Jan 6·edited Jan 6Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

What you're describing here, AMD, is demoralization writ-large: the inability to make good choices because the well of human experience has been deliberately contaminated in order to generate an ubiquitous atmosphere of fear, uncertainty, dread, and doubt which drowns out the ability to critically look at and think about a situation while drilling in hatred for those who see through and do not play along with the PSYOP (those who don't wear masks, or vaccinate, and take horse goo, etc).

None of this is surprising as with Obama's repeal of the Smith–Mundt Act, DARPA has been running nonstop PSYOPs on Americans for a decade and Washington DC has devolved into a propaganda giga-factory.

"You just have to flood a country's public square with enough raw sewage. You just have to raise enough questions, spread enough dirt, plant enough conspiracy theorizing that citizens no longer know what to believe." —Obama https://bitchute.com/video/71n5A6wu76D6 [44 seconds]

Ultimately, they want us dazzled. They want us at each others throats. They want us to lose all faith in the system and believe that there is nothing left worth salvaging. And they want us view each other as the enemy so that we ravage one other with maximum prejudice.

Meanwhile they will sit back, watch, and eat ze popcorn as the last bulwark against their dominion over the world - The United States of America - brings itself to ruin in a blaze of hatred and violence.

Don't fall for it: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/dancing-doctors-unclean-lies-unchained

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Jan 5Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

You are an excellent researcher, prolific writer, eloquent communicator, epic hide-n-seek player, but this expresses exactly why I admire you: "more importantly because I do not want my focus and energy going to the something I do not believe benefits my soul or the world around me." It's all about soul. . .

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The approach I chose was simple. God gave me an immune system and God gave me a diverse array of delicious and nutritious foods that stimulate and optimize that innate immune system. I chose to grow them, forage for them, eat them regularly, go outside and receive the stimulus my body was designed to receive (sunlight, varying temperatures, contact with diverse microorganisms in the forest and garden, exercise and intimacy with friends and loved ones). The result: respiratory viruses are no big deal for my immune system and life goes on.

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If we accept the idea that much of the harm caused by these injections arose from problems in the rapidly scaled production process, we will be perfectly aligned for the 'mistakes were made' narrative. FDA can point to their recent inspection of a moderna facility and claim they were doing their job all along and they are shocked, schocked to recently discover that these deceptive pharma companies were cutting corners in their process.

Sorry, but I don't think that is going to be sufficient explanation for me. Presumably, they wanted to launch mRNA as a new platform for future vaccines as the adjuvant game is coming under suspicion and the promise of mRNA tech is rapid turnaround so they can stick needles in arms before the fear from some media disease scare has ended. So much might make sense.

Then why choose spike protein as the target antigen for all the vaccines when there was immediate reason to be suspicious of it and as the main functional part of the virus it was most likely to mutate to avoid vaccine induced antibodies? This was one of Mike Yeadon's most important points.

Once bad returns started to flood into VAERS and other reporting systems as early as January of '21, why double down? Why not recalibrate to protect the future income of your new tech platform by producing a safer formulation? Even if the FDA can claim ignorance about what was coming out of the production facilities, pharma cannot.

Why make updated versions with omicron spike? The research you linked in this article about blood clotting specifically called out omicron spike as being more charged.

I am not convinced this was just sloppy manufacturing. We can expect greed and disregard for human life and health from pharma, but shouldn't we expect a little interest in their own self-preservation? If, despite a fairly robust 'tripledemic' marketing blitz in the media for the last 3 months or more, the new injection uptake is less than 10%, haven't they completely botched the rollout of their new vaccine platform? Unless commercial interests aren't the whole picture?

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Jan 6Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Love the last 3 points that those who refused the vax have. In particular the 3rd one about the mental flexibility. Some people saw the scam from the beginning. I saw the jab scam at the very beginning but I swallowed covid scam hook, line and sinker. Now I recognize I openly say that I was fooled, I have found no one that admits that.

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Jan 6Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I really enjoy reading your observational thoughts, and theories of research and working life, it provokes thought’s especially the past 4 year and how our bodies we must respect, and be very careful what we put into it, food,fluids, medications especially. Treat our bodies and minds like a temple to cherish and respect every day, along with positivity and care towards each other. Thank you MWD . 🙏

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Jan 6Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

After having Omicron as the worst viral fight I’d ever fought, I can see older people succumbing from exhaustion. I was naive about vaccine dangers in 2020-21 and trusted the basic safety of what our US medical system was supposed to have done. After finding out later just how badly the medical system has betrayed all of us concerning vaccines, I’ll likely not take another vaccine again without proof of safety and efficacy from outside of pharma and government sources.

