You picked out exactly the key passage to highlight what I think the Atlantic article really is: a cult intervention. When a cult member starts to express some doubts, other members have to intervene. They need to explain that the abuse suffered or perpetrated is part of some larger picture.
Then the doubting member has to perform some symbolic act or sacrament to demonstrate their continued obedience to the cult. In this case, as you point out, the obeisance is to get that vaccination rate back up.
"Forget past mistakes. Show your loyalty. Inject."
As far as I can understand this, it is sufficient in and of itself that in a sane world it would cause the halt on all spike based injections since the research shows "prefusion-stabilized SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (S-clamp) that resembles a closed trimeric prefusion conformation" causing brain cell inflammation.
Shockingly, it was in my google news feed since I click through on sars-cov-2 studies sometimes. Probably the language was too difficult for the algorithm to know to suppress it. We'll see how long before it gets unpublished. I downloaded a pdf copy in case. Sometimes these get hard to find later, e.g. the CJD study by Montagnier is hard to find now.
To be honest now I am creeped out. I think that the research leads directly to this type of treatment is scary. That research was probably allowed to be published because it leads directly to these products:
"Last July, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted Inzomelid orphan drug status for the treatment of CAPS. A few months later, Roche bought the company and its portfolio of NLRP3 inhibitors for 380 million euros ($451 million), plus additional milestone payments. "
QUOTE: Now it’s just a matter of seeing if NLRP3 inhibitors can live up to their promise in the first round of clinical trials, which for many companies have just begun or will commence soon. “The next 3 years will make or break the field.”
Published Feb 2020. Most of these drugs are based on the MCC950 mentioned in the study. Is this another example of highly sophisticated attempt to pave the way for a treatment for a problem caused by an injection?
You can address a lot of these problems with exosome therapy (more effective and highly expensive) and somewhat with ozone or ultraviolet blood irradiation (cheaper but less effective).
My functional medicine doc offers ozone and UV IV therapy. Not covered by insurance, of course...and we all know why. I’m in the process of doing the ozone.
There's a bit of a warning sign in that research that they end with a molecule as a treatment recommendation. Apparently that molecule has been the center of a lot of pharma research from what I'm seeing.
Well. Okay. Read all. And The anti inflammatory path is the way to go even for cancers and severe rashes etc. But changing our diet 180° can actually produce a better balance for the body than adding yet another drug to an already tormented body.
Eating clean is hard at best and at worst considering the GMO and pesticides onslaught of our nations ‘health food’ supply, it’s impossible.
I feel we are really caught here in a catch 22. (for those that don’t know ‘catch 22’ is a movie in which no one wins). 
The cruelty of these gatekeepers is insurmountable- sick, twisted narcissism at its finest. Thanks for sharing Z and Dr Midwest- our GOD is still on the throne -trusting Him is tricky through this mess and trusting Jesus through this is the answer but our heads get it twisted sometimes - seek the kingdom first. And all these things will be added into you. ❤️
Dr. John Campbell latest video was interesting the difference in CoV-1 and CoV 2, map of wuhun lab and distance from wet market, traveling of animals. Very interesting to hear too.
And if I recall correctly from a long time ago it is about 600m from one of the wet markets in the city, I think it's "the one" though - there is more than one wet market there which is different from what MSM would like you to believe.
The Gates/Soros link can be confirmed as they have to do legal filings in the US with the SEC.
I hope it helps frame things so that people understand that the best response is something akin to ridicule. Engaging cult members with sweet reason and logic is probably not going to get anywhere; however, people in a cult are highly attuned to social pressures.
The more people can laugh at their absurd ratiocinations in defense of the indefensible, the faster we can improve things. The proper response to a drug company CEO claiming they made a totally effective vaccine with a novel technology for a new virus in 2 days should have been mockery and contempt. If it had been, think of how much better off we would be now!
I Like the article great COVID facade, dissected well AMEN!
I further like your terms “cult” and “intervention” may I suggest one cult in particular that smells like mRNA......... Scientologist. Anything to do with false science I look to this shady cult group that will lie lie lie for a buck and conspire conspire conspire for buck and sue sue sue for religious status leveraged by IRS employees blackmail blackmail blackmail harrass harrass harrass. Dr Falsi’s mannerisms are stoically lies. Fauci seems to be audited well beyond OTIII Zenu level master invaded by mal Thetans. I could be wrong, if I was maybe the Fauci/Wuhan/WHO/WEF/Big Pharma/Hollywood and the rest of the players are just a bunch of greedy sociopaths lining their legacy pockets in cohoots with the false narrative vaccines work, COVID was in nature already, mask protect against airborne viruses yadda yadda yadda ....
In the Last Days even the very elect will be deceived by secret combinations ...yep signs of times.
Jim Jones, Sun Myung Moon, and L Ron Hubbard all had CIA ties. In retrospect, the cult explosion of the seventies was likely a testing ground for the current psyop.
Specifically the part where they demand raising the vaccination rate. In effect, that is a doubling down or reaffirmation of faith in vaccines and the health institutions. Look where AMD says, "This passage was the primary reason I wrote this article"
They need to be held accountable for using the vaccine brand to sell the COVID-19 injections and not have a get out of jail free card to protect their market.
Do you have any idea, how one can try to heal the bridge between family and friends, who had a different view about covid?
I know some people who approached the dissolution of some of their friendships with the attitude "good riddance, they never were real friends at all and have shown their face, I have found friends who share my worldview now".
I can understand that view with recent friends, but in my case the problem is rather close family-members. I still love them and I also have forgiven them, but have lost a lot trust in them and frankly I am shocked how easy it was to incite hatred for the unvaccinated in them.
I think it is important to be compassionate but firm. If you can display a confidence in your own belief system by not being defensive or needing to attack others, overtime that is very convincing to those who make their decisions based upon social cues. The abundantly apparent failure of the vaccines to prevent COVID-19 in juxtaposition to their aggressive marketing campaign is one of the strongest red pills most people will ever experience. I believe the best approach is thus to simply create a safe space for them to admit they were wrong and to patiently wait for that admission from a place of strength.
Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor
I have to wonder if the pattern will be the same as with childhood vaccinations: that a strong factor for moving parents from the "do all the vaccines" camp to the "avoid vaccines" camp came after witnessing their child suffer vaccine damage. For example, Del Bigtree went on the road, and started asking audiences if they had a vacx damaged relative immediately after showings of the movie Vaxxed. When he asked for a show of hands , a high % of the audiences responded Yes.
I have to think trusting one's own eyes when seeing someone have an adverse reaction is harder now than it was 15 years ago for two reasons. The "Decade of Vaccines" promoted by Mr. Gates was a propaganda move in support of getting all mandated shots, as well as an effort to eliminate vax exemptions of all kinds, and b) all the recent programming that primes people to believe that the shots cannot cause problems, and that any (recognized, let alone under the surface of our personal radar) adverse reaction in close time proximity to getting a shot is a sign of positive immune activation.
So, who do we know that has changed their minds about the C0Vid shots being safe? What was the main factor leading to their shift in perspective? We see online testimonials that some of these people experienced children or spouses suffering and made the connection. What other things reached them? What can we learn from folks awakenings to help others awaken to the serious level of vacx damage going on world wide?
Exactly. In my mind; these ppl (friends OR family) are lost to us on this topic. There's no point trying to debate this topic with them until they are ready to accept that they have been duped, their pride is the barrier to them admitting their mistakes, and they then seek forgiveness from those they've wronged. The gap left by folks like this has been made up with the introduction of much stronger characters like those we find in forums like this.
This is difficult for me for a slightly different reason. I feel distanced from so many of my fellow Christians, even some of my pastors, who refuse to see the truth or if they do see it, will not speak up. I must have an attitude of forgiveness toward them and attempt to not cause disunity or division, but I also must tell the truth. As I understand the Bible, my closest relationships are with those who are also believers because we are part of the same body of Christ. The problem is, I feel closer in some ways to likeminded people I have "met" in these various comment sections and I am so very disappointed in the response of so many Christians. One of our church's Bible class teachers commented to his class that vaccine injuries are rare, with a vaccine injured woman sitting in the class! She was not bold enough to speak up. After she told me, I offered to lend him Peter McCullough's book, The Courage to Face Covid19. He declined, saying there has been so much division over this and he does not want to get involved. I think Eric Metaxas' book, Letter to the American Church, speaks very well to this problem. The American church is sitting back and remaining silent as we move toward tyranny, just as the German church did. I can't do it. I'm a 70 year old grandmother who does not have much influence, but I am doing what I can and constantly looking for new avenues of influence.
If it helps, take a look at Megan Basham's article titled, "How the Federal Government Used Evangelical Leaders to Spread COVID Propaganda." It was a well-organized push. It doesn't make it any better, in fact, it makes the betrayal that much worse as these Christian leaders were so gutless that they allowed their churches to be closed for almost 2 years, but it perhaps helps explain the forces of evil behind the scenes. And there were those who stood up. There are Christians out there who did stand up and paid the cost-- I pray that you will find a group of like-minded people of Faith in your area who understand the times. Remember, not all those who say, "Lord, Lord" will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Nov 4, 2022·edited Nov 4, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor
Thank you! I remember reading that earlier. If you have access to either Epoch Times or to Dr. Mercola's archived articles, take a look at this very recent article. One quote: "According to Walmart, many of the company’s most successful vaccination clinics have been held after Sunday services. Facebook ads in which religious leaders promoted the COVID jabs also outperformed other “trusted messengers,” including health care providers." Except for this one issue, my church is a very good one, doctrinally sound and focused on making disciples. There has been no advice either way on the shots. I know there are others in agreement with me, but we feel constrained to be quiet. I intended to address the issue in my class a few months ago, but was advised not to by class members. This is a class of elderly people, many of whom rely on mainstream news. Now I am seeing a rise in strokes, heart problems, and cancers. I know these things may not all be a result of the shots, but I know some of them are. Scientists such as Geert Vanden Bosch have been warning that we were going to see devastating levels of disease and death and it seems to be coming to pass.
The Israelites voted not go into the promised land and their excuse was fear for the safety of the children. It was a lie but it was their excuse. Only two of the original 12, Joshua and Caleb, who trusted God did not fall in the wilderness. I'll not be surprised if it is 40 years before the effects of this even out. Trust God not man!!. Trust your gut. ... As an aside, our church broke up over mask wearing, As soon as the ban was lifted we resumed meeting in the very open and large sanctuary but the mask wearers wanted everyone to wear masks. and won a vote by peer pressure, all about Love they said- it wasn't love it was fear. 2 weeks later the Preacher from the pulpit said it would not stand and no more masks and so the break. It was sad and has not been healed. But he was not wrong. IMO.
I am in same position as you, Anne. Professing Christians have not noticed the many evils that are taking place around them, yet they should have the Spirit of discernment. There is a time for obedience and compliance, but this isn't now. Prior to current events, the last time churches closed in Britain was A.D.1209
Thanks for that personal perspective. I’m heartened to hear from “mature” people like yourself that you will join in the fight for truth and reconciliation in whatever way you can. So many Christian folks I know basically just seem to want to leave the heavy lifting for others. Fighting against the evil just seems to be too much effort for some. I had a strong chat with a close relative recently and ended with the (Mark Twain?) quote “all that is required for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”. Regardless of the origins and syntax of these words, this is what many of us have witnessed. People crossing the road and walking to the other side of the street rather than doing the right thing. I’m not a Christian (was brought up in the church but left as a young adult) but this type of behavior is despicable to me. If the pastor cannot support his argument (“vax injuries are rare”) he should not be espousing them to his congregation. The asymmetry we have witnessed needs to be called out and stopped.
Thanks again for your words and actions, and keep on keeping on!
