Feb 24, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

The freedom movement and its eternal base of Truth is doing just what it was expected to do. Kill tyranny. One step, one flag, one salute to a trucker and farmer at a time. One legal notice to a fake MD, pharmacist, nurse, government-hired poison injector at a time. The tide turns, and its a tidal wave of truth. And demons can’t swim. 🙏🏽

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It will only serve a modicum of improvement. The thing is it is just wresting on the peripherals, the root of the problem is never sought let alone targeted. What is the root of the problem? Who even asks? I say the root of the problem is patriarchy, because it's imbalance. Patriarchy is male rule. It is not against males but against male rule. Please note the difference. And so we're only getting the benefits of one part of the human brain. The feminine needs to be heard now, not exclusively though, but in equal measure. Another root of the problem is an offshoot of patriarchy - debt-based money. Those two things are the root causes to all the ills of the world but they're easily fixed if enough people can see it and seek alternatives. Government is another offshoot of patriarchy as it puts some up and many down. We need to strive for sovereignty - horizontal or shared power. Free speech is the foundation of such a terrain.

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Apparently you’ve never worked with all women.

I find any such simplistic blame game, ignorant at best, dangerous at worst.

Plus it solves zero.

It’s more of the same Marxist trope of

Systemic Racism

Toxic Masculinity


Solves zero.

Only creates more division and another Government bureaucracy to battle fairy tales of Goobly gook

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023Author

I believe it is important not to allow ourselves to get fractured down divisions such as gender.

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I probably shouldn't say this since you don't want division, but women in control are more vicious, spiteful, vengeful, and deadly than most men. (I'm 81 and have a lifetime of watching and engaging with both sexes -- give me a man or group of men anytime over woman or a group of women.) Ha! I forgot to say I'm a woman.

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Then perhaps what we need is a group of vicious, spiteful, vengeful, and deadly women in charge of delivering the legal retribution to the one's responsible for the harm that has been inflicted... I'd be good with that.

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So would I. But it's scary to think of the women in charge of so many things -- I'm thinking Nuland the Neocon, the governor of Michigan who wouldn't let people buy garden seeds, and that leader in NZ who just resigned. Just looking at their expressions as they govern or control is a little scary.

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Yes yes yes. I'm a 73 year old woman and my experience has led me to conclude the same things as you. And I also agree with your previous statement about Nuland, Ardern, Witmer etc. Let's add Pelosi to that list.

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I agree. I’m a woman too.

Now, do you think , since you’re older, woman’s lib and men losing their testosterone in feminist beat downs, have caused women to become Bitches?

Woman must on a core level feel safe.

As men have given up the protector role, by design, with woman’s lib.

Woman feel like they have to become the protector, causing a deep anger and fear.

I could go on.

I think you’ll get my question to you.

What are your thoughts?

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I need to think about this -- but off the top of my head, I think a line was crossed when women's lib started -- and, I should probably say women's lib erupted instead of the movement started or began. Instead of righting wrongs, say in employment, the 'thought' leaders of feminism viewed men as 'the enemy'. They weren't satisfied with gaining ground, they wanted to rub men's noses in the subjugations of the past. Feminists, a lot of them, didn't like men and they wanted to prove they could do any job that men had done before and do it better. (Which is malarkey -- each sex has unique skills.)

One of the reasons I said I needed to think about the answer to your question is the phrase 'men losing their testosterone in feminist beat downs.' I think the birth control pill has had a feminizing effect on men at a cellular level that we still don't know about. My mother (born in 1915) started noticing some years after the pill became standard birth control (about 1960 or so) women's bodies were changing. She told us (she had three girls) that women's bodies were changing. She said just look at young girl's shapes now, they don't have the curves that women use to have, they've lost their waists.' So my sisters and I started noticing this and agreed, young girls (teens) and women don't have hour glass figures like they did in the years that were pre-birth control pills. So, if a woman's feminine bodily characteristics can change so much, why wouldn't a man's in some way? I think there is a medical or cellular level thing going on -- I have no idea what it is. I'm not smart enough and don't have the vocabulary or writing skill to explain this part of my answer any better than this.

I think you are right about the core level of women wanting to feel safe -- women, especially mothers, want to be protected and even provided for because of giving birth. At that moment, I think they instinctively want to be taken care of because of the new life. Innately, they want that protection, but now they're expected to provide at least 50% of shouldering life's other burdens and it frustrates them, causing the spite and anger.

You've gone more deeply into this subject than I did when I wrote my first comment. I just knew that most of my life, men were easier to get along with and were more fun and weren't as catty or hateful as my female friends or acquaintances. I use to always chuckle at myself when I did meet or have to interact with a mean or hateful man that I usually ended up thinking of him as a 'bitch.'

Hope I haven't meandered mentally here too much. Your question is a little deeper than what I spouted off with earlier. :)

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Really? I was laughing sufficiently hard even b4 that. Go make a baby; guess you’ll need a test tube or 2. Arbitrary ones. Im out. Dinnertime... if i can calm my laughter.

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As much as I hate censorship, I think inflammatory comments as Ward posted are more than counter productive. This article is of great importance.

Makes the hypothesis of mass hysteria real. Why on earth were so many worldwide subjected to this huge experiment based on a near untested mRNA platform? The scale of this crime on humanity is remarkable. I hope we can recover someday.

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Any objection to the "inflammatory comments" can be responded to directly. What one finds inflammatory another finds just plain honest. But as you have done people often lambaste the author for simply saying their truth rather than attack the point they object to. This is a common pitfall in our thinking. I'm glad you are against censorship because one cannot be half-baked about it. As to mass hysteria, we need to ask why this happens and I think it's due to censorship itself because if we were honest with each other, and said things like they are, we would have more respect for truth but rather we live in a sea of lies and everyone seems just fine about it.

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Quite agree, yet I thought the thread hijacked drifting off into nowhere land. Discussion worth having but not within "Epidemic of Sudden Deaths".

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"Why on earth were so many worldwide subjected to this huge experiment based on a near untested mRNA platform? "

It's just another crisis engineered to make people accept more control from above for our "protection," of course. It's no coincidence that the WHO wants to step in and save us by making themselves the final health authority. I hope our government doesn't fall for it, but I know they will. If they do not this time, the globalist mafia will try again until they get their way.Yup, I'm a kunspiarsee theerist! ; )

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So true! Doing so only facilitates the Left's legitimacy of "Identity Politics".

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Standard knee jerk reaction. What is wrong with talking about anything? So now we can't talk about genders is that it? I believe in free speech though. And what harm can words on a screen cause at all? Please keep the internet alive with free speech. If you have a problem with any thing I say I welcome it but not just your opinion without substantiation.

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My policy is to do everything I can to avoid censoring or deleting anything here.

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The balance of male and female energy is the family. The patriarchy protects the family, which function has been damaged by the useful idiots of the feminist movement, thereby allowing a soulless satanic force to enslave mankind entire.

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023

Please tell me at what point wanting your own finances, bank account, job and vote is Satanic?

The gender woo is not feminist. Women just want to be humans, thx.

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Nobody hates women more than other women.

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I am thankful to have grown up with only male siblings and had only sons! I am also thankful for my father teaching me to be a contrarian and my mother encouraging me to be different from the crowd. Never was afraid of the Vid and never got the clot shot.

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We know how duplicitous they can be.

