Anecdote here: my cousin, roughly age 60, complained of "fuzzy brain" for weeks. Did not blame the shot. Pulled forward from a stop sign into a 60MPH lane in a routine maneuver done thousands of times before. Was broadsided. Thankful at least that the other driver survived. My opinion is that it was the shot, but nobody will ever know.
About 3 months after a 21 day Covid event which did not include a RNA injection I got a wake up call! I was napping and I experienced a white flash that woke me up instantly! Have no clue if was related, but never had that experience before! The medicine man is playing with the complex blue print of life on a kindergarten scale and have no clue about the great harm that can bestowed on humanity!
They know - and yet they don't. The consequences of the alteration to humans goes beyond depopulation. There was a great book by Greg Bear I'd like to revisit, called "Blood Music." In it, a virus went around. Anyone pre-adolescent was transformed, and communicated by pheremones & odor instead of language. The young people were different. "They" cannot know what they have done.
"They" are hell bent, and that's the reason we don't see continued attempts at (rightly) manipulating the genome to the benefit of man. I don't say they now have, or will EVER have the skill to do so, but the intent is not seen. What we do see is the meddling of organized gene assembly in the DNA, and along with that, a number of toxic substances added.
If a person discounts the thought that democide is present in their plans, then one could parallel "their" work toward "health" as the following: If our bodies were to be compared to this year's top Formula One racing car, then an "improvement" to the genome of humans would be like setting a group of chimps loose with a garage full of tools to perform "improvements" on the race vehicle! What chance would any good come from such a thing? Sure, that's crazy, but how distant is mankind from understanding the inner workings of the cell?
Thanks, but I'll pass on the intervention of methods concocted by wicked men in lieu of natural health!
The Agenda is Depopulation of most life the World Economic Forum (& other psychopaths eg Gates, Rockefellers, UK Royals - Charles heads tge WEF with Klaus Schwab...) openly say. MSM etc owned so does not report that millions per country, every age ev en children are badly injured and killed. The info is available eg website 'The Expose' reporting facts throughout Pandemic and attacked for it eg finances frozen so they cant work but they manage to Even attack on Editor physically)...
I experienced something like that a couple years before the COVID craziness, never before and never since. Just a weird one-off, and I never did have any idea why. Aliens?
Therr are Energy Weapons the secret governments use apparently. Whistleblower from GCH Q (i thonk ot was).years ago admitted the gov used these on Greenham Common women to make them ill/mentally unwell and worse. Still going on but the tech is much improved. Not that that is what you experienced probably but many around the world who dissent, protest etc are, targeted it seems causing many health and mental health issues Perhaps death.
The Chinese have an energy weapon which was used on foreign diplomats and American Politicians - the beam was sent through building walls to get them, wherever they happened to be - they experienced mental issues which plagued them, for years afterwards - it was reported on the news at the time, although, of course, the Chinese never owned up to having or using them. - Now your DOD has the Ray Guns to capture individuals or small groups of vaccinated people - see NanoGrpahi about the nanotubes injected in all vaccines, in their billions and my post above
America (with UK they work together) using these for decades apparently eg 'Targeted Individuals' who suffer for investigating and plor protesting Gov etc As tech grows so do the weapons
to harm, destroy citizens not just foreign spies, enemies
I let my doctor talk me into Pfizer's experimental Paxlovid when I had covid in September. In fairness, I was basically delirious when I filled the prescription, but I should've known better since I knew the vaccines were harmful. Paxlovid made me feel worse so I stopped the 2nd day. Since then I've been sick 6 times, but not covid. Well for 2 weeks, sick again, etc. The longest well period has been 2 months. I wonder if Paxlovid F'd my immune system. Should I worry? Is there any research on it? Thanks
Doctor, is there any way to connect with you privately? Maybe, you wouldnโt mind sending an empty e-mail to Please, donโt react to the e-mail domain!๐ I was a physician in Soviet (Later, independent) Armenia. I need to talk to you about something and may need your help.
No sale. I no longer trust Pfarma, Pfizer or the medical profession. Nothing Pfizer claims can be trusted after all their lies and fraud. Too many docs act like drug reps, whores, and herd animals, mindlessly parroting the Pfarma-government-Bill Gates party line.
IMO the Paxlovid which is a high priced competitor to Ivermectin negatively impact liver function! Many variables depending on what other negatives are present. Taking NAC is a positive booster!
I've heard that Paxloid is (relatively) dangerous. It doesn't work well with vaxxed people (it even rebounded with Fauci-if you think that he ever really got the vaxx)
Pfizer never tested it with vaxxed people and others they should have
anything fauxci said was propaganda, he never had covid nor took any of the crap he was peddling, he killed all the aids/hiv ppl, he's done it again for profit and evil pleasure of killing.