Thank you. It gets very discouraging at times. I'm more outspoken than my husband. He is the scientist, I am the activist. Haha. You might see me on the news one day if the FBI barges into our home or I otherwise get arrested. Just kidding, I think???
Ha! I know the feeling about hearing a knock at the door! I can’t believe that we are at the point where having what would previously been considered a completely normal, moderate viewpoint on a topic could stir up such backlash from our communities. That said, I’m pleased to be in such good company. Stay sane!
Sure, that's part of it, but they've all proven that they're actually not very bright. All these "elites", these "experts" have shown that they're some pretty stupid people disguised well. Plus they demonstrated a complete lack of courage and character. What's to trust?
And how do you stand by and watch as they destroy themselves with booster after booster? They have just quintuple-downed on their mistake with no end in sight.
Yeah this one is challenging, especially because the vaccine causes neurological damage which in some cases can impair the capacity for critical thinking. I wish I had a good answer on this but I don't as my entire family listened to me and didn't vaccinate so I can't really put myself in your shoes here or claim I know the right way to handle it.
You are probably right about neurological effects, but such brain damage must be highly specific. My sister proudly took her 5th jab and the first reason she gives is that she did it to protect my BIL who "has all the risk factors". (I am highly suspicious, though, that the quadruple-bypass he underwent years ago was completely unnecessary) But getting back to my sister, a highly successful career woman who seems mentally functional in every other way, how can she think - at this point in time - that the repeated injection is going to stop her from getting it and transmitting it to him? And "it" is mild right now.
I am powerless to intervene positively in this situation. I'm glad your family listened to you - and that you had the discussions with them in time to make a difference.
“Impairs the capacity for critical thinking”. Oh my. They got what they wanted with a lot of ppl. I suppose Klaus’s saying, “you will own nothing and be happy” is bc they have reduced some of the population, and plan on continuing to do so, to a mental state where they can’t fight back. The evil of this is beyond comprehension. Totalitarian evil! They really do hate humanity!
As far as I know, none of my close relatives has had more than three doses. Since we all got covid this summer and there was no difference between vaxxed and unvaxxed relatives, I have heard the phrase "everyone is going to get it anyway" repeatedly and they have relaxed their measures remarkably.
I am going to talk to my siblings about vaxxing their children (both have babies who are about a year old and were not eligible to get vaxxed until recently). I do not think my brother will vax his son, because he had covid a few months ago and came out just fine. I am a bit worried regarding my sister, but I am just going to give her the most mainstream infos I can get and hope for the best.
For the past few months there has been a steady stream about "rare" side-effects in the German mainstream-media, so I hope they will come to their senses.
My double-boosted great-aunt told me in July that she will not get any other dose and that she thinks the unvaxxed made the right decision. (I am a bit angry at myself for not asking her what made her change her mind, but in my experience a lot of people woke up after getting covid after their vaccine)
The hardest part is that IMO some people will just keep boosting they are dead. This is extremely painful to be around and I do not like it at all, but I do not see how one can save them.
One such an example is a friend of my mother's, who became an epileptic after getting the old DTP-vax (since this was before the childhood-vaccine-injury-act and his father worked as a lawyer, he was able to get a pension from the vaccine manufacturer of a few thousand euros each month). His doctor initially told him to under no circumstance get the vaccine, but when he was for some time in a nursing home, he got vaxxed with all the other people there. Since then my mother and other friends have noticed some disturbing habits emerge, that will IMO lead to him being institutionalized sooner or later (if the vaccines don't kill him first). For instance he has taken to peeing on his balcony (which is quite common for epileptics) and is close to being evicted from his apartment. He already has had four shots and will get his fifth in a few weeks. My mother has tried to warn him of the vaccine, but he has become totally convinced of vaccines in general now (he got the DTaP vaccine a few weeks ago,even though he got crippled by DTP (!)) and won't listen to her. My mother is sad, but thinks that there is nothing she can do.
At the very start of COVID-19, I realize that it would be virtually impossible to prevent myself from getting the virus, so my focus instead shifted to understanding how to treat it as quickly as possible so I could stop doing any and all measures to prevent myself from getting it (as each had a significant impact on my life). For this same reason, I made a point to be the front line person at the very start who treated people with COVID-19 (including at their homes) while everyone else was unwilling to be close to them...I wanted to feel comfortable with managing the disease so it would not be able to control my life.
Most of the other people I know entered a state of learned helplessness, didn't want to take any initiative or risks to figure out how to treat it, and just compliantly waited for the government to provide a solution.
I have read the post you mentioned. What I still find fascinating to this day is that at first the people most concerned about covid were the ones who mostly read alternative media like myself. Only later did the positions switch and the consumers of mainstream media were the ones most concerned with covid. When I saw my relatives first became afraid of covid and then get vaxxed and then fall for the hate campaign I felt like the deaf child in "The pied piper of Hamlin" who did not follow the piper, because she did not hear him.
You are a hero. Thank you. I have the highest regard for doctors and scientists like you. My husband and I had occasion to meet several of the heroic doctors recently and it was such an honor.
We have all sorts in my extended family, including a relative who got the "bivalent" mouse shot and then was promptly hospitalized with pancreatitis and tachycardia. I'm in a bit of a different position from many, because my views on the pre-corona shots were pretty different from most people in my family, so many relatives never took me seriously, and lumped my corona attitude in with my other crazy views like eating fresh, leafy greens and not giving Tylenol for 100-degree "fevers." Some family members jumped on the corona shot train, but didn't demonize my little family, and allowed us into their houses... They're now off the train, but don't want to discuss it much, which is OK with me. They learned their lesson or they didn't; I can't live their lives for them re: corona any more than I can re: processed foods and zero cardiovascular exercise. The family members who refused to be around us are a tougher situation; a few of them have put it all behind them without ever admitting that we were right, and again, I don't need them to tell me I was right. I did what I did because it was right, not for their approval. There are still a few we haven't seen who were completely insane, judgmental, and unhinged (leaving Christmas presents on the doorstep in 2021, for example). I don't know what they want to do, but I imagine by the time we end up in a position to be indoors together, they'll either be massively ill from ADE or spared and wanting to forget all about it.
My view on "amnesty" is that Oster is talking about people with some degree of public accountability. I can forgive them in my heart if I so choose, but they should not have jobs anymore. (See Vinay Prasad on this.) Also, for many (most?) of them, it's not over. Just check out the number of colleges (big names like Wellesley) requiring the mouse shots for young adults: You can't demand amnesty on behalf of a group that still has its foot on your neck.
"I don't need them to tell me I was right. I did what I did because it was right, not for their approval." This is one of the most effective attitudes to have if you want to persuade others of your viewpoints.
Letting your family know that you love them, and tried to warn them based on information you found, despite what the media kept saying. And that you'll continue to love them despite what has happened. Hopefully a healing can begin. There IS a bigger war on the family, and this was one way to divide them.
"... completely insane, judgmental, and unhinged (leaving Christmas presents on the doorstep in 2021, for example)."
My sister's family came to my front yard, fully masked, and sang Christmas carols in 2020.
Christmas dinner that year was delivered to me. (As was Thanksgiving dinner. They were isolating as per British Columbia's Dr. Bonnie Henry's recommendation.)
Christmas and Thanksgiving dinner 2021 were also delivered to me. 😁 (They were all vaxxed.)
I was invited, but deliberately skipped, "Family Thanksgiving" dinner 2022: Pleaded a probably contagious illness. (Sent pies and a crumble... 😉)
Hopefully the United States lifts its entry ban against unvaccinated foreign nationals soon.
Planning to be out of the country on "Family Christmas" 2022. 🤞 🌞⛱🌴
I think there are border crossings where the US folks don't actually demand proof of the shots--so I've heard and even seen on a YouTube video--especially if you say you're coming over to do something errand-ish like banking, but I don't know how good any individual's odds are of making the trip. The whole thing is so insane and stupid. How is a Michigander who didn't get the shots less of a "threat" than a Canadian who didn't? It's just breaking up society and keeping people apart.
Re those big names, another 7 Sisters college--Mount Holyoke-- sent an e-mail, full of self praise, to all alums, ~ Dec '20, outlining its intention to require the vax. I replied asking if MHC was also willing to foot the bill for any adverse effects resulting from same (did we have any idea at all of potential adversities baack in Dec.?). No response, never heard from them. Side note--had to skip my own 50th reunion in May because you could only attend if vaxxed. Doubly sad to me, because nine women in my family, from 1906 to 2001, are MHC graduates.
Harvard (my alma mater) and Yale (my husband's) are also requiring the mouse shots. They were already off our list for our daughter because they deprived people of in-person education and pretended it was still worth the price of a luxury car every year, but this just solidifies my belief that they're willfully doing the work of evil. A person can't possibly think the benefits of the mouse shots outweigh the risks for a healthy 20-year-old. And that jackwagon Bacow enacted all of the repressive mandates at H *after* he had already caught and recovered (uneventfully) from corona.
I guess formerly elite colleges are like legacy media outlets: living out their last years of relevance, during which they will (unfortunately) still wear the veil of legitimacy and demean those outside. At some point, though, no reasonable, intelligent person will send his kid (or his $$$) there, or read the NYT instead of Substack and various other legitimate sources of information.
In full agreement. Gives new meaning to the term "resting on one's laurels". Glad that my youngest refused even to look at the New England colleges that all in family for 4 generations (among them great grandfather, grandfather, uncles, cousins, their children all Harvard from 1886 to 200?) had chosen. Excited to discover, last summer, the new University of Austin...if you don't know of it, check it out.
That was going to be my tactic (having them agree to cover any/all adverse events), after sharing them federal law regarding no compulsion, fully informed consent (ie, making them aware) for drugs under Emergency Use Authorization. (I didn't want to have to rely on a religious exemption right off the bat.)
I see it as similar to having a family member who drinks too much or smokes or engages in other self-destructive behavior. They're an adult and they can choose what they want, as long as it doesn't hurt someone else.
Of course this doesn't apply to vaccinating children. That's a whole nother can of worms.
The analogy doesn't fit not just becuse of children but because many family members chose to discriminate against those who were unvaxxed. In fact, it would be akin to those who are engaging in possibly self-destructive behavior as they were sold that the behavior is safe and effective and then getting on a self-righteous high horse against those who decided to take a more cautious approach.
It's so hard to watch people who seem to be suffering injuries. So many of the effects of the shot will never be acknowledged because they don't all happen right after vaccination. I have a friend who was diagnosed at age 70 with diabetes and very shortly after, with pancreatic cancer. She is very sick. I've seen numerous strokes and heart problems, as well as those who get covid or other respiratory illnesses over and over. Those people are the ones I really can't understand. If you're still getting covid, what good were the shots???
I also have family members I love who vaccinated, and realized early on I will never be the messenger from whom they learn. I am the youngest of my siblings, the lowest in socioeconomic status (despite marriage to two highly credentialed professionals), and have always been the outsider. It hurts to know my sister is dying of an anomalous cancer almost certainly caused by the vaccine, but that's just the way it is. I would say stop thinking you have to be the one to change the minds of these people, and instead just wish or work for their learning the truth from the right messenger, and accept it may take time. In the case of GMOs, it took 20 years for a conservative relative to finally tell me "did you know how toxic GMOs are?" Not because they believed me, but one of their approved sources told them.
For loved ones, I say put it aside and live in the moment. This is what I’ve done with my bf who would have cheerfully, and “for my own good” told the Nazis which floorboards I was hiding under. yet I have put it aside, for the sake of having some fun and also if she dies early, I don’t want to waste precious time. Besides, she showed some remorse for all her backstabbing and ridicule, and I know she was raised in and brainwashed by, a severe law and order family, so until the next test of conscience crisis, we go forward, friends again.
