has a much lower case and death rate from COVID compared to the US. You look at the US and laugh, saying "so those people in the US are unable to make decisions on their own"? Are they so stupid that they just do whatever they are told about COVID and the vaccines?" See how idiotic that is? People do what they are propagandized to do and what they are forced to do, both in the US and in Haiti. When a US installed dictator is in power in Haiti (or anywhere else), the people don't have the power to make decisions. When the US military is in control in Haiti, as has happened over decades of time, are the Haitians "just unable to make decisions on their own"? WTF? You think the Haitians are just "allowing" these things to happen? How is a tiny island nation supposed to "refuse" what the most powerful nuclear powered nation on earth is making sure happens with its CIA and its military and its globalist corporations?
Bill Clinton brought them the "free market" and stold $4 Billion for his foundation.
How many migrants could that amount of money keep in the South.
And when the Congress invited an Haitian official to testify, the guy was found dead after landing in Florida and the case was closed!!!
Bill Clinton is just an example. Can you list a single president that hasn't been destroying the Greater South countries in order to steal their resources?
What did the US do in Haiti for 34 years of occupation?
Show me a single positive that was left behind after those years of exploitation.
"The history of Haiti is marked by the heavy-handed intervention of the U.S. This includes the 19-year occupation of the country by U.S. Marines in the early 20th century and the U.S.-backed coup in 2004 that overthrew Jean Bertrand Aristide, Haiti’s first democratically elected president. Haiti has been occupied by U.S.-backed U.N. soldiers for more than a decade.
The Haitian government has been further destabilized by U.S. political interference. After Jean Bertrand Aristide was re-elected President in 2000 (by 90 percent of the vote), the U.S. imposed a development assistance embargo on Haiti, holding up over $200,000,000 in aid. The U.S. government financed Haitian organizations that were working to undermine and overthrow the Haitian government. On February 29, 2004, Aristide was forcibly removed and sent to exile in Africa on a U.S. government plane. The U.S. replaced the constitutional government with an unelected prime minister flown in from Florida.
The U.S. undermined Haiti’s democracy by providing political and financial support to unlawful parliamentary elections in Haiti held in April and June 2009. The 2009 elections illegally excluded several political parties, including Haiti’s largest political party, Fanmi Lavalas. The impact was equivalent to holding a U.S. election without either the Republican or Democrat party participating.
Illegitimate elections in 2010, contaminated by a corrupt electoral council, illegal exclusion of political parties, ballot-stuffing, and an arbitrary revision of the results set Haiti on its way to its current political crisis. A month before the 2010 elections, 45 members of the U.S. Congress warned Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that supporting flawed elections “will come back to haunt the international community” by generating unrest and threatening the implementation of earthquake reconstruction projects.
The U.S. government ignored these warnings and provided the majority of the funding for those elections, directly contributing to the current crisis.",Jean%20Bertrand%20Aristide%2C%20Haiti%E2%80%99s%20first%20democratically%20elected%20president.
I think the political/social fabric of a nation is in a sense a form of ecology. If you treat your farmland with RoundUp and the like, you have disrupted its ability to grow healthy crops for a long time...bound up nutrients, made the soil sterile...if you interfere with a country's leadership/elections, it degrades trust and the social fabric in a way that is hard to restore. With what we have done in Haiti, the responsibility for the poverty and social chaos there is in large part ours, not the lack of their ability to govern.
I wish I could like this 1000 times.
Same with economies. The same laws govern a lot of seemingly unrelated things.
Okay, Linda, I'm blushing now. I read many of your replies to the Good Doctor's post, and often felt like I was skimming through the pages of Braiding Sweetgrass. I love the way you think and express your thoughts. From the lens of someone who did a BS in Forest Ecology, I could feel the earth smiling up through your words...
I'm guessing you support the AGW/climate changers who think "climate" only began in 1976? CL has pointed FARTHER back than the 1960s. You (and others) keep trying to make out that all the Haitian problems BEGAN with the U.S.; and BEFORE the U.S. showed up and. yes, made total hash of what was LEFT of the country it was paradise on earth and all the islanders lived in harmony. (I give the U.S. no pass: "Hans, are WE the baddies?" Yes, we often are...)