Dr Mengele says ... Remdesivir + Paxlovid... and if that does not achieve the desired result -- inject 10,000 units of Midazolam... and if that still doesn't work ... turn the ventilator on overdrive and blow the patient's lungs out
"So thatโs why Iโm saying even if youโre vaccinated and boosted, if youโre unvaccinated right now, the key is testing and Paxlovid. Itโs effective. Itโs a great antiviral. And really, that is whatโs going to save your lives right now if youโre over 70, which if you look at the hospitalizations, hospitalizations are rising steadily with new admissions, particularly in those over 70. And so if you live in the South โ I know people keep talking about the fall โ Iโm worried about the South."
Paxlovid is neuro-toxic. Avoid like the plague.
Birx says sheโs worried about the south. South of what? Perhaps sheโs concerned about Afro-Americans, or those who donโt double check. Like many Democrat voters.
Push Paxlovid and finish them off then is obviously what sheโs thinking.
Dr. Birx is NSC. She was sent over to partner with Fauc, and to run the behind the scenes part of the "Warp Speed Op." Fauci did the talking to the Press, but Birx controlled the state officials, and convinced them to do things that they had been backing away from doing. She flew out to the state Governors to "lend support." "I'm from the Government and I'm here to help you." Birx has been just as responsible for deaths, if not more, than Fauci. Don't give Birx a pass. Realize that her "old lady get-up" that she wore every single day, with her hair in a bun, and her matching scarves, were just a ruse, so we would never know she worked in Intelligence.
We were concentrating on Fauci, but from what I have been learning lately, she is probably worseโฆ Dreaming to live long enough to see them in prison, but probably will never happenโฆ
You will note in any event the side effects "...a high potential for potentially serious drug interactions..."
Look at the chemical structures. N = nitrogen and F = fluorine. Anything with nitrogen in chemistry is neuro-toxic. We use some nitrogen in our bodies structurally where it is inert (a part anagram of 'nitrogen' in 'inert' interestingly.
Otherwise nitrogen becomes what is termed ionic or a free radical i.e. a negative charge when bonded with say oxygen. This acts like an off switch an/or a cutting mechanism, so interferes with nerve impulses.
This is necessary in small amounts for basic nerve function, but overload the system, especially when one is ill with neuro-toxicty already for various reasons then one has serious problems.
Add fluorine into the mix then the situation is truly dire, fluorine is nasty stuff, think hydrofluoric acid, even more dangerous than hydrochloric acid (which we make in small amounts in our stomachs to digest food, but mucus linings protect unless they are damaged when ulcers occur).
I have explained here generally about pharmaceuticals generally which I think explains the issues with pharmaceuticals.
Yep. Thanks. What I'm wondering is if it would cause the chronic intermittent sickness I've experienced, but it doesn't sound like that's the case. More likely covid itself F'd me up good and I'm hopefully getting over it. Well intervals are starting to get longer and sick intervals shorter and less intense, so I got that going for me, which is nice. In any case, I pretty much distrust all pharma now. I didn't get the covid vax. Used to get the flu vax, shingles, Tdap etc. Never again. Not unless congress rescinds the liability limitation it gave Big Pharma and makes them strictly liable and litigable for all damage. While they're at it, deny the shield of sovereign immunity to CDC, FDA, NIAID and all the other TLAs like FBI, CIA et ilk.
Oh, you mean Moderna's Covid 19 Neucloids virus which they manufactured in a laboratory and patented in 2013 - I have the formula for it on another hard drive, not compatible with the Microsoft Operating System I am using now, otherwise I would have posted it for you.
I LOVE your username! ๐Anybody who took mRNA vaccines should worry about their immune system (Sadly, I am not an exception)โฆ. hold on, did you take vaccines, too, or Paxlovid only?
Thanks! Just Paxlovid, and just a day and a half. I fell for it because I was delirious, let my doc talk me into it, when I was camping with covid, forgot my Hydroxychloroquine.
Praying for you and everyone who is affected by son took 2 doses and they are considering taking out his gall bladder to see if it will help his digestive sad!
My son in law had "fuzzy brain" after the virus - did not get the shot. He was the only one in the family of 5 having this. However he works around a lot of toxic chemicals and might have had some pre-existing compromise. He did get over it for the most part.
I experienced that also for several months and started taking nattokinase, egcg, black seed oil, dandelion, resveratrol, Vit D, magnesium, and melatonin at night. It helped a great deal and quickly. Look at the flcccโs long COVID protocol and The Wellness Company spike support.
I have recommended a number of supplements to the family and they either do not think it'll help or don't want to spend the money, but they rarely take anything extra. Sad.
I'm so sorry! That is so sad! Would they take it if you bought it for them? Now is the time to take the supplements before the spike causes further damage. Close family member, not vaxxed, got COVID, didn't take our COVID protocol (NAC, Quercetin, Turmeric, Glutathione, etc.). Got rapidly spreading ovarian cancer 4 months later and passed away. Coincidence? Who knows.... but spike favors the ovaries.
Possibly - he works around those who have taken it. But with all the chemicals - paint, thinners, etc., I think his liver is toxic. I wish he'd take some supplements to help!