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Jan 6Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

This is my first post. I wanted to say a profound 'Thank You' for the careful and balanced way you write all of your articles. You have increased my faith in the possibility of a better world. I live in the UK but many of the same issues arise here though in a diluted form.

A couple of thoughts. Neurodivergent individuals (particularly on the Autistic spectrum) have a black and white approach to 'trusting' or 'not trusting'. Mental health is improved if we adopt a 'trust' approach but recent global events show that the 1/3 sceptical approach is usually the right one for processing global information. In the end individuals require to think independently and come to considered views based on the available evidence. This 'independent individual' approach is more prevalent amongst neurodivergent people. Humanity is the sum of all of its 'independent individuals' and our future species survival depends in part at least on giving a stronger voice to independent and also neurodivergent views.

One of my concerns about AI is that it will standardise thinking and reduce creativity - like the way 'Netflix' or 'Spotify' or mass-produced food standardises other preferences. Humans are not well designed to deal with the huge amount of information available to us so grasp at more easily available information. This comes down to our inability to deal with our scarcest resource - time. I have increasingly come to believe in recent years that many businesses try to take time away from individuals which increases our natural stress response. Over the coming decades I see more individuals making chioices to live simpler lives, increasing focus on our communities and families, opting out of the ever-increasing spiral of acquisition and success - in short moving away from comparing who we are and what we have in a 'relative' way to an 'absolute' way. Once we see that what we have is all that we need, we may see a path to happiness.

Thanks again for your many articles including on Zeta Potential. For a couple of months I have taken the potassium solution you outline and have found my Atrial Fibrillation has gone for now.

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Jan 6Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

And the public health establishment is a utter failure and disgrace bc they failed to have an appropriate disclosure and risk and benefits. As an MD i am called up to have nuanced discussions about risks and benefits all the time. fauci , if he was slightly honest and competent would have explained that the vax was new and most ppl prob didnt need it but ppl at risk of severe covid outcomes should consider taking it .. and these are the known risks... thats his moral obligation and he and EVERYONE in the mainstream medical establishment failed

Clearly at some point the entire US public health apparatus and those of most other governments were turned on the ppl as political weapons. The mandates were monstrous crimes.

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Jan 6Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Thanks again for another great piece. I have to admit that I never bought into the narrative and didn't get the poison injection. Not because I was so smart or informed, but more so because I am a disagreeable sort! I definitely despise herd mentality. My gut told me that it just wasn't anything to be panicked about and the whole idea of "Operation Warp Speed," made no sense. In addition, I was pretty sure that I contracted the "dreaded" C virus (or whatever the heck it was!?) in early Feb 2020. I did what I always do--vitamin C, D, Zinc, lots of sunshine, fluids, and rest. Viola! I was better in less than a week.

Looking forward to your article on shedding. I am sure you and Dr. Pierre Kory are on the same page.

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Jan 6Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Thank you for the amazing detail, research, and writing you do.

It is so helpful, to so many.

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Anyway, I learned doctors were not to be trusted when they whipped my thyroid out, destroyed my parathyroids accidently and left me for dead. I found my way back to health despite them, to the extent they blocked me and i had to campaign in the Scottish Parliament for the medication I needed. Not that it worked because - guidelines! Oh my fucking god the slavish adherence to guidelines! That is something else. Anyway, when Covid rocked up I saw doctors, medicine and science for what it is, a sham. Small blessings.

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Jan 6·edited Jan 6Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I have not read much about zeta potential, so your information was very interesting and helpful for future application! Thank you for that clear explanation.

As for cutting corners during manufacturing, I do believe your theory that they produced many varying defective vials with all sorts of issues, it is genuinely the only thing that makes sense. Quality control issues were also unveiled in a now famous 4 chan post warning of exactly these issues (it was presumable posted by some people in the production process). It is incredible to think that they would be willing to potentially harm millions of people just for money, but given the present day structure of all things pharma, it is not surprising, sadly.

