I received this comment from a reader over email:

I am not sure if this email will reach you, but I feel compelled to write to you. It's not about childhood vaccines, but rather vaccines for adults. Two years ago, my 97 year old father had his annual physical. At this physical, his doctor told him he needed to update his DTAP vaccine. My father, who still lived on his own, in his own apartment, agreed, although I didn't. My father had refused to get the Covid vaccine and received a clean bill of health, with an EKG.

I took my dad to get his DTAP and five days later I found him dead in his apartment. We didn't have an autopsy done as it wouldn't change things. Our health system is in a horrible state, in my opinion. I will not consent to vaccines.

Thank you for allowing me to comment. I love your articles and read them faithfully.


I have had a few times where I admitted adults to the hospital that have somewhat severe vaccine reactions and I have numerous adult patients who suffered long term complications from flu or pneumonia (pneumococcal) vaccines.

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Let me reiterate my position on vaccinations.

I will never take another one because I am 99%+ certain they are of no benefit... and they are not safe... logic dictates that I avoid them.

If there is any benefit from them and I am wrong ... then I am protected because the morons all took every shot on offer... taking all the risks... and protecting me from them.

It's a win win for me.

The fact that I am revealing my strategy might appear to be unwise... but nah... they are morons... they will not adopt my methods... ya sure they will think I am a bit of a selfish c78t...

But I can live with that ... since I would never reveal this to a moron in real life... and I am anonymously revealing it here.

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And what happens if you have to go to the dentist? or if you enter a hospital what happens if they inject you with serum? It's not just the vaccines.

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Research on dental anasthetics do show some are now compromised by live blood (but whose?) or mRNA. Older anasthetics like Novacaine are probably safer. As for transfusions, fight the fight, stand your ground to have unvaccinated blood. You might have to find your own donors but the peace of mind is worth it. Been there….

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Amen Linda, Got me wondering if anyone has a list of facilities that offer Autologous Transfusion ... hmmm ...

~~ j ~~

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I don’t see why you couldn’t do that. The blood bank that supplies your hospital would be the first stop. In my case, post surgery, I found my own donors, they made appts

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And donated in my name. I had to pay for it, but it was worth it for peace of mind. My surgery was emergency, so no chance to pre plan

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All the anesthetics we have analyzed are contaminated with graphene oxide. In the group where I am there are more than 36,000 people looking at the microscope around the world. We have analyzed all the anesthesias on the market and none are free of this material.

mRNA does not exist, that was another hoax.

When I talked about the hospital, I wasn't talking about me. Thank you for your words of encouragement, but for now I don't need anything from the hospital, and I hope never. I was referring to the colleague's comment that only referred to vaccines, however any dental anesthesia or saline solution or any injectable is one more dose of covid, since it also contains graphene and nanotechnology.

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Graphene oxide has been put into eye drops and I believe some dental materials though I cannot recall exactly which.

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I brush my teeth multiple times/day and floss every single day. I don't consume any sugar - zero.

Hopefully I don't need anything from a dentist that involves injections

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That’s my fear. They want to do a Ct scan on me with dye and I just can’t bring myself to do it but it’s could save my life as I may have fistula behind my eye in my brain. It’s a hard call!

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if you can avoid gadolinium contrast, please do.

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In that case you can use the technique invented by Dr. Sevillano and Ricardo from La Quinta Columna, to reduce the graphene oxide content. I will soon give recommendations on my susback

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I had occasion to be in a Children's ER recently...and it was a show to behold. Mothers came in with their sick kids. One mom came in with 4 kids between the ages of 2 to 10 and said they had been vomiting, feverish, lethargic, coughing and more. Each kid. As I watched a nurse give each kid a preliminary exam, the nurse asked mom if they had their flu shot. Mom said "I didn't get that one for them yet." And the nurse said "Oh, we can give that to them here." Each kid, each mom was prompted to give the flu vaccine to a sick kid. I have read the purpose of a vaccine is to cause the body to inflame. Well, if the immune system is already compromised by fighting another illness, WHY would you want to further inflame the body? Sick, sick system indeed.

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Flu vaccine? There you have the graphene stuck in the body and the disease

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My father will be 97 in a few months. He always does what the doctor tells him. He is on some drugs and I always fear they will lead him to his death. Of course at 97, he has beaten the grim reaper in spades. He lives alone and will finally give up driving this June. Sorry about your father. That never should have happened.

