Thank you or posting this information. I’m a retired nurse that worked mostly in ICU until I became a school nurse while raising my family. I was astonished to find that in my small, Parochial school, outside the Beltway, that 30% of my students had chronic illness. Asthma, food allergies, other allergies such as bee stings or latex, ADD, ADHD, Alopecia, POTS or other mental illness just to name a few. I can’t tell you the percentage of children according to race but it is a multicultural area. I can only tell you that these people were educated and were middle class or above. I can also tell you that they frequently verbalized that these illnesses do not exist in their country. One little girl, parents from the Philippines, was allergic to all foods except rice, beef and broccoli.

It would be interesting to know what the Vaccine schedule is in other countries. I was always for vaccines until I saw these children and my own children, that have chronic illness. The new problem I see in young girls and women is thyroid conditions. I know personally six young women that have had to have their thyroid removed or are now taking thyroid replacement, including my own daughter. What is going on? I don’t know. I’ve been sick since 1975. I was 11 years old when I started getting large hives all over my body. Eczema and allergies followed. Severe itching in the sun. Headaches that made me vomit. I become allergic to kiwi. Vertigo that left me sick for days. They said it was hormonal. I wish I knew if this started after I received a vaccination.

My own experiences saved a little Chinese boy further allergy testing when he started to develop hives on his face outside at recess. He spoke only Cantonese but appeared fine. I told his mother I would watch him. The next day, the same thing happened. Urticaria caused by the cold…just like me. Cured with a scarf.

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Hello I pinned this comment! Would it be alright to quote this in a future article?

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A neighbor had asthma when we were tweens, but I didn't start developing it until I was over 30. Strange thing; he required frequent hospitalization for it. I had the full childhood vaccination schedule, but had pretty much quit by then. I was exposed to huge amounts of sagebrush, juniper, etc., which seems to have accelerated it. I lied about the asthma so I could keep a job requiring wearing a gas mask, which I had to wear around mustard gas, as I had 10 times the sensitivity to it as others did. (Someone spilled some during Operation Desert Storm. We found it nearly a week later.) And yes, mustard gas causes immunological sensitization, though I found I was quite allergic to desert pollens when I was 27. (No asthma, and no mustard gas yet.)

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this website will help you understand www.VirusTruth.net

read Contagion Myth free pdf on site by Dr Tom Cowan md

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I'm never going near a vaccine again - period. I am thankful I am old enough that the vaccine schedule when I was a child was very limited. Ten years ago I had a tetanus shot when I cut myself and needed stitches, just because the doctor said so. Now I would say no thanks, I'll use some iodine.

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Yup, I got suddenly jabbed with a small tetanus shot by some over zealous, naive, ignorant wacko French wench doctor at a hospital in Sherbrooke, Quebec. These people are so blissfully ignorant...This after I told her not to get any vaccines. Not dead yet thank God...I hear ya!

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If you don't want any vaccines while in a hospital or its emergency room, it's best to alter the "Consent to Treatment" form before you sign it. Write "I do not consent to any vaccination, any injection of a biologic, or any gene therapy injection including mRNA or virus-vector RNA or DNA injections." in nice big, clear letters, and sign or initial this statement. Call the hospital clerk's attention to the fact that you have altered the Consent to Treatment. Ask for a photocopy of your altered form, carry it with you, and show it to every doctor, nurse, etc. who deals with you. Otherwise, every doctor, nurse, etc. will assume that you signed the "Consent to Treatment" as is and they can do to you whatever they think is a good idea.

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That use to work but now hospitals are tying consent for treatment with consent to bill insurance. The disturbing part is that forms now state above the signature that the form cannot be altered in anyway...nothing marked out or added. This is nothing short of criminal as they most often are no longer required to give informed consent prior to treatment once you sign the form...which quite literally means signing your life away. How can average citizens legally fight these huge medical corporations when they have so much money to fight it?

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One way around your dilemma is to list the vaccines that you don't want on your allergy list and say anaphylaxis is your reaction. As an ER nurse this works really well to avoid unwanted vaccines.

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Do you think that they might get suspicious if you list every single vaccine ever made? What about listing the Covid shot since it’s relatively new...or so they said until I watched a video where Dr. David Martin was speaking on a panel in the UK.


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You might list Covid and flu vaccines as they are the most common. You probably won’t need to list the rest as you won’t usually be getting those anyway. List Tetanus as well if you don’t want it.

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I might, if exposed to rabies. I expect the shot would have nasty side-effects, but rabies is worse. Tetanus shots are not called for unless the skin piercing involve horse or similar manure. Otherwise stick to the iodine.

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There are a few vaccines that are beneficial when used as therapeutics, but outside of MMR in areas with high mortality from a large number of infectious diseases, I do not believe the same can be said for any other prophylactic vaccine.

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Earlier this year I read a couple of Dr. Peter Gøtzsche's books. Deadly Medicine and Organized Crime and his newest one on vaccines where he goes vaccine by vaccine and analyzes the benefits/costs of each. Most don't make the cut.

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MMR? Sorry but like DTAP has huge issues re: Autism.