Haha, good one, better believe he’ll hear your playful warning every time he sees a needle. Wouldn’t the nonhumans behind this pack of lies and agenda love to see us self destruct and disconnect from our truly valued relationships. I won’t comply with that either, and give them thar satisfaction.
Just thank your lucky stars you were smart enough not to vax and pray for them at night because he have no idea what is in the future for any of our friends, former friends and family as a result of this poison. The truth is, I think their anger is misdirected at unvexed people because it's hard to look in the mirror and say, gee I messed up big time.
I have tried to figure out what distinguishes the people I forgive from the people I have dismissed. It is the ones who never turned their back even though they had a different view that I continue to invest in. They have yet to acknowledge the worst of the situation and I am careful because I have no wish to invoke nocebo but I am gently encouraging them towards things like pine needle tea. The ones who actually said things like 'people just don't like being told what to do by the government' would need to come crawling on their knees reciting the list of crimes against us and begging forgiveness. These people are pushers, they said these things to influence people to get the shots. We know this is manslaughter.
Carolin. Check this out. Maybe you already saw it. But read it real slow. I have a friend of 35 years do the exact same to our relationship and I ended it. But yet she blames me. This BS has created such a rift hasn’t it!?! Please take a read. It’s about 10-12 minute read.
I'm curious, what can you possibly expect from them in the future if their treatment of your own daughter and her children has been so horrible in the past?
This professor and those of her ilk will be the first to pounce on those who question the climate policies that will soon be forthcoming. Same circus, different tent.
Thank you--I had read this Atlantic article just an hour ago, then came upon yours. In it, I was struck by the author's effort to portray her virtue--both on her own, and on her family's behalf, by having followed carefully (slavishly? mindlessly?) all restrictions imposed. I circle back (thanks, Jen) to the question of, "Why, then, did my husband and I see through this from the start? We had purchased tickets to "Plandemic, the movie" which was to come to a nearby theater in ...April? That movie showing was later cancelled...... I remember that on May 5, give or take one day, I typed into my phone the query "Is Covid a scam?". Neither of us is a medical person; I was then still teaching Latin (a discipline which requires one to look carefully at each word and at its particular use in a text), my husband a research physicist. We troubled to investigate for ourselves: to the distress of our live-in daughter, we spent all our evening hours watching Dr. John Campbell, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Keith Moran, Dr. Peter McCullough et alii, searching, reading FDA approval-for-drug papers on their website. Now here's the teacher in me speaking: that Atlantic author wants forgiveness for not doing her homework? No. She will have learned nothing from that experience if she is allowed not to pay a penalty for her choice.
“You can cheat to get a paper. You can cheat to get a degree. You can cheat to get a grant. You can’t cheat to cure a disease,” he says. “Biology doesn’t care."
Spot on. They say: "we made mistakes and we damaged society and refused to listen to alternative voices but please forgive us because we'll never, ever do it again, promise.
"Unless, of course, another 'emergency' comes along and then we'll use 'the data' to steamroll anyone who disagrees with us. But it won't be our fault!"
This is the misconception that many have regarding forgiveness. If a violator continues to commit harm, whether it be to himself or to others, how can forgiveness then be successfully applied? The person is not remorseful if they continue on. There is stated in the Bible, that there is a specific sin which CANNOT be forgiven; ie. to blaspheme the H.S. I've always puzzled over that concept, until it was clarified to me: That if a person continues to REJECT, REFUSE, and REMAIN defiant, and is resolved to keep the Spirit of God at arm's length, then that person has NO CHANCE of Redemption. Group prayer might effect his conscience, and make that necessary change which will lead him to the light, but the choice is his. He can proudly, defiantly, object and so he will be UNFORGIVEN and be dust.
I write this simply to clarify that for those who stubbornly refuse to admit, and thus, repent of their actions committed publicly (since they were public in nature) must be held accountable accordingly in order to meet the high standards of God's perfect justice. No forgiveness.
So how does one of Christ's directives fit into this? He states for us to "forgive our enemies." And that, aside from their evil intentions to kill us! It's so very hard! But I know that HE will avenge, and does not hand that duty to His "children." That recompensing is likely to be horrendous, even to watch, and it might just be that God has deemed the thing too harmful to the hearts of the saved, to endure having to mete out the wicked's due punishment.
Therefore, we do not condone, but expose the evil deeds by these criminals, and put them in the hands of man's laws. AND rest assured they will all be "visited."
I don't think Christian forgiveness means to have the repentance of the offender. Christ forgave those in the act of humiliating and crucifying him.
I think what facilitates forgiveness of others is to love your neighbor as yourself, which is both a feeling we have towards others and treating others the way we wish to be treated. Then our forgiveness is automatic regardless of their repentance.
The Lord's prayer says: "forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."
As far as justice, I agree God will repay whether in this life, the eternal life, or both, so we don't have to worry about that. However, I do believe we should have jail as a matter of deterrence to keep those who harm others off the street and to deter future criminals.
Lastly, what we think someone else deserves may be wildly wrong. We simply do not have the capacity to judge others even if we wanted to. There are too many variables to make that calculation. God has that capacity.
Why do bad things happen to us? We get what we deserve, other's sins, God's divine inferno of love, bad genes, or being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Ultimately, I think it comes down to the collective sins of humanity.
These are just my opinions, and I am working on internalizing and practicing these ideas.
I agree with AMD. The people who blindly followed the narrative without exercising any critical thinking and now refuse to do a post-mortem are doomed to repeat their mistakes. Further, I think they'd be smart to reexamine any position where they implicitly trust The Science or take their thought-leaders at face value if they believe in truth and that the truth has consequences.
I thought that what I wrote was parallel to your words. I'm still a little rough around the edges, but do know that we are to forgive our enemies, even while they are in attack mode. Like Christ had. Someday, if we remain faithful, we will be privileged to be taught every detail surrounding every question we will have, and we'll have a few for sure!
Ahh, but the passage is, "If we confess our sins, He is patient and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness." Confessing must precede forgiveness, i.e admission of fault is first required. She does not admit fault, she tries to weasel out with "I didn't know". Making excuses does not equate to admission of error. She may even be squirming at this point, given the hard-nosed Twitter responses to her article.
Exactly. Truly repentant people make zero demands of those they wronged.
A huge tell that someone's repentance is a sham is if they get angry when you don't immediately give them what they want (in this case absolving them from responsibility and removing proper consequences).
True remorse hopes for mercy but, at the same time, accepts that punishment, not mercy, is what they truly deserve.
While I think the authorities should be brought to some kind of justice, for me that would be loss of power, I don't think we can expect, and I certainly do not want to see all those who beLIEved what they were being told to suffer. They and we have suffered enough.' Any eye for and eye makes the whole world blind.' I'm grateful I was aware, and yet the loss was still enormous with my family. Your post gives me hope that maybe, they will really investigate someday and if they do, a simple- I see it now, I didn't know, I'm sorry for the pain it caused us all...will be enough for me. I too am sorry I was so flaming angry and worried about them, I lost my center. Taking responsibility for ourselves is all we can ever really do.
I agree with you. Forgiveness is essential. Beware, though. The people responsible for the CV19 disaster want amnesty??? Amnesty from what?? They want a forced legal based release from responsibility.
This request is a 'lawyered-up' response which is focused completely on the perpetrator's situation, with no concern for the people harmed.
It's like a child saying, 'I'm sorry'. The child is concerned about the level of punishment, not about restitution given to the person being harmed.
IMO, one of the dirtiest tactics the proponents of lockdowns/mandates/school-closures etc. did was to constantly lie about what their critics actually said and instead construct strawman after strawman, which essentially made any debate impossible.
People who warned about the damages of lockdowns and advocated for policies like the Great Barrington Declaration were called "covid deniers", people who were hesitant to inject themselves with largely untested novel gene therapy were called "needle-phobics" and everyone who warned of the dangers of lockdowns for the children wanted to kill grandma. (This is the way the covid-debate was done in Germany, I do not know, whether the same things were said in the US as well.)
Since this tactic only works if you censor the other side, this was accompanied by using Big Tech and the media to exclude the critics from mainstream media and attempts to even criminalize this speech.
I know understand why Free Speech is the First Amendment, because without it it is quite easy to use that tactic with any topic (other topics where I have seen this topic been used before are for instance "climate change" and the war in Ukraine).
Imo the most prominent message I took from this article is that not only did they not know the facts, but also that THEY COULD NOT HAVE KNOWN THE FACTS early on. All the lockdown critics etc. Were either just lucky, arrived at the right answer for the wrong reasons or had some superhuman ability to see into the future.
I agree with you re: the "left" on corona; however, in America this has been a classic war-promoting technique of the "right." (If you don't support every Republican-advanced military intervention in the Middle East, you don't think Osama bin Laden is a bad guy, etc.) We really do have a two-headed, one-party monster in the US, with very few individual exceptions.
Are there real conservatives in government though? The ones that claim to be conservative in every Western country don't follow through on promises like reducing immigration and they haven't in many generations. In Australia for Elain example,half the entire population is now first or second generation immigrant.
Do we really think that infiltration of both sides on only started a few years ago?
I don't think you're disagreeing with me. Look at what I wrote. Both parties in the US are for big government, lots of spending, endless war, government-industrial complex, etc. That's why I put "left" and "right" in quotation marks. Rand Paul may be grandstanding now, but he dutifully wore a mask and got his corona shots like the rest of them. And I would be hard pressed to remember an actual conservative in Congress from the bulk of my lifetime. Give me Gary Johnson over the current crew any day, and twice on Sunday.
Igor Chudov wrote about “misinformation vaccines” which is exactly what you describe! They think you are too stupid to hear both sides of the argument so they censor and fill the airwaves with propaganda.
Thank you for reading and posting that article. I knew what it would say just by looking at the title. Your comments were spot on. She is asking everyone to "justfuggitaboutit!" Not even an "oopsie, I was wrong." What really got to me was her statement of "some right people were right for the wrong reasons." Nope. If you are right, you are right. The truth is not relative. What she really wanted to say was "some right people were right at the wrong time."
The bottom line is, without true repentance and atonement, nothing changes for the better. She will not change for the better even if the world lets her "forget about it," which I won't.
There might be regular people who were "right for the wrong reasons," e.g., a person who hated Trump and therefore thought that any shot sponsored by his Operation Warp Speed would be bad because it was contaminated by the orange monster. However, the only people who publicly took the positions that turned out to be right were right for the *right* reasons, like Dr. Kory (and other doctors who knew that every disease is treatable), Prof. Bhattacharya (who understands both medicine and economics), Prof. Ioannidis (ditto), etc. For Oster to pretend that the views of individual citizens, who were completely run over by unelected bureaucrats (and some elected officials like Gretchen Whitmer), are relevant to her "argument" is false on its face.
Yeah! There's no true repentance there. They're just fishing for public (Christian) forgiveness. Little do they know how God the Creator views their evil intentions, Satanic lies and tactics. Each case will be justly weighed and punishment meted out in perfect proportion to meet the crime. Crying out for everyone to now take a forgiving tack, while they CONTINUE with their wicked deeds, goes toward obviating their true intent. That's my take on it.
These "apologies" are starting to bubble to the surface and all at the same time. This is not a coincidence.
Clowns like Oster don't just "think this up" on their own. They are tasked to float these trial balloons by PR firms to gauge public sentiment.
Based on what I have seen so far, they kicked over a hornet's nest, I'm guessing they will back off on it for now and do a nother version of the apologetics around the holiday season.
The only thing that should be discussed is justice. Crimes were and are still being committed. Millions were killed and millions more have had their lives permanently marred. 'Sorry' ain't gonna cut it.