I still have back stabbing wounds

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I have worked mostly with men and have found the same thing. I have also worked with all women and it was great. Guess what? Not all people/gender/race/anything are all exactly the same. Claiming that members of a certain group are all the same is called prejudice and that is a trap that may be hard to get out of. Humans are basically dysfunctional to some degree as most people are wounded and so we live in a world of wounded people. Societal structures wound some people more than others. This is why Love and Forgiveness are essential if we are to navigate this world in a healthier way.

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Then again... some people deserve kill'n.

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You have begun to suffer for the insanity of others. Wounds heal; trust it. I can only humbly assuage traumas as i have experienced little as yet. Cops at the door.. the usual. Others have been rib-kicked by jackboots last feb in ottawa; i was there.

Know that your absorbing of tyranny is not unnoticed nor in vain. Its the price we pay; your activism is the rent paid for this otherwise beautiful earthly experience. And, imho, it has been So beautiful. Paddle a creek in a wooden canoe at sunrise. I weep with the memory. Tell me your story; it is highly valued as are you.

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"Others have been rib-kicked by jackboots last feb in ottawa; i was there."

Bless you Dear Witness to those events.

Despite Rouleau's "findings" & Trudeau nearly breaking his arm trying to pat himself on the back:

Christine assures me that it ain't a fait accompli just yet.

(Not by a LONG shot eh!)


#NoAmnesty 💲💉☠💔

#TrudeaumustgoNOW ☣

#HoldTheLine 🇨🇦🇺🇸🚑🚒🚔🚚🚛🚜🚲🛴

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My wife would agree with you. She is a woman for avoidance of doubt. I check every now and then to make sure!

Unlike some in Joe Biden's government I know the difference between a man and a woman.

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Men have kept me from positions I have fought for to put men from their former school in the place...and so have women. They both have their dysfunctional ways of tittering when confronted.

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023

Caveat, while the men hired complete dolts who ran off to the Bahamas with their druggie girlfriend (one was deserted by the girl for a cartel guy, god knows what happened to her)...the women hired men who lied about their previous creds. I talked to their wives at parties and they would exclaim," you must be talking about someone else, he never got a degree from ***". But hiring chef from *** thought he did. LOL. So glad I am not in cooking anymore.

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I was a Chef!

Men helped me more than women when I was starting out.

Men explained things, more than women.

Woman have a tendency to take on the worst qualities , believing that being a Bitch is good for business..

I too am grateful to be out of that business 😀

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I am a male Nurse. I can vouch for that. It starts when we do not encourage teams sports amongst our daughters. The back biting manifests itself later in the work place. Can be brutal.

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Hmmm. I'm guessing you haven't had daughters who played team sports yourself?

I've had two daughters who played team sports. And those were fantastic learning opportunities for my daughters.

With such early and intense lessons in back biting, side biting, front biting, underneath biting and top biting behind them, I feel that my girls were well prepared for the work place and likely had a big advantage over other girls who had to learn on the job.

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No. I had a son. But I read a great article in Nashvile Parent about how we disadvantage our daughters by not encouraging team sports. Many of my female colleagues agree.

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LOL. Thanksalot, u made me burn my hand on a great steak!

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Screaming into the Void assumes no liability for injuries sustained while reading. Consume responsibly! 😄

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That's pretty true. Women don't defend another woman's right to speak. They shoot each other down. They go on the side of the man when there are disputes between a man and a woman. But I'm not here to talk about each other's traits and flaws - do we want a truly fair society based on everyone having equal voice? Or do we just want to hear from men for another millennia? Because that is what is happening again. This time though with the consent of women. Because women can do anything men can do and they know it, the thing is women can't do what women only can do and that is to create and bring intelligence. Men do not meet the criteria of intelligence collectively but individually they can. This is because they rape and kill their own species and vandalize the environment. This we are blind to because we have always seen it, it is like water is to fish. But now we can go a step further and build a truly open and free society where men and women, boys and girls, can have as much say as anyone else. We can't just leave the voices of the billionaires to invade the airspace.

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Chaos and cacophony result from the spurious belief in equality of awareness, experience, intelligence, and voice of every human being. The center will not hold, and shear anarchy is unleashed upon the world, by the assumption that (children) have the capability or right to an equal voice in the decisions of the world.

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Thanks, Jjule, i couldnt have said it better. I had gotten fatigued of teaching the unteachable, and chalked it up to a comment unworthy of a response... well done. I feel a patriot has my back; it wasn’t the first time.

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I’m so sick of this ignorant blather posing as enlightened.

Thank you for your comment.

And yes. A patriot 🤠🙏🏼💜

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Trolls are like hurdles: embrace them, as part of the journey toward freedom and justice. Hurdles they are, and you and i will clear some, stumble some, but persist, where the enemy is weak, woke, and doomed to fail. It was, i suppose, never expected to be a stressless nor bloodless battle, and we are likely to see it fail desperately b4 any redemption for the west is reached. God shall decide, and we may be long gone at His side by the time its over. As it shall be. 🙏🏽

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Plus, it keeps me on my toes to pay attention.

Many slither in, spew something that sounds reasonable at first glance, until I stop and go.

Wait a minute !!!

I fell for Obamas nice sounding narrative….

I swore I would not validate a speech or post simply on emotions again.

I must play it through the Socratic meter of Why, with critical thinking skills.

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Good response, Jjule. One only has to look at the wretched performance of Rochelle Walensky and Deborah Birx as key actors in this debacle to see the falsity of the ideological blame shifting narrative that Denise has proposed.

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Birx is a birx (sic). Should have been a warning to her employers.

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Yes. I've worked in a place dominated by women, and a few of them abused their power so egregiously that it was descried by their female reports. (One was known, by the women who worked for her, as 'the dragon lady' and no one worked directly for her for longer than a month.) And I've worked with mostly men, and many of the few women who worked there described horror stories of working with women.

It seems that one of the more peculiar and widespread 'woke' ideas is that females are somehow above the foibles of being human as we are psyopped into blithely blaming 'men' for having ruined 'everything' important for an ethical and harmonious life. That conveniently sidesteps the role of 'mothering' in those destructive men and puts a wrench in the idea of nurture versus nature. Hmmm. A very interesting train of exploration not to be done at this time.

And interesting examination of that 'problem' - why do women have trouble working together and creating sustainable organisations and relationships - was looked at by Susie Orbach and Luise Eichenbaum in their book *Between Women: Love, Envy and Competition in Women's Friendships*. I don't think this was a great effort though, as I suspect they were attempting to gloss over the deeper issues of the humanity of the female as containing both constructive nurturing energy, and destructive pernicious energy as deeply as the male.

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Yes! 🤣🤣🤣

Blame solves zero.

It’s men’s fault

It’s white peoples fault




It’s all our fault for

1. Allowing this insanity to get a foothold, when Obama stated one was Racist if his policies were questioned.

That’s the first I really noticed the insanity, although it started earlier, absolutely.

NGOs know that emotionalism crowd funding goes a long way in destroying a society.

Conservatives just want to be left alone, for the most part.

Have God. So we aren’t trying to fill that gapping void with nonsense.

Whereas Progressives have left God, have that hole, and fill it with every new bobble headed idea presented, trying to fill the what only God can .