But it was not paradise; you might notice that the African (i.e., not American!) blacks MURDERED EVERY WHITE (mostly French) on the island who was not able to escape. But sure, let's ONLY focus on post-1960... makes it easier to demonize only ONE group of "First Worlders" and excuse anything other groups do?
Good grief. I hope you're being sarcastic.
keep USA population up.
Can we support 40 billion people on the planet with the quality we'd need to thrive and be healthy?
Subsisting on wheat and rice permanently malnourished or eating organic grass fed meat, fish and eggs, are two very different things.
Plant monocultures actually destroy the earth and are nutritionally very poor. Rice production itself produces more methane than cows produce. Most of what we have been told about nutrition and agriculture is false and bad for both people and the environment. Subsistence farming on an individual level is the sustainable path. Rather than the WEF move to a large number of huge cities, we should be moving back to a more rural existence or small city states. Those are also more amenable to a mutually supportive society as the author suggests.
Bingo. This holds true in a lot of other areas too.
I know you don't have time to read this, but put it on your list--the recent book The Dawn of Everything, about recent archaeological discoveries about prehistoric city state societies, some of which lasted for up to 1000 years, and which seem to have been quite equitable and communally supportive without being top-down authoritarian.
That whole topic is a major interest of mine. It's also an audiobook (always need new ones to listen to on my commute) so I will!
I agree!
Regenerative agriculture seems like the best choice, to me. What think you?
Agree with Copernicus totally. If we practice regenerative agriculture, we build up the soil and store more carbon. Restoring prairie stores yet more carbon because of its deep roots (more than trees), and hoofed grazing animals can then manage it. If all food is local then we save carbon-producing supply costs. Any methane produced by ruminants is more than made up for by the carbon they store. Always get a kick out of those who think getting rid of cows will save the environment, when the number of cows has gone down continuously even while CO2 is going up. People give you blank stares when you ask them why the millions and millions of buffalo on the plains in the 19th century did not raise greenhouse gases (or the millions of ruminants on the Serengeti for that matter). Ruminants are nature's way of building soil. No petroleum-based fertilizers required.
Yes, this is what I've been reading about, for a couple of years. I asked because there was one guy on FB who said it was a scam... Sigh. Always something, eh? But I've been following Alan Savory and the Regeneration International folks for a while now. I wanted to just validate that I'm on the right trail. ^_^ It just seems so LOGICAL and Naturally intelligent!! But it's good to get backup from those who KNOW. I go with my intuition, and then I ask others questions. Cheers!
If I were a youngster, I'd go kick Bill Gates ass off a farm and become a farmer. ;)
Absolutely! Good for people, good for animals, good for the environment.
Fertilizer shortage? Not so much of a problem when not growing row crops and when the only fertilizer needed are the manure of the cows eating the forage and droppings of the chickens that come behind the cows.
Yes, I am sure I am over simplifying a bit. But based on what I have learned from the regenerative farm where we buy our meat, I have to believe they are not nearly as distressed by the current rise in fertilizer prices as are the grain-based operations.
I'm glad you said that, because I want to believe. ;) I DO think the "old ways" of agriculture are better, or BEST. There's just little sense, in my view, of spraying the Earth with petroleum products designed to KILL... It's kind of antithetical, in my view! A very ignorant approach that I see in MOST of industrialized countries, in medicine and in many areas of life... KILL the thing that bothers you! Everything is a "battle." When really, maybe, everything is a path to learning how to LIVE in harmony, and how to sort of discourage the invaders, like bugs eating the crops... Knowing very little about farming of ANY sort, it makes much more sense to me to plant things with your food crop that deters the bugs... Garlic, for instance. I just hear these things, and think about them, but I might have to become a serious gardener soon... Cheers, m'dear. And thanks.
It sounds good, but would it really be possible, given the current population? Would there be enough land to support the whole population on the diet you favor? And not just food production but all the other necessities. And there really is a need for the other species to have living space, too. Have you worked out how that could be done in practice?
And think of the nations that are far more crowded than those in North America, such as the UK, which is crammed full like an American can't imagine.