There is no such thing as 'the virus', it is a scam. COVID 19 is the 'flu re-branded. There are however toxic chemicals though in more than certain work places. There are so many poisons around one can never be sure what it is that is leading to someone falling ill without careful investigation. If your son-in-law works with toxic chemicals that should be the first port of call.
The best way to have a real dialogue about vaccines being weaponized to handicap, infertilize and murder the โover-populationโ is to start with vaccine contamination: nobody could be in favor of contaminated pharmaceuticals.
1. Carcinogen SV40 in Oral Polio Vaccine: they knew it since the 60s but kept distributing it even until 2016 !!!
2. hCG in vaccines to infertilize women detected since the 90s: still going on
3. Thimerosal, aluminum, Mono-sodium Glutamate (MSG) and other NEUROTOXINS
4. Heavy metals
5. Human DNA 2000% in excess of FDA 10 ng limit (main driver towards autism, leukemia and non-Hodgkin cancer)
6. Graphene oxide in Flu and COVID shots but now with anything injectable (even dentist anesthesia, hospital IV, etc.).
7. SV40 genomic sequences and double-stranded DNA in mRNA COVID shots
8. Bluetooth nano-routers injected with COVID vaccines.
That proves:
A. There's zero Government control
B. There's zero Manufacturer liability
C. There's zero Media coverage
D. All that, during decades and still going on, not only with vaccines but also with medicines, food&beverage additives, etc. Everything, even institutions have been weaponized!
E. There's zero political action to stop that (except RFK2 in the USA)
Conclusion: there's zero chance of anything changing
Proof of criminal intent:
Points 7 and 8
Censoring and blocking 30+ COVID cures
Labeling the most lethal batches with a lethal code (
Blocking the real knowledge of effectiveness v. "adverse event" rate
Around here, the general pattern is for there to be a rash of Thanks Giving accidents every year made visible by the appearance of many dented vehicles. That's our baseline. People are distracted and the roads are iced for the first time around then. Since the Vax, the patterns are different. Non seasonal. Lots and lots of doors obviously opened hard into a post or something, lots of cars with one poked out head or tail light. Lots of odd, backed into looking dents. Within 3 miles of my home, where there has been no history of issues, there have been 4 cars that went off the road in 4 different spots. One hit a tree, one took out a power pole, one hit a pallet on the side of the road and one you'd have to try to do it, no idea how. My friend told me of 3 weird camper accidents this summer - one ripped off the top under a 10 ft bridge, two overturned with overturned trucks. It's like thanks giving 2021 when the ambulances were going 1 -2 X a day every day for months. Sustained Above Baseline.
I wonder about them all the time now, when I hear of small plane crash, or strange bus collisions...always listening for the "medical emergency" part...
I'm at the point where I often think of telling people: 'You sound vaxxinated!' if they start sounding stupid or too woke. But in all seriousness, no one really knows the alterations to cognitive ability from these products. Guess we'll find out together.
Friend or family member: Aargh, I keep forgetting things , and when I have to read something complicated -- well, I have to work really hard at concentrating and even then I don't understand things as easily as I used to.
You: You sound vaxxinated!
Friend or family member: What do you mean?
You: Well, I just read a really interesting article about how lots of people who got the COVID shots are having trouble with memory, concentration, and other "brain stuff." Some people are calling it "fuzzy brain." The good thing is, the doctor who wrote the article says there are ways to treat it.
Friend or family member: Hey, can you send me a link to that article?
Just almost lost my patience with my wife who has had 2 jabs... a women who was ultra-fit due to nursing, walking the dog for miles on end, horse riding etc etc.. as stated a nurse that has been promoted non-stop, put on extra courses to become a "specialised nurse", BUT she has lost the plot in the mundane matters where she seems to lose her train of thought or concentration ... she has suddenly got women's "down below" problems as we heard about....BUT whatever I tel her or advise; she still mocks me ..I no longer get it, because some of her friends (also jabbed); state the same thing.
A friend who was an ER doc during Covid wonโt discuss it much except he remembered the MANY sick people. That seemed to stay in his mind!!He retired early. Tired of all the corruption in the medical field he witnessed in the last 35 years.
Also, a lady friend who was a nurse for 30 plus years, left. Now does farming & gardening and a vendor at a farmerโs market. She is very happy NOW. She was definitely a burnt out medical professional too. It takes its toll. She said whatever the CDC said, she would do the opposite. She named people she knew who were injured from the vaccines.
I have witnessed entire personality changes to friends and family members post jab, boosters. They became irate, nonsensical, and weirdly rooted in certain new ideologies that they never would have cared about 5 years ago.
If they're going to make slaves out of us (since China is so reverred by the globalists and have so many millions of slaves) it seems "blunted empathy" would be a "feature" and not a "bug"
Wow. Ouch. I wonder whether we're going to see an epidemic of "autistified" adults thanks to the spikeshots. That, combined with the increasing percentage of autistics among young adults as the "autism epidemic" grows up, so to speak -- oh dear! and eegad!