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I am fully aware of this but see the explanation in the article. I try to be objective and admit both sides of each issue (I don't like vaccines, but there is an argument that can be made for a few of them)

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Instead of throwing money into vaccines in third world countries, wouldn’t it be far better to boost the people’s immune system by providing them with clean water, nutritionally dense fruits and vegetables and also teach them about sanitation and hygiene...instead of potentially subjecting them to lifelong autoimmune diseases? Just a thought!🙃

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You have to first prove that disease is infectious to show any advantage to vaccines. This has never been done, even for the first and worst vax for smallpox.https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/lets-hope-the-monkey-pox-nonsense


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Actually, tetanus is not infectious (in the sense of being transmitted from person to person) and the vaccine does convey some benefit. It stimulates the immune system to make antibodies to the toxins that tetanus bacteria produce. It's these toxins that cause the awful and dangerous symptoms of tetanus. (This is why tetanus vaccines are called "anti-toxin vaccines" BTW.)

The catch is that it takes 2.5 to 3 weeks after a tetanus vaccination for a useful number of antibodies to be produced. So if you get a wound, go see a doc, and get a tetanus shot (or "booster) that same day, your new crop of anti-tetanus-toxin antibodies won't arrive in time to prevent you from getting very sick from the tetanus toxins, if you do get tetanus from that wound. You might as well skip the shot. Or ask for an injection of tetanus globulin, if the wound is really a risk for tetanus (many wounds aren't, especially if carefully cleaned out) -- but that has its own risks. . . .

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Have to disagree with you here-- sorry. The evidence says otherwise. Do no harm is my motto (legally)

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The point you are mentioning has nothing to do with the one I wrote. I do not support giving the MMR vaccine to our children, but when it was given in Africa, due to the unique circumstances there, it was shown to save lives and I can't just claim that didn't happen to support my pre-existing dislike of the MMR vaccine. The same nonspecific immune stimulation that is so problematic with conditions like autism also was helpful there because there is such a high risk of an infectious disease killing them because the immune system does not mount a strong enough response to fend it off.

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Do "we" know whether mercury (disappears from blood into brain) or something else about vaccines be at fault?

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I do not believe mercury is the primary issue, rather I believe it significantly exacerbates the common issue with all vaccines.

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Mercury along with aluminum.

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CHD (Kennedys group) has tons of info about your question. It is both and depends upon the vaccine AND when it was manufactured--(they change preservatives-- ie thimeresol etc.) In holistic medicine there is thought that it is the substance (or substances-- not all vax is clean of just the one virus indicated--yup poor products as well) has an impact not jut the preservatives. LOTS of stuff around on this. Also here in Canada I use the VCC website -- very in-depth discussions. 😊

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Interestingly, I was just this afternoon wondering what would I do if I or a family member needed rabies prophylaxis.

Even worse than tetanus, it feels like wishing a death sentence to forego a rabies series, if bitten by a rabid animal.

What information can you offer in this regard? Are there other legit treatments or preventive measures?

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Rabies vaccine treats rabies and can be given therapeutically after a bit. Rabies vaccine is harmful but untreated rabies is worse. UVBI is the only thing I have ever come across that also treated rabies.

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Fascinating. Fwiw, I never got an email notification of your comment.

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What is UVBI?

Yeah, untreated rabies is, well, lethal. 😭

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Tetanus vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting an infection of tetanus bacteria. Instead, the vaccine stimulates your immune system to make antibodies to toxins released by the tetanus bacteria (that's why it's called an "anti-toxin vaccine"). Now, it takes time for antibody production to rev up after a vaccination. The peak production of antibodies typically occurs at 2.5 to 3 weeks after vaccination. If you get a "dirty" wound that will lead to tetanus and you get a tetanus shot the same day, you won't produce enough antibodies soon enough to prevent you from becoming ill from the tetanus toxins. So it's pointless to get a tetanus shot when you get wounded. You needed to get it 2.5 to 3 weeks before you got wounded (you should have been thinking ahead, right? sarcasm here).

Tetanus is anaerobic and unlikely to grow well in any tissue that is well supplied with oxygen-carrying blood. Wounds that penetrate tissues that have little blood supply are the most dangerous in terms of tetanus risk. I've read that the best protection against tetanus is for a doc to meticulously clean any foreign matter out of the wound. I would think that an appropriate antibiotic could be prescribed to prevent tetanus infection if the wound's location and dirtiness made it high risk for tetanus.

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chlorine dioxide (Cl02/CDS) is probably the best option, and most underutilized for these types of things.. . here is primer: www.theuniversalantidote.com. We make wound care, skin care, oral and nasal Cl02 products for topical use... great stuff!

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Cleaning sounds good. Otherwise, you could use my grandfather's treatment - a crowbar to open his jaw so he could eat and drink. Only deciduous teeth were damaged. (He didn't say whether they attempted to insert a rubber sheet to protect his teeth.) And yes, his family had horses. Probably not hydrogen peroxide, though. Possibly iodine. I rather doubt sulfa drugs. (This reminds me of the book "All Things Bright and Beautiful", or possibly "All Creatures Great and Small", about veterinary work in the 1930s.) This was about 1900. I don't know where the wound was.