You are 100% accurate. That was largely why I wrote this (Oster's opinion doesn't mean anything to me), as it represents the opening salvo in a PR campaign we will likely see over and over again. Most likely this represents testing the rhetoric to determine which phrasing is the most persuasive and effective for gaslighting the population.
My guess is the timing is due to the imminent election, with the piece being targeted at suburban, educated women, whose political alignment has shifted by 20 points since the 2020 election, from blue, to red.
Yes, How long must they figure it will take for the hornet's to calm down? After all, all that really happened was a few inconsequential "harms" took place (TRY MILLIONS!), and the planet DID actually benefit by now having a reduced population weighing in upon "her."
Sorry, but I'm livid about their stink-laced smoke tactics!!!
P.S. You never need to apologize for delaying one article (Alzheimer’s) while writing another great piece (this one). Everything you write is a labor of love and so carefully reasoned. We want to read it all, whenever you have a chance to write it. Not to mention, you have a practice, a life, and you’re doing all this at no charge. We greatly appreciate your work and share it widely.
Not only dissolved, but exposed, prosecuted, penalized, and made a clear example of down to the specific acting individuals profiting from it.
If this harms some folks 401k accounts, so be it, but there can be zero "passes" allowed.
Nothing less than Nuremberg 2.0 should be the goal, with a focus on individuals rather than corporations involved which will essentially no longer exist!
One of the reasons the people in charge have focused on creating extensively interlinked financial systems is so the perpetrators are always "too big to fall."
One of my recent pieces attempted to break down how much of what happened with the vaccine push over the last decade was a monolithic antitrust violation.
Thanks for letting me know! I will read it! Thank you for being a voice of truth and reason in an increasingly dark and murky world. There is hope. We must shine the light of truth whenever possible to expose the deceitfulness. You are doing a wonderful job MWD!
When I went to law school the topic that most interested me was antitrust. I learned that the field was dead and don't bother to become an antitrust attorney. That was back in 90's. Today antitrust is not only dead but LONG forgotten.
Too big to fail: hospitals. The provision of healthcare which was long compromised and then acutely so in December of 2020 when the covid shots rolled out for healthcare workers first. If we "fired" everyone who promoted the covid shot, our hospitals would be empty.
We will not bite the hand that feeds us. All around me, for the very best care and cures in Oregon, people run to OHSU, "pill hill", the same place that performs late-term elective abortions and gender affirming surgeries.
Dr. You are highly regarded among us. I'm not. That's why I'd like to share with you a couple of exceedingly pertinent and enlightening (and relatively obscured) vids. PLEASE take the time to watch. See @ child sacrifices first interview
This DVM-TV (Dutch TV) interview with Ronald Bernard was done by Irma Schiffers in April 2017. This is a very important video that needs to be seen and shared by everyone. It will help clarify the deep and systemic control that undermines the liberty and freedom of choice in free societies.
Ronald Bernard was a witness to the inner workings of the highest banking system, and a secret world of Satanic ritual abuse and child sacrifices by top-tier elite in the banking industry and intelligences services, which run these operations and are criminalized. The same intelligence system that is the cause of wars, total economic collapse of countries and peoples, attempts to install totalitarian control of every single person. This is also a form of ritualistic Satanic abuse.
The video covers topics essential to understanding the globalist, ruling class, world financial structure, dark belief systems, use of child sacrifice (00:21:55) and methods used to maintain this predatory culture of the top 8000 international people in power over the world.
I have personally run into some of the darker things in this world (I do a lot of spiritual work etc.). However, I don't go into most of that because I do not believe it is productive for bringing the important messages I have into public view. Put differently, for each thing I write here, I normally avoid saying nine others.
What gets really tricky with the genre you are citing is that it is incredibly hard to know which things in it are true and which are false (unless you say have had life experiences where you or friends directly witnessed it), and I can't assert or promote anything here I am not reasonably certain is true.
When a man such as the one in the vid unequivocally states HIS PERSONAL experience AT the TOP of the pyramid with the 8000 individuals who call the shots in this world, and NOT necessarily for ONLY the mighty dollar, and if you take a look at the man's mannerisms and movements as he lays open the astounding truths he witnessed, you need NOT be in his shoes to vindicate Truth, as he certainly has done.
As for the "connection" which he posits to be relevant to ALL workings in the world, between those pulling the puppet strings, and the dark forces of evil, ie. Satan, there light switches suddenly are switched from OFF to ON! Light shines in, the Truth becomes manifested, Satan is revealed, perpetrators who worship him are caught in their devious acts.
That's why I sent you the links. If you cannot see the relevance in it, then so be it. But remember that it was YOUR choice to avoid this depth of understanding the WHYS which your readers are so quick to put forth in their comments. This is a plea for "forest recognition," not for a coalition of professional arborists to assess micro-biological infestations. You didn't watch it. You missed out on a super large hunk of the puzzle being already fitted together for you. I'm sorry.
Exactly. As I've said before, I might forgive someone who assaulted me, but I would still press charges. Forgiveness has nothing to do with whether I allow someone to victimize me (and others) again.
You're definitely reaching down the right rabbit hole, and feeling something. I challenge you, Cathy, to view and see if this man appears to be lying during the interviews pt. 1 & 2. If not, "Houston, we have a SERIOUS problem!" Let me know what you think.
These people in authority are sociopaths, and maybe even sadists. In the past these type of people were incarcerated for life to prevent further damage to society from their possible future behaviors...
In prison, these people can assign blame or gaslight the inmates with little consequence to the outside world.
There may be an exception, though. Antonio Gramsci wrote the prison notebooks while incarcerated in Italy. His ideas corrupted western thought to this day.
Thank you, AMD. So excellent! I saw this Atlantic article yesterday, and it struck me in the same way. And yes, I like your format here, where you analyze the article in detail, point by point. And I agree as to why this dissection of the propaganda is vital...not to gloat about being right, but as an important tool to prevent this from reoccurring. This is where we must have a laser focus: do not comply, do not be afraid to speak up and refuse to allow our free will and individual rights eroded. And, as is done here, call out the bullshit for what it is. If ALL parents refused to mask/jab their children for school, the schools couldn’t enforce it. If ALL employees refuse the mask/jab, the employers would have to back down. If ALL customers refused to mask/jab to patronize a business, they wouldn’t enforce it. If ALL passengers refused to mask/jab to board a plane, the airlines couldn’t enforce it. See? WE have the power to stop this...they’ve just convinced lots of us that we don’t. We must remember that NONE of these ‘rules’ are legal, moral, or right.
There are many of us out there who are not buying what the Atlantic is selling. The "oops, my bad, let's just forget this all happened" argument ain't gonna work.
People like this author will the first ones to tell you again to put on that mask, get that shot and stay home for the great good come the next "crisis". This is why it's imperative that we never move on and never forget their evil behavior until those who are responsible for such death and destruction are held accountable in a court of law.
Most corporate crime perpetuates because the corporations are fine rather than the executives being charged criminally, and I believe that the same lesson needs to be applied to the government officials who directed the pandemic response.
Forgiveness can not be demanded by the perpetrator. It is rediculous gaslighting that we want to gloat that we were right.
Forgiveness can happen when the perpetrators acknowledge they did something wrong, regret it, and have taken the measures it won't happen again. It is still up to the victims to forgive. Nothing of that has happened and I see this piece as a way tro try to silence the critics so truth is longer supressed.
I already see this being used as arguments in discussions "are you still whining about the vax!!? You didn't take it but still talk about it!!?". Or that we live in the past and are attached to victimhood etc etc
"The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses. The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. This is the press, an irresponsible press. It will make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing."
A number of comments here point toward a lot of mental-emotional gymnastics and ego protection that result from not wanting to be wrong, or, on the wrong side of an issue. To me this mimics a sports team fanship, where we can over-identify with the team. I am a Dodgers fan, do or die. This translates in other "arenas" as Fauci-fawning or lifetime allegiance to a political party even when it veers into the ditch, or buying into the vaxxers vs. anti-vaxxers meme as if it were a soccer match.
IF we do that, ego-wise, the team/group wins are our wins--and if the group is wrong, we/they lose. Nobody wants to lose. We saw this play out on TV where it became Trump and Dr. Atlas vs. Fauci and Birkx. Facts, the scientific method, and tried and true public health measures got lost in the middle of the tag team wrestling match.
When this happens, we invest emotionally by following the group leaders' advice. In the health arena, this can short circuit taking responsibility for our own li
You picked out exactly the key passage to highlight what I think the Atlantic article really is: a cult intervention. When a cult member starts to express some doubts, other members have to intervene. They need to explain that the abuse suffered or perpetrated is part of some larger picture.
Then the doubting member has to perform some symbolic act or sacrament to demonstrate their continued obedience to the cult. In this case, as you point out, the obeisance is to get that vaccination rate back up.
"Forget past mistakes. Show your loyalty. Inject."
FYI I pinned this, so try not to substantially edit it.
I was just reading this published today. Worth a look. Seems high quality.
As far as I can understand this, it is sufficient in and of itself that in a sane world it would cause the halt on all spike based injections since the research shows "prefusion-stabilized SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (S-clamp) that resembles a closed trimeric prefusion conformation" causing brain cell inflammation.
This is great. Thank you for sending this to me!!
Shockingly, it was in my google news feed since I click through on sars-cov-2 studies sometimes. Probably the language was too difficult for the algorithm to know to suppress it. We'll see how long before it gets unpublished. I downloaded a pdf copy in case. Sometimes these get hard to find later, e.g. the CJD study by Montagnier is hard to find now.
Okay sorry one more thing.
To be honest now I am creeped out. I think that the research leads directly to this type of treatment is scary. That research was probably allowed to be published because it leads directly to these products:
"Last July, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted Inzomelid orphan drug status for the treatment of CAPS. A few months later, Roche bought the company and its portfolio of NLRP3 inhibitors for 380 million euros ($451 million), plus additional milestone payments. "
QUOTE: Now it’s just a matter of seeing if NLRP3 inhibitors can live up to their promise in the first round of clinical trials, which for many companies have just begun or will commence soon. “The next 3 years will make or break the field.”
Published Feb 2020. Most of these drugs are based on the MCC950 mentioned in the study. Is this another example of highly sophisticated attempt to pave the way for a treatment for a problem caused by an injection?
You can address a lot of these problems with exosome therapy (more effective and highly expensive) and somewhat with ozone or ultraviolet blood irradiation (cheaper but less effective).
My functional medicine doc offers ozone and UV IV therapy. Not covered by insurance, of course...and we all know why. I’m in the process of doing the ozone.
There's a bit of a warning sign in that research that they end with a molecule as a treatment recommendation. Apparently that molecule has been the center of a lot of pharma research from what I'm seeing.
Well. Okay. Read all. And The anti inflammatory path is the way to go even for cancers and severe rashes etc. But changing our diet 180° can actually produce a better balance for the body than adding yet another drug to an already tormented body.
Eating clean is hard at best and at worst considering the GMO and pesticides onslaught of our nations ‘health food’ supply, it’s impossible.
I feel we are really caught here in a catch 22. (for those that don’t know ‘catch 22’ is a movie in which no one wins). 
The cruelty of these gatekeepers is insurmountable- sick, twisted narcissism at its finest. Thanks for sharing Z and Dr Midwest- our GOD is still on the throne -trusting Him is tricky through this mess and trusting Jesus through this is the answer but our heads get it twisted sometimes - seek the kingdom first. And all these things will be added into you. ❤️
Dr. John Campbell latest video was interesting the difference in CoV-1 and CoV 2, map of wuhun lab and distance from wet market, traveling of animals. Very interesting to hear too.
A coincidence in Wuhan maybe? Possibly the Chinese "Wuhan lab" wasn't the source of the outbreak but another lab in Wuhan.
