Do you remember the AGIT-Prop Posters put up in DC almost two years ago?

"Trust the Scientism" was glorious.

There were four posters. All immediately torn down by a triggered covidian. I saved them, cleaned up the images and re-posted the story here:


They are great images to download to your phone and share. Legit high end war era agit-prop. Museum quality work. Talented artist.

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"The Deadly Rise of Scientism" walks hand-in-hand with the deadly pseudo-science of allopathic, "modern medicine" which is little more than a racketering scheme and murder machine.

The biggest fraud in history might be the medical industrial complex itself. For the past 100 years and more they've been claiming credit for things that builders, sewerage workers, water treatment plants, gutter designers, roofers, fridge inventors, electricians etc have created.

Starting in the mid-1800s, there was a steady drop in deaths from all infectious diseases, decreasing to relatively minor levels by the early 1900s.

The history of that transformation involves famine, poverty, filth, lost cures, eugenicist doctrine, individual freedoms versus state might, protests and arrests over vaccine refusal, and much more. Today, we are told that medical interventions increased our lifespan and single-handedly prevented masses of deaths.

Vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases.

Like virtually all of the history we are indoctrinated with the story of "modern medicine" is a complete fabrication pounded into the heads of people from cradle to grave in order to maintain that corrupt and highly profitable system.

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I love all of your posts and thank you for your commottment to truth. Comment on this article regarding academic explaining info to truck driver. After obtaining a Masters in Psychology my husband let it all behind and became a long haul truck driver. He frequently observed via CB radio the many intelligent people driving trucks who listened to educational material on the road. Generalizations are usually frought with exceptions.

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I’m not a professor. I was fired by USC for speaking out about the Covid lockdowns and vaxxes. I was a tenured full professor for 33 years but that doesn’t mean shit when it comes to Telling the truth at a major federal funded university. I was well aware that Pharma had a lot of evil players willing to do anything for money, including killing people. But the Covid plandemic has certainly opened my eyes to how far most people are willing to go to avoid the truth in order to live comfortable lives. I’m sure non-allopathic treatment approaches have much to be said for them, but I’m not an expert in that area. I research everything carefully and have an open but very critical mind about anything anyone is pushing.

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Yep, doctors, lawyers, politicians, engineers etc... They all are taught double speak over complex languages. The more nouns in a language, the less intuition and freedom in the language. This also affects the way those people think, if they used the dumb language in order to learn a complex topic.

I had a girlfriend way back that was an Ivy League med school graduate, doing her residency.

When I tried to tell her some realizations I had with health and the body, she always pushed back with gobbledygook from her medical training err torture. I have an easier time explaining these things to blue collar workers than professionals 😂 .

A pertinent quote:

"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "

-Sasha Latypova

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

A strong piece to finish out a strong year of exceptional writing. Thank you Doctor! 🙏

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

When you can't challenge the medical research proclaimed to be valid, we are in deep trouble!

I believe it is well established that there is a "warp speed" effort being pushed to develop RNA/DNA cell alternating injections for maintaining the allopathic medicine model as the disease treatment protocols for the 21st century. Billions and billions are being invested in this endeavor and the two major beneficiaries of this push is BARDA (DOD Biowarfare Institution) that has been prolific over the past 60 years and Big Pharma which has the task of mass producing the injection protocols. Moderna has already been identified as a CIA creation and is the bridge between the two major players. If they want to put the blame on Dr. Malone, then they should start by putting the blame on Dr. Arthur Hayes, Donald Rumsfeld's go to guy for biowarfare in the 1970's who experimented at Fort Detrick with glycinated chemicals to be more efficacious in destroying the enemy. Rumsfeld ran DOD the first time around in the 1970's. He was so good at it; he got a repeat performance. Infiltrating, creating controversy and miss guiding those who are attempting to have the truth known about Covid and the injections is how you create confusion and discredit the efforts of the truth tellers. In the meantime, the massive marketing push to convince the American public that injections are good continues with masterful marketing efforts. Local paper ran the story "Good News" medical stories of 2023" on Christmas Day extolling the injections and RSV and etc. Author was a Patient Advocate well-schooled by Big Pharma. Moderna and Pfizer are doing their share with TV commercials spinning the injections as being good. This effort will intensive in 2024 as the money people start demanding a return on their investment. If the FDA's VAERS reporting system would be managed properly and the true extent of the harm caused was made public, then maybe rational medical research would prevail. Unfortunately, the FDA takes their marching orders from Big Pharma. Happy New Year? I pray! I wish everyone well in 2024. thomasabraunrph@substack.com

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I learned about scientism in late 2020. That word/concept cemented all of the disinformation coming at us as the huge red flag I had been relentlessly studying. Thank you for all you do for us - the conspiracy realists!

