Feb 1Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Very well written piece. As a former member of the allopathic drug pusher society, you really have to step away from it to see just how bad the lies, the gaslighting and the brainwashing of medical students is on behalf of big pharma. I haven't practiced in 20 years and as bad as it was then, it's infinitely worse now. The doctor patient relationship has been nuked and Napalmed. As for religious texts, one must adapt modern times to the texts. That's faith. The other way around, that's heresy.

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Feb 1Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Always masterful. You remind me of an oldie but goodie that, I suspect, a great majority have never read. "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance". Took me 3 reads over FIFTY years to finally 'get it'! But I am admittedly on the dull side. A serious recommendation for all true seekers. Your hits keep coming. BIGGEST OF THANKS!!!!

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Feb 1Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Very much agree with this.

I have been practicing for 38 years and agree that things are worsening with time.

As I have said previously, I find the left versus right cerebral hemisphere hypothesis a good model for understanding differences in perception and understanding of "truth".

Undergraduate and postgraduate medical education, in parallel with Covid, climate, and most other recent phenomena, encourages a left brain approach, with the penalties for engaging the contextual right brain being cancellation, deregistration, or worse. Hence the failure of most of the population (whether high or low IQ, professional or poorly educated) to escape the bounds of lifelong indoctrination in a narrow framework of seeing the world.

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Feb 2Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I find my best remedy for overload is to leave electronics behind and go out in nature - barefoot, of course! Nature's frequencies in light and sound are very soothing. Focusing on identifying each sound - birds, wind, snails, spiders, pets etc - helps to de-clutter my mind.

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Feb 2Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Would like to mention that our Constitution, although written years ago, is one of the worlds most intelligent documents of all time. The wisdom therein is beyond reproach. We see other countries in dire peril, and it's because they don't have a Constitution like ours. While on the subject, one of the reasons our country is having problems is our very own Supreme Court refusing to uphold the Constitution, with absurd rulings that say, plaintiff has "No Standing" So the Supreme Court allowed some states to violate the Constitution with no remedy or prosecution. When I witnessed this, my thought was "why even have a Constitution if we can violate it"

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Feb 1Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Great piece. If receiving more information than you know what to do with was diagnosed as a disease, it'd be pandemic-level, with a near-100% infection rate in developed countries. We thought this unfettered exchange would be a good thing, but too much of that good thing clogged up the works and made us unwilling (perhaps even unable) to think for ourselves anymore. Despite having access to more information than ever, we know less than ever before.


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Feb 2Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Just saw a meme... aliens looking over the Earth and saying... "how unusual, they entrust the management of their health to those who profit from their sickness..."

Nothing key will really change in medicine until this is addressed.

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We don't come from primates. God bless

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Feb 2Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Inspite of the highly coordinated efforts by the sycophants amoung us to exploit society's cognitive filters as a means to whatever nefarious end, at least humans are still (not for long) the ones in the shadows who pursue such ends. Perhaps in the misguided rush to breath life into artifical intelligence and to bastardize humans via Frankensteining transhumanism, we should pause and consider what non-human congnitive filters will be adopted by souless sentient software or cyborg humanoids and realize that those filters may not be compatible with perpetuation of humans in their "natural state". The argument could be made that it is better to be gaslit by another human than extinguished by artificial/augmented "intelligence".

Our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights established the Ordination of human rights. Ordained human rights are THE antithesis (threat) to the "current" New World Order artificial intelligence and transhumanism sycophants in as much as such rights were to the Aristocrats who were on the receiving end of the freshly penned documents almost two and a half centuries ago.

As goes the Constitution, so do our Ordained human rights...forever. Always remember that. Always.

At that point, such rights will be relegated to and provided by artifical cognitive filters; the throne room will simply be replaced by quantum algorithms. A simple keystoke. Nothing more. Truly inhuman.

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Feb 1Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

The elites that are in control of our society all hail from the leftist side of the political isle. I have coke to the realization that their entire world view is built upon the sands of lies that they repeat to themselves in their protected bubbles where dissent is not allowed. All that they do and believe is based upon lies. The wave of reality will come and wash their world back into the seas of truth and fact. This is why you find censorship and tyranny primarily from the left. Communism the absolute leftist dream has killed over 100 million people because they objected to it. Their whole belief system can not tolerate exposure to the truth or reality. That’s why doctors gaslight so much. That’s why the university shun any conservative thought The very expression of any idea or exposure to some fact that proves their worldview is wrong is deadly to them and they will not tolerate it and they have no qualms about killing you over it.

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Regarding 'shedding' ...some years back there was an uproar because some people attending Disneyland had measles...many panicked. It was Chicken Little and the sky is falling all over again. Older people knew that measles is no big deal and there used to be 'measles parties' so children could catch measles and get it over with. Everyone i knew as a child had measles without complications. Now getting the measles vaccine can equate to having measles...and it could be contagious and spread. Did the CV-19 vaccine makers ever think about this...or was the CV-vaccine designed to 'shedd' deliberately?

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Feb 1Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Brilliant as always.

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Feb 1Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

For a while, I have asked more questions than asked. I.cannot remember who gave me reaffirming insight…How are You Doing? How is Your Family? What ‘s New? Do You need any help? Everything going Okay? I have New Friends. Ed

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Feb 1Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Love me some run on sentences, but hence why is redundant. Suffice it is also terrible. One major advantage you have is your willingness to believe an intervention could be causing a problem.

A former friend suffered major abdomen pains every time he exercised for two years. He stopped exercising, which was a shame because his anxiety ran rampant and his 10,000 steps was his (and our) only relief from intrusive thoughts and ruminations. After going to several GPs and even turning to 'witch doctors' (naturopaths) someone finally guessed it was his blood pressure medication, prescribed at the start of his difficulties. I don't think any of the other practitioners would even have the decency to be embarrassed. Now when someone complains to me it's the first thing I ask, 'What are you taking?'.

I have ADHD myself, like my Mum. Hers is a blessing because she never can remember to take the statins her idiot doctor keeps prescribing. I have enough problems and my shared belief in vaccine injury due to genetic vulnerability as a potential cause gives me hope I may one day reverse the damage.

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Feb 1Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Vary sentence length and break the rules occasionally for emphasis. Don't believe me.

I appreciate your essay. I was a nurse when the shots rang out & "health care" was weaponized.

One day, a larger than life duotone portrait of Tony Fauci appeared on our monitors, accompanied by three biotechnical schematics representing different ways to circumvent the human immune system. At the outset of this battle, one needed more than a knack for acing quizzes to be suspicious of a method -- or "choice of methods" -- for setting up enterprise zones within one's body dedicated to the manufacture of a foreign protein for an indeterminate period. And it's OK not to aspirate the injection site.

I don't think we're a species, because we do taxonomy and no one else does. Linnaeus was a better taxonomist than Darwin. Christianity is an "eastern religion". Don't believe me.

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Feb 2Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

On the topic of too much information these days, I filter out a lot of superfluous information or repeated information like you do to reduce the amount coming in to a more manageable level as I have limited time for such activities. I completely ignore some topics as I don't have an interest in them and I find they distract from what I want to learn. Sometimes I am disparaged by others as I am not following the latest thing but I shut it out on purpose as I don't have the bandwidth or interest.

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