Hereโs an example of Blunted empathy Iโve seen โฆ an 80 year old mother fell downโฆ she was bleeding and injured. The daughter just stood there. No movement to help her. And seemed totally unconcerned. Her affect was flatโฆ I have known the daughter for almost 30 years. It was a very odd reaction to her mother being hurt. She is vaxxed and boosted and has also recently received two shingles vaccines. Therefore, I wonder if sheโs been affected by the vaccines โฆ cause her total non-reaction was super strange. I would have expected her daughter to rush to her motherโs aid. The daughter does care of the elderly for a job so she would also know what to do in an emergency situation like this. And did nothing.
In a conversation with Dr. Peter Breggin, Naomi Wolf mentioned the lack of an emotional or empathetic connection with long time friends who were jabbed and who she world see after a time apart. Dr. Breggin said that was also characteristic of mental patients who had undergone lobotomies. My interpretation is that it reflects spike protein damage to the jabbed person's mirror neurons. When Dr. Breggin said that about lobotomized mental patients, there were tears in Naomi Wolf's eyes (proves she isn't jabbed). Naomi Wolf is the founder of and is responsible for setting up an organization of 2300 to 2400 medical professionals to review the enormous number of Pfizer / FDA documents being released because of a court ruling regarding a FOIA request for the all the documents related to the FDA approvals of the jabs.
You mean you suspect it was the vaccine that injured this Dr.? I donโt fully comprehend how this degree of blatant injuries has not reached the 50% or large number of people who still act like the vaccines were safe, and we are โconspiracy theoristsโ for saying they are not safe?? It blows my mind over and over again!
I read that some do believe the spike proteins crossed the blood brain barrier and did damage to the microvascular areas. Kind of like a mini lobotomy?? Sad to think this could really be true because whether peopleโs brains can recover from this is questionable??
There was a group of people I used to hang around with until covid hit when I became acutely aware we were on different pages on the matter. Still, I occasionally see some of these people, and they still seem to be in the dark about the injuries from covid vaccines that have occurred to i wonder id they are choosing to not believe the evidence that seems to be more prevalent. Maybe they just donโt want me to know, because then its a I am right, they were wrong thing.
I could not agree with you more my entire family has had several of the poison ๐๐๐๐๐. And they all seem to be walking around brainwashed.
It seems to me that whatever mental/soul issues a person had before the shot - became amplified after the shot(s). I am dealing with my sister (double jabbed) and her controlling nature (bully) and her refusal to be honest (gaslighting/memory issues) has become much worse. She also is having a lot of emotional breakdowns that are not appropriate to the matter at hand. Also of note, she was taking medication for high blood pressure and after the shots it went crazy - she is now on more meds. Where is this all going to go? The past few years have changed me - I have lost my joy. If you knew me you would understand that that is a long way for me to fall. Dark night? Sure feels like it.
Yes, it looks very much the same. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and personal experiences with us. Your words beat with the beauty and fire of your heart. May we all live to see better times.
Anecdote here: my cousin, roughly age 60, complained of "fuzzy brain" for weeks. Did not blame the shot. Pulled forward from a stop sign into a 60MPH lane in a routine maneuver done thousands of times before. Was broadsided. Thankful at least that the other driver survived. My opinion is that it was the shot, but nobody will ever know.
I am going to pin this.
About 3 months after a 21 day Covid event which did not include a RNA injection I got a wake up call! I was napping and I experienced a white flash that woke me up instantly! Have no clue if was related, but never had that experience before! The medicine man is playing with the complex blue print of life on a kindergarten scale and have no clue about the great harm that can bestowed on humanity!
They KNOW....they know!
They know - and yet they don't. The consequences of the alteration to humans goes beyond depopulation. There was a great book by Greg Bear I'd like to revisit, called "Blood Music." In it, a virus went around. Anyone pre-adolescent was transformed, and communicated by pheremones & odor instead of language. The young people were different. "They" cannot know what they have done.
Greetings, JC~!
"They" are hell bent, and that's the reason we don't see continued attempts at (rightly) manipulating the genome to the benefit of man. I don't say they now have, or will EVER have the skill to do so, but the intent is not seen. What we do see is the meddling of organized gene assembly in the DNA, and along with that, a number of toxic substances added.
If a person discounts the thought that democide is present in their plans, then one could parallel "their" work toward "health" as the following: If our bodies were to be compared to this year's top Formula One racing car, then an "improvement" to the genome of humans would be like setting a group of chimps loose with a garage full of tools to perform "improvements" on the race vehicle! What chance would any good come from such a thing? Sure, that's crazy, but how distant is mankind from understanding the inner workings of the cell?
Thanks, but I'll pass on the intervention of methods concocted by wicked men in lieu of natural health!
Oh but they do know...................
The Agenda is Depopulation of most life the World Economic Forum (& other psychopaths eg Gates, Rockefellers, UK Royals - Charles heads tge WEF with Klaus Schwab...) openly say. MSM etc owned so does not report that millions per country, every age ev en children are badly injured and killed. The info is available eg website 'The Expose' reporting facts throughout Pandemic and attacked for it eg finances frozen so they cant work but they manage to Even attack on Editor physically)...