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Yes! I also helped create this evil by being mostly silent about it even as I watched (and criticised) the cancer of MBA-itis (now I see that as the business version of woke) destroy businesses.

We have met the enemy! And the enemy is us. And that means that I have met the enemy and the enemy is me. It is so convenient to think that that observation only applies to that somebody else over there. :-D. Delusion knows no bounds and is ALWAYS the other person's problem.

Truly the covid-craziness has been the slap in the face required to wake those of us awake enough to feel it to start to actively participate in the creation of life instead of being passive passerbys permitting evil to grow by our inattention and silence.

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Yes it’s easy to have that log in our eye and notice the sliver in the other more easily.

Self reflection, accountability, responsibility as been passed over to narcissistic blame.

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BOOM!!! Love that!!!

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Just tell me where I am wrong. Don't bring in unrelated issues like whether I have worked with women. So what if I have or have not, it doesn't change the case I am making which you haven't addressed one iota. What you have done is demonized the messenger. I didn't use the term toxic masculinity - you did. So you are trying to put words in my mouth while you lambaste me on some kind of moral ground when it was you who used those words. And this business about division. are we supposed to all agree? Or just all agree with you? Or some other belief? Each of us is different and we should be hearing each other out and where there is nonsense, call it out using reason, logic and critical thinking. Attacking the messenger is a prize no-no in critical thinking. Just tell me where I am wrong. I'm not interested in hearing about how much more moral you are than me. If you're for censorship then that means you will be censored too you know but I'm sure you like to say anything you want, and that's what we'd all like. Still you haven't made a case against anything I said. And just note that patriarchy is in women too, it is a program only your mind is blinded by the word "patriarchy" that it doesn't think clearly as I've seen many times in people.

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You are advocating for untethered rampant individualism and relativism that is the culmination of the Age of Enlightenment, which leaves us isolated powerless individuals controlled by the soulless institutions of the corporate/state partnership. The satanic forces use useful idiots to wreck the traditional family and community which protected and nourished humanity on it's journey through the millennia. Please consider that wrecking the traditional structures and experience of mankind honed over millennia of challenge is an existential threat to the future of our children. Remember revolution devours it's children!

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That is exactly the Alinsky plan.

Destroying everything that has held society together.

Using mobs of brainwashed do gooders, funded by Soros.

The whole social Justice movement is a Marxist propaganda.

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Based on you nonsensical, zero understanding of what I said.

Knee jerk ego reaction.

I’m not going to bother.

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Well that is your choice to not understand but I can't for the life of me see how it gets you or anyone anywhere. Do you think we are to roll out the red carpet for you? I don't know what you're referring to you have not given any detail. I tried to say that what you said is pure programming. Now you're admitting you're just ticked off but that's your own choice to be. This is one of the tactics ignorance plays upon intelligence and wisdom. Simply dismissing things out of hand without giving any substance but just blowing steam.

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Omg 🤣🤣🤣

You use every Marxist Catchphrase of the Alinsky campaign.


So now I’m a woman supremest. Gotcha.

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I disagree.

A much better way to look at this is to see that obedience to authority is a much deeper source of 'the' problem. (Is there even a 'the' source?) Jung talked with great concern that the loss of a spiritual truth will misdirect the ego into thinking that the mind or ego will be that source. Nietzsche warned about this too. Someone has observed that people with a strong spiritual core were far less susceptible to the obedience to authority psyop/propaganda machine. The transhumanists embody this aspiritual elevation of mind as mechanical AI into the place of a kind of god.

It is too easy to blame patriarchy without looking at what has been positive about the last few thousand years as well as negative. Jordan Peterson observes, paraphrased, that patriarchy is an energy that creates when positive and destroys (as tyranny in its myriad forms) when negative.

There is a general myopia that the feminine energy can be likewise both 'positive' and 'negative'. Not enough people know about, let alone have read, Erich Neumann's examination in all its facets of the Great Mother: An Analysis of the Archetype. See https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1282241.The_Great_Mother.

If curious, I explored the relationship between so-called 'Mass Formation' with Obedience to Authority and trace it back to a kind of Stockholm syndrome generated concomitantly with the development of agriculture which created the social and economic split between those who have control over the food, those that don't, ie. the haves and the have-nots, exacerbated by the genetic coding that has us innately looking for hierarchical/social approval. See Obedience to Authority: A Rumination. https://gduperreault.substack.com/p/obedience-to-authority-a-rumination

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Well so far all you've quoted are males! You named Jung, Nietzsche, Peterson and Neumann. All male. And their interpretations are too complicated. That's how things come out from only male thinking - it's using only one half of the brain. I imagine the masculine and feminine like two electric charges. Let's say masculine is positive and feminine is negative. She's like a power outlet on the wall and he's like the power cord. They both exist but only when they join forces does any electricity flow. I'm not referring to sex I'm referring to men need to listen to women because we have the missing link to the way the earth really works. Men fudging things by only using their perspectives means we're going off the cliff baby. Even the way men think is convoluted. There is no need for all this "sometimes the masculine is positive sometimes negative" yahda yahda. That's what happens when man doesn't consult with woman, he makes himself befuddled. Balance. That's what we have to remember. And that means around 50/50 not just a sprinkle of females with a bundle of males. Men are the muscle and women are the wisdom/intelligence of the earth. Men have a building intelligence, an intelligence that measured so is very matter-oriented. Women are conceptual-oriented and can solve problems in a snap compared to men who need to take every step individually, whereas women can bypass those steps. Now we have the opportunity to leave all the fighting aside and make a fresh start. Women need to stop circumcising their sons - Number one. And we need to pressure women to do this - the sons will thank us later on. Those boys that want to be circumcised can do so when they can decide for their own body, whatever age that may be. But a baby cannot and it is wicked beyond imagination that this barbarity continues and we say nothing of it.

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Every thread I read today where you have posted, you have been an irritating, argumentative topic disrupter.

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And so what's you're point? New thinking often is. Now notice the program here - because this happens almost uniformly - your trying to quash the voice of a woman. The patriarchy is in women as well as men, it is a program a program that is against "the mother" energy. Rife amongst women who side with the patriarchy and defend it even to the point of actively having their baby son's penis's mutilated. And calling it "custom". What you state is just your opinion. You don't have to like me, I don't give a fig, what I am about is issues. So far you've shown you are about putting down someone. I'm sorry you were irritated reading all those irritating posts.But you didn't have to. That too is a choice.

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Now if men said something like that to me instead of all the lame excuses or tit-for-tatting, I'd say they have a great case.

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The feminine is *over*-heard now. Almost everything "woke" is from trembling coeds who value feelings over all else.

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Feminism movement was high jacked as always by government, to destroy the family , double the tax revenue, and have children raised by the indoctrination system.

Emotionalism is destroying us. By design.

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I agree with you here, wholeheartedly. Women have been used just like everybody else in this monstrosity of a patriarchal cult-ure we are forced into. We can go forward now with a truly balanced society where men, women, boys and girls can have their say over their own life and things that impact it. https://deniseward.substack.com/p/the-egalitarian-proposal-system

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You may be sick of it and wanting to dismiss it as "woke" or anything else. I can assure you I am nothing like "wokeness" they kick me out of everything which I wear as a badge of honor actually and that it reiterates their inadequacy in engaging in adult debate. What do you base your claim on that the feminine is overheard? I see men talking much more than women, I see a ratio of 6 to 1 so maybe you are just not noticing something. And this dismissiveness is part of the non-thinking that caused the covid hoax and will cause more hoaxes if we don't address it. You have to have substance to claims or else it's just bloviation as far as I can tell. And this doesn't apply to you only, it applies universally.