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High doses of magnesium can be used to prevent or reduce the horrible muscle spasms caused by the tetanus toxins. We're lucky -- we have treatment options now that people didn't have in the "olden days."

From age 6 to 9, I lived in a small town in a rural area where a lot of cattle were raised on big ranches. Tetanus was a big thing in the public mind. Every elderly person knew somebody who got "lockjaw" and suffered horribly, and died or dang near died. These stories were passed down. My big brother (about 13 at the time, and earning money by doing yardwork for people) heard these stories from old folks and told them to me and his other siblings. So tetanus was a boogeyman that everybody was scared of.

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Testing sucks. Exposure to rabies can be dealt with many ways IF that happens.

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Are you able to elaborate in detail on those ways? Thanks.

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Testing of any vector, level etc. is fraught with potential error besides the fact that it is a brief snapshot of a patients state (stressed, bodies inherent ability to homeostasis etc.) You can do the same test within days and get wildly different results. Symptoms as conveyed by a patient or seen by a physician is totally different.

IF you have been exposed to rabies--big IF, like being bitten by a tick or are bitten by a (tested and positive) rabid animal does not mean you will get Lymes or Rabies. If an animal is tested positive for rabies there are other (please google) treatments besides the painful (with side effects) series of shots that is typically administered. Like most things in life there are alternatives. 😊

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The thing that's really unfair are the cases of people catching it from breathing in aerosolized saliva of bats that were in the area.

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Follow up, so new comment: Tetanus vaccine does not appear to work. An oral, multiple strain C. tetani "vaccine" may be practical. https://greenmedinfo.com/blog/tetanus-shot-how-do-we-know-it-works

Take vitamin C if you get tetanus. Despite AMD's mention of UVBI, I'm still at a loss concerning rabies. And of course clean and disinfect all puncture wounds, most esp. if manure involved.

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My thoughts as well. Then I pondered the possibility of another hip replacement. I was forced to take thyroid medication before they would operate. I asked in an emergency what they do and why not treat me the same? Talking to a wall. Bone on bone joint forced me to take the Rx. I believe the same will be done to anyone requiring surgery who is not vaxxed going forward. Medical tourism, anyone? P.S. The thyroid medication has continually reduced my quality of life.

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Synthetic thyroid medication? Those are T4 only and some people don't convert T4 to the active T3 (but your labs look great, so we fixed you!). The website stopthethyroidmadness.com has lots of info about lab work and using natural desiccated thyroid.

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I had a situation in the spring in which I went to a new periodontist who took my blood pressure (never had this happen before!). Because it was high, they refused to do the periodontal work (but still charged me for a normal cleaning that I didn't need). This was in full "covid" regime and they made me feel as though they were doing me a favor just by allowing me in the facility.

They insisted I should see my PCP. I don't even have a PCP, since every time I have signed up for one, they end up quitting before they get around to my appointments, which are always running 9-12 months out.

I still have the same three #5 pockets I had three years ago, but I sincerely don't care if my teeth fall out entirely. I'm not going to be "medicalized" for the rest of my life, so it's their loss.

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If I were you Patricia, I would put my entire being, soul and faith into God and Jesus and ask the Lord to heal you completely inside out. Ask some friends to pray for you, I will also pray for you to be healed. Many who watch the 700 Club have had miracles happen to them instantaneously. We can't rely on the for profit corrupted criminal medical system anymore. They've gone totally ROGUE! They're threatening doctors, nurses, if they don't follow the guidelines, they will lose their careers or their souls. Follow me on librti.com www.librti.com/WatchmanForTruth - I'll be happy to pray for you.

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Thyroid meds required for a hip replacement? I don’t get it.

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Those with hypothyroidism often handle sedatives badly. They wake more slowly and are more likely to have complications.

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Simple, it's all about PROFITS! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Watch this eye opening, sickening documentary. If you thought Big Pharma was bad, this industry is even worse!

The Bleeding Edge 2018 TV-14

1h 39m



A look at the unforeseen consequences of advanced technological devices used in the medical field.

User reviews28

Top review



I can't remember being more shocked watching a documentary since Food Inc. The Bleeding Edge is deeply involving, showing struggles of real people instead of only bombarding viewers with dry facts. You could think that accidents may happen, but the idea that FDA and medical industry could willingly manipulate, cheat and lie to gain as much profit as possible is sickening - and yet it's a reality. Yes, you should research every medicine, every medical device you put in your body, every medical procedure you undergo. Nevertheless, not everyone does, not everyone would think to doubt their doctor's decision - in fact, most people would probably do what they were told. Films like this one are extremely important. Bayer is withdrawing Essure and hopefully they'll be more changes on the way.