Guess what the address of the Wuxi Apptech lab in Wuhan is? The company that Gates/Soros invested heavily in? A company that does gene editing?
It's this:
666 Gaoxin Road
East Lake High-tech Development Zone
What a strange coincidence eh what?
And if I recall correctly from a long time ago it is about 600m from one of the wet markets in the city, I think it's "the one" though - there is more than one wet market there which is different from what MSM would like you to believe.
The Gates/Soros link can be confirmed as they have to do legal filings in the US with the SEC.
Mathew Crawford liked your comment so much he added it to his article too :)
I hope it helps frame things so that people understand that the best response is something akin to ridicule. Engaging cult members with sweet reason and logic is probably not going to get anywhere; however, people in a cult are highly attuned to social pressures.
The more people can laugh at their absurd ratiocinations in defense of the indefensible, the faster we can improve things. The proper response to a drug company CEO claiming they made a totally effective vaccine with a novel technology for a new virus in 2 days should have been mockery and contempt. If it had been, think of how much better off we would be now!
One 't'. ;p
I make this mistake far too often
Sounds like Scientology... 😉
Cults tend to reuse the same methodology because it has a universal appeal to the human psyche.
This trailer might electrically shock them into awakening.
Exactly my thoughts as well!!!
Inject the social code into the skilled TV watcher cult.
I Like the article great COVID facade, dissected well AMEN!
I further like your terms “cult” and “intervention” may I suggest one cult in particular that smells like mRNA......... Scientologist. Anything to do with false science I look to this shady cult group that will lie lie lie for a buck and conspire conspire conspire for buck and sue sue sue for religious status leveraged by IRS employees blackmail blackmail blackmail harrass harrass harrass. Dr Falsi’s mannerisms are stoically lies. Fauci seems to be audited well beyond OTIII Zenu level master invaded by mal Thetans. I could be wrong, if I was maybe the Fauci/Wuhan/WHO/WEF/Big Pharma/Hollywood and the rest of the players are just a bunch of greedy sociopaths lining their legacy pockets in cohoots with the false narrative vaccines work, COVID was in nature already, mask protect against airborne viruses yadda yadda yadda ....
In the Last Days even the very elect will be deceived by secret combinations ...yep signs of times.
Jim Jones, Sun Myung Moon, and L Ron Hubbard all had CIA ties. In retrospect, the cult explosion of the seventies was likely a testing ground for the current psyop.
So true.
I love this, and used it in
Might you point me to the exact key passage you were referring to? I missed that.
Specifically the part where they demand raising the vaccination rate. In effect, that is a doubling down or reaffirmation of faith in vaccines and the health institutions. Look where AMD says, "This passage was the primary reason I wrote this article"
They need to be held accountable for using the vaccine brand to sell the COVID-19 injections and not have a get out of jail free card to protect their market.
Thank you, @z. I saw that passage the first time I read the article, but somehow missed it, later, scanning the images.
Do you have any idea, how one can try to heal the bridge between family and friends, who had a different view about covid?
I know some people who approached the dissolution of some of their friendships with the attitude "good riddance, they never were real friends at all and have shown their face, I have found friends who share my worldview now".
I can understand that view with recent friends, but in my case the problem is rather close family-members. I still love them and I also have forgiven them, but have lost a lot trust in them and frankly I am shocked how easy it was to incite hatred for the unvaccinated in them.
I think it is important to be compassionate but firm. If you can display a confidence in your own belief system by not being defensive or needing to attack others, overtime that is very convincing to those who make their decisions based upon social cues. The abundantly apparent failure of the vaccines to prevent COVID-19 in juxtaposition to their aggressive marketing campaign is one of the strongest red pills most people will ever experience. I believe the best approach is thus to simply create a safe space for them to admit they were wrong and to patiently wait for that admission from a place of strength.
I have to wonder if the pattern will be the same as with childhood vaccinations: that a strong factor for moving parents from the "do all the vaccines" camp to the "avoid vaccines" camp came after witnessing their child suffer vaccine damage. For example, Del Bigtree went on the road, and started asking audiences if they had a vacx damaged relative immediately after showings of the movie Vaxxed. When he asked for a show of hands , a high % of the audiences responded Yes.
I have to think trusting one's own eyes when seeing someone have an adverse reaction is harder now than it was 15 years ago for two reasons. The "Decade of Vaccines" promoted by Mr. Gates was a propaganda move in support of getting all mandated shots, as well as an effort to eliminate vax exemptions of all kinds, and b) all the recent programming that primes people to believe that the shots cannot cause problems, and that any (recognized, let alone under the surface of our personal radar) adverse reaction in close time proximity to getting a shot is a sign of positive immune activation.
So, who do we know that has changed their minds about the C0Vid shots being safe? What was the main factor leading to their shift in perspective? We see online testimonials that some of these people experienced children or spouses suffering and made the connection. What other things reached them? What can we learn from folks awakenings to help others awaken to the serious level of vacx damage going on world wide?
Oh my. How wise.
I sent an email last night letting my dear friend of 35 years. Know that I was thinking of her and she did not need to respond.
But I also forwarded this article Hoping to give some viewpoint and understanding.
I honestly don't see how they can ever regain our trust because the fact is, given the chance they will do it all over again during the next crisis.
Exactly. In my mind; these ppl (friends OR family) are lost to us on this topic. There's no point trying to debate this topic with them until they are ready to accept that they have been duped, their pride is the barrier to them admitting their mistakes, and they then seek forgiveness from those they've wronged. The gap left by folks like this has been made up with the introduction of much stronger characters like those we find in forums like this.
This is difficult for me for a slightly different reason. I feel distanced from so many of my fellow Christians, even some of my pastors, who refuse to see the truth or if they do see it, will not speak up. I must have an attitude of forgiveness toward them and attempt to not cause disunity or division, but I also must tell the truth. As I understand the Bible, my closest relationships are with those who are also believers because we are part of the same body of Christ. The problem is, I feel closer in some ways to likeminded people I have "met" in these various comment sections and I am so very disappointed in the response of so many Christians. One of our church's Bible class teachers commented to his class that vaccine injuries are rare, with a vaccine injured woman sitting in the class! She was not bold enough to speak up. After she told me, I offered to lend him Peter McCullough's book, The Courage to Face Covid19. He declined, saying there has been so much division over this and he does not want to get involved. I think Eric Metaxas' book, Letter to the American Church, speaks very well to this problem. The American church is sitting back and remaining silent as we move toward tyranny, just as the German church did. I can't do it. I'm a 70 year old grandmother who does not have much influence, but I am doing what I can and constantly looking for new avenues of influence.
If it helps, take a look at Megan Basham's article titled, "How the Federal Government Used Evangelical Leaders to Spread COVID Propaganda." It was a well-organized push. It doesn't make it any better, in fact, it makes the betrayal that much worse as these Christian leaders were so gutless that they allowed their churches to be closed for almost 2 years, but it perhaps helps explain the forces of evil behind the scenes. And there were those who stood up. There are Christians out there who did stand up and paid the cost-- I pray that you will find a group of like-minded people of Faith in your area who understand the times. Remember, not all those who say, "Lord, Lord" will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Thank you! I remember reading that earlier. If you have access to either Epoch Times or to Dr. Mercola's archived articles, take a look at this very recent article. One quote: "According to Walmart, many of the company’s most successful vaccination clinics have been held after Sunday services. Facebook ads in which religious leaders promoted the COVID jabs also outperformed other “trusted messengers,” including health care providers." Except for this one issue, my church is a very good one, doctrinally sound and focused on making disciples. There has been no advice either way on the shots. I know there are others in agreement with me, but we feel constrained to be quiet. I intended to address the issue in my class a few months ago, but was advised not to by class members. This is a class of elderly people, many of whom rely on mainstream news. Now I am seeing a rise in strokes, heart problems, and cancers. I know these things may not all be a result of the shots, but I know some of them are. Scientists such as Geert Vanden Bosch have been warning that we were going to see devastating levels of disease and death and it seems to be coming to pass.
The Israelites voted not go into the promised land and their excuse was fear for the safety of the children. It was a lie but it was their excuse. Only two of the original 12, Joshua and Caleb, who trusted God did not fall in the wilderness. I'll not be surprised if it is 40 years before the effects of this even out. Trust God not man!!. Trust your gut. ... As an aside, our church broke up over mask wearing, As soon as the ban was lifted we resumed meeting in the very open and large sanctuary but the mask wearers wanted everyone to wear masks. and won a vote by peer pressure, all about Love they said- it wasn't love it was fear. 2 weeks later the Preacher from the pulpit said it would not stand and no more masks and so the break. It was sad and has not been healed. But he was not wrong. IMO.
I am in same position as you, Anne. Professing Christians have not noticed the many evils that are taking place around them, yet they should have the Spirit of discernment. There is a time for obedience and compliance, but this isn't now. Prior to current events, the last time churches closed in Britain was A.D.1209
Thanks for that personal perspective. I’m heartened to hear from “mature” people like yourself that you will join in the fight for truth and reconciliation in whatever way you can. So many Christian folks I know basically just seem to want to leave the heavy lifting for others. Fighting against the evil just seems to be too much effort for some. I had a strong chat with a close relative recently and ended with the (Mark Twain?) quote “all that is required for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”. Regardless of the origins and syntax of these words, this is what many of us have witnessed. People crossing the road and walking to the other side of the street rather than doing the right thing. I’m not a Christian (was brought up in the church but left as a young adult) but this type of behavior is despicable to me. If the pastor cannot support his argument (“vax injuries are rare”) he should not be espousing them to his congregation. The asymmetry we have witnessed needs to be called out and stopped.
Thanks again for your words and actions, and keep on keeping on!
Thank you. It gets very discouraging at times. I'm more outspoken than my husband. He is the scientist, I am the activist. Haha. You might see me on the news one day if the FBI barges into our home or I otherwise get arrested. Just kidding, I think???
Ha! I know the feeling about hearing a knock at the door! I can’t believe that we are at the point where having what would previously been considered a completely normal, moderate viewpoint on a topic could stir up such backlash from our communities. That said, I’m pleased to be in such good company. Stay sane!
The quote is from Sir Edmund Burke ... it's a good one that I use often!
plus, the horror of what they have been party to, and have done to themselves if they dare look.
"Good German" Syndrome.
Sure, that's part of it, but they've all proven that they're actually not very bright. All these "elites", these "experts" have shown that they're some pretty stupid people disguised well. Plus they demonstrated a complete lack of courage and character. What's to trust?
It wasn't just a test of intelligence, education and socioeconomic group but also of personality type. 'The awkward squad' were much more resistant.
They already did it before maybe even twice, but they def used the same playbook for certain in 2008
And how do you stand by and watch as they destroy themselves with booster after booster? They have just quintuple-downed on their mistake with no end in sight.
Yeah this one is challenging, especially because the vaccine causes neurological damage which in some cases can impair the capacity for critical thinking. I wish I had a good answer on this but I don't as my entire family listened to me and didn't vaccinate so I can't really put myself in your shoes here or claim I know the right way to handle it.
You are probably right about neurological effects, but such brain damage must be highly specific. My sister proudly took her 5th jab and the first reason she gives is that she did it to protect my BIL who "has all the risk factors". (I am highly suspicious, though, that the quadruple-bypass he underwent years ago was completely unnecessary) But getting back to my sister, a highly successful career woman who seems mentally functional in every other way, how can she think - at this point in time - that the repeated injection is going to stop her from getting it and transmitting it to him? And "it" is mild right now.
I am powerless to intervene positively in this situation. I'm glad your family listened to you - and that you had the discussions with them in time to make a difference.