I experienced something like that a couple years before the COVID craziness, never before and never since. Just a weird one-off, and I never did have any idea why. Aliens?
Therr are Energy Weapons the secret governments use apparently. Whistleblower from GCH Q (i thonk ot was).years ago admitted the gov used these on Greenham Common women to make them ill/mentally unwell and worse. Still going on but the tech is much improved. Not that that is what you experienced probably but many around the world who dissent, protest etc are, targeted it seems causing many health and mental health issues Perhaps death.
Someone on another stack shared this: a 2009 paper re: using weather control as a defense against directed energy weapons.
The Chinese have an energy weapon which was used on foreign diplomats and American Politicians - the beam was sent through building walls to get them, wherever they happened to be - they experienced mental issues which plagued them, for years afterwards - it was reported on the news at the time, although, of course, the Chinese never owned up to having or using them. - Now your DOD has the Ray Guns to capture individuals or small groups of vaccinated people - see NanoGrpahi about the nanotubes injected in all vaccines, in their billions and my post above
America (with UK they work together) using these for decades apparently eg 'Targeted Individuals' who suffer for investigating and plor protesting Gov etc As tech grows so do the weapons
to harm, destroy citizens not just foreign spies, enemies
I let my doctor talk me into Pfizer's experimental Paxlovid when I had covid in September. In fairness, I was basically delirious when I filled the prescription, but I should've known better since I knew the vaccines were harmful. Paxlovid made me feel worse so I stopped the 2nd day. Since then I've been sick 6 times, but not covid. Well for 2 weeks, sick again, etc. The longest well period has been 2 months. I wonder if Paxlovid F'd my immune system. Should I worry? Is there any research on it? Thanks
All I know about in the Paxlovid rebound in vaccinated patients.
I don't know about the specific toxicity you are asking about. I have a lot of guesses but none I feel confident putting forward.
Thanks. What Paxlovid rebound in vaxed patients? Do you have any link to that?
I wasn't asking about any specific toxicity, but maybe what I wrote implies that?
Igor Chudov wrote quite a bit about this.
Doctor, is there any way to connect with you privately? Maybe, you wouldnโt mind sending an empty e-mail to Please, donโt react to the e-mail domain!๐ I was a physician in Soviet (Later, independent) Armenia. I need to talk to you about something and may need your help.
Paxlovid is linked to blood clots.
we're now finding out that MOST pfarma products kill the kidneys! simple things like motrin, pain killers etc...
And sometimes kidney problems.
Thanks. Figures.
Rebound infections with Paxlovid.
The drug, developed by Pfizer, has a lot of positives....
No need to click the link....
No sale. I no longer trust Pfarma, Pfizer or the medical profession. Nothing Pfizer claims can be trusted after all their lies and fraud. Too many docs act like drug reps, whores, and herd animals, mindlessly parroting the Pfarma-government-Bill Gates party line.
IMO the Paxlovid which is a high priced competitor to Ivermectin negatively impact liver function! Many variables depending on what other negatives are present. Taking NAC is a positive booster!
I've heard that Paxloid is (relatively) dangerous. It doesn't work well with vaxxed people (it even rebounded with Fauci-if you think that he ever really got the vaxx)
Pfizer never tested it with vaxxed people and others they should have
anything fauxci said was propaganda, he never had covid nor took any of the crap he was peddling, he killed all the aids/hiv ppl, he's done it again for profit and evil pleasure of killing.
A nurse friend claims kidney failure a side effect of Paxlovid.
Dr Mengele says ... Remdesivir + Paxlovid... and if that does not achieve the desired result -- inject 10,000 units of Midazolam... and if that still doesn't work ... turn the ventilator on overdrive and blow the patient's lungs out
official hospital protocol. Killed thousands
Don't doubt that! Dehydration and the ability of the liver to detoxify the body from it causes all sorts of reactions.
Yes, it can.
No kidney problems, so I figure I lucked out there. When you say NAC is a positive booster, what does it boost? Many thanks.
Essential for keeping liver helthy. converts to Glutathione which is key to healthy liver. Toxins put a burden on the liver.
Thanks! again.
Gee, thanks for the useful information.
I wrote this. Quote is from Deborah Birx.
"So thatโs why Iโm saying even if youโre vaccinated and boosted, if youโre unvaccinated right now, the key is testing and Paxlovid. Itโs effective. Itโs a great antiviral. And really, that is whatโs going to save your lives right now if youโre over 70, which if you look at the hospitalizations, hospitalizations are rising steadily with new admissions, particularly in those over 70. And so if you live in the South โ I know people keep talking about the fall โ Iโm worried about the South."
Paxlovid is neuro-toxic. Avoid like the plague.
Birx says sheโs worried about the south. South of what? Perhaps sheโs concerned about Afro-Americans, or those who donโt double check. Like many Democrat voters.
Push Paxlovid and finish them off then is obviously what sheโs thinking.
Would you trust this Birx?
Any neuro-toxic drug (a poison) like Paxlovid should be avoided. An anagram of Paxlovid is Pxl avoid, a big clue.