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check this out and share www.VirusTruth.net

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Regarding the hostility of the medical industry towards cheap and effective remedies as they cancel the need for expensive procedures my gp told me the following story: a good friend of hers Was a midwife, who worked in a hospital. Ever since she had stumbled upon a study that linked vitamin d deficiency to the need for c sections, she urged her patients to supplement vitamin d. It worked so good, that the c section rate of her patients plummeted. When the hospital admin found out, they forbade her from mentioning vit d to her patients since it would decrease the profits of the hospital.

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There was a pediatric cardiologist in hawaii who was prescribing Ivermectin for COVID, this reduced COVID hospitalizations and then a manager at the hospital filed a complaint with the medical board against the cardiologist that likely arose from him dropping the admissions the hospital needed.

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That's like how after nutritionists and orthomolecular doctors were getting people out of mental hospitals in Massachusetts with supplements, particularly B vitamins and niacin, the AMA in that state made it illegal to practice nutrition in a mental hospital. This was the 70's.

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You see so many cases of this over the years.

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Why are we surprised? An industry exists to make money. Humanity has dropped the ball here was much as we have been lied to and manipulated by Pharma. We have been conditioned (easily) to want it cheap and fast. So many of my patients finding their way from that industry to a holistic treatment CANT (wont?) get out of that mindset. Chronic illness and disease in general doesn't appear overnight it builds. Holistic medicine sees dis-ease starting well before the physical symptoms occur. We all need to change our view of illness and disease. Start by questioning the germ theory.

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To be slightly more specific, I think the issue is a lack of a free market. If a free market was in place, people would choose the best therapies, but by having a monopoly in place that is enforced by law, it allows bad therapies people would not normally choose to receive a lot of spending and incentivizes people to make products based around producing profit rather than working...and instead bribing regulators and aggressively pushing drugs to stay in business.

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As a former economist before turning to medicine, I am not sure about that. First there is the definition of what a "free market" is. Second is how do you price something as essential as health care? When I worked for Provincial and Federal govts here in Canada this was an ongoing debate in the Economic literature (give lower income people subsidies, coupons so they can pick their own type of health care?, tax the higher income and redistribute) There are so many decisions that go into what kind/level of health therapies a person chooses, it is not like buying clothes.

The centrally planned gov't run system here is broken and has never been about health. It is just a different form of industry than what you see in the US. I could spend an hour talking about the disincentives and distortions this level of central planning has on health care (US seems to have a less centrally planned level-- ie Medicare/Aid , Kaiser, Humana etc -- but still rife with problems). Both countries are beholden to doctors (salaries, monopoly on certain types of work) and Pharma. Both parties use hospitals (admin, access) as an enabler and hold regulators by the balls(FDA, CDC etc.). Worse every aspect of the industry including research is fixed (NIH, HHS, NIAD "incentivizing "(sic ) Universities). Its a corrupt fraudulent industry. Same here in Canada but in different ways given the differences in the system.

As many people have now understood thanks to COVID (!) the system is corrupt and broken and frankly I feel beyond repair 😞 It does not serve its customers, it sees them as means to create long term rents (ie drugs for life) So it is no different than the car industry or the food industry. Health , as I was taught in economics, is a different thing which needs to be treated differently- re pricing , supply etc.

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Honestly I think we have to start from the ground up with a focus on health promotion: proper nutrition, exercise, sleep, supplements as individually required and focusing on the entire person. Sadly I don't think MD training at present seriously looks at any of these things.

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That is what I was going to say. The government can fund and promote initiatives that create public health but no matter how you dice it, things turn into a mess once it gets involved in non emergent medicine.

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Agree! Great points 😊

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Excellent point.

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Vitamin D and C supplementation are treated like heresy by most doctors. Even though they are essential nutrients that most people are well known to be deficient in.

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I’ve been binge reading your articles for a couple days now as I’m able. I plan on printing them out for a binder to set out at my office. Maybe I won’t feel so bad for running late knowing this material is out there... not that I’m ever running late... 🙃

This one hits close to home for so many people. Sensitive subject and your writing style is perfect for opening hearts and minds to the terrible truth. Very thorough and logical, plus you display compassion appropriately for both the injured and the deceived.

Thank you very much for the time you put in. Fifty hours plus everything you observed and studied beforehand to be able to write it in the first place. 🙏

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Thank you for your support and your kind words :)

A part of my always hopes I'm not responsible for hurting trees when I see these messages (people periodically tell me they print everything I write here).

I completely get the not wanting to read on screens and print things out.

Two things that can sometimes help are:

•Using a blue light filter program on your screen (ie. f.lux)

•Get an e-ink reader and read it on there.

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Support tree farmers. More demand for paper = more trees. Contrary to common belief (due to propaganda--who'd a'thunk?) there are many more trees today than there were a hundred fifty years ago.

BTW, great stuff here. Both the post and the comments. Amazing work.

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Haha, poor trees. Thanks for the suggestion. An e-ink reader would be nice!

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If you get a good one they are amazing.

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That's a brilliant idea!

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The times seem to be changing rapidly.

For example, Covid skeptics used to be lampooned as stupid antiscience ignoramuses. Then they were banned and deplatformed everywhere.

Now they are winning. Not only that but millions of disinterested people are turning into antivaxxers -- whereas in the past they had no interest in this topic.

