I have two friends that lost three children to suicide. All three were on SSRI antidepressants. My friend, E’s, 17 year old shot herself in the head outside her college campus. She had been on meds for years for severe anxiety and depression. Her brother never showed signs of depression but he got depressed after his sister’s suicide. He shot himself two years later. He was 21 years old. E begged the psychiatrist not to prescribe her son SSRIs because of what happened to his sister. E was sure that it was the medication. The psychiatrist ignored her. The other young women, just 16, and just 6 months on SSRIs, shot herself in the heart. These are not children from broken home or from impoverished families. As a nurse, I can tell you medications effect people differently and I could tell you about the many times my patients have gone crazy on medications. My own daughter was taking Tessolon Perles for pneumonia and all of sudden she was speaking to me like Linda Blair from The Exorcist! I thought she was going to strike me. Initially, it thought it was the steroids but when I took the Perles away, she was normal. Always, assume the meds if your patient has a problem.

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A lot of people I know sincerely believe SSRIs make you possessed in the same way cocaine (and especially meth) do, and it's fascinating how much of each drug's experience overlaps when you look at all the different subtle aspects of Akathisia (which I detailed in the last first part). I can't really say that as a doctor, but the changes you see are very weird and I still have trouble wrapping me head around they can happen.

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I was a school nurse for four years and the school culture is one of victimhood. Everyone has problems or perceived problems and the school must support this victim mentality. I left because I couldn’t support this. Children on ADD meds and other psychiatric meds. Divorce plays big part in destroying children’s sense of security. I saw normal, healthy children torn apart by their parent’s divorce. My friend formed this foundation when her daughter died and then added her son’s name. They were wonderful kids. https://carriecotter.com/

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The degree to which farmer has gotten to our children with psych medication's often makes me think of a song that has the opening lyrics "the young generation, that sick generation" is it some point when I have a good video editor to work with, I want to make some type of a short YouTube video on that topic.

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🙏🏼🙏🏼How tragic

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Jun 2, 2022
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Lyme is another common but unrecognized cause of psychiatric symptoms. My favorite though is toxoplasmosis (because it has been proven) and I love cats.

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Jun 2, 2022
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I read not too long ago somewhere that someone was having some success vs. Lyme with that apple flavored horse treat.

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Yes.. I have read this also. Here are some links about it. Terry Herholdt is an exotic vet in South Africa that had chronic end stage neuro-lyme disease. She has a download (blue letters) on this link that talks about ivermectin and how she has had to use the animal kind successfully with covid and it helped with Lyme too



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Jun 4, 2022
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One of my colleagues was able to treat morgellons with ivermectin

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Mold toxicity or heavy metal toxicity as well. Nutritional deficiencies and hormonal imbalances also cause depression.

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Years ago I did some research on the school shootings. It revealed that 50% of the shooters were on SSRIs and/or not other psychiatric meds.

The other 50%?

We simply didn't know what they were on or if they were on any psychiatric or ADHD meds at all (confidentiality).

So we were looking at 50% at a minimum, and possibly 95-100% at a maximum!

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Thank you so much for the education!! Very grateful amidwesterndoctor! Excellent!

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I had read this, too.

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I would be willing to bet that 100% came from bad home lives and probably most were using marijuana products and/or other illicit drugs. Many people feel that marijuana is harmless, but it isn't. Psychosis is very high in toxic levels

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I know this was discussed before, but I do not believe the psychosis from pot results in violence or hostility and its erroneous to group it with the active and violent psychosis SSRIs can cause just because both are examples of drug induced psychosis.