As for them just being sloppy during production, I think they also cut corners in ways that they KNEW were potentially dangerous but remained confident that no one would find out, as this gene technology is so nuanced and new. I do fully agree that the purposeful inclusion of the SV40 promoter would have obviously raised red flags, but they convinced themselves nothing would go wrong. They certainly did not expect someone as well know in the genetic world as Kevin McKernan to test the vials for contaminants and to be able to explain thoroughly how they could lead to very negative consequences. (It has been established that Pfizer has been working with SV40 for over a decade now!).They really thought the normal people wouldn’t understand it, it’s hard to describe the information in a short online article to the masses. But that addition was downright dangerous and it does clearly demonstrate that if they were that sloppy from the beginning, what else did they cut corners with? The product needs to be yanked immediately, it is going to be much worse than Vioxx.

And as for confirmation bias, it is hard for me to put into words how incredibly disappointed I was in reading that a certain Prof. Kahneman from Princeton (Thinking Fast and Slow fame), was fully supportive of the “vaccines” and highly critical of those wary of them (insert ginormous eye roll here and a huge sigh). He is supposed to be the quintessential “critical thinker” of our time, and yet his own fear gave him a tremendous bias, the very bias he describes so well in his books.

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Jan 5Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Scotch and cigars 😂

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Jan 6Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Sadly two friends, husband and wife developed a fib post vaxx. She went on to have autoimmune hepatitis which landed her in hospital and on drugs for the next year. She recently had a heart attack. On cardiac cath, she was told, her arteries were “like that of an 18y.o.” I asked her if she would ask her doctor if she believed any of these medical conditions were related to the covid vaxxes. Without hesitation, her doctor answered, yes and yes. This from a well known physician at Rush Presbyterian St. Luke’s.

I would be interested to know what your early Tx for covid consisted of. Many of us followed Dr. Zelenko et al. What is your current Tx. So very many of our truthtellers at the beginning of Covid, have gone quiet. Drs. Harvey Risch, John Ioannidis, Ryan Cole, Fareed, all the FLCCC docs, Brett Weinstein, PANDA, Joel Smalley, and so many more. Have they effectively been silenced? Or have they chosen to stay quiet and let the covid debacle continue to unravel.

In reference to knowing when something is true, most people have an inner BS alarm. Every time Birx or fauci spoke at the start of covid, my BS alarm went off loudly. In reference to knowing many people who,have been taken advantage of similar to a ponzi scheme, I do not know anyone.

I have stopped watching, reading and listening to MSM these last three years. I have missed nothing. I did not have trouble recognising the msm was bought and paid for and lying.

After travelling the past six weeks to Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Nassau, and the state of Florida, my truth witness buttons have been pushed. I witnessed MANY young adults, young parents, older people in perfectly good health, travelling the world. Yes there were MANY coughs and colds and yes I still know many elderly who developed transverse myelitis, strokes, sepsis, Bell’s palsy, severe vertigo, onset of rheumatoid arthritis, and mutilple episodes of covid post vaxx.

What does that tell me? It confirms some thoughts and places doubts on other thoughts.

Dr. Joseph Ladapo has bravely called for an immediate halt to the covid vaxxes due to contamination of dna particles. Senator Ron Johnson has attempted on occasion to bring his concerns to the Senate, Del Bigtree presents a weekly online program discussing all the concerns of vaccines, and 2 or 3 anonymous authors have written Turtles All The Way Down. A must read for anyone concerned about the dangers of childhood vaccines. So very many brave scientists in including Luc Montagnier (RIP), Didier Raoult, Ryan Cole, and now brave oncologists (Dr. Dagliesh, UK), witnessing an onslaught of turbo cancers, cardiologists Drs Aseem Malhotra, Peter McCullough, witnessing cardiac events post vaxx, SADS all over the place.

Something is very wrong. And yet we still continue to have governments around the world pushing unsafe and ineffective vaxxes, lockdowns, masks, all proven to be useless.

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On a serious note navigating covid was one of the easiest things for me, but it requires some basic knowledge about pathogens as well as immunology and biology. At any given moment human body lives with around 20K different viruses, if their goal was to kill us we would be dead. As Rene Dubos came to conclusion decades ago, most pathogens are not deadly. That much was known about coronaviruses in the 80's, after discovery of that class back in 1965. As we have seen in the last 3 years, healthy people were NOT dying, and I have my doubts about what really killed people, I doubt it was virus (look into HIV and AIDS for reference).

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