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Without any prejudice I can say that protectionist nature of the ‘keeping people safe’ propaganda mostly appealed to women. In many cases they were the ones who convinced husbands and pushed compliance onto children. At the same time plenty of health officials and experts that supported and implemented this tyranny were women. So...nah.

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Studies have been done.

Exactly as you stated.

Go after the women w Mind F ery emotionalism, and you’ve destroyed the family….

Woman are emotional by nature.

More easily manipulated, by fear.

I am a woman, I see it. And I know it

The biggest gift I received from one of my clients was the Socratic way of looking at everything.

Not just by emotional response, but the why behind it.

I’m listening to an interesting podcast.

How to sway a society.

Antonio Gramsci: Origins of the Culture Wars, Political Correctness, Critical Race Theory, Cancel Culture, Corporate Media Propaganda, Big Tech Censorship | Truth Over News

Funny enough, Pete Butt father was involved, Joseph.

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Huh. Well I just detest that saying and the idea that I would look to my government to keep me safe. The thought turns my stomach. But I get what you are saying. I have also learned a lot from Peterson on the subject of female and male distribution of personality traits. The research in this area of social science is quite extensive and well established. This is good information. When it comes to influence in operations I think we all need to be educated and wise to the tactics. It’s the best defence we have.

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The root of the problem is insanity, not patriarchy. Satan, once Lucifer, is insane. I call him Loopy Luci.

When I say him I use that advisedly as his feminine side has taken over.

But imbalance is correct. Satan is completed unbalanced or unhinged.

If you must blame anybody, blame male and female combined. It's all our fault and we must work together and kick Satan's ass.

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I listened to a Pastor talk about how Adam let us and eve down by ALLOWING her to eat the apple.

He was there, saw what was going on.

Let her do it anyway.

Hence the lie of omission.

That kinda goes for the men not stepping up now.

Easier to go along to get along….

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I am sorry to say what really happened between Eve and the serpent is much worse than eating the 'apple' although in one sense an 'apple' was eaten. Eve thought it was great so didn't know what Satan would do to poor Adam.

When I realised what really went on in the Garden of Eden in the summer of 2020, I wept bitterly for Adam and Eve. They were only youngsters, teenagers as it were like Romeo and Juliette. What I called the Serpent Satan turned the air blue.

But Adam should have checked with the Lord God first, it was the Lord God's habit to come and see how they were doing in the cool of the evening so he should have waited. Eve should have checked with Adam. Satan got her alone you see and Adam wasn't there. She was vulnerable and Satan knew it.

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Adam was right there.

Didn’t say no.

Didn’t guide he back to God.

And of course it’s bigger than an apple.

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So what color was the air before Satan turned it blue? And why and how was he Allowed to change it?

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Sorry, I turned the air blue with my language directed at Satan, not Satan turning the air blue. Satan makes the air foul with fire, smoke and brimstone. These colours are red black and yellow like Germany's flag for example.

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Really? Speaking as a woman here, I find many women in positions of power every bit as abusive as men. For example, Victoria Nuland is a viscous WARMONGER responsible for countless deaths. Same goes for Hillary, except that she also happens to be a murderous, lying American sellout. Then there's Queen Mary I who brutally burned hundreds at the stake. Or how about Imelda Marcos, she was a real winner, not a greedy money grubbing power whore at all right? Should we talk about Indira Ghandi who declared a state of emergency in 1975 and had many Indians sterilized against their will? Did Nancy Pelosi do women (or anybody) a favor by promoting "gender neutral terms" instead of allowing accurate words to describe people? Was that free speech??? 🤷🏻‍♀️

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People always cite this but what does it prove? That women can be as dastardly as men? Ok we know that but look at the ratios. For every dastardly woman you can cite, I could site probably ten thousand men. So that's a silly comparison because I am not arguing that women don't do what men do. But when women do it we notice but men do it all the time and we "honor" them! Ratios is what we must look at, not instances. We are immersed in a totally male-designed framework and it's time women started talking about making the system that caters to us as well - but not within this male construct, we just make a new one together - men and women, and children too. https://deniseward.substack.com/p/the-egalitarian-proposal-system

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Male construct. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

More Marxist Language

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The reason women were not in powerful positions until recently is because society didn’t have the conveniences we have today. Most jobs were not sitting behind a computer screen in the comfort of home. The jobs and traveling to them were very physical and taxing. Men are physically stronger than women so it made sense for men to go out and slay the dragon every day whilst women stayed at the home and cared for the children and the home. There were no pre-made meals on the go. It was the sea ILS distribution of labor.

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Why were women banned from an education and being in public life? It cracks me up how women defend their own enslavement.

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Women are at the forefront of causing great harm! Read the names and you will find more females than males causing great harm especially in our public schools!

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This is not a battle between men and women so you don't have to come to the defense of the male. Female do harm yes but who does most of the caring? Who does most of the cleaning? Do women have armies that drop bombs and weapons that can take out a town in one second? Do women design or hold these weapons. Yeah sure some do, but look at the ratio - there is no comparison. Saying it's the same is a false equivalence, it's denial. Why does everyone rush to defend the male but the female they burn on the stake? I think I know the answer to that. It's true that women do most of the teaching so why do they continue to teach patriarchy to children? Or to their sons? The answer to that is because the toxic female is submissive and compliant, her masculine and feminine is not of balanced proportion so she does what the patriarchy tells her. She abides by patriarchal rules and mores all to the detriment of the female I should add. The balance of the masculine/feminine should be a ratio of something like 60:40 in favor of each gender, so if you're a female, 60% feminine and 40% masculine is a proper balance within the individual. For males it's vice-versa. Due to this compliance tendency of women, they are causing immense damage that they're just not aware of - circumcising their baby sons. That just tells the child that his mother cares more to comply than to protect him and that leaves a bad taste in his consciousness throughout his life and of which he is totally unaware of (because the trauma happened too early in his life to remember) This turns into resentment and plays out by the misogyny we see in society but is veiled, you have to be aware of it to see it - it is like water to fish. And because women were taught by patriarchy, they do it too. There's a whole half side of the brain humanity hasn't tapped because of this vicious cycle that begins with the mother circumcising her baby boys. Mothers must cease doing this. It is destroying the very fabric of our society and is probably why men come up with the idea of war. Nobody ever stops to think about consequences of action. To circumcise the baby for the purpose of keeping his penis clean is about as diabolical as adding rat poison to the water because it's good for our teeth.

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"What is the root of the problem?"


"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

~ Krishnamurti


"We are faced with a breakdown of general social order and human values that threatens stability [and survival] throughout the world. Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem. The source of our problems is within the structure of thought itself."

~ David Bohm (1981)


NOTHING will change fundamentally, until we fundamentally change the way we perceive and treat children. Until then, we will continue to see childhood adversity re-enacted upon EVERY aspect of society.

Furthermore, #childhood #adversity more often than not consists of imposing utterly INSANE societal standards of "normalcy" on children, to which they MUST conform, in order to survive, at a time when they are too young to understand and reject the madness being imposed on them.

