This part really Peed me off:

So, this 17 year old Cassandra was considered 'too young' to be able to refuse chemotherapy for the cancer in her body, but, a child as young as 16 is allowed to 'decide' their gender and a doctor will give them life-altering hormones.

Yep. Clown world.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I appreciate your trying to find the ethical philosophy behind commercial health care but in actuality, there isn't any. Forcing people to take procedures is just so barbaric and antiquated, it reminds me of the 14th century. Good that you mentioned circumcision, the most barbaric thing a mother can have done to her son. The medical cartel doesn't even consider the effects of what this might have. The entire medical industry is so distasteful and primitive, it is sure to fall right on its face soon and deservedly so. As with the courts and the government. These constructs are utterly olde world and need to go. What will take their place is we the people make the proposals and we vote on proposals, not on people. Changing the people in an inherently predatory structure will not change anything. The structure itself must change. I really enjoyed your article and appreciate you bringing these issues into the public space.

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Excellent read.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Thank you. Pure gold for readers. I will distribute the article widely. This clearly outlines and explains medicine in a digestible format. Please keep going forward and bless you for your help.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Great article, Doc.

"Cassandra was removed from her home, placed under guard in the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, and forcefully administered chemotherapy until she turned 18. "

This story about Cassandra is unbelievable. I am curious, does this happen only if you go to the hospital for treatment and then refuse? What if you never went and decided to choose alternative therapies out the outset?

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022

I know a lot of people feel very passionately about circumcision but I never really thought about it until I was pregnant with my son. I always want to absolutely minimize the pain my babies feel, I’ve had unmedicated births-one home birth- and don’t allow vitamin K shots or Hep B shots on day 1 of life so I was already on board with not circumcising but this video An Elephant in the Hospital convinced my husband and I not to circumcise our son https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ceht-3xu84I he’s such a cute happy guy now almost a year old and I’m so glad we didn’t circumcise him

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

MwD... Excellent essay. Fascism, I discovered years ago, is the sole possession of neither "right" nor "left". Indeed, the worst fascists walking the earth today consider themselves "liberal" or "progressive" when they are "neo-' and "pseudo-" in reality. Thanks for speaking out on this. Dead on the money...

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Too many topics!

In at least my personal experience, Hep-B vaccine induces SIDS. It's the first vaccine given newborns, contains adjuvants, and thus induces allergy to milk protein the hospital gives them at the same time.

The Disney outbreak spread vaccine variety!

These individuals are NOT avidly anti-Nazi; as far as I can tell, most of them are Ukrop cheerleaders. Have you seen pictures of the Azov battalion? They're all in favor of killing Russians in the Donbass, and even in Russia proper.

So, no rubella parties because they're too risky for unborn fetuses?

"acquainted" should be "equated".

You're right; medical insurance presents perverse incentives. I suspect it's really only justified for trauma. Cancer can be just as costly, but I see no way to avoid the perverse incentives there. Maybe for things like long-term dialysis.

CT scans? Those were used early in the covid event to detect bronchitis. What; doctors don't believe patient reports, nor know how to use a stethoscope, so instead use expensive, high radiation dose CT?

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022

Circumcising a child, regardless of gender, is a violation of body sovereignty. Refusing women the right to abortion is a violation of body sovereignty. Forced vaccination is a violation of body sovereignty. If I had to find a silver lining in this whole mess it is that it has drawn a stark light on the inconsistency in peoples declared beliefs. You know you are truly standing by what you believe when you don’t like someone’s choice but will defend their right to make that choice. I personally believe that plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons is ridiculous and culturally harmful.... however your body your choice.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Veterinary medicine is quite similar and vaccinations fund the business and harm pets. Fortunately for animals, abortion would be considered horrific torture and abuse, and never allowed, by animal rights' activists.

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Another excellent piece. I lost a child at 20 weeks due to a cornual ectopic pregnancy. That changed my view on abortion forever. Yes, every woman has the right to determine whether or not she has a child. At some point along the way though, we need to acknowledge that the clump of cells that started out has in fact become a human being who should have rights as well. I think 12 weeks to decide should be ample time and that barring unforeseen circumstances that endanger a woman's life abortion should not be considered. My personal opinion.

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022

1. This boils down to "healthcare for profit"; I was born in an East-block country and I had exactly ZERO unnecessary medical procedures/ vaccines. The profit motive corrupts everything.

2. That cartoon with the left is wrong; the dems are not a left wing party; they at this time at the right of the republicans. Left parties care for workers and their rights - no side of the American duopoly cares about us (and that is also for financial gain).

In the end, the problem is the FIAT monetary system, which allows the "creation" out of thin air of huge "fortunes" (bits in a computer); if the financial resources would be anchored in the physical world (say the commodity market), that would not be possible.

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Very interesting

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Thank you 🙏 for bringing some sanity into an insane world🤪🌍!

Thank you 🙏 for referencing Naomi Wolf's article: https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/on-losing-roe. Together, your perspectives illuminate and elevate the discussion.

Finally, thank you 🙏 so much for living by and talking about The Golden Rule. If everyone would stick to that one concept, we all would be fine.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Oh, to have had such wisdom in my 20's when I had children. I'm sorry (to my son), and both of them of the vaccinations. Thankful, they both seem strong and healthy, now in their 30's, having children of their own and easy access to more information.

I'm gainfully employed and have to pay for insurance that I don't/can't use, as now have more access to information by this little computer to make informed decisions. Thank You Lord.

Thank you for explaining The Forgotten Side of Medicine.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

This was a disturbing, but excellent, piece with a perfect description of the democratic sheep: "Many of their political positions are spoon-fed to them by corporate oligarchs and do not in any way represent their actual values." Spot-on.

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