What will we do when we win? Seems like nobody is even asking this question.

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My hope is to fade back to obscurity when that happens! I hold the perspective you can do anything if you don't want the credit and I just got involved in this issue because I felt we were at a critical time in history where what we did would now would have a massive impact on if we go in a good or bad direction for decades if not centuries.

I did not expect the smallpox article I wrote to go viral or how supportive community would be here, so once that did, I realized the universe wanted me to do this and I needed to support the tide we were moving in for a bit.

A few years ago I had one job and I wish this had happened then because I had a lot more free time back then.

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This is what I have been thinking about a lot. I think there have been some good ages of policy when people in large numbers worked through grassroots organizations worked with politicians to work out what policies would be sensible and enact those into law and get them enforced appropriately. It's a difficult time for everyone but I love it when I see concrete proposals, even the most stupid ones, we all have to start somewhere and even being dead wrong is a contribution to the idea field if it helps others explain why.

One of my proposals is to find a way to rescue continuing professional development for healthcare delivery people. Ring fenced time, access to periodicals, no input from the pharmaceutical industry. Encourage each other in learning to read the literature and interrogate it, look at public health data and discuss the implications, take it in turns to present and so on. It works for science research labs, to help young researchers develop their investigations and thinking and presenting skills to improve their research and grant applications. Not everyone in healthcare has the brain for it but we need to find ways to engage those who do and help them develop their skills to educate their colleagues in turn and hence protect people from the pharmaceutical industry's abuses.

Another aspect is getting more people involved in local and regional health policy. There are plenty of toolkits out there: ways to run voluntary organizations, Robert's Rules, and so on. I would love to see the outgrowth of the intellectual vigour of the substacks into local or regional health policy development circles. Once people are having these discussions in the real world, citizen action/research groups can do things like find out about how local policies are decided, who is involved, how that relates to the local political apparatus and so on.

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have a party, dance, sing, celebrate! and then push for completely dissolving the FDA, CDC, NIH, AMA, and WHO. (FBI and CIA too, but that's probably asking too much.) And then Pharma, we go after them with lawsuits, we sue them into bankruptcy, we bring criminal charges against their corporate officers, and put them in jail for the rest of their lives. And then there's the politicians and the media...

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My sincere hope is that we are within a century of the malignant basis allopathic medicine was founded on ending. A lot of what I know and practice was inherited from incredibly talented individuals who gave their lives to trying to correct the direction medicine was on and my metaphysical teachers believe we are getting close to when this will happen.

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I am grateful for what you are doing here AMD. I see it as an amazing blessing to be able to discuss and share our thoughts, so many people all over the world wish they could be involved and don't have the opportunity to get their voices heard. Those who can write and think are making these connections and encouraging each other to show our working and how we got to our conclusions and cheering each other on. We are in difficult times now for sure but I have a confidence in this process, of leaning to speaking the truth as we find it, working together to examine the evidence, encouraging each other to do good thinking, to bring what we have each found and finding out how to work together for better outcomes in the future. And yes the spiritual sustenance is the decisive factor for me too.

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thank you, that's encouraging to hear from you especially, you being a doctor, working alongside other doctors and health professionals. Who knows, as awful as this whole covid response has been, what with the deliberate suppression of early treatment and the pushing of the poison injections, they just might have overplayed their hand. People are seeing thru the madness and are now willing to look at other lies that we've been fed, like what you wrote about here. Sad that it took millions of deaths and tens of millions of injuries to wake people up, but thank God it's happening.

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Everything I have done here is essentially based on the hope they overplayed their hand.

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My son was injured by a DtP shot in 1993, and I can tell you firsthand that this was a hard lesson in learning how massively negligent the system is with regard to informed consent, reporting of vaccine injury (which was non-existent), or patient treatment. They wouldn't recognize it as a vax injury, gave me zero information about VAERS or any reporting system, and recommended a treatment for a 6-month old baby (who was born with two 10's on the APGAR scale) which had never been tested on anyone under the age of 12. They further stepped in it by declaring that he would forever have some asthma related condition. I took him to a naturopath who administered a treatment, told me he would be slightly worse for a couple of days, and then he would recover, which is exactly what happened. He had sustained some long term neurological issues that presented as ADHD and some learning disabilities, but at age 9, after fighting off the school admin drug pushers, I got him to a center which offers non-invasive therapies for sensory integration (https://www.sirriaz.com/), and their 30 day treatment got his nervous system back on track. What I've learned about vax reporting, stats, hazards and treatments during this time was enough to make me VERY wary of what Big Pharma was trying to sell us in 2021 with these experimental jabs. I kept asking WHERE'S THE DATA that proves they solved the issues with the earlier experiments? There was none! Add to that that the billionaire perverts at the WEF who openly call for population reduction (but not THEIR families) were backing this, the contracts with governments shielded them from ANY liability, and I couldn't believe how many people obediently lined up for this, even to the point of harassing and ostracizing others who didn't follow. And for a virus with a .3% mortality rate and several known, safe and inexpensive remedies. This mass formation psychosis is the most insane thing I've ever witnessed.