I think we can. If we turned our attention away from destructive methods like population control, and toward constructive methods like making the deserts into fertile farmland, other methods of increasing food production, even small efforts like community gardens, turning half our useless lawns into a garden, raising chickens, having actual edible pear trees rather than bradford pears, and other endeavors, I think we would never have to worry about food shortages. In third world countries, a lot of the starvation is due to violence and corruption, so minimizing those things would help the food supply. Just a few thoughts on making this workable.
I believe if managed properly by the household an acre house comes very close to producing all the food a family of 4 needs. The earth is 36 billion acres although some of the land is not the best.
I'm not convinced we don't have enough food. I think the problem is more like ACCESS to food. I also wonder about the wisdom of turning deserts into farmland, if that's even viable... Deserts seem to have their own function. We need to learn how to work WITH Nature, and stop trying to DOMINATE it. There is wisdom in the Earth, and just because some of us don't understand it, it doesn't mean it should be ignored. Patriarchy needs to stop... Not everything is a "battle." Cooperation and harmony are inherently healthy, and inherently feminine (in the spiritual sense, not in the sexuality sense!). If we care for the Earth, the Earth will care for us. If we think there are too many people on the planet, there are kinder, gentler ways to work on that besides genocide... This shouldn't be a difficult concept!
have a look around. we can't even support 7 billion in quality. you call city living 'quality' ? You call apartment living 'quality' ?
But: how many people are totally happy living that way?
Most of them.
How many are happy swallowing govt bullshit about covid, masks, vaxes ?
Most of them.
Looks like that 'most of them' would be happy going the '40 billion' route.
If they could.
But it's not going to happen, I think. It's actually madness.
Are you certain that our troubles of today are caused by over-population? Because I'm not so sure. I suspect that equity, cooperation, and an end to vast personal wealth might just end up being more of a playing field leveler. Toss in education, equality for women and control of their own bodies, ie, birth control, and a serious undoing of the power of giant corporations, and I think we'd be in MUCH better shape.
No, I don't think that at all.
I think you're right in your opinion about the value of those things you mention.
My opinion is merely that there's too many people for the available space given our best abilities/ideas of how to cope with those numbers.
FORTY BILLION??? How do you figger?
Depends on what thrive and health actually means. We do have the ability to grow nourishing foods in a sustainable fashion via vertical farms completely solar powered using artificial lamps and constantly recycled waste water. The creation of these farms is a result of technology and capital resources. Watching a harvest by people and machines on golf-cart devices is remarkable. Re-imagining farming is happening now. Technology can improve even current field farming practices. Wheat and rice are good for some areas but other crops can flourish in created environments.
We can do a lot better in animal and insect based foods. We can restore barren lands via those animals. Although I did see a NatGeo article lamenting the loss of grasshopper population by excessive capture in some places. But farmers are discovering they can create new farms to repopulate a popular food in some cultures.
Not a huge fan of relying on new technology, because that means some corporation is profiting, and soon you don't know what is true and what isn't, because corporations push bullshit. Lots of "green" technology is based on lies and actually isn't environmentally friendly at all. Farming doesn't need to be reimagined--it needs to regress.
Agreed. And even if the corporations were small, and decent (ha, ha), the Earth doesn't seem like the place for absolute technology. The "old ways" of the Earth seem to suit it best, seems to me. Not saying we have to go back to the Stone Age, but INDUSTRIAL just seems off on the wrong path... Maybe there's some semantics to pick apart...
Don't let your self get caught up in that. I invest in a few of those that promise to improve farm yields. Their products allow wiser use of resources - water, fertilizer and pesticides, all necessary to bring crops to market given finite land. Don't know if any are touted as green, per se, but instrumented fields gets a better crop.
Regress back to kids pulling the plow? Mules?
Synthetic pesticides are killing our topsoil. How is that "necessary"?
A robot squirting a drop of pesticide in exactly the right place does much less harm than spraying a field. But we can hope we get a lot better at that work. Without some pesticides we would lose too much useful crop. I don't like it either but lack a better answer.
Well, since the word "re-imagined" has been used since long before communism existed, I pronounce you ridiculous. You know perfectly well what it means, and it is already plain English.