As a 13 year cancer survivor I don't trust ANY doctor!!!!
Dr. Birx is NSC. She was sent over to partner with Fauc, and to run the behind the scenes part of the "Warp Speed Op." Fauci did the talking to the Press, but Birx controlled the state officials, and convinced them to do things that they had been backing away from doing. She flew out to the state Governors to "lend support." "I'm from the Government and I'm here to help you." Birx has been just as responsible for deaths, if not more, than Fauci. Don't give Birx a pass. Realize that her "old lady get-up" that she wore every single day, with her hair in a bun, and her matching scarves, were just a ruse, so we would never know she worked in Intelligence.
We were concentrating on Fauci, but from what I have been learning lately, she is probably worseโฆ Dreaming to live long enough to see them in prison, but probably will never happenโฆ
All anecdotalproving Birx to be a quack. She quacks more than my ducks.
Thanks. Do you have any links to evidence of Paxlovid being a neurotoxin? Not that I'm surprised, of course.
Not directly as such but here's Wikipedia to start, hidden under a brand name (sneaky blighters - stronger words are available!).
You will note in any event the side effects "...a high potential for potentially serious drug interactions..."
Look at the chemical structures. N = nitrogen and F = fluorine. Anything with nitrogen in chemistry is neuro-toxic. We use some nitrogen in our bodies structurally where it is inert (a part anagram of 'nitrogen' in 'inert' interestingly.
Otherwise nitrogen becomes what is termed ionic or a free radical i.e. a negative charge when bonded with say oxygen. This acts like an off switch an/or a cutting mechanism, so interferes with nerve impulses.
This is necessary in small amounts for basic nerve function, but overload the system, especially when one is ill with neuro-toxicty already for various reasons then one has serious problems.
Add fluorine into the mix then the situation is truly dire, fluorine is nasty stuff, think hydrofluoric acid, even more dangerous than hydrochloric acid (which we make in small amounts in our stomachs to digest food, but mucus linings protect unless they are damaged when ulcers occur).
I have explained here generally about pharmaceuticals generally which I think explains the issues with pharmaceuticals.
And this might be useful to explain the issues of nitrogen ions and the neutralisation of them.
I currently mirror stuff from my WordPress site where I started onto my substack which I began in April this year.
Hope that all makes sense.
Yep. Thanks. What I'm wondering is if it would cause the chronic intermittent sickness I've experienced, but it doesn't sound like that's the case. More likely covid itself F'd me up good and I'm hopefully getting over it. Well intervals are starting to get longer and sick intervals shorter and less intense, so I got that going for me, which is nice. In any case, I pretty much distrust all pharma now. I didn't get the covid vax. Used to get the flu vax, shingles, Tdap etc. Never again. Not unless congress rescinds the liability limitation it gave Big Pharma and makes them strictly liable and litigable for all damage. While they're at it, deny the shield of sovereign immunity to CDC, FDA, NIAID and all the other TLAs like FBI, CIA et ilk.
Oh, you mean Moderna's Covid 19 Neucloids virus which they manufactured in a laboratory and patented in 2013 - I have the formula for it on another hard drive, not compatible with the Microsoft Operating System I am using now, otherwise I would have posted it for you.
I LOVE your username! ๐Anybody who took mRNA vaccines should worry about their immune system (Sadly, I am not an exception)โฆ. hold on, did you take vaccines, too, or Paxlovid only?
Thanks! Just Paxlovid, and just a day and a half. I fell for it because I was delirious, let my doc talk me into it, when I was camping with covid, forgot my Hydroxychloroquine.
Got youโฆ
Another good resource for people who want to detox and minimalize the effects of the vax or long covid:
Praying for you and everyone who is affected by son took 2 doses and they are considering taking out his gall bladder to see if it will help his digestive sad!
Yes. Worry.
Gee, thanks.
My son in law had "fuzzy brain" after the virus - did not get the shot. He was the only one in the family of 5 having this. However he works around a lot of toxic chemicals and might have had some pre-existing compromise. He did get over it for the most part.
I experienced that also for several months and started taking nattokinase, egcg, black seed oil, dandelion, resveratrol, Vit D, magnesium, and melatonin at night. It helped a great deal and quickly. Look at the flcccโs long COVID protocol and The Wellness Company spike support.
I have recommended a number of supplements to the family and they either do not think it'll help or don't want to spend the money, but they rarely take anything extra. Sad.
I'm so sorry! That is so sad! Would they take it if you bought it for them? Now is the time to take the supplements before the spike causes further damage. Close family member, not vaxxed, got COVID, didn't take our COVID protocol (NAC, Quercetin, Turmeric, Glutathione, etc.). Got rapidly spreading ovarian cancer 4 months later and passed away. Coincidence? Who knows.... but spike favors the ovaries.
Could possibly be from shedding of those who did take the vaxx. What does the Doc think about this?
Baffled of course!
Possibly - he works around those who have taken it. But with all the chemicals - paint, thinners, etc., I think his liver is toxic. I wish he'd take some supplements to help!