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Since you have been through the trenches on this issue, would you be open to writing a more detail summary about this article (ie. what you learned, its most important points, things I got wrong, things I should have mentioned)?

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God bless you doc for taking the many, many hours to produce this excellent, eye opening article. I spoke with a young pregnant women (our bartender) last night who mentioned she was not vaxxed nor would she vax her children for covid. She was extremely receptive to me advising her to research CHD’s site before she gives birth in February. I sent her the link. I will also send her this article. I believe you, my dear doc (along with other courageous docs) will be directly responsible for preventing many vax injuries and deaths.

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That's what motivated me to put the time I put into this in into it.

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I’ve known about the dangers of childhood vaccines for 30 years, but all the data and information in your article made me burst into tears at the criminal and inhumane practice of childhood vaccinations for profit and depopulation.

How will we ever recover from the great harms and death to our most innocent and precious generation?

I want to send this to every person who ever questioned my parenting practices and refusal to be part of the diabolical medical system for the past 30 years.

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Hope it helps you. Just remember to hold an open heart with these people; there is a very powerful system in place to make people believe in following the conventional approach.

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Thank you🙏🏼💓. There is also a more powerful system in place known as God-given intuition, especially in mothers, imho.

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Stay away from vaccines............ALL OF THEM!!!

"The medical authorities keep lying. Vaccination has been an assault on the immune system. It actually causes a lot of illnesses. We are actually changing our genetic code through vaccination.....100 years from now we will know that the biggest crime against humanity was vaccines."

-Dr Guylaine Lanctor author of "The Medical Mafia"

"Much of what you have been led to believe about immunization simply isn't true. If I were to follow my deeper convictions, I would urge you to reject all inoculations for your child....There in convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease"

-Dr Robert Mendelsohn author of "Confessions of a Medical Heretic"

"These chronic diseases, including hay fever, asthma, cancer, and AIDS, are the result of wrong interventions upon the organism by conventional medicine.....the immune systems of the Western population, through strong chemical drugs and repeated vaccinations, have broken down.....medicine, instead of curing diseases, is actually the cause of the degeneration of the human race"

-Dr Juan Manuel Martinez Mendez writing in the Aug/Sept 2004 Townsend Letter

The Truth About Vaccinations – History and Hoax


Vaccine Ingredients and Vaccine Secrets


The Poisoned Needle - Eleanor McBean:




Dr. Andrew Moulden: All Vaccines Cause Ischemia (Impaired Blood Flow) Which Blocks Oxygen Delivery Leading to Chronic Disease






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Andrew Moulden is going to be the focus of part 3.

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Great reference book-- I lend it to patients

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Thank you so much for this article. Neither of my now adult teenage daughters are vaccinated, and we avoid doctors and hospitals. I wish there were more doctors like yourself that actually cared more about the patient than they do about their careers. And that fought back against the establishment that seeks to silence them.

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Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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This document is for an adult or child to use related to any jab. Hope it helps someone.


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Add tocilizumab to the lethal list. I was admitted to hospital with COVID with 50% blood oxygen saturation, still conscious but very tripped out with sepsis. They put me in an induced coma on a ventilator for 4 weeks, and only gave me tocilizumab, an anti-inflammatory for rheumatism, no antibiotics or antivirals, and tocilizumab is stated in official studies to cause areas of glassy opacification in all areas the lungs as shown clearly in lung X-Ray images signifying bad lung damage.

Though of course, TPTB in the present controlled government, surely acting only as representatives of a hostile foreign military occupation government with similar politicians and top 'medical' officials now thoroughly infiltrated in most nations of the world for 'WEF' Israel, having set out to cause maximum carnage, are absolutely certain only to ensure that all so-called COVID treatments will only ever heavily maximize the damage to ensure the success of their intended spike protein weapon.

They do this while truly effective remedial treatments like hyperbaric chambers are refused, which make oxygen get absorbed through the skin 10 times faster even when the lungs are compromised, even when interstitial and diaphragm muscle is wasted away, being the ideal therapy that does not need a patient to be knocked out first, so they can keep physically active at intervals, thus requiring no extensive period of being bedridden or eventual physiotherapy to teach them how to sit up, to stand up, and to walk and how to eat again when all muscles are heavily atrophied, with hyperbaric chambers at half the price of ventilators. They refuse ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, both with zinc, large IV amounts of Vitamin C as recommended by Dr Marik, combined with hydrocortisone steroid for the sepsis that kills most COVID patients combined with thiamine and other B vitamins, high dose Vitamin D3 to cool down the overactive immune system (and Vitamin K2 and magnesium with calcium to ensure increased calcium absorption goes to the right places in patients with risk of bone loss through being bedridden long term) - you will be staggered when you see the stone age knowledge of vitamins and minerals in NHS hospital, and the sheer crap they actually give you, you would be just as well going to the pound shop to their health section.