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My son who was labeled bipolar 1 seven years ago uses/used high THC (89%+) cannabis. He has gone into mania/psychosis multiple times, been hospitalized multiple times. We believe partly due to high THC and also the antipsychotics-on and coming off of them. We have tried since the beginning of his label tried to get him to quit the THC and get him off of meds as I researched alternative to med treatments for bipolar. Found Robert Whitaker, Dr. Peter Breggin, Dr. William Walsh, & other authors and found a rehab facility in Sedona, AZ-Aternative to Meds Center. Our son, unfortunately, never wanted to quit the THC. I can say when he would go into mania/psychosis, he could get very angry at us and threw things in our home. Coming close to hitting us. His last episode he pushed me lightly while I was on the stairs. Although it seemed my son would not do anything super violent, we just always worried he might or accidentally. We have seen him go into psychosis when not on meds for a long time and only using a lot of High THC. So it is my belief based on experience that high THC can cause angry m, somewhat violent psychosis. He has been to several other rehab facilities besides Alternative to Meds Center(ATMC). The other facilities always wants to keep him on meds which he hates all the horrible side effects. ATMC didn’t work out for him as they are to close (walking distance) to access alcohol or cannabis. He was kicked out 4 times. ATMC recommended a healing facility Inner Fire in Vermont, founder Beatrice Birch, where they help people slowly taper off meds. It is on a 44 acre property away from the city. After a second 3 day visit, he was accepted into their 1 year long program. He’s been there since April 2022. He is still struggling, but I have complete faith in Beatrice and this program that it is the better way in treating/healing emotional distress. It is the only type of its kind in the U.S. We so need more facilities like this all across the country instead of all the harmful/neuro toxic medications being recklessly administered.

Another thing about cannabis that I have been told, is that it is treated with pesticides, so that’s another thing that could possibly be contributing to psychosis.

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suggested reading if you have not read it already:

An Unquiet Mind, by Kay Jamison

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My husband has read it. She is all about psych meds. My son does not want to be on neuro toxic meds and we do not want him to be on them either. Side effects are horrendous. What 20+ male wants excessive weight gain, erectile disfunction, numbed feelings, akathesia, etc?

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It has been years since I read it but recollection(? not so good maybe) was that it was a story about how she got off all the meds. . . maybe I'm wrong there.

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The meds also mess up your liver and other organs, can cause diabetes, elevate cholesterol, ruin your teeth, cause tradive dyskinesia, plus more and eventually shortening ones life span.

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There's psychosis and then there's Psychosis.

The prozacs lend to the capitol P. The pot is the lower case.

Take your pick.

Be chooosey

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That is a really clever way to address that concept I will use in the future. Thank you!

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And feel free to use any of my grasshopperisms please, no need to credit me.

Big Harmaceuticals hacksxxxxine viruganda is a depopulation agenda in action . Sic.

Big Harma is a biofascist tyrant. Lead by...

Satanthony Fauci, read Celia farber's piece in her substack about him

Regards from San Francisco killafornia in the US of Arrogance.


If anyone is local I need work.

I have no vaxxport nor hacksxxxxine and hate masks.

I can drive, clean toilets or clean residential and commercial, stagehand, etc.

Please hire me, please....

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I hate these policies and feel very fortunate I was able to get out of them.

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Not true at toxic levels of THC

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It is in toxic levels. In the vapes and even the weed shops, THC is considered toxic levels at least 25% and higher and they are seeing violence & hostility. The weed I smoked in highschool in the late 70s was about 2.5% which made us mellow. These are all recent studies on the effects of higher % of THC

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This is from Alex Berenson's book "Tell Your Children the truth about marijuana, mental illness and violence".

"In many cases, they have even found marijuana’s tendency to cause violence is greater than that of alcohol. A 2018 study of people with psychosis in Switzerland found that almost half of cannabis users became violent over a three-year period; their risk of violence was four times that of psychotic people who didn’t use. (Alcohol didn’t seem to increase violence in this group at all.) The effect is not confined to people with preexisting psychosis. A 2012 study of 12,000 high school students across the United States showed that those who used cannabis were more than three times as likely to become violent as those who didn’t, surpassing the risk of alcohol use. Even worse, studies of children who have died from abuse and neglect consistently show that the adults responsible for their deaths use marijuana far more frequently than alcohol or other drugs—and far, far more than the general population. Marijuana does not necessarily cause all those crimes, but the link is striking and large."