The "masses" are essentially clueless and unaware of their own conditioning...


Aware Parenting website:

"It is paradoxical, yet true:

Children are the most

in need of loving attention,

when they act the least deserving of it."

~ Aletha Solter



“The total neglect or trivialization of the childhood factor operative in the context of violence and the way it evolves in early infancy sometimes leads to explanations that are not only unconvincing and abortive but actively deflect attention away from the genuine roots of violence."

~ Alice Miller

Full article 👇🏼




"What kind of a society is it, that does NOT place the Children's Fire at the very centre of its institutions of power?

It's an INSANE society!"

~ Tim "Mac" Macartney


Please Watch this Video presentation:




Why males are more violent:




Eric Clopper and Dr Denniston ... #circumcision




Dissolving my vaxxed illusions:




The Medical Mafia (2002)

~ Ghislaine Lanctôt



Direct link to PDF file:



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I so agree with you and find your comment extraordinarily insightful. You are so right, we don't think the right way. We think in "mono-thinking" only through one side of the brain's two-hemispheres. We need to be hearing a lot more from women but notice it's again still men doing all the talking - which shouldn't be curtailed but they need to invite women in, they need to be curious as to the woman's perspective because we haven't had that perspective for eons. Women have been driven into silence and now we need to notice when there are not enough women speaking in say a group or panel discussion or conference. We need to notice this imbalance and try to balance it out. Not by forcing but by inviting. And we need to be very stringent in telling women they need to stop mutilating their baby boys. Thanks for the good links which I'll be checking out. And there is another way it's called the Egalitarian Proposal System and this is where children's voice are just as heard as adult's. It's a replacement system for politics and courts. It will make them obsolete and the sovereign will be the supreme power, each sovereign, including children. They should have a say in their own future and not just be silent victims. You are so right - the way we treat our children is abysmal and says everything about our culture. https://deniseward.substack.com/p/the-egalitarian-proposal-system

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Nicoletta - as for your first point, it's true, however there are 2 notable exceptions perhaps:

When a person has done a great societal deed, nobody will accept his money. When an evil person seeks to buy out a useful venture in order to monopolize, they often have trouble getting people to accept their money, so they create shell companies and such. In both extremes, the phrase, "Your money's no good here!" seems to transcend money's power.

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Could you give me an example or two where "your money's no good here"?

Also, money in and of itself is nothing but a tool. Who is wielding it, and HOW makes all the difference.

My comments are meant to address issues that run deeper than the effects of how money is used. I am pointing to the underlying socio-psychological issues, which lead to childhood adversity, which is then acted out on society.... from one generation to the next.

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Get the fuck out of here.

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Why did you say that? Please

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This Denise Ward https://substack.com/profile/8226546-denise-ward

is nothing but a troll that keeps posting this bullshit about the fault of "patriarchal societies" on multiple substacks without her post having anything to do with the piece at hand.

Feel free to engage with her if you think anything productive will come out of it and that the deep state doesn't provide you with enough distractions and fake avenues.

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Thank you.

I feel like I’m reading a Kamala word salad of nonsense.

Good catch.

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To clarify.... who were you addressing with your words "get the fuck out of here"?

I post my same comment.... or versions thereof.... wherever an opportunity presents itself, because I personally believe that the treatment of children IS THE ROOT CAUSE of ALL our issues and problems, because children grow up to behave as adults in direct REACTION to the way they were treated as children.

Greed for power IS a direct result of feeling POWERLESS... Everything else is downstream from the way we have raised children who have never outgrown their NATURAL childhood narcissistic NEEDS and tendencies, because in "modern" society, some of the most BASIC NEEDS of children are ignored, or even punished, and I am not convinced that one is worse than the other. Children grow up traumatized by what happens to them just as much as what did NOT happen to them that should have. In fact, in some ways, the trauma of NEGLECT in the name of "independence" is far more insidious than obvious abuse.

So please tell me, if there was anything in my comments that you are taking offense to. I am genuinely interested.

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I think? Only reading through the thread, it was directed at the troll Denise Ward .

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As a mother of 5 sons once said: "No wars start unless my sons want them to". Men get the job done but often at a woman's request. There are men and women on both sides of this issue, no need to kill off half the herd.

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Excellent! Thank you so much. I bought Ed's book (Cause Unknown) as soon as I first heard about it. Robert Malone has arranged for us to get the Kindle version free through the end of February. Also free are his own book, Lies My Government Told Me; as well as Robert Kennedy Jr.'s book, The Real Anthony Fauci. Check it out on Amazon.

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That was great of him to do.

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023

Thank you for posting this. Tucker Carlson said a great many things too. I hope there will be more exploration around the "thriving" trade in fake vaccine cards. I wonder if this is a significant number that might be large enough to impact the stats. I could easily believe it to be the same size, if not double those of us that are proudly unvaxed. Think Kirsch would be interested in an anonymous survey? I was reading comments on another blog where I was surprised to see the comments running 50/50 on supportiveness of having a fake vax card.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I buy the hard copies, because those can't be deleted off of our electronic devices, like Kindle did, ironically, with Orwell's 1984 and Animal Farm in 2009.


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I do the same. I have eleven books related to the covid plandemic time and there are several others I want to order. I really like supporting those who have taken a stand for truth, often at great cost to their careers and reputations. I also see it as having my own repository of history. Early on, I ordered a book called Land of Hope: An Invitation to the Great American Story. I think it was promoted by Hillsdale College. You are right, history and truth are being deleted daily.

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Winston Smith's job would have been trivial if they'd had Kindles in _1984_.

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You have got to be kidding. They removed those books? These people are as bad as what is described in Animal Farm and 1984. It seems they are incapable of looking in the mirror.

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Wow, I didn't know that! But regardless, I prefer hard copies over electronic readers.

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Thanks. Just downloaded the other two. Bought the Fauci book a while ago. It is a must read! Explains a whole lot.

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It was hard for me to read the Fauci book. I would read a bit, get angry and have to put it down for awhile. I hope I live long enough to see him held accountable.

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Same here.

He is a genocidal psychopath, like Gates.

The fact he’s roaming free, like all the rest of these lunatics, is blood boiling.

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And it's because the system as it is allows/causes that kind of person to rise to the top.

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I saw that Malone's and Kennedy's kindle books were in fact free on Amazon today, 2/25/23. However, Dowd's book shows up as $9.99. I'll check again later in case it's an error.

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Hmm, it was still free on Friday.

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Maybe Dowd or his publisher are capitalizing on the increased traffic and sales due to him being on Tucker Carlson's show, and that's why he or they started charging for the book again. I can see why he'd/they'd want to profit from the publicity, which may not happen again... though if the book was promised to be free through a certain date, it doesn't look great to end the offer early. You wrote that Malone was the one who said the books would be free, and it says that at this link, among others: https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/4132480/posts . I'll keep trying the link on Amazon and update with a new comment if it shows up as free again.

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Malone said free for the US but might not be for the rest of the world, It's $9.95 for us in Australia

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I'm in the U.S. and it's been $9.99 from 2/25 through today, 2/27. Oh, well. I'll probably read it eventually. I already have stacks of other books, print and electronic, that I also want to read.

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I’m constantly surprised Tucker is allowed to tell all this truth.

Murdochs aren’t exactly Truth tellers

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Murdochs have a finger and can figure out which way the wind is blowing.