For instance, in just 4 days of usage on COVID patients, official studies show tocilizumab causes massive damage in 80% of the posterior parts of the lower lobes of the lungs, which together, constitute around 45% to 51.3% of total lung volume depending on whether one is laying down, sitting or standing, and massive damage also occurs in all other areas of the lungs as is shown in X-Ray study images, and my own personal X-Ray images were exactly the same as in these studies.

No wonder the hospital in London where I was has a 75% death rate on ventilators for COVID patients, one of the highest in the country a nurse working there told me, this figure being validated also by another nurse in the ICU when I was there, and when I came round with still untreated pneumonia, they just offered me remdesivir after a whole week asking for treatment at 15,000 dollars cost to US patents for instance for a 5 days course, whereas ivermectin would cost only 15 dollars or less for a 5 day course, and ivermectin actually works, go figure. I only stopped coughing up blood weeks later after being released from hospital already very nearly dead even before I caught COVID again and this time decided to avoid the hospital and just treated myself successfully for 5 days at home with ivermectin from a veterinary supplier for horses, which stopped all the bleeding totally for the first time.

In the ICU earlier I had naturally refused the already officially declared totally ineffective Israeli Gilead drug remdesivir already knowing the 1.1% actually increased death rate from using it as clearly stated in the WHO and Lancet reports when this drug is issued to COVID patients in general, also knowing the 26.9% death rate from organ failure again with less than zero recovered patients in ventilated COVID patients (my lung capacity was very severely damaged already when I came round by this useless toxic drug tocilizumab) I knew that having just survived a 75% death rate on the ventilator, with many more dying even after surviving the ventilator from heart attacks and strokes, a further 26.9% death rate risk from remdesivir was not going to do anything but finish me off.

These people in power are just demonically freaking out on a death cult trip, they know the damage they are doing, but carry on doing it with a fanatical zeal, with real relish, and keep on authorizing and giving these actually lethal and totally useless and massively expensive fake treatments out, fanatical maniacs who will not and cannot stop themselves. I met a lot of extremely kind, conscientious, compassionate, hard-working, dutiful nurses on the lower staff levels though, but they are powerless to do anything except what they are told, and some of them confided they too had not been 'vaccinated' for COVID.

The spike jab is a death weapon, the top government and health officials all knew this from the beginning but are WEF infiltrates. "I was only following orders" 'is not an excuse, by law.

NHS staff in the subordinate levels need to revolt and call out those at the top planning their NWO takeover on the back of this for mass murder, otherwise, they are all complicit, I am sure they have all rally heard the 'rumours' and have had time to do some private internet searches about this, they know alright, but as long as the pay keeps coming in, and they are too scared to speak out or leave their jobs, they remain prepared to turn a blind eye to organized mass murder and also become guilty.

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That is really interesting to know about tocilizumab. I will need to read up on this more. Thank you! Sorry you went through all of that.

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I thought you might find this additional information on tocilizumab interesting and maybe something you could use to build another article on.

Tocilizumab manufactured by the Roche group that is also used on ventilator patients is just as nasty as remdesivir.

The study I provide a link to which needs a sub section opening to obtain the full report shows that after 4 days of using tocilizumab 80% of the posterior part of the inferior lobes of patients' lungs show up as glassy opacity on X-rays, and my own X-Ray showed glassy opacity affecting right to the tops of all my lungs and all round the sides inches in as well, though the study makes no statistical mention at all of what proportions exactly of the other lobes of the lungs are also affected by ground glass opacity, though merely mentioning in reference to X-Ray images elsewhere in the report how other lung areas also show unspecified degrees of ground glass opacity.

I was given tocilizumab when I spent 4 weeks on a ventilator (after refusing to go on one after someone else called an ambulance for me after being concerned for me, they just knocked me out almost immediately while I was sitting fully conscious in a wheelchair after I arrived in an NHS hospital in London after seeing I had just 50% blood oxygen level, having been very ill at home for two weeks already with a syringe of what they misleadingly said was just sodium chloride solution and I woke up after 4 solid weeks on a ventilator after that jab with secondary pneumonia,

The inferior lobes of the lungs constitute around 45% to 51.3% of the total lung capacity depending on whether someone is laying, sitting or standing.


ACTEMRA, another name for Tocilizumab, according to this literature, is not really proven at all for use in COVID patients.


"There is limited information known about the safety or effectiveness of using ACTEMRA to treat people in the hospital with COVID-19. The safety and effectiveness of ACTEMRA have not been studied in pediatric patients hospitalized with COVID-19."



"In hospitalized patients with Covid-19 pneumonia who were not receiving mechanical ventilation, tocilizumab reduced the likelihood of progression to the composite outcome of mechanical ventilation or death, but it did not improve survival. No new safety signals were identified. (Funded by Genentech; EMPACTA ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT04372186. opens in new tab.)"

Some statistics on outcomes with tocilizumab and details of risks of using it in patients with severe COVID 19 https://accpjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/phar.2627

See; 'Successful recovery from COVID-19 pneumonia after receiving baricitinib, tocilizumab, and remdesivir. A case report: Review of treatments and clinical role of computed tomography analysis' (read expanded article to see quote source) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2213007120302574?via%3Dihub

"HRCT after 4 days from tocilizumab infusion showed an increase of ground-glass pattern with a widespread bilateral posterior predominance (involving 80% inferior lobes).".