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I really don't know what to make of this because I know so many people who have been heavy drug users (particularly Marijuana) and Marijuana is the one drug I have never seen turn people violent (whereas I see individuals physically abused by alcoholics on a regular basis).

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Today’s pot is unlike pot of the 70’s through the 2000’s. It is extremely potent THC concentrations, and if honest studies were carried out, the addictive nature, the horrible side effects including vomiting so constant esophaguses have ruptured, would come to light. I believe there are many people who can go psychotic on high THC products. The data is still being hidden because of Big Pot Lobbying.

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There is no toxic level for pot.

One does not overdose on it.

Smoke some....

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I remember the nonsense propaganda about pot when I was in school during the 70's & 80's. I was told by my parents & school teachers that if you use pot, it'll cause you to have psychotic episodes.. that people have jumped out of tall buildings trying to fly, or saw things, heard voices that weren't really there & had to be institutionalized, etc.. Like a bad trip on acid (LSD) or peyote, or shroons might do. This sounds crazy now, but this was how pot was portrayed when I was growing up. When I entered the 8th grade in 1981, I started rebelling against the strict upbringing I had. I tried smoking pot one day with a few kids when we skipped a class exam. I had been led to believe these scary horrifying things would happen to me and when it didn't happen, I was so angry for being lied to. The very ones that told me that nonsense, had never tried pot in their lives. It made me more rebellious than ever when I saw for myself that I was lied to. My parents had been lied to. They've never tried pot, but they listen to the media & govt. Therein lies the problem...lies handed down to the msm from our wonderful govt. I said all of that to say THIS: I have NEVER in my 55 yrs saw headlines of pharmacy robberies or bank robberies or any acts of violence because someone was under the influence of marijuana. Period. Munchies maybe. Laughing. Not violence...

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Reefer madness!

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Today's weed is not the weed we smoked in the 70s! There is toxic levels!

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I 100% agree with you that the THC has been raised significantly through selective breeding from that found naturally in the 1970s. I am less sure if that equates to toxicity.

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Jun 2, 2022
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But they have to keep up the big lies.

Pot bad . Meds good.

Russia bad. West good at Arrogance.

Some things are good for us.

Pot, mushrooms.

Some things occasionally good .

Interesting that the best things regulate themselves unlike Harmaceuticals and Hacksxxxxxine from big Harma.

The narrative is still in Harma court as these comments illustrate.

Not mine, thank Goddess.


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Jun 2, 2022
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I support freedom of speech, and he's not claiming to be a doctor or an authority on the subject so he can say whatever he wants...but I believe he is severely misguided on this specific issue. I tried to write out all the reasons in a comment on part 1 of this series.

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It's all the latest research. Not just him! You must research it!

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It is. The freaking out kids need to smoke pot and relax. Maybe dance.

And we got s to give kids something other than phoney appsturbation....sic.

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I don't read liar a b

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Because it's a lower % likely

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SSRI's work by stiffling the ability to feel. They deaden feelings. In doing so they greatly decrease empathy. I call them 'soul stifflers'.

They are often prescribed when a person is depressed due to a life event such as divorce, the death of someone close, etc. What happens without an SSRI is that a person, often with the support of others works through the situation and gains some skills to help get through similar situations in the future.

What happens with SSRI's if the SSRI is effective is that that healing is prevented. There are those who are prescribed an SSRI due to a life situation who many years later are still taking the SSRI. I think that SSRI's actually prevent growth and healing.

Imagine going to a doctor with a broken leg and being in pain. If the doctor treats the pain but doesn't set and cast the broken bone the painkiller may give relief but the underlying problem remains untouched. Instead one would be constantly taking the pain killer and their leg would set in a deformed way. The situation with SSRI's is similar.

Should they ever be prescribed? In my opinion, maybe but much, much less than they are now. For some they may help provide a brief period of time to help relieve suffering until real healing can begin.

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This is a significant problem with the drugs (and I suspect to some extend is caused by the Fluoride they put into the CNS), and I have seen what you are describing negatively affect many people, however, that is only one of many negative side effects (sexual dysfunction is another one) and I was trying to focus on the unique ability of the SSRIs to harm others besides who they were prescribed to.