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Terribly sad. Cold-blooded, premeditated murder by the physician. No other way to state it... And, this goes on everyday in the US. We cannot continue to give a pass to physicians - or, politicians - under the rubric of "they were misled" or "they just didn't know"...

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Medical profession has been thoroughly indoctrinated to push vaccines by the manufacturers!

Common medical sense has been replaced by medicine by the numbers. How many shots have you given? You can keep your job if you meet the criteria! We have many good medical professionals caught up in the corporate medicine ball. Sad for all parties involved. I bet your Dad would have hit the magic number 100!

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I’m very sorry for your loss. That being said I wish you had done the autopsy. Proof is needed since so many don’t believe.

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This makes me so angry.

Also, read this article:

Driving Under the Influence of mRNA: Collapsing and Crashing Your Car While COVID-19 Vaccinated - Global Research


This would have been me, except for the fact that I realized I was passing out in my chair at home, requested a seven day 24 hour heart monitor and discovered that when my heart was stopping cold for 3 to 4 seconds at a time, my cardiologist quickly scheduled me for a pacemaker.

I was forced to get the VAX or would have lost my job. Sole income. I’m positively livid. Yet I am alive while others aren’t.

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You got to try to detox and get that crap out of you. No more shots. Eat plenty of fruit, as organic as you can get it.

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and do one of the protocols for vax injury. FLCCC has one. Black Seed Oil is good stuff. So are NAC and Quercetin. Get your Vit D level checked, should be above 60 ng/ml, some say above 80. Try to find a doc who acknowledges and treats covid vax injury.

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Thank you. ❤️

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I am so sorry this happened to you but at least you are alive. We have been calling them VAa ccidents. Dr Crispin Miller has been keeping lists

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I wonder why nobody has a go at the folks who lied to them .. and damaged them.

I probably would go full vigilante if it was me... but then I'm a vindictive prick

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This truly IS a strange thing! I have wondered; even anticipated serious backlash from even the military, once the young men and women there found out the truth. With such weaponry at the disposal of them, it is a weird thing that none, not a single one, has opted to "make a splash" and get some revenge; begin the Revolution, with a "bang." And when the "Brass" did nothing along those lines, it was then thought that at least the soldiers who were compelled to comply with the jab mandate, would singly perform their "duty" to the cause, and put some lead where it will do some good by getting the point across that they were NOT to be compromised in such a vindictive way! It would have sent shock waves.

That's the military for you. They are somewhat "dumbed down" to being assigned to peace-keeping civilian tasks like distributing disaster relief, and undoubtedly taught that they are there to kill and break things, only as a LAST resort, and then, only when given permission to do so.

But an individual of the civilian population has no such restraints. Given the number of "groups" with guns and their "manifestos" or creeds that hold them up as saints who will die to protect liberty and justice in a revolt, it truly surprises me, especially knowing that many if not all of these men have families to consider in the matter. Will they allow their kids to be subjected to such a tyrannical govt of sorts after all the other preparations made and sacrificed for them? I would have bet the farm that they would NOT! But strangely, they have been totally silent.


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Imagine you had a young child and this happened to him (that's me - I faked it ... I have no children https://www.mixcloud.com/fasteddynz/chemist/)

Would the next step -- after having that horrifying discussion with the chemist who admits they don't mention that heart damage is a potential side effect because then people might not shoot the Rat Juice.... --- not be... to march down there to get some eye for an eye????

How about pedo-atricians who advised mothers to shoot that juice while pregnant... and they premied a grey hunk of dead meat.. or worse -- the kid was born but maimed...

Who's to blame? What does one do about a pedo who has murdered your child?

Seems nuthin. Nobody is even willing to get on the phone and have a rant... or make an appointment to unhinge on these c789ts....


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The "pedo" aspect takes things to an astronomical level, which I cannot even imagine. Ditto here. No kids. I'm mostly speaking on behalf (hypothetically) of adults, both young and old. I'm surprised that with a diagnosis of terminal turbo cancer or something with a guarantee to kill in a matter of weeks or so, that the victim(s) would open up the hall closet door, dust of the 12, and go get busy, even if it were just back to the local pharmacy where the jab took place. But not even a whisper of anything of the sort. I don't get it. It seems surreal to me, given the severity and openness of the real intent behind the drive, not to mention the brutality of it all! And when, as you brought up, the picture includes a harmless and beloved sweet little infant, the blood temp rockets past its boiling point very quickly. And I will add, RIGHTFULLY SO!