“Impairs the capacity for critical thinking”. Oh my. They got what they wanted with a lot of ppl. I suppose Klaus’s saying, “you will own nothing and be happy” is bc they have reduced some of the population, and plan on continuing to do so, to a mental state where they can’t fight back. The evil of this is beyond comprehension. Totalitarian evil! They really do hate humanity!
As far as I know, none of my close relatives has had more than three doses. Since we all got covid this summer and there was no difference between vaxxed and unvaxxed relatives, I have heard the phrase "everyone is going to get it anyway" repeatedly and they have relaxed their measures remarkably.
I am going to talk to my siblings about vaxxing their children (both have babies who are about a year old and were not eligible to get vaxxed until recently). I do not think my brother will vax his son, because he had covid a few months ago and came out just fine. I am a bit worried regarding my sister, but I am just going to give her the most mainstream infos I can get and hope for the best.
For the past few months there has been a steady stream about "rare" side-effects in the German mainstream-media, so I hope they will come to their senses.
My double-boosted great-aunt told me in July that she will not get any other dose and that she thinks the unvaxxed made the right decision. (I am a bit angry at myself for not asking her what made her change her mind, but in my experience a lot of people woke up after getting covid after their vaccine)
The hardest part is that IMO some people will just keep boosting they are dead. This is extremely painful to be around and I do not like it at all, but I do not see how one can save them.
One such an example is a friend of my mother's, who became an epileptic after getting the old DTP-vax (since this was before the childhood-vaccine-injury-act and his father worked as a lawyer, he was able to get a pension from the vaccine manufacturer of a few thousand euros each month). His doctor initially told him to under no circumstance get the vaccine, but when he was for some time in a nursing home, he got vaxxed with all the other people there. Since then my mother and other friends have noticed some disturbing habits emerge, that will IMO lead to him being institutionalized sooner or later (if the vaccines don't kill him first). For instance he has taken to peeing on his balcony (which is quite common for epileptics) and is close to being evicted from his apartment. He already has had four shots and will get his fifth in a few weeks. My mother has tried to warn him of the vaccine, but he has become totally convinced of vaccines in general now (he got the DTaP vaccine a few weeks ago,even though he got crippled by DTP (!)) and won't listen to her. My mother is sad, but thinks that there is nothing she can do.
I'm pretty sure you have at this point, but did you ever see the vaccine zombie article?
At the very start of COVID-19, I realize that it would be virtually impossible to prevent myself from getting the virus, so my focus instead shifted to understanding how to treat it as quickly as possible so I could stop doing any and all measures to prevent myself from getting it (as each had a significant impact on my life). For this same reason, I made a point to be the front line person at the very start who treated people with COVID-19 (including at their homes) while everyone else was unwilling to be close to them...I wanted to feel comfortable with managing the disease so it would not be able to control my life.
Most of the other people I know entered a state of learned helplessness, didn't want to take any initiative or risks to figure out how to treat it, and just compliantly waited for the government to provide a solution.
I have read the post you mentioned. What I still find fascinating to this day is that at first the people most concerned about covid were the ones who mostly read alternative media like myself. Only later did the positions switch and the consumers of mainstream media were the ones most concerned with covid. When I saw my relatives first became afraid of covid and then get vaxxed and then fall for the hate campaign I felt like the deaf child in "The pied piper of Hamlin" who did not follow the piper, because she did not hear him.
You are a hero. Thank you. I have the highest regard for doctors and scientists like you. My husband and I had occasion to meet several of the heroic doctors recently and it was such an honor.
We have all sorts in my extended family, including a relative who got the "bivalent" mouse shot and then was promptly hospitalized with pancreatitis and tachycardia. I'm in a bit of a different position from many, because my views on the pre-corona shots were pretty different from most people in my family, so many relatives never took me seriously, and lumped my corona attitude in with my other crazy views like eating fresh, leafy greens and not giving Tylenol for 100-degree "fevers." Some family members jumped on the corona shot train, but didn't demonize my little family, and allowed us into their houses... They're now off the train, but don't want to discuss it much, which is OK with me. They learned their lesson or they didn't; I can't live their lives for them re: corona any more than I can re: processed foods and zero cardiovascular exercise. The family members who refused to be around us are a tougher situation; a few of them have put it all behind them without ever admitting that we were right, and again, I don't need them to tell me I was right. I did what I did because it was right, not for their approval. There are still a few we haven't seen who were completely insane, judgmental, and unhinged (leaving Christmas presents on the doorstep in 2021, for example). I don't know what they want to do, but I imagine by the time we end up in a position to be indoors together, they'll either be massively ill from ADE or spared and wanting to forget all about it.
My view on "amnesty" is that Oster is talking about people with some degree of public accountability. I can forgive them in my heart if I so choose, but they should not have jobs anymore. (See Vinay Prasad on this.) Also, for many (most?) of them, it's not over. Just check out the number of colleges (big names like Wellesley) requiring the mouse shots for young adults: You can't demand amnesty on behalf of a group that still has its foot on your neck.
"I don't need them to tell me I was right. I did what I did because it was right, not for their approval." This is one of the most effective attitudes to have if you want to persuade others of your viewpoints.
Letting your family know that you love them, and tried to warn them based on information you found, despite what the media kept saying. And that you'll continue to love them despite what has happened. Hopefully a healing can begin. There IS a bigger war on the family, and this was one way to divide them.
Never play into someone else's game that lets you be divided from your close friends and family!
"... completely insane, judgmental, and unhinged (leaving Christmas presents on the doorstep in 2021, for example)."
My sister's family came to my front yard, fully masked, and sang Christmas carols in 2020.
Christmas dinner that year was delivered to me. (As was Thanksgiving dinner. They were isolating as per British Columbia's Dr. Bonnie Henry's recommendation.)
Christmas and Thanksgiving dinner 2021 were also delivered to me. 😁 (They were all vaxxed.)
I was invited, but deliberately skipped, "Family Thanksgiving" dinner 2022: Pleaded a probably contagious illness. (Sent pies and a crumble... 😉)
Hopefully the United States lifts its entry ban against unvaccinated foreign nationals soon.
Planning to be out of the country on "Family Christmas" 2022. 🤞 🌞⛱🌴
It's been a long haul...
#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️
I think there are border crossings where the US folks don't actually demand proof of the shots--so I've heard and even seen on a YouTube video--especially if you say you're coming over to do something errand-ish like banking, but I don't know how good any individual's odds are of making the trip. The whole thing is so insane and stupid. How is a Michigander who didn't get the shots less of a "threat" than a Canadian who didn't? It's just breaking up society and keeping people apart.
Precisely. Working beautifully too!.
BTW: If you haven't yet heard of, or read Dr. Kevin Stillwagon's substack? Do yourself a favor and have a deep dive. 🔥
If you learn something you didn't already know, please think about paying his substack forward.
Like this doctor: Dr. Stillwagon is a WARRIOR among men.
Re those big names, another 7 Sisters college--Mount Holyoke-- sent an e-mail, full of self praise, to all alums, ~ Dec '20, outlining its intention to require the vax. I replied asking if MHC was also willing to foot the bill for any adverse effects resulting from same (did we have any idea at all of potential adversities baack in Dec.?). No response, never heard from them. Side note--had to skip my own 50th reunion in May because you could only attend if vaxxed. Doubly sad to me, because nine women in my family, from 1906 to 2001, are MHC graduates.
Harvard (my alma mater) and Yale (my husband's) are also requiring the mouse shots. They were already off our list for our daughter because they deprived people of in-person education and pretended it was still worth the price of a luxury car every year, but this just solidifies my belief that they're willfully doing the work of evil. A person can't possibly think the benefits of the mouse shots outweigh the risks for a healthy 20-year-old. And that jackwagon Bacow enacted all of the repressive mandates at H *after* he had already caught and recovered (uneventfully) from corona.
I guess formerly elite colleges are like legacy media outlets: living out their last years of relevance, during which they will (unfortunately) still wear the veil of legitimacy and demean those outside. At some point, though, no reasonable, intelligent person will send his kid (or his $$$) there, or read the NYT instead of Substack and various other legitimate sources of information.
In full agreement. Gives new meaning to the term "resting on one's laurels". Glad that my youngest refused even to look at the New England colleges that all in family for 4 generations (among them great grandfather, grandfather, uncles, cousins, their children all Harvard from 1886 to 200?) had chosen. Excited to discover, last summer, the new University of Austin...if you don't know of it, check it out.
That was going to be my tactic (having them agree to cover any/all adverse events), after sharing them federal law regarding no compulsion, fully informed consent (ie, making them aware) for drugs under Emergency Use Authorization. (I didn't want to have to rely on a religious exemption right off the bat.)
Anybody want to make book on when the last multi-jabber admits to error after booster number XX?
More like number XXX :)
I see it as similar to having a family member who drinks too much or smokes or engages in other self-destructive behavior. They're an adult and they can choose what they want, as long as it doesn't hurt someone else.
Of course this doesn't apply to vaccinating children. That's a whole nother can of worms.
The analogy doesn't fit not just becuse of children but because many family members chose to discriminate against those who were unvaxxed. In fact, it would be akin to those who are engaging in possibly self-destructive behavior as they were sold that the behavior is safe and effective and then getting on a self-righteous high horse against those who decided to take a more cautious approach.
Not to mention shedding. Their reckless behavior certainly impacts those around them.
It's so hard to watch people who seem to be suffering injuries. So many of the effects of the shot will never be acknowledged because they don't all happen right after vaccination. I have a friend who was diagnosed at age 70 with diabetes and very shortly after, with pancreatic cancer. She is very sick. I've seen numerous strokes and heart problems, as well as those who get covid or other respiratory illnesses over and over. Those people are the ones I really can't understand. If you're still getting covid, what good were the shots???
My sentiments exactly .
And not a one has acknowledged a lack of insight on their part nor apologized for being smug and filled with pride.
I am presently letting go of the ones who are silent and have distanced themselves from me.
I am trying to forgive them and pray for them but it’s hard.
Very good point--the sin of pride. What did my mother used to say? "Your sins will find you out"...
I also have family members I love who vaccinated, and realized early on I will never be the messenger from whom they learn. I am the youngest of my siblings, the lowest in socioeconomic status (despite marriage to two highly credentialed professionals), and have always been the outsider. It hurts to know my sister is dying of an anomalous cancer almost certainly caused by the vaccine, but that's just the way it is. I would say stop thinking you have to be the one to change the minds of these people, and instead just wish or work for their learning the truth from the right messenger, and accept it may take time. In the case of GMOs, it took 20 years for a conservative relative to finally tell me "did you know how toxic GMOs are?" Not because they believed me, but one of their approved sources told them.
For loved ones, I say put it aside and live in the moment. This is what I’ve done with my bf who would have cheerfully, and “for my own good” told the Nazis which floorboards I was hiding under. yet I have put it aside, for the sake of having some fun and also if she dies early, I don’t want to waste precious time. Besides, she showed some remorse for all her backstabbing and ridicule, and I know she was raised in and brainwashed by, a severe law and order family, so until the next test of conscience crisis, we go forward, friends again.
That’s exactly how it is with my husband and myself. We live in the present snd focus on day to day stuff minus Covid and news .
When he goes to see his PCP I just say “You better not get vaccinated or I’ll kill you”!
Haha, good one, better believe he’ll hear your playful warning every time he sees a needle. Wouldn’t the nonhumans behind this pack of lies and agenda love to see us self destruct and disconnect from our truly valued relationships. I won’t comply with that either, and give them thar satisfaction.
That is a very good point!
Just thank your lucky stars you were smart enough not to vax and pray for them at night because he have no idea what is in the future for any of our friends, former friends and family as a result of this poison. The truth is, I think their anger is misdirected at unvexed people because it's hard to look in the mirror and say, gee I messed up big time.
