Our Dear AMD - December 2019 seems so long ago now. And as cynical as I believed myself to be back then - it still shocks me to realize now, how trusting and naïve I was then. It reminds me of Dr. Pierre Kory, who I watched from December 2022 on. He commented on how naïve he was before COVID, and how every new bit of (medical) corruption he learned of, made him realize how much deeper and deeper and darker and darker, the well is, and how far back the medical corruption goes, in terms of years.

My two bits of solace, COVID has opened the eyes of so many of us who were sleeping through life with rose colored glasses on. I’m honored to know of you, know of your writings, to witness this amazing community that you’ve engendered. You, sir/ma’am (as the case may be) are continuing to bring ‘Good’ into this world. You are a blessing for humanity, and I thank you for making that choice.


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Thank you I really appreciate it :)

Kory was a bit skeptical of the medical system because of some previous bad experiences he had with it, but he was still quite jaw dropped by a lot of what he later learned.

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Oct 3, 2023·edited Oct 3, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

As I have noted on several occasions, on several substacks, the best, and frankly, maybe the ONLY good outcome of The Great Covid Dumpster Fire is seeing so many people realize just how deep the rabbit hole goes. This, regarding not only narrow subjects like vaccination, but more sweeping subjects like the general ineptitude--or horrible conflicts of interest and misplaced priorities--of organizations like the CDC. Out of a really crappy situation something positive arises?

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Fully agree; this is also a common thing seen throughout history.

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Manure is one of the best fertilizers.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

Yes, a lot of people woke up... But the majority has not, and moreover they now WANT to close their eyes to it all and forget about it, so they do not have to agonize about the possible consequences of their irreversible decision to vaccinate. As Berenson pointed out today, this will make it even more difficult to have any kind of reckoning.

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TBH, I have absolutely no expectation of any kind of reckoning. Dr. Tim Noakes asked this question on Twitter the other day, "What happens when the "vaccinated" finally realise the extent to which they were conned by governments and their global "vaccine" eminences?"

Here is the answer I posted back at him, "First guess: More boosters. Second guess: Blame the unvaccinated. Not on the list: Call for heads to roll at CDC, FDA, or admit error. 🤷🏿‍♂️" (Obviously, for folks not in the U.S., the alphabets are different, but that is of no consequence to the larger point.)

There will be NO reckoning. Back three years or so ago, when many of us realized this whole debacle had almost nothing to do with data, that became--or should have become--apparent.

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Perhaps Reconning in the afterlife.

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Yep! I spent my professional career interacting with big Pharma, and believing that they worked in concert with the FDA to protect us from harm! Little did I realize how manipulative they were to keep growing their bottom line and manipulating medical research, and the FDA to achieve their goals!

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I spent a good part of my early career working in regulated medical devices, actually authoring documents for submission to the FDA. By the end of my bondage, I was convinced that nothing--or at least very little of what--the FDA did had a positive effect on the safety of the public. Little did I know that a couple decades later I would realize they were pimping for Big Pharma pretty much the whole time.

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The medical mafia manipulates, all aspects of medicine for the profit motive, and relegates anyone who challenges their goals to the manure pile of history! The concepts of the Nobel prize was supposed to be an incentive to improve humanity’s time on earth, but it has been corrupted for those who want to control our time on earth!

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Yep! A Sad state of medical affairs! Young. Corporate physicians are trained to determine if their patients have been properly injected!

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Spot on.

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I did not know that about Obama (I like to refer to him as O-bomb-uh) that he personally chose who he was going to kill each week. My objection to him getting the Nobel Peace Prize was yes, first of all at that time he had done nothing to deserve it. And then as US President he turned out to be the opposite of one who pursues peace: He out bombed Bush by more than 50,000 bombs, he expanded the wars into 4 new countries, and he is the only US President to have had the country at war for his entire two terms. Now I will add the targeted individual killings to that list.

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I never forgot that one after I read about it and I'm glad I had a place to share it. I didn't go into in the post, but some of the drone strikes were pretty tragic and gave civilians there a reason to hold very negative feelings towards the USA for the rest of their lives.

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I actually wrote about President Obama's first drone strike, which, as you note AMD, was among several (many?) that killed innocent civilians as opposed to "senior terrorist operatives" or any such thing. While the book I cite from Pape has come under some negative scrutiny for his methodology, the rest of my points, particularly about drone strikes and blowback, fits quite well with your statement about "gave civilians there a reason..." Link: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2013/04/wilton-alston/whats-supposed-to-be-the-narrative-of-boston/

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Good name. I called him O-bummer.

