The "vaccines" were not developed during the period known as Warp Speed. They already existed before the fake Scamdemic was declared. It isn't a mistake or poor planning. The toxicity of the "vaccines" is intentional. They could have packaged up the Zelenko Z stack formula and done actual good. It is readily apparent these bioweapons were never intended to help. Only to hurt.
The Covid nucleic acid shots were developed during the two decades before Operation Warp Speed began. Fauci was obsessed since the 1980s with developing an HIV vaccine and that obsession increased after he met with Bill Gates in 2000. The HIV vaccine work was concentrated at the Vaccine Research Center (VRC) at NIH in 2000 where Barney Graham and Peter Kwong used computational design and structural biology to develop nucleic acid (DNA/RNA) candidate vaccines against diseases such as HIV and RSV. They selected candidate sequences using computer programs then tested them for production of neutralizing antibodies, but their efforts failed in the real world (often making the disease worse). VRC was especially interested in nucleic acid vaccines that made cross-linked spike proteins like the Coronavirus spike. This research led NIH/VRC to file a patent application in 2017 (three years before COVID-19 outbreak) on the cross-linked coronavirus spike protein technology that was used in the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. See US Patent No: 10960070, "Prefusion Coronavirus Spike Protein" naming Barney Graham as the lead inventor and predicting there would be "another coronavirus pandemic." Specific sequences were refined in January 2000 and follow-on patent applications were filed by NIH and its research collaborator Moderna. So Operation Warp Speed really refers to the period of accelerated/lax regulatory review of the drug, and not the period when the spike shot technology was developed.
Yes I am an MD and JD. As you know from your own experience anonymity helps, but it is sometimes frustrating not to be able to say more. Thank you for your wonderful articles.
Dems came out against it to cover their bases in case Trump stayed in office, but the plan was always for the vaxx to come out... planned decades in advance. Could Big Pharma realistically make as much as they did in such a short amount of time? Not to mention 2 initial doses and all the Bonus Boosters so far? Dr. Mike Yeadon says no. It was all made beforehand.
I did more than "find" the patent but that's for another day. As for the link between DARPA and NIH, neither of them has been shy about admitting they work together. See
In fact Congress recently set up a new billion dollar "ARPA" program within the NIH, cutting out the DOD middleman. I think it's a re-branding effort since DARPA is so conspicuously evil.
I copied this a few hours ago because AMD wrote about the criminals throwing the dupes and other help under the bus. Now MDJD mentions Kingston and you mention Moderna.
"While Pfizer has NO prior history of working with the US government on this type of technology, Moderna has been developing their mRNA nanoparticle technology for over a decade in partnership with the US government. It must feel like a punch in the gut to have Pfizer just swoop in, kick Moderna out and then slam the door in their face."
I do believe the vaccines were pre-developed to a great extent prior to the "pandemic". But just dealing with people in the scientific and political communities over decades, I still think the destruction and devastation are more a result of the unshakable and nearly absolute hubris, arrogance, and the unlimited access to money printing presses that define these realms, than of actual intent. Not ruling out some level of intent, however.
Well yes. Why they so insistently denied the existence of "natural immunity", and claimed vaccine immunity be ever so much better. It was an attempt to kill us, though some of the minions just pushed the party line. Nurses in the family insisted I get jabracadabrad when they knew full well (I'd phoned them when I had it to excuse my absence from family get-togethers) I had recovered immunity. But they didn't care (verbatim quote before jabracadabras were released). They claim it's to protect an also jabracadabrad niece with an "impaired immune system". If so, probably from vaccines and antibiotics, perhaps given in conjunction with treatment for spina bifida. But hey, what do I know? I didn't go to nursing or pharmacy school! If I'd gotten these jabs, I suspect I'd be deaf and would need a walker to stand!
As a 13 year cancer survivor I knew anything coming out of Big Harma and the Medical Profession was NOT to be believed as better then one's immune system. I knew Covid was a lie from the get-go to instill fear in the Sheeple to make them run to take the Clot Shots and it worked.
I will never trust our government, media, Medical Profession and Big Harma when it comes to my health...............NEVER!!!!!
Landmark Study Vindicates Everyone Who Touted Natural Immunity to COVID-19
Exactly! Among other deleterious effects (even loss of purchasing power), jabracadabras reduce fertility. Notice Adam called his wife's name Eve - Chawa; because she was the mother of all living. Gen 3:20 חַוָּה (H2332) is causatively from חָוָה (H2331) - to live.
they want the RNA technology because it represents the 'final frontier' of medicine. And to build it into all of the various vxx in development ready to forced on the children at birth. Their greed and lust of opening pandora's box is being hijacked from elements within big pharma (or the CCP) that are intent on killing as much humanity as possible.
Yes, the "vaccines" were bioweapons that contained versatile mixtures of a wide spectrum of toxins, parasites, pathogens, and graphenes. R&D must have been taking place in the "secret" labs worldwide in the last several decades.
The term "contaminants" is only a cover for intentional toxins in order to maintain plausible deniability.
mRNA and "spike protein" seem to provide cover-ups mostly for the graphene oxide and 5G combination. As opposed to graphene, mRNA has never been found in the vials, and the traces they claim were found I would ascribe to the anomalies in the diagnostic equipment...
mRNA was discovered by the Soviets in 1981, and nobody has ever dared to use it in public, because it would start and unpredictable and uncontrollable chain reaction that might doom the very parties who are trying to use it to gain advantage...
"The term "contaminants" is only a cover for intentional toxins in order to maintain plausible deniability."
True. Here's more suspicious behavior.
"Critics have long questioned why the National Institutes of Health (NIH) would fund experiments by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) professor Ralph Baric to develop a technique for hiding evidence of human tampering in laboratory-created super viruses.
Aided by some $220.5 million in National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) funding, Baric developed a so-called “Seamless Ligation” technique, which he boasted could perfectly conceal all evidence of human tampering in laboratory-created viruses. Baric nicknamed his invention the “no-see’m” method."
Thank you for that! Also, read "Murder by Injection" by Eustace Mullins. "Deadly Medicine and Organized Crime" by Peter Gotzsche. and actually, although he never references anything, Vernon Coleman, MD, the [wise] old man in a chair, has been writing truth for decades.
Snooping around in that book, I came across many interesting things, particulalry this.:
"And yet, the doctors, themselves, don’t even know how to detect cancer in many cases." p 94.
If people only knew how ignorant and biased many "authorities" are, they'd have a whole herd of the proverbial cows. I'm talking not only docs, but lawyers and various "professors" as well.
Well said. Doctors misdiagnosed me for one. If I haven't said it's even worse than that. Letters from oncologist said 'proven' re cancer, allegedly melanoma in neck, yet the lab report (from one lab only) indicates probable or likely. I don't have the document readily to hand.
I think I may have mentioned my real issue re sodium nitrite.
I believe that the rough design was there but a lot of it had not been finalized, and going from rough design to finalized product was an immense amount of work.
About 70 plus patents of various of "genetic structures" of a model of SARS CoV-2 organizations, like Murderna and CDC point to it. Let's not forget they rebranded the seasonal flu into this panic-demic with number #2 cause of death being panic and fear-related disorders after obesity. No cytokine storm no thrombosis as the main cause of death.
Sorry about that. As I usually say, my site is for three percent of the three percent, the ones who are still able to think and, for that matter, read. :)
Let me avoid any misunderstanding: you certainly ARE able to read! :)
Also, my articles contain a lot of links to previous ones, because everything I write fits into one cognitive frame. I insert links only to essential and relevant articles and explain the reasons.
I'm curious Ray. What do you think about Dr Ryan Cole, interrupting Dr Astrid on stage in Stockholm, saying there's absolutely NO graphene nor nanoparticles in the vax vials? It's said, this happened right as she started talking about the WEF's plans for the New World Order. Then, I read later that that conference was sponsored by the WEF.
I know people who were there and asked. I now believe the whole thing is being completely misconstrued and the accusations made are erroneous. I try not to get involved in these types of conflicts so I have not publicly commented on those events.
Thank you for asking, and thank you for providing the info on the financing of the event.
My impression is that there are a lot of deepfakes out there, impersonating previously-credible people (this one is mostly for illustration and comic relief):
My current stance (that I am more than willing to change, should any convincing data surface) is based on discoveries by independent researchers who did it all for free.
mRNA/"spike protein" is pushed as a cover-up for the graphene oxide/5G combo.
The end game has been started and everything else is a distraction (this is one of my best and most important article and you can't read this anywhere else):
While warming immediately to your page, I tried to verify Noack in an amateur way. Not least because his videos felt wrong. While by the same token - and regardless of any areas of difference - your witness rings true.