Thanks for the return!

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Johnny goes off to war fighting for his country... Johnny gets his legs blown off by a land mine... Johnny returned home... Johnny remains proud of his efforts to defend his country (even though he was not defending his country rather he was involved in pillaging resources...but never mind that cuz that's the way the world works)... yes Johnny is very unhappy having no legs...

But overall he believes what he did was a good thing... but he was one of the unlucky ones who were maimed or killed.

Johnny does not roll his chair down to the recruiting office and unload his 12 on the folks inside

I imagine it's like that for the vast majority.

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Sorry, my reply should have been posted HERE.


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You already know they're not going to stop. What does a person do when they are threatened? Fend.

This continues and they won't stop. They have perfectly controlled all the threads of the system.

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We must RESIST evil, not capitulate to it!

EXPOSE all those threads. Write your Congresspeople. Get INVOLVED. Speak before schoolboard meetings. I could go on.

You are NOT powerless. CLAIM your power!

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(Having a mechanic's mindset, a "cause" is always sought after when an intrusive problem occurs. And if able, a solution, whether it be temporary or final.) Here, I do not see any solution able to be applied successfully. First, it will never be allowed, and even if somehow squeezed to fit through the matrix, it will fail, due to the WILL of the opposition, which, as you write, has all the threads controlled. (previous to their actual engagement in the puppet show).

So, with that, being a Christian Fundamentalist, I can only point to Truth for one's security. Where can one find "truth," if not in the "Received Text" of God's Word, the Bible (KJV).

But while we are stationed here within Satan's sandbox, it's very comforting to be aware of what the enemy has procured for mankind's defeat. Sort of comforting. The not so comforting aspect is that when the Truth is set on the table-top, and all fables and false doctrines are overcome and wiped off, very very few remain seated in order to gain knowledge, even when that knowledge has the potential to direct one's heart and mind to His Plan of Redemption, and all that is promised to come with it!

Go figure. The human mind is very much of a puzzle to us mechanics.


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And don't you think that in this whole story, good is absent?

Could it be that THEY also control that aspect?

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Allow for an apology here: Somehow I missed your Q. And so, I'll now attempt to answer it at this late date.

We're at WAR here!

There are, in effect, "war rooms" on both sides; good and evil. However, on God's side, "deceptive" measures are off limits. Not so with Satan and his "generals." Therefore, we can EXPECT the unexpected from that side to take place.

Having "inside" information (intelligence) is integral to the success of any war-campaign, ergo spies and "agents" for that purpose. Acquiring POSITIONS of authority within the enemy's camp would be, therefore, even more beneficial. This methodology has been applied by the secret society of the Jesuit Order for hundreds of years. All in tightly secretive dedication to the "Mother Church of Rome" and her military "Order," sealing their faithful commitment with a "blood-oath" during their personal initiation ceremony. This continues today, as with centuries past. It was their initial strategy to "infiltrate and gain control of every institution of import" and especially so attempt to break up the "nuclear family" using the influence gained through the control of all levels of America's "education system." This, they did!

To gain access to govt operations by joining the armed forces and moving up through the ranks to positions of influence and control. To sow the seeds of war when their superiors (in the Vatican) suggest it. This, as with any and all other forms of chaos invented, have a wide-reaching deleterious effect, which suits their over-arching grand plan to weaken all the nations of the world, causing them to submit to their plan of ecumenism. This they have done with amazing expertise!

When there is any threat (from within, or without) imposed upon the long-ranging plan of the Mother Church, it is the Jesuits who spring into action, "removing" the problem in drastic fashion, as needed for the task, and which will serve as an obtuse warning to those who dare confront her policies and intentions. Entire world wars, and revolutions as well, have been fomented by this hideous group of "soldiers." They, like cadavers execute all orders from their superiors. The outcomes have been very fruitful in their effectiveness to weaken, anger, and subjugate the nations with the intent to gain such all important control; world-wide. This is now ripened and readied!