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Yes. I think the decrease in empathy that comes with SSRI's causes harm to both self and others.

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very good point. friend of mine who was on prozac described it as putting "braces on your brain."

now add autism to the equation (one in three american males born since 1988 is on the spectrum, and that's rising, as stephanie seneff has chronicled). one of the main features of autism is lack of empathy. deadly combo.

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Autistic kids and children who are just on the spectrum get psyche meds like there's no tomorrow :|

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Yes, " your 11 yr old ADHD kid has anxiety and I would like to prescribe a SSRI".

I told the Dr we needed to try something else.

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So doc, is there a connection, signal, between a vaccine and autism? I know. that is a subject for a whole newletter!

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I personally know people this happened to, including members of my extended family where I can see no other explanation for what occurred.

I have also seen numerous patients with the same experience.

There's a plausible mechanism to explain why it happens.

There's a strong correlation between vaccination rates and the incidence of autism.

There's a variable dose response relationship, because many people develop partial autistic tendencies after vaccination rather than overt autism.

There are a few other environmental toxins that have a strong potential link to autism, but none have the immediate cause effect relationship you see with vaccination.

Unvaccinated populations have minimal to non existent rates of autism.

There are a few studies showing a link is there. In many cases the authors then were subject to a witch hunt for publishing the study.

Most studies deny a link is there.

There are a few cases where the studies denying the link were proven to be fraudulent.

I personally feel this issue is too politically polarized to ever get honest research on the subject so I default to what I see first hand.

To me it's the same as shooting someone with a gun and then having them become unconscious from a loss of blood. It's entirely possible they might have fainted anyways had they never been shot, and there have never been RTCs done to establish the risk ratio of being shot with a gun to passing out, but it's still justifiable to assume the gun shot caused the passing out.

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Thanks MWDoc. "I personally feel this issue is too politically polarized to ever get honest research on the subject so I default to what I see first hand."

Such a shame that over all these years even a doctor cannot objectively put a stake in the ground as to yeah or nay.

However, I will take this statement more to heart: "I personally know people this happened to, including members of my extended family where I can see no other explanation for what occurred"

You did not point to any particular vaccine(and I failed to stipulate, also!). Can you do so? OR, is it as much the adjuvants / other constituents as possible variables as opposed to the "active" ingredients?!

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MMR and TDP are the most common ones that do it.

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My husband described it as putting a rubber band around all my emotions when I was in Paxil in the mid 00s. I was on it for 2 years with of course an increase in dosage because it “wasn’t working”. Thankfully I ended up going to grad school at a place with a naturopathic program and they supported me during the 2 years it took to get off. I had to use a nail file on those tiny pills. The psychiatrist wanted to put me on a medication used for bipolar and seizures to help with my withdrawal symptoms but thankfully was open to more natural support. I had to learn how to feel all over again and struggled mightily with anxiety during and post withdrawal. And I didn’t have psychotic reactions. I can’t imagine what is going on in these kids brains it is horrible.

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Birth Control Pills to SSRIs to Antipsychotics is one of the most common pharmaceutical sales funnels I see in millennials and zoomers.

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"Birth Control Pills to SSRIs to Antipsychotics" oh my. Not saying this isn't true. It gets us into dark territory in a hurry when we consider the policy implications. If the sale stats verify it, no way our leadership cannot be aware of it.

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They do not address the root cause of the depression, which can be trauma, hormones, thyroid or nutritional deficiencies plus any other number of reasons.

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William Walsh's 5 biotypes of depression resolves a lot of it (but not all, ton of other causes too), and I've always thought it's quite sad that despite this being quite simple and the one job most psychiatrists have is to treat depression, very few of them are aware of this.

