
For some reason, the group's website (covidbats.org) was deleted right after I posted it.

They can still be reached via facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cbrmc/

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Apr 5Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

We humans might want to pause for a minute and consider that maybe we don't really need all the "advances" we are so eager to research. There is something to be said for taking a slower approach to life and considering our impact on our environment and the other creatures that share our Earth with us.

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Apr 6·edited Apr 6Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

A new viral disease has been discovered.

It has no symptoms and there are no medical tests to identify it.

Fortunately researchers have developed a vaccine that will protect people from it. 🤦

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Apr 5Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I recall, as part of the "heart is not a hydraulic pump" reading, that a doctor demonstrated that when he put visible salts into a living heart the salts would get sucked into a vortex in the heart whereupon they would move out of the heart on their own. I wondered how he could possibly know this but now I see it was a more grisly demonstration than I imagined.

On another note I think the cruelty is the point of the trials. The proof is the resistance Trump got when he wanted to legalize patients who were desperate looking for alternative treatments. So one one hand Fauci says it's necessary to torture animals and people to death (no ivermectin for you...for science!) while on the other completely restricting people' ability to volunteer knowingly for trials they have confidence in.

There are lines and lines of people who want to sign up for medical trials such as Robert Naviaux's suramin experiments but it's absolutely banned because it might work. In the most extreme cases you get baby Alfie Evans or Charlie Gard in the UK. Both were babies the NHS determined should have the life support yanked because they said the condition was terminal. In both cases other hospitals offered to try alternative treatments and in both cases the NHS used police to physically bar the fathers from getting to their child until the NHS could successfully kill them. Those stories get me steaming mad.

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Apr 6Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

A seriously impressive and substantive article. Also an important one. Thank you for the chance to learn and gain new perspective on a topic I knew little about.

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Apr 5Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Incredibly important post

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Apr 6Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Just imagine is even a tiny fraction of the resources spent (wasted) on bioweapons research was instead used to improve the general health of people. But I guess that would require some level of ethics and morality.

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Off Topic but… What a Wonderful Way to Start a Weekend! Read This - “Tens of Thousands of Mainstream Journalis

Tens of Thousands of Mainstream Journalists Laid off in What's Being Called An "Extinction Event"


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The tests on Beagles are just vile, in my view.

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Apr 6Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I had heard Dr. Nass talk about that RSV. This just makes me sick. All the people I know that has suffered with Lyme, RSV and all this boogering around in nature. I think it is intentional. PROFIT over people. FEAR over faith. All upside down.

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Apr 6Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Been a supporter of WCW for a couple of years. Asked them to get involved with opposing genetic modification of animals, particularly chimeric stuff.

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This is what I hate. Postings with the mixing of truth. " However, once SARS-CoV-2 leaked,"-How can you say this when we all know it was PRE PLANNED! They rehearsed and prepared for this and then event 201. There were some people who knew, that were in the know in 2016 that foretold something would be happening, was planned for 2020 to shake our world. None of it was organic. From the constant lies at the onset with pcr, case numbers, then jabbing fetuses. The deadly protocols used to exterminate the elderly in ISOLATION! and any other people they could quickly convinced as they watched scared, confused. The sudden banning of proven medications that were available for decades. The zero tolerance for any exemptions, the tyranny, punishing of anyone questioning, pointing out obvious holes-No discussions were allowed. All the people who lost their businesses, livelihood. The people who were maimed, killed-Where is justice??? For 4+ years!!! We are surrounded by wicked, evil, soulless people who will continue their evil deeds in all forms and tell you lies in your face for the reason behind it. There was another plandemic event already they rehearsed yet again at Johns Hopkins with 2025-2028 spanning. Also-in the Lancet (oldest medical journal in the world and has performed questionably during the pandemic-surprise) published an article January 2023 - One Health: A call for ecological equity. Basically-One Health downgrades the value of human beings, claiming we should be equal to animals. Do you know there is Bullsbrook Quarantine Camp. in Perth, Western Australia. It is currently unoccupied*-The state has been left with a $13 M annual tab to maintain the empty facility...? Why do you think that is? I am sure if investigated, this replicates globally. The current riding and pushing of bird flu now jumping to other species (they make anything up as they go-trust the science) as an excuse to Bolshevik our food supply, destroying animals as they say so, whenever. How long do you think till they one day down the road, do this with people? You can connect the dots can't you? You can see the foundation of what they are trying to install. Coordinated. https://merylnass.substack.com/p/must-read-the-trojan-horse-of-one?fbclid=IwAR0e5LlSrHxMkCeEDhViXqVh9mOxlFLi__XEp6EdO2owFTEn_q1NFLMzNZ4_aem_AfBjMbqSIJxuYL0iROsUJ7LoXSaafuVLaREybb9bsF8BqHvyRIdx0_c7IgvXj-3_SwB2CKFCo9pcOvw8uImJVH60

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Apr 6Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

My undergraduate degree was in microbiology, but I knew I never could work in the field. I could not inject defenseless mice with pathogens or dissect them later. I could not handle test tubes full of blood. I cannot eat animals because I see them as sentient beings with feelings of their own.

Experimenting on animals, like experimenting on people, is cruel and unusual punishment. There has to be a better way to create “safe and effective” technology that doesn’t involve the suffering of other creatures — man or beast.

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Apr 8Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

The recently-released documentary Christspiracy (https://www.christspiracy.com/) poignantly illustrates that the recognition of sentience and consciousness in animals is not a new idea, but that the organised institutional structures of all the world's major religions have attempted (largely successfully) to obfuscate the teachings of their own prophets on this subject.

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Apr 6Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

It seems as though the only way to eliminate the biolabs is to completely stop the funding. Which I don’t believe will ever happen. And, yeah, putting biolabs on islands is absolutely not a solution. The evilness, greed, stupidity and hubris is breathtaking.

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Apr 6Liked by A Midwestern Doctor