I highly doubt that any of this will become a "staple" in the facts-book of people's minds, but the above is the hidden truth of the dark matter. Whether the "organization" takes me out for exposing these things (which might be a blessing in disguise) or no; but rather leaves me alone, to experience ridicule, is up to God. God rules in these things, and decides whether or not something will occur. We are expendable instruments to be used in the "theatre" of this final spiritual war of the ages. "Expendable" because God has the power to cause the dead to be raised at His verbal command.

As for your Q: "And don't you think that in this whole story, good is absent?"

It certainly SEEMS that is the case, but we are repeatedly assured that we are not left alone with Satan. Otherwise we'd all be dead meat. Angels are assigned for our protection though it might not be understood as the providence of God plays out.

It might seem we're left to the ravages of the devil, but that's not happening to the world quite yet, and will never occur to those who are "sealed" with God's mark.

As for "controlling that aspect," I would imagine that having "control" of EVERY aspect would be beneficial to Vatican's cause. They certainly do impose a battery of "fear tactics" to further their campaign. Once it is learned that the "infiltration" has been successful to the full, we, the people will be better equipped to realize that the "straightening out of the 'system'" is merely an effort-expending diversion; a pipe dream; an impossibility, but it will cause to create in many, a blessed hope of a FAR EXCEEDING reality of eternal life through the Redemption that the Lord Jesus Christ has wrought for His Glory, and (of course) for us mere (faithful) mortals to be gifted with.

I hope this lengthy dissertation will at least solicit a note of curiosity within some, and at best, some "light" by which we can navigate and understand the workings of the "other side" which is intent on deceiving the masses. For much better light on the matters penned here, I can always rely on Professor Walter Veith's presentations.

Yours in the Battle for Souls,


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It's already late, but you should go to the doctor with the reports and demand explanations. The doctors recommended something without knowing what was inside.

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It's fake ... I have no son... I just made the call to see how the chemist would react.

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Tim Rifat suggested northern Europeans suffer a genetic defect in the Y chromosome.

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I'm intrigued. Can you say more?

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I'll see what I can remember. He disappeared while blindness kept me off the Internet in 2019. According to Jeff Rense, "He just walked away, and then broke his promise to this audience that they 'are the best', and he would never appear on any other program."

Anyhow, he claimed genetic constriction (gene pool of less than 100 at some point during the Ice Age) caused loss of ability of northern European males to resist tyranny. He didn't suffer this because his father was Turkish. Please post any further details you find.

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wow. We've seen so many inexplicable single car accidents in the past couple of years, even one young father that just drove into a median. I suspected a connection.

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Keep this with you and/or give to others. It is a document for an adult or child with regard to this assault on mankind.

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Wow! Do you know who, or what group prepared this? Do you know if it has ever been used?

I am saving a copy of it.

Thank you,


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One CHIEF reason you are alive is that according to Dr. Bryan Ardis in his new book (sold out still at Amazon) the "Booster" shot (the 2nd one) contains the other half of the DNA Plasmid:

"When both DNA plasmids were injected, the animals all died in six hours from mature cobratoxin mRNA being spliced and made in the body of the animal. When you look at all the reported injuries to those who received the mRNA COVID-19 shots, over 80% of all fatalities occurred within 48 hours after receiving the second shot (after the second DNA plasmid was injected into the person)." [p. 149]

Dr. Ardis then goes on to say that "the majority of the horrific side effects of the COVID-19 mRNA occurred after the second injection of DNA plasmids!" (p. 149)

Clearly, we are all in the presence of evil-- which the late Dr. M. Scott Peck, M.D. defined as "that which destroys". (Source: "People of the Lie")

Evil must be identified, named, exposed, and then remedied! Dr. Ardis's book lists remedies found in Nature.

You can order your book at www.thedrardisshow.com. I have no connection fiduciary or otherwise to Dr. Ardis. I am just PASSIONATE about encouraging as many as I can to read and share his book, "Moving Beyond the COVID-19 Lies: Restoring Health & Hope for Humanity".

God bless you, Elizabeth. I'm angry your rights were violated. Going forward, if your employer requires any other shot or vaccine or booster, claim a Religious Exemption, the wording of which you should be able to find on the internet.

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Thank you. I am in a much better place now. Back then, I was in the middle of a divorce. Now I am settled, and stable. I will say, forevermore, NO.

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Pneumococcal vaccine for healthy 84 year old without a spleen - good move?

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You are in danger, we are effectively saying since 2021 that those vaccinated should not drive. They have introduced graphene into the body, mRNA does not exist, it was a hoax. See my substack in case I can help you with something.