Tucker doesn't report until it is safe.

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Limited hangout. Tucker is a player in the game. His job is to keep half the population riled up with the other half. He's not on your side any more than Trump is. He tells only a tiny fraction of the truth. And he purposely does it in such a way that he radicalizes the choir and alienates everyone else.

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I imagine he is a player.

Only actual back channel media has a semblance of credibility.

Yet, I’m not sure how he’s alienating or radicalizing anyone.

That sounds rather suspicious of an accusation.

Like, ripped from a CNN talking point perhaps….

Truth isn’t radical except to liars

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Delivery and style can radicalize irrespective of the truth of the message.

Do you really think Tucker changes anyone's mind?

I think he gets his base fired up and riles other people up to such an extent that they become more entrenched in their positions. He's part of the divide and conquer crew.

There are very, very, very few people in positions like Tucker's who are truly on our side. Probably none at all.

And no - it's definitely not ripped from a CNN talking point. I agree with many of the things Tucker says. I'm one of the people his message is designed to appeal to. CNN's message is designed to appeal to different people. The fact that one is more correct than the other (at least to my mind) doesn't change the fact that both are designed to corral people into two groups and persuade them to fight each other instead of the nameless men operating behind the scenes.

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One of my friends posted the link to the Dowd interview. She has come a long way. When I first started posting truth, she sent me a message which was very hurtful. She didn't think I was responding as a Christian should and accused me of sounding angry. I seriously considered what she wrote, but did not feel I had done anything wrong. I told her I felt as if I was in Nazi Germany and that my faith demanded I speak up. Now she's in agreement with me and Tucker's interview had a positive effect on her.

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Do you know if Tucker has NOT changed anyone’s mind?

That’s your opinion, spoken like a fact. , eh?

And yes, you previous comment was much like the blame patriarchal comment.

A CNN trope.

In My opinion

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You can disagree with me by all means, but I'm really struggling to see how you can read what I wrote as a CNN trope or in some way akin to the "blame patriarchy" comment.

My point boils down to

1. Tucker is mostly correct in what he says. He tells the truth.

2. He tells it in a divisive manner.

3. What he doesn't say is just as important as what he does - he does not tell the whole truth.

4. He serves, right alongside CNN (who serve the same purpose for the other half of "we the people" - the ones who identify as Democrats), to perpetuate the two party control system by which "we the people" are exploited by a tiny group of utterly ruthless, immoral "mafiosi" who rob and murder everyone else at will. They divide us into two parties who squabble with each other instead of uniting against our oppressors.

FWIW the two party system works as follows:

1. The Democrats loudly proclaim noble goals, and propose and implement solutions which achieve the opposite.

2. The Republicans largely keep quiet about goals and focus on pointing out the holes in the Democrats' solutions. When in power they do not implement anything thus cleverly avoiding revealing the correctness of their rhetoric.

3. Both parties employ rabble rousers to keep their own supporters on the reservation. Some of those rabble rousers are politcians (e.g. Obama, Trump), and some are journalists (e.g. Maddow, Carlson).

As I said - disagree away. But if you can find that position on CNN, please point me at the relevant clip.

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What is divisive.

Truth is Hate to all who disagree.

Calling it divisive, is where it sounds CNN ish. In my opinion.

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One of Eric Berne's _Games People Play_ -- "Let's You And Him Fight!"

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

He is the only media personality that brings in more money than Pfizer advertising. I think its just that simple. God bless him though.

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I was surprised to see him admit on air to being unvaxxed.

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Tucker is unvaccinated?

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Tucker Carlson is like Jimmy Fallon - a gun for hire and at the least, a frenemy{ https://sofoarchon.com/the-lessons-of-a-bird-a-short-story/ }:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGe182717xc .

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I agree that Mr. Dowd is a very clear thinker. Some of it by talent and trade, but by his own admission he’s been through a dark night of the soul and that tends to contribute actual wisdom as well.

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I'd sure buy his book on health if he had one! The last 15 minute of the interview had me madly taking notes!

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I think when you say "because our economy is driven by greed" you oversimplify the problem and potentially misidentify the solution.

Better to say our actions are driven by incentives.

And when the incentives we put in place reward greedy/selfish/careless/criminal behavior over better behavior then greedy/selfish/careless/criminal people take advantage of those incentives to outcompete people who do not respond to the incentives.

Imagine a world where drug companies bear full liability for all harm their drugs do (and courts are accessible to all). In that world there are twenty drug companies all competing with each other. They each experiement with various strategies. One in particular - let's call it Pfcriminal - decides to skip safety testing, falsify its efficacy test results, and engage in fraudulent advertising as a strategy. In this world of full liability its behavior causes it to lose a lot of money to lawsuits and it goes out of business because its competitors, HonestMedcos, not having to pay all those legal costs, are able to price their drugs lower.

Then think about what happens when we change the law to remove liability. Now Pfcriminal has a huge advantage over its competitors. Pfcrminal incurs no legal costs because it is immune from lawsuits, and its drug development costs are far below those of its competitors since it falsifies its test results and therefore doesn't have to make drugs which actually work. Pfcriminal is able to sell its drugs more cheaply than its competitors and its competitors themselves face a choice: go out of business, or join Pfcriminal in its immoral (but no longer criminal) behavior.

Thus these bad laws don't just let bad guys get away with bad behavior. They create a situation where only bad guys win and the good guys go out of business. So after some period of time, all companies left in the business are criminal.

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This "Thus these bad laws don't just let bad guys get away with bad behavior. They create a situation where only bad guys win and the good guys go out of business. So after some period of time, all companies left in the business are criminal."

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Incentives? Ok, whatever brand of uneducated insanity drives marxism and associated Death of millions i would appreciate anyone who is literate and understands our spiritual existence, to make an attempt to excuse the current and well-known genocide. And, please spare us the “ too many people diatribe i have heard too many lame times. Regardless, the tyrannical killing of innocents cannot be justified; it defines psychopathy.

Oh, yes, TPTB recently removed that diagnosis from the medically-derived DSM-IV bible of human mental disorders. Just in time. The fastest growing book on the planet, suffering its first reduction.

Geez, the Truth hurts, doesn’t it?

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

You seem critical - or maybe I'm misreading you? I don't think we're on opposite sides here. I agree with what you say.

All I'm doing is pointing out that once you create a crooked playing field then you are guaranteed to get a crooked winner. I'm not excusing the crooked winner - he's a crook. When the legal system makes criminality more profitable than honesty then we *inevitably* end up with psychopaths running everything.

Two conclusions follow from that:

1. Once we skewed incentives enough this outcome wasn't just possible, it was *inevitable*.

2. If we want to fix things, we can't just go after a few criminals and think we're done. We have to fundamentally change the incentives baked into our current system or something very similar will just happen again.

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"Regardless, the tyrannical killing of innocents cannot be justified; it defines psychopathy."

I was just discussing narcissistic sociopathy and psychopathy with my son.

He recently made contact with the other half of his long lost gene pool.

Asked me not to "curate"... (ffs!)

Yes. The truth hurts.

My heart continues to break for my beloved boy.

#NoAmnesty 💔💉💲☠

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I raised 3 sons in the same situation, left when they were adults. Luckily their other parental unit spent lots of time away but the damage is still there. Hang in there

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Ynona, its amazing: i relate personally to this more than u can know; you are not alone. I too grieve my son and daughter having been coerced into it without me knowing.