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MwD... Excellent coverage of this important (and, maddening) topic! As a late comer to the mental health part of medicine, my move into cannabis medicine a decade ago (following loss of my son to PTSD) revealed every point you have made is dead on accurate. 90-95% of the "disease" and "dysfunctiuon" that appears in a primary care physician office is rooted in life trauma, IMO. Cannabis is an important tool for helping the body heal itself. Trauma therapy specialists (not psychiatrist!) are key for helping patients work through their trauma-related pain. Dr. Breggin is a hero for me - he has pointed out the failings of Psychiatry throughout his career and suffered for it. Dr. Gabor Mate' has become another hero to me, as he has championed the trauma causes disease model. Both men are strong defenders of Humanity and gentle souls.

Thanks for addressing this important and timely topic!

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I've read tons of the stuff both of them wrote. One point I'm going to try to make clear on here is that a lot of what I'm doing is only possible because people like them stuck their necks out to make these topics open for discussion, and I am largely riding on their coat-tails.

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Understand, but you have a unique forum for passing it on! Much appreciated and, I know, all the other folks here do, too.

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Very sorry for the loss of your son. Appreciate your input. My 18 year old son suffers from ADHD (inattentive type), OCD and anxiety. He has zero executive functioning skills. He uses marijuana to self medicate. I worry it is damaging his lungs and could cause paranoia and Schizophrenia in his developing brain. However, I’d rather him not use pharma drugs to treat him and he agrees. Catch 22. He’s clearly not living his best life. Any advice? Thank you.

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Will be glad to discuss with you, but should do off forum. Contact the moderator and ask him to give you my email. I hate to "hide", but would rather not put my email up here - name is bad enough! I expect the CDC police to appear any day!

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My daughter has ADHD and has been on medication for it on & off since she was 7. She is almost 31 now and still takes medicine for it. She lives on her own, but if I had known more about ADHD & other things to do besides medicate back then I would definitely do it differently.. She has issues and cannot handle stress at all. It makes me worry about her so much. The things I have learned from reading these past 2 yrs on vaccines, meds, Drs, the govt agencies, etc.. I had no idea about when my kids were babies. If ONLY I could go back and do it over...

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TM67... If she lives in a state where medical cannabis is available, then that is the answer, IMO The ADD/ADHD meds are horrible for long term use - make anxiety worse.

My own daughter has similar issues, but began self-medicating with cannabis in HS (I was clueless) - got her MBA - doing well.

BTW, ADD/ADHD is all rooted in trauma... Hoping the best for her.

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I can't prove this since I have a small dataset, but Adderall seems to be less damaging than Ritalin.

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Possibly, but still bad choices for this issues, IMO. Vyvanse, too!

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Thank you for responding...my daughter also self medicated with cannabis (smoking) when she started college. It is not legal here in Tennessee. She started having severe panic attacks though if she kept using it. Oddly when she was about 2 yrs old, she started the extreme hyperactivity. She was never violent or aggressive, she just did things that could hurt herself..like climbing up on top of rooftops, 30 ft trees, telephone poles, etc..she would go 3 or 4 days/nights in a row without sleeping or napping. She would go outside in the middle of the night while I was asleep because she rarely slept. When she was 3, the local HeadStart program kicked her out because she would NOT take a nap and when the teacher's weren't paying attention, she would be off climbing on top of the metal monkey bars. They told me they were afraid she was going to get hurt because she was so hyper and never could sit still. In kindergarten, the same thing happened & the elementary school psychologist tried to test her and gave up. I was told she couldn't attend 1st grade unless I took her to a mental health facility, got her tested & put on medication. And that's what I did unfortunately. The mental health Center Dr. put her on clonidine to make her sleep at night & Ritalin for school. Off Ritalin in summertime. She quit taking meds when she was a teenager and seemed to do ok. She matured enough to control some of the hyperactivity. When she started working she could never stay focused on one task and she almost lost her job. She was too embarrassed to tell her boss she has ADHD so she ended up getting back on adderall about 5 or 6 yrs ago. The idea has almost been drilled into our brains that there's a pill for everything and it has made a mess out of many people's lives. I know there is need for some medications, but the root cause of an illness was never even looked for when my kids were growing up. Now I am reading these articles I see that the numerous vaccines my kids got when they were babies could have been the root cause of their problems. It is very sad to think about. My daughter managed to get an associate's degree in electrical engineering and works as an electrician under an apprenticeship type program. She has depression a lot and I worry about her. Oh and I forgot to add that she takes valium for anxiety now. She's grown and on her own but my heart breaks for her and others like her...