Ground glass opacity on a High Resolution CT scan is showing lung tissue that has been destroyed through internal bleeding from the rupture of the tiny alveoli air sacs, this being caused by the tocilizumab in this case, and of course, remdesivir does just the same, being another murder weapon.

Strange then how this same stuff is deemed to have such marvellous curative properties by them, as if by magic. These 'scientific' reports seem to be printed up merely to justify the continued administration of such surely already acknowledged useless poison.

When a COVID-19 patient in an induced coma on a ventilator has tocilizumab infused into them when they already have COVID pneumonia, sepsis, and when they often get secondary pneumonia and very significant further wasting and deterioration in lung tissue and interstitial/diaphragm muscle tissue through laying on their backs for extended periods, with additional lung damage from the ventilator machines themselves, combined with the effects of impacted mucus blocking large portions of the lungs exacerbated by the intensely dessicating effect of negative air pressure high volume air exchange systems, combined with the negative effects of other drugs often given to COVID-19 patients that are also stated to cause breathing difficulties when you read the patient information leaflets accompanying them, obviously, destroying large areas of lung tissue with tocilizumab is NOT genuinely intended to benefit any COVID-19 patient with Acute Respiratory Disease Syndrome, or actually capable of doing so, but in typical fashion, the conclusion of the report I mention here says this stuff is simply marvellous in its curative effects. The real intention of giving tocilizumab to defenceless unconscious patients, thereby simply destroying vast areas of lung tissue, is surely to actually worsen breathing difficulties and so to bring about death from organ failure and suffocation more quickly. After all, with the state having set out to murder people with the spike jabs, they are hardly likely then to go all out to really try to save their lives with actually genuine treatments, though they may wish the lower ranks to believe they are really doing so, whether or not some of the staff know what they are actually being involved in (some nurses really do know according to a conversation I had with one nurse at the hospital where I was who has regularly attended the protest marches against the jabs, masks and lockdowns, she defiantly remains unjabbed herself, but does not work in the ICU or with COVID patients herself.

How can dissolving a huge portion of someone's lungs into a bloody pulp with tocilizumab when they already have serious breathing difficulties actually benefit anyone? Only a corrupt and deliberately murderous pharmaceutical company can come up with the figures to prove that it really does.

The leaflets accompanying tocilizumab state that patients who have been given tocilizumab can subsequently also develop TB if they have ever been exposed to TB earlier in their life, as tocilizumab substantially weakens the immune system. They might just as well drag the unconscious COVID-19 patients over broken glass.

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My sister in law barely survived remdisivir and a vent. My brother was not allowed to see her. They could have been doing anything to her without my brother knowing. She was almost murdered but got through it. The crimes going on in hospitals are like a horror show in real time.

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Indeed, the willing compliance of the so-called medical professional is exactly like the willing compliance of military staff upon declaration of war against any innocent nation as often happens and has often happened in the past, with grave lack of true spiritual awareness, willful ignorance, cowardice and personal greed being the usual short-sighted reasons, but most involved have not realized that they too will be scheduled to be neutralized sooner or later by their controllers as 'useless humans'.

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Good heavens!

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I still recall my doctor's shock when my dad forbade him from administering some vaccines -- in the 70s. My dad had an easy job overriding him as he was a prominent researcher in molecular biology.


At this point. No, none. Zero.

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EXCELLENT. Thank you for this piece.

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Thank you for taking the time to read through it.

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Molnupiravir, zidovudine (AZT), and remdesivir are all nucleoside analogues. (Remdesivir is a nucleotide analog with a cyano substituent.) They interfere with RNA/DNA replication, and likely (esp. molnupiravir) also cause mutations.

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Thank you for this comment!

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From the UK, follow the links as they are being 404'd:


Basically in as few words a possible the single dose measles jab (Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis) and the MMR jab (similar condition as before and a rubella type infection leading to non-fatal autism/true autism) are not as safe as claimed and known to cause serious and life-threatening illnesses in those jabbed which is why the documents were hidden away.

Try contacting Mina via here as she or her family have been involved in something to do with fighting/treating the above:


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I do not support the MMR jab; rather it is just in that one specific circumstance the non-specific immune stimulation is helpful rather than detrimental. I mentioned it to illustrate it is the only study I have ever been able to find showing there is a net benefit from vaccinating a population.

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Could you please expand on this - I’ve just been learning a lot about measles and mmr recently for my work, the mmr which is credited for allowing so many countries to be measles free…..There was an outbreak in Samoa then New Zealand in 2019 which was directly credited to lowered vaccination rates…how did measles free occur if mmr is worthless? Can it really be sanitation, hygiene - wouldn’t it pop up more regularly within countries if that was just the reason for lowered rates?

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Bravo Bravo Bravo....Standing Ovation!

Definitively one of your best pieces yet.

To say I learned a lot is an understatement. The interweaving of themes, sometimes not even explicitly called out in similarity to the cv shots, is always appreciated and helps connect dots.

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