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Of course, BHO was and is a CIA construct (his mother and grandparents were company people). The Bushes, Clintons, Biden - all- ALL - CIA linked operatives. The corruption is so deep that it is beyond fixing, The cesspool that is our Deep State is beyond draining.

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yeah, that's what I've thought too. Elections don't matter. POTUS is selected. Hillary got selected for 2016, Trump did not, so they totally freaked out when Trump won, and they spent his entire presidency making sure that he could not function as President. I thought they might take him out, like they did with JFK and RFK, but there was so much animosity towards him--and they had the Russiagate lies--that they didn't need to actually kill him. Now though because he could win again they are making sure he can't run again. Even if they were to fail at that, they will just cheat at the ballot boxes.

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I remain conflicted on DJT. I voted for the man the first time knowing that he was a bloviating narcissist because the thought of HRC in the WH was simply not acceptable to me Was it an accident that he got into the WH? I don't know to this day. He is a superb carnival barker and knows how to sway the masses, but his actions in office were little different from all others. We have him to thank for Operation Warp Speed which he still champions as a great success. Never forgive. Never forget. He had opportunity to allow sensible approaches for management of the plandemic - surrounded by advisors who actually tried to get him to support their attempts to use things like ivermectin, HCQ, etc., but he opted for the "wonderful" vaxxx as he thought this would help with re-election bid. Unforgiveable. He can be directly tied to deaths of millions of innocents worldwide. And, I do not want to hear "he was misled" or "he didn't know" - hogwash.

At the end of the day, voting for the lesser demon is a waste of time and there are no remotely decent people in this government and haven't been in my 70+ year lifetime.

RKF,Jr., is a voice of reason, but he will never be allowed into office or he will be "removed" as were his father and uncle. In addition, his positive comments about Isra-hell and the CIA are very difficult to live with...

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What did RFK say about the CIA that's difficult to live with? I've heard only that he blames them for the death of his father and uncle.

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He has a daughter (?) that works for the company and has had positive comments for that agency... It was surprising. Perhaps he has to say such things in public... I don't want to read motives into anything he says as I am pretty sure that he knows what really goes on in the USG and its many corrupt institutions. He is doing a balancing act, IMO, to achieve some hope of success in his run... But, gives one pause. We shall see!

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I'm not saying I'm a Trump fan (although today I'm more of a fan than I was when he ran for office ;-), just that he was not "selected". 'course, your question is valid: Was it an "accident" that he won or did they let him win?

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I saw on another list that many people who were planning to vote for Trump lied to the surveys that they weren't, so they underestimated how many votes they needed to steal to win the election for Hillary, and that's how the mistake happened that Trump got elected.

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Great article as usual! Thank you!

Since it’s “open thread” time, I wondered what you might know about newer bloodwork testing called Cardio IQ (advance lipid panel w/inflammation) by Quest labs. It includes the regular lipid panel, but also other tests like LDL pattern, Apolipoprotein B, HS CRP, LP PLA2 Activity, etc. Quest still lists total Cholesterol normal as less than 200, when for years the normal was less then 300. Then overnight, millions of Americans were put on statins (which you wrote an article about) So how do we know and trust that these new tests and their normal ranges aren’t being pushed just like the “normal” cholesterol range of less than 200? How do we know really what these numbers should be and when we should be concerned for our health, or not? Thanks!!

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My own practice doesn't use very many tests as I find the information they provide normally isn't worth the cost and hassle they require. Similarly, as you mentioned, I am unsure of the values of a lot of the numbers, and generally speaking, I don't like practicing medicine by trying to get someone to a specific target number.

For the generally existing tests which evaluate your risk of heart disease, the PULS test seems to be one of the better ones quite a few of my colleagues really like. This for reference was the same one where Dr. Gundry discovered you had a massively increased risk of a heart attack after the COVID vaccine:


I also think if you've had a COVID vaccine, it's worth getting the AVISE test (which is very cheap) as it can tell you if developed antiphosopholipid syndrome, which is a huge risk for blood clots and heart disease.

Separate for that, one of the best things I've ever come across for predicting the risk of dying from a heart attack is evaluating your heart rate variability. I also believe the regularity of your heart rate goes hand in hand with your zeta potential, and that is one of the many reasons why I strongly encourage some patients to work on that issue.

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So what HRV data indicates you might die from a heart attack?

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I’m so grateful you wrote this piece. The truth needs to be told over and over. I really appreciate your willingness to take the time and effort to write such thoughtful and thought provoking pieces. Thank you for being a warrior for truth!

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Thank you; my basic thought process is that I'd rather write a few good pieces than a lot of mediocre ones.