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The most overt way to observe the class differences between the middle-class and the very wealthy is by looking at how small children and the elderly are "managed" in our culture.

Most middle-class families rely on two-incomes and as a result, must place their newly born infants into daycare at fairly exorbitant rates. In addition, these childcare facilities will not accept infants and toddlers unless the parents have documented evidence that their child has followed the mandatory vaccine schedule. So once again, parents are extorted to inject their infant with a ton of toxins with disregard by nincompoop apparatchiks of the harm they're inflicting.

On the other hand, the extremely affluent often have live-in nannies and as a result, are not forced to give their infant multiple dubious injections all at one time.

That being said, the elderly who are incapable of living independently are in the same predicament as toddlers. If older adults are not multimillionaires, they won't be able to afford round-the-clock highly skilled "at home" healthcare, as Medicare will pay for a nursing home, but not at-home healthcare services.

And even then the nursing home care that Medicare will reimburse is for a "limited time" depending on whether the patient/victim has supplemental insurance coverage. If they do not, all their assets will be seized rendering them indigent and qualifying for Medicaid.

So in effect a middle-class person who saved a bit of money from years of hard work will have it all confiscated by the "medical Mafia."

And like infants, the vulnerable elderly when institutionalized are often victimized by poorly trained staff who are underpaid and overworked, hence frequently letting their fustrations out on those who they're designated to safeguard.

Social Darwinisn or survival of the fittest best describes our uncivilized society. 🤨

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That is a great point.

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Since you brought up the Medical Mafia....

The Medical Mafia (2002)

~ Ghislaine Lanctôt


Direct link to PDF file:



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"The 2001 anthrax attacks, occurred in the US over the course of several weeks beginning on September 18, 2001, one week after the September 11 terrorist

attacks. Letters containing anthrax

spores were mailed to

several news media

offices and to Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, killing

five people and

infecting 17 others. Capitol Police Officers and staffers working for Senator Russ Feingold were exposed as well."

It was sent to Senators who did not want to vote for the Iraq War.

That's also when the Medical Mafia started pushing those

deleterious Anthrax

vaccines on the military.

I'm bringing this up because the link you posted is from 2002.

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SIDS is big business. When my daughter was pregnant with her first, a few years ago, I was amazed, while walking thru one of those large baby selling stores (Babies R Us?...something like that), how the first thing you see when you enter the store is security and monitoring equipment for your entire house for infants to make sure they are still breathing. Really took my breath away....no pun intended. THAT is what they were pushing to sell to pregnant moms. Now, the governmental "safety" agencies recommend to new moms what is called ABC when putting baby to sleep which stands for Alone on their Backs and Crying. Why? to raise psychopaths? Sick shit. A decade ago, a co-worker's wife had a baby, their 5th child. Three months later, she was found dead in her crib, the cause was said to be SIDS in that she pushed herself into a corner and suffocated herself. Made absolutely no sense to me at the time, but I was not hip to the criminal activity of vaccines back then. Sad to say, it is worse today with regard to trying getting that ever-lovin' jab into your kid. Thanks for a great article. I absorb and save your posts.

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Sleeping on their backs also causes plagiocephally which can lead to a variety of subtle developmental delays

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Of course it does. Good Lord.

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Such as…retained reflexes? That’s my theory now. Signed, A Mom Hauling Her 6 Year Old to OT Every Week Because He Doesn’t Sleep and Can’t Sit Cross Cross Applesauce.

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The majority of the people today slept on their bellies as babies.

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I became suspicious of vaccines some years back. I have refused any vaccinations since my discharge from the Air force. I advised our daughter to delay vaccinating her children until their immune system was mature.

I have come to believe vaccines are one of the greatest mistakes in medicine that have been so ingrained in practice that doctors are not allowed to think they might be based on a misunderstanding of how effective they are.

I no longer take medical advice at face value. The book, "Dr Mary's Monkey" is an eye opener.

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I read that book!

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What you don't know is what they carry inside, everyone has a gift. Look under the microscope and you will understand.

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You give the murderers FAR too much undeserved slack. The only "slack" they would receive from the public, if the public were to be enlightened as to their motive, would be in the rope which is between the gallows beam and their un-hooded heads.