The Law of Unattachment is in play here.

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I know. I'm not alone. It only feels like it.

(I didn't know either. Until it was too late.)

Will investigate the Law of Unattachment.

Thank you kind stranger, for replying, via comments section of our Great Midwestern physician, out there in the great blue beyond. 🗣


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I am currently working with Tucker Carlson's producer to try and get an interview with Tucker concerning the results of my "Embalmer Blood Clot Survey" completed a month ago, which A Midwestern Doctor graciously featured in a Substack article a few weeks ago. When I last spoke to Tucker's producer yesterday, she said that right now they are intensely focusing on Ukraine, East Palestine, and their very recent access to 40K hours of Jan 6 footage, BUT the results of my survey ARE STILL on their radar. She predicts that Tucker will come back to the COVID topic soon. So I am keeping my fingers crossed. Everyone, please say a prayer that Tucker says "yes" to giving me an interview so that I can get this important information out to his large audience.

Meanwhile, here is an interview that I did with Eric Metaxas several weeks ago: https://rumble.com/v270d8o-tom-haviland-a-freelance-data-analyst-has-surveyed-over-125-funeral-directo.html

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If you can get Tucker to mention the article I posted here on the survey I will quite literally be eternally grateful to you and will pin the article for a month after the interview airs so people can find it.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I will absolutely try if: 1) I can get on with Tucker, and 2) if time allows. I really appreciate the wonderful Substack article that you did that featured my survey, and I have mentioned it at the end of almost all of my interviews to date when asked where people can go for more information. For example, I mention you at the 24 minute mark of the following interview that I did with Eric Metaxas: https://rumble.com/v270d8o-tom-haviland-a-freelance-data-analyst-has-surveyed-over-125-funeral-directo.html

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Thank you! I'm also happy to update it if anything else needs to go into it.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Still praying Tom. 🙏

Me thinks these distractions are all on purpose.

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

What appears to be the case:

1. Covid appears to have been a gain of function project that got released either purposefully or by accident from the Wuhan Lab.

2. It appears to have been a project of Eco Health Alliance and Peter Dozinac who used to do work in the US until that work was made illegal by congress. Eco Health Alliance also received some funding from Faucci and NIH... which might be one reason for the lack of interest in investigating this.

3. Trump was tipped off by Zelenko that Hydroxychloroquine was effective against the virus. He initially took the drug and pushed it, but was sabotaged by Brix who rather than making it available to the public, only allowed use of it in late stage hospitalized patients, after it was too late to do any good. Trump did not correct this.

4. Trump was persuaded to go the vaccine route. The Feds pushed the medical and pharmacy boards to suppress the use of both Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin so there would be no alternative to the vaccines.

5. It appears that "operation warp speed" was a short cut too far. There is some evidence of fraud in the Pfizer trials, and they were too short in any case. The data from the tests of pregnant women is missing (Pfizer cannot find it).

5.5 It now appears that the vaccines were acquired and pushed by DOD as "prototypes" not needing any testing before release. See Bailiwick news and the work of Sasha Latypova, and per these sources, that any testing that was done was in the nature of "performance art."

6. Ed Dowds all cause mortality data is a killer (no pun intended). This is primary evidence of stupidity, fraud, or unwillingness to look at the data. Whoever is controlling Biden is still pushing this stuff, but folks are beginning not to buy what they are selling..

This is evidence of VERY lousy science, or fraud or both. The MSM up to now has been bought off, and a culprit in killing people. Fox is a nice change, but this is still behind a paywall there.

A very bad look for the country, which used to be a medical and pharma leader. Not so much, now.

Our politics appears also ossified and brain dead. As Dowd points out, this has had a larger effect on us than all the wars of the last century.

You would think that those we elect might want to fix it... but it sure does not look that way.

At minimum the FDA, CDC, NIH need to be cleaned out, and new ethical standards need to be established and enforced... IMHO by the docs that turned out to be right, like Malone, Korry, Merrik, Urso, Ryan Cole... etc. "By their fruits ye shall know them."

End of rant.

The above is my humble opinion.

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023

3. I have my own Dr. Zelenko story. Since Covid is airborne, I knew most people would get it, including me. I'm retired and stayed home during Delta. Once Omicron surfaced, I called Dr. Zelenko and told him I was going to a Covid party, similar to the Chicken Pox and Measles parties my mom took me to in the '60's, to just get it over with. He prescribed HCQ for me and my husband and referred me to a local functional doctor via FLCCC who prescribed IVM. I filled both of them at a total cost of less then $10 for both us and I went to the party.

Four days later, I had a headache and my face was severely flushed. My chest began to tighten. My temp was 101.5. I started with the drugs and the supplements Dr. Zelenko recommended. My fever and headache was gone in an hour and a half. I had a mild, dry cough for 2 weeks.

My husband didn't get it from me, he got it 3 months later and started with the protocol. He was fairly sick for 3 days, but recovered quickly.

RIP, Dr. Zelenko. You helped when my own physician told me to go to the ER if I couldn't breathe. I told him my Zelenko story and he changed the subject. I ended my appointment with him by telling him he killed people because he was a coward. I asked him if the hospital he works at used some of that Covid money for more ICU beds, and I got no answer. I'm assuming the answer is No.

4. RFJ Jr. has stated he spent 4 hours with Trump. Bill Gates has stated he also met with Trump and persuaded him from investigating vaccines. Trump went the Gates route and RFK Jr. stated he never heard from Trump again.

I always knew there was a problem with vaccines because I had 2 dogs in my lifetime injured by the Rabies vaccine who had sub clinical Rabies symptoms their whole lives. The Rabies vaccine is mandated in my county, so I knew that the mandates would absolutely maim and kill people.

Midwestern Doctor, I'm grateful to you for writings. Keep it up, we desperately need doctors like you. Thank you for providing the link to Tucker's interview with Ed Dowd, I had only seen clips. I downloaded the free book and also bought a hard copy because you just know that it will be deleted when it becomes too problematic for the PTB.

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Dr Zelenko should be a household name today. He was one of, if not the first to develop and early treatment for Covid. I blame Trump for not getting it done and he’s also responsible for unleashing the so-called “vaccine” on the world. If the Left wants to finish him off, go public with that.

As for the future, go Ed Dowd and the good doctors at the FLCCC.

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Dr. Zelenko didn't even know me at all, I'm in a different state. I explained that I intentionally wanted to get Covid so I had natural immunity. He asked me about my history and then told me to look up my nearest Target pharmacy and asked for the number, called it in, even refills. He told me he didn't care what they did to him because he had stage 4 cancer. He's a hero. He even called me 10 days later to see how I was. My own doctor never did that.

I agree with everything you said. If only Trump would've listened to Dr. Z, RFK Jr., and not Gates. Maybe he had no choice, if you know what I mean. Ed Dowd and the FLCCC docs are heroes too.

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That’s great, but not surprised he would do so based on what he tried to do.

As far as Trump is concerned, he had a choice. I voted for him twice, but I’ve decided that he’s not what I had hoped for and very likely is just a tool of the Left. In short, most if not all the good things he did are now gone as if they never existed. For example, the Wall is there, yet illegal immigration is higher than ever. On energy, we now beg other countries for more oil while Keystone is shuttered and we slow production. Warp Speed gave us mandates in the end and sudden death and injury.