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Thank you 😊 for being a truth teller.

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Jan 1Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Excellent work! Hotez reminds me of a bed that never gets made. It's so sad that the Sophist's prevailed over Socrates. I believe that this is a function of lazyness over hard work so prevalent in the West. The children of the old elite are in charge. Spoiled and sociopathic to the core.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Thank you for all your Substack articles, I learnt a lot! Happy and successful New Year!

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The window for debate was open in the latter half of the 19th century, and I recall being involved in it myself in high school science class even in the mid-1960s. I think the window's closed. Science won. I switched sides myself for a decade, in the earlier 2000s.

I'm not here to disagree with what you've written here -- I have seen more than enough evidence to support it, apart from what you contribute -- and thank you for that. But I seek to comprehend a larger picture within which this one fits.

Scientific "progress" fueled industrial "progress", "giving us many of the benefits we take for granted today." This is a narrative that also begs examination and debate. Whatever benefits there may have been, they came at the cost of disruptions and destruction of families, health, connection with our origin, and most anything else that might be considered truly important.

The loss of connection with our origin, and the loss of understanding of what we are here to do was the most devastating. Replacing it, beginning in the 19th century, were a series of models (stories) that still pass for scientific truth today in spite of errors and contradictions, and on which scientism is founded as a replacement religion.

I embraced scientism myself, in my 50's into my 60s (c. 2002-2016), having become disenchanted (more than once) with my traditional beliefs, because of the behavior of others who also claimed to hold them. It was a mistake, but a good one that offered the opportunity to appreciate science for all it was worth. And then something happened. I increased my reading, adding in books and journals addressing a wide variety of scientific topics, not that I wasn't already well-read in science before that.

I guess it was inevitable, though, that these sources would also expose the corruption that was endemic within science-for-industry, leading to the "research results cooked up to order -- anything you can afford" industry of science itself.

I learned how to fake research results, and how to spot research that was faked, and just how much of this irreproducible junk there was. And I reconsidered the tradition I had left, keeping my eyes open still to the problems it presented.

It is good to be aware of and to explore and expose these issues we see within science today. But it is not good to continue to "trust the science" in matters of 'settled science' dating back to the 19th century and before. The details have changed, but the underlying principles have not. The problems we see today are not new.

Science has canceled God in the minds of many, but the claims used to accomplish that have not been proven. In this sense nothing has changed. One of the worst mistakes we can make is to fail to examine the science behind such beliefs, seeing that where science went in the past is modern as can be.

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"If you actually understand a subject, you should be able to explain it to a truck driver".

I'm a midwit (IQ 125) who chose to spend my life with geniuses, and their capacity to explain their work was precisely as you describe it. Their understanding was bottom-up, especially since they were describing disciplines which they themselves originated.

One of my favorites was Linus Pauling who, like most of them, was thrilled that someone took an interest in their field and generously shared their time.

Pauling told me how the cancer establishment had killed his investigation into Vitamin C.

Little has changed in the last 50 years, as this post makes clear. You can read an abbreviated version of his tale at https://open.substack.com/pub/herecomeschina/p/big-pharma-vs-linus-pauling?r=16k&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcome=true

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Jan 1Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Best way to avoid scientism is to get an engineering degree and then work for the government. You will see enough bullshite to make you question EVERYTHING. Then consider that if you include peripheral contracts with all the DoD doe nsa military bases, etc you can figure 50 % of the work force is captured complicit. Like everyone complaining about blackrock even though everyone has a 401k with them

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

‘The truth cannot be told, it has to be realized’ ~Ralph Smart

Thank you for your consistency in disclosing truths for us to see with our own eyes Midwestern Doctor!

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Very nice summary, and elegant skewering of the Hotez-pretender. When the scientific establishment says you can't get a research grant for looking at the safety of vaccines, for doing placebo controlled studies of vaccines, for studying the role of vitamins and supplements in promoting health in ANY way, for studying the data showing the climate emergency doesn't really exist, for showing that carbonization of the atmosphere is unrelated to global temperature, and for any other study that threatens any political agenda or industry agenda, we don't have science anymore. We have a pseudoscience cult. We have a perversion of science. We have science hijacked by government and big money interests. We have a fraud and a sham. If the science hawkers like Hotez, Fauci, and Collins were so scientific they would welcome the opportunity to "prove" their science, and be happy to be discovered wrong, as their allegiance to science would be an allegiance to truth. The refusal debate is the biggest tell that these "prescience" individuals are anything but. They are charlatans of the first order. Your fine article helps to pull back the curtain on these humbugs.

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