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CBD alone can help up to 50% with the mood issues. CBD is legal in all 50 states when THC content is below 0.3%. Best source I have found is letitgrowhemp.com who has a 150mg gelcap (I take one a day). She may not need that much, but it takes at least 40mg to do much. I suspect that she will need much more. Right now delta-8 THC is legal in all states (a synthetic molecule made from CBD) and that might help her - almost as effective as the delta 9 THC that is found in medical dispensaries. Vape pens are legal in all states, too. So... Might try a delta-8/CBN mix cartridge from 3chi.com (one of the first companies to make this). The biggest concern about all of this area is the lack of regulation, so there is a lot of fraud and mislabeling. Anyway, the companies mentioned are legit and I purchase from them and others... charlottesweb.com makes good gummy bears (CALM for daytime and SLEEP for night) that also might be of interest. They are low dose, however, and may not be strong enough...

She should probably avoid strong sativas (usually what is on the street), as anxiety-depression and PTSD folks are usually hyper-sensitive to those strains and they can cause anxiety, excitability, paranoia... It does not make people suicidal.

PS: None of this is medical advice! :-)

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Thank you so much!! :-)

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Re: lungs: 1. Edibles. 2. If not edibles, you can decarboxylate the flower and eat directly, or make tincture. 3. If not ingesting, for flower can use a dry herb vaporizer (no combustion = no smoke in lungs). (You only get maybe 85-90% of the good stuff out when you vape it. I can prove this because if you smoke vaped flower, you can catch a tiny buzz). 4. There's also the vape cartridges.

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Jun 5, 2022
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Not sure if you are in FL, but if so, there are multiple cannabis med providers in our state. I am a contractor with DocMJ (888-908-0143 to make an appt. - I am in one of the Tallahassee offices 3 days a week). For pediatric patients (under 18), FL requires a "2nd opinion" referral letter from a pediatrician or family/general practice doc or a therapist. Normally, those docs here are fairly open to providing that. Not sure if this helps?

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I will need to visit you next time I visit Florida!

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Yes! Always welcome... plenty of room... Warning: lots of cats and dogs!

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Glad they get along!

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Thank you. My son’s neurologist declined the referral letter as ,”sending referral letter would hold her liable…” Needless to say, we are searching for a better neurologist and also asking the pediatrician for referral. Will call your office with referral in hand - thanks again for your help! Lauren

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Well at least she was honest!

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Sadly, typical... Find another physician - one that is "service-to-others" oriented as opposed to the "service-to-self" personality that you have just encountered.

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My sister-in-law had a hysterectomy at the age of 52. She was given HRT and a "happy pill" to mitigate her emotional state. The meds were lowered and upped every few months as her emotional state was not improving. She was then given Ambien for trouble sleeping. As time went by her emotional state continued to worsen. She then decided to quit smoking and went on Chantix. She committed suicide at the age of 55. At the time she died, she was on Ambien, Lexapro & HRT, having quit Chantix a month prior. Can you imagine all those drugs interacting with one another all at once?

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Whole thing is a sales pipeline...

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If only the oil pipeline would flow so freely!

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Have known several women and men who got severe depression in their 50s and 60s, despite having no change in their lives (no divorce or other trauma), and no history of depression. I strongly believe there is some hormonal element at play. All of them got dramatically worse on anti-depressants. One of the men became obsessed with committing suicide. He had a successful career, a happy marriage and two successful adult children. His wife's whole life became about preventing his suicide it was so bad. They went from one major medical center to another looking for help. But finally, of course, he managed to kill himself in their home, and she had to deal with finding him and the involvement of ambulances and police, the inevitable bloody mess, etc.