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Covid is nothing but a LIE.......PERIOD!!!!!!!!!

1) If Covid is NOT a LIE why was the Fraudulent PCR test used?

2) If Covid is NOT a LIE than why can’t Doctors practice medicine?

3) If Covid is NOT a LIE than why is our Southern Border wide open?

4) If Covid is NOT a LIE than why aren't masks treated like a bio hazard?

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I personally know people who got covid, some of them took 1 month to recover, so I do not accept your logic, as I trust my own eyes.

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Then tell me how they were diagnosed with Covid? If the PCR test was used, then it is a lie. If Covid was so dangerous why has FJB kept our Southern Border wide open? Wait I know, Liberal science says...........Illegals cannot spread COVID. Only citizens can. That is why you restrict your citizens, but allow illegals to run free across our Southern Border!!

WAKE UP!!!!!

Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid

The PCR "Covid-19 Confirmed Cases" are Meaningless. The Multibillion Dollar Antigen and Home Test Project is Fake




Three Biggest Lies About COVID-19 Have All Been Exposed


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IIUC, the false positives with PCR happen when the cycle threshold is set to absurdly high levels and the test becomes like a Grand Jury that can indict a ham sandwich.

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August 2019, Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize winning inventor of the PCR test used to detect COVID-19 dies of pneumonia.

Kary, who was openly critical of Dr. Fauci - calling him a fraud who has no problem lying to the American people and who, “doesn't know anything about anything” - said many times that his PCR test could not be used to diagnose an illness, and that with a high enough cycle threshold you could find just about anything.

Regardless, his PCR test was the primary test used to diagnose C-19, with the New York times later admitting that the non-test likely had a false positive rate in the neighborhood of 90%. This test was used to measure cases and cases were used to justify the lockdowns which severely wounded the world economy.

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Fauci seems a bullshitter, which would mean, according to Harry Frankfurt, that to him, truth is a matter of indifference. What's important in an assertion isn't whether it's true or false, but how it serves the transaction he's engaged in at the moment.

Didn't wound *his* economy, did it?

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Maybe that is why the other side is trying soooo hard to start WW3 ?

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Excellent point.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

The book is free on Amazon Kindle. I downloaded it and then ordered the paper book. He deserves to get paid for writing this informative book.

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I agree. I think he dropped his actual job to focus on this issue.

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023

He felt it was his duty and calling! He is very much about listening and following his higher guidance! Three cheers for this man!

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

Doctor - I know you have the entire USA to tap into trends, data, and similar-minded folk, but I found so many correlations to your observations in an Irish Substack published earlier today.  Please note that Ireland was like a case study in Pandemia Propaganda.  Due to a lack of alternate channels and comfortable trust, the majority were manipulated by the greatest social psychology experiment ever. Also - Biopharma and Big Tech have been major employers in Ireland for 2 decades plus.  Following all 'orders', the Irish went through most of 2020 and first half of 2021 under extreme lockdowns, including the reporting by neighbors if you left your own garden.  All Unjabbed were pariahs, banned from family functions (including funerals of their own parents), and blamed for the uselessness of the Jab.  I speak from experience.

While the Narrative continues on MSM channels, an Irish substack today https://louiseroseingrave.substack.com/p/senior-medics-talk-vaccine-harm-as pulls back the curtain on what is now going on in Ireland.  Irish doctors are afraid to speak out, but they are acknowledging the Jab injuries, and have connected the dots enough to see the boosters drive the injuries.  I had not seen this diagnosis discussed elsewhere (can't read the entire internet daily) but it is an interesting observation. In addition, the major propaganda station is airing tonight the Thalidomide Survivors, no doubt a moment of reflection for the Irish viewers.

You are correct that we are moving to the next level of public awareness but it is on a global level, as was the Pandemic Push.  So don't despair - these grains of sand are building into dunes. Thank you for your strength and critical thought process.

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I read that. I wonder what penalties the doctors will face for speaking out.

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I remember seeing an interview with an older doctor (a woman) in Ireland (I think) who was following Zelenko and prescribing hydroxychloroquine. She was de licenced by her medical board. I believe now if all the doctors had done that, it would have been impossible to de licence them all. and this stupidity and rigid group think would have ended. As it is, it has ended in some places, like Denmark. Sweden has minimized it.

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That was Dr. Dolores Cahill, who lost her tenure at University College Dublin, and went into hiding as warrants for her arrest were issued in Ireland and the UK. All her social media accounts were shut down. The costs of speaking out, huh. They made an example of her, and all the other doctors got the message loud and clear. Nobody else spoke out.

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I noticed she no longer had her show on TNT online radio. So she is currently 'in hiding'? I don't think she was an MD, she was a researcher.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Love your stuff. In the third paragraph of the critical thinking section, I believe you mean "empathize" rather than "emphasize". Still sort of makes sense, but do not think it is what you meant. Thanks for what you do.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Ed Dowd in his Carlson interview shared a personal detail that launched his successful push-back (around time-mark 8:30) which deserves thoughtful attention:

"But then when the vaccine mandates hit in the summer of 2021... that's when I said I've had it. And I literally prayed to God how I could be of service. And God answered my prayers...."

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I wanted to mention that since it's essentially the same thing that happened for me.

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Ah, I guessed as much. :)

Because this is a pattern that is becoming clear enough to predict based on the odds.

At least it's clear to those "with eyes to see and ears to hear".... and I'm fascinated by the kinds of people who are (and aren't) noticing it.

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I enjoyed watching Mr. Dowd and had no idea of his personal struggles! Thank you AMD for bringing his book and research front and center !

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Thank you! I appreciate you too : )

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Thanks for the link to the Tucker Carlson interview with Ed Dowd. Fascinating.

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

"The most important part of this article is the above interview—please watch and share it."

Just watched. Paused & Shared within the first minutes.

I know Ed Dowd's data well.

Always try to help, no matter the rejection I encounter. I just keep trying. As Ed does. As do you Dear Midwestern Doctor. 💕

Will finish your article now. 😁

Like all the cool kids say (do they still?):

"BIG UP".💖

#NoAmnesty 💲💉☠💔

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Thank you! Hope you enjoyed the article!

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I am in Canada for a few weeks and am interacting with many CovIDIOTS.

They are completely oblivious to the deluge of sudden deaths... they are unaware of all the vax injuries.

If any of them are aware they believe Covid is the cause -- or whatever BBCCNN tells them is the cause... they do not believe the vax is dangerous

Nothing has changed.

The only people who are aware are the ones who refused the Rat Juice.

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My homeland is steeped in socialist ideology. They are frogs in the pot 🐸

Like here rural folk are less susceptible.

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COVID-19 has really shown all of us how all the worst case predictions we heard about socialized medicine are in fact 100% true.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Escaping cities is the future, to ride out the storm... blessings and strength to you🙏🏽

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"I am in Canada for a few weeks and am interacting with many CovIDIOTS."

Feel ya bro.

#TheMothersAreComingJustin 🔥

#HoldTheLine 🇨🇦🇺🇸

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Indeed, i am one of them. Child of 11; the only one who really got what Mom said, and remembers it in this, the 5GW battle for western civilization. Ottawa was ground zero. Helluvanexperience. Orwell wasn’t kidding.

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