"Why Does the Government Hide Vaccine Injury Data and When Will This Stop?"

Bro? Really?

Most of the FDA and CDC has cheerfully been creating autistic kids or approving SSRIs ignoring an opioid pandemic, for a buck. They did it with HIV, they did it with oxytocin, they'll never stop. The government medical community are killers.

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Stumbled across your Substack just a week or so back, now gripped!

Interesting article on SSRIs. My wife was hooked on them for 25 years. Script never reviewed. In 2017 she was diagnosed with breast cancer. NHS messed the treatment up, she felt crap, so went carnivore about 4 years ago (inspired by Jordan Peterson's daughter Mikhaila). Instant results in mood and health. I followed her and found the same. Lost 20lbs in 6 weeks, all visceral fat and I wasn't overweight (6'5" and 14 stone).

Dec 2021 my wife was diagnosed with "terminal" bone cancer. Refused more chemo as we convinced the poor treatment and the chemo was the reason for the cancer metastatising. Felt so good from the carnivore, she decided to follow MP and get off SSRIs. Managed to get a liquid form of her prescription, and titrated her dose down slowly over 18 months or so, and she's now been off them for some 18 months and so much better for it.

We're both very suspicious of allopathic medicine; my wife a highly respected Acupuncturist for 25 years, and me a born sceptic. Neither of us were jabbed.

Your substack is excellent. I print your articles off as I struggle with screen reading, and sit down and read them properly of an evening. Thanks!

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The People That Are Wearing Masks

And Still Taking Booster Shots

Have Started To Identify

With Their Captors.


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The pharmaceutical industry is a parasite on the back of humanity.

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Thank you for putting this together in the most simple and easy way to understand. I lost a 25 yr old healthy teammate and I cannot convince friends and family to stop getting the deadly arm cocktails.

Hopefully this will help. Many do not understand how bad the flu vaccine is too

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Because it was absolutely never about health.

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As your gab header says, "health freedom should have been in the Bill of Rights." That means freedom FROM government. Getting government completely out of medicine is the only way to fix this. Doing anything less will create more problems than it solves.

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Big respect for your work 🙏 thank you ❤️

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

While money and property theft may drive much of what has occurred during the plandemic, ultimately one must conclude there is a larger agenda when looking at the world picture. The governments of countries with populations that hold with Western values are committing democide while replacing their populations with others. IMO race is a distraction, it is about values. Illegal migrants are not required to take the jab, at least in the USA, but the press for the existing population is to take an unapproved treatment that, if not deadly early on, has long term consequences we are only now seeing. If one finds it too hard to accept this, look at the long history of governmental democide, including the attempt to kill Americans regarding Cuba that Kennedy thankfully stopped. That and other actions probably got him assassinated.

I have a friend who I no longer try getting her to stop taking vaccines. She is fully "up to date" on everything. I want to say, why not take a gun and blow your head off, it's quicker and less painful? Now, despite taking excellent care of her health in other ways, she can barely remember words when talking and after the latest bi whatever jab, she is worse. I know my friend will die or be disabled before her time, but there is no treatment nor anything I can say at this point to stop the inevitable march to her destruction. What we face in the coming years for the entire population, IMO, is devastating. Some will say she deserved it, and I suppose in some ways she brought it on herself, but she is my friend, and it grieves me. We are all affected, unjabbed or not.

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Bravo Doc! A wonderful article. You and Steve are doing God's work.

At a recent bimonthly gathering of local GPs here in the UK, a public health Dr exhorted us to do more to encourage flu vaccinations for our patients. His argument to us was based on a UKHSA paper that suggested 25000 hospitalisations were prevented by the vaccine last Winter in England. And of course, that paper was based on modelling, not patient-level data. Our GP Surgeries have precisely the patient-level data outlined above as does UKHSA. When asked why the arguments for vaccination were not based on this, the public health Dr had no answer.

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Tragically, the same angle of propaganda is applied toward "curing" some shadow virus poised to decimate the earth's population. "The CURE is right around the corner!" The cancer "cure" had been touted in the exact same manner for how many decades now? And during this time, with all the instrumentation of modern medicine, there was a concert of quiet regarding WHAT CANCER ACTUALLY WAS, not to mention how it was able to be eliminated through proper health habits. A lifestyle condition was the culprit, and the return of a proper life-style held promise toward its reversal. Cancer was sold as an "intruder" of sorts, a genetically directed dysfunction that could only be "killed" by allopathy. To poison,, burn, cut, and radiate, have been the tools of the industry.

Let us all plant a "Victory Garden," and partake of the enzymes from the greenery grown! Avoid the non-nutritious packaged foods, and absorb some early sunshine in your garden. It's a good idea whose time has come "full circle."


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I think they may still push the shot - or a shot for something, especially since self-amplifying shots are coming which can be their "one and done" .. I know people who would still easily be talked into getting another shot if marketed as a one time deal. What a mess we live in.

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The V-safe data showed that for ten million shots there were 770,000 (7.7%) adverse events serious enough to require medical attention (doctor/urgent care visit, ER, hospitalization, etc.). As you noted the V-safe data was kept hidden until ICAN's FOIA request made it public.

I hear the V-safe program is no longer taking data.

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Science cannot thrive without truth or with greed.

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Sometimes I fantasize about the world with the goal to make sense of what I see before me. Recently, it’s become this idea we are not the top of the food chain, we are actually a form of cattle for some entities off camera and we’re being experimented on, managed. A few in Congress have been given the truth of what’s really happening and because of their stature, the rest follow like lemmings, signing death warrants for us all. Note, Congress did give itself an exemption.

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Admissions regarding the safety failures are not being made. Instead (since virtually every one of the jab-recipients wound up with a significant COVID infection), the adverse outcomes are being branded as “long COVID,” wholly consistent with the marketing sleight of hand that has characterized both the development and the rollout of these pharmaceuticals - the impacts of which are requiring (wait for it) more pharmaceuticals!

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