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One pivotal quote by Bernard Guyer in 2000 that I reference often: “nearly 90% of the decline in infectious disease mortality among US children occurred before 1940, when few antibiotics or vaccines were available.”  “The major declines in child mortality that occurred in the first third of the 20th century have been attributed to a combination of improved socioeconomic conditions in this country and the public health strategies…including water treatment, food safety, organized solid waste disposal, and public education about hygienic practice.”  “Thus vaccination does not account for the impressive declines in mortality seen in the first half of the century.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11099582/

I reference it in my substack: https://risleydc.substack.com/ I detail my upbringing with no vaccines and my daughter’s vaccine injury at age 14 with no prior vaccines.

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Was pleased to see AMD mention the late great Dr. Raymond Obomsawin. He can be seen here giving a lecture on the decline of infectious diseases before the deployment of vaccines:


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"When the tide is receding from the beach it is easy to have the illusion that one can empty the ocean by removing water with a pail."

Rene Dubos

in Mirage of Health

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If you want the slides/graphs Ray Obomsawin prepared for that presentation, I believe you can find them all here:


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I'd love to suggest to Transcriber B that he or she transcribe this fantastic presentation, but there's no contact, chat or any other info about B on his or her Substack page.

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At this point in the Plandemic I don't see how ANY doctor has not made the correlation between the toxic covid shot and these severe injuries and death. Boggles my mind.

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Oh, I imagine most have. In fact, probably knew all along.

But how many would risk their jobs? (I'm not judging, just reasoning)

In my city the majority of Primary Care docs work for the huge hospital conglomerate.

If they were to question, much less speak against the shots they would not work there for long.

One long time, well respected, Pediatric Physician at one of our world reknown hosptials (part of a major corporation now) DID speak up.

She was escorted out of the building. True story.

Now doctors are trying to save and treat all of the vaxx injured without saying it's the injection.

The reasons they come up with for the injuries are precious. I know someone who had a number of symptoms and ended up with serious autoimmune lung disease.

"Cat allergy" "mold allergy" and assorted other numbskull attributions. While she fell through the cracks.

She finally was treated by a top doc - thankfully. But he still didnt call it vax injury.

At this point many docs are likely thinking "I'm better off keeping quiet, keeping my job, and treating all of these injured people"

I rue every shot I ever had. Stupidly took that flu shot for 10 years.

Thankfully the shingles shot was too expensive and not covered by insurance! My frugality saved me.

God love my primary care doc. For the past four years she checks with me "You are overdue for...."

"I'm never taking another shot as long as I live, Doctor".

"I know, J. I just have to remind you".

"Thank you, Doctor. I'm reminded."

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Yep thats exactly what is going on. I have been watching this circus from the beginning. 70 percent of the doctors work for the corporate hospital systems and can't speak up without losing their jobs. Its insane. I can't imagine what will happen if the WHO gets its grubby hands on us.

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That is the intention, that is why THEY have given the WHO that power. They will force graphene into you.

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I'll die resisting.

Will you?

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I suspect that Big Pharma and the AMA "chills" them into silence, lest they have their medical licenses revoked/'canceled'.

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Most are so compromised, mrna brain, they don't even realize it. Besides that, most are done listening within the first 10 seconds.

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The doctors still don't want to see why they are prostitutes. They don't want to look into the microscope

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Or the mirror.

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Mind blowing, people should read and research more to understand in what kind of world we are now forced to live in.

It is only through understanding the seriousness of the situation in which we all are that it becomes possible to understand that which needs to be done in order to save humanity from those which in humanity, sees only digits and a mean for personal profit.

Thank you for sharing.

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Few know what world they live in. They continue immersed in the matrix, paying attention to what politicians or TV say.

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Identify, name, EXPOSE the evil. That's part of the "remedy".

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Medicine has advanced so much there's hardly a healthy person anywhere.

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Even though the death toll from the Covid-19 vaccines is catastrophic, (a figure of 17 million world wide? ), the silver lining is the significant publicity of the deadly childhood vaccinations. Even as we read this article, there are ignorant parents lined up by the score, intending to vaccinate their innocent children. Spread the word. Post this on all social media possible

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Pediatricians are not making it easy for moms of newborns. I know a new mom who was told by three pediatricians in her area that they would not take her newborn as a new patient unless she brought her baby up to date on all "recommended" vaccines.