Perhaps I located the man purporting to be him. But I also realised I am not invested in proving a claim, so much as being at peace in not accepting his.
The capacity to set psychological bait through leaks, articles, news, or images and vidoes without context, along with a compartmentalised or algorithmed information medium serves the most potent weapon (in my view) of deceit, by which our own mind can be used against us without our conscious awareness.
However, I see the billions of investment in Graphen Flag Ship etc, the touted PR of its 'applications' and nanotech by stealth and without regulation (FWIW).
As with genetic dogma or germ/virus theory, the facts are second to the leverage of the invested belief. IE: More death by suicide (despair) than radiation at Chernobyl. (LNT=linear no threshhold model for radiation is false - yet operates 'medical' leverage via cancer models, as well as choking Nuclear power industry). As with covid or 'carbon' - its is regulatory contracts set on false science that weaponise law as corporately controlling over and at cost to life for a gain of private dysfunction.
"Intent to harm" (a legal term that would make it possible to sue the "vaccine" manufacturers) has been around for quite a while. I wrote this on July 2, 2022:
In Norway proceedings are started against the municipality of Hamar, for having pushed what would not help and also out of proportion, shortly said. Big Pharma being immune apparently, we have to find other ways, like go after the authorities themselves or the hospitals or...Also in Sweden a man is preparing to sue about the death of his son short time after injected. These would be the ways, around the world, I suppose.
Agreed. I call Him "God," who is able to see and do all. God bless you. We will never give up. "They" - the ones orchestrating all of this - believe that they are superior by right of having money and access. We don't agree.
What if you think what is happening is not happening the way you think it is? What if millions of souls before reincarnated choose to leave the planet in 2022 2023 and 2024 because they did not want to experience what was coming. That the source had to find a way to help them leave earth and the only way was this the vax? Death is a release for the soul. We never die we are eternal beings created by the source of all and one with the source. People are so metal and focused on money and bricks they have forgot the spiritual...most people today are to afraid to live. A new world is coming. As races go in the universe we are at the bottom. A stupid race about to wipe ourselves out again. Enjoy every second you have it is a privilege to be alive. In death we fly.
"I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life." (Deuteronomy 30:19)
All vaccines are poison- so there will be a variety of poisonous substances in all iterations of these products regardless of what they are named, how they are produced.
"Quality control" of a hazardous product is irrelevant.
And all clinical trials are corrupt and there is nothing for them to be testing for.
Modern Medicine is a scam. They have built databases that are now "Tracking" the unvaccinated. These Parasitic Elite Pedophiles think that they know our purpose more than we do.
Do everything you can to red pill at least 3 people each day; especially if you know anyone who has young children. Somehow, we need to pass this whole knowledge base on to the next generation to stop the status of vaccines. To end this entire medical psychological manipulation.
Yes, stay away from ALL vaccines. Even the ones they want to give to your kids. DO NOT LET THEM DO IT!!!
"The medical authorities keep lying. Vaccination has been an assault on the immune system. It actually causes a lot of illnesses. We are actually changing our genetic code through vaccination.....100 years from now we will know that the biggest crime against humanity was vaccines."
-Dr Guylaine Lanctor author of "The Medical Mafia"
"Much of what you have been led to believe about immunization simply isn't true. If I were to follow my deeper convictions, I would urge you to reject all inoculations for your child....There in convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease"
-Dr Robert Mendelsohn author of "Confessions of a Medical Heretic"
"These chronic diseases, including hay fever, asthma, cancer, and AIDS, are the result of wrong interventions upon the organism by conventional medicine.....the immune systems of the Western population, through strong chemical drugs and repeated vaccinations, have broken down.....medicine, instead of curing diseases, is actually the cause of the degeneration of the human race"
-Dr Juan Manuel Martinez Mendez writing in the Aug/Sept 2004 Townsend Letter
If you haven't read his book "Confessions of a Medical Heretic" it's a real eye opener.
Sorry Doc, but the more I read and study the more upset I get with your profession when it comes to treating disease........ANY disease! I really believe the leading cause of death in this Country is the Medical system.........BY FAR!!!
In my opinion, articles such as this one should be written so as to reflect, as appropriate, the fact that Operation Warp Speed was actually a military operation under the National Security Council with the DOD serving as chief operating officer. Contracts with suppliers were written under Other Transaction Authority, which allows the usual rules for oversight and product regulation to be avoided during "emergencies".
Note that all of this and more was presented by Sasha Lapytova during a Children's Health Defense Symposium titled "In the Midst of Darkness Light Prevails". The symposium was held on December 10, 2022. Sasha's presentation begins about 3hr 20min into the 6 hour video, which is available for viewing in full on the CHD web site. Wording of the various laws is shown along with the official org charts for vaccine development.
6 to 13 year old children athletes in Canada are suddenly dying & we are saying this is due to COVID mRNA technology gene injection; mandating COVID vaccines for children to play sports was criminal
Dr. William Makis rightly reminds us that COVID-19 vaccines are banned for kids under 18 in Scandinavian countries & so why are they still mandated in Canada? Where are the Premiers? these jabs kill
There's been a running series the last few days called Vaccines Revealed 2023. What they've done with the chicken pox vaccine is causing a huge rise in shingles as older adults. I won't use the room here to explain it, but the vax has literally changed to disease mechanism to be much worse than it was. The CP vax was only marketed to "save time and money" for parents because CP isn't deadly but it's increasing the time and money to treat the shingles later on life, which can be deadly. The Mumps vaccine is also dangerous and causes way more problems in older children/adults. This doesn't even consider all the toxic ingredients added to vaxes to "boost their effectiveness" and for preservation.
Trying to play God with the human immune system hasn't worked out too well. If I knew then what I know now, I'd have NEVER vaccinated my children and warned my childrens to not vax my grandchildren. Maybe some good will come out of all this and the "vaccination scheme/machine" will shrivel and die.
“As Dr. Campbell explains, babies are born not only with a sterile gut, but also with immature immune systems. And establishment of normal gut flora in the first 20 days or so of life plays a crucial role in appropriate maturation of your baby’s immune system. Hence, babies who develop abnormal gut flora are left with compromised immune systems.
“Vaccinations have been developed, originally, for children with perfectly healthy immune systems,” she says. “GAPS children are NOT fit to be vaccinated with the standard vaccination protocol.”
“Her book Gut and Psychology Syndrome (dead link) contains an entire chapter outlining what health care professionals need to do to improve the vaccination strategy, because the standard vaccination protocol is bound to damage GAPS babies.
“It’s a matter of the last straw breaking the camel’s back,” she explains. “So if the child is damaged enough, the vaccine can provide that last straw. But if it doesn’t provide that last straw in a particular child, then it will get the child closer to the breaking point.”
She also points out another risk factor of vaccines:
“What we also have to understand is that the pharmaceutical industry cannot patent natural viruses, natural bacteria or any microbe that nature has created. They have to genetically modify them before they can patent them,” she says.
“So these vaccines contain genetically modified viruses, genetically modified microbes. We still haven’t got enough data to know what exactly they’re doing to the human body, and what exactly these genes are doing to our gut flora in these children.”"
Yes, absolutely agree with you. If there can be enough of the population that actually cognize the fact that vaccines are an unnecessary biological intervention, then the Social critical mass of understanding will effectively cause the normalcy bias to go against injections. Nature is the only way we can stay healthy. The only time nature arranges for an injection through the skin is when it is venom being administered by a snake or another animal. I don't trust the venom or the snake.
I think I have been very fortunate to have listened to my 6th sense, when this "strategic countermeasure," er.... vaccine poison was brought out and pushed on us. Kept my kids safe, and most people I know. I'll check out those links, thanks.
This is gut-wrenching stuff. Your description of cancer is also a metaphor for those behind this agenda"
"Cells (Bill Gates) focus on their own benefit at the expense of the surrounding organism. As a result, once cells become cancerous, if allowed to, they will grow out of control and destroy the surrounding organism with which they should be in harmony."
Sadly, this is what has happened to us from these sociopathic entities attempting to control us. Let us band together and become the isopathic remedy for this - we must not lose hope!
I am wondering... is there a reason why you do not give the name of the isopathic remedy you found helpful (that you say is useful for blood clotting)? I love your writing, don't get me wrong, but I am hoping to be empowered to use what you discover in my own self care when possible. Since both homeopathic and isopathic remedies are available to us, why not tell us?
There are issues with obtaining it in the USA now. I do not want to do anything that will cut off the supply to people who are using it. The people who regularly use it in practice have emailed me to confirm which remedy I was referring to when I alluded to it much more vaguely in the past.