There is no such thing as 'the virus', it is a scam. COVID 19 is the 'flu re-branded. There are however toxic chemicals though in more than certain work places. There are so many poisons around one can never be sure what it is that is leading to someone falling ill without careful investigation. If your son-in-law works with toxic chemicals that should be the first port of call.
There was no virus. Never isolated.
this is very very sad.
I am so sorry. Did she get all of the shots? My sister is 70 and fully shotted, and very fuzzy
I was close enough to know from family about the "fuzzy brain" but not close enough to know details about shots. Date of death was late April, 2021.
so sad, just tragic
Same, same..
The best way to have a real dialogue about vaccines being weaponized to handicap, infertilize and murder the โover-populationโ is to start with vaccine contamination: nobody could be in favor of contaminated pharmaceuticals.
1. Carcinogen SV40 in Oral Polio Vaccine: they knew it since the 60s but kept distributing it even until 2016 !!!
2. hCG in vaccines to infertilize women detected since the 90s: still going on
3. Thimerosal, aluminum, Mono-sodium Glutamate (MSG) and other NEUROTOXINS
4. Heavy metals
5. Human DNA 2000% in excess of FDA 10 ng limit (main driver towards autism, leukemia and non-Hodgkin cancer)
6. Graphene oxide in Flu and COVID shots but now with anything injectable (even dentist anesthesia, hospital IV, etc.).
7. SV40 genomic sequences and double-stranded DNA in mRNA COVID shots
8. Bluetooth nano-routers injected with COVID vaccines.
That proves:
A. There's zero Government control
B. There's zero Manufacturer liability
C. There's zero Media coverage
D. All that, during decades and still going on, not only with vaccines but also with medicines, food&beverage additives, etc. Everything, even institutions have been weaponized!
E. There's zero political action to stop that (except RFK2 in the USA)
Conclusion: there's zero chance of anything changing
Proof of criminal intent:
Points 7 and 8
Censoring and blocking 30+ COVID cures
Labeling the most lethal batches with a lethal code (
Blocking the real knowledge of effectiveness v. "adverse event" rate
The full PLAN exposed:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Around here, the general pattern is for there to be a rash of Thanks Giving accidents every year made visible by the appearance of many dented vehicles. That's our baseline. People are distracted and the roads are iced for the first time around then. Since the Vax, the patterns are different. Non seasonal. Lots and lots of doors obviously opened hard into a post or something, lots of cars with one poked out head or tail light. Lots of odd, backed into looking dents. Within 3 miles of my home, where there has been no history of issues, there have been 4 cars that went off the road in 4 different spots. One hit a tree, one took out a power pole, one hit a pallet on the side of the road and one you'd have to try to do it, no idea how. My friend told me of 3 weird camper accidents this summer - one ripped off the top under a 10 ft bridge, two overturned with overturned trucks. It's like thanks giving 2021 when the ambulances were going 1 -2 X a day every day for months. Sustained Above Baseline.
Could he have been in a rush to get to the clinic for his 7th shot of Rat Juice???
I understand that the free donuts are now offered only to the first 1000 Vaxxers...
Motor insurance rates are rising steeply here, in the UK.
Oh my...
Mark Crispin Miller calls these "Vaccidents."
I wonder about them all the time now, when I hear of small plane crash, or strange bus collisions...always listening for the "medical emergency" part...
Ugh, I'm so sorry WW. But thank you for sharing that.
Dr. Ardis did an interview on using nicotine gum to treat.
I'm at the point where I often think of telling people: 'You sound vaxxinated!' if they start sounding stupid or too woke. But in all seriousness, no one really knows the alterations to cognitive ability from these products. Guess we'll find out together.
We have a front row seat on the 50 yard line of this tragedy.
Hey, I have an idea. Sample dialogue:
Friend or family member: Aargh, I keep forgetting things , and when I have to read something complicated -- well, I have to work really hard at concentrating and even then I don't understand things as easily as I used to.
You: You sound vaxxinated!
Friend or family member: What do you mean?
You: Well, I just read a really interesting article about how lots of people who got the COVID shots are having trouble with memory, concentration, and other "brain stuff." Some people are calling it "fuzzy brain." The good thing is, the doctor who wrote the article says there are ways to treat it.
Friend or family member: Hey, can you send me a link to that article?
great line - "you sound vaxxinated" - can i steal it? (:
spike is perforating everything in its' path. Nano-shotgun. oof!
I call them vaxidents as well
Just almost lost my patience with my wife who has had 2 jabs... a women who was ultra-fit due to nursing, walking the dog for miles on end, horse riding etc etc.. as stated a nurse that has been promoted non-stop, put on extra courses to become a "specialised nurse", BUT she has lost the plot in the mundane matters where she seems to lose her train of thought or concentration ... she has suddenly got women's "down below" problems as we heard about....BUT whatever I tel her or advise; she still mocks me ..I no longer get it, because some of her friends (also jabbed); state the same thing.