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How tragic 🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Omg... So so sad 😢

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Chantix is Wellbutrin. Sad

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So very sorry for your loss. Another possibly preventable tragedy.

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Your sister in law's story breaks my heart.. I know so many people on the same kinds of meds and nothing changes because their Dr will just keep prescribing more meds. Chantix & Lexipro both can cause suicidal thoughts & feelings. Chantix also causes vivid dreams & nightmares..then add Ambien to that and hormones? I'm so sorry this happened.. It strikes a nerve with me now because of what I've read and learned about meds, doctors, big pharma & the corruption in govt agencies in the last 2 yrs has really opened my eyes and I'm just sick over it. I honestly had no idea the depths of evil these people will go to.

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so sorry...

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The same report can be prepared for statins. Fake clinical trials, fake efficacy, drug reps bribing doctors. Taking just about any pharmaceutical is a gateway drug to other prescribed poisons.

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Yup. That will be done in the future. However the risk to benefit ratio is much worse with SSRIs and they have the unique effect of harming others besides the recipient (not unlike the COVID vaccine shedding). To some extent though, statins do cause a form of dementia that can cause aggression in the elderly, but it is never anywhere close to the point they turn psychotic and kill their family.

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Circa 2022 Big Pharma is the greatest threat to the life and livelihood of all Americans and I would suggest most all of the UK/Europe.

The amount of damage being done to biological systems by the Pharma cocktails that swirl around in a vast percentage of the population is incalculable. The more glaring ones are reported but the vast majority are sub-clinical and result in the "quiet suffering" and the destruction in quality-of-life for millions of people in this country.

People talk about banning guns (I am not a gun owner) how about we ban the poisonous pills that Pharma makes billions from at the expense of public health.

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Best comment (TRUTH) I have seen in a long time!

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My anxiety with ocd became unbearable after the death of my father because of the family dynamics that resulted from his year long illness. I have always had ocd and anxiety, but I didn’t know those repetitive thoughts were actually ocd. I asked for something and was given sertraline. I did not experience depression or anger on it, but I decided that i didn’t want to rely on a pharmaceutical for the rest of my life, so I took myself off over the course of a three month period. I guess I’m one of the small percentage of people that it helped. I was on it 3 years beginning at age 61.

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Same with me. As a teenager and young man, I had severe OCD when I was 13-19 yo. After trying several meds, I was given 100mg/day of Prozac. After about a month I realized that I no longer had the punishing obsessions and resultant compulsive coping mechanism. It was wonderful, however…

I rarely slept. Lost about 40 pounds and had incredible surges of energy, to the point that former users of cocaine were convinced that I was on coke.

Gradually this energy waned and I regressed to the mean. I am now 48, and have been off of Prozac for decades and honestly cannot remember when I stopped taking it.

Then, in 2005, I was prescribed 80mg Zoloft a day, having been off of Prozac for some time. Long story short, I ran out of pills and thought nothing of it until I began to experience horrible withdrawal symptoms.

Weaned off of Zoloft and fled as far away from SSRI’s as possible. Could be I was able to discontinue the Prozac without event due to it’s very long half life compared to Zoloft. This article has been incredibly enlightening and I praise God that I was spared from some of the horrible behavioral side effects of these poisons.

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The sad thing is that the withdrawal symptoms are almost viewed as a sign you need the SSRI.

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Granny and Ron…any recommendations on my severe OCD 18 year old who self medicates with marijuana? Double edged sword, weed calms his mind down but also causes other issues like lack of motivation which leads to low self-esteem for being non-productive. I only ask because you both sound like you had exactly what he is experiencing and I’m looking at him like wtf is he going to do with his life if he is so dependent on pot. Thank you for sharing.

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I would recommend trying to find a Functional Medicine Doctor or Nurse Practitioner in your area. A resource would be the website of the Institute for Functional Medicine, https://www.ifm.org/

They will look at your son’s lifetime medical history and attempt to dissect what is going on with him to find the root cause of his OCD symptoms. It takes time and dedication but it is worth it in the long run.

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Big Owl , I have a nephew who has destroyed himself with weed.

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