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There is no mistake. Dr. Malone and everyone else who are "COVID skeptics" as I call them are given no recognition of any sort for any of their work because they don't trot along with "the narrative." Everything scientific is political now and and scientific ethics and integrity are left standing at the altar, unwanted and dumped.

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That is the most likely interpretation of this.

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Thank you for this piece of truth! I'm not surprised by what happened to you because as you've discussed it is a doggie dog world in the medical world. And, that's an insult to dogs. You are doing yeoman's work now keeping us all informed about what's happening and we are so grateful. I hereby give you my award for telling us the truth. It is so rare these days to find any.

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Thank you.

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Oct 3, 2023·edited Oct 3, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Like a lot of people, the "pandemic" or "covid disaster" spurred me to take responsibility for my health.

Before I was on 3 prescriptions and one antacid (not a proton pump) and today I am only on supplements. Pills were dispensed without any discussion of the organs and the action of the drugs. Intermittent fasting, diet change and exercise were key.

Knowing that inflammation can cause real problems in the body, when I learned that deep pockets in the gums are an inflammation, I took immediate action.

I was causing my own inflammation and I could correct it. What's more, there was a clear measurement. to be repeated every 6 months.

They were a little surprised to see me jump right into action rather than have a counselling session about the importance of dental hygiene with low expectations of compliance. Now I imagine breaking up the biofilm with a 2 minute brushing and not disturbing my oral biofilm.

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I fell for the deep scaling and frequent cleanings. Then I returned after china virus and they praised how great my gums were! At least they were honest.

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Can you speak more about your tooth care approach, and (hopefully) post a link or two to learn more? Particularly interested in how you were "causing my own inflammation" and how you "could correct it." Thanks! (BTW, I found this one already: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6163956/)

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Sometime in the future, someone will need to be the fall-guys for this horrific technology. Better it drops on the heads of false award recipients than on Malone’s. Not much monetary consolation but at least Malone’s integrity will be intact.

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I suspect if he was given the prize (unless it was the peace prize) he would have declined it to make a statement.

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One could hope so.

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Honestly, I thought it WAY more likely, that they would have gotten the Nobel for the MRNA-technology in 2020 or in 2021, when politicians could still claim that the covid vaccine would get us out of the pandemic and the side effects could still be denied.

In 2023 nearly everyone knows of a person he/she suspects of having died from the covid vaccines and even in a lot of countries people are starting to get money from the government for likely deaths from the covid vaccines (South Korea just started paying for anyone who has died in the 30 days after a covid shot, etc.).

Maybe I am paranoid, but I have the feeling, that this move is either

-a giant gaslighting attempt in order to save the technology and spare the governments who pushed it accountability ("You're a science-denier. The MRNA-technology is safe and effective, otherwise the inventors would not have gotten the Nobel prize")

-a move intended to bring the covid mandates, lockdown etc. back in the fall (a few American pundits I sometimes read, state the push comes from the USA and its aim is to spare Joe Biden from holding rallies and repeat the election rules, that brought Biden to power)

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Outstanding article as usual. One correction to make is that the Moderna suits were for patent infringement and not copyright infringement.

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Thanks! I can always rely upon a MDJD to catch those types of mistakes ;)

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Excellent column. Thank you for all you do. It is truly amazing. Indeed, COVID opened our eyes. Who would have thought? At 72, the past few years have been very tough. Sadly, I have come to realize that ALL our Institutions are corrupt, and have been corrupt for decades. What happened with COVID, vaccine mandates, lockdowns that entire nightmare, and now seeing this Administration persecute its political opponent and most of the media supporting this, is a testament to how low we have sunk. (Whether you support Trump, or not, has nothing to do with it) We are no different than a totalitarian regime. Except here we think we’re free, over there we know we’re not.

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Thank you.

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Dear AMD,

Again, thank you for the interesting article that brings to light the avarice and greed that is part of the human experience even in science. We like to think those who are scientists are above those characteristics. That they work for the good of man. What we find is the same corrupt actions within that group. COVID took the blinders off many of us. Back in the 80s when I was working on my masters in healthcare administration I became aware that healthcare was a business. I always had felt healthcare was a level above that and was only there to provide care for the sick and help people maintain good health. It was a transformational revelation for me, as the COVID crisis has been. I now have lost confidence in our entire healthcare system and feel it should be totally dismembered and rebuilt. You are doing a great service by presenting information that will hopefully help us get there. Your work is greatly appreciated.

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Thank you very much.

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I'm convinced that they give the Nobel prize to whoever kills the most people and gets away with it.

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

That picture really is telling....such a good discovery...we think....maybe....let's not risk it yet. Lol

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How censorship is done on youtube ( and I assume google )


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