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These "pediatricians" are criminals, guilty of attempted murder, have disgraced the oath of, "First, Do No Harm"

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Don't even think about giving your children any vaccines. They are not vaccines, we already demonstrated it in 2021, they are liquid implants. If you want your children to survive, don't puncture anything.

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well she may not need a pediatrician so much if she doesn't allow her poor baby to be poisoned by them.

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Excellent point.

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They're bought off. Only 1 pediatrician in Salt Lake County does not require jabbing.

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Our daughter in the DFW area has been through several pediatricians as she refuses vaccinations for our grand babies. The honest ones tell her the hospital systems they are in do not allow pediatric patients who will not take vaccines as they do but make enough money on them!! Healthcare for so many is just another big business intent solely on making money.

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Everything started going to hell in a hand basket when every doctor allowed themselves to be bought off by the corporate medical system 25-30 years ago. Just working for a paycheck now and taking orders.

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I would reassure the Moms who are not subjecting their children to vaccines that they will not have to worry about being rejected by pediatricians as their unvaccinated children will be healthy and will not need to go to the pediatrician. If there are incidents where a child has a fall or injury with a broken bone, you can be assessed at the ER and referred to an orthopedic physician who will most likely not ask if your child has been vaccinated before treating a broken bone. I do not believe that urgent care centers would require a child to be vaccinated before treating for any walk-in medical situation.

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Good recommendation, do not inject any vaccine since it contains graphene, it causes illness and death. But it must also be said not to take them to the dentist. The content of the vials is the same, graphene.

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Don't even think about giving your children any vaccines. They are not vaccines, we already demonstrated it in 2021, they are liquid implants. If you want your children to survive, don't puncture anything.

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I wonder what the pediatrician’s response would be if parents directly asked what percentage income they receive from Pharma and then proceed to have the doctor read aloud the package insert? If parents push back and threaten lawsuits for collusion or coercion, this nonsense will stop.

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There is no real reason to take a child to a pediatrician…much of their practice revenue comes from vaccine administration. Parents should find a decent Family Practice doc…and seldom use them. Part of the schtick L/D & pediatricians Partake in is scaring new parents to the point that they don’t trust their own judgment concerning their own baby. Awful.

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No, a couple of years ago a statistic was made in the United Kingdom with the hundreds of deaths of vaccinated people every week, and extrapolating the data worldwide, they amounted to one billion people in the world. I guess that number today is ridiculous. I will talk about this soon in my substack

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Instant death, slow death, disease and disorder - aren't "vaccines" just a grab bag of fun?

And now we're told nearly 6 million kids have "long COVID"... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/cbs-news-up-to-58-million-kids-have

yea, okay

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Long covid, that new term invented by these criminals. They know that the graphene oxide in vaccines causes these symptoms, but the government criminals call them long covid

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a picture is worth a thousand words...firsthand testimonies of vaccine victims...https://www.bitchute.com/video/8dLigbn3niLB/

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I can't look at these anymore. I see a few every day, and that's the tip of the tip of the iceberg, I know it. But each one breaks my heart.

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Angry doesn't begin to cover it...rage comes closer...and homicidal thoughts. How can these people even sleep at night?

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This is a brilliant treatise and historical context for anyone who wants to understand why we are where we are now with Covid-19, and the deaths that are happening. I make the strongest recommendation that all should read this article.

It discusses the history of effectively the corporatization and monetization of life (consumers from cradle to grave), referencing the US Robber Barons, and medicine which advanced rapidly under the vested interests of Anthony Fauci. It covers vulnerable groups, particularly babies and the elderly who are often literally medicated and medically intervened to death, disrupting the normal important process of aging and even death (he talks about the process of dying as very important stage for the soul).

Particularly it discusses vaccines, and pharmaceuticals and the forgotten or ignored victims who could not speak out, using the case of pediatric DPT, and AZT with HIV. Has tones of, but a much easier read than The Real Anthony Fauci.

First they came for the babies. Then they went for the then marginalized groups, now they have come for everyone.

Fewer babies and children died under lockdowns because they could not access “well care”! This was also clear in the Philippines.

The Covid-19 Pandemic is really lifting the veil that has hidden the malfeasance and genocidal acts of the pharmaceutical complex. I could not recommend this article more highly!

Please read! Please share! Please save for your reference! The comments from other readers are also well worth reading!

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Thank you for compiling this!

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