This was the elephant in the room upon reading your article. What do you recommend for someone who wishes to learn about this remedy or is this a lifeboat that has already launched?
That is what we are trying to figure out behind the scenes. We want to get this out to people (and some doctors are for their patients) but we don't want it to be pulled from the market which is almost guaranteed due to the fact treating vaccine injuries will be the next pharma gold rush and they will not want any competition there.
"How many US congresscritters would have to get shot or beaten up, or hacked into digital hell, or gangstalked to make them just realize their core participation in a global democide?"
I bet the answer is.: "Nearly None."
How could they have not realized it for some time already?
Rulers yes, and also their minions, myrmidons, lackeys, accomplices, dupes, etc. I guess they exist to keep us on our toes. The covid creeps have certainly taught me some great lessons and confirmed a lot of what I've only suspected.
BTW, you are admirably correct to point out the complexity of our systems and I've realized that too, and have learned to think long and hard before I let some "authority" try to improve on Mother Nature.
Historically most seem to be money controlled in addition to a list of other unsavory characteristics as well.
I just finished reading about some of the antics of Nathaniel Bacon (of Bacon's Rebellion) and the behavior of those who lust for power is well beyond shocking. A lot of it applies to what we're living through today and for that reason it's well worth a read. Spoiler alert: They're outrageously nuts.
Have you heard of the ancient quack, Alexander of Abonouteichos? Very entertaining read courtesy of Lucian of Samosata. From around AD 138-160, Alexander succeeded in getting filthy rich and powerful by starting a fraudulent oracular/healing cult of the snake-god Glykon (Sweetie!!!! It's related to the word for glucose!!!) It's a satire on a true story and the only things that have changed since then are the particulars.
It's short and as amusing as it is revealing. In fact Lucian was almost killed for his whistleblowing, just like our truth tellers today.
Feb 20, 2023·edited Feb 20, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor
On a nonmedical level, one should have shunned the “vaccine” for common sense reasons. It was clear the government was lax during the entire period of development. And who wants an EAU modifying their DNA. Finally, when the government resorts to unconstitutional and dictatorial mandates, you have an unhealthy trust in government when you comply. My healthy distrust of government has protected me from the deadly adverse consequences of taking the shot.
A vax was never necessary and the ptb knew that which begs the question, why did they prevent HCQ use and insist on an unneeded vax? There is no benign explanation.
Everyone I know who shunned it did as you wrote. There were more than a few obvious signs that the whole thing was bogus. On the other hand, all of those I know who had the jab(s) were/ are kollitch grads, including doctors, nurses, and teachers!
Anyone with a lick of sense should have avoided it, nevertheless it prompted me to investigate the thing and thank goodness for Peter McCullouch who started speaking what appeared to make sense. I soon came upon more like him and I'm eternally grateful to have landed here.
Face save yes, but it doesn't excuse "conservative" pols like Nikki Haley & Donald Trump, and groups like Pacific Legal Foundation for dismissing skeptics and blindly promoting Big Pfarma/CDC/FDA lies to this day. Why should we trust them ever again?
There are signs that Trump may finally be waking up from his warp speed fever dream. He recently invited a group of dissenting scientists to his home in FL for a meeting.
Trump has to dissavow the vaccines to win election. I suspect that they are going to let all the adverse events on them come out during the election cycle and use that to tank his re-election.
Yep. For the primaries he should've gotten ahead of DeSantis on this, but his childish narcissism and gross negligence wouldn't let him.
On the other hand, hard for Dems to attack Trump in the general election if they're still all claiming "Safe & Effective". But if he doesn't disavow it real soon, he will demoralize his base and lose.
About time considering a few weeks ago he was still claiming Warp Speed saved "100 million lives". He dismissed and ridiculed skeptics and whistleblowers. I figure he killed millions of his most trusting followers.
I'll never trust him again. I think his main reason isn't honesty or concern for those he F'd, but that DeSantis is trouncing him on that issue and it's only getting worse.
Fascinating book on the federal government's sovereign immunity system -- which is far worse than the British one we tried to escape from in the American Revolution.
With the lawsuits coming, it's very relevant to federal govt in relation to vax injury, train derailments etc.
Unfortunately, looks like state govts have sovereign immunity too, unless they violate their own or the federal constitution, or act in bad faith. State officials can be sued under the "stripping doctrine", but practically speaking, statutory law and courts have perversely granted immunity from liability to virtually all federal employees and their actions.
Key concept."...but practically speaking, statutory law and courts have perversely granted immunity from liability to virtually all federal employees and their actions."
All that is by design but imposed under the pretext of protection for us wittle peeple. Frauds, con-men, and quacks and we get to pay for it all, because, you know, "roads."
Disclosure: Not that I trusted Trump enough to get his experimental death shot, but I know 5 people who did. 2 of my friends' healthy mom's died, injury onset within 48 hours, one autopsy concluded cause of death was clotting due to vax. 3 other friends stroked within 48 hours, one has permanent facial paralysis.
There are many explanations and possibilities. All with probabilities of being accurate. Without the NSA and other records of what the players have done, we can only conjecture. Using system analysis techniques, I myself do not believe that most of this was an accident. I myself believe that it was probably all carefully planned by a clever covert enemy that has far too much power and control over those in power positions world wide? We continue to collect facts and not do anything physical while the enemy escalates its harm of humanity and the planet? Some of us are doing our best to discover innovative new ways to turn the tide. We could use some help. Please.
I read the Jessica Rose article yesterday. Looked up Plasmid
"a genetic structure in a cell that can replicate independently of the chromosomes, typically a small circular DNA strand in the cytoplasm of a bacterium or protozoan. Plasmids are much used in the laboratory manipulation of genes."
I was scared by her article but at the end of your post you say "This is 1 replication competent plasmid per 350 mRNA molecules and equates to billions of antibiotic resistant plasmids injected per person per shot."
and now I am terrified. The vax modifies DNA so our cells can manufacture spike proteins which ends up in various parts of the body, like the brain (Dr. John Campbell recently covered this), and now you point out the consequences of plasmid in one's body.
Feb 20, 2023·edited Feb 20, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor
When I was little (70's), there were VERY FEW children with "autism." (I'm talking knowing 1 autistic child - and we just called him strange because he did things like not letting go of the subject, fixation, interruptions, etc. {Note: my parents began a school for very disabled children in 1972 so I know what I'm talking about - not to mention that I'm a School Psychologist currently} - in over 16 years of school). I agree - they also began spraying the environment around then and the vaccine schedule for multiple jabs. I think it is a combination - and now they've deployed 5G and resumed environmental spraying to promote their "agenda" aka "depopulation and control."
I was a kid in 50's and there was nothing then but only had a couple of vaccines and in the mid 50's polio. I just listened to a presentation by Dr. Andrew Wakefield and that was a real eye opener. The corruption and lack of concern of victims by the drug companies is beyond comprehension. Every, drug and vaccine should be put back on the table and fully investigated for safety and effectiveness. It seems none of the vaccines have been properly tested for safety.
Understand that I was little in the era of DDT - and STILL we did not have the rate of Autism. It was not until they began Injecting stuff into children that we began to see this issue, imo. Had I known the truth about all of this, I would NEVER have had my son injected with these poisons - born in early 2000's. I should have gotten the clue when I miscarried the twin that was with him early in the pregnancy after taking a flu "vaccine." Never again!!
Thank you very much for explaining. Re "Understand that I was little in the era of DDT - and STILL we did not have the rate of Autism."
That I think must be the nob of the matter. DDT is poisonous, but injecting poison into children let alone adults is far more serious. For a child in development it can be catastrophic as we have seen. I had the polio vaccine probably around 6-7 as was usual I understand (UK). I believe this was the cause of a very unpleasant nightmare I had around that time.
I was also very ill at age 15 when vaccinated at school with BCG. I have no records to hand to assess how close in time but both around spring time and the disease came after. I was ill for two weeks in school sanatorium with temperature at one time 104 degrees F. I only recovered my strength at the end of the summer.
Plasmids have been know to exist since the early 1960's. My Pharmacy classmate went on to get a PHD in biology and his expertise was how to identify and prevent plasmids from contaminating injectables in the manufacturing process. Apparently, Pfizer doesn't give a damn!
And a million other God given gifts - cod liver oil, castor oil, grass fed butters, raw honey in the ear for earaches, every herb in Ayurvedic, Traditional Chinese and American/European Indigenous cultures.
Sun, pure water and food from happy soil.
Raised five kids without one doctor visit or antibiotic. Ever.