I have tried to figure out what distinguishes the people I forgive from the people I have dismissed. It is the ones who never turned their back even though they had a different view that I continue to invest in. They have yet to acknowledge the worst of the situation and I am careful because I have no wish to invoke nocebo but I am gently encouraging them towards things like pine needle tea. The ones who actually said things like 'people just don't like being told what to do by the government' would need to come crawling on their knees reciting the list of crimes against us and begging forgiveness. These people are pushers, they said these things to influence people to get the shots. We know this is manslaughter.
Carolin. Check this out. Maybe you already saw it. But read it real slow. I have a friend of 35 years do the exact same to our relationship and I ended it. But yet she blames me. This BS has created such a rift hasn’t it!?! Please take a read. It’s about 10-12 minute read.
I have forgiven my family, but I would feel a lot better if I got an apology.
I'm curious, what can you possibly expect from them in the future if their treatment of your own daughter and her children has been so horrible in the past?
'Heads need to roll.' You seem really naive.
Absolutely. Well said. I can’t agree with you more.
Yes it’s sad.
We have lost our innocence in the plandemic.
This professor and those of her ilk will be the first to pounce on those who question the climate policies that will soon be forthcoming. Same circus, different tent.
Well, a (fake) climate tipping point or nuclear catastrophe, take your pick. They have their bases covered.
Can't build back better until we destroy everything, right?
“We had to destroy America, in order to build it back better. To make an omelette....”
Same clowns, same worn out musical chairs. Eff the gaslighting effers.
Thank you--I had read this Atlantic article just an hour ago, then came upon yours. In it, I was struck by the author's effort to portray her virtue--both on her own, and on her family's behalf, by having followed carefully (slavishly? mindlessly?) all restrictions imposed. I circle back (thanks, Jen) to the question of, "Why, then, did my husband and I see through this from the start? We had purchased tickets to "Plandemic, the movie" which was to come to a nearby theater in ...April? That movie showing was later cancelled...... I remember that on May 5, give or take one day, I typed into my phone the query "Is Covid a scam?". Neither of us is a medical person; I was then still teaching Latin (a discipline which requires one to look carefully at each word and at its particular use in a text), my husband a research physicist. We troubled to investigate for ourselves: to the distress of our live-in daughter, we spent all our evening hours watching Dr. John Campbell, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Keith Moran, Dr. Peter McCullough et alii, searching, reading FDA approval-for-drug papers on their website. Now here's the teacher in me speaking: that Atlantic author wants forgiveness for not doing her homework? No. She will have learned nothing from that experience if she is allowed not to pay a penalty for her choice.
Saw this recently that for me fits into your statement about the author not doing her homework:
"My data does not care about your virtue signaling"
Somewhat similar to the quote in this article:
“You can cheat to get a paper. You can cheat to get a degree. You can cheat to get a grant. You can’t cheat to cure a disease,” he says. “Biology doesn’t care."
Spot on. They say: "we made mistakes and we damaged society and refused to listen to alternative voices but please forgive us because we'll never, ever do it again, promise.
"Unless, of course, another 'emergency' comes along and then we'll use 'the data' to steamroll anyone who disagrees with us. But it won't be our fault!"
Except that: "we are still doing it in the colleges and the military" but "forgive us" for we know not what we do...
Sounds familiar.
Except, of course, in this case, WE died for THEIR sins.
Kirsch estimates VAERS is understated by under reporting factor of aprx 50, meaning
as of this date 31696 vaccine deaths, x 50 = 1,584,800 vaccine caused deaths... which is either manslaughter or murder, depending on local law.
Christ can forgive... me, not so much.
This is the misconception that many have regarding forgiveness. If a violator continues to commit harm, whether it be to himself or to others, how can forgiveness then be successfully applied? The person is not remorseful if they continue on. There is stated in the Bible, that there is a specific sin which CANNOT be forgiven; ie. to blaspheme the H.S. I've always puzzled over that concept, until it was clarified to me: That if a person continues to REJECT, REFUSE, and REMAIN defiant, and is resolved to keep the Spirit of God at arm's length, then that person has NO CHANCE of Redemption. Group prayer might effect his conscience, and make that necessary change which will lead him to the light, but the choice is his. He can proudly, defiantly, object and so he will be UNFORGIVEN and be dust.
I write this simply to clarify that for those who stubbornly refuse to admit, and thus, repent of their actions committed publicly (since they were public in nature) must be held accountable accordingly in order to meet the high standards of God's perfect justice. No forgiveness.
So how does one of Christ's directives fit into this? He states for us to "forgive our enemies." And that, aside from their evil intentions to kill us! It's so very hard! But I know that HE will avenge, and does not hand that duty to His "children." That recompensing is likely to be horrendous, even to watch, and it might just be that God has deemed the thing too harmful to the hearts of the saved, to endure having to mete out the wicked's due punishment.
Therefore, we do not condone, but expose the evil deeds by these criminals, and put them in the hands of man's laws. AND rest assured they will all be "visited."
I don't think Christian forgiveness means to have the repentance of the offender. Christ forgave those in the act of humiliating and crucifying him.
I think what facilitates forgiveness of others is to love your neighbor as yourself, which is both a feeling we have towards others and treating others the way we wish to be treated. Then our forgiveness is automatic regardless of their repentance.
The Lord's prayer says: "forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."
As far as justice, I agree God will repay whether in this life, the eternal life, or both, so we don't have to worry about that. However, I do believe we should have jail as a matter of deterrence to keep those who harm others off the street and to deter future criminals.
Lastly, what we think someone else deserves may be wildly wrong. We simply do not have the capacity to judge others even if we wanted to. There are too many variables to make that calculation. God has that capacity.
Why do bad things happen to us? We get what we deserve, other's sins, God's divine inferno of love, bad genes, or being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Ultimately, I think it comes down to the collective sins of humanity.
These are just my opinions, and I am working on internalizing and practicing these ideas.
I agree with AMD. The people who blindly followed the narrative without exercising any critical thinking and now refuse to do a post-mortem are doomed to repeat their mistakes. Further, I think they'd be smart to reexamine any position where they implicitly trust The Science or take their thought-leaders at face value if they believe in truth and that the truth has consequences.
Yes, Doug.
I thought that what I wrote was parallel to your words. I'm still a little rough around the edges, but do know that we are to forgive our enemies, even while they are in attack mode. Like Christ had. Someday, if we remain faithful, we will be privileged to be taught every detail surrounding every question we will have, and we'll have a few for sure!
Your friend,
Trailer for "Died Suddenly" movie, coming 11/23:
Ahh, but the passage is, "If we confess our sins, He is patient and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness." Confessing must precede forgiveness, i.e admission of fault is first required. She does not admit fault, she tries to weasel out with "I didn't know". Making excuses does not equate to admission of error. She may even be squirming at this point, given the hard-nosed Twitter responses to her article.
Exactly. Truly repentant people make zero demands of those they wronged.
A huge tell that someone's repentance is a sham is if they get angry when you don't immediately give them what they want (in this case absolving them from responsibility and removing proper consequences).
True remorse hopes for mercy but, at the same time, accepts that punishment, not mercy, is what they truly deserve.
Thank you for continuing the thought. Nicely put.
Luke 23:34 is mistranslated.
Plling from memory here in bed at 5a.m.
I have always found the author's mindset fascinating to behold.
While I think the authorities should be brought to some kind of justice, for me that would be loss of power, I don't think we can expect, and I certainly do not want to see all those who beLIEved what they were being told to suffer. They and we have suffered enough.' Any eye for and eye makes the whole world blind.' I'm grateful I was aware, and yet the loss was still enormous with my family. Your post gives me hope that maybe, they will really investigate someday and if they do, a simple- I see it now, I didn't know, I'm sorry for the pain it caused us all...will be enough for me. I too am sorry I was so flaming angry and worried about them, I lost my center. Taking responsibility for ourselves is all we can ever really do.
I agree with you. Forgiveness is essential. Beware, though. The people responsible for the CV19 disaster want amnesty??? Amnesty from what?? They want a forced legal based release from responsibility.
This request is a 'lawyered-up' response which is focused completely on the perpetrator's situation, with no concern for the people harmed.
It's like a child saying, 'I'm sorry'. The child is concerned about the level of punishment, not about restitution given to the person being harmed.
IMO, one of the dirtiest tactics the proponents of lockdowns/mandates/school-closures etc. did was to constantly lie about what their critics actually said and instead construct strawman after strawman, which essentially made any debate impossible.
People who warned about the damages of lockdowns and advocated for policies like the Great Barrington Declaration were called "covid deniers", people who were hesitant to inject themselves with largely untested novel gene therapy were called "needle-phobics" and everyone who warned of the dangers of lockdowns for the children wanted to kill grandma. (This is the way the covid-debate was done in Germany, I do not know, whether the same things were said in the US as well.)
Since this tactic only works if you censor the other side, this was accompanied by using Big Tech and the media to exclude the critics from mainstream media and attempts to even criminalize this speech.
I know understand why Free Speech is the First Amendment, because without it it is quite easy to use that tactic with any topic (other topics where I have seen this topic been used before are for instance "climate change" and the war in Ukraine).
As I'm sure you realize, that is also what the author is effectively doing here.
Imo the most prominent message I took from this article is that not only did they not know the facts, but also that THEY COULD NOT HAVE KNOWN THE FACTS early on. All the lockdown critics etc. Were either just lucky, arrived at the right answer for the wrong reasons or had some superhuman ability to see into the future.
I also want to add that I see this tactic mostly with people on the left.
I agree with you re: the "left" on corona; however, in America this has been a classic war-promoting technique of the "right." (If you don't support every Republican-advanced military intervention in the Middle East, you don't think Osama bin Laden is a bad guy, etc.) We really do have a two-headed, one-party monster in the US, with very few individual exceptions.
Are there real conservatives in government though? The ones that claim to be conservative in every Western country don't follow through on promises like reducing immigration and they haven't in many generations. In Australia for Elain example,half the entire population is now first or second generation immigrant.
Do we really think that infiltration of both sides on only started a few years ago?
I don't think you're disagreeing with me. Look at what I wrote. Both parties in the US are for big government, lots of spending, endless war, government-industrial complex, etc. That's why I put "left" and "right" in quotation marks. Rand Paul may be grandstanding now, but he dutifully wore a mask and got his corona shots like the rest of them. And I would be hard pressed to remember an actual conservative in Congress from the bulk of my lifetime. Give me Gary Johnson over the current crew any day, and twice on Sunday.
Igor Chudov wrote about “misinformation vaccines” which is exactly what you describe! They think you are too stupid to hear both sides of the argument so they censor and fill the airwaves with propaganda.
That was part of why I wrote this!
Spot on. They now want forgiveness for being pigheaded and intolerant and censoring views that disagree with their own.
Excellent analysis here. My one quibble would be the following where you state:
"The author is demanding to receive forgiveness for their conduct, but in their apology, is refusing to admit they did anything wrong."
I believe it would be more accurate and depictive if it read "refusing to admit they were involved in crimes."
I would also add that that type of "apology" is classic narcissism.
Good point!
Thank you for reading and posting that article. I knew what it would say just by looking at the title. Your comments were spot on. She is asking everyone to "justfuggitaboutit!" Not even an "oopsie, I was wrong." What really got to me was her statement of "some right people were right for the wrong reasons." Nope. If you are right, you are right. The truth is not relative. What she really wanted to say was "some right people were right at the wrong time."
The bottom line is, without true repentance and atonement, nothing changes for the better. She will not change for the better even if the world lets her "forget about it," which I won't.
I agree completely. I have always found these post modernist arguments immensely distasteful.