Unfortunately some medical professionals canโt see whatโs going on ๐ฅบ
They do not want to see... but thanks.
they are jabbed and boosted and mentally compromised or they are compromised through payoffs, either way, compromised. seek a non jabbed doctor
A friend who was an ER doc during Covid wonโt discuss it much except he remembered the MANY sick people. That seemed to stay in his mind!!He retired early. Tired of all the corruption in the medical field he witnessed in the last 35 years.
Such a loss when we lose good experienced healthcare professionals.
Also, a lady friend who was a nurse for 30 plus years, left. Now does farming & gardening and a vendor at a farmerโs market. She is very happy NOW. She was definitely a burnt out medical professional too. It takes its toll. She said whatever the CDC said, she would do the opposite. She named people she knew who were injured from the vaccines.
My dear friend canโt speak/swallow or move after 2 Pfizer ๐
Excellent idea. Alternate:
That sounds like vaccine damage. Did you get the covid vaccine?
I have witnessed entire personality changes to friends and family members post jab, boosters. They became irate, nonsensical, and weirdly rooted in certain new ideologies that they never would have cared about 5 years ago.
This happened to one of my medical students. They went from being a doctor with a bright future to being homeless. It was really sad.
what I see is โblunted empathyโ โฆ in the vaccinated
โฆwhich interestingly is a primary symptom of autism in the pediatric injury group
If they're going to make slaves out of us (since China is so reverred by the globalists and have so many millions of slaves) it seems "blunted empathy" would be a "feature" and not a "bug"
I too see the 'blunted empathy' referred to above. It's like people have switched off their emotions.
Wow. Ouch. I wonder whether we're going to see an epidemic of "autistified" adults thanks to the spikeshots. That, combined with the increasing percentage of autistics among young adults as the "autism epidemic" grows up, so to speak -- oh dear! and eegad!
Can you give an example of a situation youโve seen โglinted empathyโ? I want to understand
Hereโs an example of Blunted empathy Iโve seen โฆ an 80 year old mother fell downโฆ she was bleeding and injured. The daughter just stood there. No movement to help her. And seemed totally unconcerned. Her affect was flatโฆ I have known the daughter for almost 30 years. It was a very odd reaction to her mother being hurt. She is vaxxed and boosted and has also recently received two shingles vaccines. Therefore, I wonder if sheโs been affected by the vaccines โฆ cause her total non-reaction was super strange. I would have expected her daughter to rush to her motherโs aid. The daughter does care of the elderly for a job so she would also know what to do in an emergency situation like this. And did nothing.
In a conversation with Dr. Peter Breggin, Naomi Wolf mentioned the lack of an emotional or empathetic connection with long time friends who were jabbed and who she world see after a time apart. Dr. Breggin said that was also characteristic of mental patients who had undergone lobotomies. My interpretation is that it reflects spike protein damage to the jabbed person's mirror neurons. When Dr. Breggin said that about lobotomized mental patients, there were tears in Naomi Wolf's eyes (proves she isn't jabbed). Naomi Wolf is the founder of and is responsible for setting up an organization of 2300 to 2400 medical professionals to review the enormous number of Pfizer / FDA documents being released because of a court ruling regarding a FOIA request for the all the documents related to the FDA approvals of the jabs.
You mean you suspect it was the vaccine that injured this Dr.? I donโt fully comprehend how this degree of blatant injuries has not reached the 50% or large number of people who still act like the vaccines were safe, and we are โconspiracy theoristsโ for saying they are not safe?? It blows my mind over and over again!
I know. My entire triple-shotted family has got problems, one way or another. I am so deeply sad about everything. Its like living in a nightmare
I read that some do believe the spike proteins crossed the blood brain barrier and did damage to the microvascular areas. Kind of like a mini lobotomy?? Sad to think this could really be true because whether peopleโs brains can recover from this is questionable??
There was a group of people I used to hang around with until covid hit when I became acutely aware we were on different pages on the matter. Still, I occasionally see some of these people, and they still seem to be in the dark about the injuries from covid vaccines that have occurred to i wonder id they are choosing to not believe the evidence that seems to be more prevalent. Maybe they just donโt want me to know, because then its a I am right, they were wrong thing.
I could not agree with you more my entire family has had several of the poison ๐๐๐๐๐. And they all seem to be walking around brainwashed.
It seems to me that whatever mental/soul issues a person had before the shot - became amplified after the shot(s). I am dealing with my sister (double jabbed) and her controlling nature (bully) and her refusal to be honest (gaslighting/memory issues) has become much worse. She also is having a lot of emotional breakdowns that are not appropriate to the matter at hand. Also of note, she was taking medication for high blood pressure and after the shots it went crazy - she is now on more meds. Where is this all going to go? The past few years have changed me - I have lost my joy. If you knew me you would understand that that is a long way for me to fall. Dark night? Sure feels like it.
This is very true. This also happens in some people as they age or at the end of life.
Yes, it looks very much the same. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and personal experiences with us. Your words beat with the beauty and fire of your heart. May we all live to see better times.