The CDC doctor who discussed monomorphism and pleomorphism with me 20 years ago also informed me there have NEVER been ANY LONG TERM safety studies on ANY vaccine.
Everyone should have a backyard beehive! I have a wild swarm that stopped by 6 years ago and 'they' are still here. Most feral swarms in Florida are African-Hybrid types and need different handling methods than the tamer domestic breeds, but still produce an amazing quantity of honey.
I'm not. I had a hive of africanized bees in 1976. I suspect some mad biologist installed them in a heated ledge. Horrid things. Get them exterminated from Florida. Perhaps send them to the California almond groves to stay! Cull the africanized bees! Something can be said for winters cold enough to require bees to winter.
We have winters cold enough that few can get 'em to winter successfully. I never could but I sure do like the sound of 'em humming and buzzing around when I'm in the garden.
21 years ago I innocently called the CDC to ask about the long term safety info on the newly mandated Hep A and B shots for my two teenage sons. I thought the doctor who took my call would be able to tell me, "Yep. These are totally benign and safe". He tried to at first, though he immediately told me, "There is NO long term safety data on ANY vaccine. We don't do those studies". I was shocked . We had a long discussion about my questions of generational effects of inoculation, why new diseases might now exist - ALS (Lou Gehrig's), chronic fatigue/Epstein Barr, and older maladies now be so numerous - the explosion of thyroid disease and Multiple Sclerosis etc. It wasn't until I brought up the terms pleomorphism and monomorphism that he seemed to become more fully engaged. After 30 minutes of conversation he abruptly asked me to "hold" and I guess switched phone lines and said, "If I were you, I would not get these for my sons" (!)
(I was stunned and thought, well what the heck do I do now? Like, how do I get exemptions? With great difficulty I found out.)
Our teenage neighbor immediately had seizures after his shots and his parents were super pissed....…
He didn't get upset. I thought that at the point I mentioned the two disease model theories, he would want to disengage.
Instead, he seemed to become more interested in my questions and our discussion and that he was aware of the disease model issue.
Knowing me, I probably asked towards the end of our talk, if he would be letting his children get these two injections. And it was probably then that he said, "If I were you, I would not get these for my sons".
(1) I do think that we now have endemic gut covid infections. Wastewater covid tests in Marin, CA, where I live, have never gone back down to their lowest baseline, they seem to be chronically elevated at 20x or more. You can see this at (note that the chart of wasterwater testing is log scale, so it doesn't look nearly as scary as if it was linear, and it is easier to see if you look at each data source separately via a pull-down in the upper left of the chart).
(2) Have you looked at herbal protocols, versus medical antibiotics? The herbals have a much better safety profile, can be as effective as antibiotics, and don't cause antibiotic resistance because they use smaller levels of multiple compounds working together synergistically. Good sources are Buhner's books, Herbal Antivirals and Herbal Antibiotics. I used an herbal protocol to help recover from Lyme, seemed to work well.
(3) Our mitochondria have a bacterial origin, and are definitely pleiomorphic, using fusion and fission to optimize their response to nutritional inputs and optimize ROS levels. It seems exceedingly unlikely that bacteria in the wild can't do the same.
(4) I don't know what would be involved in getting spike-making genes into bacterial plasmids, a
scary thought. It seems more likely that we are just seeing chronic covid gut infections. This would particularly be true because multiple vaccinations plus infection lead to increased immune tolerance, so the virus would never be cleared.
I added your comment to the article! The problem with herbal antibiotics is that they are not strong enough to treat a lot of infections, so if you don't use a stronger therapy, the person can die.
Feb 20, 2023·edited Feb 20, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor
Herbal protocols may not be as fast-acting, yes. So in some situations a drug may be better. Buhner actually recommends doxycyline for Lyme if caught early, when it is most effective.
The "vaccines" were not developed during the period known as Warp Speed. They already existed before the fake Scamdemic was declared. It isn't a mistake or poor planning. The toxicity of the "vaccines" is intentional. They could have packaged up the Zelenko Z stack formula and done actual good. It is readily apparent these bioweapons were never intended to help. Only to hurt.
The Covid nucleic acid shots were developed during the two decades before Operation Warp Speed began. Fauci was obsessed since the 1980s with developing an HIV vaccine and that obsession increased after he met with Bill Gates in 2000. The HIV vaccine work was concentrated at the Vaccine Research Center (VRC) at NIH in 2000 where Barney Graham and Peter Kwong used computational design and structural biology to develop nucleic acid (DNA/RNA) candidate vaccines against diseases such as HIV and RSV. They selected candidate sequences using computer programs then tested them for production of neutralizing antibodies, but their efforts failed in the real world (often making the disease worse). VRC was especially interested in nucleic acid vaccines that made cross-linked spike proteins like the Coronavirus spike. This research led NIH/VRC to file a patent application in 2017 (three years before COVID-19 outbreak) on the cross-linked coronavirus spike protein technology that was used in the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. See US Patent No: 10960070, "Prefusion Coronavirus Spike Protein" naming Barney Graham as the lead inventor and predicting there would be "another coronavirus pandemic." Specific sequences were refined in January 2000 and follow-on patent applications were filed by NIH and its research collaborator Moderna. So Operation Warp Speed really refers to the period of accelerated/lax regulatory review of the drug, and not the period when the spike shot technology was developed.
Thank you for this comment. I never asked this but are you a MD and JD?
Yes I am an MD and JD. As you know from your own experience anonymity helps, but it is sometimes frustrating not to be able to say more. Thank you for your wonderful articles.
Aw, we're not that bad, are we, MDJD?
What is a JD?
JD is Juris Doctor, a law degree.
Thank you.
Dems came out against it to cover their bases in case Trump stayed in office, but the plan was always for the vaxx to come out... planned decades in advance. Could Big Pharma realistically make as much as they did in such a short amount of time? Not to mention 2 initial doses and all the Bonus Boosters so far? Dr. Mike Yeadon says no. It was all made beforehand.
Thank you for your fly-on-the-wall insights into these nefarious escapades. It takes courage to tell the truth. Blessings. A Midwest gal
I did more than "find" the patent but that's for another day. As for the link between DARPA and NIH, neither of them has been shy about admitting they work together. See
In fact Congress recently set up a new billion dollar "ARPA" program within the NIH, cutting out the DOD middleman. I think it's a re-branding effort since DARPA is so conspicuously evil.
ARPA.....drop the devilish D to did they? Geeesh!
Glad to help. And thanks for letting me know about Karen Kingston. All of us together can assemble the puzzle.
A lot of what I can do here is only thanks for my readers.
Yes the PTO is a swamp within itself. I'm amazed Moederna received a petent for its shot.
Ironically the PTO does not require proof of safety. They say that's the job of the FDA. Whoops.
I copied this a few hours ago because AMD wrote about the criminals throwing the dupes and other help under the bus. Now MDJD mentions Kingston and you mention Moderna.
"While Pfizer has NO prior history of working with the US government on this type of technology, Moderna has been developing their mRNA nanoparticle technology for over a decade in partnership with the US government. It must feel like a punch in the gut to have Pfizer just swoop in, kick Moderna out and then slam the door in their face."
I do believe the vaccines were pre-developed to a great extent prior to the "pandemic". But just dealing with people in the scientific and political communities over decades, I still think the destruction and devastation are more a result of the unshakable and nearly absolute hubris, arrogance, and the unlimited access to money printing presses that define these realms, than of actual intent. Not ruling out some level of intent, however.
Most assuredly it's all of the above.
Ain't that the truth. Plus more we haven't encountered yet.
Amen to that!
Yes, covid was nothing but a lie to get the Sheeple to take the Clot Shots.......PERIOD!!
Top 10 things the CULT OF FAUCI told us we must do to avoid dying from Covid that have now been shown to be COMPLETE BUNK
Monday, February 13, 2023 by: S.D. Wells
Well yes. Why they so insistently denied the existence of "natural immunity", and claimed vaccine immunity be ever so much better. It was an attempt to kill us, though some of the minions just pushed the party line. Nurses in the family insisted I get jabracadabrad when they knew full well (I'd phoned them when I had it to excuse my absence from family get-togethers) I had recovered immunity. But they didn't care (verbatim quote before jabracadabras were released). They claim it's to protect an also jabracadabrad niece with an "impaired immune system". If so, probably from vaccines and antibiotics, perhaps given in conjunction with treatment for spina bifida. But hey, what do I know? I didn't go to nursing or pharmacy school! If I'd gotten these jabs, I suspect I'd be deaf and would need a walker to stand!