There might be regular people who were "right for the wrong reasons," e.g., a person who hated Trump and therefore thought that any shot sponsored by his Operation Warp Speed would be bad because it was contaminated by the orange monster. However, the only people who publicly took the positions that turned out to be right were right for the *right* reasons, like Dr. Kory (and other doctors who knew that every disease is treatable), Prof. Bhattacharya (who understands both medicine and economics), Prof. Ioannidis (ditto), etc. For Oster to pretend that the views of individual citizens, who were completely run over by unelected bureaucrats (and some elected officials like Gretchen Whitmer), are relevant to her "argument" is false on its face.
Yeah! There's no true repentance there. They're just fishing for public (Christian) forgiveness. Little do they know how God the Creator views their evil intentions, Satanic lies and tactics. Each case will be justly weighed and punishment meted out in perfect proportion to meet the crime. Crying out for everyone to now take a forgiving tack, while they CONTINUE with their wicked deeds, goes toward obviating their true intent. That's my take on it.
These "apologies" are starting to bubble to the surface and all at the same time. This is not a coincidence.
Clowns like Oster don't just "think this up" on their own. They are tasked to float these trial balloons by PR firms to gauge public sentiment.
Based on what I have seen so far, they kicked over a hornet's nest, I'm guessing they will back off on it for now and do a nother version of the apologetics around the holiday season.
The only thing that should be discussed is justice. Crimes were and are still being committed. Millions were killed and millions more have had their lives permanently marred. 'Sorry' ain't gonna cut it.
You are 100% accurate. That was largely why I wrote this (Oster's opinion doesn't mean anything to me), as it represents the opening salvo in a PR campaign we will likely see over and over again. Most likely this represents testing the rhetoric to determine which phrasing is the most persuasive and effective for gaslighting the population.
My thoughts exactly...early attempt at thought management to keep this thing from going off the rails.
My guess is the timing is due to the imminent election, with the piece being targeted at suburban, educated women, whose political alignment has shifted by 20 points since the 2020 election, from blue, to red.
I agree and added that to the article!
Thanks again for a great piece, and I'm flattered to have influenced your piece in a small way. Cheers.
BINGO to the nth!
Yes. Justice, to prevent it from repeating.
Yes, How long must they figure it will take for the hornet's to calm down? After all, all that really happened was a few inconsequential "harms" took place (TRY MILLIONS!), and the planet DID actually benefit by now having a reduced population weighing in upon "her."
Sorry, but I'm livid about their stink-laced smoke tactics!!!
I really appreciate this article and loved the format. Wow, that must have required a lot of work to set up.
Here is another take on the apology tour by a friend of mine who writes an excellent Substack:
P.S. You never need to apologize for delaying one article (Alzheimer’s) while writing another great piece (this one). Everything you write is a labor of love and so carefully reasoned. We want to read it all, whenever you have a chance to write it. Not to mention, you have a practice, a life, and you’re doing all this at no charge. We greatly appreciate your work and share it widely.
This was a relatively easy one to write which is part of why I wrote it (I put it together last night at the end of a shift).
Before we "move on",
Powers responsible for bad decisions need to be removed from positions of authority.
Starbucks is hiring.
The incestuous tyrannical relationship between BigMed, BigGov, BigLaw and BigPharma must be dissovled.
Not only dissolved, but exposed, prosecuted, penalized, and made a clear example of down to the specific acting individuals profiting from it.
If this harms some folks 401k accounts, so be it, but there can be zero "passes" allowed.
Nothing less than Nuremberg 2.0 should be the goal, with a focus on individuals rather than corporations involved which will essentially no longer exist!
One of the reasons the people in charge have focused on creating extensively interlinked financial systems is so the perpetrators are always "too big to fall."
Yep. This is why we have antitrust laws which I guess don't really exist anymore because they have not been enforced when it truly mattered most.
One of my recent pieces attempted to break down how much of what happened with the vaccine push over the last decade was a monolithic antitrust violation.
Thanks for letting me know! I will read it! Thank you for being a voice of truth and reason in an increasingly dark and murky world. There is hope. We must shine the light of truth whenever possible to expose the deceitfulness. You are doing a wonderful job MWD!
When I went to law school the topic that most interested me was antitrust. I learned that the field was dead and don't bother to become an antitrust attorney. That was back in 90's. Today antitrust is not only dead but LONG forgotten.
Too big to fail: hospitals. The provision of healthcare which was long compromised and then acutely so in December of 2020 when the covid shots rolled out for healthcare workers first. If we "fired" everyone who promoted the covid shot, our hospitals would be empty.
We will not bite the hand that feeds us. All around me, for the very best care and cures in Oregon, people run to OHSU, "pill hill", the same place that performs late-term elective abortions and gender affirming surgeries.
Dr. You are highly regarded among us. I'm not. That's why I'd like to share with you a couple of exceedingly pertinent and enlightening (and relatively obscured) vids. PLEASE take the time to watch. See @ child sacrifices first interview banking second part interview
This DVM-TV (Dutch TV) interview with Ronald Bernard was done by Irma Schiffers in April 2017. This is a very important video that needs to be seen and shared by everyone. It will help clarify the deep and systemic control that undermines the liberty and freedom of choice in free societies.
Ronald Bernard was a witness to the inner workings of the highest banking system, and a secret world of Satanic ritual abuse and child sacrifices by top-tier elite in the banking industry and intelligences services, which run these operations and are criminalized. The same intelligence system that is the cause of wars, total economic collapse of countries and peoples, attempts to install totalitarian control of every single person. This is also a form of ritualistic Satanic abuse.
The video covers topics essential to understanding the globalist, ruling class, world financial structure, dark belief systems, use of child sacrifice (00:21:55) and methods used to maintain this predatory culture of the top 8000 international people in power over the world.
I have personally run into some of the darker things in this world (I do a lot of spiritual work etc.). However, I don't go into most of that because I do not believe it is productive for bringing the important messages I have into public view. Put differently, for each thing I write here, I normally avoid saying nine others.
What gets really tricky with the genre you are citing is that it is incredibly hard to know which things in it are true and which are false (unless you say have had life experiences where you or friends directly witnessed it), and I can't assert or promote anything here I am not reasonably certain is true.
When a man such as the one in the vid unequivocally states HIS PERSONAL experience AT the TOP of the pyramid with the 8000 individuals who call the shots in this world, and NOT necessarily for ONLY the mighty dollar, and if you take a look at the man's mannerisms and movements as he lays open the astounding truths he witnessed, you need NOT be in his shoes to vindicate Truth, as he certainly has done.
As for the "connection" which he posits to be relevant to ALL workings in the world, between those pulling the puppet strings, and the dark forces of evil, ie. Satan, there light switches suddenly are switched from OFF to ON! Light shines in, the Truth becomes manifested, Satan is revealed, perpetrators who worship him are caught in their devious acts.
That's why I sent you the links. If you cannot see the relevance in it, then so be it. But remember that it was YOUR choice to avoid this depth of understanding the WHYS which your readers are so quick to put forth in their comments. This is a plea for "forest recognition," not for a coalition of professional arborists to assess micro-biological infestations. You didn't watch it. You missed out on a super large hunk of the puzzle being already fitted together for you. I'm sorry.
Just sayin'
Except drain the Corp's accounts dry before shutting them down. Repay the damaged.
Yes, a real job for "accounting," track down every last cent and not only will you guys stay out of jail, you might even share some of the funds!
Exactly. As I've said before, I might forgive someone who assaulted me, but I would still press charges. Forgiveness has nothing to do with whether I allow someone to victimize me (and others) again.
Correct and very well put.
Yes! And add Big Agriculture (so-called ‘food’), Big’s all one giant congealed blob, it seems.
"Congealed blob". I love it. Evocative of a fatberg.
You're definitely reaching down the right rabbit hole, and feeling something. I challenge you, Cathy, to view and see if this man appears to be lying during the interviews pt. 1 & 2. If not, "Houston, we have a SERIOUS problem!" Let me know what you think.
Which interview do you refer to, Ray? Thank you.
These people in authority are sociopaths, and maybe even sadists. In the past these type of people were incarcerated for life to prevent further damage to society from their possible future behaviors...
In prison, these people can assign blame or gaslight the inmates with little consequence to the outside world.
There may be an exception, though. Antonio Gramsci wrote the prison notebooks while incarcerated in Italy. His ideas corrupted western thought to this day.
On the other hand, we have the Apostle Paul...
Thank you, AMD. So excellent! I saw this Atlantic article yesterday, and it struck me in the same way. And yes, I like your format here, where you analyze the article in detail, point by point. And I agree as to why this dissection of the propaganda is vital...not to gloat about being right, but as an important tool to prevent this from reoccurring. This is where we must have a laser focus: do not comply, do not be afraid to speak up and refuse to allow our free will and individual rights eroded. And, as is done here, call out the bullshit for what it is. If ALL parents refused to mask/jab their children for school, the schools couldn’t enforce it. If ALL employees refuse the mask/jab, the employers would have to back down. If ALL customers refused to mask/jab to patronize a business, they wouldn’t enforce it. If ALL passengers refused to mask/jab to board a plane, the airlines couldn’t enforce it. See? WE have the power to stop this...they’ve just convinced lots of us that we don’t. We must remember that NONE of these ‘rules’ are legal, moral, or right.
Correct. Thank you!
A non apology. Sounds like ‘it’s unfortunate you were offended. Let it go’ style victim blaming.
Thanks for dissecting!
Awesome. Love the format and do so appreciate your insights!
Thank you!
Excellent takedown of a truly tone-deaf article!
There are many of us out there who are not buying what the Atlantic is selling. The "oops, my bad, let's just forget this all happened" argument ain't gonna work.
People like this author will the first ones to tell you again to put on that mask, get that shot and stay home for the great good come the next "crisis". This is why it's imperative that we never move on and never forget their evil behavior until those who are responsible for such death and destruction are held accountable in a court of law.
I've dedicated my entire substack to never forgetting what they did to us
Most corporate crime perpetuates because the corporations are fine rather than the executives being charged criminally, and I believe that the same lesson needs to be applied to the government officials who directed the pandemic response.
It has been astonishing to see the same people who cry "Corporations are not people!" cry "save us Pfizer!".
Hey in fact there is an Atlantic essay from 2018 entitled "‘Corporations Are People’ Is Built on an Incredible 19th-Century Lie".
Forgiveness can not be demanded by the perpetrator. It is rediculous gaslighting that we want to gloat that we were right.
Forgiveness can happen when the perpetrators acknowledge they did something wrong, regret it, and have taken the measures it won't happen again. It is still up to the victims to forgive. Nothing of that has happened and I see this piece as a way tro try to silence the critics so truth is longer supressed.
I already see this being used as arguments in discussions "are you still whining about the vax!!? You didn't take it but still talk about it!!?". Or that we live in the past and are attached to victimhood etc etc
This is one big piece of gaslighting.
It also illustrates how fragile these people are if they can't handle someone gloating to them that they were wrong.
"The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses. The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. This is the press, an irresponsible press. It will make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing."
Malcolm X
A number of comments here point toward a lot of mental-emotional gymnastics and ego protection that result from not wanting to be wrong, or, on the wrong side of an issue. To me this mimics a sports team fanship, where we can over-identify with the team. I am a Dodgers fan, do or die. This translates in other "arenas" as Fauci-fawning or lifetime allegiance to a political party even when it veers into the ditch, or buying into the vaxxers vs. anti-vaxxers meme as if it were a soccer match.
IF we do that, ego-wise, the team/group wins are our wins--and if the group is wrong, we/they lose. Nobody wants to lose. We saw this play out on TV where it became Trump and Dr. Atlas vs. Fauci and Birkx. Facts, the scientific method, and tried and true public health measures got lost in the middle of the tag team wrestling match.
When this happens, we invest emotionally by following the group leaders' advice. In the health arena, this can short circuit taking responsibility for our own li