As a 13 year cancer survivor I knew anything coming out of Big Harma and the Medical Profession was NOT to be believed as better then one's immune system. I knew Covid was a lie from the get-go to instill fear in the Sheeple to make them run to take the Clot Shots and it worked.
I will never trust our government, media, Medical Profession and Big Harma when it comes to my health...............NEVER!!!!!
Landmark Study Vindicates Everyone Who Touted Natural Immunity to COVID-19
By Bonchie | 9:30 AM on February 17, 2023
Great link, thanks. Is Natural News Mike Adam's gig?
Yes it is. He has gotten more involved in Politics lately but I still enjoy a lot of his articles.
I've been calling him Fauxi for quite awhile, but your name is even better!!
I'm partial to Pfauci myself....maybe Pfauxqi is best :-)
Pfraudulent Pfizer and Pfauxqi!! 😁
Exactly! Among other deleterious effects (even loss of purchasing power), jabracadabras reduce fertility. Notice Adam called his wife's name Eve - Chawa; because she was the mother of all living. Gen 3:20 חַוָּה (H2332) is causatively from חָוָה (H2331) - to live.
I wonder if there is a specific reduction in fertility or if its just due to general health depletion.
they want the RNA technology because it represents the 'final frontier' of medicine. And to build it into all of the various vxx in development ready to forced on the children at birth. Their greed and lust of opening pandora's box is being hijacked from elements within big pharma (or the CCP) that are intent on killing as much humanity as possible.
Agreed. You can’t have sound science without sound money. What America needs, more than anything, is an organic, sound money revolution.
Yes, the "vaccines" were bioweapons that contained versatile mixtures of a wide spectrum of toxins, parasites, pathogens, and graphenes. R&D must have been taking place in the "secret" labs worldwide in the last several decades.
The term "contaminants" is only a cover for intentional toxins in order to maintain plausible deniability.
mRNA and "spike protein" seem to provide cover-ups mostly for the graphene oxide and 5G combination. As opposed to graphene, mRNA has never been found in the vials, and the traces they claim were found I would ascribe to the anomalies in the diagnostic equipment...
mRNA was discovered by the Soviets in 1981, and nobody has ever dared to use it in public, because it would start and unpredictable and uncontrollable chain reaction that might doom the very parties who are trying to use it to gain advantage...
By now, the perps' fingerprint is clear:
"The term "contaminants" is only a cover for intentional toxins in order to maintain plausible deniability."
True. Here's more suspicious behavior.
"Critics have long questioned why the National Institutes of Health (NIH) would fund experiments by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) professor Ralph Baric to develop a technique for hiding evidence of human tampering in laboratory-created super viruses.
Aided by some $220.5 million in National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) funding, Baric developed a so-called “Seamless Ligation” technique, which he boasted could perfectly conceal all evidence of human tampering in laboratory-created viruses. Baric nicknamed his invention the “no-see’m” method."
Apart from the claim the "infectious viruses" exist (nothing has ever substantiated the claim), I agree.
Well, not quite. RFK simply cannot afford to spread the whole truth in order to be able to produce incremental results.
"... RFK simply cannot afford to spread the whole truth in order to be able to produce incremental results."
That'd be quite correct.
I'm always reminded of Vonnegut's "Ice Nine" here.
Whatzat? I've only readad one of his books, "Slaughterhouse Five."
I only saw him in Back to School with Rodney Dangerfield.
The toxicity of all vaccines ever is intentional. They create customers for big pharma and will only ever harm or kill, never help.
Thank you for that! Also, read "Murder by Injection" by Eustace Mullins. "Deadly Medicine and Organized Crime" by Peter Gotzsche. and actually, although he never references anything, Vernon Coleman, MD, the [wise] old man in a chair, has been writing truth for decades.
I have read Deadly Medicine and Organized Crime. Worth reading.
Re Vernon Coleman, hasn't he just. I wish I had known about him before 2020.
I love that man so much.
Snooping around in that book, I came across many interesting things, particulalry this.:
"And yet, the doctors, themselves, don’t even know how to detect cancer in many cases." p 94.
If people only knew how ignorant and biased many "authorities" are, they'd have a whole herd of the proverbial cows. I'm talking not only docs, but lawyers and various "professors" as well.
Well said. Doctors misdiagnosed me for one. If I haven't said it's even worse than that. Letters from oncologist said 'proven' re cancer, allegedly melanoma in neck, yet the lab report (from one lab only) indicates probable or likely. I don't have the document readily to hand.
I think I may have mentioned my real issue re sodium nitrite.
A lot of my material here comes from very old books.
Yup. Utterly fascinating stuff there!
I would very much like to purchase a copy.
I too would love a printed copy if you are able to do this.
They kickstarted Agenda 21...
...with COVID-19
I believe that the rough design was there but a lot of it had not been finalized, and going from rough design to finalized product was an immense amount of work.
About 70 plus patents of various of "genetic structures" of a model of SARS CoV-2 organizations, like Murderna and CDC point to it. Let's not forget they rebranded the seasonal flu into this panic-demic with number #2 cause of death being panic and fear-related disorders after obesity. No cytokine storm no thrombosis as the main cause of death.
Not sure about Zelenko or any other "savior," when it comes to a military-grade bioweapon attack combined with psy-ops...
Here are also a few more "treatments" that might also work to a certain extent:
It all boils down to what illness means:
Here are a couple of links where I collected info; please, remember that comments are sometimes better than the articles:
So agree about Comments Mr Source!
Best info most often, but a hell of a lot of reading......
That's why I try to read all the ones I see here.
Sorry about that. As I usually say, my site is for three percent of the three percent, the ones who are still able to think and, for that matter, read. :)
Let me avoid any misunderstanding: you certainly ARE able to read! :)
Also, my articles contain a lot of links to previous ones, because everything I write fits into one cognitive frame. I insert links only to essential and relevant articles and explain the reasons.
I'm curious Ray. What do you think about Dr Ryan Cole, interrupting Dr Astrid on stage in Stockholm, saying there's absolutely NO graphene nor nanoparticles in the vax vials? It's said, this happened right as she started talking about the WEF's plans for the New World Order. Then, I read later that that conference was sponsored by the WEF.
I know people who were there and asked. I now believe the whole thing is being completely misconstrued and the accusations made are erroneous. I try not to get involved in these types of conflicts so I have not publicly commented on those events.
Yes, doctor, people need you here for more!
Thank you for asking, and thank you for providing the info on the financing of the event.
My impression is that there are a lot of deepfakes out there, impersonating previously-credible people (this one is mostly for illustration and comic relief):
My current stance (that I am more than willing to change, should any convincing data surface) is based on discoveries by independent researchers who did it all for free.
mRNA/"spike protein" is pushed as a cover-up for the graphene oxide/5G combo.
The end game has been started and everything else is a distraction (this is one of my best and most important article and you can't read this anywhere else):
While warming immediately to your page, I tried to verify Noack in an amateur way. Not least because his videos felt wrong. While by the same token - and regardless of any areas of difference - your witness rings true.
Perhaps I located the man purporting to be him. But I also realised I am not invested in proving a claim, so much as being at peace in not accepting his.
The capacity to set psychological bait through leaks, articles, news, or images and vidoes without context, along with a compartmentalised or algorithmed information medium serves the most potent weapon (in my view) of deceit, by which our own mind can be used against us without our conscious awareness.
However, I see the billions of investment in Graphen Flag Ship etc, the touted PR of its 'applications' and nanotech by stealth and without regulation (FWIW).
As with genetic dogma or germ/virus theory, the facts are second to the leverage of the invested belief. IE: More death by suicide (despair) than radiation at Chernobyl. (LNT=linear no threshhold model for radiation is false - yet operates 'medical' leverage via cancer models, as well as choking Nuclear power industry). As with covid or 'carbon' - its is regulatory contracts set on false science that weaponise law as corporately controlling over and at cost to life for a gain of private dysfunction.
Noack's testimony has been confirmed by analyses that have not been paid for by Big Pharma.
It also lines up with the globalists' openly-announced objectives.
Not sure how to interpret the rest of your message.
Without a doubt. Just look at the key players such as Gates, Fauci, Pfizer, etc., pushing the garbage and we have all we need to know.
"Intent to harm" (a legal term that would make it possible to sue the "vaccine" manufacturers) has been around for quite a while. I wrote this on July 2, 2022:
Yet where is a court that would take it?
Operation Warp Speed was only an appetizer. By now, the perps have left their fingerprint, and put the end game in motion:
In Norway proceedings are started against the municipality of Hamar, for having pushed what would not help and also out of proportion, shortly said. Big Pharma being immune apparently, we have to find other ways, like go after the authorities themselves or the hospitals or...Also in Sweden a man is preparing to sue about the death of his son short time after injected. These would be the ways, around the world, I suppose.
Agreed. I call Him "God," who is able to see and do all. God bless you. We will never give up. "They" - the ones orchestrating all of this - believe that they are superior by right of having money and access. We don't agree.
It's sad how human history always repeats.
That is exactly what I have been saying in the last two years: extermination for most, and becoming cyborg slaves for the rest.
The globalists have already been killing everyone on the back burner, but just recently, they have switched into high gear:
The globalist plan is doomed to fail, but probably not before most people are gone:
Either way, it's just about game over:
Oh, did I mention that "we" is an extremely limited term?
They want you to believe you are alone, but you are not!
What if you think what is happening is not happening the way you think it is? What if millions of souls before reincarnated choose to leave the planet in 2022 2023 and 2024 because they did not want to experience what was coming. That the source had to find a way to help them leave earth and the only way was this the vax? Death is a release for the soul. We never die we are eternal beings created by the source of all and one with the source. People are so metal and focused on money and bricks they have forgot the spiritual...most people today are to afraid to live. A new world is coming. As races go in the universe we are at the bottom. A stupid race about to wipe ourselves out again. Enjoy every second you have it is a privilege to be alive. In death we fly.
"I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life." (Deuteronomy 30:19)
Not interested in getting involved in this conversation. Sorry.
Thank you for the cheer of encouragement!! Needed to hear that just now!
More on that (I know you are familiar with this, but this is for the benefit of other readers):
Joining who? Who is "we" and what can "we" do?
What is it that anyone can do?
All vaccines are poison- so there will be a variety of poisonous substances in all iterations of these products regardless of what they are named, how they are produced.
"Quality control" of a hazardous product is irrelevant.
And all clinical trials are corrupt and there is nothing for them to be testing for.
Modern medicine is a wrecking ball.
Modern Medicine is a scam. They have built databases that are now "Tracking" the unvaccinated. These Parasitic Elite Pedophiles think that they know our purpose more than we do.
Do everything you can to red pill at least 3 people each day; especially if you know anyone who has young children. Somehow, we need to pass this whole knowledge base on to the next generation to stop the status of vaccines. To end this entire medical psychological manipulation.
Vaccines are NOT medicine.
Yes, stay away from ALL vaccines. Even the ones they want to give to your kids. DO NOT LET THEM DO IT!!!
"The medical authorities keep lying. Vaccination has been an assault on the immune system. It actually causes a lot of illnesses. We are actually changing our genetic code through vaccination.....100 years from now we will know that the biggest crime against humanity was vaccines."
-Dr Guylaine Lanctor author of "The Medical Mafia"
"Much of what you have been led to believe about immunization simply isn't true. If I were to follow my deeper convictions, I would urge you to reject all inoculations for your child....There in convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease"
-Dr Robert Mendelsohn author of "Confessions of a Medical Heretic"
"These chronic diseases, including hay fever, asthma, cancer, and AIDS, are the result of wrong interventions upon the organism by conventional medicine.....the immune systems of the Western population, through strong chemical drugs and repeated vaccinations, have broken down.....medicine, instead of curing diseases, is actually the cause of the degeneration of the human race"
-Dr Juan Manuel Martinez Mendez writing in the Aug/Sept 2004 Townsend Letter
The Truth About Vaccinations – History and Hoax
Vaccine Ingredients and Vaccine Secrets
The Poisoned Needle - Eleanor McBean:
10 Most SURPRISING and DANGEROUS ingredients in vaccines, and the industry’s poor explanations for why they’re used
Dr. Andrew Moulden: All Vaccines Cause Ischemia (Impaired Blood Flow) Which Blocks Oxygen Delivery Leading to Chronic Disease
Vaccination industry in a nutshell
I hold an immense amount of respect for Robert Mendelsohn
If you haven't read his book "Confessions of a Medical Heretic" it's a real eye opener.
Sorry Doc, but the more I read and study the more upset I get with your profession when it comes to treating disease........ANY disease! I really believe the leading cause of death in this Country is the Medical system.........BY FAR!!!
In my opinion, articles such as this one should be written so as to reflect, as appropriate, the fact that Operation Warp Speed was actually a military operation under the National Security Council with the DOD serving as chief operating officer. Contracts with suppliers were written under Other Transaction Authority, which allows the usual rules for oversight and product regulation to be avoided during "emergencies".
Note that all of this and more was presented by Sasha Lapytova during a Children's Health Defense Symposium titled "In the Midst of Darkness Light Prevails". The symposium was held on December 10, 2022. Sasha's presentation begins about 3hr 20min into the 6 hour video, which is available for viewing in full on the CHD web site. Wording of the various laws is shown along with the official org charts for vaccine development.
6 to 13 year old children athletes in Canada are suddenly dying & we are saying this is due to COVID mRNA technology gene injection; mandating COVID vaccines for children to play sports was criminal
Dr. William Makis rightly reminds us that COVID-19 vaccines are banned for kids under 18 in Scandinavian countries & so why are they still mandated in Canada? Where are the Premiers? these jabs kill
There's been a running series the last few days called Vaccines Revealed 2023. What they've done with the chicken pox vaccine is causing a huge rise in shingles as older adults. I won't use the room here to explain it, but the vax has literally changed to disease mechanism to be much worse than it was. The CP vax was only marketed to "save time and money" for parents because CP isn't deadly but it's increasing the time and money to treat the shingles later on life, which can be deadly. The Mumps vaccine is also dangerous and causes way more problems in older children/adults. This doesn't even consider all the toxic ingredients added to vaxes to "boost their effectiveness" and for preservation.
Trying to play God with the human immune system hasn't worked out too well. If I knew then what I know now, I'd have NEVER vaccinated my children and warned my childrens to not vax my grandchildren. Maybe some good will come out of all this and the "vaccination scheme/machine" will shrivel and die.
A very good article here that touches on vaccines........
Is it Possible to Have a World Without Cancer & Autism?
By Devvy Kidd|April 25th, 2022
"The Role of Vaccines
“As Dr. Campbell explains, babies are born not only with a sterile gut, but also with immature immune systems. And establishment of normal gut flora in the first 20 days or so of life plays a crucial role in appropriate maturation of your baby’s immune system. Hence, babies who develop abnormal gut flora are left with compromised immune systems.
“Vaccinations have been developed, originally, for children with perfectly healthy immune systems,” she says. “GAPS children are NOT fit to be vaccinated with the standard vaccination protocol.”
“Her book Gut and Psychology Syndrome (dead link) contains an entire chapter outlining what health care professionals need to do to improve the vaccination strategy, because the standard vaccination protocol is bound to damage GAPS babies.
“It’s a matter of the last straw breaking the camel’s back,” she explains. “So if the child is damaged enough, the vaccine can provide that last straw. But if it doesn’t provide that last straw in a particular child, then it will get the child closer to the breaking point.”
She also points out another risk factor of vaccines:
“What we also have to understand is that the pharmaceutical industry cannot patent natural viruses, natural bacteria or any microbe that nature has created. They have to genetically modify them before they can patent them,” she says.
“So these vaccines contain genetically modified viruses, genetically modified microbes. We still haven’t got enough data to know what exactly they’re doing to the human body, and what exactly these genes are doing to our gut flora in these children.”"
Yes, absolutely agree with you. If there can be enough of the population that actually cognize the fact that vaccines are an unnecessary biological intervention, then the Social critical mass of understanding will effectively cause the normalcy bias to go against injections. Nature is the only way we can stay healthy. The only time nature arranges for an injection through the skin is when it is venom being administered by a snake or another animal. I don't trust the venom or the snake.
I think I have been very fortunate to have listened to my 6th sense, when this "strategic countermeasure," er.... vaccine poison was brought out and pushed on us. Kept my kids safe, and most people I know. I'll check out those links, thanks.
This is gut-wrenching stuff. Your description of cancer is also a metaphor for those behind this agenda"
"Cells (Bill Gates) focus on their own benefit at the expense of the surrounding organism. As a result, once cells become cancerous, if allowed to, they will grow out of control and destroy the surrounding organism with which they should be in harmony."
Sadly, this is what has happened to us from these sociopathic entities attempting to control us. Let us band together and become the isopathic remedy for this - we must not lose hope!
Correct. There are many similar metaphors.
Since you were the first reader (and I haven't emailed this out yet) do you have any feedback on the article or things that I missed?
I am wondering... is there a reason why you do not give the name of the isopathic remedy you found helpful (that you say is useful for blood clotting)? I love your writing, don't get me wrong, but I am hoping to be empowered to use what you discover in my own self care when possible. Since both homeopathic and isopathic remedies are available to us, why not tell us?
There are issues with obtaining it in the USA now. I do not want to do anything that will cut off the supply to people who are using it. The people who regularly use it in practice have emailed me to confirm which remedy I was referring to when I alluded to it much more vaguely in the past.
This was the elephant in the room upon reading your article. What do you recommend for someone who wishes to learn about this remedy or is this a lifeboat that has already launched?
That is what we are trying to figure out behind the scenes. We want to get this out to people (and some doctors are for their patients) but we don't want it to be pulled from the market which is almost guaranteed due to the fact treating vaccine injuries will be the next pharma gold rush and they will not want any competition there.
Ah. Thank you for letting us know. There are always "issues" with things out of the mainstream.
I have been wondering how these injections might perturb our microbial inhabitants and this was an illuminating foray.
Your comment regarding "harmony" in the body is spot on. Just look at the word disease.
Dis-ease. When the body is no longer operating in harmony.
That is a great point I never thought of
True. And did you know disease is an anagram of seaside, the only single word using all letters in English? The seaside is good for disease.
I have had this same thought too.
Yes Bill Gates and the globalists a cancer to be eradicated with the truth.
As above, so below.
A lot of people helping to build this infrastructure do not realize how disposable they are.
That fact never ceases to amaze me.
"How many US congresscritters would have to get shot or beaten up, or hacked into digital hell, or gangstalked to make them just realize their core participation in a global democide?"
I bet the answer is.: "Nearly None."
How could they have not realized it for some time already?
Rulers in positions of power always do somewhat evil actions. It's very rare for that not to happen.
Rulers yes, and also their minions, myrmidons, lackeys, accomplices, dupes, etc. I guess they exist to keep us on our toes. The covid creeps have certainly taught me some great lessons and confirmed a lot of what I've only suspected.
BTW, you are admirably correct to point out the complexity of our systems and I've realized that too, and have learned to think long and hard before I let some "authority" try to improve on Mother Nature.
Thanks again!
Historically most seem to be money controlled in addition to a list of other unsavory characteristics as well.
I just finished reading about some of the antics of Nathaniel Bacon (of Bacon's Rebellion) and the behavior of those who lust for power is well beyond shocking. A lot of it applies to what we're living through today and for that reason it's well worth a read. Spoiler alert: They're outrageously nuts.
Bacon's Rebellion
"We will NOT be doomed to repeat it this time."
Wanna bet? ;)
Have you heard of the ancient quack, Alexander of Abonouteichos? Very entertaining read courtesy of Lucian of Samosata. From around AD 138-160, Alexander succeeded in getting filthy rich and powerful by starting a fraudulent oracular/healing cult of the snake-god Glykon (Sweetie!!!! It's related to the word for glucose!!!) It's a satire on a true story and the only things that have changed since then are the particulars.
It's short and as amusing as it is revealing. In fact Lucian was almost killed for his whistleblowing, just like our truth tellers today.
Things are very interesting, indeed.
On a nonmedical level, one should have shunned the “vaccine” for common sense reasons. It was clear the government was lax during the entire period of development. And who wants an EAU modifying their DNA. Finally, when the government resorts to unconstitutional and dictatorial mandates, you have an unhealthy trust in government when you comply. My healthy distrust of government has protected me from the deadly adverse consequences of taking the shot.
Many of us tried unsuccessfully to highlight the 2005 data that proved chloroquine prevents and irradicates coronavirus infection in cell culture:, authored by CDC and Clinical Research Institute of Montreal.
A vax was never necessary and the ptb knew that which begs the question, why did they prevent HCQ use and insist on an unneeded vax? There is no benign explanation.
Q: "Why did they prevent HCQ use and insist on an unneeded vax?"
We all know why. 💰💰💰💰
"There is no benign explanation."
Nope. None whatsoever. (As Jessica Rose recently mused in an interview.)
Watched that too.
They did not commit fraud. They did what they were paid (contracted) to do...
#NoAmnesty 💔💉☠
Everyone I know who shunned it did as you wrote. There were more than a few obvious signs that the whole thing was bogus. On the other hand, all of those I know who had the jab(s) were/ are kollitch grads, including doctors, nurses, and teachers!
Anyone with a lick of sense should have avoided it, nevertheless it prompted me to investigate the thing and thank goodness for Peter McCullouch who started speaking what appeared to make sense. I soon came upon more like him and I'm eternally grateful to have landed here.
I just want to say thank you for not paywalling your work. I wish I could support you and many others, but I just cannot afford the costs.
Thank you! I want to make this accessible to people.
The only things I want to paywall on here are things I don't want as many people to see due to the nature of the content.
OK, I hafta have that info!! ;)
Face save yes, but it doesn't excuse "conservative" pols like Nikki Haley & Donald Trump, and groups like Pacific Legal Foundation for dismissing skeptics and blindly promoting Big Pfarma/CDC/FDA lies to this day. Why should we trust them ever again?
Before folks get tricked into backing Nikki based on superficials... ...She requires vaccination to attend her meetings, but "no longer" requires masks.
There are signs that Trump may finally be waking up from his warp speed fever dream. He recently invited a group of dissenting scientists to his home in FL for a meeting.
Trump has to dissavow the vaccines to win election. I suspect that they are going to let all the adverse events on them come out during the election cycle and use that to tank his re-election.
Yep. For the primaries he should've gotten ahead of DeSantis on this, but his childish narcissism and gross negligence wouldn't let him.
On the other hand, hard for Dems to attack Trump in the general election if they're still all claiming "Safe & Effective". But if he doesn't disavow it real soon, he will demoralize his base and lose.
About time considering a few weeks ago he was still claiming Warp Speed saved "100 million lives". He dismissed and ridiculed skeptics and whistleblowers. I figure he killed millions of his most trusting followers.
I'll never trust him again. I think his main reason isn't honesty or concern for those he F'd, but that DeSantis is trouncing him on that issue and it's only getting worse.
What is sad is how many vaccine injuries happened in Trump's life prior to him becoming president but he nonetheless went all in the vaccines.
Hey, have you read this book?
"I'm from the Government and I'm Here to Kill You: The True Human Cost of Official Negligence"
By David T. Hardy
Fascinating book on the federal government's sovereign immunity system -- which is far worse than the British one we tried to escape from in the American Revolution.
With the lawsuits coming, it's very relevant to federal govt in relation to vax injury, train derailments etc.
Unfortunately, looks like state govts have sovereign immunity too, unless they violate their own or the federal constitution, or act in bad faith. State officials can be sued under the "stripping doctrine", but practically speaking, statutory law and courts have perversely granted immunity from liability to virtually all federal employees and their actions.
Key concept."...but practically speaking, statutory law and courts have perversely granted immunity from liability to virtually all federal employees and their actions."
All that is by design but imposed under the pretext of protection for us wittle peeple. Frauds, con-men, and quacks and we get to pay for it all, because, you know, "roads."
Tells me he's a celebrity-worshiping chump. Not the shrewd guy he paints himself.
Disclosure: Not that I trusted Trump enough to get his experimental death shot, but I know 5 people who did. 2 of my friends' healthy mom's died, injury onset within 48 hours, one autopsy concluded cause of death was clotting due to vax. 3 other friends stroked within 48 hours, one has permanent facial paralysis.
There are many explanations and possibilities. All with probabilities of being accurate. Without the NSA and other records of what the players have done, we can only conjecture. Using system analysis techniques, I myself do not believe that most of this was an accident. I myself believe that it was probably all carefully planned by a clever covert enemy that has far too much power and control over those in power positions world wide? We continue to collect facts and not do anything physical while the enemy escalates its harm of humanity and the planet? Some of us are doing our best to discover innovative new ways to turn the tide. We could use some help. Please.
I read the Jessica Rose article yesterday. Looked up Plasmid
"a genetic structure in a cell that can replicate independently of the chromosomes, typically a small circular DNA strand in the cytoplasm of a bacterium or protozoan. Plasmids are much used in the laboratory manipulation of genes."
I was scared by her article but at the end of your post you say "This is 1 replication competent plasmid per 350 mRNA molecules and equates to billions of antibiotic resistant plasmids injected per person per shot."
and now I am terrified. The vax modifies DNA so our cells can manufacture spike proteins which ends up in various parts of the body, like the brain (Dr. John Campbell recently covered this), and now you point out the consequences of plasmid in one's body.
Is my concern valid?
Sorry? lol
Don't be sorry Jessica. 😉😁
Shine your light into this dark tunnel.
It's not a train. It's our salvation.
Cohorts Of Madness, you are taking something simple and making it complicated.
Autism is the result of being poisoned by a toxic vaccine. Its that simple. No Children's Vaccine Schedule, no Autism. Problem solved.
When I was little (70's), there were VERY FEW children with "autism." (I'm talking knowing 1 autistic child - and we just called him strange because he did things like not letting go of the subject, fixation, interruptions, etc. {Note: my parents began a school for very disabled children in 1972 so I know what I'm talking about - not to mention that I'm a School Psychologist currently} - in over 16 years of school). I agree - they also began spraying the environment around then and the vaccine schedule for multiple jabs. I think it is a combination - and now they've deployed 5G and resumed environmental spraying to promote their "agenda" aka "depopulation and control."
I was a kid of the 70's too. Autism wasn't even a word.
The fact that people have forgotten autism appeared out of nowhere illustrates how they gaslight all of us.
I was a kid in 50's and there was nothing then but only had a couple of vaccines and in the mid 50's polio. I just listened to a presentation by Dr. Andrew Wakefield and that was a real eye opener. The corruption and lack of concern of victims by the drug companies is beyond comprehension. Every, drug and vaccine should be put back on the table and fully investigated for safety and effectiveness. It seems none of the vaccines have been properly tested for safety. of the better decades...I was a child then too!
I remember (1980s) when it was mostly called "atypical developmental disorder" - and it was quite rare.
Neatly put, except I think I would say no big pharma vaccines/drugs period. Most disease can be put down to poisonous vaccines/big pharma drugs.
But there are lots of toxins everywhere produced by big pharma.
Understand that I was little in the era of DDT - and STILL we did not have the rate of Autism. It was not until they began Injecting stuff into children that we began to see this issue, imo. Had I known the truth about all of this, I would NEVER have had my son injected with these poisons - born in early 2000's. I should have gotten the clue when I miscarried the twin that was with him early in the pregnancy after taking a flu "vaccine." Never again!!
Thank you very much for explaining. Re "Understand that I was little in the era of DDT - and STILL we did not have the rate of Autism."
That I think must be the nob of the matter. DDT is poisonous, but injecting poison into children let alone adults is far more serious. For a child in development it can be catastrophic as we have seen. I had the polio vaccine probably around 6-7 as was usual I understand (UK). I believe this was the cause of a very unpleasant nightmare I had around that time.
I was also very ill at age 15 when vaccinated at school with BCG. I have no records to hand to assess how close in time but both around spring time and the disease came after. I was ill for two weeks in school sanatorium with temperature at one time 104 degrees F. I only recovered my strength at the end of the summer.
That plus CoM's first claim is this.:"Autism is a highly heritable behavioral disorder. "
If "variable" were meant instead of "heritable," then madness would probably not apply.
Thank you for the final quotation. What do you think is the effect of transfecting bacteria with the SV-40 promoter?
See Judy Mikovit's "Plague" book re SV40. I think you'll find that the "easter egg" was laid long ago, likely after WW2.
If you've had these abominations, the short answer is absolutely.
A reminder that
Ivermectin or HCQ or Quercetin + Doxycycline or Azithromycin (the Z-Pack) + Zinc + C + D3
are the standard meds to treat covid - and early - since 2020!
Plasmids have been know to exist since the early 1960's. My Pharmacy classmate went on to get a PHD in biology and his expertise was how to identify and prevent plasmids from contaminating injectables in the manufacturing process. Apparently, Pfizer doesn't give a damn!
Bee propolis. Best "antibiotic" ever.
And a million other God given gifts - cod liver oil, castor oil, grass fed butters, raw honey in the ear for earaches, every herb in Ayurvedic, Traditional Chinese and American/European Indigenous cultures.
Sun, pure water and food from happy soil.
Raised five kids without one doctor visit or antibiotic. Ever.
The CDC doctor who discussed monomorphism and pleomorphism with me 20 years ago also informed me there have NEVER been ANY LONG TERM safety studies on ANY vaccine.
I love Bee products!
Everyone should have a backyard beehive! I have a wild swarm that stopped by 6 years ago and 'they' are still here. Most feral swarms in Florida are African-Hybrid types and need different handling methods than the tamer domestic breeds, but still produce an amazing quantity of honey.
I'm jealous.
I'm not. I had a hive of africanized bees in 1976. I suspect some mad biologist installed them in a heated ledge. Horrid things. Get them exterminated from Florida. Perhaps send them to the California almond groves to stay! Cull the africanized bees! Something can be said for winters cold enough to require bees to winter.
We have winters cold enough that few can get 'em to winter successfully. I never could but I sure do like the sound of 'em humming and buzzing around when I'm in the garden.
An Africanized hive can be fixed by replacing the queen.
Guess I should have done that back in 1976 if I could still see long enough to find and replace her. (They covered my veil.)
Could you share more on what the CDC doctor told you on pleomorphism and monomorphism?
21 years ago I innocently called the CDC to ask about the long term safety info on the newly mandated Hep A and B shots for my two teenage sons. I thought the doctor who took my call would be able to tell me, "Yep. These are totally benign and safe". He tried to at first, though he immediately told me, "There is NO long term safety data on ANY vaccine. We don't do those studies". I was shocked . We had a long discussion about my questions of generational effects of inoculation, why new diseases might now exist - ALS (Lou Gehrig's), chronic fatigue/Epstein Barr, and older maladies now be so numerous - the explosion of thyroid disease and Multiple Sclerosis etc. It wasn't until I brought up the terms pleomorphism and monomorphism that he seemed to become more fully engaged. After 30 minutes of conversation he abruptly asked me to "hold" and I guess switched phone lines and said, "If I were you, I would not get these for my sons" (!)
(I was stunned and thought, well what the heck do I do now? Like, how do I get exemptions? With great difficulty I found out.)
Our teenage neighbor immediately had seizures after his shots and his parents were super pissed....…
Did he say anything about pleomorphism and monomorphism besides get upset?
He didn't get upset. I thought that at the point I mentioned the two disease model theories, he would want to disengage.
Instead, he seemed to become more interested in my questions and our discussion and that he was aware of the disease model issue.
Knowing me, I probably asked towards the end of our talk, if he would be letting his children get these two injections. And it was probably then that he said, "If I were you, I would not get these for my sons".
I forgot to add the beloved algae!
Spirulina and Chlorella, alond with of course, Iodine, charcoal. clays etc.
But seriously, castor oil packs work more powerfully, I think, than my precious essential oils.
I have used a lot of those too!
Your kids are blessed to have such a smart mom! Can you share what brand of cod liver oil that you use?
Thank you Paula. I will tell all four tall opinionated men, my sons, and my husband's daughter you said so!
I like Green Pasture (fermented) best after trying Dropi (Icelandic) Rosita and Carlson's.
But I think I could recommend them all.
I have tried Rosita, very good but too expensive for me now. I will look into the Green Pasture brand. Thank you!
Fascinating and helpful, thanks!
(1) I do think that we now have endemic gut covid infections. Wastewater covid tests in Marin, CA, where I live, have never gone back down to their lowest baseline, they seem to be chronically elevated at 20x or more. You can see this at (note that the chart of wasterwater testing is log scale, so it doesn't look nearly as scary as if it was linear, and it is easier to see if you look at each data source separately via a pull-down in the upper left of the chart).
(2) Have you looked at herbal protocols, versus medical antibiotics? The herbals have a much better safety profile, can be as effective as antibiotics, and don't cause antibiotic resistance because they use smaller levels of multiple compounds working together synergistically. Good sources are Buhner's books, Herbal Antivirals and Herbal Antibiotics. I used an herbal protocol to help recover from Lyme, seemed to work well.
(3) Our mitochondria have a bacterial origin, and are definitely pleiomorphic, using fusion and fission to optimize their response to nutritional inputs and optimize ROS levels. It seems exceedingly unlikely that bacteria in the wild can't do the same.
(4) I don't know what would be involved in getting spike-making genes into bacterial plasmids, a
scary thought. It seems more likely that we are just seeing chronic covid gut infections. This would particularly be true because multiple vaccinations plus infection lead to increased immune tolerance, so the virus would never be cleared.
I added your comment to the article! The problem with herbal antibiotics is that they are not strong enough to treat a lot of infections, so if you don't use a stronger therapy, the person can die.
Herbal protocols may not be as fast-acting, yes. So in some situations a drug may be better. Buhner actually recommends doxycyline for Lyme if caught early, when it is most effective.
Early doxycycline treatment is one of the things I wish more people knew about.
What about Chlorine Dioxide? Its effective as per clinical data in Boliva, France, Guinea. Works in Lyme, HPV, HV1, Coronavirus.